Microsoft offers first Google Android mobile phone app - Nexus One General

Microsoft has made an application that works with Google's Android phone.
Called Tag, the free software uses a handset's camera to turn it into a mobile barcode reader. Read more

craigacgomez said:
Microsoft has made an application that works with Google's Android phone.
Called Tag, the free software uses a handset's camera to turn it into a mobile barcode reader. Read more
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Thanks man, but most of us follow Android news too.
No need for us creating threads for every news story we come across.

uansari1 said:
Thanks man, but most of us follow Android news too.
No need for us creating threads for every news story we come across.
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Thanks for the post OP. I did not hear about it as I do not follow all the Android news. Keep the posts comming.

uansari1 said:
Thanks man, but most of us follow Android news too.
No need for us creating threads for every news story we come across.
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I know... just felt the Microsoft bit needed some attention...

Can't download Tag app
Anyone else having trouble downloading this app? I can't find a hit for Tag by searching in the Market. When I go to, it looks like I'm redirected to the Market, but the Market app crashes...every time.
Using latest Cyanogen ROM on N1.


[App] Beta testers wanted: Free Windows mobile App

Hi all,
We're a new here. We wanted to extend our app to Windows Mobile/Pocket PC and need about 50 beta testers.
Download free here:
We would prefer to discuss here in this forum since you are already registered here, simply reply below.
More info here and here.
Please note, this is NOT a live app just yet and is meant for beta testing only.
This app will be 100% free-to-use once launched.
Thanks all!
how about telling us some info about the app first
What does the program do?
burtcom said:
how about telling us some info about the app first
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Sorry about that here's some info:
Sounds interesting, downloading now.... and will report back.
tvrtim said:
What does the program do?
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Allows you to follow smartphone news. As well as searches the web for news based on any keywords of your choice and pushes news to you as it comes out.
You can also add URL's from any site for example: would subscribe you to pushed updates from this forum.
tvrtim said:
Sounds interesting, downloading now.... and will report back.
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Thanks much
I have it installed. I cannot add anything to the feeds like blogs or anything like that. It is very nice to look at but it is not finger friendly. Could you please tell me how to add blogs and or rss feeds or is that the part that isn't live. Is there anything specific that you want feedback on?
ptfdmedic said:
I have it installed. I cannot add anything to the feeds like blogs or anything like that. It is very nice to look at but it is not finger friendly. Could you please tell me how to add blogs and or rss feeds or is that the part that isn't live. Is there anything specific that you want feedback on?
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You should be able to find this under the "My Feeds" Tab.

My Life Is Android Beta

I'm starting a site called MyLifeIsAndroid
It's basically a social network for Android users.
You can post your own blog, photos, videos, and have your own page.
Im looking for some beta testers. Click this link and sign up
Also if anyone could throw out a logo for the website that would be appreciated!
hmmm, any more details?
A social network for Android users? I laughed.
Isn't there like a million of these already??!!
I'm curious what you want to do. you wanna create something like a forum? or maybe a android app.
i like to test it, pm me
Mokurex said:
Isn't there like a million of these already??!!
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Always room for a million more!
You can count me in for the beta test...
Who ever wants to test it out click this link and sign up
And no its not a forum, its like a facebook
If I signup, do I get a forward facing camera for my N1? Me wants!!!
I signed up to the site for support of your project. Will venture through it in a moment.
seems pretty cool. i already signed up.
lilchip85 said:
seems pretty cool. i already signed up.
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We're working on adding new features and make it more appealing to the eye
peliROJO said:
If I signup, do I get a forward facing camera for my N1? Me wants!!!
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LOL poor guy messed up his rep with that post
This is a site that I could definitely see myself becomming accustomed to checking out on a daily basis. I love the idea!!
Hey I like the site. I have started uploading a few pics. Maybe i'll put up a vid or two.
Thanks guys!
kobecamp2009 said:
I'm starting a site called MyLifeIsAndroid
It's basically a social network for Android users.
You can post your own blog, photos, videos, and have your own page.
Im looking for some beta testers. Click this link and sign up
Also if anyone could throw out a logo for the website that would be appreciated!
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Dude you need to buy a domain anx get a host and develop something if you plan to ever get any kind of user base.
Humm... Do you share Cracked/copy_protected/hacked apps in your "new site"? Shame on you...
Lysin said:
Humm... Do you share Cracked/copy_protected/hacked apps in your "new site"? Shame on you...
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Not anymore
donniesd said:
Dude you need to buy a domain anx get a host and develop something if you plan to ever get any kind of user base.
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Just purchased the domain, I have a host.

