Please help... - HD2 General

Hey everyone,
First thing, YOU GUYS ROCK!!! Myself and a few mates/coworkers could not live with out this forum and your helpful hints, tips and .CAB's.
I am a Telstra Employee **Ducks for cover** (I work Back of house managing Data Base's for asset tracking so no insider goss available soz). I have had a HTC HD and now i have a HD2 (so worth the upgrade). Now myself and 2 other mates all have the HD2 and work for Telstra, We have debranded our HD2's and added many tweeking cabs and Apps from this wonderful site BUT we are really dieing for a Theme creator for HTC Sense, Telsta has given us (out of the goodness of their hearts) the gayest Blue theme ever! I want a Black one but im unable to work out how? We also are a little curiouse about some of the larger tweeks for the HD2 but are not willing to Flash our ROMs away from the standard Telstra ROMs avalible.
Can any one help? I see many great themes and Sense mods that others have created but no way how to do it myself.

first of all, you should never, under any circumstance, admit your a telstra employee, even if you think this site may be able to conceal your identity... madam karma knows who and where you are, and she is coming for you.
now that that's out of the way... as far as i know (moderate experience flashing winmo phones), the only way to customise the Sense interface is with a cooked ROM, with a built in modifier. note: im only assuming this because the only versions of M2D ive used before this HD2 were cooked into custom ROM. i may be wrong, but im just sharing my knoweledge.
also... you noted that you have de-branded your HD2... what exactly do you mean by that? have you just removed all the 'telstra/foxtel/bigpond' junk that telstra polute their phones with? if so... perhaps you can teach me something... is there a way to edit the links/shortcuts from the "apps & downloads" tab? i would like a dedicated program tab, but something i can edit the shortcuts. similar to the quick links on the home tab.
hope i helped.
good luck mate.

Oh ok, ummm... I quit and no longer work for Telstra?....!
By de branding i mean we have removed the fixed quick links and telstra tabs bloatware that all go to the m.bigpond site (little puddle as we call it), remapped the internet connection and modem settings so you dont have to go via m.Bigpond for everything. Added as many cusomising cabs as possible like Bg4all and Co0kies home tab (kudos to Co0kie for that one!!!), Bsb, Advance Config and basically every tweaking cab avalible on XDA and opnMarket. We have not been able to remap the links in the mysocial tab or the apps tab but we think we might be close?
Our big issues are that telstra hide alot of the options and advanced setup pages from us due to government legisation, Like the Camera sound; we dont have an option to disable it as it is Au law for digital cams to make an anoying sound (to prevent up-skirting). We are also a bit confused, everyone talks about cabs only being compatible with sense 2.5.1XXXXXXXXX but in our software info section it states that our Manila version is 1.0.19211622.1? I mean WTF is that all about!

ha ha, i was just playin with the telstra comment. it seems from your original post that you know and dislike telstra as much as anyone.
hmmm, ill have to look into some of the tweaks you have mentioned. particularly cookies home tab editor.
and yeah, as far as the sense versions go... im not sure why our "brand new" interface seems to be 1.5 versions behind everyone elses. its probably just a numbering thing - and might mean nothing. but im sure someone on this board wouldnt mind explaining it to you.
ill keep you posted if i find a way to edit the app links and such. its in these WINMO device's nature to keep evolving, so im sure there is a way.


Dear Hermes Chefs, has anyone cooked the cLaunch into a rom yet ?

I have seen all of the threads on the subject, and seen the proggy, and know the sensitivity around all this.
However, it obviously makes sense for someone to cook it so that the iphone looking front end is cooked into a good rom with the stability of a
schraps, or a black satin, etc.
I have tried setting it up separately, but I am a newbie, and have bricked 1 hermes already trying reset it after I screwed it up.
Has this not happened because of the sensitivity on the matter or something else?
Again looking for rom load that uses the apple looking screen already cooked to a rom for a hermes (HTC wm6)
Thanks in advance
obiviously I am referring to the fornt end picture per this url
Claunch is a today plugin that launches applications. Why do you need it cooked in ?! What you're showing in your picture is a regular iPhone. What are you talking about exactly ?
Making the hermes look like an iphone
What I was trying to say is that they have the skins now to make the hermes (or I guess any wm6 phone) look like an iphone.
But I find the apps/skins not the easiest thing to use/get right/tweak.
Launch on start up etc.
So what I was trying to spit out was has anyone cooked the proggy/skin that does this into a rom so it doesn't to be tweaked.
I dont understand why this Iphone home screen suppose to be such good think.
The most important thinks that I need in my first look would be my appointments, outstanding task etc. Iphone screen just provides shortcuts for some applications. Well I may not get really what is it about.
Anyhow you can do such thing without any issues and any special rom. what you need is the Iphone icons (I am sure there are hundreds in the web) then the wisbar advance Desktop.
Iphone looking launch screen
Thanks Bulldog.
Love it or hate it, the simplicity of the iphone, skin, is it is good looking and functional.
It is also the benchmark that all other phones will be measured against for a long time (as the phone has not arrived outside the US yet).
Thanks for your tip but wisbar is not quite slick enough.
There are others but they too are not quite right.
I am sure someone has cooked it all in one.
It wouldn't be worth cooking claunch into rom. It's a tiny app, and the pleasure of it is customising it to launch the apps you want to launch.
I've written several guides for claunch, hunt around. But it's a simple app.
What might be useful is if someone makes an all-in-one iphone-alike pack. And those probably do exist. Burning claunch into ROM wouldn't be very helpful.
all-in-one iphone-alike pack
Any direction you can point thee would be appreciated .. thanks

