Want to Win a Nexus One?? - Nexus One General

Some guy on youtube is giving away a free N1 phone.
All he wants is some subscriptions .
Here's your chance!!
Also if there are any other cool comps going on please post em here

Also, if you mention that I got you to subscribe, it increases my chances of getting the phone!
So please do so.
I can't wait to start deving for this phone, I have some great stuff in mind but my damn G1 has a broken screen!

topdnbass said:
Also, if you mention that I got you to subscribe, it increases my chances of getting the phone!
So please do so.
I can't wait to start deving for this phone, I have some great stuff in mind but my damn G1 has a broken screen!
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wait so if we subscribe we get a chance to win one but if we mention you it increases your chances of winning? sooo where is the benefit for us going that route?

top drum n bass?
eric b

You're right. That was mostly for people who already have one and just wanna help me out .
@e-dub Hell ya. Subscribe and help me get this phone. You'll be doin a fellow basshead a big favor.

Mods please trash this thread

Heres another great giveaway, except it's much easier to apply.
You must be a UK resident whose over 18 though, too bad for me I live in the states

I signed up just to say thanks for finding these sweet links!!
I'm gonna try my luck

Turns out the user got his account hacked and is redoing the contest.
Basically subscribe and comment, and your in the running.
Once he is at 500 subscribers he'll pick a comment at random and the poster wins the phone.

People care too much about meaningless numbers these days

Tell me about it. It's beyond me why someone would lose 530USD worth of gear for any number of subscriptions.
The only time that's beneficial is if you're able to get paid through advertisement.
I simply don't care, just want myself a new android phone

how do u know if he's for real o.o
Sent from my Nexus One using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk


Should I carry on with Touch-Innovation

Some of you may know the website: www.touch-innovation.com
I'm not going to advertise it's features - because that's not what I'm here for.
I'm basically wondering if anyone still uses it, or would still use it. And whether it warrants mine and others time to get it running properly again.
I've neglected it the past few months, mainly because of my work, i'm only 16 and my GCSE's are a month or 2 away. So it's a big time.
I think I can get it going again, make it more popular, get more programs etc. But only if people will use it. So do you think it's worth my valuable time at the moment?
And if there's anyone willing to help out, if you think it's worth it, now the time is to ask.
Thanks guys
Wonderful effort esspecially considering your age and other commitments.
I personally believe if you can do it and get high grades then do, but remember your GCSEs are very important university's and colleges will look at them and even more so employers. So be wise .
I'm in uni so I talking from my own experience know how important GCSEs can be to "success" then and "success" later.
Hey Napbree
It is a wonderful site and you can find all finger touch applications for PPC. I think that you should continue with the site and if you need any help in maintaining "Count Me In"
Well, i keep visiting it every week because it has good info.
Cheers mate.
O and O said:
Wonderful effort esspecially considering your age and other commitments.
I personally believe if you can do it and get high grades then do, but remember your GCSEs are very important university's and colleges will look at them and even more so employers. So be wise .
I'm in uni so I talking from my own experience know how important GCSEs can be to "success" then and "success" later.
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exactly....the GCSEs are definitely what should be more important for you right now, whether that means to take a break from the site or to shut it down completely for the time being.....
Education should definately be the prioriy. But i also think you should try to keep the site going and let us help you in anyway we can. Ill start adding and updating software today. Maybe getting a few more people on board would help us out also?. Touch innovation has come along way, and it would be great to see it continually get better. But again, your future comes first. Thanks for letting me help on your site N.
dschoenike (Derek)
This is a Dev Related forum and this thread doesent belong here
(joking..) i agree with them, Studies first, later you'll have all the time for this
I agree with the rest. I'm in college right now and I can tell you, you will need good marks especially if your going to an institute. You've made a great site at an age that not many people (myself included) would even try to create much less maintain. School comes first though and trust me getting good on those GCSEs will help you immensely.
Im not sure of whats all involved with maintaning a website technically-wise, but could you like, put someone else in charge of it while you're taking care of more important priorities? My apologies for a probably silly question, but im just trying to help ya figure out keeping touch innovation going. Love that site
is tha site gone ? im geting: " Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '?' in /home/.axle/brennn/mobile.touch-innovation.com/index.php on line 1358 " When trying to access... dont think iv ever been to tha site.. will keep an eye out 2 see if it comes back..
Lol, the site works mate.. and its a very good site mind you, its just a little clustered like this forum on occasions and just needs some more organisation but none the less its definitely worth while if you can get each developer to post there apps there.
Also.. when did this forum become boredofstudies.org? O_O
Sorry for the mobile.touch-innovation.com, my error. Fixed now.
I think i've decided that because of all the work i've put into the site (site is coded from base up, not based upon anything.) and that I had already started another beta (where the design was re-hauled, and a load of new features + orginisation filters etc) that I am going to carry it on, but not let it take priority. So when I have 5-10 mins, I'll just code some more, or optimise it etc. After I;ve finished all of my c/w of course.
Any suggestions, and anyone looking to help out, post in here, and I'll get to you at some point. I;m off to bed, night
Napbree said:
Some of you may know the website: www.touch-innovation.com
I'm not going to advertise it's features - because that's not what I'm here for.
I'm basically wondering if anyone still uses it, or would still use it. And whether it warrants mine and others time to get it running properly again.
I've neglected it the past few months, mainly because of my work, i'm only 16 and my GCSE's are a month or 2 away. So it's a big time.
I think I can get it going again, make it more popular, get more programs etc. But only if people will use it. So do you think it's worth my valuable time at the moment?
And if there's anyone willing to help out, if you think it's worth it, now the time is to ask.
Thanks guys
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yes please keep it going
I'll definitely keep using it regularly!
thanks for this cool site
i would like to help maintain it im a senoir in high school and i need more experience for college so if you need help contact me
i think you need to delegate some of the duties of the website. but i generaly like the layout and have used it befor
nice effort keep it up
shouldn't GCSE be year end, or is it not?
Regardless, I agree with the rest, that your studies is more important at this point. It's always good to venture into something you like, above studies, but when it comes to examination like GCSE, you just have to priortise them accordingly.
The thing is, windows mobile plan to release a online store for all win mobile applications, so that means my little revenue will drop even more. And my laptop has now broke.. Not good.
Site is not working anymore, so was the decision to focus on education made and the site shut down?

