Help please??? - Touch HD General

I bought a Touch HD off ebay which was an orange original unit but was unlocked so I could use any sim in it. However, two weeks into buying it and it started to vibrate as soon as I switched it on. I contacted HTC who replaced the whole of the internal boards and sent it back to me. i got it back this morning and now its asking me for a sim unlock code??? I get a white screen saying the network is locked and a long box in which to put an unlock code.
Is there any way I can re-unlock the phone without putting this code back in or do you think I'm going to have to ask HTC for a code???
thank you very much for any advice given
Bessy regs

Well first of all, all Touch HD's vibrate when they are switched on, but I assume you mean it kept doing it and wouldn't stop with yours or something. And secondly I'm sure HTC won't give you an unlock code to re-unlock your phone as you say it is an Orange branded device, but it's worth asking them. If they won't help you then your only options are to take it to a shop to have it unlocked, or do it yourself at home via one of the many unlock websites. You'll have to pay for these options though.

thanks for the reply
Ive sussed that it is indeed been relocked back to orange. The have apparently sent me a new replacement phone so I will have to get it unlocked( tried an orange cheepo sim this morning and didnt get the request for a code)
I cant believe I didnt think about it properly but Im that up to my eye balls with assignments and essays for uni my mind has been all over the place this past few weeks LOL
I was wondering if the unlock software from Oilpro might do the trick. Ive priced locally and it means being without the phone for four days and paying......35 quid to unlock it.
Back in the day when I had my SP3100 the software was free but I realise that I havent been a really active member on the forum- mainly because you guys are so damned brainy and I dont feel I have anything to contribute like you do. Give me a camera and I can talk for days( am a tog doing a ba hons degree in photography) but phones and techy stuff about roms....well, Im at a loss. Maybe thats a course I should take next LOL
anyway, thank you for the reply. Much appreciated.
I'll try to find somewhere to get the unlock software at a reasonable price.
Bessy regs

forgot to say that it did indeed vibrate all the time when switched on( and got damned hot too) but that has now been sorted with a new phone.....

I did the OliPro way and it was easy to do. One of the cheapest options too I think.

Just tried to buy the unlock software from oliopro's site and tried to use paypal and it wont let me pay via that method. Its asking me to create an account and give my credit card details...
I'm not willing to give any details like that ATM and my money is tied up in a paypal account too.
If Oliopro is reading this any help gratefully received.
Bessy regs


