Move Homescreens With Leap - Nexus One General

I haven't seen this posted on the forums yet but on Desire roms if press home or pinch to go into Leap where you have an overview of your screens you can long press to move them around.

Er, well, yes? It's a known feature ever since Sense was demonstrated in video on pre-release Legend and Desire units. Neat feature and one of the reasons I'm using a Desire ROM, myself.

Didn't know you could do that! Thanks! Even though I moved back to CM5 until MoDaCo drops a Beta


DHD or Nexus S

After using HTC Magic for 1.5 years I'm seriously considering getting a new phone. My two main options are Nexus S and DHD.
How are your phones treating you guys? Would you recommend going with a DHD or the S?
Sent from my Gingerbread on Sapphire using Tapatalk
You asking this in the Desire HD forum, what kind of answer do you expect?
Go with the Desire HD of course lol
I've thought about grabbing a nexus but there it's just too little going on in their development thread to make me want to. I'm wondering if, in these challenging economic times, a lot of devs are sticking with the nexus one. After all the nexus s is only a small jump ahead in spec.
The worst thing about the nexus s is that there are no sense roms. I've come to the conclusion that sense is just better. I mean vanilla aosp doesn't even include a fm radio and this is 2011. What are you thinking Google?
Someone swyped my idea.
By using default Sense as your launcher you gain two things:
1. HTC Widgets
2. General integrity with your phone UI
Main downsides of Sense:
1. Application space in home screen dock, you cannot add any application to Sense dock
2. Missing eye candy: e.g. home screen transition effects
3. General smoothness. Sense is actually very unsmooth. You might not realize this if you haven't used LauncherPro, which is the smoothest launcher at the moment
Only real thing I lose by not using Sense are HTC widgets. But I've found a corresponding replacement for every HTC widget I want. Even the lovely "Sync All" widget.
So basically if you look at the pros and cons of Sense UI, it really makes me laugh when people say "Sense just makes sense"
Fihlvein said:
By using default Sense as your launcher you gain two things:
1. HTC Widgets
2. General integrity with your phone UI
Main downsides of Sense:
1. Application space in home screen dock, you cannot add any application to Sense dock
2. Missing eye candy: e.g. home screen transition effects
3. General smoothness. Sense is actually very unsmooth. You might not realize this if you haven't used LauncherPro, which is the smoothest launcher at the moment
Only real thing I lose by not using Sense are HTC widgets. But I've found a corresponding replacement for every HTC widget I want. Even the lovely "Sync All" widget.
So basically if you look at the pros and cons of Sense UI, it really makes me laugh when people say "Sense just makes sense"
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Funny you say that. I find launcher pro to be slow and a bit buggy at times. Everytime I have flashed a aosp rom, I have always gone back to stock HTC sense. I find it better and has a nice UI and integration.
As for the question, having asked in the desire HD forum, your going to get a biuased lean towards the desire hd of course. Having said that desire HD ftw .
A few weeks ago I was due an upgrade so was in a similar position - DHD, Nexus S or Galaxy S. On paper each one had things I liked so I did a few weeks worth of reading reviews, checking out videos, checking them out in a shop, looking at development progress on XDA etc.
In the end I went for the DHD, mainly down to:
1/ Build quality. HTC build some very nice phones, the DHD being no exception. It has a nice weight to it and feels like the expensive piece of equipment that it is. The SGS and Nexus S on the otherhand, felt like cheap iPhone copies. Really quite plasticy and flimsy looking.
2/ Sense UI. It's what sold me on HTC phones in the 1st place and I love how it integrates with the phone. I've always dabbled with other ROMs and launchers but in the end I'm back on Sense. It's not perfect but using a custom ROM like Android Revolution HD you can get it super smooth and if transition animations are your thing then you can add those too... along with most other mods and customisations.
3/ RFS, GPS issues and lag. Go check the SGS section for details.
4/ Samsung seem to release phones and then stop supporting them, whereas HTC seem to be a little bit better at this.
That's probably as unbiased as I can be... so go buy a DHD and well see you back here soon
The NS has got week specs..... its just a N1 with a samoled screen and a SGS inside lol
CitizenLee said:
4/ Samsung seem to release phones and then stop supporting them, whereas HTC seem to be a little bit better at this.
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the NS has nothing to do with samsung after it leaves the factory, its the official google developer device, so all updates and support come straight from google.
AndroHero said:
the NS has nothing to do with samsung after it leaves the factory, its the official google developer device, so all updates and support come straight from google.
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I was generalising about the very similar situation I found myself in. See 1st paragraph
CitizenLee said:
I was generalising about the very similar situation I found myself in. See 1st paragraph
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duh sorry mate i was speed reading lol
AndroHero said:
duh sorry mate i was speed reading lol
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Haha... no worries, it's easily done.
If I had a £1 for every post I've misread I could buy us all a new DHD
Tbh Sense was the thing that got me sold on HTC phones in the beginning, now after 3 different HTC phones and more experience with flashin and other apps I defenatly cant say i have not found any better launcher app than ADW EX, its so many custom ways to use it, including expanding number of apps on homescreen, dock layout of choice etc, the best is if you get yourself Beautiful widgets or simular and other cool stuff, you can match HTC widgets easy, the thing i miss is really the deep integration with the apps and OS none other has managed.
DHD without a doubt. I find HTC kit extremely reliable. I think the nexus S looks too plasticy.
I had 4 nexus s phones and all had faults... in the end I gave up and got a wonderful HD.. best move ever... The nexus s is the sexiest phone in the world, but performance wise it isn't a scratch on the HD. Of my 4 nexus s, 3 had weird colour changes on the screen due to the curved glass and one had really poor wifi, the weird colours was strange, one had a piss green hue, and another had a purple haze, not at all like the cool blue of the Samsung galaxy s. But my 4 phones was from the first batch The DHD is a 9/10 and the nexus s is a 7/10. And the 7 points is because its the prettiest phone in the whole universe
Sent from my Ginger Garnished HTC Desire HD
Rosjer said:
Tbh Sense was the thing that got me sold on HTC phones in the beginning, now after 3 different HTC phones and more experience with flashin and other apps I defenatly cant say i have not found any better launcher app than ADW EX, its so many custom ways to use it, including expanding number of apps on homescreen, dock layout of choice etc, the best is if you get yourself Beautiful widgets or simular and other cool stuff, you can match HTC widgets easy, the thing i miss is really the deep integration with the apps and OS none other has managed.
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spb are working on mobile shell for android, i got my beta testers email the other day i think this could be the first sence beater

