4th digitizer gone bad - Touch CDMA General

Has anyone else had this trouble? I am on my 4th Vogue (Sprint) and each one has had the digitizer go bad along the right-hand scroll bar. I have had this latest replacement for less than 6 months. I have used screen protectors all but this last time (wondered if they might be the problem -- apparently not). I keep the phone in my pocket typically, but I can't imagine I am subjecting these phones to extreme conditions or use!
Just curious if anyone else has had similar trouble...

I'm on Vogue #5(soon to be #6), never had the digitizer go bad on any(lot's of cracked housings and sticky buttons). Maybe you need to make the screen more sensitive and press lighter on the scrollbar or upgrade roms to one with flick scrolling.

I'm on my 2nd Vogue, and a friend of mine is on his 3rd. All from digitizers. Luckily they extend the warranty every time you get it replaced.

Mine work just fine. If the screen goes bad on the same section all the time, it could be that you are pressing too hard to scroll. As someone else suggested, you may want to reduce the screen pressure threshold. Also, not keeping it in your pocket will save it from unnecessary damage. You can get a case for the Vogue for like 5 buck in Big Lots or even a Dollar Store may carry some. Good luck!


Screen Re-Alignment every day?

It seems that as of late I have to re-align my screen almost on a daily basis. It will be ok vertically, but horizontally it seems that it's always shifting.
Has anyone else ran into this?
Yep, I've run into it. Sometimes it can go days without having to realign it, other times I have to realign it every 15 minutes. Seriously. I thought it might have something to do with opening and closing the keyboard but it's been hit and miss so far. I can't prove that it and I can't prove that it isn't. Sure would be nice to figure out what it is, however, and have it fixed.
How do you carry your phone around? Do you keep it in a case on a belt clip or do you keep it in a front pocket of your pants? If you do not use a case then try it for a few days and see if this helps with the alignment problem. (Body heat and/or pressure on the screen may cause the alignment to drift.)
This is a know hardware defect. It should be covered by your warrenty. T-Mobile exchanged mine with no problem.
Mine had the same issue but it hasnt been an issue since the 2.26 update on Tmo.
I had my phone replaced and it's still having the alignment issue. This sucks bad. Realigning and resets doesn't help!
optical said:
I had my phone replaced and it's still having the alignment issue. This sucks bad. Realigning and resets doesn't help!
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Getting rid of magic button and vbar, if you run those apps, did the trick for me...I switched to wisbar desktop and ever since I have not had to realign my screen once in 2 months
I'm going to try this out and let everyone know. I'm having the terrible screen alignment problems (I at first thought that it was the keyboard and switching landscape mode) but I have magic button installed. Going to try the switch to wisbar lite and see if that helps. Does anyone know if the business card trick for the hermes will help with this?
I think it is a hardware defect, i have problems with mine, not only i have to re-align it often, my screen is also not responding to touch either. (from time to time).
Not to respond right away without extensive testing, but I did just put on wisbar lite and noticed a definite improvement in aligment (certainly seemed better than magic button) someone else should try this too and see if they notice an improvement.
I was having this issue for awhile. The card trick had helped on my previous 8125 but not this time. Carrying it in the case instead of my pocket seems to help quite a bit. The issue also seemed to be affected by pushing on the plastics around the screen so that might be a clue right there too.
Sounds similar to my fix of pushing on the plastics all the way around. I haven't really had this problem since I did so and I have only had to realign it a couple of times in the last few weeks.
my phone's alignment used to get screwed up multiple times a day.
I took the stupid stick on screen protector off it though and haven't had that problem nearly as often. I maybe realign once a week, and when I do, it's only because it's off just a bit.
I had alignment problems frequently a few months ago but it is all history now.
1) Fix current alignment problem.
Just make sure you confirm if it is a hardware defect first, by checking the tiny gaps between the touchscreen and the casing for dust particles. Use a high power scope(I work in a semicon backend company so no problems getting one). Clean the gaps all around the touchscreen. See if that fixes your alignment problem. If it does, then probably your screen has some electronic problems(claim warranty).
2) Protect your screen from pressure at ALL times except when you use it with your stylus or finger.
I carry my Wizard in my pocket with a plastic transparent plate covering the entrie screen(ala HP's RW6828 forgot that model already).. Have been doing this since last year and no alignment required since last year...
Just wonder why HTC doesn't make it an option of have the protective screen on their devices... Beats having a bulky casing..
Permanent fix for Alignment problem in 10 seconds
Well I read many posts and finally came to the conclusion that the best and permanent fix for the alignment problem is as under.
Slide out the keyboard, you will find 2 screws at the back. Loosen them and then retighten them but not as hard as they originally were but lightly.
Problem solved.
U will never see your screen misalign again.
software problem
The original Cingular wm5 rom had this alignment problem, I flashed NBD's WM6 v5.1 rom and it was fixed. I tried other wm6 roms with mixed results, some would get misaligned, others alignment stays perfect. Anyway the NBD rom just works, improves battery life, speed, I could go on all day.

