Music Starts When Unplugging Headphones - Nexus One General

I know others have this issue too, when I remove my headphones or disconnect from playing something via the default music player just starts up playing!
How can I stop this? I don't mind even uninstalling it, but I dont seem to be able to...
I'm using MCR 2.0

I don't know how to help you, but I do know you can remove it using ADB, or Root Explorer. I dont know the ADB demands though.. sadly.. I only know the basics ^.^ download Droid Explorer (PC Application) it allows you to browse your phone's file system.. perfect for noobs.. you can remove the application with that.
The default music player sucks anyways, no?

I haven't had this issue on my N1. However I did experience this on my iPhone 3G. It only happened when unplugging the cassette adapter in the vehicle. I figured it was due to the lower quality plug (it was a cheap adapter). I figured out that if I unplugged it slowly this would not happen. Have you tried other headphones?

I had this same problem. The stranger part is that when you go into the music player it's still paused... You have to unpause then pause it again to stop the music. If you're rooted then you can try this:
adb remount
adb pull /system/app/Music.apk C:\
adb shell rm /system/app/Music.apk
The pull is just to back it up to the C drive in case you want to put it back later.

That's done the trick Thanks.

thewayne01 said:
I haven't had this issue on my N1. However I did experience this on my iPhone 3G. It only happened when unplugging the cassette adapter in the vehicle. I figured it was due to the lower quality plug (it was a cheap adapter). I figured out that if I unplugged it slowly this would not happen. Have you tried other headphones?
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Same deal with me but with my N1, i havent seen any 'high quality' cassette adapters though.


Weird thing happened to my N1

Hi guys, I had a very weird thing happened to my N1 today, and I sort of remember people posted similar threads before. I had my bluetooth enabled and connected to my headset in my car. When I got off, I turned my headset off, then the phone starts to play music automatically. I have rooted phone and it's running CyanogeonMod Does anyone have a solution for this? I don't want my phone starts to play music while I'm in the middle of a meeting...
alwnan said:
Hi guys, I had a very wired thing happened to my N1 today, and I sort of remember people posted similar threads before. I had my bluetooth enabled and connected to my headset in my car. When I got off, I turned my headset off, then the phone starts to play music automatically. I have rooted phone and it's running CyanogeonMod Does anyone have a solution for this? I don't want my phone starts to play music while I'm in the middle of a meeting...
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- 9 dictionary results
/wa??rd/ Show Spelled[wahyuhrd] Show IPA
1. equipped with wires, as for electricity or telephone service.
2. made of wire; consisting of or constructed with wires: a wired barrier.
3. tied or secured with wires: wired bales of wastepaper.
4. strengthened or supported with wires: a sculpture of wired papier-mâché.
5. Slang. tense with excitement or anticipation; edgy.
6. equipped so as to receive cable television.
7. connected electronically to one or more computer networks.
- 3 dictionary results
/w??rd/ Show Spelled [weerd] Show IPA adjective,-er, -est, noun
1. involving or suggesting the supernatural; unearthly or uncanny: a weird sound; weird lights.
2. fantastic; bizarre: a weird getup.
3. Archaic. concerned with or controlling fate or destiny.
Paul22000 said:
- 9 dictionary results
/wa??rd/ Show Spelled[wahyuhrd] Show IPA
1. equipped with wires, as for electricity or telephone service.
2. made of wire; consisting of or constructed with wires: a wired barrier.
3. tied or secured with wires: wired bales of wastepaper.
4. strengthened or supported with wires: a sculpture of wired papier-mâché.
5. Slang. tense with excitement or anticipation; edgy.
6. equipped so as to receive cable television.
7. connected electronically to one or more computer networks.