People using YOUR ROMS to make money..interesting

I called and spoke to the arrogant person who ran this ad on Craigs List and found out they he truly thinks what he is doing is "alright". From what I see, using ROMS created here and posted by DEVs here at XDA to make cash is a little more than shady. When I called, I posed as a customer and tried not to laugh as the guy stuttered through the "how to" of installing Android. The funny thing is that he claims they are doing a FULL INSTALL of Android, "converting" the phone to Android from WM.................. They are charging people $99 for this "service". I told the guy that $99 sounded a little high a charge just to drop a folder on a SD card (yeah..i know theres a lil more to it but I'm sure that comment made him feel stupid after telling me the "how to" of it all..lol). I also told him that i was a member here at XDA and I wanted to know which ROMS he was using to make this money. He told me he was "Charging for the ROMs, just the service". My problem with that is this, HE didnt create the roms and NEVER claimed to. He DID however admit to being a member here.........................
What do you think?
like i said the guy said he is a member here...so if you're reading this please do share your inane little excuses for what you are doing. Just wondering, do you happen to send a check at the end of the month to each of the DEVs for use of their ROMS? Or is this something that is not frowned upon around this community UNLIKE others?
get everyone you can to to flag this as prohibited and spam him with emails saying how wrong it is.
people disgust me..... what they will do to make a little money..... stealing other peoples work and marketing it as their own. lying cheating little worthless ******** ******* **********
malaeus said:
get everyone you can to to flag this as prohibited and spam him with emails saying how wrong it is.
people disgust me..... what they will do to make a little money..... stealing other peoples work and marketing it as their own. lying cheating little worthless ******** ******* **********
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Everyone should give the guy a call and let him know how they feel about it. I asked the idiot whos roms he is using and he wouldnt say anything. He actually gave the phone over to some arrogant little prick who said, "you have a great day sir". The idiot didnt even try to defend himself or "explain" why they are charging $99 to put Android on HD2s.
no more issues!
This posting has been flagged for removal
(The title on the listings page will be removed in just a few minutes.)
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This scam has been around for a while unfortunately
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Unfortunately these ass-clowns will just pop up somewhere else, but well done guys, I cant stand people who make money in this way, $99 vs a little research, I know what I would rather do.
Look at this guy!
and look what this one claims! LOL
Yeah I've seen this ads also but never $99 that's just crazy.
These guys post these ads waiting for people who don't know about sites like XDA. I got a lot of people around my way who have an HD2 and want Android or custom wm rom and I just text them the forum link and tell them to READ and LEARN. If you start doing it for them they call you drowning you with questions and problems because we all know no Android build is perfect (yet) and you can't sell something that's going to turn a one time sale into series of complaints from customers you charged for something you never created yourself.
Shame on these guys and they should be banned from XDA.
I ran across one like that in my local area CL a few weeks back. I simply took his original subject line and added [FAKE] at both ends, then posted pretty much the full instructions on setting up Android on HD2 in my reply. Copied and pasted the whole deal and saved it to a txt file so I would have it if ever I happen to see it on there again.
These folks are the lowest of the low. Making money from other folks hard work, and screwing their so called customers as well. Pure slime!
What these guys were doing is obviously wrong. I wonder where the line is, exactly?
I mean, time is valuable and if you're taking the time to mod someone's phone for them, compensation isn't unreasonable.
Personally, the few times I've "redone" someone's phone, I've done it out of the goodness of my heart in the interest of paying it forward.
For an HD2, though? It doesn't get much easier than dropping some files onto an SD card, ya know? Doing my friend's MyTouch 3G was a pain simply because of the different models out there. Doing recon on a phone I don't own was enough of a pain to think about taking money but the notion of using someone else's work to profit was enough to make me think otherwise.
the idiot actually called my phone wanting to know what my problem was! It seems that he was a little paranoid about the first phone call I made to him. I let him know that his CL ad was posted here on xda and people would be flagging his ads. He asked if I had posted his number, I told him "no but of course its in your ad so whatever".
This idiot actually said that what he is doing is no different than charging someone to fix a car. Saying, "mechanics use knowledge, parts and tools that they did not create". WTF? I tried for 20 min to help him understand that people are kind enough to make these roms and that he is wrong for using them for profit. At the end of the conversation I was right where I started, he just didn't get it. I've said it before and ill say it again, the world wasn't ready for the technology we have now and is you want proof, just walk into a room and ask how many techs are willing to help you with something........every idiot with an internet connection is the next Dave Wozniack (sorry if I spelled Woz's name wrong)