help. My screen keeps misaligning very often.

My touch screen has been getting out of alignment quite often. 3 or 4 times a day. I'll go to use it after leaving it on standby, and the touch screen alignment will be off by a half centimeter or more. its making very difficult to use. Sometimes very difficult to even get to the settings screen to realign it. I'm using a screen protector and to use my fingers instead of the stylus often. could have of this be having an affect? or does anyone have any idea whats goign on? thank you for any help you can give me.
I had a similar problem as well. Its kinda scary. Do you think its a software error? or could it be hardware *gulp*
I had this problem with some devices I issued out at work. I put screen protectors on them, and all kind of weirdness happened, and the screen getting out of alignment was one of them. I removed the screen protectors, and the problem went away.
Wizard platform has often that claim from many users. I'm not sure if working without screen protector is suitable for you and don't know it will help. In my case it did not.
The problem of kJAMs is related to the screens HTC used on this version. Unfortunately there is not software remedy. Some users attempted to change their devices under guarantee. Some are telling newer ROMs make the error less frequently.
You may also use "fire button + messaging button" combination as a shortcut to screen alignment page if you must live with this. Better than nothing ?!
fixed my qtek 9100
Well my wizard used to go out of alignment a lot. But I basically ruined it when I stuck it in my golf bag one day and let it get partially crushed while half-open...
The screen started to flicker a lot (in addition to not registering touch inputs). after a week it was unusable except by me since I knew where to push to get it to work.
Anyways, I gave up and asked around Hong Kong for people who can fix these PDAs. I found a store that offered to bring it to a specialist (no name given) for $380 hkd (~$50USD). Figured I had nothing to lose.
It actually works almost like new now. The slider is tighter, and the screen doesn't go out of alignment at all. I'd almost say its perfect except the "specialist" "broke" my volume slider when fixing it. Its not major so I decided against taking it back to the store for further repairs (3 month warranty on their work). But it took 3-4 days for them to fix.
I figure someone with the screwdrivers and stuff can probably fix your problem. But I didn't have the guts to try it myself...
Four things you can do to help
1. After time dust etc... gets under the rim of the screen and adds to the misalignment problem. Get a piece of paper and put the corner under the rim and get all the dirt out.
2. Sometimes software causes the misalignment - in my case it was using vjtoggletoday - so check or your software particular ones that change your today screen e.g. wisbar etc...
3. You could do a hard reset and try device in factory state for a while to see if it is a software or hard ware problem
4. Update to the latest rom.
Thanks for your help guys. Even though i didn't like your answers. I tried cleaning dust from under the border of the screen. It worked well for now. but it hasn't been more than 12 hours. I hope it continues. If i cant get it to stop i might have to sell my phone on ebay. they seem to go for only 50 dollars less on ebay than i payed for it in the first place. I hate to ask this question. but what could i replace this phone wiht that wont have this problem. and has windows? Basically what would you suggest as a replacement. And not the TytTn because i dont think i'll be able to afford that one.
Thank you.
lets hope that i dont have to fish dust out of my phone every day.

