HD2 Heating - HD2 General

Hey guys,
I just wanted to confirm this with everyone else....
I Just got my HD2 yesterday... and after some use I notice that the back of the phone where it says "with HTC sense" gets a little warm.....
It is not that noticable but I can actually feel it if I put my finger over there...
does anyone else have similar experience?... I just wanted to know if this is normal or not?
Again it doesnt really get super hot... barely noticable ...

np231 said:
Hey guys,
I just wanted to confirm this with everyone else....
I Just got my HD2 yesterday... and after some use I notice that the back of the phone where it says "with HTC sense" gets a little warm.....
It is not that noticable but I can actually feel it if I put my finger over there...
does anyone else have similar experience?... I just wanted to know if this is normal or not?
Again it doesnt really get super hot... barely noticable ...
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yes, I noticed it happens even when just making a long call, maybe the phone really is microwaving our brains..

all the radios/antennas are in the lower section.I've noticed it gets warm against thee palm of my hand when I use wifi for a while.

anyone else notice this? is minor heating normal with HD2?...

It's only normal for a pocket pc to get warmed up.
Or at least that's what I think.
My device warms up near the bottom when I'm using the network.

Welcome to the world of HTC devices .
For most of us who had an HTC Touch Pro or other earlier devices, we're just happy the HD2 does not get so hot that it stops charging . That was the NORM with devices like the Touch Pro (Herman). If you talked while charging or used the data connection to stream music while charging, a few minutes later the charging would stop because the device would overheat quickly.
So far, with the TMOUS HD2, I have not had any issues with it not charging during my normal use.
The device feeling a little warm on the back should not trouble you, so long as it's not too hot to hold and can continue charging.
Seems some of the Nexus One folks have even worse problems when it comes to heat.

I've noticed then when using Google Maps with the GPS..
It gets hot incredibly fast..

damn hot...
my HD2 becomes unstable after 3-5 mins while using GPS, or when connected to PC and charging. The bottom right side gets hot and it is restarting.
And, as a bonus, some problems after restart:
Phase1: HTC white screen is displayed; Phase2: Windows is loaded; Phase3: Manilla is trying to load... Phase4: The device restarts again.
Then, Hang on HTC white screen.
I'm forced to remove the battery and let it some time (2-3 min) to cool down to be able to use it again.
So, I've spend some money to buy this HD2 equiped with 1GHz processor, GPS antena ... and I'm not able to use it at full capacity. I can say that my old Toshiba G900 is much more stable than this piece of ....
To be able to use it for a long time I've:
-stopped using Manilla.
-stopped using GPS.
-started checking for mails only once a day.
-stopped transfer files between computer and device using ActiveSync and started to use the laptop's card reader.
So, I'm asking myself (and my wife also is asking me ), what did I've get for 500$?

axman79 said:
my HD2 becomes unstable after 3-5 mins while using GPS, or when connected to PC and charging. The bottom right side gets hot and it is restarting.
And, as a bonus, some problems after restart:
Phase1: HTC white screen is displayed; Phase2: Windows is loaded; Phase3: Manilla is trying to load... Phase4: The device restarts again.
Then, Hang on HTC white screen.
I'm forced to remove the battery and let it some time (2-3 min) to cool down to be able to use it again.
So, I've spend some money to buy this HD2 equiped with 1GHz processor, GPS antena ... and I'm not able to use it at full capacity. I can say that my old Toshiba G900 is much more stable than this piece of ....
To be able to use it for a long time I've:
-stopped using Manilla.
-stopped using GPS.
-started checking for mails only once a day.
-stopped transfer files between computer and device using ActiveSync and started to use the laptop's card reader.
So, I'm asking myself (and my wife also is asking me ), what did I've get for 500$?
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If it's overheating enough to cause it to reboot, etc, I'd venture a guess that one of the heat sinks inside the casing isn't making proper contact anymore. you should be able to do any/all of those activities you listed without it overheating (though it will get warm, that's normal and expected).
I would get it swapped out under warranty, it sounds like you just got a bum unit.

