Help - seriously crap phone! - Touch HD General

I've only owned this phone for 2 months and I'm already on the edge of smashing it. I bought it second hand with an "upgraded" ROM (win6.5 and TouchFlo2) and some other bits (mean nothing to me) such as GfxBoost and others...
It is generally so slow you have to wait 5-10 seconds for anything to respond. GPS can take up to 5 minutes to find a signal and often requires switching on and off multiple times for it will find anything, but most annoying is that the phone only sporadically sends texts. Most of the time the text just sits in the outbox and won't send until I've switched the phone on and off several times, and sometimes then still wont send. It also doesn't receive all texts people send me. I have replaced the SIM twice and have no such problems if I put my SIM in another phone.
Can anyone advise me on just how to get the damn thing working reliably and reasonably quickly. What ROM would anyone recommend or should I reset back to factory? I don't care about any "extras" or what the screen looks like I just want it to work properly.
Any help/advice would be hugely appreciated. Please bear in mind though I don't know squat about "flashing ROMS" or working with software, so any advice needs to be given at the level of idiot!

If I where you mate I'd flash back to a stock rom.
go to and download the latest ROM
As your phone already has a cooked rom you don't need to worry about hard spl or the like.
Make sure your phone is connected to your PC and connected with Activesync then run the exe you downloaded from the link above. Follow the prompts and after a bit you'll have a stock hd


Consistent dropped calls after 10-15 min on phone

I posted this a while back and never really received many responses so I am trying again....
I have a QTEK 9100 with the 2.4x ROM w/Cingular as my provider (I have tried many ROMS) and I can't seem to keep a phone conversation over 10 min. It just drops the call and the signal status icon shows an x.. like it is restarting or searching for a valid signal after the call drops. This is VERY consistent and happens no matter what my location is. If I put the SIM card in a Nokia phone I never have this issue so I know it is not the carrier. It is definately the QTEK. This is very frustrating and I was wondering if anyone has experienced this issue or if anyone has any suggestions on the cause. I have hard reset my device with so many ROM versions from the original 1.x to the latest 2.5 and everywhere in between and above including a beta 2.87 with the same result.
Also... I get many complaints that when people call me, their call goes right to voice mail when I never turn the phone off and I don't receive a missed call notification. I get a voice mail notification later if they leave one when the call never came through.
Any help or guidance is greatly appreciated.
The only similar issue that I can recall is the one we are discussing at
It's different in a number of respects though - in that you can keep calls past the 4 minute mark, and that it seems to be happening for you even with ROMS before 2.2. My thought is that you may have a defective unit - and you may want to consider returning it under warranty.
If you do a hard reset and don't install any applications at all - does it still reset after 10-15 minutes?
Thanks for the reply. That is a very good suggestion and I will try it once I get the battery level above 50%. That is another thing... My battery drain is very severe and even with a replacement battery, I can't get one day use even without talking on the phone without recharging.
Thanks again for the response and suggestion.
BTW: If it is an application that is causing this, I must blame Microsoft for not protecting the phone portion of the device in some way.

Please Help!...Not receiving email problem

I put up a brief post about this in the WM6 subforum and didn't get a response. I am going to try it again here because i have still had no luck and i have completely run out of things to try, and because i think this is the right forum for it anyways.
Forgive the lengthy explanation, but i felt it would be better to be as explicit as i can with what is happening and what i have tried.
I am only trying to use a basic pop3 email account (comcast) in regular messaging. This same account worked fine on my 8525 BEFORE flashing over to WM6, and i'll explain below exactly what i did to do that. The basic problem I am having is this: The account sets up OK and downloads the messages from the server on initial setup, but it takes a VERY LONG time that time and every other time after when it goes to send/receive emails. And after the initial download it WILL NOT RECEIVE any new messages, but it will however send, albeit very slowly.
I am pretty sure that when i upgraded from WM5, i did everything correctly. I flashed SSPL 2.10 Olipro, the i flashed Radio, then i flashed to VP3G's 3.63.3
This is when the problem started. I since then flashed the ATT WM6.1 official, then a Faria Rom, then back to WM6.1 official, now finally back to the latest WM5 version (the same one that came with the phone originally). I have done a hard reset as well and that didnt fix it either. The problem has been the same ever since it started with the first upgrade flash. It hangs for a long time(every step of the send/receive process, even when disconnecting), then comes away with no new messages.
I am really at wits end for what to try to get this back up and running like it was. Losing the messaging ability is going to kill me and will eventually have to trade out to another phone if i can't resolve it.
The one thing I am recalling now that did go less than smooth during my early flashes, was that i did get some kind of a .NET Framework error, it happened on a couple of occasions actually, and gave me the option to debug or terminate and i believe that after that i upgraded to the 3.5 version and i haven't noticed that message since. I believe that the flashes went through succesfully, but i might have gotten that message after it was complete and the flash worked so i didn't pay it too much mind. I am not sure what that means so any info on if that could be linked to my problem would help.
Any suggestions or advice at all would be well appreciated at this point. Thanks very much in advance...
Hello, did you ever find a solution for that issue? I am suffering with this same behaviour...
Please help!
in my case i think the problem was really my own email server. i had too many messages and once i deleted some or all, it worked much better.
Try that and hopefully you'll get success

