Problem - HD2 General

Hey everyone, I'm not sure whats going on with my HD2. Last night I was transferring my stuff from my fuze to my HD2 with PIMbackup, and it went well but after a little while it started acting a little weird. I transferred about 1200 sms messages, which I'm thinking makes it act a little weird because of the amount but I'm not sure. Then I started getting an error report saying a problem has occured with services.exe, and after that it froze and would not turn off, so I had to take the battery out and put it back in, but then the same problem happened again ten minutes later and I did the same thing again. And just now about 20 mins ago it froze and I did the battery thing again, but when it started back up it was very sluggish and I checked task manager but there were no programs running. I am confused about this because I got this phone yesterday and since then I havent really used it since I havent unlocked it yet, I have at&t, but I did install a program from the marketplace called wallpapers, but I'm not sure if thats the issue
I appreciate any help

did you transfer programs and registry settings? cos tarts not a good idea even between roms on the same phone, let alone across different phones.

no all I did was use the PIM backup and restore utility to transfer over appointments,call logs, contacts,messages,speed dials, and tasks. I dont think it transferred any registry files or anything

anyone know a fix to this? If not, will hard resetting my device do the trick?
Also, if I hard reset the device, will i lose all the stuff the phone came with like the transformers movie and programs, should I also remove the sd card while doing the reset?
any help is appreciated

The transfer of backed up SMS files, on occasion, can have a seriously negative effect on a "new" or different device from which they came and/or originated.
Try downloading an application called, MemMaid, and run the "Advanced Cleaner" which can run quite the detailed scan of all your system files, various cache folders, and much, much more.
Your device is fine, just a little cluttered I'm sure.

Ok, now I'm scared. I dont know wtf is going on, for some reason my phone wont turn on, I did a soft reset and the phone came on and it was sluggish, so I left it alone and it went on standby, then I pushed the lock button and it didnt turn on, the buttons just lit up, nothing else. So I took out the battery and put it back in and loaded it up and it was sluggish again, so I pushed the lock button to put it in standby and pressed the lock button again and the screen didnt turn on, but after a minute or two it turned back on, weird The weird thing is that after the error report for services.exe comes up and then the phone goes back to normal, no sluggishness.
So I just wanna know if I should hard reset it, or return it or what?

Definitely do a hard reset before trying to return it.

Money2g said:
Ok, now I'm scared. I dont know wtf is going on, for some reason my phone wont turn on, I did a soft reset and the phone came on and it was sluggish, so I left it alone and it went on standby, then I pushed the lock button and it didnt turn on, the buttons just lit up, nothing else. So I took out the battery and put it back in and loaded it up and it was sluggish again, so I pushed the lock button to put it in standby and pressed the lock button again and the screen didnt turn on, but after a minute or two it turned back on, weird The weird thing is that after the error report for services.exe comes up and then the phone goes back to normal, no sluggishness.
So I just wanna know if I should hard reset it, or return it or what?
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Try a hard reset and let us know how it goes. Don't worry, I've never actually heard of anyone bricking their device with PIM before

only the buttons lighting up when you press power is well known and called "sleep of death"
theres a thread in normal hd2 section called "hd2 died....or did it?"
have a read of that.

well i did a hard reset and everything went back to normal, it mustve been one of the programs i had installed, which were the bn ereader,marketplace,those games.

Seems like the SMS client likes to barf all over itself when people get a lot of texts going. I had about 2k texts going and my phone acted all kinds of crazy. I deleted most of them and it works fine again.

thats what i was thinking too. So does anyone here know how I can transfer all my text messages without it messing up my phone?


Wizard wont turn on - however lights still flash?????