axman79 said:
my HD2 becomes unstable after 3-5 mins while using GPS, or when connected to PC and charging. The bottom right side gets hot and it is restarting.
And, as a bonus, some problems after restart:
Phase1: HTC white screen is displayed; Phase2: Windows is loaded; Phase3: Manilla is trying to load... Phase4: The device restarts again.
Then, Hang on HTC white screen.
I'm forced to remove the battery and let it some time (2-3 min) to cool down to be able to use it again.
So, I've spend some money to buy this HD2 equiped with 1GHz processor, GPS antena ... and I'm not able to use it at full capacity. I can say that my old Toshiba G900 is much more stable than this piece of ....
To be able to use it for a long time I've:
-stopped using Manilla.
-stopped using GPS.
-started checking for mails only once a day.
-stopped transfer files between computer and device using ActiveSync and started to use the laptop's card reader.
So, I'm asking myself (and my wife also is asking me ), what did I've get for 500$?
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Sell it and get something else. Probably a faulty unit. Mine gets warm, but works fine.

maybe sd
i noticd that if you run apps from your sd card it gets hot faster

I've noticed the heat. I'm wondering if using a case, especially some of the more insulating cases, would hinder proper heat dissapation.

Good question.... I'd like to know myself.

np231 said:
Hey guys,
I just wanted to confirm this with everyone else....
I Just got my HD2 yesterday... and after some use I notice that the back of the phone where it says "with HTC sense" gets a little warm.....
It is not that noticable but I can actually feel it if I put my finger over there...
does anyone else have similar experience?... I just wanted to know if this is normal or not?
Again it doesnt really get super hot... barely noticable ...
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I think all smart phone have this problem, dont worry

I've noticed this on both my hd2 and also my g1 android phone. Seems like it doesn't happen as much on the hd2 anymore though, for some reason.....

Hi people,
Every device that is connected for charging, or using 3G, wifi - Bluetooth gets HOOOT and it's normal.
If you use a Nokia or "iFon" It'll DO the same.
The MAYOR problem with my HTC FUZE was NOT CHARGING WHEN IT COMES HOT. I'll get the HTC HD2 T9193 soon and I hope it doesn't have this issue
Hope this help your question dude...

My HD2 worked perfectly for few months now, few days ago it started being unstable, restarting and freezing during restarting, and i noticed it's caused by overheat, i cannot use GPS now without it going off and restarts, i used to love my HD2, but now i am sure it's crap, and I am sure HTC, does not care, i was wondering if such a problem ever occurred with any iphone? even that i hate iphone and it's system

Can this be a Battery problem? that the battery can not provide the required current when it's heated?

ok, i did these two experiments
1- i heated the battery alone on a air heater to almost 45 degree
and cooled the phone, but the phone did boot up normally
2- i heated the phone on the heater and cooled the battery, the phone didn't bootup
so the problem is defiantly with the phone not the battery :-(

Well my phone heats up to the point where it stops charging at times, when its connected through Wi-Fi and charging at the same time.


temperature problem

I tought I had a boot problem on my Elf, after days with sw related troubleshooting I found out that the CPU crashes with normal temperature. At startup it stops right before you have to type the PIN code for the SIM card, unless its cold - then it works like a charm! Now we live separate lives, me in the livingroom and my htc in the fridge!
Sounds familiar to anyone? I expect that some hw replacement have to be done but I have no idea what could cause this fault. It came suddenly at normal use.
