Problems with correct library info - Touch Diamond2, Pure General

On both Pocket Player 4 and the built in music player, some of the music Genre's and artist names and other tag information is not rendered correctly. On Windows File Explorer the genre is correct under the Genre tab, but for some reason it won't render correctly on my topaz. I also just updated and fixed alot of the tag information on my songs so could the libraries be using old information and not updating? I have tried reseting my phone to clear old memory imprints, but it doesn't help. Also despite editing the tags on itunes, WMP on my computer renders the tags correctly, so I it is something to do with my phone rather than the songs themselves.

Does no one else have this problem? It's really annoying since I cannot sort my songs by genre.

Some info about it here.
There is a lot of info for ID3 tags if you search on it.


Music Issues?

I have this issue where my music seems to be in a great mess. Is it possible to somehow set the media player to view music folder by folder?
Perhaps you need to tag it properly? Mp3tag is a good program for that, if that is indeed the problem...
Erm...are there any guides for tagging? Because I have no idea what that is. Even though I placed the songs I wanted to together into the same album, I ended up with multiple albums with different songs but same album name,
Computers are like me, anal perfectionists. The name "This is an album" and "This Is An Album" an "This is an album" are 3 totally different things. If they are not correctly tagged, with EXACTLY the same name, they are not the same as far as the phone is concerned.
Tagging is simple, use mp3 tag, loads your songs and fill in the form fields (album, arsits, title ,etc then save. Make sure they are identical for each song by same artist/in same album.
To help make sure, select all similar tracks of the same artist or album together before you fill in that field, that way you ensure the exact same data is input in all of them.
Although it makes little to no difference to WM player I also sort my music into folders.
Music +
It's just good housekeeping more than anything and keeps things tidy and simple. Besides, some other program (S2P)actually sort by folder in their library view.
P.S. I also recommend mp3tag, it's pretty close to perfect. mean for the music to be in the same album, the artist must be the same? So exactly what are the factors that determine the music being in the same folder? (It goes by artists? Not by albums? And you mentioned titles. How can the titles be the same for all the music?)
Oh and despite the fact that I changed the tags for the albums, it somehow remains the same in itunes and the Media XPerience Panel. Oh and this is how I change tags. I highlight the whole set of music I want to place in the same album. I right click and press "extended tags". I then edit from there. Is that right? What do things like export/convert etc. do? (Oh and I do save.)
Only if you group them that way, of course if the artists are different just make sure the Album is exactly thesame on each track. I for example keep all compliation/etc albums in an artist called "Various".
That's the issue! I have edited the songs I want together by placing them into the same album by using "extend tag". And yet, The album cannot be found on the Media Xperiance and the Itunes.
No need
You shouldn't need to use the advanced tags, in fact I removed everything from advanced tags that was non standard leaving only album, artist, title, genre and maybe year. I also found that if I edited them directly on the card it didn't work. They aren't updated. I moved them to the PC, edited, deleted any files related to library on the phone then moved the music back.
I don't understand very well your question, because if you choose Menu - Open File - and then select your folder, but don't open it, click on "Read", it reads the files that are in the folder you selected.
But I recommend you doing playlists from your PC with Windows Media Player and synchronize them with your phone. Or there is a nice freeware, MPlayListManager which can create playlists directly on your phone.
Anyone have a Mac solution to this? I use iTunes as my library manager but it seems to me the music information isn't edited by iTunes.

SE Media Application ID3 Tags

Hello, I'm a proud owner of X2, but I think it's the same on X1. I've put some music on the MicroSD card and tried to play it using this Media. I noticed that some ID3 Tags were wrong, so I corrected them, replaced the files, and then wanted to play it again, hoping everything is ok now. However, all the mistakes remained.
I figured by myself (doesn't neccessarily have to be true, though) that this Media must have got some small database where the full destination of every MP3 with it's ID3 Tags is saved to speed up the loading of your music. Then Media just checks whether the file is there and if it is then it uses ID3 Tags from it's database disregarding any changes. So my question is how can I force a whole new check of my MP3s? According to my theory I would just need to delete the database and I've already tried looking through the registry and files of this application and deleted some suspicious items but without success. They were always created instantly after I executed Media and the Tags didn't change. So can someone help me, please?

Windows Media Player Library Question yesterday I was really bored and decided to go through all the music on my storage card. I used to have a ton of tracks in a folder for "Unknown Artist". I went through that folder and looked at every file and placed it in the correct folder for the artist. My logic was that I would be able to find the tracks easier in the Mdedia Player library. However, even after making these changes the library remains the same. I even tried deleting the file and the library is still the same, even after switching to a brand new phone! What am I doing wrong? Is there a way to get my library "fixed"? Thanks for the help!
Media Player retrieves the ID Tag information from each track and adds it to the library database. Try using a tagging application (ex: TagScanner) to edit the tag metadata in your audio files. Once you're done, try indexing the library again.
hilaireg said:
Media Player retrieves the ID Tag information from each track and adds it to the library database. Try using a tagging application (ex: TagScanner) to edit the tag metadata in your audio files. Once you're done, try indexing the library again.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
miked, you're simply trying to organize your music by what folder it's in, but the media player (WMP as well as most others) does it by what's in the ID3 tags...and obviously you have a bunch of mp3's that don't have the artist filled in there. Like hilaireg said, your best bet is to use a batch-tagging app, TagScanner, TagRunner, Media Monkey, etc...that will get at least most of them done for you automatically, you may still have to go back and clean up a few manually to get them all (and any of those apps make even that part easier)
Thank you for the suggestions!! I have spent the day "fixing" my music collection and now it is perfect!

Music album question

Hi, I am using the internal music player solution which I find a very nice one. Nevertheless, I am used to having playlists based on my music folders and not on album data found in the id tags (which leads to fragmentation). Is there any way to achieve this? If not, do you know any program to make all mp3s in a folder to "belong" in the same album?
Thank you!
I think Mortplayer by default arranges them into folders.
Really you should just use something like mp3tag to properly tag your collection. I used to have everything in folders with disorganised tags, its easier over multiple devices having a properly tagged collection (I have mine on PS3, PC, change phones every few months).

[Q] MP3 ID3 tags

I've uploaded a bunch of albums a couple of times now, reformatted the micro sd in between and copied them again but each time I've done it the SGS music player refuses to see some ID3 tag information and marks songs as Unknown artist etc.
Opening the files directly when connected to the PC with an MP3 tagging program shows them fine and no different than the other songs. When I edit them directly on the phone with iTag the info is there and I just need to resave it for it to then show up correctly in the music player.
Anyone had this? Is it an issue with ID3 tag formats supported perhaps?
From what i remember there are two types of id3 tags. Version1 and 2. It may only be compatible with one of those tags. I know my hero only read v2 tags.
Sent from my HTC Hero using Tapatalk
It had both, and all the other songs, even on the same album, were formatted exactly the same.
Not sure, as said, the tag info was there when I used iTag to update it, just wasn't/couldn't be read in the music player. Once opened in iTag and saved back out it was read fine. Odd. No worries though.