Im currently using the imate rom Rom date 2/6/06 extrom version 0
It has been working fine for the past few weeks and the performane increase has been much better. I was also using the oush mail which also worked well. Then a few days ago I started to have a few problems with the phone, basically it would look as if it was working the lights flashing, however when I went to turn it on it wouldn’t turn on. The only way to resolve this si to soft reset the handset. This problem is now occuring on average 2 times a day! I havent even installed any new software!! Thwe only major incident before this started happening was I used skype twice! But havent used it since! I have also stopped push mail cause I thought this maybe the issue but it didn’t solve it!
Its so annoying cause I think the device is operating normally cause I see the flashing lights however it cant do anything cause it has frozen!
Any ideas???
I was thinking of going for a hard reset but if I restore my backup ive taken with spb will this not just reintroduce the problem?
just to add for further info i have no apps running and the
program memory is total - 44.01mb
in use 19.67mb and Free 24.34
thats after a soft reboot!!
This might be a really silly suggestion, so appologies if it is, but could it be just the backlight turned off for some reason so it looks like the device is off when it is actually on?
No, I don't think that it is the backlight as I am also now experiencing this same problem ... approx 1 - 2 time daily. You think that the phone is functioning until you try to use it. Only option is soft reset.
Any help on this would be appreciated.
no at present a soft reset is the only cure and even then it may occur again later on! Bluey HK are you using the same rom as me??? the imate one?
its done it twice already today and its only midday! the last time i was just browsing the web, closed the browser, then switched it off and then couldnt turn it back on! Do you think it may be a memory leakage issue????
This happened to me yesterday on my T-Mobile MDA. I am running the latest T-Mobile_RUU_Wizard_2210401_221_20710_ENG_US image from xelencin.
What appears to have triggered the problem for me was attempting to connect to T-Mobile's My Email app to download mailbox settings while the signal level is too low or intermittent (Wi-fi and Bluetooth were disabled).
The backlight would not turn on and I could observe the My Email app trying to access the server.
it sounds as though it may be a bug connected with a GPRS connection???
ahh its done it again, this time i wasnt doing anything just died! I think i am gonnna have to do a hard reset cause this is making the phone unuseable!
if i do a hard reset and then install a back up is there a high possibility that this will reintroduce the bug???
its not the backlight
my 8125 is having the same damn problem. its nto a backlight issue, as it just stalls, and the past 4 times its done it, i've just removed the battery and turned it back on as a soft reset wont work, and i can't it to react to any commands. this is either a software issue all our phones are dying. i was having this problem with summitter's previous 2.17 rom, then updated to the recent 2.17.11 aku 2.2 rom... thinking the upgraded rom is what it needed...NOPE... still crashed. almost all instances i believe are when the wifi connection was active. but i could be making that up, i'm positive on 3 occasions it was with a wifi connection active. but not too sure about the 4th.
this is making me insane, and we need to figure out whats up~!
to expound on the problem:
one time i was in the middle of checking voicemail, then tried to delete, but the screen wouldn't light up, and it wasn't responding to my option 7 to delete command. the other time was in the middle of a phone call. something's up....
i am having the same issue with my 9100, its running the latest offical rom, mine does it whenever it feels i dont believe it is wifi or gprs related as i have the problem at time when i have been using neither.
there does not appear to be a link to any software i am using either
any ideas?.
yea- i get the same sometimes, i go to take my phone out of standby and it wont do anything, the power button doesnt work- the light just flashes. sometimes it freezes on the today screen, the power button dont work or anything. really need to sort this!
any ideas? any1 else get this? its where u put ur MDA in standby, and next time u press power button 2 turn on nufin happens, but the leds still flash at the top!
yep i still get the problem! still no cure!
I have exactly the same problem... I just pick up my device from my pocket to use it, I press on the power button once but the device won't wake up from the standby mode. I wish someone can give us a cure.
Low Battery...
I had this happen to me once recently...for me it was becuase my battery was too low. Freaked me out, because everything looked good, but I would power on and get nothing! Right after it started it powered on for a sec then quit. I had to put it on the charger and leave it for a couple hours to get a good solid charge, then everything was fine. Hope this helps....
thanks for the response, unfortunately mine is definately not related to the battery charge!
mine hasnt done it in the last day, ive been leaving it a while before putting it into standby. i used to exit my app (messaging or whatever) and shut it off straightaway, but i give it a sec or 2 to make sure its all good
and its doin ok so far!