Mogul is so slow it's crawling!

I updated to rom 3.35.651.2 (official rom) about a month ago. I added all my warez and tweeks. Everything was working awesome until about 5 days ago. Now it's all FOOBAR.
I have to soft reset my phone several times a day (more than 5) just to make it usable. Else it just stalls and the screen shows bits of different things thats going on.
For example, on the home screen, i try to open a txt msg, and it shows the body of the txt msg, but the top and bottom bars of the home screen. That's it. It lags so bad only a soft reset will correct it.
I'm not sure what's going on but i read a while back others were having similar issues with the update. Did we figure out if that was a bug or is it just a few unlucky people?
I run memaid to clean it up and it still doesn't help. I was using spb back up but that doesn't work on this rom either, it just hangs although it appears to create a file, and the file is then unusable (the backup).
What are your thoughts?
Just so you have a better idea of how bad it is, i just made a call using one of the spb phone suits. It's the picture calling deal. I click on the tab to show the pictures, i click on the picture and the phone dials and the call goes through.
The problem is that unlike it did before, i can't even pull up the call status screen, which would normally come up on its own. During the call, i can't even switch to it, it's stuck on the home screen.
The call ends, and all you can see is the same thing since the call started, the selected contact highlighted. And it's stuck there!
Any ideas?
Flash a DCD titan [6.1] rom.
Dunno what you did, but it seems to be the installation [update of registry] that causes the phone to become so damn slow. Custom roms are lean and mean.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking of doing but i'm a noob with the custom roms. I read up on them when I updated to the latest official rom, but i was confused
I guess i'll have to try to figure it out again.
Thanks for the reply.

Radio problems?

I'm on R2A generic official and running radio The phone will just disconnect from the network even when at full or almost full signal practically every time I receive an SMS. I don't know if it's me picking it up and holding it, or if it's just doing it itself but by the time I type my text to reply it's not connected any longer and I have to wait. It seems to only be happening recently but it's persistent. I'm normally pretty cool but this is actually starting to anger me.
Does anybody have any suggestions on a better radio to install or some possible solutions?
I'm trying to get the phone back to Voda firm when I can put my Xperia down for a minute so I can get the KB problems looked at. So don't really wan't to HardSPL and go unofficial just now.