Screen Accuracy Problems

The touchscreen on my titan is acting very problematically, with the screen slowly getting more and more inaccurate to touchscreen inputs, it's getting to the point where i have to use align screen 3+ times per day, and it's incredibly upsetting, is there any fix for this, or is it a hardware problem?
I'm not sure what it is but I too had that problem. After I flashed to DCD's 3.0.1 ROM,, the screen seems to be more stable. I still have to align screen every now and then. Do you you use your finger instead of the stylus? Sounds weird but I do that a lot and that might contribute to the problem.
Yeah, I do use my fingers on the screen a bit, with PointUI's Home, I don't see how that could cause it though o.o.
My I760 did that on two different phones. So i just got the xv6800, no problems yet except the ****ty video drivers-Or lack there of.
Okay, at this point the screen is going nuts, I'm probably going to have to send it off to sprint for a replacement at this point, as within 20 seconds of aligning the screen it's off by a good 5mm, and that number keeps rising.
Is you screen dirty? Along with using my fingers, my screen was dirty also. I just used a dry towel and clean the screen by blowing hot breath on it. Also, I bought new screen protectors. Yes it does seem odd that using my stylus and having a clean screen helped with my problem. Maybe my new ROM fixed the problem, I don't know. But its not as bad as it was before. Good luck.
Yeah, my problem was getting exponentially worse, off by about 6mm or so every time I'd align the screen, so I just returned it on my insurance plan.
Stylus vs Finger
If you are aligning your screen using the stylus and then using your finger for gestures and such the screen response is not aligned. You have to align with your finger in order to get a more accurate response because your finger covers so much more area than that tiny stylus tip.
I would alternate back and forth between the two, but to give an example of how severe the problem was getting, I would align the screen (with stylus) launch a program, and -already- the screen would respond about 4-5 millimeters down and 2-3 millimeters to the right of the stylus, which would make various tasks nigh-impossible.
I had the same issue and notice that it was mainly due to the fact that my screen was dirty as mentioned before. Sometimes you may even notice that your screen may not be dirty but remember that oils from our fingers and especially our ears when we talk can cause the alignment issues. Perhaps you can even change the screen protector and see if this helps. This should fix all of your issues assuming it is not an actual software problem. The one time that I did find the alignment to be a software issue, all I had to do to fix it was to callibrate the screen in both standard and panoramic view. I hope this helps...
Nah, it wasn't that, I tried cleaning off the screen with a microfiber cleaning cloth and everything, even removed the screen protector to see if that was causing it, it was a hardware defect.
Well I can say this.. I used to work for Sprint, Nextell, Verison, and ATT at various points. I know that with more of them, they usually send you out another device and you send your back. The think I love about ATT is that they will do this with a No Questions Asked policy except for the standard one involving abuse, water damage ect. After 3 defective devices, they will automatically upgrade you to another device.... Please make sure that the reasons are lagitimate so that this policy does not change but if you need to go through the hoops to get a better device that works.... Have at it. Do not take it to a store unless directed by the telephone people. Many people feel like they are techs because they own a ppc of some sort but they are not the ones that make the ultimate call. Let the corperate people make the decisions. Once you receive your device, immediately stress test it with all of the things that you will be doing with your device. Load and unload software, ect to make sure it works. If ther eis an issue, it ie better to notify them within the first 72 hours. I hope this helps again.