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Sleef said:
What these guys were doing is obviously wrong. I wonder where the line is, exactly?
I mean, time is valuable and if you're taking the time to mod someone's phone for them, compensation isn't unreasonable.
Personally, the few times I've "redone" someone's phone, I've done it out of the goodness of my heart in the interest of paying it forward.
For an HD2, though? It doesn't get much easier than dropping some files onto an SD card, ya know? Doing my friend's MyTouch 3G was a pain simply because of the different models out there. Doing recon on a phone I don't own was enough of a pain to think about taking money but the notion of using someone else's work to profit was enough to make me think otherwise.
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people here usually lost their reasoning when seeing such topics. So don't bother having a constructive discussion on the time/energy spent on modding people's phones.
I wonder what HTC would think about people charging for this as it is a little naughty.
The devs don't charge, hell HTC probably get good ideas from them, so they're tolerated but if they had a list of people charging for this they might not look so kindly on them. Included is the unhappy customers who might have problems.
Karma's a ***** and I can see the day they WILL get ***** slapped back into the time before mobile phones...
jagpoag said:
the idiot actually called my phone wanting to know what my problem was! It seems that he was a little paranoid about the first phone call I made to him. I let him know that his CLUB ad was posted here on xda and people would be flagging his ads. He asked if I had posted his number, I told him "no but of course its in your ad so whatever".
This idiot actually said that what he is doing is no different than charging someone to fix a car. Saying, "mechanics use knowledge, parts and tools that they did not create". WTF? I tried for 20 min to help him understand that people are kind enough to make these roms and that he is wrong for using them for profit. At the end of the conversation I was right where I started, he just didn't get it. I've said it before and ill say it again, the world wasn't ready for the technology we have now and is you want proof, just walk into a room and ask how many techs are willing to help you with something........every idiot with an internet connection is the next Dave Wozniack (sorry if I spelled Woz's name wrong)
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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His comaparison to mechanics fixing your car is stupid. Mechanics charge and fix cars with other peoples products but they pay for those products. What is he giving the developers who make the roms and builds? Taking your time to do something might be worth some compensation and that really depends if it requires a skill you have trained or studied for but something as simple as flashing and copying over a folder is not worth the crazy fees their charging especially for something that is made by developers for a community of smartphone users who can voluntarily donate. The guides are there for everyone to do this on their own. You dont need special training or a college degree to get android on an HD2. All the hard work has been done already by the developers. The rest is simple.
tantrum829 said:
His comaparison to mechanics fixing your car is stupid. Mechanics charge and fix cars with other peoples products but they pay for those products. What is he giving the developers who make the roms and builds? Taking your time to do something might be worth some compensation and that really depends if it requires a skill you have trained or studied for but something as simple as flashing and copying over a folder is not worth the crazy fees their charging especially for something that is made by developers for a community of smartphone users who can voluntarily donate. The guides are there for everyone to do this on their own. You dont need special training or a college degree to get android on an HD2. All the hard work has been done already by the developers. The rest is simple.
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This guy is one of those that talks down to people and tries to convince everyone around him that anything he does is of some alien skill that other humans just cant seem to grasp. I'm sure a lot of you know the type, the "gurus" as I've heard them called...lol. These people are all the same, google is the only "knowledge" they have on any subject at the end of the day.
I had fun with the guy over the phone to say the very least. He could not answer any of my questions at all, just wanted to keep insulting me and making inane excuses. As far as the mechanic comment, he also tried to compare what he is doing to the work performed by a barber shop Typical idiot with the money to open a store but not enough knowledge to actually do anything worth a crap for customers. I fix computers for people who have taken their PCs to guys like this all the time. They all have a lot of stock in the store, pretty lights and talk "over your head" to try and smoke screen the fact that they really dont know anything past formatting your hard drive and installing windows all over again to fix ANYTHING....its pathetic.