Are you serious? You're actually saying you keep your phone in the fridge??!! For real? And as unbelievable as that sounds....it works fine there....and crashes the moment you get it out?? Like for real??
Are you sure you didn't flash a new rom or something...or changed something after which this has started. I've seen some weird issues...but this one surely takes the cake.
lol... sounds funny !
Seems complicated but you can always move to the north pole, hitch a ride with santa when he comes................
Ok enough joking around and let's get serious: if you can take the touch apart completely because you must have it filled with dust etc. and it heats up because it doesn't have enough refrigeration result: power off or crash. There is a tutorial on how to do this somewhere here. I had the same issue with a nokia some years ago and even used bluetooth to make calls from the fridge untill someone told me why.... you can't do it wrong there is a tutorial
Yes, I've sees the turtorial and saved it as a favoritt! I also disassambled it once to see if theres a obvious reason for this behavior, but it seems all good. I might try again and look for hotspots, and clean out whatever I can find. It is over a year old, so it would be believable that dust generates the overheat.
By the way, I allready live half way up to the north pole at aprox 66 degrees north - northern norway! Not so cold to day, +6 Celcius!
lol...ok then. All the extreme temperatures apart.....If your device is over a year old....might I suggest a hard reset then. If could be some phone malfunction. A hard reset might just put it back together again. Of course....do backup all your info first.
I did the hard reset early before I had any chance to do a backup as a init to my trubleshooting. It might give a tad faster phone, but that could be because there is nothing more to process!!! Sees like the temperature is more critical. It works fine for an hour or two then its right back to the frigde...
I did suspect the battery, that it could generate to much heat because of its age, but the batterytime is all fine and it doesnt feel very hot!
time will show... Just waiting for the Touch HD to get over its "publication-over-price", and the my Elf will live happily ever after in my drawer (Sorry if thats a four letter word in this forum)
away from the funny posts above a technical question did you use any program for overclocking before this happen eg battery status
No overclocking!
The phone is all original settings and software. It happend when the when I was on the phone and the "battery low turnoff"-interrupt occured. I put in the charger and tried to restart the phone, but it stopped right before the PIN-code meny. The backgroundlight responds to the buttons when it crashes. It seems that its just waiting for the SIM-card init-rutine.
But if I've coold it down and get it up and running, it still crashes when it reaches normal temperature. As the temperaure rises it respons slower and slower at buttons etc. In the end it all stops and it stays "where you left it"! The on/off bacgroundlight function still remains intact, but you cant use the power off function on the same button. Only soft reset - and go to bootleg(RGB-window) - and then power it down with the power off button. Then it goes to fridge again...
I shall try to clean it inside later on even though it seemed all fine when I had a look earlier.
Replaced the motherboard
If anyone out there still is interested; I sendt the phone to a serviceshop some days before the guarantee time ended and they gave me a new motherboard in the phone. So insted of having a broken Elf in my closet I now have a up going and working elf in my closet - for what its worth!!
LOL! ok well I live in Africa.. summer temps. from 25 - 35 Degrees C are the norm and I've never had a problem like that, hehe.

