Moaners Thread - HD2 General

I think we should have a thread for people who want to moan about their HD2. Many threads are started by ones who are happy with their devices and do not have the issues that some are having, and want to express that they are happy with their phones, these threads are quickly hijacked by ones who are not happy and it quickly becomes an iphone v HD2. No phone is perfect and by far the majority are happy with their phones and they want to say that, so let them. I have had issues with my phone which was mainly cured with a ROM upgrade. It still have a problem, but hey as I said no phone is perfect. if you want Android on you phone why buy HD2 and then complain. If you want Win 7 why not wait.
A thread for the moaners would separate the positive from the negative.

In the same vein, perhaps a dedicated thread for those members who have more than a platonic relationship with their HD2's should be created
EDIT: found it

Schooleydoo said:
In the same vein, perhaps a dedicated thread for those members who have more than a platonic relationship with their HD2's should be created
EDIT: found it
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As I said it starts off positive but gets hijacked, follow it through and you will see.

That's just the nature of trolls mate. You can't create a thread to keep trolls in. They ignore things like that and flock around threads that are positive, with their negative and usually make-believe comments.
It was suggested a while ago that we have a complaints sub-forum, but that was never gonna happen.
It's the nature of trolls mate. You just gotta live with it. Nice idea though.

johncmolyneux said:
That's just the nature of trolls mate. You can't create a thread to keep trolls in. They ignore things like that and flock around threads that are positive, with their negative and usually make-believe comments.
It was suggested a while ago that we have a complaints sub-forum, but that was never gonna happen.
It's the nature of trolls mate. You just gotta live with it. Nice idea though.
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I tend to agree.


[poll] Is anyone interested in town hall meeting with mod participation?

OK u guys...I know everyone is tired of all the drama on here. I have been talking to one of the mods through pm and gave a suggestion for a town hall meeting to discuss the problems as of late. The mod agreed that he and hopefully other mods would be willing to open a thread where we can discuss these issues. There will be no banning for what is said in this meeting but with a mod present and engaging in convo the tone needs to stay clean or semi at least. Failure would result in post being deleted. There will be rules that the mods what followed but its to keep the pease.
Look this cdma community has been split for a little while now. U can feel the tention in some post. Its time to stop the flaming and the trolling. This is not just about the nebs/fixxxer thing even though that's what sent all of this overboard.
The mods only see part of this community and its the ugly side. They are harsh cause they are misinformed about certain people and certain actions. This is our opportunity to have a united voice and share how things really are and ideas on how to remedy them
Its time to reunite as the amazing community this used to be and get back to what really matters.
Feel free to comment. Please keep it clean. The more votes in the poll the better.
The meeting would be at a set time and heavily monitored then closed once alotted time had past. Please join and enjoy.
This is not the meeting. It is just a poll to let mods know we are serious and that we can behaive.
excellent idea
I say let by gones be by gones and drop the whole matter. I find it odd that two members and a bunch of trolls can stir up soo much controversy on this forum. I don't have much more to say other than lets just get back to developing and stop worrying about others and what they do or say.
markus_del_marko said:
I say let by gones be by gones and drop the whole matter. I find it odd that two members and a bunch of trolls can stir up soo much controversy on this forum. I don't have much more to say other than lets just get back to developing and stop worrying about others and what they do or say.
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Only someone who knows they were in the wrong and doesnt want to get called out on it would say that...
Seriously, whats the harm in having an open discussion about things?
If you don't want to participate then don't participate
phenicks said:
Only someone who knows they were in the wrong and doesnt want to get called out on it would say that...
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And your response is the exact reason we shouldn't even discuss it anymore. Just as you think im an impostor, i could say the same for you as you just joined up as well. Any one of us could be neb, fix or bad_dog along with a host of others that caused issues on here. If the mods don't care, than neither should we. That's my point of view, im sorry you don't agree but your right i will not be participating in another thread that will do nothing but finger point and get more members banned.
Can you please stick to the OP's request without fighting?
Did the maturity level around here drop when the price of the Hero did?
egzthunder1 said:
Can you please stick to the OP's request without fighting?
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Thanks for the help. I already spoke to one of them off the site and there will be no more fighting from them. Lets keep the pease and make it possitive. That is all.
gunnyman said:
Did the maturity level around here drop when the price of the Hero did?
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It's more along the lines of more people got the device & with a larger community, brings trolls more likely to pop up and/or friction due to difference of opinions between people. There isn't really anything that can be done, except to report issues ASAP & let the mods do their thing.
The Mods need to start locking threads and banning people on a more regular basis.
To me, this sounds like a great idea! I think we should all openly discuss our problems..
great idea and this is very needed.