Anyways, I will continue to contact anyone I see posting things like this on CL when I see them just as I have been doing for years with people posting "I can jailbreak your IDevice for $" ads. I cant stop them all but if everyone would call them out when they see it being done, maybe they would wake up. Like I told the guy on the phone, I'm sure there are teenagers here at XDA that have a bright future and create ROMs for the community. It's bad enough that someone like him would use another persons work for profit but stealing from kids also?
I noticed I started this thread in the wrong section, I'm sorry about that. Thanks to whomever moved it for me.
richteralan said:
people here usually lost their reasoning when seeing such topics. So don't bother having a constructive discussion on the time/energy spent on modding people's phones.
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Heh. You're probably right.
I guess, ideally, if you're working on a phone that actually takes some time and effort to spiff up, you could say "Give me five bucks and put five bucks into (your dev here)'s paypal account."
Those are arbitrary figures but you get the idea. I'm sure scumbags will still profit without giving credit or a share of the loot but there's also the notion that some people will do it honestly.
I see your point guys but I cannot agree with you at all.
I'll say it with just a few words: capitalism, time and money. Those words should explain the whole situation.
What is more, I don't think it's just copying files to an SD Card. It takes a lot of time to test everything and to fix specific problems with the roms themselves. To know exactly what's the difference between a TMobile HD2, or Telstra HD2, etc.
I respect people's work here. I also try to donate to any person that makes my HD2 happy But I don't think you can criticise that guy's work. Personally, I've been more than one month spending my time on Android and I know for sure most people won't be able to do it the way I do. You're also working on borrowed hardware designed to run windows mobile and finally but most important you are working on other people's software (Android Kernel, Hi Mr. Google and thanks for that BTW) that made all of this possible.
Guys, think it this way. What's better? To have someone with experience taking all responsability working on your phone? Or to have a nice, expensive and useless brick (TMobile HD2 and .50 radios anybody?).
Ok, let the flame on me begin
This unfortunately isn't the first time I've these douchebags taking credit from our hardworking devs. Ill do my part and flag down their postings.
Sent from my HTC Magic using XDA App
Sorry i don't get why most you are so upset when it comes to charging for a service. You r all talking about giving no credit and making money with other peoples work.
I have to say I am a experienced pc user but it took me a couple of days reading, researching to get my first build to work properly. Even now I have some pickups from time to time. Not talking about bricking phones while flashing a well working window build and a good radio Rom.
I totally agree with you that its kind of shabby to charge for other peoples work. But in this case the guy is responsible to get the phone up and running like his customers expect it. If he bricks a phone he has to replace it, if he breaks the phone physically he has to replace it, if his customer is unhappy with his work he has to refund and I haven't even mentioned the time he needs to get Android running, shipping the phone answering phone calls and so on.
It's like charging for fixing other peoples pc, console what ever... you get charged for the service. What do you think how much OS software is used out there and you get charged. Those people invest there time and effort to get something working what you can't do because you are not callable, don't have time, take the risk or any other reason you could think of. It's like those guys are selling instructions and telling you how to do it on your own bit don't take any responsibility if something is not working as expected. What do you think how many people go to service stores to get there cell phones fixed, updated, debranded or what ever? thousands every day and they get charged for it. What do you think those guys are using? You are right, tool that other people created and some of them they don't have to pay for.
Are you working without charge for your customers? You seems to be the welfare. Do you wanna come over and mow my lawn, clean my house and fan me some fresh air with a palm leaf?
$99 sounds much to us and even for me i won't take this service for that price. If somebody is willing to spent it, he should go ahead and do it. If somebody else is willing to offer the same service for a lower price, even better. And somebody is willing to do it without payment, perfect. But the last guy shouldn't complain if he is not able to pay his bills.
post is free for rant.
€dit: @jagpoag, you are a prick! sorry normally i don't call anybody i never spoke to, names he might get upset about. but your last post was just ridiculousness. Complaining about the wording, the argumentation, knowledge and language. You might wanna read your post again and reconsider your wording, spelling and so on. Ever thought about the fact that English is not the main language for somebody. oh no i forgot, you are American, just to bring up a little bit more preconceptions. Not everybody is as bright as you are figuring out technical thinks in the time you can. My mother can't, my sister can't, my boss can't and a whole lot of other people i know would kill there phones with inattention. they don't even want to figure out stuff like that, because they are not interested in it and are willing and able to pay somebody else for things they don't want any hassle with. I would have much more harsh words for you but i think i would get kicked out of a great place called xda-dev if i really say what i am thinking.
Sent from my HTC Leo running Android using XDA App