Touchscreen not responding, backup question

Hi all,
Looks like my Sprint Vogue is flaking out on me. The touchscreen is suddenly and without warning not working at all. Everything else works (all other buttons, activesync, all functions). I'd like to do a hard reset before giving up on it, but I'd really like to sync my contacts/messages/photos/etc before doing that. So here's the problem- I use Dashwire to sync, and I'm unable to hit the "SYNC NOW" button!
Any ideas on how to switch to and activate the bottom left and bottom right menu buttons without being able to touch them? For example, the Inbox and Menu buttons on the Mail app screen, or Album/Slideshow on the Photos and Videos screen? If I can get to those I'll be able to activate the sync. Any help would be great!
There is a application called "MyMobiler" which allows you to control your phone over ip/usb/bluetooth. If i remember correctly launching the installer on your pc while your phone is connected to activesynch will install it without having to press anything.
Awesome, thank you. That did exactly what I needed it to!
Once it finishes sync'ing I'll give the reset a shot and see if the screen is really borked or not.
No problem glad i could help. If the touchscreen refuses to work you might wanna try replacing it. The part is called a digitzer and they go for 15-20 dollars online. I bought one and it wasn't difficult at all to replace.
Yeah, that's the plan. Hard reset didn't fix the problem, so I'm guessing that part is busted. Between this site and PPCG I found the guide for taking apart the phone, so it's looking like I'll be doing some minor surgery in a few days.
bogus83 said:
Yeah, that's the plan. Hard reset didn't fix the problem, so I'm guessing that part is busted. Between this site and PPCG I found the guide for taking apart the phone, so it's looking like I'll be doing some minor surgery in a few days.
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How would the touch screen instantly not work?
maybe someone let it fall and put it back to normal like nothing happened
and i know what u mean.I dont wanna give up my vogue. EVER,
but im 15...by the time im 30, i wont remember what vogue is.LOL.
Actually, it seems to have developed a very small air bubble in the very upper left corner. I'm pretty sure that's causing the digitizer to think there's constant pressure in that area, evidenced by the "Start" menu occasionally activating when I turn on the phone. I ordered a new digitizer anyway- the set of torx screwdrivers I'd need to open the case cost the same as a new digitizer and the screwdriver I need. I don't really understand how the air bubble formed (or even what it is contained in), but one way or another I'll resolve the problem next week.
And I just turned 26- I'm sure by the time I'm 30 I'll be sporting a Touch Pro 4 running Windows Mobile 8.5
Well, the digitizer and tools came much faster than I'd anticipated (I won the auction on eBay on Friday, paid same day, and got it in the mail today, shipped from CA to NY!). So I dove right in. It was a straightforward affair- remove the four torx screws from the back under the cover, remove the speaker, pry open the front from the mainboard, disconnect the keypad circuit board from the mainboard and the digitizer from the keypad board, push out the old digitizer, swap in the new one and hook it all back up.
Not for the faint of heart to be sure, but for someone who likes to tinker it was a lot of fun. Took maybe 15 minutes because prying the case from the mainboard was difficult. More accurately, the top plastic case is extremely thin and fragile- if you do this you'll almost definitely crack it in at least one place. If not, you'll crack it pushing the digitizer out from behind. But I'm not that worried about cosmetics, I got my Vogue second-hand off-contract, refurbished, so it wasn't exactly mint to begin with.
On the plus side, the repair worked like a charm! I tested every touch feature I could think of and as many areas of the screen as I could, it actually seemed to respond better than when I initially got the phone. The odd part is I could still see the air bubble in the old screen, and couldn't flatten it out even by squeezing on both sides of it. I wish I knew how it formed so I could prevent it from happening again, but I'll just have to be careful.
So to anyone considering this project:
If you're worried about damaging the casing and have insurance or a warranty or something like that, take it to the phone company to get it repaired.
For anyone else, the $15 bucks for the screen and three tools is a lot cheaper than buying a new phone. Plus you get the geek cred for repairing your own phone.

Screen issue fixable without having to send back?

So I noticed a problem with my phone that there's a section right accross the top of the screen that is not reponsive to touch, it's probly about a 1/4 inch or so and don't care what I do seems to solve it. I kinda noticed it from day one before I rooted and put on CyanMod ROM on it but since I never put any games as such on there before cause it would slow it down some I hardly ever had to touch that section of the screen for it to bother or stand out to me. Now I'm rooted and all and put some games on and notice it big time.
So I was wondering if there is something some of the development people here can do to fix it via software or something instead of me having to send it for repair? I called HTC about it and they said I can send it in but it would be for repair (charged) rather than warranty because I've unlocked the bootloader.
What do you more experienced people think? Maybe for some strange reason the touch screen area on my phone was enterred wrong or something so it covers a smaller area and so could just be written to cover the proper area size? Just thinking but I have no clue how that stuff works. I have no other issue with the screen like what I read others complaining about, everything else lines up fine and works fine just this... Any help appreciated!
Is the screen firmly fixed at the top? Does it click at all when you press it?
Seems so, I checked all that but am nervous to try pushing any harder on it to be honest, no clicks
Edit: Even tried pressing that side of the screen outside the touch area and as close to the as possible, still no response and no clicks
The only reason I ask is that someone had an issue like that and used a hair dryer to warm it up and secure it...
Just a thought.. granted a wrong one :/
Was their's unresponsive in the upper part as well or just clicking? I have hot air soldering tools for doing BGA repairs on xbox360's, PS3's and even an iPhone just Friday I repaired. If something like that would work sure have better tools for it than a hair dryer but wouldn't want to do damage anymore than what is already done to make repair costs higher.