Can't adjust the volume after close the display?

After tried all the roms in NADA way, i find the volume can't be adjusted when i close the display. This means that i had to touch any key first when listening the music, then i can adjust the volume.
I remeber there has same problem in some htc hero rom. But i can't find the solution for HD2.
Hope it can be solved by someone.
winnerxu said:
After tried all the roms in NADA way, i find the volume can't be adjusted when i close the display. This means that i had to touch any key first when listening the music, then i can adjust the volume.
I remeber there has same problem in some htc hero rom. But i can't find the solution for HD2.
Hope it can be solved by someone.
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As far as I know that is how all of them work... unfortunately. However, if someone does know a way around this, that would rock!
It's most definitely not standard, Digital Outcast! A couple of ROMs have this bug (or is it a feature?), just try some others.
MDJ's Gingerbread 2.6 sure has functioning volume buttons with a disabled screen, and it also features long-press to skip tracks (w/ screen off only).
StephanV said:
It's most definitely not standard, Digital Outcast! A couple of ROMs have this bug (or is it a feature?), just try some others.
MDJ's Gingerbread 2.6 sure has functioning volume buttons with a disabled screen, and it also features long-press to skip tracks (w/ screen off only).
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Wow really? I guess all the ROM's I've been running are "bugged", hah!
I would love those features... but are those available in 2.3 (Gingerbread) only? Is that maybe what it is?
Of all the roms I've tried (and that's quite a few) I have only experienced it 2-3 times. Granted, Sense builds never lasted more than a couple of hours so I can't vouch for them, I'm more of a stock guy.
I suppose you gave up trying after a few roms without it
It's been a feature for a very long time, I think even the stock 1.5 rom of my ol' HTC Magic had it.
Just feed your phone some Cyanogenmod love. Not only is it a wonderful ROM, the community behind it is should be an example for other communities and even companies.
StephanV said:
Of all the roms I've tried (and that's quite a few) I have only experienced it 2-3 times. Granted, Sense builds never lasted more than a couple of hours so I can't vouch for them, I'm more of a stock guy.
I suppose you gave up trying after a few roms without it
It's been a feature for a very long time, I think even the stock 1.5 rom of my ol' HTC Magic had it.
Just feed your phone some Cyanogenmod love. Not only is it a wonderful ROM, the community behind it is should be an example for other communities and even companies.
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Yeah, I should. CM roms are so clean and fast, I've used them before and always go back and forth. Even have one backed up with CWM when I feel like trying it out again. I just always tend to go back to the HTC roms because I like some of the HTC apps and widgets. I'm sure I could find replacements but never really care to look that far into it.
Clean indeed, yet one of the most fully featured available.
First of all, Gingerbread stock looks pretty slick. Sense still has some pretty good apps, bust most have nice replacements.
Fancy widget is similar to the cliché weather widget. I barely used it but it's popular and well featured, free version available on market.
Dialer One is a popular dialer, similar to the HTC one. Wasn't quite on par with HTC dialer in terms of design, but that may very well have changed by now.
The paid version of LauncherPro (#1 home replacement app imo) features some very nice widgets: facebook, twitter (and a combined one), calendar, contacts, ... Even without these widgets the free version is still a winner, beats the Sense home app handsdown!