App Inventor: It begins!

just got my confirmation from google, app inventor is up and running! i think it would be a good idea to maybe get a thread goin for everything app inventor/a help page for using it. just a thought
Dear Google,
I'll give you a cookie.
I go one, I tried it, turns out I still fail :')
I got mine a couple of weeks ago. It will definitely take some learning on my part. Fun though. It would be nice to have a thread for tips and tricks. I wrote a little about it on my blog, link below in my signature.
I signed up for it a couple weeks ago. Do I have to be a registered developer in order to receive the invitation?
Got my invite too.
I didn't get my invite but I am able to get in and create projects.
difrnt said:
I didn't get my invite but I am able to get in and create projects.
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care to explain?
Blueman101 said:
care to explain?
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I'll explain. he is a current member and opened a new account just to see the 100's of people that are going to ask the same thing. congrats, you are No. 1
sstang2006 said:
I'll explain. he is a current member and opened a new account just to see the 100's of people that are going to ask the same thing. congrats, you are No. 1
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Wrong... but nice try.
I simply was logged into my Google account and went to the app inventor page there was a my projects link on the top. I clicked it, I was able to access app inventor. As a word of caution make sure you have the app inventor extras installed prior to trying to use the blocks, it can / will be kind of screwy if you don't.
Now we'll need a new section on XDA..
xda-developers > Android Development and Hacking >Android CrApps
khaytsus said:
Now we'll need a new section on XDA..
xda-developers > Android Development and Hacking >Android CrApps
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lolz. has anyone actually successfully made an app using this?
Made the tutorial hellopurr app in about 5 minutes...the install was about 4mb though
I'm able to log in with out an invite too. Cool!
I've made some little things with it.
I need it to be able to parse RSS, or at least XML, before I'm able to implement any of my actual wanted-app ideas with it, though.
Hi All,
We just enabled another batch of accounts for access to App Inventor.
Due to some technical difficulties the email notifications may be
delayed. So if you requested access, please feel free to try to login
at to see if your account is enabled
For those people who have not yet been granted access, we appreciated
your patience as we ramp up access to App Inventor.
The App Inventor Team
khaytsus said:
Now we'll need a new section on XDA..
xda-developers > Android Development and Hacking >Android CrApps
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I don't know, I think it does have SOME potential. Believe it or not, there are people like me out there with VERY limited java experience that have some neat app ideas. I'm looking forward to seeing what I can do with the inventor.
I do agree that everybody and their mother will probably be making the stupid "click the cat to hear a purr" app knockoff .
There should be a marketplace filter for app inventor apps so you know what you're signing up for haha
Devastatin said:
Hi All,
We just enabled another batch of accounts for access to App Inventor.
Due to some technical difficulties the email notifications may be
delayed. So if you requested access, please feel free to try to login
at to see if your account is enabled
For those people who have not yet been granted access, we appreciated
your patience as we ramp up access to App Inventor.
The App Inventor Team
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So what I just read: Google can't send emails.
I tried it for giggles, nothing for me. I guess I'll have to wait to make those fart machines.
unknownrebelx said:
I do agree that everybody and their mother will probably be making the stupid "click the cat to hear a purr" app knockoff .
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¿Click the cat to hear a purr?
Got my invite as well. Give it a whirl tomorrow while I need to pass some time.