- 3 dictionary results
/w??rd/ Show Spelled [weerd] Show IPA adjective,-er, -est, noun
1. involving or suggesting the supernatural; unearthly or uncanny: a weird sound; weird lights.
2. fantastic; bizarre: a weird getup.
3. Archaic. concerned with or controlling fate or destiny.
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LoL I was thinking of doing the exact same thing but I felt bad about it
read my mind
use adb to remove the music app and reinstall it.
Alright, my bad, it was a typo
ap3604 said:
LoL I was thinking of doing the exact same thing but I felt bad about it
read my mind
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I almost feel bad. So I'll be helpful:
OP you should post in Cyanogen's thread:
Alternatively click Search this thread and type in headphones. It looks like many people are having the same issue. Looks like a bug in Cyanogen's mod.
Are you using any task killer apps?
yes, I use the advanced task killer free version
alwnan said:
yes, I use the advanced task killer free version
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Check this out:
distortedloop said:
i can confirm reproducing this with using the taskiller app. my question is this... is it possible that this isnt a bug at all but a problem with the app? maybe how the app actually kills the process? i tried to get the music to start playing with the same method above only instead of using taskiller, i used the phones own task manager(found in settings, applications, running services). the music would not start playing back by itself after 15 tries in a row. BUT, i did notice something each and every time. after each time i killed the process, i yanked my headphones out of the jack. as soon as i pulled them out, the music process music(media playback services) would start up again. no music would play, but it would start back up. if i didnt pull out the headphones, the music services wouldnt start. and if i killed it after it restarted it wouldnt reappear. cm 5.0.4
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It's not just killing it with a task killer. i was just using task killer as a quick way to get Music to load up in a "virgin state" so to speak, since the issue also happens if you reboot the phone and the Music app hasn't been opened to actually play something. Verified that this morning getting into the car...Music started playing after disconnecting from Bluetooth playing of BeyondPod, even though I'd never opened Music since a fresh boot this morning.
I suppose Music is just auto-loaded by the system so it's ready and waiting to go should you happen to want it? I have a lot of apps that show as running in task managers that I've never opened since a fresh boot.
P.S. - part of the problem with this one is everyone's having a slightly different method to reproduce it. I couldn't reproduce it with the method the original guy said to try, but found my own 100% reproducible method. I also never had the startup music playing on bluetooth disconnect, and couldn't reproduce it at all, but now two days in a row, disconnect from the car in the morning when I got to the office, and music starts playing. Odd.
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Click the thread and click Search this thread for "headphones" for more info.
Paul22000 said:
- 9 dictionary results
/wa??rd/ Show Spelled[wahyuhrd] Show IPA
1. equipped with wires, as for electricity or telephone service.
2. made of wire; consisting of or constructed with wires: a wired barrier.
3. tied or secured with wires: wired bales of wastepaper.
4. strengthened or supported with wires: a sculpture of wired papier-mâché.
5. Slang. tense with excitement or anticipation; edgy.
6. equipped so as to receive cable television.
7. connected electronically to one or more computer networks.
- 3 dictionary results
/w??rd/ Show Spelled [weerd] Show IPA adjective,-er, -est, noun
1. involving or suggesting the supernatural; unearthly or uncanny: a weird sound; weird lights.
2. fantastic; bizarre: a weird getup.
3. Archaic. concerned with or controlling fate or destiny.
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The "edit" button is a life saver