Phone goes to sleep and won't wake up.

It all started when I upgraded to a new rom. So the first thing I did was ditch the rom and install a new rom. I was running Black 3.0.1 and now updated to Black Satin.
The time it takes to lock up seems to very. I have had times where I could leave it for 4hrs and then hit the power button and it comes to life, other times I can have it sit for 30mins and hit the power button only to find it won't wake up. When it is in its locked up state, it won't even receive calls. It just sits there with the top right led blinking green. Its really getting frustrating.
In order to get it to come back I have to push the reset button on the bottom of the phone with my stylus.
I have been reading as many "lock up" threads as I can on the forum and so far it seems that most are to do with Push Mail. Which I don't use.
Any suggestions will be much appreciated.
I dont know if its a ROM issue as my does this sometimes (dont know about incoming calls as i dont get that many anyway) I am on the stock T-Mobile rom
I dont use push mail either
doesn't happen much to me (now i said i bet it does it all the time )
I think it seems to do it when i havnt soft restarted it for a while, so it could be that the lock up is due to memory or something and it just needs a soft reset to clear it down
I also have this problem, only a soft reset makes the phone respond. This happens sometimes when the phone has only been reset an hour previously.
It also happened once during the night and caused my alarm to not go off, so I only made it to the office for 10:30!!
Did you guys find a solution or did the problem just go away?
got the same problem.
For me the problem went away only after I installed a new radio and new rom. I honestly don't know what was causing the problem. But it went away and I am happy. There might have been an issue with an installed app, but I never did find any app that directly caused the issue.

8525 Freezes randomly..

I've had my unlocked Cingular 8525 for about 3-4 months now, and never really had a problem with it. At first it worked great, but recently more and more when i have it open to text and then close it the screen would get garbled and messed up, easy fix of just hittin the end call button a few times and it would clear right up. Well friday my phone apparently decides it has had enough of me.. It froze up. So as a fix all on my part i just ripped the battery out and put it back in, worked fine for a few seconds then froze again. So i thought maybe it was because i had so many text on my phone (over 8000 in my inbox and around 7300 in my outbox), so i started deleting all of those. After doing all that it continued to freeze and lock up in the middle of doing things. It has been doing it since friday morning now, and i have no idea what to do to fix it. It had all the original 8525 rom and os and everything on it, i just flashed to Windows Mobile VI - Black Edition 3.0.1 a few hours ago, and it worked perfectly...for like 45 minutes. Then it went right back to freezing all the time, when it freezes it doesnt have to be in standby, i could be writing a text, or clicking through a menu, or changing a setting, ANYTHING. I love the phone but idk what made it start doing this, i didnt change a single setting and i have never uploaded any programs or anything, just the stock progs from cingular and i uploaded a few ringtones. I have read that it could be the storage card, but it seems odd that it would just start doing it after the card i have has been in for months now (Sandisk2.0G). Idk what it could be, im at a loss..
ok guess my phone is just jacked then...
My old Alpine used to freeze up with TomTom (before they patched it to 5.21) because of the SD card problem, but I don't think it's related to the problem you're having.
It sounds more to me like a hardware problem - do you get any other symptoms exhibited by the handset when you get the freezing issue, or does it just happen without any warning?
Have you tried installing something like acbTaskMan to monitor your CPU usage and maybe log to a file to see if there's any excessive CPU usage before a freeze?