HD2 Heat causing freeze on soft reset

yesterday i had the problem lots of HD2 owner faced it, my device worked fine, but when i had to soft reset it, it always freezes on the white screen, and never starts up, every many times of taking the battery out, and start again, it finally started up.
i tried to soft reset it again and faced the same problem
i tried to flash the ROM again, but after many tries, i finally got it to flash, but the thing is that the problem wasn't solved, and the unit kept freezing in the start up, but once it started up it worked perfectly until the next soft reset.
but then i tried cooling the device against an AC, and the surprise was that the unis was able to start normally, every time with no problems when it was cooled
any one faced such problem with the device? i will try it again today at noon, when the temperatures are high.
I tried it again now, when the Battery temperature was 38.5, the devise did not start, when i cooled it down, it did start, and when it started the battery temperature was 35.5
can some one with the same issue confirm?
Yes I am having the same problem!
My fone did the same again last night and I'm going to try reflash it today - else the POS is going back to the shop! Not happy!
did you try cooling it down? flashing the ROM did not help me at all
Can this be a Battery problem? that the battery can not provide the required current when it's heated?
ok, i did these two experiments
1- i heated the battery alone on a air heater to almost 45 degree
and cooled the phone, but the phone did boot up normally
2- i heated the phone on the heater and cooled the battery, the phone didn't bootup
so the problem is defiantly with the phone not the battery :-(
khaeid said:
did you try cooling it down? flashing the ROM did not help me at all
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Yes, onlywhen the phone was cool to the touch again did it boot correctly. However last night it did the same but would not reboot after leaving it for a while. I tried to do a hard reset but the phone hung on the HTC boot screen and would not go further.
This morning the OS booted but was totally corrupt - it looked like booting in to windows 98!! no graphics, no HTC Sense, no usual colour scheme and a whole whole of corrupt file messages. This happened each time I hard reset - and the USB port also failed to recognise any device. I think it's safe to say it is practically bircked and thus, Ireturned it to O2 today to sort out and give me a new handset! I think it is a hardware issue. Infact, I'll put biscuits on it being that vs software.
it is definitely a hardware issue, but the thing is, these are the first few days of summer in my country, the days when the weather is getting really hot, and i guess this is the first summer HD2 will experience, since it was released in the Autumn, so my guess is more and more units will get this issue as the weather get hotter in other countries
Hi guys.
Weird issue you are facing!.. Mine gets very hot on hard use.. today I tried a soft reset while it was hot and it started normally.
When did you bought your HD2?
Crudeoil said:
Hi guys.
Weird issue you are facing!.. Mine gets very hot on hard use.. today I tried a soft reset while it was hot and it started normally.
When did you bought your HD2?
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i got it like 4 months ago, but i am sure now that there is a hardware issue
had a same problem...
my solution was screawing the middle battery pin under cover...
the hd2 have must have Temperature senzor...
the hd2 have 3 pins under battery cover, 1 = +, 3 = -, and the middle pins is the 2 = ?
i think the middle or the pin nr. 2, is same as ACPI in desktop or notebook, Advanced Configuration and Power Interface,
Operating System-directed configuration and Power Management,
so if your middle pin is screawed, the powermanagement tell to device stop boot!!
or if the pin dont make a contact with battery - the powermanagement canot corectly detect the Temperature and the hd2 owerheat, then randomly restart...
its only my teory, my middle pins was screawed, im take it to the right position and my device worked well... but i want more and more and i broke the middle pin
after that the hd2 boot, and worked but when i want to do restart dont want to boot...
now my hd2 is in service center... so for all i want to say:
warrnig!!! dont youse the power or angry when u want to screaw the pin back
its only my teory, im not the electro technic...
sorry for my english, but i think everybody understand what i want to say
i know sucj hardware issues are unfixable, i am wondering should i get me a new HD2 or another phone
I got mine on contract in March - 1.48 ROM. but also had the issues in 1.66 prior to sending back.
Just awaiting for it to be returned - I'll report back to let you know if sending it away has fixed the issue. I'll be a mite miffed if they just flash the ROM and send it back lol!
had the same issue: overheating / reset loop / stuck on white screen
contacted HTC, sent for repair, received with new mainboard,
now works flawlessly
khaeid said:
i know sucj hardware issues are unfixable, i am wondering should i get me a new HD2 or another phone
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u can always try i-Phone 4
how hot is summer in Syria btw?
I had the same problem with mine on an UK O2 network. They took it back and flashed it. Sadly that didn't solve the problem. So I sent it back again and they replaced it with a newer model. This seems to have fixed it. Sadly looks like the early ones were crapy and had the same fault.
However mine still gets ruddy hot when connected to the anything in the car.
Bad job HTC :-(
Hi all,
Actually, there is CPU's overheating problem, not battery's. ALLMOST same problem you'll have if you'll remove cooler from your PC's CPU
My LEO shuts down at 38 deg. and cannot start again without cooling. Definitely, it's a price for 1 GHz processor - it should have less power demand or good cooling system.
Hi had the same problem mine also used to reboot on it's own when connected on pc and overheated. Going to contact HTC repair and send it back. I was wondering though is it ok if i send it back with a cooked rom and 2.10 radio or will they not change it cause i've switched that on my own? Any ideas pls?
chapple said:
I had the same problem with mine on an UK O2 network. They took it back and flashed it. Sadly that didn't solve the problem. So I sent it back again and they replaced it with a newer model. This seems to have fixed it. Sadly looks like the early ones were crapy and had the same fault.
However mine still gets ruddy hot when connected to the anything in the car.
Bad job HTC :-(
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Early model as in what date.month.year?
Regarding getting ruddy hot when connected to the anything in the car, it's the connector, IMHO.
I have problems too. My God, today is the first and really hotest day of the year in Germany.When I will back in Spain at 40 degrees celsius there my hd2 will be a bomb!!
My device is a German o2 hd2...