X10/Android unpleasant surprises

A friend of mine lent me X10 so I can experience (huh) all the beauty of Android. To make it short I was actually disappointed to find, that al least on X10 you have to be connected to the internet and create an account to use a simple calendar. I have never found anything like this on other phones. Also applications can only be installed on-line, no downloading for later installation :-/
So I'd like to ask if there are any other surprises like these of which I should be aware of in case I decide to switch to Android.
I can use my calendar without internet connection.
And ''off-line downloading''? i really do not understand.
If you want to download something you have to be online.
@berbecverde : i think he meant offline installation...!!
That's exactly what I meant
Biges said:
To make it short I was actually disappointed to find, that al least on X10 you have to be connected to the internet and create an account to use a simple calendar.
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That's incorrect.
Biges said:
Also applications can only be installed on-line, no off-line downloading for later installation :-/
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That too is also incorrect.
Biges said:
So I'd like to ask if there are any other surprises like these of which I should be aware of in case I decide to switch to Android.
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You're going to find plenty I guess as you know clearly know very little about it, so instead of posting your false assumptions here, do some reading first.
Some sites offer apps that can be downloaded to the PC/smartphone and then you can transfer and install/just install them.
Give him a break! In time he will learn how great Android is. He just opend his mouth too soon...
well cut him some slack... he's new to Android....!!
let him us the device for a few days... he might like it as well...!!
To OP:
I see from the bottom of your post you are/were using WinMo 6.1. Unlike WinMo 6.1 Android does not have offline syncing of your data, in that way they are the same as the IPhone. I think everyone is moving in this direction including Windows Phone 7 so you better get use to it .
Sorry if you felt I was harsh, but still recommend you do some reading.
They say two things in life are certain: Death and Taxes.
On this forum two things are certain. Users will ask questions without reading the forums, and XperiaX10iUser will point out that you should read the forums before asking questions.
Reeonimus said:
and XperiaX10iUser will point out that you should read the forums before asking questions.
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Yep, and if I was mod I'd happily enforce the rules that state that's what you should actually do in the first place. You can count on one hand the amount of threads I've started to ask questions.
+1 on that xperiax10user... Too much crap on here now to find the useful stuff.. it's a right royal pain in the ass..
But back to the OP's question.. Android is going to be different to anything you've used before.. somethings will be better, something will be worse (but mostly you'll find an app that does exactly what you want.. so there really won't be many of these!).
Android operates through google.. in a similar way to the way iphone needs an itunes account.
phoneguy 4567 said:
To OP:
I see from the bottom of your post you are/were using WinMo 6.1. Unlike WinMo 6.1 Android does not have offline syncing of your data, in that way they are the same as the IPhone. I think everyone is moving in this direction including Windows Phone 7 so you better get use to it .
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Except there are a few offline syncing programs out there - missing sync is one, and it's not bad.
Reeonimus said:
XperiaX10iUser will point out that you should read the forums before asking questions.
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and k1sr will usually give you a curt answer, with some lame attempt at humour....
Well i have no data plan yet xD and it was so confusing, annoyinng,etc to found out that all my prepaid credit were spent cause of the phone, took me 1 month to find it out and fic it
Does the Google Market allow you to download apps but not install them with any other Android phone?
The Apple AppStore doesnt let you do this unless you buy/download stuff through itunes on your computer first?
What a stupid question...

How to get app reviewed and increase the downloads??