Selling android on craigslist

I found someone selling NAND android for the hd2 on craigslist..... pisses me off, so much work dev's put into this and people are selling it.... here's the ad: http://kansascity.craigslist.org/mob/2264692873.html
If this is not the correct place to post this, please move it, it is about nand android so I figured it would be okay here.... and in case he removes the ad because I instructed him to do so, here is the ad:
I say any developers not happy about this give him a call!
I talked with him over text messaging and he claims that he does not know what XDA is and never heard of it....If any mods are interested in his personal info, I am going to have the name registered to this line in a few..... so he can be banned from XDA
yea theres a couple of those on craigslist here in the boston area also
And what he says in his ad about 4g..... does the radio upgrade make it 4g capable? if so, I wasn't aware that it did.....
Ya know... as disgusting as it is, he's not doing anything wrong. It's almost like saying that a mechanic charging to fix your car is ridiculous because they didn't even invent the parts, they're just using their technical know-how to fix it.
He's offering a service - to set up your phone with Android. Don't people pay to get Windows installed on their computers? Or Linux even? I mean, if there's a demand for a service, then there will be a supply of people who will charge for said service.
That being said, I hate how people are stupid enough to pay for this service when all the knowledge is out there for free and you'll be better off learning how to do it on your own because you become more knowledgeable and you can fix the phone on your own if there's some kind of software problem.
These kinds of services are rampant in the Los Angeles Area. These guys usually charge $20 a head. Gotta wonder how many people are dumb enough to shell out any amount of money for this kind of service.
I kind of do see a need out there for that kind of service though. Some folks would rather just fork over the $20 than risk screwing up their phone, and how many noob question threads are there from ppl who cant manage to flash a rom without help even after reading the stickies, etc. It kinda makes for less clutter in the forums, and people are glad to hand over a little cash for the garuntee that they get Android quick and easy. 2 things though:
These people should donate a certain amount of their profits to the devs who made their business possible.
And learning by doing makes you smarter. By reading and applying the knowledge gained, you are better preparing yourself for future challenges. There's always going to be a next cool phone, and today's lesson learned makes tomorrows challenge easier. I would never pay someone to make me dumber and lazier, I'm already dumb and lazy enough
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
The EBAY is full of those NAND builds. I once bought one to see whatsup and it was MDJ Ginger nand build...
diesburg said:
If this is not the correct place to post this, please move it, it is about nand android so I figured it would be okay here.... and in case he removes the ad because I instructed him to do so, here is the ad:
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Who in the hell are you to instruct someone to remove an ad off of Craigslist. Is it ****ed up, yeah, but you have absolutely zero right to instruct someone to do anything. Some people would rather pay someone rather than take the time to do it themselves. Some people could care less how they get to point B, just that they get there. Other people would rather pay someone to work on their phone so they don't have to deal with the stress of bricking their device. Anytime there is a dollar to be made, people are going to take advantage of the situation. This isn't the first time, and damn sure isn't going to be the last time.
That being said, hopefully, people that are charging to install Android on HD2's are donating a % of their income to the devs. Without them, it wouldn't be possible.
While were instructing people to do things, I'm instructing you to delete his phone number out of your post.
Get off your horse before you fall off it. XDA and TW are awesome resources for this interest group but not for everyone. I could go on, but will just leave it with "you're wrong on this one".
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
This subject has already been debated to death... some people rather pay to have it done instead of learning themselves. At least these craigslist sellers actually meet and do the flashing for you. To charge someone $20 to meet up with them and do the flashing isn't that unreasonable. What bothers me are the people on ebay selling the instructions for $20. One guy I saw made over $10,000 in less than a week selling instructions to install wp7 for $25 ea... I couldn't believe he sold that many.
It think plenty of right is reserved for someone to instruct him to take the ad down. As said above, a certain % of what he makes should be donated to developers, then it would be okay. But we know damn well that he won't donate anything. So I don't think it's right or should be done unless donations are gave to the developer of whatever software is being used. If you took all the time to make such a good rom such as typhoons cm7, I'm sure you wouldn't like someone selling it on an auction site.... but the ones who say this is okay I don't think are developers so you don't understand..... I'm not a developer but I would not be happy if I saw my rom being used for these services if I were the developer.....
Wow, you still don't get it. They don't sell any roms, they offer a service...
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Wow, I do get it. But I still feel like it shouldn't be done without a percentage going to developers.... at least cotulla.....(and I'm not even a huge fan of his work) it would not be possible for someone to sell such a service without the hard work of developers, at least the bootloader dev's. When someone charges to install windows... well, windows must be purchased first(at least for it to be legal) So microsoft gets their share for their work.... no dev is getting a share for his hard work when someone sells the installation service.... and I feel this is not right...... that is my opinion and I am entitled to it just like you are your opinion.......
diesburg said:
..... I'm not a developer but I would not be happy if I saw my rom being used for these services if I were the developer.....
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That's right, you're not a dev, so why are you tripping? Is Best Buys ripping off Microsoft because they charge someone to install windows? C'mon dude, you cannot be this dense.
diesburg said:
that is my opinion and I am entitled to it just like you are your opinion.......
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You are definitely entitled to your opinion, but you're not entitled to instruct someone to remove an ad off of Craigslist, or to post some random dudes phone number on a message board.
this is such an old topic!!! I've been seeing this since I got my first windows mobile phone(Tmobile dash) 3 years ago, shoot you can go to ebay and find tons of ads on buying roms and install services with tech support, and all it is someone online or a text file with step by step instructions on how to do it yourself flashing and modding.
Just because we know XDA and we know how things should be done in the mobile hacking world , it doesn't mean everybody does, or everybody cares, I agree the devs deserve a donation or a percentage of anybody making a profit but it's not going to happen, at least from those people!
I did not post some random dudes number to a message board, I copied and pasted the craigslist ad that this thread is about. Yes, the ad contained his number but that is info you can find on the internet anyways. (craigslist.org)
This topic and all the millions of variations of it over the years are absolutely ridiculous.
This is 100% exactly the same as somebody providing a linux installation/setup/configuration service and anybody who says otherwise simply doesn't have any common sense.
diesburg said:
I did not post some random dudes number to a message board, I copied and pasted the craigslist ad that this thread is about. Yes, the ad contained his number but that is info you can find on the internet anyways. (craigslist.org)
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It's F'ing retarded to post his info with the intentions of getting him harassed. Where is the "no thank you" button when you need one?
WorldWide60 said:
It's F'ing retarded to post his info with the intentions of getting him harassed. Where is the "no thank you" button when you need one?
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Goddamn WorldWide60, STFU! This topic may be old and we all have different opinions on the subject but no need to jump down this guys throat on every single one of his post!
I think it's rather shady that he's talking about installing "4g". What the hell is this loony talking about? That's the real issue here.
I guess there are two sides of the story its nice for people who have no knownledge how to do this but love android.