IMEI issue on a USA T-mobile MDA

I just bought a MDA off ebay and the phone works great!
BUT the problem is IMEI numbers dont match ANYWHERE!!
Box, Back of phone and *#06# They are 3 different #'s
I can still make and recieve calls and go on the net.. phones works properly.
Is there anyway some1 could have changed the IMEI? Or is there a Rom flash that could have done this?
OR could a Unlock have altered the IMEI?
And is there a way i can change the IMEI to the same one as the one on the back of my phone?
The Seller has agreed to refund my money, but I want to exercise all my options b4 I return it. Bc the price was actually great!
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in Adv!
PS i did search for this issue and did come accross some good threads, but there was alot of "THIS IS ILLEGAL" i know this so please post somthing meaningful...
Your best bet is to get your money back. At best the phone was serviced and the guts placed inside the wrong case by accident (which would explain 3 different IMEI) but at worst there could be something hinky in the phone's history that will come back to bite you as the current owner.
I wouldn't worry about it.
1) The phone works
2) You know the phone's actual IMEI
That's all there is to it. Don't worry about it.
both of you bring up a good point.
I am leaning towards keeping theh thing b/c of the price i paid for it b/c of a mislabeling of the auction. It was a super low price..
I will check to see if the guts were changed, there probably will be a sign if the casing was opened.
Can you give signs to look for tampering?
Second, I read were some1's IMEI changed b.c of a Unlock could this have happend to my MDA?
Thanks for you replies agian!
HTC (or T-Mobile Warranty) might me able to confirm if any (or all) of the IMEIs you have are from serviced phones.
As for the Unlock changing the IMEI, I know one user reported it but I seriously the validity of their story.
I've CID unlocked 5 HTC Phones (3 BlueAngels, 2 Wizards) and SIM unlocked them also with the IMEI never being changed.
Just remember though, if there is something hinky and the phone is hot you can lose the phone and never see your money.
I would imagine that if the phone was put up for sale, sold, shipped, turned on and found to work and it is hot, the heat has probably cooled considerably. Or, in other words, if it was going to be banned by the network, I would think it would have already happened. As far as unlocking changing the IMEI, I second the above. Few things are impossible but a simple unlocking changing the IMEI has to be close. If it was my phone, I'd first look for some obvious sign of tampering. Crooks aren't very smart (they are crooks, after all) so it shouldn't be hard to find. If nothing jumped out at me, I'd shrug my shoulders and call it mine.
Cool, I will call HTC.
I just called Tmobile and they said that they dont BAN phones, they just ban simcards. but I doubt they would admit the truth.
the phone working is a Positive sign to me.
But I will call HTC and confirm. ALSO I will Call Paypal and see if i have any kind of warranty to buying a stolen item.
if all else fails i will return the phone to the seller.
the IMEI should look exactly like the IMEI on the back of the phone rite? not shorter or longer?
i will reverify if its' shorter or something. b/c i read some where about a 17 and 15 digits are needed.
ALSO say if my MDA was stock right out of the box would the phone have these 4 lines on the top left corner in red with some numbers and stuff.. possibly rom info and model info?
Usually the stickers with IMEI numbers are difficult to forge since it requires a special paper (Nokia at least) and a special kind of file.
Although the theory of mixing boards, cases and boxes is very plausible there's still the chance that the IMEI on the back of the phone is the hot one. You can always try to change back to it (but taking note of the one stored presently in ROM for future use) and see if it gets barred/blocked or you get a visit from the authorities :twisted: In any case, this forum's posts could help to prove your innocence in court (just kidding :lol: )
As for the procedures to achieve it, get back to me via PM
Well i took it to a local Tmobile store and they exchanged the phone for me. WOOT! WOOT! this was a pure sealed one. so prob solved.. now i just have to do a CID and Sim Unlock and upgrade to the latest rom.
Any recomms? i will try to do my NEWBIE duties and search and learn, if anyone wants to make it easy for me. well hooka sista up!
Wow! Not bad! If the 2.26 ROM is already on it (I got a new one a couple days ago on warrantee and that was the case), you may want to think twice before changing that. I've been real happy with 2.26 and it's gotten to where the ONLY thing I bother changing in the registry is the glyphcache and menu settings and I uninstall OZ, the DAT MailTrigger thing and the Hotspot login utility. And...bonus don't void the warrantee that mayb prove handy in the future.
Moral of the story.. get 3 old phone, inter change their IMEI (e.g. stickers and box) .. go to different local store to get 3 new phones
So last night i did
1. Sim Unlock
2. CID Unlock
3. installed AIM (wifi friendly)
4. Upgraded the rom to 2.26
5. installed Agile Msnger beta verson
phone's running like butter! Thou after i installed AIM phone RAN really sluggish! but i think it was b/c i put my orig sim card with 150 entirees.
so i rebooted charged the phone to 100% and did the rom upgrade from Tmobile's webiste..
the phone runs like a charm now.. I just need to find a good Instant Messenger software, wiht profile and away msg so my friends to hit me up with a huge txt msg bill..
I came, i read, i learned, i conquered the mda!