HTC Sense in HD2

I have recently purchased my HD2 and its been a couple of months now since I'm utilizing it. Barely exploring my phone features, it hangs 20 times in view of the following encountered predicaments :-
1) Receiving 2 simultaneous SMS
2) Receiving an MMS
3) Pressing on any of the keys on the phone whenever receiving an SMS
Well, the list goes on and on. So, in resolving this issue, SIS (Malaysia) had agreed to change a new phone for me. And so they did. Tested it on the spot and everything was working fine, but just after a few days later, the problem reoccur itself again. This time, the entire phone hangs up. No keys can be activated, neither the phone can be turned on.
Firstly, its a brand new phone, so this kinda problem should not arise. Secondly, its no doubt troublesome to flip the back cover and press the tiny red button to perform a soft reset. Why in the darn first place the soft reset button isn't placed outside ? (just liky my old TYTN II)
So I have read a couple of forums with regards to this matter and came upon two conclusions in the end. One, the Manila.exe is the main culprit towards the hanging of the device and two, the HTC Sense application program has a flaw in between. Well, there's a temporary workaround though (that is if you do not want to flip the back cover over and over again), which is to leave the phone idle for 48 hours, let the battery drain itself off and then recharge back the phone again.
48 hours is a long time to wait though, and as a professional worker in my line of work, I really do not have that much of an ample time to linger around waiting for it to run out of juice. I'm totally very much dissapointed with the purchasement of the HTC HD2 as not only the technicians at the SIS (Malaysia) could not get to reproduce my predicaments, they cant even get to solve the hanging issue which I'd reckon, that's what I've been spending most of my time on my new phone (rather than to explore what is has to offer)
Is there a work around to the HTC Sense / Manila.exe problem ? Other suggestions would be to turn off the HTC Sense, but you know what ? Turning off the HTC Sense will be something like buying an Aston and driving it at 40kpmh all the way till the south of France !!! The phone's interface will be dull, and not to mentioned, it will be more a less pictured like my old TYTN II
I do not really have such problems for the HTC TYTN II though, not even one hang moment. Please XDA developers / experts, I'm indeed begging for a solution in resolving this reoccuring problem that somehow not only it will tarnish the brand HTC, it will also loose faith of the end consumers in the market.
why don't you ask SIS to change the phone again?
Just want to say one thing ... "Stock ROM's Suck" , hate to be that blunt but the stock ROMs they put on this beautiful hardware just seem to be time bombs, waiting to explode when you get them home ...
Should flash that sucker!!
To dan138zig
Well, that was my last resort to them, in order to solve it once and for all. I've been travelling to SIS to and fro for 4 times and yet the problem is still left unresolved. They've even tested it in their environment and it works fine (for the 1st two visits). But somehow, they manage to simulate the issue and they replaced the chipboard.
Now, replacing the chipboard was to the previous original phone, though even after the replacement, it still didnt solve the problem. So ding dong here and there, and after several "consultations" with their higher level managment, they agreed to change a new phone for me, off the hook (not undergoing formal procedures, whereby I'll have to wait for another two weeks)
So, getting a brand new phone I'd reckon my miseries will be resolved, but then the hanging problem reoccur itself today again. It seems that the HTC Sense is the main culprit though, after reading a few forums off the Net. And for a "premanent" solution (that is if HTC does not come out with any ROM / fixes / enchancements), I've gotta turn off the HTC Sense feature.
Well, buying a phone that cost 2K plus had already put a large damage in my wallet, now having to face this consequences after the purchasement is a real icing on the cake. What do you think ? If you're in my shoes, what would you do ?
To watcher64
I totally couldnt agree with you more. In my view, they should just have throw the Win OS away and put in the Andriod version of it. Its always windows version mobile phones that are giving the most headache to me when it comes to utilizing it.
Have you tried getting a new SIM? Sounds like the problem only happens when its talking to the network, and as you've had 2 handsets, i'd give a SIM change a go.
On the plus side........... at least you get 48hrs battery life.......
Not much use though if your phone doesnt work I suppose.....
rp-x1 said:
Have you tried getting a new SIM? Sounds like the problem only happens when its talking to the network, and as you've had 2 handsets, i'd give a SIM change a go.
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Well, my SIM's working perfectly fine though, it does not give me any form of problem with my old TYTN II neither with other HTC devices I've checked with a few friends of mine. I do really suspect its the Sense that's the real culprit in the hanging of the device. Just really hope that they clear up this predicament with a new release of the ROM
conantroutman said:
On the plus side........... at least you get 48hrs battery life.......
Not much use though if your phone doesnt work I suppose.....
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haha, forty eight hours of baterry life ? well, I wouldn't bet on it. Have tried using it extensively and even before it reaches sunset, the battery is out. And guess what ? It's a brand new battery.
The phone's terrific, but sadly, the battery isnt. Its just like you are viewing a beautiful girl from bottom up till the next and the next thing you know it, viewing her face just makes you wanna vomit over and over again
So that's how I could sum up the HD2 as a whole. Most comparison commentators out there did place the HD2 side by side with the IPhone 3Gs. Both eventually also will end up running out of juice in 48 hours when you're performing your day to day call basis
webjunky said:
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The HTC Support and Releases still does not solve the problem, mate. Its something that HTC R&D as well as the QA team needs to sit down and extensively test the entire device from bottoms up till all forms of problem is resolved thereafter.
steven.hum said:
To watcher64
I totally couldnt agree with you more. In my view, they should just have throw the Win OS away and put in the Andriod version of it. Its always windows version mobile phones that are giving the most headache to me when it comes to utilizing it.
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hmm, well you did not get what I meant, but that is ok .. I meant the version of the roms suck .. I like WinMo, personally I think Android with is BigBrother Back door is just as bad as the Iphone ...