Poor streaming music quality in 2.2

I cannot find another thread discussing this, but apparently the switch to StageFright in 2.2 ruins streaming music quality. What's the best way to rollback to 2.1? I cannot believe such a basic problem, affecting such a basic feature of the phone that I use everyday, was allowed to be rolled out in 2.2 (I understand this is Google's issue and not HTC's). This sort of lack of quality assurance will easily drive me away from this platform.
What are you streaming music through? Pandora? You using headphones or through your stereo? I'm just curious, because I have not experienced a (perceived) degradation in quality. Perhaps if I listened back to back between 2.1 and 2.2 I would be able to hear it, but at least in my headphones (full sized..not earbuds) I don't hear any difference when using Pandora in Froyo.
Rhys'Droid said:
What are you streaming music through? Pandora? You using headphones or through your stereo? I'm just curious, because I have not experienced a (perceived) degradation in quality. Perhaps if I listened back to back between 2.1 and 2.2 I would be able to hear it, but at least in my headphones (full sized..not earbuds) I don't hear any difference when using Pandora in Froyo.
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I'm using Slacker through the aux jack in my car stereo, although I tried Pandora as well with similar results. I'm sure everyone's mileage may vary, but I mentioned StageFright because that is what I've read is the cause of the issue on Google's boards (bug with streaming AAC audio).
What is making you notice the reduced quality? Just want to know what to listen for so I can corroborate whether or not I have the issue as well...
Rhys'Droid said:
What is making you notice the reduced quality? Just want to know what to listen for so I can corroborate whether or not I have the issue as well...
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Appreciate you checking it out. In the car, it sounds a bit muffled. There is a lack of bass and clear highs. Also quieter. The best way I can describe it is what it would sound like if 3G was lost and the bitrate was suddenly dropped.
Rhys'Droid said:
What is making you notice the reduced quality? Just want to know what to listen for so I can corroborate whether or not I have the issue as well...
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I've been having quality issues with streaming audio (Pandora) on my .3 EVO
It used to be quite crisp and clean but it's fairly horribly muffled now.
I'll check it out this evening in my car, but I'm not noticing any difference with my can earphones. You running the stock OTA Froyo or a modified ROM? I'm running the stock OTA, I did a factory reset after the OTA installed and reinstalled all my apps (including Pandora). I'm running it (Pandora) with "high quality" enabled. I don't know if that stuff makes any difference, but it is worth noting. sounds fine, I haven't noticed any difference there.
I also noticed this with Pandora driving home. I switched to high quality stream back to normal and it fixed it.
One new pain is that if you are using the updated google navigation it completely pauses pandora from streaming....
This has been mentioned in several threads.
Most recently,
(which even though was created yesterday is already on the 10th page of Q&A).
There's a few earlier threads in which people mentioned 2.2 hosed their streaming audio quality, with the usual answer being a link to a thread on the Nexus One forums on how to temporarily disable StateFright because it uses a (supposedly) bad AAC decoder.
I noticed a drop in streaming audio quality myself on Slacker and Yahoo Music when I went to the leaked ROM... sounds like listening to AM radio or a low-bitrate stream.
I'm not sure if it's the AAC decoder, or if perhaps that Slacker/Yahoo do not recognize our device anymore and are sending a low-bitrate stream.
EDIT: I should also note, I do not have any issues with Pandora... it sounds that same as it always has, at least to my ears.
Here is the fix for the audio problem with hq pandora and 2.2.
Yeah I'm not interested in the "fix," I shouldn't have to root the phone to restore basic functionality and it also breaks other stuff. If Pandora's "high quality" setting sounds okay, maybe there's something Slacker could do to restore high quality in 2.2. All I know is, I'm really tired of things that work perfectly fine getting botched in updates. It seems to be a lack of quality control on Google's part, and it doesn't make for a good OS.
r546 said:
Yeah I'm not interested in the "fix," I shouldn't have to root the phone to restore basic functionality and it also breaks other stuff. If Pandora's "high quality" setting sounds okay, maybe there's something Slacker could do to restore high quality in 2.2. All I know is, I'm really tired of things that work perfectly fine getting botched in updates. It seems to be a lack of quality control on Google's part, and it doesn't make for a good OS.
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I totally agree with you. The pandora hq sounds horrible without the fix. To my ears it is worse than the normal on 2.1, unfortunately there is not a system out there that doesnt botch things up from time to time.
While I agree that this type of oversight is pretty much bull**** I doubt google has anything to do with this. This reeks off htc.
Now if it's screwed up on the n1 too that's a different story.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
This is also a problem with the Sirius app
Everyone STOP!
This is a known bug.
Cyanogen, Sprint, HTC, and Google are all aware of this. Just sit down, shut up, apply the patch, and be patient.
To apply the patch, just open your /system/build.prop file and edit the line
and run the command (or reboot)
adb shell setprop media.stagefright.enable-player false
from your ADB directory, or
setprop media.stagefright.enable-player false
from the shell on your phone via Terminal Emulator or ConnectBot.
drmacinyasha said:
Everyone STOP!
This is a known bug.
Cyanogen, Sprint, HTC, and Google are all aware of this. Just sit down, shut up, apply the patch, and be patient.
To apply the patch, just open your /system/build.prop file and edit the line
and run the command (or reboot)
adb shell setprop media.stagefright.enable-player false
from your ADB directory, or
setprop media.stagefright.enable-player false
from the shell on your phone via Terminal Emulator or ConnectBot.
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I did that about a week or two ago.
drmacinyasha said:
Everyone STOP!
This is a known bug.
Cyanogen, Sprint, HTC, and Google are all aware of this. Just sit down, shut up, apply the patch, and be patient.
To apply the patch, just open your /system/build.prop file and edit the line
and run the command (or reboot)
adb shell setprop media.stagefright.enable-player false
from your ADB directory, or
setprop media.stagefright.enable-player false
from the shell on your phone via Terminal Emulator or ConnectBot.
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Yes, we know it was a known bug.
What is annoying is that while the fix is known as well, HTC didn't bother making the fix before broadcasting it to every EVO owner on the planet. God only knows how many other tiny things they have probably fixed or updated and held the official 2.2 release off for, yet they let a known bug that makes nearly every streaming music application sound horrible through?
Also, your posted fix requires root access, which AFAIK is not yet available to people with the leaked .3 or the official OTA .6 software. Which, again, makes you wonder why HTC bothered releasing either knowing this was still an issue.
this was supposed to quote so delete this post
kwajr said:
U or deff not a good listener this issue is widely know
Sent from my EVO using XDA App
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And you definately lack reading comprehension, as that point has already been made several times in this thread.