Discussion on a Landscape Sense Rom

I would like to openly discuss the possibility of a Landscape Sense Rom.
When I am at work, or in my car, I always have the phone sideways either using the kickstand or in a pocket in my dash. This layout just seems more natural to me as the keyboard is bigger in this orientation. I would rather scroll up-and-down to read emails/txt/anything than sliding left-to-right and then sliding down to get more info.
I wonder if it would be possible to port the EVO Shift or Merge to the EVO and hard code the Rom to think that the keyboard is out. If I remember correctly, when I played with the Shift, the Sense home screen would switch to LS when the board was out.
We all know that there is, buried deep down in the files, an LS options in Sense. We've all seen the occasional "glitch" when exiting an app and Sense displays in LS for a second or 2.
If I had the skills, I would take this on in a heart beat. Unfortunately I do not.
As I said, I would like to start an open discussion on the subject. Thanks for your time.
Landscape sense? Do you mean Landscape Rosie because plenty of roms already support this or this can also done with Launcher Pro.
I forgot its Rosie. LauncherPro does do landscape, that's correct. But I haven't seen the ability to run Rosie/Sense Widgets in LauncherPro.
AOSP/plain Jane Android is nice, but it is nothing like HTC's package.
And while HTC continues to update that package, I believe they are missing a key option.
Have you checked out the Flyer port? Landscape, and consistently updated
I am actively following that topic, but am wondering why it is taking a tablet rom to get this accomplished.
I can't wait for Plattypus to get that working.
But one option doesn't really cut it. I see a ton of Sense/Rosie roms that are needing to be resized to fit the res of the EVO, and not one trying to take advantage of our HTC cousin slider phones.
Check out mikg 2.5 rom does landscape, and superfast cant go wrong. Its solid, stable, and in my eyes the best
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
I'll recommend Syngery, but I believe most of the gingersense roms have this feature
Sent from my Synergized Evo with aggressive Freedom using the XDA app
Does any of the sense 3.5 roms have landscape support.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

