Email sync via 3G NOT wifi even though available - HD2 General

I have looked and looked, and cant seem to find a solution that works for me. I am with Telstra in Australia (why do Telstra like to make things so difficult??)
My problem is that my Outlook Email will only sync with exchange via 3G even though there is a working wifi connection availalable. I get heaps of mail so I am rapidly going through nearly 1G of data each month - even though I am on a good package this is not ideal!!
From my understanding of this thread ... I updated the Broadcomm Network Adaptors to Internet (they were Work), and then deleted the proxy settings for the Telstra Internet connection.
BUT still my mail is updating over 3G and not wifi. I can access Internet etc over wifi though.
Interestingly, I can only update Bigpond mail over wifi and not 3G. Thats not a big deal as I get minimal mail to that account and I am happy to check it at home - its the Outlook email thats chewing up heaps of data that I worried about.
I hope that I cant be the only one with this problem so if anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it! (I know it will be one check box deep in the phone settings, I just dont know which one it is!)

That's how it works. Push (Activesync connection) needs a direct connection between the server and device, so that the server can page the device when it's got something for it. This wouldn't work through wifi, because when you're on wifi you're behind a router, which doesn't allow connections from the outside to reach your device. So Activesync will always want to use the data connection.
One thing you can do is NOT to set activesync to receive new mail when it arrives, but only manually or at time intervals, it might work.
Or, simply set it to download only the first 5kB of each message, which is always enough to see what the mail is about , and you can always click "download whole message" for those you need. If you manage to use 1GB with 5kB messages, you're really spending your life on your email box

Thanks so much.
You would think that if Blackberry and Apple have managed to get their email to push over wifi that MS could get Direct Push to work over wifi too!! I've disabled MS Direct Push and changed Active Sync to check every 5 minutes. So, its not quite the same, but its near enough for me!
Thanks again ... I will stop searching for the solution now (and will reduce the download setting too ...)

Sarah, same exact problem here, it really annoyed me, then only way I could have used wifi to sync my outlook, Gmail, etc(which have the same issue) is to set the phone to Airplane mode and then enable wifi, only then it will sync via wifi.
Thank you Kilrah, that was a very spot on answer - it is very apreciated !
Cheers !


Activesync schedule and standby

Hi everyone,
first of all i want to thank you all for the excellent work... this forum is really a gold mine...
Anyway, my problem is:
I set Activesync (the one in the phone) to syncronise once every hour with my company's Exchange server between 9:00 and 17:00. As my company entire building is fully covered by WiFi, I was expecting activesync would use WiFi to syncronise, and connected to GPRS when that is not available...
Insted, with my great surprise, Activesync uses always GPRS !
I think that when AS turns the devices on, it finds no connected interfaces - WiFi need at least 5 seconds to connect - so it connects to GPRS!
The only solution I found is to schedule an appointment with an alarm to the device is on (and connected) when AS syncronises, but this leave some ugly "scars" on my calendar...
Anyone knows a solution for this problem?
If I understand You correct You use the Universal for syncing. This means You use ASync 4.0 or 4.1. I recall that Microsoft changed (for security reasons) the way to synchronize with ASync. Bluetooth is still available, but WiFi is NOT available anymore.
Not a nice information, but should "solve" your problem. No sorry, that's not solve, but "answer".
Currntly WM5 prevent you to sync with your computer through WiFi, but syncing with Exchange server is working - if I start Activesync manually it syncs using WiFi. If I am too fast (and manage to click sync before the WiFi is connected), it syncs through GPRS.
OK, sorry for that.
I am the one here now receiving information, where I wanted to answer You. Thanks very much for that information, but sorry I cannot be of any help.
I tried to contact with our ExchangeServer. It works through USB whilst connected to my office-PC, but does not work through WiFi, GPRS or even while being connected through USB to my home-PC. I am quite sure it has to do with our Exchangeserver not being configured correctly so I stopped bothering (more important things to do
As I have NO sync with the exchange working through GPRS I am not even getting as far as You are, not even noticing the problem You mention.
Hope somebody else will be of more help.
If you are not able to connect from the WiFi network and from home, this means that your system administrator does not trust internet and wireless, so he let you only connect through the office wired network...
I have not tested that, but I believe that Exchange uses an SSL connection, which should be safe even if you are connected through an unencrypted channel...
Normal AS connections (USB for example) are not encrypted, and MS, in its infinite wisdom, think that the user is too stupid to setup a wireless network properly (to be honest, i am still not able to connect with the Universal to my WPA home network)
My/our system administrator is willing to let me in, but simply does not know the exchange server software well enough to understand where he is making a mistake. He offered me to try as he was sure that he prepared the system correctly, the result was a no-go.
When we both get some spare time (which hardly happenes) we will try out some more. As with the internal firewall, spending enough time looking through the microsoft information will finally solve the problem, it's just that lack of time.
Pity that nobody else jumped on this thread yet to help You,