Bin4ry's X10 donation thread

I have started this thread because I believe it would be a crying shame to lose the skill of Bin4ry from the freex10 team.
I am positive if everyone was to donate a small amount, 5 or 10 of your currency, we would collectively be able to in effect purchase the x10 and let Bin4ry keep it.
All donations are to be made to Bin4ry this thread is here only to see how much we can raise to let Bin4ry keep his x10 and continue in the development of the phone.
This is purely down to choice if YOU want to no one is forcing you, if enough can not be raised I will see what I can do but please help if you can no matter how small and post here you intention.
Please help, we need Bin4ry and his skills TARGET 200
PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THIS IS NOT A GUARANTEE NOR DOES IT FORM ANY PART OF A GUARANTEE, this pledge is merely if you want to, and that you understand it we only give Bin4ry the option to continue developing on the x10 when he wishes. Instead of losing him all together he will continue to develop when his time allows. This is nothing more than a gesture from us none devs and a way of us helping a dev for a change. BUT PLEASE DO NOT THINK THIS WILL GUARANTEE ANYTHING BECAUSE IT DOESN'T other than Bin4ry will still be able to develop for us when he wishes.
He said himself he just wants to move on to a new challenge.. Leave him be
fiscidtox said:
He said himself he just wants to move on to a new challenge.. Leave him be
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Agreed. He wants to move on.
EDIT: According to chiefy009, Bin4ry would stay if you can raise enough money. I can donate USD $10.
Had a message from Bin4ry he will stay if we raise enough. I will donate 20sterling once we reach the total donations I will notify Bin4ry and we can make donations
200 needed I will donate 20
Only 180 needed easy if people can manage 5-10 each
Come on lets not lose a Dev like bin4ry
This thread had been cancelled until I had a message form Bin4ry please pledge what you can if you want to keep Bin4ry trying to crack the x10 along with Jerpela, Z and the others
once all pledges have been made I will either make up the difference or we can just click donate on Bin4ry
I'll give in £10 (British) if he would stay
Ill throw in 20 dollars canadian
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
I give £20 (British)
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
So far £50 British and 20dollars we will be there in no time
$20 US from me.
OMG, you guys are really crazy aren't you?
As i said this is a nice idea, but i'm still not sure if i should feel comfortable with getting money from you just for staying with my X10.
As i said, if you can manage to clear my account balance i will stay, as promised.
But are you REALLY sure that this is needed? And are you REALLY sure that you know that i cannot make any promises (except i will not stop working on X10!)
There will never be any promise that the X10 will get cracked fully and that the bypass will function fully!
I just want to clear this before accepting money from you guys
Best Regards
Bin4ry said:
OMG, you guys are really crazy aren't you?
As i said this is a nice idea, but i'm still not sure if i should feel comfortable with getting money from you just for staying with my X10.
As i said, if you can manage to clear my account balance i will stay, as promised.
But are you REALLY sure that this is needed? And are you REALLY sure that you know that i cannot make any promises (except i will not stop working on X10!)
There will never be any promise that the X10 will get cracked fully and that the bypass will function fully!
I just want to clear this before accepting money from you guys
Best Regards
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Bin4ry we are aware but we stand more chance of it being cracked with you sticking around, we would do the same to keep J, Z maxfron and all the others, the x10 doesnt have that many devs and to lose one of your skill would be damaging to its chances, if enough of us are willing and get close within the next 2 weeks what ever is left i will try to make up end of the month.
I said that figure was 200 is this correct ??
If i could code i would and i probably wouldnt do this, but i cant so this is my way of helping and everyone else's
chiefy009 said:
Bin4ry we are aware but we stand more chance of it being cracked with you sticking around, we would do the same to keep J, Z maxfron and all the others, the x10 doesnt have that many devs and to lose one of your skill would be damaging to its chances, if enough of us are willing and get close within the next 2 weeks what ever is left i will try to make up end of the month.
I said that figure was 200 is this correct ??
If i could code i would and i probably wouldnt do this, but i cant so this is my way of helping and everyone else's