From sense to touchwiz

Always had HTC phones currently the desire HD,been waiting to see what they had to offer and have to say the x1 doesn't do it for me,so thinking of jumping ship and waiting for the SGS3.thing is I really like HTC sense.So to any former HTC user now with the SGS2 and touchwiz,how did you find the transition,can you get it set up to suit and what should I be aware of if making the jump once the SGS3 is out
sent from my leedroid powered Desire HD
Transition is pretty easy. I never found sense very useful (in a global way) but it's really pretty. I think touchwiz is the opposite. It's kind of ugly with all these shiny icons but it's discret and have a few cool features (especially around the notification bar).
Plus, TW is a lot snappier than sense used to be (didn't get to try newer HTC devices). I even find TW snappier than any launcher you can find on the market.
I moved from desire z to sgs2, and I must say that touchwiz was a big disappointment to me.
It's not hard to get used to touchwiz, but it will be hard to get used with the missing features, for me the most annoying thing was that the dial pad can not search after the second name, I mean if you want to search for "combat goofwing" and you type in the dial pad 4663 for "goof" it will not find anything.
Another annoying thing is that in the app drawer the apps are not sorted in alphabetical order, they are sorted in the install order, and you can move them around but I don't have the patience to move apps around, for me this makes apps harder to find.
I own this phone for a few mounts now and I used to it, but I still miss sense.
The hardware is great, I still can't believe how good the display is, everything works very smooth, but unfortunately touchwiz is light years behind sense.
Any way I'm sorry I didn't bought the sensation, but my next phone will definitely be a HTC.
You can always choose alphabetical listing option. Move to a custom ROM, the phone rocks.
Sent from my GT-I9100
ionut.micu said:
I moved from desire z to sgs2, and I must say that touchwiz was a big disappointment to me.
It's not hard to get used to touchwiz, but it will be hard to get used with the missing features, for me the most annoying thing was that the dial pad can not search after the second name, I mean if you want to search for "combat goofwing" and you type in the dial pad 4663 for "goof" it will not find anything.
Another annoying thing is that in the app drawer the apps are not sorted in alphabetical order, they are sorted in the install order, and you can move them around but I don't have the patience to move apps around, for me this makes apps harder to find.
I own this phone for a few mounts now and I used to it, but I still miss sense.
The hardware is great, I still can't believe how good the display is, everything works very smooth, but unfortunately touchwiz is light years behind sense.
Any way I'm sorry I didn't bought the sensation, but my next phone will definitely be a HTC.
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Ditto for me, I think I will go buy a One S or X; there are just so many little things missing from touchwizz compared to sense ( I don't mean just the launchers but all the apps htc and samsung, include or modify); don't get me wrong touchwiz is not bad at all, especially compared to stock android but it's just not as good as sense.
Used to have a htc desire before my SGS2.. the only things I liked about sense 2.1 was the lockscreen that gives the caller/texter name at the bottom, instead of a little numbered flagged like touchwiz (being honest I know I could get widgetlocker and get that back but don't mind the sammy lockscreen that much) and I liked the screen unlock weather animations (which I have on my SGS2 courtesy of Beautiful Widgets)
The rest of sense wasn't that great, the contacts app is a little more intuitive than SGS2's but not really an issue
Oh, the touchwiz launcher is pretty useless, but I've been using LauncherPro since day 1
Beautiful widgets' superclock is just annoying, I disabled the animations because you see them everyone time you unlock unlike sense where you will only see it when the widget is visible. Also better in sense : keyboard (best touchscreen keyboard), friends pictures in the gallery, friendstream, sense unlockscreen with shortcuts, dialer, app drawers.
i dont really care because when i get a phone i just put cm on it')
Sent from my SGS2 powered by cm9 love
I have an amaze 4g and my wife has the tmobile sgs2. We both are from the htc g2 running sense. She loves how simple TW is, but she says its missing quite a bit of things she liked, all little things but none the less missing them.
I my self hate TW seems like a child's launcher in a way.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA App
I miss the dialer and contact screen from Sense. I can get everything else with some minor modifications and apps so it's not a big deal. Shame for the contacts and dialer though.
Touchwiz is fast, unobtrusive and smooth, but in stock form, very, very ugly and lacking in features.
Mind you I've always found HTC Android phones somewhat unresponsive and glitchy.
The only flavour of Android I get on with now is AOSP ICS. Its a big improvement to me. That said, my next phone might not be Android, I might give WP7 a go. I've had a few tries and it is starting to look like a fantastically polished OS, and flashing ROMs all the time is beginning to lose its appeal. It may not have the apps, or the flexibility, or capability, but it makes up for it in other ways.
I haven't seen or used sense, but I know how unfulfilling TW feels. For me, flashing and playing around with MI-UI did the trick. It's the perfect combination of neatness and usefulness. Combined with minor add-ons (such as a new keyboard, kernel, ...) it turns out to be the most stable and enjoyable rom I have ever used. Check it out (google miuandroid).
HTC all the way!
I had htc desire hd which i still have and love. I then got htc sensation and the missus got a sgs2 she hates the user interface and loves the htc user interface. If your looking for something that will in my opinion be comparable to the iphone then htc all the way.
malcovitch said:
I had htc desire hd which i still have and love. I then got htc sensation and the missus got a sgs2 she hates the user interface and loves the htc user interface. If your looking for something that will in my opinion be comparable to the iphone then htc all the way.
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For an iphone-ish look I strongly recommend the previously mentioned MIUI rom.
For me, I don't know. I couldn't do Sense. I liked the graphics and what not - but I found the user-interface a bit stubborn. Touchwiz was clean and simple.
I have the desire s and SII, and I like sense better than TW.
Sense feels like it's more developed than TW.
For me software htc > samsung and hardware htc < samsung.
So SII with sense would be great for me personally.
ionut.micu said:
I moved from desire z to sgs2, and I must say that touchwiz was a big disappointment to me.
It's not hard to get used to touchwiz, but it will be hard to get used with the missing features, for me the most annoying thing was that the dial pad can not search after the second name, I mean if you want to search for "combat goofwing" and you type in the dial pad 4663 for "goof" it will not find anything.
Another annoying thing is that in the app drawer the apps are not sorted in alphabetical order, they are sorted in the install order, and you can move them around but I don't have the patience to move apps around, for me this makes apps harder to find.
I own this phone for a few mounts now and I used to it, but I still miss sense.
The hardware is great, I still can't believe how good the display is, everything works very smooth, but unfortunately touchwiz is light years behind sense.
Any way I'm sorry I didn't bought the sensation, but my next phone will definitely be a HTC.
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Download appzorter from market. Rearrange apps alphabetically. Simples
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Thx, unfortunelley "this app is not compatiblewith youre device" maby it's because I'm ussing LPH rom, but it's good to know.
And I forgot to say, I came from a long series of HTC phones (diamond, touch pro, touch pro 2, wildfire, desire z), all of them are still in use today and work great, guess wich phone needed to go to service becsause microusb port mallfunction after a few mount of use... exactly the sgs2.
Great feedback thanks,having seen the videos of the new HTC X1 now I may just stick with HTC still lots to look at
Thanks again
sent from my leedroid powered Desire HD
combat goofwing said:
Great feedback thanks,having seen the videos of the new HTC X1 now I may just stick with HTC still lots to look at
Thanks again
sent from my leedroid powered Desire HD
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I think it's a pretty tough choice between the X and S, they both have their pros and cons (S has the more powerful CPU(in spite of the 4 cores of the tegra3) and AMOLED; X the more powerful GPU, more storage and higher DPI)