Stop Push Email over GPRS when WiFi ON ?

Hello there folks,
After much reconfiguring of our exchange server, i have push email working!
However, i have found that occasionally when WiFi is on, the phone will still sometimes try to establish a GPRS data connection.
Does anyone know of a way to stop it doing this? I would prefer WiFi to be the prefered data path.
Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks In Advance
push mail doesn't work over wifi. You need to keep the GPRS connected for this. You can still activesync over Wifi, but push mail is depending on a cellular network.
ahhhhhhhh, of course.
what an idiot i am..... thank you
That doesn't make sense to me. Push should work better over WiFi.
Although I don't know for sure, I wonder if the fact your GPRS IP address and WiFi one will necessarily be different makes the Wizard hop back onto GPRS if that's where the push session was established.
If you cancel push, then establish WiFi and then re-establish push, does it still try jump to GPRS?
Out of interest, what tweaking did you have to do to the server? Our IS guys applied the service pack, and for a brief period, I tested push and it worked, now it seems to have stopped working. I can establish the session, but nothing gets "pushed". If I log in to Outlook, OWA and push, I can see my test messages land on the first two, but nothing on the Wizard until I manually sync it...
I'm not bothered by the fact that DP tried to re-establish my GPRS connection as much as the 8125 locking up whenever I enable WiFi while already in Direct Push mode. If I can figure out why that happens and stop it I can stop messing with my Wizard and actually enjoy it more.
M$ says that they can't support direct push over WiFi because the device turns off WiFi when in powersave mode which disables direct push.
I thought that was a lame reason and told them that at MEDC. We should be allowed to make that decision and direct push should adapt to whatever network connection we're using IMO.
This is not an issue of whether Direct Push should work over WiFi, this is an issue of not being able to use the device at all when WiFi is enabled while Direct Push is enabled.
If Direct Push wants to use a GPRS connection, fine, I don't mind. But I should be able to enable WiFi as well with no consequences, and Direct Push can still use the GPRS connection while the WiFi radio is on.
I have successfully tested this and it works. I was able to send my device an e-mail and have it notify me while WiFi is on, and when I browse the internet it uses the WiFi connection, not the GPRS one. But after a while of having both connections enabled, through some kind of bug or glitch the device will slow down till it eventually comes to a screeching halt.
There is no way that this is like this by design. If you can't enable WiFi with Direct Push enabled, then the system should force you to disable Direct Push before enabling WiFi or vice versa. But I believe it's a bug because even the WiFi icon has the ActiveSync animated connection when both connections are enabled, which leads me to believe that Microsoft had anticipated a WiFi connection being active while Direct Push is doing its business over GPRS.
Now, if you could please give all of that to MS, and maybe get some kind of reply I would be forever in your debt!
If you're getting lockups with WiFi/DirectPush then take a look here:

It's going out the window!