G1 Doesnt Always Wake Up

Does anyone elses G1 not wake up when Menu is pressed? Sometimes I have to press it like 6 times before the phone wakes up, does anyone know why?
Mine does this as well. I just thought it was learning from it's owner (I take more than 5-6 pokes to wake me up too).
My only guess is that something is running in the background in order to slow it down and the number of presses has little to do with it.
momentarylapseofreason said:
Mine does this as well. I just thought it was learning from it's owner (I take more than 5-6 pokes to wake me up too).
My only guess is that something is running in the background in order to slow it down and the number of presses has little to do with it.
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Yea, i was thinkin the same, i should try runnin a ton of apps and find out if [email protected] the problem
mine does the same things sometimes. gets annoying at times. usually i just open and close the keyboard
Mine recently started this, it must be something we downloaded, plus I have the following problems too, they all started at the same time:
1) When someone calls, the screen stay blank for a while so the phone rings but the screen is off so I dont see whos calling
2) The background keeps changing back to the original blue picture thing
3) The WiFi keeps turning off and drians the battery, nothing I do stops it from turning on. I have all sorts of software running, I even ask Locale to turn it off if its between 12.01am to 11pm and still WiFi keeps poping up.
4) Battery drains FAST lately.
I uninstalled a long list of software and problem is not solved.
brooklynite said:
Mine recently started this, it must be something we downloaded, plus I have the following problems too, they all started at the same time:
1) When someone calls, the screen stay blank for a while so the phone rings but the screen is off so I dont see whos calling
2) The background keeps changing back to the original blue picture thing
3) The WiFi keeps turning off and drians the battery, nothing I do stops it from turning on. I have all sorts of software running, I even ask Locale to turn it off if its between 12.01am to 11pm and still WiFi keeps poping up.
4) Battery drains FAST lately.
I uninstalled a long list of software and problem is not solved.
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Shop Savvy?
I also started having the wake up problem and quicker then normal battery drain. I have an ADP1 phone which I updated to 1.1 a few days before noticing issue
I think that the theory of something sucking clock cycles is a good one. I noticed my CPU Usage (when nothing was running other then System Monitor) went from 0-40% to 20-70%.
I couldn't be bothered with the finer points of troubleshooting, so I took the thermo-nuclear approach and did a factory wipe.
Just before the mystery CPU cycle and wake up issue, I hadn't installed any new apps, BUT I did update a bunch of existing apps. After the factory wipe, I left off installing the following list:
Barcode Scanner
SlovoEd Classic English Dictionary
Things are fine now.
both of my g1's do this, and have done this out of the box, anyone turn off there screen with the keyboard out, and then close the screen and the screen comes back on with the lock screen up and then having to turn the screen back off? annoying
try the swapper app?
or turn phone off and back on, it might becuase you are usingahome or openhome or dxtop or sweeterhome, these app may slow down the interface a bit, try downloading droid sans tweak lite and fool around with that..
goodluck i also get this sometimes
brooklynite said:
Mine recently started this, it must be something we downloaded, plus I have the following problems too, they all started at the same time:
1) When someone calls, the screen stay blank for a while so the phone rings but the screen is off so I dont see whos calling
2) The background keeps changing back to the original blue picture thing
3) The WiFi keeps turning off and drians the battery, nothing I do stops it from turning on. I have all sorts of software running, I even ask Locale to turn it off if its between 12.01am to 11pm and still WiFi keeps poping up.
4) Battery drains FAST lately.
I uninstalled a long list of software and problem is not solved.
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I'm having same issue as the OP and issued #1, 3 and 4 from the above post.
Hmm, im not experiencing any of the above posted issues, it may be a particular app that u have installed. I only have the wakeup issue sometimes, most likely when the phone is running slow from the browser or another memory draining app, but no app in particular.
Hmm, when mine fails to wake up, I never waited long enough for it to come back, just reseated the battery for a reboot.
Of the other problems, I have the "screen-black-for-a-few-before-caller-picture-shows-up" issue.
JayBachatero said:
I'm having same issue as the OP and issued #1, 3 and 4 from the above post.
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what firmware do you have?