People who has downloaded the app used it have given good rating and feedback. But still downloads are not at all increasing.
All my request to app info sites for review has not been replied or they will ask for money
Looks like there is no scope for good developers with no budget
prakash.jai said:
People who has downloaded the app used it have given good rating and feedback. But still downloads are not at all increasing.
All my request to app info sites for review has not been replied or they will ask for money
Looks like there is no scope for good developers with no budget
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That's not true: if the app is worth it will be reviewed by some important site such as xda portal (for free) and will start getting a good amount of downloads. Of course you need to keep on promoting on the forums etc.
By the way, what's your application?
elban said:
That's not true: if the app is worth it will be reviewed by some important site such as xda portal (for free) and will start getting a good amount of downloads. Of course you need to keep on promoting on the forums etc.
By the way, what's your application?
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I don't know it was my experience till now. Had sent review request for several sites but without any luck.
BTW my app is True Launcher on Play
prakash.jai said:
I don't know it was my experience till now. Had sent review request for several sites but without any luck.
BTW my app is True Launcher on Play
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I can't find it. Maybe there is a problem with the distribution settings in the developer console?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
I've had more success sharing my app on Reddit and tweaking the keywords in the description than with review sites myself.
I have also added a review prompt in the latest version which seems to be helping so far, fingers crossed.
pathetic sessaal
elban said:
I can't find it. Maybe there is a problem with the distribution settings in the developer console?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4[/QUOTE
I can see True launcher as first result in the play as well when i searched on google it is coming as fist result
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dotnick said:
I've had more success sharing my app on Reddit and tweaking the keywords in the description than with review sites myself.
I have also added a review prompt in the latest version which seems to be helping so far, fingers crossed.
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I will try in Reddit
any other sites where i can try
elban said:
That's not true: if the app is worth it will be reviewed by some important site such as xda portal (for free) and will start getting a good amount of downloads. Of course you need to keep on promoting on the forums etc.
By the way, what's your application?
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node to the explaination. :cyclops:
AnTuTuLabs said:
node to the explaination. :cyclops:
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I got some downloads after creating a link in reddit. Thanks
prakash.jai said:
I got some downloads after creating a link in reddit. Thanks
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Google Play has some free channel to help developers promote their apps, but that requires some downloads in some days or something like that.
So, you can try make cooperation with someone, and recommand your app via partner channel.
then you may have the chance of listing in Top New Free to Google Play. :laugh:
AnTuTuLabs said:
Google Play has some free channel to help developers promote their apps, but that requires some downloads in some days or something like that.
So, you can try make cooperation with someone, and recommand your app via partner channel.
then you may have the chance of listing in Top New Free to Google Play. :laugh:
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How to find or where can i find the partner channels ?
prakash.jai said:
How to find or where can i find the partner channels ?
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I think here XDA forum is also a place for hunting partners :lol
Getting some websites to review your app sure can be challenging. Those websites get hundreds of emails a day and it is hard to scan through all of them, but some of them might pick you up on the offer.
I personally posted on Reddit and it didn't get much attention...I might need to try it again, but maybe people didn't like the app...
AnTuTuLabs said:
Google Play has some free channel to help developers promote their apps, but that requires some downloads in some days or something like that.
So, you can try make cooperation with someone, and recommand your app via partner channel.
then you may have the chance of listing in Top New Free to Google Play. :laugh:
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What channel are you talking about? is it Top New lists or something else?
Congratulations for your successful apps, i see that you've done a great job with them and it pays well
Any recommendations for partener channels?
AnTuTuLabs said:
Google Play has some free channel to help developers promote their apps, but that requires some downloads in some days or something like that.
So, you can try make cooperation with someone, and recommand your app via partner channel.
then you may have the chance of listing in Top New Free to Google Play. :laugh:
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Sorry, what do you mean with "some downloads"? 10k? 100k? Thank you..
I believe that the best always rises to the top.You do not even need to market your app.It only takes a man to download your app and get the ball rolling.If your blog is interesting and useful,you don’t need to do much else.Example of this is the popularity of Instagram.
kevin619 said:
I believe that the best always rises to the top.You do not even need to market your app.It only takes a man to download your app and get the ball rolling.If your blog is interesting and useful,you don’t need to do much else.Example of this is the popularity of Instagram.
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This only works for some very special cases; for the others, a bit of "push" is necessary.
To my mind, the quality of the app does evrything by itself.
We had the same problem after we have launched (
We found out that the best way is to approach our users who were engaged with the app.
We thought of a compelling way to ask them to rate us at the store /share the app with a friend/ tweet etc and it worked beyond our expectations...
Bottom line - when you ask someone who likes you nicely at the right time you are much more likely get respond.
We have since decided to develop it to a product which other developers can use -
Right now Reddit is a good way to promote your app, but best way is here in XDA.
Also, post it on forums allways can help a lot, since most of review sites are not free....