Car cradle app

Running dl30 and the car cradle app doesn't work 100%. The navigation,voice search,map buttons state no activity found when pressed. Any fix for this by any chance without replacing with old car cradle app so the car dock auxiliary out will work!?
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je2345 said:
Running dl30 and the car cradle app doesn't work 100%. The navigation,voice search,map buttons state no activity found when pressed. Any fix for this by any chance without replacing with old car cradle app so the car dock auxiliary out will work!?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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sounds like you are on the leak rom. that cradle app is for touch wiz crap. try flashing the gapps package from adrynalynes superclean post or just falsh the superclean rom. then flash the gapps package. you need to have the stock music app to run the car cradle aux port.
Adrynalyne's gapps package isn't on his post?
BSayre18 said:
Adrynalyne's gapps package isn't on his post?
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no its not. it was there i swear! does anyone know where to get a current gapps?
its on jt's!!! use his gapps.
Double Twist works with the car dock 3.5mm
smilepak said:
Double Twist works with the car dock 3.5mm
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never heard of it. market? do you still need the other 2 files that install with the tw music app?
Is there a way to make audio come out the usb if I don't use the Car Dock app?
I think its pretty stupid to turn off audio just because I leave the car dock app. (I'm not talking about removing phone just exiting the app to go to home screen)
piiman said:
Is there a way to make audio come out the usb if I don't use the Car Dock app?
I think its pretty stupid to turn off audio just because I leave the car dock app. (I'm not talking about removing phone just exiting the app to go to home screen)
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i dont think so. its desgined to work for car cradle.
piiman said:
Is there a way to make audio come out the usb if I don't use the Car Dock app?
I think its pretty stupid to turn off audio just because I leave the car dock app. (I'm not talking about removing phone just exiting the app to go to home screen)
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The audio will still play via the usb even if you click exit.
gunnermike said:
i dont think so. its desgined to work for car cradle.
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It is in the car cradle they make you have the car home app up to make the audio go out the USB
fwdixon said:
The audio will still play via the usb even if you click exit.
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Not. On mine as soon as you click exit the sound reverts to the phone speaker. if you use the task switcher you can get to other apps you started outside the car app and still have sound. But on mine when you click exit the sound goes out the phone speaker.
smilepak said:
Double Twist works with the car dock 3.5mm
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Any Music player will work with the 3.5mm the problem is you have to turn the phone around in the cradle so the usb isn't in the way. Which I've done since I got the thing.
This is now only sort of working for the Captivate. Turns out there are two problems, at least there was for the Cappy, and I presume the same problems will probably exist for the Fascinate. It will take someone with moreknowledge about the differences than I, but the above has the kernel modifications required to support USB Audio out, as well as the only known carcradle.apk to support it (Rogers Froyo release).
It is still a work in progress, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. What is required to allow i9000 kernels to work on the Fascinate I cannot say, though I suspect JT would know since he is working on CM.
Google Car Home
I don't like Samsung's Car Home app. It sucks. The good thing about it is it has the audio out button in Froyo DL30.
I like Google's Car Home app. To get audio out of the car dock, I have to dock the phone to bring up Google Car Home. Start the stock Music app. Select a song to play and press pause. Once in the song player view, I select the button to play audio through external speakers. Leave the Music app by pressing the Home button which takes me back to Google Car Home. From here, any app will play through the car dock audio jack (Navigation, Pandora, Tune-In Radio, etc.).