btw, dont count on Locale to turn off your stuff all the time, its not very accurate imo, at times its great, but thanks to the crappy g1 battery, they have a choice, constantly check time/location/.ect and drain the battery in a hour flat, or periodically check it and reduce battery drain, do you have any wifi programs that keep wifi on when phone sleeps (such as wifi lock and so on)? if so use the program on the market that writes up a log of its actions and see if its acting up
as for #1 (sorry im unorganized) my phone does that too, i believe its because i have 2 programs that run when the phone rings, let alone im sure locale is checking to see who is coming since thats a condition, which would make 3, and then i have a mp3 that plays when the phone rings, and i have a class 4 sd card (i know, i know), the way that programs work is that it has to go line by line of the code, if it is slowed down, or it has to execute other items before continuing that are slow to execute, than everything has a delay, but yeah from time to time i have this issue, phoneplus was a program that made me miss a few calls (1/4th of the time)
i think 3 and 4 are directly related, could be wrong
I was having the same problem right after I installed the app "Contact Owner"
No amount of reboots fixed the problem. Uninstalled and everything was back to normal.
@wootroot - I have stock RC30. Haven't rooted yet.
JayBachatero said:
@wootroot - I have stock RC30. Haven't rooted yet.
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consider upgrading to the rc33 ota update yet? i had better battery life (and my battery didnt get as hot) when i used rc33
also, if youve had your phone since it first came out (rc19 i believe) and your battery used to get very hot, you might of damaged some of the cells (especially of the battery has expanded), if this is the case simply call tmobile and tell them that your noticing even after wiping the phone that your battery life is lasting shorter and shorted, even with out any programs installed from the market, i even went as far as to say that i made sure wifi was off, only 2g was on, gps was off, screen was dimmed, timeout set at 30 secs, and im still only getting a hour of life (none of which is true but it got through all the "well how about trying this and calling back if you still have a problem" bs, with the ota rc33 and the new battery, i noticed a pretty good difference
I have a modified version of this "doesnt always wake up". The phone is less than 24 hours old, it was a refurb they sent me for the last one that went dead. I used it with the rc33 it came with and found the problem, then figured it was hosed so i rooted and installed 3 of the versions of cupcake (The Dude, JF, and Haykuro) to see if they all had the issue- they do. Here is a video, hope you can see the attempted keypresses. There will be lines that appear, like the screen is broke..then, they will go away. Sometimes it takes 5 minutes to get the phone to turn on, however if I leave it on (never goes to sleep) it works flawlessly.
I get this all the time also...
Uninstalling dxTop doesn't change anything for still acts the same...
I also get the problem that when someone calls me the screen stays blank for about 5 seconds and I can't tell who calling...
wake up issue
I am experiencing the same problem, with a brand new warranty replaced G1, what happens is when the phone goes to sleep it completely locks up, when I try to wake it up via menu, it does not wake. Plugging the phone in and trying ddms or adb does not work, ddms shows the phone as offline, also the device seems to get really hot when this happens, sometimes Call + Menu + Power resets it, and sometimes I have to pull the battery.
I think this may have to do with wifi turned on. Because when the screen goes off your phone switches wifi off and goes to 3G as default setting.
I think we should try leaving wifi on all the time and see if that solves the issue, im about to try that now.
It seems this is a known issue over at tmo forums
A couple questions:
When this happens to you guys is wifi enabled and connected when the phone is shut off?
What Rom, SPL, and Radio is installed?
I noticed this didnt happen to me until I enabled wifi, maybe I didnt wait long enough because its completely random, please send back your results

Phone hard reset itself after hanging!

The phone hung a couple of days ago (nothing new) so i pulled the battery as I didn't have a pointy thing for the reset button. When it rebooted it came up with a red scroll bar on the windows splash screen. It then asked me what network I was on and had to be set up as if it was freshly hard reset! It had lost all emails and settings, but kept all the texts and programs, although it kept asking me if I wanted to run various component of these programs in case they were malicious!
Has anyone else experinced this?
I can't believe how unstable it is, even before this happenned I was soft reseting it daily when it hangs, usually trying to wake the phone after a text or missed call, or on the music player screen. Honestly, when it works I love it but more often than not I want to throw it at a brick wall!
Come on HTC, give us a ROM we can use day to day, this is a joke!