Wonderful idea
They should call it HTC Hero CMDA BS General. The perfect fu forum. Bs gets put there and people hafta look for it rather than it showing up in a bunch of different places. People are gonna fight so we might as well make a place for it and the "real" developers will post where they are suppose too.
sent from my phone
dukeoflbg said:
They should call it HTC Hero CMDA BS General. The perfect fu forum. Bs gets put there and people hafta look for it rather than it showing up in a bunch of different places. People are gonna fight so we might as well make a place for it and the "real" developers will post where they are suppose too.
sent from my phone
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A very keen observation young Ladd
The same comment to my post from a different user. I know mods, or losers the way they act here, can check this. This **** NEVER HAPPENED at we were all friends. Not like here.
sent from my phone
Lmfao about the moderator closing the thread about overbearing moderators closing threads
dukeoflbg said:
The same comment to my post from a different user. I know mods, or losers the way they act here, can check this. This **** NEVER HAPPENED at we were all friends. Not like here.
sent from my phone
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I'd also be surprised if you had the same number of users at
This will be a flat out waste of time. I am so ****ing tired of this places dictatorship actions lately that I don't think anything but new moderators would fix. Take your power trip and shove it. We can't even bull **** around here without some ****ing mod with his panties shoved so far up his ass closing the thread for no reason. That's no way to run a site. Run it with some sense and handle things appropriately and you won't have nearly as many problems with it.
Sent from your mom!
The real problem is that there's way to many mods so any whiney twit can find and convince one to do his bidding . There seems to be more mods than members

Hero CDMA General - What's the point?

We have a general section where we can post general stuff about general things, but yet all sorts of threads get moved around for seemingly no reason? Why can't we have a place to actually be a community, instead of just business 24/7 with no play? I mean, yeah there's an off topic thread but that doesn't even come close to suiting the actual need for this section to be left alone.
Other forums have way more of a sense of community than here. I applied to become a mod for this CDMA Hero section and got denied, so I am no longer going to attempt to try to keep the little bit of community and friendship we have left, here. I personally got very sick of seeing too many things get moved around, too much ****-swinging from the moderators here that I was willing to take on the load of this section to try to calm the tensions and everything, but it's just getting out of hand again. There's many other places for people to go to not have to deal with this sort of mess. XDA will learn from the self destruction that the mods are bringing on to it.
Watch, this thread will be deleted and I'll be banned before the end of the day for rebelling against a dictatorship.
It's called the "general" section for a reason. Even if it's to agree that we all like our hero's better than iCraps that DOES pertain to the hero. I understood the OFF-TOPIC thread to be a place we could go to "play". I never thought the rest of the General Section was to be for discussion about the hero and the hero only.
No disrespect Timmymarsh but I have to ask: Did you merge all those threads because people were complaining about them?
If not then I don't get it...
I mean we're behaving in the other sections right?
on a positive note, the only reason we care so much is because we like this place..
nebenezer said:
It's called the "general" section for a reason.
on a positive note, the only reason we care so much is because we like this place..
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Have to quote this for truth. Thanks for your voice, neb.
There is the general off-topic forum in the general section of these forums.
Yes it is nice to have the Hero users as one community but you need to realize we are part of the bigger community of xda-developers.
centran said:
There is the general off-topic forum in the general section of these forums.
Yes it is nice to have the Hero users as one community but you need to realize we are part of the bigger community of xda-developers.
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I expect mixed feelings on my protest, and of course, I won't be listened to because I am one person, and it wouldnt bother xda if I was here or not, but as long as I am able to, I will call it as i see it.
Who wants to leave the hero area to go surf through too much junk in off topic when us hero people could have our own simple general discussion forum, instead of cramming 1000 threads into one. Pointless to me. But then again I dont have any say so here because this is what's called a dictatorship. Unfortunately I am not a blind sheep that follows whatever someone else decides.
Sounds to me like you got denied to become a mod and now you're all butthurt that the mods are doing their job. Sounds to me like they were right for denying you, if you couldn't step down and take it gracefully. XDA has an off-topic forum. Hero subsection has an offtopic thread. You have to understand, the Admins have to take into consideration amount of bandwidth used, total amount of space, making backups, needing space for backups. There's alot more going on behind the scenes then just "mods are fags."
They're volunteers, and do what needs to be done to insure the forum runs smoothly.
I see everyones point! And Jerry by repeating that you aren't getting heard does make it sound like your vaj-j does have some sand in it. But, I see how you would want a hero community, off topic, bs, section...just for us. But we are part of a bigger community (like someone said) and if we have our own little section in here...we will never go be part of the bigger community. we would be our own cliq. Then turn into a gang and probably go kill everyone in the G1 section for trying to take over our section. Then it would be gang wars not XDA.
East side. Hero for life.
abcdfv said:
Sounds to me like you got denied to become a mod and now you're all butthurt that the mods are doing their job. Sounds to me like they were right for denying you, if you couldn't step down and take it gracefully. XDA has an off-topic forum. Hero subsection has an offtopic thread. You have to understand, the Admins have to take into consideration amount of bandwidth used, total amount of space, making backups, needing space for backups. There's alot more going on behind the scenes then just "mods are fags."
They're volunteers, and do what needs to be done to insure the forum runs smoothly.