OK people, I know this site is supposed to be really great, but I have some simple problems, and I can't find the answers by browsing and searching this site. Hell, I can't even identify which phone I'm using....
I bought an XDA Mini S, so what's that called? A kangaroo or something I guess. anyway - I'm about to see if it'll survive being launched high into the air, that's for sure.
I have a home network, a windows small business server running exchange 2003, an ADSL router/firewall and some PC's.
ALL (!?) I want this damn thing to do is surf the network, and the internet whilst at home using a wireless connection. Then whilst it's out and about - to VPN back to home so I can do the same.
However, the set up of this thing is a right nightmare to understand, "My ISP", "My network", "Work", I can't seem to make logical sense of how this thing operates in a networking environment, and I do understand networks pretty well, so this is VERY vexing, hence why this is flying out the window soon.
Anybody feel they can spare some explanations as to how this thing is structured? If I click on anymore settings I might just go mad gibber dribble.
Paulsco - welcome to the board!
Not to sound like a father, but seriously, go and have a game of Call of Duty or something. That's what I do when I'm stressed. It's not worth throwing the thing out of the window. And if you are in a mood to get rid of it, throw it in my direction. I need a Mini S for development!
Ok, what have you done so far?
Have you got it browsing the net through ActiveSync yet?
Ensure that you can sync, then go to ActiveSync, File Menu, Options, and choose "This computer is connected to " The internet.
Then, ensure that your PDA is set to reflect this as well, the internet.
Then hopefully the two should permit you to browse the net through your ActiveSync connection. Try Internet Explorer on the PDA.
If and when you're doing that, then you can progress to wifi and VPN etc.
For wifi, I've always found this useful:
Paulsco said:
I bought an XDA Mini S, so what's that called?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's easy - it's the HTC Wizard.
HTC is the comapny that actually makes it and Wizard is HTC's name for it.
Thanks for the response!
That's for the advice - I think I have worn out all the games...
OK - so here is the sit. Make some tea and take a deep breath!
I've got my "wizard" to to most things, it'll sync with Exchange over wifi OR it will sync with a PC via bluetooth, but it won't do both. that's not a real issue though.
Also I can surf the internet via wifi, and I can do this via GPRS, but here is what I need to sort out:
I have two connections listed under settings>connections>connections
The first is the O2 GRPS My ISP connection, and the second is the "My work network" connection. I have defined a VPN to connect back to my firewall in this last connection, but I had to delete the O2 Active default connection in this connection because it kept dialing grps instead of using wifi.
In connections>advanced>network management I have both boxes set to "My work network". this prevents any GPRS calls, until I change the setting. Great, I'd rather not have to have done this, but it does seem to work...
Only thing is, when I am out I tried to connect back to the exchange box and I got from activesync "Your exchange account does not allow syncing, blah blah" which it obviously does because it works from the local network. I have opened all the activesync ports on the firewall.
I hoped to be able to connect the VPN, but this seemed to be impossible with my current config.
I need to be able to configure this so that I can browse my wifi network both locally and remotely. I have managed to get the VPN to connect, but I have no idea why this works sometimes and not others - when you click on connect, you get a beep...and nothing else, no error messages or anything.
So I want to get exchange mail whilst wifi'd: OK that worked this AM because I told everything to use "My work network" that has no GPRS connection defined, but when I wnet out I hthen changed the setting so that it dialed the O2 GPRS connection for Internet, then I got internet, but no VPN connection. then when I returned to the office, I had to soft boot because no matter what I dod, activesync gave me "cannot connect with current settings" - A soft boot cured that, but it's not a real great solution every time you return to the office.
Any help you can give me would be gratefully received! I'll happily bung cash to people for a solution!!!
thanks and regards,