My HD2 get so hot, then freeze!

I'm not sure if anybody here has same problem as mine. Here is the problem. After watch movie on my HD2 for half an hour, the device started getting warm and hot. It then froze and restarted itself. Then it would stuck on the logo boot up and that was it. I had to take the battery out, waited for 5 to 10 mn to give it time to cool down. Then everything went normal. This happens to me quite frequent now. It wasn't like this when I first bought this. I used to watch movie for hours without any problem.
i had this problem. my hd2 actually was burned on the back near the micro port!
search for hd2 fire to see the story.
I have same problem, who know to repair please help me
if phone is under warranty, get it replaced. did you void your waranty?
Are you using the original charger?
If your mainboard overheats just once, it will never be the same again. It's time for a warranty replacement!
sounds like it has a drug problem or is going through menopause. LOL! I had to sorry carry on.
mine so the samething too , if the back get warm up the phone freeze then restart . do the same thing with NAND too . his there any other ways beside warranty . cuz i dont know if mine phone still under warranty . i got the phone in last father's day so it havent been 1 year yet
T0v206 said:
mine so the samething too , if the back get warm up the phone freeze then restart . do the same thing with NAND too . his there any other ways beside warranty . cuz i dont know if mine phone still under warranty . i got the phone in last father's day so it havent been 1 year yet
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If it has not been a full year sense you purchased the phone then yes you still have a warranty. Your issue is probably hardware related cause once a HD2 starts getting warm a lot it starts to slowly deteriorate the connections between the processor and the mainboard. The more the heating up of the processor the more and more it detiorates the connections. It finally reaches a point where it will start rebooting it self because it is trying to compensate for the lack of responses from the failing pathways. So it sound like you are experiencing this problem now. So I recomend you do an exchange while you are still under warranty.
i suggest checking the battery pins also, make sure they are straight and shiny!
HTC getting hot and freezes.
I have a T Mobile HD2 and I have WMO 6.5 on NAND and Android on SD card (16 Gig). Mostly I using android, the main problem is after like using 10 minutes of WIFI the phone gets very hot,I mean really hot and then it freezes. I have to remove the battery and wait about 10 minutes for it to cool and then place the battery and boot again. I am not sure what is causing the problem, if it is hardware then nothing can be done but if it software I am sure there is a solution. Any help is greatly appreciated.
i've the same problems when using the HD2 for car navigation. When the phone is in the front panel holder and sun is shining, the phone freezes or reboot after a while. The phone itself isn't very warm so i think it must be something with the mainboard or the antenna. I tried with carcharger and without carcharger, same result.
search xda, there has been quite a few threads on Leo's overheating,
in short main two reasons are bent battery connectors (you can DIY), or defective mainboard (replaceable under warranty - been there myself),
to make sure the freezes or reset loops are temperature connected I'd suggest BattClock for WinMo (displays temp in statusbar) or Battery Monitor Widget for Android (keeps temp log)
if you lost all hope, and you're sure it is the temperature, and your warranty has ran out, and its definitely not connector related, then you could try checking here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=982454
what kind of rom do you use? What is your Radio?
is the battery genuine one?
what programs do you use?
some bad written programs will make cpu in loops, which lead to make the cpu runs into high frequency.
do you use any setCPU/overclocking?
my recommendations:
1) install any cpu trend program/ logger to see when the cpu runs into high frequency.
2)replace the video player you used for playing the video.
3)stop all programs that are not came with your rom.
if above do not solve your problem:
task29 / install fresh rom (not the same rom).