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I expected some smartass **** to come from you man. Sad but true. No, I'm not butthurt at all. Their loss, not mine, honestly. I tried to step up and take on some of the load from this area alone to try to calm down some of the hostilities here and it jsut proved that it was a waste of time and that moderators here really don't give a damn about us as individual users. They can piss all of us hero people off, except the few **** riders that do exist here, and it wouldn't affect them one bit because they have other forums with sheep there, too.
Give it a few more months, you'll see some crazy **** start to happen. I can see it now.
Meh. Only problem i really see is that the General Section is mostly the same as the Q&A section.
This is by far the most uptight group of folks of all the forums I hang out on. It's cool, you guys do great work. But, man, some of you take ALL of this stuff way too seriously.
jerry43812 said:
I expected some smartass **** to come from you man. Sad but true. No, I'm not butthurt at all. Their loss, not mine, honestly. I tried to step up and take on some of the load from this area alone to try to calm down some of the hostilities here and it jsut proved that it was a waste of time and that moderators here really don't give a damn about us as individual users. They can piss all of us hero people off, except the few **** riders that do exist here, and it wouldn't affect them one bit because they have other forums with sheep there, too.
Give it a few more months, you'll see some crazy **** start to happen. I can see it now.
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1. If the moderators didn't give a damn, we'd still have a subforum in the GSM section.
2. Wouldn't have a sticky wiki.
3. Wouldn't have this thread
Basically, no mods are not here to serve individual users. They're here to server the community, and if you do have a problem with it, write a petition thread instead of *****ing and moaning, if enough people say they want it, it will go into action. (See point 1)
Seriously though, all this seems to be to me is, you didn't get made a mod, so mods don't care about individual users. I also have to repeat, that since you can't step down gracefully, I support their decision. Look at how long Toast was asking to be a mod for, never saw any threads like this from him, even after he was told no. I respect him for that.
abcdfv said:
1. If the moderators didn't give a damn, we'd still have a subforum in the GSM section.
2. Wouldn't have a sticky wiki.
3. Wouldn't have this thread
Basically, no mods are not here to serve individual users. They're here to server the community, and if you do have a problem with it, write a petition thread instead of *****ing and moaning, if enough people say they want it, it will go into action. (See point 1)
Seriously though, all this seems to be to me is, you didn't get made a mod, so mods don't care about individual users. I also have to repeat, that since you can't step down gracefully, I support their decision. Look at how long Toast was asking to be a mod for, never saw any threads like this from him, even after he was told no. I respect him for that.
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Gotta agree with this. Our mods do a good job considering that there are only ~50 of them for the whole site.
Given I would have like to seen my motorola thread continue to live. I thought it was fairly on topic to "General"
You know, if I wanted your **** I would have said, hey come give me ****. But did i? No. Keep twisting peoples words around, keyboard warrior. I am putting you on ignore.
I expected some smartass **** to come from you man. Sad but true. No, I'm not butthurt at all. Their loss, not mine, honestly. I tried to step up and
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1. If the moderators didn't give a damn, we'd still have a subforum in the GSM section.
2. Wouldn't have a sticky wiki.
3. Wouldn't have this thread
Basically, no mods are not here to serve individual users. They're here to server the community, and if you do have a problem with it, write a petition thread instead of *****ing and moaning, if enough people say they want it, it will go into action. (See point 1)
Seriously though, all this seems to be to me is, you didn't get made a mod, so mods don't care about individual users. I also have to repeat, that since you can't step down gracefully, I support their decision. Look at how long Toast was asking to be a mod for, never saw any threads like this from him, even after he was told no. I respect him for that.
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Blah blah blah no one cares unless its a free evo giveaway
You know, if I wanted your **** I would have said, hey come give me ****. But did i? No. Keep twisting peoples words around, keyboard warrior. I am putting you on ignore.
Sent from your mom!
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Other than his last statement. He's pretty much correct.
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Blah blah blah no one cares unless its a free evo giveaway
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QFT quoted for truth.
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That's ok... I'll conduct business as usual... its all good in the hood.
Sent from your mom!
I miss the good ole days when u could settle an argument with a MMQTB
I do have final thing to say and that I find it hilarious that people feel the need to twist words around and stuff, for their personal satisfaction. But as I said, back to business for me. I accidentally fed a troll and lost a hand. Oops, won't happen again!
Sent from your mom!
nebenezer said:
I miss the good ole days when u could settle an argument with a MMQTB
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Damn you neb. 3rd keyboard in 3 months ruined by you and coke!
You sir win 100 internets.

Senseless and juvenile threads, why is there no moderator here?

Lately this forum has been littered with senseless and useless garbage. People are starting threads only to say stuff like "I got Froyo...not!". I thought the point of this community was to share information and be helpful to others in need. Who is the moderator here (do we even have one? I have yet to see one post), and why is all of this nonsense allowed to fly?
Amen, this **** is getting really old.
Theres at least 3 or 4 topics on the first page with this bull****, why hasnt it been cleaned out?