It's a lot of steps, but the built-in Samsung app doesn't give me the flexibility I want in a car dock app. There are also some times when I don't want the audio to come out of the car speakers, so that button is necessary (I guess).
Google Car Home:
funny, I have gapps installed and my car home still doesn't recognize any music player...although I have the stock one AND doubletwist. It finds an app for all the other icons, just not music. Sadly it's the one I care most about so I won't use it unless someone knows how to map an app to the button. I'll give Google car home a try I guess.
hitman_dreams said:
funny, I have gapps installed and my car home still doesn't recognize any music player...although I have the stock one AND doubletwist. It finds an app for all the other icons, just not music. Sadly it's the one I care most about so I won't use it unless someone knows how to map an app to the button. I'll give Google car home a try I guess.
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Same problem here....EB01/SuperClean 2.2 Voodoo. The only workaround I have, at least for the moment, is to go through the gyrations that DeezNotes described.
Must be a slow night around my house
So I dug into the EB01 package, found the CarCradle.apk, got into the .DEX, decompiled it and looked at the sourcecode. Here's what I found:
The CarCradleMain.class file appears to setup the Music app as follows:
Intent localIntent4 = localIntent1.setAction("android.intent.action.MAIN");
Intent localIntent5 = localIntent1.addCategory("android.intent.category.LAUNCHER");
Intent localIntent6 = localIntent1.setClassName("", "");
catch (ActivityNotFoundException localActivityNotFoundException3)
int k = Log.d("CarDock", "No Activity found : music");
this.mToast.setText("No Activity found : music");;
While I'm no Java developer, this leads me to believe that the source of our 'No Activity found : music' message is that the system is unable to find either "", or "". Since I believe that is universally used by all Android music apps, I'm guessing the problem is that it can't find "", probably something Samsung specific.
Could someone check my logic here? Could we not fix this by replacing .MPMainTabActivity with .MusicBrowserActivity which is present in the Music app bundled with SuperClean 2.2/EB01?
Just hoping to get this I've stated, I'm no Java developer and am quickly getting out of my depth with this stuff.
MJMcMahon said:
Must be a slow night around my house
So I dug into the EB01 package, found the CarCradle.apk, got into the .DEX, decompiled it and looked at the sourcecode. Here's what I found:
The CarCradleMain.class file appears to setup the Music app as follows:
Intent localIntent4 = localIntent1.setAction("android.intent.action.MAIN");
Intent localIntent5 = localIntent1.addCategory("android.intent.category.LAUNCHER");
Intent localIntent6 = localIntent1.setClassName("", "");
catch (ActivityNotFoundException localActivityNotFoundException3)
int k = Log.d("CarDock", "No Activity found : music");
this.mToast.setText("No Activity found : music");;
While I'm no Java developer, this leads me to believe that the source of our 'No Activity found : music' message is that the system is unable to find either "", or "". Since I believe that is universally used by all Android music apps, I'm guessing the problem is that it can't find "", probably something Samsung specific.
Could someone check my logic here? Could we not fix this by replacing .MPMainTabActivity with .MusicBrowserActivity which is present in the Music app bundled with SuperClean 2.2/EB01?
Just hoping to get this I've stated, I'm no Java developer and am quickly getting out of my depth with this stuff.
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Correct. turns out to be the Samsung music player. Now in a case like this, we have a choice: Install the Samsung Music Player, or hack the car cradle for Musicmod, which is included in Superclean.
If you folks were having such an issue with Car Cradle in superclean, you should have brought it to my attention sooner.
Thanx Adryn....apologies for not bringing it to your attention sooner. I just bumped to 2.2 yesterday and needed to confirm the root of the problem.
As for the solution, whatever's easiest for you. If I had my preference, I'd like to continue to use MusicMod. The ultimate, of course, would be the ability to have it reference the activity based upon a selection made by the user from a number of the most popular music players. This would also address the requests by some to have Pandora built into the car cradle app!