Bricked Ozone Help

I believe I've bricked my Ozone. It powers on and stays at the HTC screen. I've done a factory rom update with no success. What are my options? Is there anyone on the forum that offers repair?
I'm in the same boat. Got a Verizon Ozone from a someone who decided that the phone was dead for good. It would be nice to get it up and running though as I'm kind of in need of a smartphone at the moment.
What I've heard is that all he tried to do was the official 6.5 upgrade but, in the words of Dr. House: everybody lies. The bootloader reads SPL-0.44.0000 and I've been able to flash the official 6.5 CEDAIMG.nbh from an sd card but nothing changes there either; it just sits at the first HTC screen.
Of all the options I've read about, the last is a goldcard but I have also read that the Ozone/Cedar doesn't have one yet. Is that worth looking into? Any ideas what's actually going on with the phone that makes it hang?
Hit the back button... sorry for the double post. =)
That's pretty much what happened to mine. I called HTC and sent the phone in for repair.
Keep this post updated as to how that goes. If it works out, I might give them a call too. Were you covered by any sort of warranty? Any big hurdles to jump over to get them to replace the device? Any cost to you?
Fingers crossed that it works out!
So far I believe it's covered under warranty. They called me Monday and asked for the factory sim card to repair it. I wonder if it needs the sim card in to do a factory rom install? I should hear back soon.
Hmm... That's kind of weird. I wouldn't think they would need it. =/ I just called PCD today and got the address for sending my mobile in with instructions to remove all cards. Hopefully someone else gets assigned mine. =)
My friend didn't dig up the SIM since I'm planning on using the phone between Washington and Vancouver, B.C. so, hopefully they don't ask for it in my case!
Thanks for the update!
Don't ship UPS. I did, and they charged me $16 - said it was because of their address.
Well, I'm off to the Post Office to send this thing to NY. Hopefully the turnaround time is reasonable and if they can't/won't actually fix it, I can get it back in case xda discovers anything out about this problem.
Let me know if you hear anything else about you phone.
I got mine back today. According to the paper work they had to replace the phones main board. This thing is bone stock. It's carrier locked too, I don't know how to unlock it. I can't program it because it wants me to press the send key to activate which dials *228. But I need to dial *22890. Dunno how to do this when it won't let me dial anything.
Time to try to do a non factory rom and brick it again!
I think it took about 3 weeks. Did you send yours with the sim card just in case they need it?
Did any ozone users try the new verizon 6.5 rom to fix the bricking?
I did. No luck.
I can deal with 3 weeks if need be... glad to hear your phone is back though! Are you on Verizon? I assume so if you're dealing with an Ozone but can never be too sure. =) What do you mean by "carrier locked"? Are you refering to the SIM slot? The stock Ozone comes locked to their Vodaphone SIM and you have to call Verizon or pay for an unlock code. If they changed the mainboard then it's probably like a brand new phone. HTC Snap on VZW Sim Unlock
I actually don't have a SIM attached to my account right now since I moved back to my old phone and the card is boxed up somewhere... =/ If they ask for it, I'll just be telling them that I don't have plans to be using it and will SIM unlock the phone when I go to the Phillipines. My phone just hit NY so, I'll let you know what happens to me!
Rhodium500 said:
Did any ozone users try the new verizon 6.5 rom to fix the bricking?
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Totally didn't catch this question up above! Yeah, I did also... using both the USB and SD card methods. The bootloader looked like it worked just fine but when the phone would go to boot for the first time, it would freeze at the first HTC screen. I mentioned this in another thread but the Sprint Snap apparently had an issue with similar symptoms which resulted in a hotfix from HTC..
I unpacked it and it looks like just a PRL. If only there was a hotfix like this for the Ozone; would have saved me a bit of time.

Lost Phone Help

I have lost my phone, I know where I left it but its not there now someone must have picked it up. I have tried ringing it to see if a friendly kind has picked it up and is attempting to get it back to me but it goes straight to the answer phone so either its out of signal, switched off or the phone was found by a not so nice person and they have already swapped the SIM card.
In desperation I logged into HTC Sense and locked the phone and submitted a message? Will this work??
Now that I have locked the phone will I still be able to ring it in case someone answers?
I paid in excess of £450 for this phone unlocked from Carphone Warehouse : ( and desperately need it back.
Any ideas.
Report it lost to police, other than that I dunno. If you get it back install Prey, just google it and everything you need to know is there.
Sadly htc sense is a joke. Anyone with half a clue can bypass it with a factory reset.