My topic was deleted immediately after my problem was solved, yet all these 12 year olds run rampant here in the General section, completely unchecked.
Funny, i reported to moderators the same thing you are saying a few minutes ago... i mostly just ignore those kind of posts, but it's getting very old to come in here and just read senseless threads all over it.
If they where at least original but three threads for the same stupidity, seriously?
Vibrant vibrating nicely now,Kthx!
I think the moderator is also a developer. Properly moderating this forum would probably require at least one full time salaried employee.
I agree though, this is quite possibly one of the worst boards I've ever read. If you check out the other sections of this site it seems pretty normal, vibrant section is like west Baltimore. No idea why that is, different overall demographic I guess, lot of kids, who knows.
Its fun to read over coffee or while bored at work, and there are some decent posters, but overall the vibrant general board is pretty well a mess.
I a long-time lurker and now registered, it looks like the "android-forums" are leaching over. I just do not click on topics that seem to fit into this thread's category.
Yea, it has gotten old.
You know what I find even more annoying ....
People that do not contribute, have been here only a short time, that think they know what is best for this board ...
watcher64 said:
You know what I find even more annoying ....
People that do not contribute, have been here only a short time, that think they know what is best for this board ...
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Are you serious?
Please let me know the exact post count/contribution threshold that you have deemed appropriate for deciding whether or not a useless, off-topic post, belongs anywhere other than the Off-Topic board.
In fact, what I find most annoying, is people who have inflated egos and think that they are better and can decide who is a worthy contributor.
watcher64 said:
You know what I find even more annoying ....
People that do not contribute, have been here only a short time, that think they know what is best for this board ...
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What's worse is a senior member not realizing that what the op is saying is completely true. You don't have to be here for a long time to know what's right, that's common sense.
If I was allowed to moderate this thread, just logging in once a night to delete/ move threads should be enough to keep it clean. Then, when I get tired of doing so, why not allow someone else to do it? Just a thought.
thegreatcity said:
Are you serious?
Please let me know the exact post count/contribution threshold that you have deemed appropriate for deciding whether or not a useless, off-topic post, belongs anywhere other than the Off-Topic board.
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Never said anything about off topic posts, or even post count .....
But to make a thread like this is just as bad ...
But like any "community" you have different types of people, and unless the "majority" sees the problem then just whining about it does nothing but annoy the rest of us.
It is the old "If you are not part of the solution , you are part of the problem" stance, there are contact pages to send messages to the board owners/admins for this kind of thing.
This board has been here for a long time, and it was originally for people who were DEV's and People wanting to learn not for instant gratification.
I do agree that the "BS" threads are annoying, but does this thread not fall into that same category.
watcher64 said:
Never said anything about off topic posts, or even post count .....
But to make a thread like this is just as bad ...
But like any "community" you have different types of people, and unless the "majority" sees the problem then just whining about it does nothing but annoy the rest of us.
It is the old "If you are not part of the solution , you are part of the problem" stance, there are contact pages to send messages to the board owners/admins for this kind of thing.
This board has been here for a long time, and it was originally for people who were DEV's and People wanting to learn not for instant gratification.
I do agree that the "BS" threads are annoying, but does this thread not fall into that same category.
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I have contacted moderators/admins.
But it comes down to what constitutes deletion of a thread. Like I said earlier, I started a topic in Q&A recently with a bug question. I solved my problem, but in solving it, another question arose. However my thread was deleted before I could even come back to check it again.
If my thread, after having my problem solved, was deemed unnecessary, then why not all these garbage threads, with no point or reason?
Well said op big +1 from this vib/xda user.
And all the "bricked" threads.. Dont people have scrole wheels on thier f_ing mouses?
thegreatcity said:
I have contacted moderators/admins.
But it comes down to what constitutes deletion of a thread, like I said earlier, I started a topic in Q&A recently with a bug question, I solved my problem, but in solving it, another question arose. However my thread was deleted before I could even come back to check it again.
If my thread, after having my problem solved, was deemed unnecessary, then why not all these garbage threads, with no point or reason?
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Mainly because this is a public forum, and yes they are annoying, and a lot of useless crap, but everyone has a right to post , UNLESS the "gods on high" deem it unworthy, not sure why your thread got deleted, did you ask for it to be, was it a double post...
Yet here as with life there is/are double standards, so again making threads whining about it, is about as annoying and as the "nonsense" threads.
Are people unable to NOT READ nonsense threads, someone twisting your arm making you go into them, does search not work for you.
You do realize that what keeps a lot of the "nonsense" threads up in the list is people going into them complaining about them, people going in and saying "delete this thread" every few minutes does not help anything except keeping it at the top.
Ignore them and they will go away ...