HD2 freezing alot

No matter what build, what OS I put on it, I cant do ANYTHING with out it freezing.
AND I MEAN ANYTHING....what ever i do, what ever app I start, 2-5 mins later the phone freezes.
what sucks ever further is no matter that WP7 ROM I install, it refuses to boot past "GO, GO, GO"
I've tried task 29, different radios, still no gold
pteradactyle said:
No matter what build, what OS I put on it, I cant do ANYTHING with out it freezing.
AND I MEAN ANYTHING....what ever i do, what ever app I start, 2-5 mins later the phone freezes.
what sucks ever further is no matter that WP7 ROM I install, it refuses to boot past "GO, GO, GO"
I've tried task 29, different radios, still no gold
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To solve some heating you need to remove the SIM card. But whats a phone with no SIM right
The only way to fix it it to either doing it your self or send it to HTC and once you get it back, sell it.
I had the same problem, once I get it back ill sell it and buy an iPhone 4G. I love the HD2, but it freezes so much.
Call the repair service.
still doesnt work, its pretty much dead now, wont even boot into winmo sometimes and cant do anything on it anymore...atleast i dont have to worry about getting rickroll'd cause it usually freezes after 5-7 seconds on most YouTube vids
pteradactyle said:
still doesnt work, its pretty much dead now, wont even boot into winmo sometimes and cant do anything on it anymore...atleast i dont have to worry about getting rickroll'd cause it usually freezes after 5-7 seconds on most YouTube vids
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Do you still have warranty on your device?
mine too
pteradactyle said:
No matter what build, what OS I put on it, I cant do ANYTHING with out it freezing.
AND I MEAN ANYTHING....what ever i do, what ever app I start, 2-5 mins later the phone freezes.
what sucks ever further is no matter that WP7 ROM I install, it refuses to boot past "GO, GO, GO"
I've tried task 29, different radios, still no gold
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im having the same problem but it started after my HD2 fell on the ground facing the screen down.. after that my phone started freezin randomly and i have noticed that it get stuck when there is a little press from the back near battery pin and near SD card if i keep the phone without any press on above position it stays as long as it get pressed again is there anyone out there knw wht is happening to my phone
I have the same problem, what usually works for me is to pull out the battery and let it rest for around 2 minutes.
Then pop it back in and let it load the ROM. After the ROM loads.. wait at least 5 minutes before you do anything.. it usually holds on, but there's always the hang somewhere after wards
It is really frustrating.. any specific hardware fault, maybe I can fix it myself.
pteradactyle said:
No matter what build, what OS I put on it, I cant do ANYTHING with out it freezing.
AND I MEAN ANYTHING....what ever i do, what ever app I start, 2-5 mins later the phone freezes.
what sucks ever further is no matter that WP7 ROM I install, it refuses to boot past "GO, GO, GO"
I've tried task 29, different radios, still no gold
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Your board needs to be replaced. I once owned an hd2 that carried the same problem ur having.
Sent from my HD2 using a smoke signal
Lizzo said:
Your board needs to be replaced. I once owned an hd2 that carried the same problem ur having.
Sent from my HD2 using a smoke signal
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Damn. Better get it fixed.
Any idea how much it'll cost? Is it easy to change or will I have to give it for repairs? (no official HTC service store )
hayyaan said:
Damn. Better get it fixed.
Any idea how much it'll cost? Is it easy to change or will I have to give it for repairs? (no official HTC service store )
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You can buy the board and do it yourself if hou want to. You just need a small hex head screw driver and to be very carful taking your phone apart. I can not remember tbe exact location of it but there are links to some leaked official HTC training videos on desassembling and reassembling the HD2 here on XDA, but the videos are on pocketnow.com. The board recuires no soldering abilities as it has the camera and screen have ribbons that just plug in.
i suggest checking the battery pins also, make sure they are straight and shiny!
simon_66 said:
Do you still have warranty on your device?
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yea im gonna send it in, turns out the main board is overheating and that mean its pretty much dead...if the back gets really hot and it freezes on you, chances are your hd2's not far from death
RE: disassembly video
here you go. in case you feel brave enough to do it. it's pretty easy. i just bought a new htc HD2 for $105 after i drop my samsung captivate...i bought it knowing the screen was faulty and use this video to help take it apart. afterwards the screen is more responsive now
ASCIIker said:
i suggest checking the battery pins also, make sure they are straight and shiny!
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I have the same problem and that is too irritating... Pins are straight and shiny
The only way to fix it is to uniformly bake the board at 210-220*C/430*F (but no more that 230*C/450*F or the PCB will start incinerate) for 20 minutes, (thermostat controlled oven (for toasts) or better infrared heater, NOT MICROWAVE!!!), this will reflow broken connections and solve most cases of freezing. Keep your eyes on temperature, open oven after 20 minutes and let it cool down, don't move anything until in cools to room temperature. Start heating from room temperature and slowly bring it to peak temperature during first 15 minutes and keep for last 5 minutes peak temperature (about 210-220*C).
More detailed illustrated instructions: http://www.instructables.com/id/Toaster-Oven-Reflow-Soldering-BGA/step0