Task Manager kills Live Wallpapers

So I am currently running the latest version of Fascinate Community ROM and whenever I do a "Level 2" ram clear whatever Live Wallpaper I'm using gets killed, resulting in a black screen behind my desktop.
I can although change to a different Live Wallpaper and go back and the original will work.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Am curious why you would be doing a lvl two cache clear enough that it would be a problem?
As am I. If you are using it to save battery life and attempt to fully close programs there are countless ways of doing this which are easier and better.
These is a reason it is killing your wallpaper..... you are telling it to.
gkirby11 said:
As am I. If you are using it to save battery life and attempt to fully close programs there are countless ways of doing this which are easier and better.
These is a reason it is killing your wallpaper..... you are telling it to.
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Yes I am telling it too, but on my Mesmerize ROMs it restarted right away with my launcher.
The reason I do a level 2 ram clear is because level 1 doesn't close any applications. Plus, some apps run as services and I don't want to have to go into Services but to end them one by one.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
The problem with that is that those services just start back up. There are some that I think only load on boot. Why not just uninstall what you are trying to close instead. Wiping the cache isn't exactly a normal way of closing apps.
Think of ur phones memory as a chalk board.. ur phone write the programs down one by one.. till it fills up.. then it erases the least important app.. and writes over it.. u do a level 2 wipe.. its trying to write with both hands to catch back up, then most likely you hit home and it has to throw a 3rd hand it doesnt have to try to open ur launcher.. last thing it thinks of is ur walpaper. being its least important.. u shouldnt be doing wipes like that.. its not nessisary.. just close open programs if ur having problems.. actually hurts bat life more than it helps
I'm not saying I'm doing this very often but at times i have to.
For example, about half the time I unplug my headphone jack from whatever I'm using a random song starts playing. It will not stop, the music player doesn't show up as running and a level one clear doesn't stop it, level two does. The music will play behind anything else I do i.e. phone calls, other music, even during shutdown until it actually turns off.
Also, battery life isn't the reason I do it, I am currently only using about 43% battery medium use running unplug for 12-17 hours because of my undervolt settings. I understand the concept of clearing the cache, it's just as I stated there is a need from time to time and it's incredibly irritating to not have a live wallpaper after stopping the ghost music.
Also, as I said this (ghost music and live wallpaper problems) never occurred on my USCC Mesmerize ROMS only this VZW Fascinate ROM (Community ROM V1.2).
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
I'm not suggesting that it is the most likely possibility but it could be a physical problem with your 3.5 jack. A short in the jack can cause some funkyness playing songs and other audio. While back I had the og droid which suffered from this. If I moved the cord at all mp3s, podcast, pandora would all go crazy. Had to get a replacement. Since then I have tried to avoid ever plugging anything up to that jack when it is in my pocket. Bought a blue tooth to 3.5 adapter to protect it.
Again not saying that this is your problem, just that it is a possibility to be aware of. Concerning the issue with the music playing, not the wallpaper ofc.
MattRussNC said:
I'm not suggesting that it is the most likely possibility but it could be a physical problem with your 3.5 jack. A short in the jack can cause some funkyness playing songs and other audio. While back I had the og droid which suffered from this. If I moved the cord at all mp3s, podcast, pandora would all go crazy. Had to get a replacement. Since then I have tried to avoid ever plugging anything up to that jack when it is in my pocket. Bought a blue tooth to 3.5 adapter to protect it.
Again not saying that this is your problem, just that it is a possibility to be aware of. Concerning the issue with the music playing, not the wallpaper ofc.
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Yea I think this is the problem, a buddy of mine still has the og droid and says the if he moves the jack around music will start and stop. I think it's partially hardware and software because android has the ability to pause when unplugged and to resume when plugged back in.
The live wallpaper problem is only a temporary problem until I get that fix. I think I'm gonna call samsung for a replacement under warranty because my screen also has burn in and that is covered as well.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
So I decided the other day to take a look at the running services while the ghost music was playing and noticed Winamp was running and as soon as I stopped it the music stopped.
Update: I uninstalled Winamp and have used an 3.5mm jack for music unplugging and re-plugged in with no problems.
- Swyped on my USCC Mescinate ED01 running Com ROM