I agree. The general forum is no longer worth reading.
both sides of fence
hell i just got rick rolled in a froyo thread but my fault for reading the thread. but i see both sides of the argument if you get annoyed from what people post don't read, but there are those who do like to abuse their posting rights and post stupid stuff but the rick rolling i got to give them kudos haven't been rick rolled in like a year so, touche on that one but yeah i would like to see more legit posts from people and not just some stupid gag post.
cybertang said:
hell i just got rick rolled in a froyo thread but my fault for reading the thread. but i see both sides of the argument if you get annoyed from what people post don't read, but there are those who do like to abuse their posting rights and post stupid stuff but the rick rolling i got to give them kudos haven't been rick rolled in like a year so, touche on that one but yeah i would like to see more legit posts from people and not just some stupid gag post.
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You really can't control , or I say should not have to control, what and where people post, but you can control responses to those posts, if you ignore them , they fall off the radar, if you keep posting in them to complain they stay at the top.
Just as much as the people posting the crap , the people responding to the crap need some self control.
So again "if you are not part of the solution , you are part of the problem" .
but I agree, have not been "rick rolled" in quite some time, silly , useless , but still some funny stuff ....
I liked the shroom thread.
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Not a lot going on in vibrant land lately so not a lot of relevant worth reading topics or posts to water down the spam and trolls.
Once rom development picks up the vibrant boards will be flooded with topics and posts by people who can't read or follow directions and have no reason to be mucking around with their phones in the first place and demand help for problems they can't describe in coherent sentences. Like every other part of the forum.
Hopefully the development out weighs all of these things, which is what kept me coming back with my G1 and MyTouch 3G. Just report the thread/post and move on. What more can you do? Feeding the trolls never helps.
it's just the world we live in. as technology becomes the norm for most kids growing up, there will always be a clash. back in 96 it wasn't this bad. Kinda like dealing with your little brother we'll just have to deal with it. The only help we can get is some decent moderation here but they are not willing to do their job. Oh, they are busy? Then why not get someone for free [people do it for free ya know] to moderate the damn place?
sane1 - dude I like your avatar


Where are you guys? I have known XDA to be a place of organization... a place to be used as a top-notch resource... but 3/4 of the threads in this Atrix forum are rediculous! It is non-stop, people posting each and every little issue or question in a brand new, seperate thread! Please help clean up this forum, myself, and a ton of other people are counting on this place as a main source of information for our device!
Thank you very much.
And to the trolling posters out there:
-It doesn't matter which phone you came from! It doesn't need to be a thread!
-If you really don't like the Atrix and are returning it - go for it! Nobody cares what you are going back to. This is a place for people who have, and plan on keeping the device!
-If you dislike an aspect of the device, you don't need to make a thread about it!
-If you have a very general question, use the search function first please!
-If the search function fails, try google!
-If you don't own the device, please don't post your trolls here!
-If you are thinking about getting the device, read the Engadget review, it is helpful.
-If you are posting a comment that seems to be very general, chances are - it is! Try attaching that comment to a thread already in existence (ie, if you want to talk about a particular case under the accessory forum, post it to case thread, instead of asking a specific question on a specific case in a new thread.
-Please read the OP! Chances are, your question's answer is in that post...
Lots of whiny little *****es lately... +1 OP
joewoo said:
Lots of whiny little *****es lately... +1 OP
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And to break my own rules, I am coming from the Inspire forums... which are completely moderated, organized (and de-*****ed). It's enough already - this is a place for people who plan on having the Atrix for some time and want to discuss and make their experiences better.
So much *****ing and fanatism! I agree. Some moderation is needed urgently!
By the way, Atrix is a great phone as well as many other Android devices. 1,000 posts of comparison are not enpugh for people to understand what the phone is and how it works?
joewoo said:
Lots of whiny little *****es lately... +1 OP
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Completely agree with this. Another +1
well said OP!
I'm sat here using a wildfire, waiting (not so) patiently for the Atrix to be launched in the UK. I assumed that the wildfire board was so bad because it was a cheap phone, but no, this board is going the same way!
hopefully it will get sorted out before I get mine, and the fan boy agitators move back to their own turf

ASUS complaint forums

Rather than continuously spamming our forums with all of your complaints I created this thread for you guys. Should you feel the need to *****, cry, moan, nag, nitpick or anything else similar please post here.
It's better to have one unproductive thread with a bunch of unproductive posts rather than a flood of "I'm returning my tf and feel the need to tell you guys because I have no friends in real life" threads.
While we're at it, we might as well make this a sticky.
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Just as long as you make a similar thread for the people who smooch their TF every night.
Ya feel me playa?
Oh and better subscribe to this thread if you're not already, once you start having issues you'll be back. I guarantee it.
Tubular said:
Just as long as you make a similar thread for the people who smooch their TF every night.
Ya feel me playa?
Oh and better subscribe to this thread if you're not already, once you start having issues you'll be back. I guarantee it.
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Haha. The smooching never would have started if it wasn't for all the complaining...
I've had my tf for about a month now and whether it's luck or just the norm, I haven't had any issues thus far.
Some may arise in the future but as of right now I am happy. But that's besides the point.
The issue here is that people are abusing xda. If you have issues with your deivce that aren't related to "hacking" then this is not the place to cry about. Either contact Asus support or deal with it. Xda has the greatest devs in the world, unfortunately not even they can help people who are incompetent.