HTC and Android

Its been several years since I owned a HTC but was tempted back because of the HTC ONE (M7). The handset is excellent but why have HTC dumbed down Android and the stock options? I've installed CM 10.1 (4.2.2) just to regain more control of this handset, is it just me that's very disappointed with the stock rom?
Any details would be great.... Just saying "dumbed down" without giving a single example is well...not helpful.
There are various options in 'Settings' that are hidden/missing in HTC's Stock Rom compared to Stock Android.
Plus widgets on the lock screen don't function on HTC's 4.2.2 rom.
Personally I prefer sense, the look and the extra features like zoe and the beats that actually helps the speakers this time.
Dumbed down? Sense has more features than stock Android, not the other way around. Note, CM 10.1 is not stock Android.
I'm very satisfied with Sense - HTC did a great job - but what i find really annoying is the missing possibility of horizontal scrolling
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
SimonCraddock said:
There are various options in 'Settings' that are hidden/missing in HTC's Stock Rom compared to Stock Android.
Plus widgets on the lock screen don't function on HTC's 4.2.2 rom.
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You have to remember that the 4.2.2 Sense ROMs aren't official. HTC is still working on that update, so hopefully lock screen widgets and quick toggle customization will come with the 4.2.2 (or 4.3 if they skip 4.2.2) update.
HTC builds Android a certain way, just like every other OEM. Personally, the camera options are the only reason I've stayed on a Sense ROM instead of going back to SlimBean or CM/AOKP. It's certainly not perfect, but I wouldn't exactly call it "dumbed down" either.
gtg465x said:
Note, CM 10.1 is not stock Android.
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That's right. CM isn't just about taking the Android source and bringing it to devices. They also add many features. It's just that they are so well integrated, they seem to be part of the source.
The majority of HTC buyers , do it for the built quality and sense ui , for me to replace a sense Rom with cm room is unthinkable
I have to agree with this... I can't imagine CM @ my HTC... wouldn't be a One anymore.. more like any other phone.
For me my One is something really special just the way it is
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
Bernd_21 said:
I have to agree with this... I can't imagine CM @ my HTC... wouldn't be a One anymore.. more like any other phone.
For me my One is something really special just the way it is
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
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Without sounding like I'm bashing sense (each to their own), I feel as though cm is under represented here. Cm10.1 has only improved every aspect of my m7. Lockscreen toggles, speakers are louder, camera quality is the same as stock, customizable soft buttons, apps definitely run heaps more smooth and Nova launcher runs as smooth as smooth. Cm team are kicking ass at trying to improve our Android experience
Sent from my One using xda premium
This is quickly becoming a CM/AOSP vs Sense comparison thread, so closed.