HD2 nags id love to get fixed

guys here is a list of little nags that i have, i have tried everything to try and fix them, flashed every radio and rom with no success, and tried changing every setting on the phone. id be so grateful to get any of these fixed.
1) latest version of Swype (v2.0) with skin crashes frequently, i am able to use the keyboard but no text is entered, to solve this i must switch back to the full keyboard and then back to Swype
2) opera says a download is completed, when the file is launched it is for example 300kbs and will not launch, when i download the same file again the file is downloaded and is for example 8mb, the file then opens. Double click to zoom also doesn't work for me on certain websites, for example BBC
3) there is NO solution to this, i have looked high and low for this, my internet connection disconnects very frequently, i have tried every single option to no avail, the internet disconnects very frequently if HSDPA is enabled (supported by my payment plan) and fairly often if disabled. put simply, this makes internet browsing a royal pain in the backside
4) after reading so many good things about the battery life of the phone i convinced myself it must have been a bad battery. bought a second official one - not cheap, even worse. 15 minutes of web use with all data services disabled in a strong reception area will drain roughly 20% of the battery, have tried all sorts of power management cabs and tweaks. ive drained the battery and charged it fully going on 8 times now.
5) a calendar appointment is created which lasts the whole day (a birthday), no reminder is set, so i dont appreciate it when i get reminded at 12o'clock at night when im sleeping
6) the weather is set to download every 3 hours, so why does it download every 20 mins?
im not complaining guys, honestly this is the best phone ive ever had and i recomment it to everyone, but some of the issues i have truly are annoying. id greatly appreciate ANY help in regards to any of the issues above
1 - i had trouble with the latest swype (the pale grey one? silvery coloured?) i went back to the dark one, it was unuseable (cant seem to find out how to bring up its version number, , the cab just says, , , heh. So i'd say try get an earlier version, Mine works lovely.
2 - move the opera cache to the sd card, and clean it now n again. I have a lot of that kind of trouble with podcasts from bbc, 15 meg or so, , seems to help with the cache on sd.
3 - dont really know about the network details. sorry.
4 - i DO know that if you live on teh edge of the decent signal area, your phone jumping between 3g/hsdpa and edge/gprs will eat your battery. find comm manager and switch off the 3g button (if you have one) when you dont need fast access, can vastly improve battery, and email and other syncs dont need 3g most of teh time, only browsing.
5 - thats probably outlook adding the default "the day before" reminder, (or maybe the htc one works the same as the outlook one) either way, you have to manuall edit the appointment to set the reminder to no reminder.
6 - it will download if you linger on the weather tab for a second or so when swiping. Gives the impression that it is always updating.
Hope some of them at least help!
thanks for the fast reply, not the first time too
1) ok ill uninstall swype and install the older one, hope this gets fixed as i prefer this layout
2) thanks - i have moved the opera cache to the sd card
3) my operator is tmobile uk, HSDPA is supported and so is 3g, i have unlimited data plan, the connection will drop after a couple mins, normally less, if HSDPA is disabled, the connection is slower but more stable, but in the end, the connection will drop
4) ive disabled HSDPA because atm its unusable, i do indeed have that 3g button and is always off, my connection is always on G, still 20% battery loss after 15 mins surfing
5) i mentioned that i set it to no reminder, what do you mean?
6) that makes sense - thanks
if you have any ideas how to solve number 3 id really appreciate it
I had the same issue with Virgin UK (uses Tmobile as you are aware) I flashed to 1.66 rom and my problems went away - battery life as much better also, hope it helps
thanks for your reply
i have also flashed to official 1.66 rom, the problem didnt change at all
i even tried different radios with this rom
any other ideas?
backup before you do the swype change, if you use a lock password, i believe some version of swype can affect that? (i dont use one so i wouldn't know, there are threads on it)
about outlook and the reminder thing, i'm not really sure of the details, but i've been syncing the same set of contacts and calendar with outlook for probably 6 or 7 years, and several times ive come across a situation where you set up an app, or event or something, and set no reminder, and it goes off at midnight the day before - the setting is actually 'one day' and the day starts at midnight, d'oh.
How it comes to be that it doesn't get saved i haven't pinned down, but it generally seems to be after a hard reset/complete wipe and resync. It often (not always) also creates duplicate birthday reminders.
This has happened to me from office 2000 right through to 2k7, and on different phone OS's, and different sync programs but it doesnt happen all the time.
(bit non specific, sorry)
it sounds to me like an outlook related problem, but i dont use outlook at all to sync anything to my phone
i still dont have a clue why i cant double click to zoom on certain websites, bbc is the one i look at the most its very annoying
Yea i hate the no double click on bbc site . Must be something about how its constructed i guess. , , cuts coming next year, it'l fall appart....
cgrec92 said:
4) after reading so many good things about the battery life of the phone i convinced myself it must have been a bad battery. bought a second official one - not cheap, even worse. 15 minutes of web use with all data services disabled in a strong reception area will drain roughly 20% of the battery, have tried all sorts of power management cabs and tweaks. ive drained the battery and charged it fully going on 8 times now.