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I think he meant this is the official I'm returning my TF it's such a piece of..... whether you want to hear me vent about it or not thread.
Don't like it take it back.
Asus might monitor the forums but not much they can do about you returning a retail product.
Wanna call them instead or send it to them? Go for it.
If you have a bad problem call them. File a class action suit ...I don't know...but I do know they are about the only ones that can really do anything about it....or not.
Haha. The smooching never would have started if it wasn't for all the complaining...
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Is this a bad joke? Those threads have been around way before any smooching started, I guarantee it. To think that smooching threads started as a counter to disapproval threads is laughable. The two are a constant on any forum for a device and nothing you say can argue otherwise.
The issue here is that people are abusing xda. If you have issues with your deivce that aren't related to "hacking" then this is not the place to cry about. Either contact Asus support or deal with it. Xda has the greatest devs in the world, unfortunately not even they can help people who are incompetent.
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Wrong, this is so patently absurd I can't even accept it at face value. Maybe you took a wrong turn, for the rest of us we went to the section that is clearly labeled:
Discussion about Asus Eee Pad Transformer (general chat, tips & tricks, Q&A, etc)
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Disapproval threads as well as smooching threads fall within this category. It's general discussion, not hacking. I can understand your argument if these threads were in the Development forum that's not the case though. If someone can't keep their rabid fanboy retaliation instincts out of it that's their problem. There are those who want to make threads and talk about how much they love their TF and there are those who want to make threads and talk about the problems they have with it.
Tubular said:
Is this a bad joke? Those threads have been around way before any smooching started, I guarantee it. To think that smooching threads started as a counter to disapproval threads is laughable. The two are a constant on any forum for a device and nothing you say can argue otherwise.
Wrong, this is so patently absurd I can't even accept it at face value. Maybe you took a wrong turn, for the rest of us we went to the section that is clearly labeled:
Disapproval threads as well as smooching threads fall within this category. It's general discussion, not hacking. I can understand your argument if these threads were in the Development forum that's not the case though. If someone can't keep their rabid fanboy retaliation instincts out of it that's their problem. There are those who want to make threads and talk about how much they love their TF and there are those who want to make threads and talk about the problems they have with it.
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You are correct about this being the general forum, I understand were you are coming from on that...
But you contradict yourself when you say that smooching is the same as complaining because you make it seem like smooching is more prevailent when it clearly is not. You can lookvat the first 5 pages of the general tf forum and the ratio of complaints to smooching is like 5 to 1. Once again, the complaints themselves aren't what people are having problems with, it's the flood of them and the continued spamming of the same damn threads. I have been on this forum since before the tf came out and smooching has never been an issue because those threads are few and in all reality are more of "reviews" than complaints or praises...
If you're trying to justify all of these stupid ass threads then you are ridiculous. Not much more to it than that.
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And I justified it by stating that this was a general forum. There's nothing ridiculous about that.
But you contradict yourself when you say that smooching is the same as complaining because you make it seem like smooching is more prevailent when it clearly is not. You can lookvat the first 5 pages of the general tf forum and the ratio of complaints to smooching is like 5 to 1.
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That's not the definition of contradiction.
The two are the same. Quantity is a different issue entirely and in this case why don't you stop and think about why there is such a large difference in that 5 to 1 ratio of yours. It's not because the ones who have a problem with it are drinking a different kool-aid than the ones who love the TF.
That "large difference" speaks volumes about the disapproval rate of the overall community. Asus needs to see that, informed customers need to see that. Any attempt at cutting that out is a biased, artificial attempt at engineering a facade not unlike North Korea. Asus and informed customers need to see that their TF can fall apart and what happens when it does and why people leave and how many leave.
Tubular said:
And I justified it by stating that this was a general forum. There's nothing ridiculous about that.
That's not the definition of contradiction.
The two are the same. Quantity is a different issue entirely and in this case why don't you stop and think about why there is such a large difference in that 5 to 1 ratio of yours. It's not because the ones who have a problem with it are drinking a different kool-aid than the ones who love the TF.
That "large difference" speaks volumes about the disapproval rate of the overall community. Asus needs to see that, informed customers need to see that. Any attempt at cutting that out is a biased, artificial attempt at engineering a facade not unlike North Korea. Asus and informed customers need to see that their TF can fall apart and what happens when it does and why people leave and how many leave.
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you have a 'thank you' from me purely for the moments entertainment i had realising that you are the most argumentative person ive found so far on XDA... bg round of applause for Tubular ...
You can't be serious...
The "large dissaproval" rate is due 100% to what these forums have become and human nature. when people are unsatisfied for whatever reason they feel the need to be heard. Unfortunately people in there real lives don't give a damn so they conlme to xda were they know they will get a reaction. People who are satisfied on the other hand don't feel the need to be heard because they are happy...
A better judge on the "community perspective " of the tf would be customer reviews on websites such as amazon, which last time I checked were very positive for the tf ...
