Sync ok on WiFi, not so on 3G - Nexus One General

Having a weird problem on T-Mobile UK 3G
Sync works great and almost instant on WiFi. When wifi is off tho, it very rarely syncs on 3G. No errors, just doesnt happen.
Internet browsing works fine on both though.
Also, I can browse market on either but can only download on WiFi with it stalling download on 3G.
Cant seem to see where the problem might be. Why would browsing and market work ok but download and sync not?


Problem browsing the internet (and GPS)!

I just bought my Touch HD and everything is working great except of my internet. I have an EDGE account (We don't have 3G yet) and it's going a bit sloppy.
Though my Weather application works fine, i can't connect to the internet through Opera nor through Internet Explorer. It just says "ERROR" in big red letters.
If i connect through WiFi, i can't connect as well.
Now the weird part is that the youtube app, works great with EDGE, but it doesn't with WiFi.
I also haven't got a clue how to install my GPS properly so it would work with Google Maps?
Please help me a.s.a.p.
Certainly not an expert on this, but are you connecting to the internet through a proxy?

HSDPA Internet sharing / modem issue

With internet sharing, my Kaiser used connect to the internet (T-Mobile mobile broadband) without problems fro the past year. Now since I got the HD, my internet connection is inconsistent. Sometimes it tries to load pages for ages, then timeouts, and sometimes it works like a charm. I don't think it's because of the signal, because network coverage seems fine (nearly always at 4 bars with HSDPA).
Has anybody been experiencing something similar ? Don't really think it's a problem related to USB because when my internet connection doesn't work when connected via USB, I sometimes switch to bluetooth, and that seems to work for a while, then it fails again.
I also tried it on a PC with XP, and had similar problems. Any ideas ?
sbirsen said:
With internet sharing, my Kaiser used connect to the internet (T-Mobile mobile broadband) without problems fro the past year. Now since I got the HD, my internet connection is inconsistent. Sometimes it tries to load pages for ages, then timeouts, and sometimes it works like a charm. I don't think it's because of the signal, because network coverage seems fine (nearly always at 4 bars with HSDPA).
Has anybody been experiencing something similar ? Don't really think it's a problem related to USB because when my internet connection doesn't work when connected via USB, I sometimes switch to bluetooth, and that seems to work for a while, then it fails again.
I also tried it on a PC with XP, and had similar problems. Any ideas ?
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Hey there,
I'm experiencing the exact same problem with my Touch Diamond ...
My internet sharing via usb has been working fine for months now until this this week. Now, since monday, connection times out, loads half a page, etc. i.e. exact same symptoms as yours.
Internet sharing via bluetooth works fine.
Need help PLEASE!!!
[email protected] G
It lasted for a few days and since last week it's working brilliantly as it should. Maybe it was just a network issue ? Did you manage to get your connection to work again ?
I also think it's network related ...
It was working fine again for one day, then it just started acting up again.
I now use the bluetooth connection instead of USB. Seems to be much more reliable and for some reason I'm getting better speeds than via USB.
I always thought USB wud be much quicker.
If only our ISP can get their damn act together.
Thanx for the feedback ..
Has anyone found a solution to this problem? I'm having the same exact issue with my Raphael.
Hey... my Problem is the Internet, Data Connection to works fine very fast.... but the Internet Sharing with computer doesnt work anymore since Yesterday... but i dont know why... i flash new ROM and Radio Yesterday soo maybe thats why...
I flash Duttys V2.1 and the radio....
Is it at all possible to use internet sharing and activesync or use the phone as a modem while using active sync?
O and O said:
Is it at all possible to use internet sharing and activesync or use the phone as a modem while using active sync?
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So far i know active Sync Closing if you use it as Modem...
So no Sync and modem at all? That sucks, worked great for ym old Nokia.
I have noticed the following problem:
When I use my HD as a modem it functions properly for about the first 15 minutes, then HSDPA icon disappear and remain fixed only 3G icon and the connection becomes very slow.
Similarly this happens even if I use my HD with built in opera browser; besides in this manner I notice that the memory usage increases: even if I stop the internet connection and I delete cache the memory usage remain high and it is necessary to perform a soft reset to fix it.
I've tried with another sim card and GSM operator; with HSDPA and HSUPA enabled and supported by the operator, but I've experienced the same problems.
If I use my old USB or express card wireless modems I have no problems and the connection is always very fast
A ROM upgrade by HTC to solve once and for all this problem will be appreciated !!!