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Your battery should not behave like this and you should stop draining and charging the battery because you will ruin it and I suspect that you may have already done damage.
The batteries need a good few weeks of use to reach their max usable capacity and to achieve this charge it as often as you can for as long as you can. Nothing more, nothing less. No draining, cycling, conditioning of any sort. Just use it and keep it on charge.
I have mine on charge always at home and in the car and I have never got below 40% during the day and I'm a heavy user of the internet.
I have two backup power packs and have needed them only once when I was away for two days and couldn't easily charge.
thanks for your reply, i will do this for the battery, ill report back if it helps
anyone have a clue?
thanks in advance
cgrec92 said:
guys here is a list of little nags that i have, i have tried everything to try and fix them, flashed every radio and rom with no success, and tried changing every setting on the phone. id be so grateful to get any of these fixed.
1) latest version of Swype (v2.0) with skin crashes frequently, i am able to use the keyboard but no text is entered, to solve this i must switch back to the full keyboard and then back to Swype
2) opera says a download is completed, when the file is launched it is for example 300kbs and will not launch, when i download the same file again the file is downloaded and is for example 8mb, the file then opens. Double click to zoom also doesn't work for me on certain websites, for example BBC
3) there is NO solution to this, i have looked high and low for this, my internet connection disconnects very frequently, i have tried every single option to no avail, the internet disconnects very frequently if HSDPA is enabled (supported by my payment plan) and fairly often if disabled. put simply, this makes internet browsing a royal pain in the backside
4) after reading so many good things about the battery life of the phone i convinced myself it must have been a bad battery. bought a second official one - not cheap, even worse. 15 minutes of web use with all data services disabled in a strong reception area will drain roughly 20% of the battery, have tried all sorts of power management cabs and tweaks. ive drained the battery and charged it fully going on 8 times now.
5) a calendar appointment is created which lasts the whole day (a birthday), no reminder is set, so i dont appreciate it when i get reminded at 12o'clock at night when im sleeping
6) the weather is set to download every 3 hours, so why does it download every 20 mins?
im not complaining guys, honestly this is the best phone ive ever had and i recomment it to everyone, but some of the issues i have truly are annoying. id greatly appreciate ANY help in regards to any of the issues above
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I experience the same problem (frequent loss of internet connection). I then shut down data connection and immediately re-enable it to turn it back on. This works, but it's annoying and a definite let-down for any smartphone, especially our powerful HD2.
I can't believe nobody has a solution for this. Apparently not even HTC does.
im glad im not alone, there are many many people with the same issues, whoever finds a fix is a saint!
My battery seems fine since i dropped a radio version and can now lost 3+ days with a lot of use and everything downloading automatic.
there are only two things that annoy me, slow/ lag when texting on the keypad and finally the random ghost typing
could you mention what operator youre using and where youre located?
perhaps your radio would be suitable for mine too
Make sure your birthday reminders are set to "none" and not "0 minutes".
I had this problem with birthdays also. They seemed to revert back to 0 mins when i flashed my phone and re-synced my contacts wo had to go through them and set from 0 min to none. Pain in the neck but better than being woken up at midnight!
cgrec92 said:
im glad im not alone, there are many many people with the same issues, whoever finds a fix is a saint!
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I contacted the HTC customer service via their website and this is the reply I got from them:
This could be a driver conflict and we recommend to try a hard reset on it make sure that you back up all your data before the reset. If the problem still going on after this then contact us in this line +44 8458900079 and we will send your device to be repaired.
Does this make any sense? It almost seems to good to be true. My phone is fresh out of the box, been using it for about two weeks now with a standard 1.66 ROM. The data disconnect problem has been there since day one. I kinda feel like they recommend a hard reset no matter what the problem is
Anyway, I've read about other people having the same problem as cgrec92 and I but... is this an universal problem or are there lost of users out there who have no data connection problem?
that's really useful information thanks for posting that ill definitely keep in mind that i can send it off to get repaired, although keep in mind most people who have done this say nothing changes, from all I've read, tmobile customers are the most affected, i have done hard resets before but they em nothing, I'm going to try mtty to completely format the phone, maybe its something left over from the tmobile stock rom? anyways ill try that and report back
By the way: I'm on 3 network in Denmark.
i have used mtty and flashed artemis 5.0 with radio 2.06 as the rom recommends
have had some connection dropouts still although less common
what i have found though is that in connection setup, right click and click on update database, equip the new settings
not minimizing opera seems to keep the internet from dropping out too