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but still i don't know if i should feel comfortable with that.
See others like J,Z etc. (you named them), are working hard on this too. And they won't get anything. So i think it simply is not really fair!
I decided to leave, to find a new phone and play with new things.
Others like J&Z are still developing hard for you and others.
Now i will get an amount of money, because i decided to go and offcourse i can not afford a new phone without selling the old one, and they won't get because they still stay here.
See my problem? Yes i understand well the goal is just to help me stay here AND have a new phone. And i really think that this idea is really good and nice!
AND i appreciate that many people here would donate their hard worked money to me!
But the above problem will stay, others will feel skipped or atleast feel a little sad. It seems like they will be "punished" because they stay here.
THATS my problem with the donation thing to be honest
And be sure, with j&z you have 2 real good developers here, you don't need much you just need GOOD ones
Best Regards
Bin4ry said:
but still i don't know if i should feel comfortable with that.
See others like J,Z etc. (you named them), are working hard on this too. And they won't get anything. So i think it simply is not really fair!
I decided to leave, to find a new phone and play with new things.
Others like J&Z are still developing hard for you and others.
Now i will get an amount of money, because i decided to go and offcourse i can not afford a new phone without selling the old one, and they won't get because they still stay here.
See my problem? Yes i understand well the goal is just to help me stay here AND have a new phone. And i really think that this idea is really good and nice!
AND i appreciate that many people here would donate their hard worked money to me!
But the above problem will stay, others will feel skipped or atleast feel a little sad. It seems like they will be "punished" to stay here.
THATS my problem with the donation thing to be honest
And be sure, with j&z you have 2 real good developers here, you don't need much you just need GOOD ones
Best Regards
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yes but they get donations from many of us and buy new hardware and software with it, over a period of time the donations will all even out, allow us to do our bit to help freex10, by helping devs like you stay with the project and still get what you want a new phone
this is us mere mortals way of helping and doing our bit
£50 sterling
$40 dollars
and counting
lets be a bit realistic here, sure bin4ry leaving us is a big loss but there is a reason that hes getting a new phone.
he's simply tired of the x10 and want to explore something else I suppose, which means he wont have any motivation to spend any time on the x10 at all.
Dmaxon said:
lets be a bit realistic here, sure bin4ry leaving us is a big loss but there is a reason that hes getting a new phone.
he's simply tired of the x10 and want to explore something else I suppose, which means he wont have any motivation to spend any time on the x10 at all.
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and you are Bin4ry? Don't speak for him! And maby start read before post, Bin4ry is saying that he like to keep working if we can help him, but he feel bad against the other devs like J & Z etc. But IMO J & Z got a lot of donation so I don't think you should feel bad for it Bin4ry..
Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted​
Dmaxon said:
lets be a bit realistic here, sure bin4ry leaving us is a big loss but there is a reason that hes getting a new phone.
he's simply tired of the x10 and want to explore something else I suppose, which means he wont have any motivation to spend any time on the x10 at all.
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Sssssshhhhh not donating why post?
Sent from my X10i using XDA Premium App
guys calm down, ofcourse its your choise to donate or not.
according to me its just a waste of cash and to be honest, I kinda feel sorry for bin4ry to have all this pressure of you guys donating for him just to stay.
Dmaxon said:
guys calm down, ofcourse its your choise to donate or not.
according to me its just a waste of cash and to be honest, I kinda feel sorry for bin4ry to have all this pressure of you guys donating for him just to stay.
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Its not pressure. We donate to j and z do they feel pressure? NO
Why post to cause problems? You don't agree that's up to you but why post about it no one cares.
Once we get enough pledges then we will offer it to bin4ry because we are happy to do it no other reason. If you aren't move along simple really
Sent from my X10i using XDA Premium App