Another thread posted in wrong section

My phone just came back today from S.e Repair Center, Only to find its SIm-Locked after me pruchasing an Unlock code on Ebay, for £20.
S.e wont help me, as they said they set the phone back to factory settings, This is a different phone so my Old Unlock code doesnt work,
Anybody know the cheapest way to unlock my phone because I really dont want to pay another £20 :/

I need help accessing locked phone - 8 Pro

I have a OnePlus 8 Pro that i need to get in to. The phone is mine on my T-Mobile account, i bought it for my brother on his birthday.
2 days ago he committed suicide. No note No explanation nothing. He was the strongest person we all knew. Never showed any weakness.
Even his wife cant understand it. I need to be able to get into the phone. There has to be something in there that shed some light on WHY???
His wife, daughter and I NEED answers. I have a ton of experience rooting and modding phones but i don't know how to get past a lock screen without wiping the phone.
If anybody can help me out i would be forever grateful. I would even pay if that's necessary. I am in so much pain right now over this.
Please help
Chipman417 said:
I have a OnePlus 8 Pro that i need to get in to. The phone is mine on my T-Mobile account, i bought it for my brother on his birthday.
2 days ago he committed suicide. No note No explanation nothing. He was the strongest person we all knew. Never showed any weakness.
Even his wife cant understand it. I need to be able to get into the phone. There has to be something in there that shed some light on WHY???
His wife, daughter and I NEED answers. I have a ton of experience rooting and modding phones but i don't know how to get past a lock screen without wiping the phone.
If anybody can help me out i would be forever grateful. I would even pay if that's necessary. I am in so much pain right now over this.
Please help
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Sorry to hear this.
If the phones on Android 11 then theres no twrp so there no way to remove the passcode / pin as far as I'm aware.
Here's a guide explaining how to remove a passcode. However I think with an encrypted phone you won't be able to access files even via twrp.
Data recovery companies may be able to help if it's really needed.
Don't advise them as to what's happened just the phone is yours and your brother was using it, don't tell them how important it is or the price may just go up.
dladz said:
Sorry to hear this.
If the phones on Android 11 then theres no twrp so there no way to remove the passcode / pin as far as I'm aware.
Here's a guide explaining how to remove a passcode. However I think with an encrypted phone you won't be able to access files even via twrp.
Data recovery companies may be able to help if it's really needed.
Don't advise them as to what's happened just the phone is yours and your brother was using it, don't tell them how important it is or the price may just go up.
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Thank you for this info. I will attempt whatever i can.
I will try this and see if it works. I just received a call from the detective and he said they have a device that could do this for us.
I might go that route since there is nothing illegal that he was doing.
was just hoping to do it today as to get it done sooner.
Thank you for the help
Chipman417 said:
Thank you for this info. I will attempt whatever i can.
I will try this and see if it works. I just received a call from the detective and he said they have a device that could do this for us.
I might go that route since there is nothing illegal that he was doing.
was just hoping to do it today as to get it done sooner.
Thank you for the help
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As it's Android it'll be possible. But difficult without the right kit..
I'd clarify what the detective wants to see on the device and can you be present for the unlock.
dladz said:
As it's Android it'll be possible. But difficult without the right kit..
I'd clarify what the detective wants to see on the device and can you be present for the unlock.
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Exactly what i was thinking. I would prefer i am there and they unlock it and hand it straight to me.
I know he wouldn't appreciate anybody not the closest of family getting access and seeing his personal thoughts.
Chipman417 said:
Exactly what i was thinking. I would prefer i am there and they unlock it and hand it straight to me.
I know he wouldn't appreciate anybody not the closest of family getting access and seeing his personal thoughts.
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Tbh I wouldn't want anyone looking through my phone is like a treasure trove..
I'd bare that in mind, not everything is meant to be seen. Doesn't mean anything, it's just how we are.
OP, sorry for your loss. That's all I have to offer. RIP.
Just my condolences to you and family
I'm sorry to hear also. May God bless you and family.
Thank you everyone that offered condolences
Chipman417 said:
Thank you everyone that offered condolences
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Any luck with it?
As insensitive as this sounds, I am a homicide detective. If he had a fingerprint lock on the phone, you could use his physical fingerprint from his hand prior to burial to unlock the phone. We have used this method several times with success.
Regardless, my condolences to you and yours.
AlphaKoi said:
As insensitive as this sounds, I am a homicide detective. If he had a fingerprint lock on the phone, you could use his physical fingerprint from his hand prior to burial to unlock the phone. We have used this method several times with success.