Nexus 7 To Replace Head Unit

Good afternoon,
So after seeing a bunch of videos and out of boredom I ordered almost all the pieces to make the switch. Was amazed by how simple it was until I noticed that the OTG cable was not supported by the Nexus 7? And that to my understanding I would have to root and install a custom rom in order to do this?
Well I did some research and found timurs rom and installed it. Well noticed gapps wasn't installed. Went to install gapps then I spent an entire Saturday trying to get it to work with no avail. I'm not skilled in this line of work. Alot of the articles I'm finding are from 2012 -14.
Just wanna make sure I'm making the right steps not sure if there has been a new way of doing this or possibly an easier method? Would greatly appreciate it if someone could assist with this.
I would love to have GAPPS on which ever ROM will give me the requirements to install the Nexus as my head unit. Im just not entirely sure how to get it to work proplery. I apologize for my lack of knowledge in advance.
List of parts
-nexus 7 (wifi)
-radio harness
-usb hub
-dac (behringer UCA222)
As well as some other misc items such has a volume knob, just awaiting the Amplifier.
Thank you for your time, hopefully someone can help me with this :good:
So from what I've gathered Autodroid is the newest rom, just downloaded it. Will be giving it a shot tonight. If someone could help me with Google apps and installing it on there that would be awesome!!!
BlackenWkN7714 said:
So from what I've gathered Autodroid is the newest rom, just downloaded it. Will be giving it a shot tonight. If someone could help me with Google apps and installing it on there that would be awesome!!!
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For Autodroid, look for from Here.
I had issues with OTG+Charging with Autodroid, but the more i have been tweaking and trying different things, I think the high temperatures were what caused the tablet not to charge. Monitoring the battery, I have noticed when the temp is over say 110* F, it will not charge, but will hold the charge and not drain the battery. The lower the temp gets the faster it starts charging.
I would suggest not converting to F2FS if you plan to use OTG. I could not get it to work properly.
I'm currently running LineageOS 14.1 with Powereventmanager 1.8 installed. This has been working well for me the last week or so, but some issues have me wanting to go back to Autodroid. One issue i've noticed lately with LineageOS is the sound quality doesn't seem as good as Autodroid. It sounds decent for my factory system, but what bugs me is the volume control is not sensitive enough, its either way too loud or too quiet. There may be ways to fix this though, as i have not had time to research a fix. I dont run a DAC, I run my tablet via bluetooth to a headunit hid behind the tablet, so you may not have this issue.
Another issue i have is with PowerEventManager. It will put the tablet to deep sleep, but usually not the first time i turn the ignition off. I have to turn the ignition back on then off, then it will trigger powereventmanger. No big deal, but is a pain since i have to constantly make sure it does go to sleep.
You can also add the volume control buttons to the nav bar through the "buttons" setting. You can add media controls too. This works well for the most part, but there are times the icons disappear, though the control is still functional. I think this issue is caused by my icon size, but not 100% sure.
B|acknd said:
For Autodroid, look for from Here.
I had issues with OTG+Charging with Autodroid, but the more i have been tweaking and trying different things, I think the high temperatures were what caused the tablet not to charge. Monitoring the battery, I have noticed when the temp is over say 110* F, it will not charge, but will hold the charge and not drain the battery. The lower the temp gets the faster it starts charging.
I would suggest not converting to F2FS if you plan to use OTG. I could not get it to work properly.
I'm currently running LineageOS 14.1 with Powereventmanager 1.8 installed. This has been working well for me the last week or so, but some issues have me wanting to go back to Autodroid. One issue i've noticed lately with LineageOS is the sound quality doesn't seem as good as Autodroid. It sounds decent for my factory system, but what bugs me is the volume control is not sensitive enough, its either way too loud or too quiet. There may be ways to fix this though, as i have not had time to research a fix. I dont run a DAC, I run my tablet via bluetooth to a headunit hid behind the tablet, so you may not have this issue.
Another issue i have is with PowerEventManager. It will put the tablet to deep sleep, but usually not the first time i turn the ignition off. I have to turn the ignition back on then off, then it will trigger powereventmanger. No big deal, but is a pain since i have to constantly make sure it does go to sleep.
You can also add the volume control buttons to the nav bar through the "buttons" setting. You can add media controls too. This works well for the most part, but there are times the icons disappear, though the control is still functional. I think this issue is caused by my icon size, but not 100% sure.
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Hey thanks for the response!!
I ended up getting timurs rom to work. I attempted to go with Autodroid but it would never load up. Attempted timurs rom and it worked and figured I'd try gapps and finally it worked perfect and I have no issues now.
Now I'm trying to find the best method to incorporate Bluetooth to the car. I'm replacing my entire head unit with the tablet. I wanna be able to play music from my phone and have it come out of the cars speakers.
Any suggestion on that?
BlackenWkN7714 said:
Hey thanks for the response!!
I ended up getting timurs rom to work. I attempted to go with Autodroid but it would never load up. Attempted timurs rom and it worked and figured I'd try gapps and finally it worked perfect and I have no issues now.