Why are we even arguing over this? Spamming is spamming. Its against xda rules. Argue all you want, it doesn't make a difference. The ridiculous amount of threads being started on a daily basis complaining about the same thing has gotten to be too much.
I understand some people are not happy with their purchase, that's fine. Unfortunately me and the other thousands of members on xda don't give a **** and can't do anything about it....
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
you have a 'thank you' from me purely for the moments entertainment i had realising that you are the most argumentative person ive found so far on XDA... bg round of applause for Tubular ...
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Yeah I guess I should just bend over and do what you say. Makes for a boring place with you as boss.
Spamming is spamming. Its against xda rules.
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But this isn't spam moron. Spamming involves the same person making multiple threads for the same exact subject. Like Chris making three threads about his inability to start the device. Or four bots making the same exact thread to sell their stupid herbal medicine.
This is not spam, but keep trying to morph this into whatever you want so you can justify your insecurity. It's hilarious. What is certain however is that this is general chat material and this is general chat.
I understand some people are not happy with their purchase, that's fine. Unfortunately me and the other thousands of members on xda don't give a **** and can't do anything about it....
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So they should just leave because you and a hundred people don't care? And the people who do care don't matter right? Can you even quantify how much that is? Once again, hilarious. You're not the beginning or the end of the world. I can understand that you don't give a ****, nobody gives a **** about you either and you're not the center of attention.
Try to get that through your head, for once at least. Just because you want to be the little angry man who stomps his foot and wants to corral all of the threads into a single monolithic post, doesn't mean you're the center of attention and everything revolves around you.
"Me me me, my device works fine so put all of the disapproval threads in one giant thread." You're disgusting. At least I advocate non-biased discussion on both sides, you don't even try to hide it.
Tubular said:
Yeah I guess I should just bend over and do what you say. Makes for a boring place with you as boss.
But this isn't spam moron. Spamming involves the same person making multiple threads for the same exact subject. Like Chris making three threads about his inability to start the device. Or four bots making the same exact thread to sell their stupid herbal medicine.
This is not spam, but keep trying to morph this into whatever you want so you can justify your insecurity. It's hilarious. What is certain however is that this is general chat material and this is general chat.
So they should just leave because you and a hundred people don't care? And the people who do care don't matter right? Can you even quantify how much that is? Once again, hilarious. You're not the beginning or the end of the world. I can understand that you don't give a ****, nobody gives a **** about you either and you're not the center of attention.
Try to get that through your head, for once at least. Just because you want to be the little angry man who stomps his foot and wants to corral all of the threads into a single monolithic post, doesn't mean you're the center of attention and everything revolves around you.
"Me me me, my device works fine so put all of the disapproval threads in one giant thread." You're disgusting. At least I advocate non-biased discussion on both sides, you don't even try to hide it.
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Ye Gods !
I really hope you are a troll because if you are you are doing it quite well.
If you arent ... sheesh ......
Someone has started a thread so that people can post all their complaints and ASUS can 'see them all together' yet still you complain .....
Tubular said:
Yeah I guess I should just bend over and do what you say. Makes for a boring place with you as boss.
But this isn't spam moron. Spamming involves the same person making multiple threads for the same exact subject. Like Chris making three threads about his inability to start the device. Or four bots making the same exact thread to sell their stupid herbal medicine.
This is not spam, but keep trying to morph this into whatever you want so you can justify your insecurity. It's hilarious. What is certain however is that this is general chat material and this is general chat.
So they should just leave because you and a hundred people don't care? And the people who do care don't matter right? Can you even quantify how much that is? Once again, hilarious. You're not the beginning or the end of the world. I can understand that you don't give a ****, nobody gives a **** about you either and you're not the center of attention.
Try to get that through your head, for once at least. Just because you want to be the little angry man who stomps his foot and wants to corral all of the threads into a single monolithic post, doesn't mean you're the center of attention and everything revolves around you.
"Me me me, my device works fine so put all of the disapproval threads in one giant thread." You're disgusting. At least I advocate non-biased discussion on both sides, you don't even try to hide it.
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Lmao!!!!!!! That was quite possibly THE most entertaining thread I have ever read. You are the definition of a class act. Don't worry, I'll be your friend.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
starplaya93 said:
You can't be serious...
The "large dissaproval" rate is due 100% to what these forums have become and human nature. when people are unsatisfied for whatever reason they feel the need to be heard. Unfortunately people in there real lives don't give a damn so they conlme to xda were they know they will get a reaction. People who are satisfied on the other hand don't feel the need to be heard because they are happy...
A better judge on the "community perspective " of the tf would be customer reviews on websites such as amazon, which last time I checked were very positive for the tf ...
Why are we even arguing over this? Spamming is spamming. Its against xda rules. Argue all you want, it doesn't make a difference. The ridiculous amount of threads being started on a daily basis complaining about the same thing has gotten to be too much.
I understand some people are not happy with their purchase, that's fine. Unfortunately me and the other thousands of members on xda don't give a **** and can't do anything about it....