Windows live connection problem

Hi, I have a very annoying problem with IPAQ 111 WM6.
I setup wi-fi and bluetooth (connect to my cellphone using tethering).
Now, I just turn on wi-fi and leave bluetooth off. I can surf internet, even wondows live site.
I pressed function key to start messaging, I can check my emails in Gmail and yahoo. But once checking windows live email (manfully click send/receive), it did not use current wi-fi, instead it tried to dial my bluetooth modem. Since bluetooth is disabled, it can not connect of cause. But it kept on trying and no way to stop it! ? No, there is a brutal way - soft reset.
I searched the forum and internet but could not find a clue. I suspect ce-star, but it turned out no the issue (I uninstalled it and problem still there).
Anyone experienced similar problem?
I have exactly the same problem with this **** live as i'm using EDGE at work and Wi-Fi at home, and when I turn off EDGE leave Wi-Fi to check my Live mail the Live tries to establish EDGE connection :/
I guess this way will work for ya:
1) turn off Bluetooth and WiFi
2) close (terminate) "Messaging"
3) start WiFi and wait when it connects
4) go to Start->Programs->Microsoft Live and tap on Synchronization
I guess you can always use step 4 as regular mail synchronization, DO NOT USE Messaging to synchronize
if your situation persists, you'd better delete your current Live account and re-create it at step 4, so that Live will be setup during WiFi connection only
Let me know if this helps, plz
Thanks but, no luck
Thanks for your information, I followed your steps but no luck.
I guess it is stupid windows live problem. At least it should stop after a few tries. It just keep on trying and used all the resource and I have to soft reset it.
I am so sick of it so I removed windows live messaging totally, hopefully I will not use hotmail too much.
x-X-x said:
I have exactly the same problem with this **** live as i'm using EDGE at work and Wi-Fi at home, and when I turn off EDGE leave Wi-Fi to check my Live mail the Live tries to establish EDGE connection :/
I guess this way will work for ya:
1) turn off Bluetooth and WiFi
2) close (terminate) "Messaging"
3) start WiFi and wait when it connects
4) go to Start->Programs->Microsoft Live and tap on Synchronization
I guess you can always use step 4 as regular mail synchronization, DO NOT USE Messaging to synchronize
if your situation persists, you'd better delete your current Live account and re-create it at step 4, so that Live will be setup during WiFi connection only
Let me know if this helps, plz
Click to expand...
Click to collapse

Scheduled E-mail Sync through Wifi - problem with standby?

Hi all,
I want to be able to sync my e-mails with an Exchange server and I want to do this through Wifi where possible to avoid using GPRS.
I had hoped to use push e-mail through Wifi but it seems that's not possible.
The next best thing therefore is to set up a schedule to get Activesync to do a sync every 15 mins.
I'm finding that even this isn't working as it should. I do get e-mails but it's definitely not syncing every 15 minutes and instead it only seems to sync when the phone is active for a decent length of time. I think the problem is that Wifi isn't active when the phone is in standby and hence activesync is only able to sync when I actually use the phone. Activesync does come up with error 85020006 which seems to be related to not finding a connection.
Is there a way to get Activesync to enable Wifi when it is due to do a sync? Or does anyone have any other ideas of how to get round this?
I did find a reg hack that is supposed to keep Wifi active in standby. The hack didn't seem to work and I don't think it's a good fix to this problem anyway since it will use up so much battery life. Really I just need Wifi to be active when Activesync needs it.
Any ideas?
Surely I can't be the only one that wants to do scheduled e-mail syncs through wifi?
i have same problem. did you find a solution ?
Any luck here?
I somehow managed to get this working on my d2 original 6.1 rom.
cant replicate it on dutty hgr 6.5 or stock 6.5
it automatically enabled wifi when syncing with eas server and then turned it off again.
i tested several options to enable wifi in standby, one of then fixend this on demand only wifi when in standby. i have not been able to replicate it again, i would like to have it again though. i disabled gprs and had a constant ping on the phone so i know it woke ut just in time to sync.
please let me know if you find out.