Now I'm trying to find the best method to incorporate Bluetooth to the car. I'm replacing my entire head unit with the tablet. I wanna be able to play music from my phone and have it come out of the cars speakers.
Any suggestion on that?
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Autodroid, you have to flash the kangaroo kernel after you flash the rom. there are people that say you have to flash a version of SlimKat and dirty flash Autodroid over it, but i never had to do this.
Check out HeadUnit Reloaded. it is an Android Auto clone. allows you to make a receive calls, stream music from your phone. There is a 5 minute trial, so make sure you have everything set up before you give it a try.
I've been debating on switching to a DAC, just so i can have better volume control. Something about using software buttons for control is just a pain. I've also thought of hard wiring my removable face from the head unit to somewhere it is accessible, but not sure i want to go through the trouble.
Have you thought of just using the phone as a hotspot and using your tablet for everything else? This is what i do and it saves me from having to fidget with my phone all the time.
Another tip for you, though i dont know what DPI Timurs rom is set at, but on AutoDroid I always increased the DPI to make things on screen larger and easier to control, since it is in a vehicle. I believe i had mine set at 230..
I'll be switching back to Autodroid this evening. the bugs i encounter using LineageOS have just been too much to deal with. Worked great for awhile, just need something more stable and worry free.
B|acknd said:
Autodroid, you have to flash the kangaroo kernel after you flash the rom. there are people that say you have to flash a version of SlimKat and dirty flash Autodroid over it, but i never had to do this.
Check out HeadUnit Reloaded. it is an Android Auto clone. allows you to make a receive calls, stream music from your phone. There is a 5 minute trial, so make sure you have everything set up before you give it a try.
I've been debating on switching to a DAC, just so i can have better volume control. Something about using software buttons for control is just a pain. I've also thought of hard wiring my removable face from the head unit to somewhere it is accessible, but not sure i want to go through the trouble.
Have you thought of just using the phone as a hotspot and using your tablet for everything else? This is what i do and it saves me from having to fidget with my phone all the time.
Another tip for you, though i dont know what DPI Timurs rom is set at, but on AutoDroid I always increased the DPI to make things on screen larger and easier to control, since it is in a vehicle. I believe i had mine set at 230..
I'll be switching back to Autodroid this evening. the bugs i encounter using LineageOS have just been too much to deal with. Worked great for awhile, just need something more stable and worry free.
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I have thought about being able to supply a hot spot with my note 5. I found ways of getting around it without rooting it but those have seemed to be disabled. Still hoping to come across a simple way of doing it without paying for it or rooting the phone since I'm currently on the "lease program". I plan to keep the phone once I'm finished paying on it so I believe I should have an issue. I just don't wanna end up screwed if for some reason I have to turn it in and I get hit with a large fee since it's rooted.
I will definitely look into that app, can it be connected thru Bluetooth or just wifi? If wifi I will have to wait until I figure out how to make my phone wifi tethering enabled.
Also I though of an idea, I have found the Bluetooth devices for everyday car stereos. Box with usb to charge and an aux to plug into the car audio. My Dac has an input and an output. I'm currently not using the input since it's all thru usb. I'm wondering if I can hook up the $20 Bluetooth piece and then aquire a female 3.5 aux cable to make rca and hook that up to the input on the dac.
BlackenWkN7714 said:
I have thought about being able to supply a hot spot with my note 5. I found ways of getting around it without rooting it but those have seemed to be disabled. Still hoping to come across a simple way of doing it without paying for it or rooting the phone since I'm currently on the "lease program". I plan to keep the phone once I'm finished paying on it so I believe I should have an issue. I just don't wanna end up screwed if for some reason I have to turn it in and I get hit with a large fee since it's rooted.
I will definitely look into that app, can it be connected thru Bluetooth or just wifi? If wifi I will have to wait until I figure out how to make my phone wifi tethering enabled.
Also I though of an idea, I have found the Bluetooth devices for everyday car stereos. Box with usb to charge and an aux to plug into the car audio. My Dac has an input and an output. I'm currently not using the input since it's all thru usb. I'm wondering if I can hook up the $20 Bluetooth piece and then aquire a female 3.5 aux cable to make rca and hook that up to the input on the dac.
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I'm not sure about Bluetooth with Headunit reloaded... you can use USB. To be able to make and receive calls, you have to have it connected to a "Bluetooth headset" according to their page, but i think this is just for phone calls.. I could be wrong though. I've been curious if my head unit would act as a "headset" since my tablet is connected through Bluetooth...
One day I will buy the app and play with it more, I'm just cheap
About your DAC, I dont see why that wouldn't work. I've read of people using stand alone Bluetooth adapters with their DAC. But like i said before I dont know anything first hand when it comes to DAC's.