Save the honeycomb

As you all know we have a very basic form of honeycomb that has some issues, and only 1 person working on the project (Oldmacnut) whom recently was involved in an accident at work and is running into some financial troubles.
I have a suggestion for those who want to Save the HC project i was wondering how many people are willing to pledge and follow through with some donations to help Oldmacnut ( Just so everyone knows I don't know the guy and none of this idea came from him).
Ive seen posts in forums looking for devs for hire a bounty if you will with offers from many people that added up to $3000.00 <--now that's a nice chunk of change. Mind you this donation wasn't even for a rom it was a modem i know not everyone has money to give but ill be the first to pledge $10 to this fund anyone whom want to join me pleas post your amount your willing lets set a goal of at least $1000 so with me were at $990.
Mailing Address:
Donations Coordinator:
No Mailing Address
This Payment will appear on your credit card statement as "PayPal *OLDMACNUT"
Confirmation Number: 0V1533719M744341E Placed on Oct 4, 2011
Purpose Donation
Donation XDA Forums $10.00 USD
Total Amount: $10.00 USD
Thank you oldmacnut for all your hard work and dedication
Id pay £20
It sounds like the dev work on the SGT is getting to him. I don't feel like pushing him to go any further than he already has is going to be good for anyone.
Let the man bow out, he has done a lot for us already, far more than samsung and our carriers have done for sure.
I know the feeling of something that was once a hobby becomeing a chore...I don't want to pressure anyone to do that to themselves.
Sent from my SCH-I800 using XDA App
ya I hear ya and even if he doesnt continue a nice send off from xda would be nice hes put alot of time helping us. To be honest if this did save HC that would be nice and if it didnt i still think this man has earned his due and even if im the only one to openly donate i know there are alot of good people on here will see the same good and send thanks his way
beestee said:
It sounds like the dev work on the SGT is getting to him. I don't feel like pushing him to go any further than he already has is going to be good for anyone.
Let the man bow out, he has done a lot for us already, far more than samsung and our carriers have done for sure.
I know the feeling of something that was once a hobby becomeing a chore...I don't want to pressure anyone to do that to themselves.
Sent from my SCH-I800 using XDA App
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Nah, i wouldnt say it got to me, id say i had to take a break because I feel i was wrong in coming unglued one day, for no reason.
Im running the HC build on my tab right now, kinda loving it, the froyo/gb **** is kinda old.
Waiting on a few thousand more downloads (lol) to see about testing new **** out.
the work wasnt the problem 90% of the time, what was the problem, was my email, PM's, gtalk, etc all blowing up with the mosty dumb ****ing questions, that i had addressed in the thread on how to install.....on how to install. lame i know.
lol, i guess not everyone can be a rocket scientist
"lol, i guess not everyone can be a rocket scientist"
True, but even a 5 year old can follow instructions.....
oldmacnut said:
Nah, i wouldnt say it got to me, id say i had to take a break because I feel i was wrong in coming unglued one day, for no reason.
Im running the HC build on my tab right now, kinda loving it, the froyo/gb **** is kinda old.
Waiting on a few thousand more downloads (lol) to see about testing new **** out.
the work wasnt the problem 90% of the time, what was the problem, was my email, PM's, gtalk, etc all blowing up with the mosty dumb ****ing questions, that i had addressed in the thread on how to install.....on how to install. lame i know.
lol, i guess not everyone can be a rocket scientist
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you heard it from the man him self lets try to keep this alive save the honey comb.
Id gladly donate to keep it alive, but alas the flamefest pissed him off rightfully so. Saw his cm7 post and credit was properly given. Some people just want it all. Oldmacnut ive said it before ...Thank You for all youve done. You will be missed
ya man it was a wild night of flames oldmacnut did alot for us but there are greener pastures for him