Msn messenger with data connection...

Hi. First of all, I have a uk sim-free X1 with t-mobile. My contract also includes web'n'walk which I selected so that I could use msn messenger and sites such as facebook anywhere I wanted without a wi-fi connection.
However, I've realised that my msn messenger will only connect via wi-fi and will not sign in if I'm using the data connection. This is strange as the data connection works fine for everything else, e.g whether updates, youtube, and opera browser.
I did search the past threads but didn't find an answer as most were about the other problem of not being able to use msn via wi-fi.
I'm hoping that there is an answer out there...Please help me. It's like the one thing that would make my phone almost perfect! Ty in advance.
That's weird! Because mine just connects with data connection and not via wi-fi.
Whenever I try to connect to msn via wi-fi, msn tells me that there is a connection problem :/
I get that same connection problem sign when i try via the data connection
I have the same problem - although I don't use msn that often - it still irritates me.
However, I discovered yesterday that fring works fine - if you install fring, you can use that to access msn - looks a little different, but works with a data connection.
Do you find your data connection to be slow - mine reminds me of the old dialup - I was expecting something more akin to broadband speeds
Good luck.
P.S. If you do find a solution, please post on here.
Yes it is quite slow...but still i would be very thankful to find a fix for this issue!
Mine used to only work over wifi, then suddenly started working over data connection too, not sure why.
The only thing I know I've had to change was to untick the proxy option for the Tmobile connection as with that on gmail wouldn't work, maybe that helps with MSN too?
Overall I've found Live messenger pretty poor, it's very slow, especially to scroll contacts.
I've tried Nimbuzz, that allows access to everything, even Facebook and MySpace.
sidneylopsides said:
Mine used to only work over wifi, then suddenly started working over data connection too, not sure why.
The only thing I know I've had to change was to untick the proxy option for the Tmobile connection as with that on gmail wouldn't work, maybe that helps with MSN too?QUOTE]
Omg thanks for this...this is the solution. Just untick the proxy option and you can sign in to msn messenger over data connection Yay thanks so much!!!
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Oh I rock without even realising!
Nice to see you signed up here too by the way!

Can't download from Market over wifi (but can on 3G)

Thanks for this forum, it's given me lots of useful tips. But can you solve this one?
My phone will work almost perfectly on wifi - can browse the web, sync Twitter, etc etc. But if I choose to download an app from the Market, it just sits there on 'Starting Download' for as long as let it. As soon as I switch off wifi and drop to the 3G signal, the download kicks off and works fine.
Hi mate
did you find an answer to this problem???
I've got same Problem here.
And Gmails take over WiFi about 15 Minutes sometimes.
I Think, it's the same Problem....
i have the same problem with the market (sometimes) and with gmail. 3g works perfektly.
I have that i have to reboot the phone on my AP at work to get apps downloaded.
As soon as i have rebooted it downloads using Wlan.
did you try that?
try to deactivate first Mobile Data, than deactivate WIFI and reactivate Mobile Data. Wait a second and reactivate Wifi.
Thats all ok.
But it's a silly Bug. when I'm at Home, I'm usinf Wifi. If somebody writes me an email and it takes over 20 Minutes to come to my Hero..... noooooo.
Or i must restart the Phone to get my Email? No! Thats very awful and a silly Bug!
I get no problems with email at all, but over the marketplace I haven't been able to find a fix, no.
Marketplace over WiFi
I had this problem and traced it to the port number Marketplace uses for comms. I opened up 5228 on my firewall and it now works as expected.

Slow and Sluggish WIFI/IE

Internet through my WIFI connection at home is really slow on my Samsung Omnia phone. Other devices such as my IPod touch work fine but on my phone the internet is really sluggish even when loading up etc. Apps that require the internet such as facebook, tune in radio seem to run fine so I think it could be Internet Explorer. I've updated my phone and cleared IE history and still the problem persists. Any ideas?
Is the phone on airplane mode with just WiFi on?
You should flash the last firmware i8700XXKC1.
Internet is much faster.