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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and yet you seem to feel the need to comment. i take back my earlier comparison. xda is obviously just as full of fanboys as archosfans.
btw i love my tf, have very little problem, but its not perfect and obviously asus has some qc issues. nothing compared to archos, but still unarguable.
i find threads detailing issues and comparisons very useful and tend to have more objective information than the "share your love" topics with the "ooohhhh its so fast" commennts. issue threads and devicce comparison reviews are a buyers tools.
"if you dont like your tf take it back".... agreed, also feel free to share your experience.
"if you dont like these threads... dont read them!"
Wow. This thread clearly failed, lol.
At least it was entertaining. Thanks guys
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Someone has started a thread so that people can post all their complaints and ASUS can 'see them all together' yet still you complain .....
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Yeah, if only that was the intent. But feel free to dust off your reading skills and take a gander at the first post.
I really hope you are a troll because if you are you are doing it quite well.
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Why don't you put down the rabid fanboy / troll playbook for once?
I understand, this is the first time you've actually had to argue against someone who has a different opinion and it's upsetting you.
Lmao!!!!!!! That was quite possibly THE most entertaining thread I have ever read. You are the definition of a class act. Don't worry, I'll be your friend.
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Blah blah blah lol lol lol lmao lmao, you're saying you give up? Well when you've had such a crappy argument to begin with you really should have given up earlier.
Ya feel me playa? Let's be real. By the way your thread isn't turning out too well. Maybe next time you should actually make a thread instead of a flamepit to throw yourself and draw the neighborhood fanboy into.
According to plan? Thanks for the laugh.
Tubular said:
Yeah, if only that was the intent. But feel free to dust off your reading skills and take a gander at the first post.
Why don't you put down the rabid fanboy / troll playbook for once?
I understand, this is the first time you've actually had to argue against someone who has a different opinion and it's upsetting you.
Blah blah blah lol lol lol lmao lmao, you're saying you give up? Well when you've had such a crappy argument to begin with you really should have given up earlier.
Ya feel me playa? Let's be real. By the way your thread isn't turning out too well. Maybe next time you should actually make a thread instead of a flamepit to throw yourself and draw the neighborhood fanboy into.
According to plan? Thanks for the laugh.
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When people read this thread they will look at your post and rrealize how big of a jackass you are. I don't feel the need to get into heated arguments over the internet with people like you.
Take a step back from the internet and get yourself a breather buddy. Try talking to some people in real life and interacting with others that you can physically see. The road your headed on can't be too healthy.
also try not to become the notorious troll on these forums. We're the only pals you've got man. Take it easy
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Couldn't believe it but it seems true. The transformer HAS china quality.
The German forums are also full of critics, mostly centered around the display and dust.
LMAO this is hilarious. Hey StarPlaya, if I need to take a breather you need to take one too buddy. You've been here with me every step of the way, don't kid yourself. If you think I'm pathetic you're equally pathetic. Way to shoot yourself in the foot there genius. I'll expect your next reply within five minutes, playa.
Somehow I'm pathetic but you're not when you've matched me post for post with the weakest arguments. That's because you're the ultimate playa, it says so in your name. Actually, what are you doing with a TF? Are you sure you're not supposed to be holding a bong and a 40 oz. instead? LMAO
When people read this thread they will look at your post and rrealize how big of a jackass you are. I don't feel the need to get into heated arguments over the internet with people like you.
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Get the anger out now, rage some more. You're the jackass here with your flamepit and attempts to tell people what to do and with a sarcastic opening too. "Let's put all of the *****ing and moaning in one spot", you ***** and moan enough for the whole community. Glad to know I'm getting under your skin though.
dcc22 said:
Couldn't believe it but it seems true. The transformer HAS china quality.
The German forums are also full of critics, mostly centered around the display and dust.
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i dont think anyone is debating that there are issues with the TF. What i think is important is that if you google 'xoom dust under screen' or 'ipad 2 dust under screen' or 'samsung tab 10.1 dust under screen' ... or the same with light bleed ..... you will find that every manufacturer has similar issues. i dont think its unique to the TF.
Tubular said:
LMAO this is hilarious. Hey StarPlaya, if I need to take a breather you need to take one too buddy. You've been here with me every step of the way, don't kid yourself. If you think I'm pathetic you're equally pathetic. Way to shoot yourself in the foot there genius. I'll expect your next reply within five minutes, playa.
Somehow I'm pathetic but you're not when you've matched me post for post with the weakest arguments. That's because you're the ultimate playa, it says so in your name. Actually, what are you doing with a TF? Are you sure you're not supposed to be holding a bong and a 40 oz. instead? LMAO
Get the anger out now, rage some more. You're the jackass here with your flamepit and attempts to tell people what to do and with a sarcastic opening too. "Let's put all of the *****ing and moaning in one spot", you ***** and moan enough for the whole community. Glad to know I'm getting under your skin though.
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You're seriously getting a kick out of personally attacking somebody you don't even know?
You actually got so much under my skin that I'm goin to go cut myself now.
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