Regardless, my condolences to you and yours.
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Yeah i was hoping to be able to do just this but since the family members are not very etch savvy, they power cycled the phone off and because of that the first unlock into the system has to be with the numeric password.
I rebuilt his laptop for him a couple months ago so i have the password to get into it. I'm hoping that he saved his email credentials in it. I know that after multiple attempts into android it allows you to change password through the email. This is the last thing i can think to do.
I reached out to OnePlus this morning and the woman who was answering my questions said she had no answers for me. she kept saying i could factory reset it through recovery mode. I already know that, i need the info on it. I'm thinking about reaching out to google also. Who knows they might help since the phone is in my name on my account.
dladz said:
Any luck with it?
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Not yet. I had an appointment to day with the funeral home to get access to his body so we could use his fingerprint but the phone was turned off since his last login.
It now required the numeric password before logging in. I have one shot left that i can think of. If i can gain access to his email i might be able to reset the password that way.
Fingers crossed. It was so hard yesterday going to the funeral home. We all need answers
Chipman417 said:
Not yet. I had an appointment to day with the funeral home to get access to his body so we could use his fingerprint but the phone was turned off since his last login.
It now required the numeric password before logging in. I have one shot left that i can think of. If i can gain access to his email i might be able to reset the password that way.
Fingers crossed. It was so hard yesterday going to the funeral home. We all need answers
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When your reset his email you'll be able to recieve s text message with a verification number
Google find my device . It can unlock it.
SjDU said:
Google find my device . It can unlock it.
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I saw that. unfortunately i don't have his email credentials for his Find My Device.
Also the sm card was removed my his wife before she gave it back to me unfortunately.
Although it does connect to my Wifi at home... I'm almost to the point of giving up.
I don't think we will ever know why he did what he did.
Thank you to everyone that jumped on this thread. I love this community.
I kinda don't buy the OP story but here is my take:
- Doesn't need a SIM to get/use Find my device working but does require Google account access which is recoverable easily.
- It's trivially easy to recover a Google account with the phone number of the deceased unless the person specifically removed those options and used for instance an authenticator app (of if you don't have the actual SIM or access to that phone number but that would be strange).
- If you cannot recover the account that way, you can still recover it using a legal path by providing the correct inheritance documents to Google (through a lawyer if required) which should pose no issue (again this should pose no issue and while it would take time, it would work).
- Whatsapp cloud backup (on Google drive) is enabled by default and if you're after that, it's probably gonna be trivially easy to restore said backups on any new phone by using the SIM card of the deceased. Unless the person specifically disabled this to prevent this.
You can most likely recover Whatsapp messages without even unlocking the phone. This whole process is actually not hard and requires no tech help and can be done through the legal processes.
Added to all this, I checked your history and saw that you requested help before unlocking a Pixel phone that magically came into your possession before. So it seems you have a pattern of coming into possession of locked phones that makes me very suspicious of your demand.
I'll report this thread and ask a mod to review it.
Sorry. I also have doubts any time I see a story here asking for help unlocking a phone. Always sounds suspicious, and furthermore where are the mods here? Aren't there rules that state no requests for help unlocking phones??
Here is the OPs other post:
" Junior Member11 postsThanks: 2
I have a 64gb Pixel 4 XL that i want to unlock and use on T-Mobile.
The phone was never actually on a Sprint account. It was never technically paid off by a consumer. Its also never been activated on the sprint network to my understanding. (Which are all required to have sprint send an unlock code)
It was given to me by a Sprint store manager when they had to clean out end of year inventory.
I'm trying to figure out if i can unlock it somehow without having to get sprint to send the unlock code.
I don't really want to go through the hassle of explaining to them how i got a hold of it when they look at it in the system.
Any help would be greatly appreciated"
@San Diego The moderators are here and monitoring the thread since it has been created. And these are the XDA Forum Rules to cross-check.
To ask for assistance is not against the rules, and if you read back in the thread quite a few legal possibilities have been given. They obviously didn't delivered the desired result. However, as soon as the discussion or advices deviate towards the obscure side or to paid unlock services this would be removed immediately.
If you check the thread, from which you quoted, you'll see that moderators were acive in it, too.
Stay safe and stay healthy!
Oswald Boelcke
Forum Moderator