I just ordered my 6800! So many Qs

I just ordered the xv6800, an upgrade from my Treo 650. Upon ordering, my research began (about 6 hours ago!)... It is now about 3 AM, and I am due at work in 4 hours. My questions are simple, and I know I am a noob loser, I know, but if someone could guide me to answers, even a simple answer like search words or anything, I would soooo appreciate it!
Heres my experience level:
For my treo to support a 4gb sd card, way back in the day, I had to edit the rom and change the FAT 16 to FAT 32. There was so many guides on how to update the rom, that it was really childs play, even though I was sweating every step. So basically I know nothing, but I have fiddled.
I want to have the iphone skin/mod/theme or a "cube" theme (god I am a newb). Do I have to modify the rom? Are their any guides?
What is Flashing? Is this the same as unlocking? What is unlocking? (Guides?)
Is setting up VOIP way out of my realm? I saw this thread:
but since it is not an idiot proof step by step, i got discouraged. What are those pictures all about, is it really as easy as just copying the configurations displayed in the screenshots?
I also want to have:
Slide to unlock (iphone function)
X closes the application (i read somewhere this is a 'must have')
SMS chat thread (like the treo's, also read somewhere this is a must have)
Another major question: Are mods for the sprint mogul, the alltell version of the phone the same as for the xv6800, or are the processes and such all way different (I am under the impression they are the same, but just checking)
I really think these are some of the basic questions that tons of NOOBS want to ask, but are intimidated to ask on such a knowledgable forum. Any help will be greatly appreciated, and I look forward to making plenty of paypal donations in the future, again and again and again haha, to all you guys (n girls) that can help pimp my ride errrr, phone.
Welcome to XDA!
The first thing you need to do which would help expand your knowledge of the resource here is to read the General & sticky threads that relate to your application. These threads will branch off and direct you into the direction that you will want to take your device.
There is too much information here to be idealy mapped out; reading & bookmarking will become common practice and as topics, phrases and jargon become familiar, so will your speed in finding, installing and customizing...
Hello, i just want to say that it was a good move u made from switchin from 650 to 6800, i did it from 700wx to 6800. i would recommend first to check ur rom version and if it is not the newest rom which is 2.17, u might wanna check the customs roms out there or update it before staring messin with the custom apps because it happened to me, i had an old one and I installed a but of apps n then the new rom came up and it messed me up so i had to do a hard reset.
As for the cube, search keywords like cube, htc touchflo, htc apps, you might also like;
htc touch skins: touch skins
htc home plugin: Lets u mess with the htc home screen
phm reg: for all the manual reg edits and minimal hacks that r not on .cab
hidevista: cool top app with replaces the old START and adds a baterry metter
flashlight: self exp
LED Killer 3.1: to kill that DAMN BLINKIN LIGHT!
pimp backup: lets u back up ur contacts, task, calendar met, sms, mms, etc sprite backup: ($) lets u backup ur whole ppc
oxios hibernate: It helps u realease mem n make it a bit faster
oxios closeapps: Lets u close the apps instead of minimizin them,
TCPMP n Flash Bundle: lets u watch youtube,, n more, fullversion MMS: A must, to send pic mail
PCMcontacts: iphone contacts like
PCMkeyboard: bigger better
threaded sms: self exp,
2slide2unlock: lock app like the iphone.
WkTASK: keeps tabs of open apps next to the START buttom, like windows tabs
total commander: another reg edit soft.
google maps: self exp
UI Tweaker: lets u customize all the colors in the ppc.
All of the above u can find it here in the forums or google search, n the best of all THEY ARE FREE! Enjoy and dont be afraid to ask around, i learned that there are no "stupid questions" if you do some research first instead of just go straight to questions cause u r to lazy to search and read.
Hope this helps.
lalord69 said:
Hello, i just want to say that it was a good move u made from switchin from 650 to 6800, i did it from 700wx to 6800. i would recommend first to check ur rom version and if it is not the newest rom which is 2.17, u might wanna check the customs roms out there or update it before staring messin with the custom apps because it happened to me, i had an old one and I installed a but of apps n then the new rom came up and it messed me up so i had to do a hard reset.
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Verizon doesn't have a 2.17 ROM out. That is only for Sprint. There are custom ROMS for Verizon devices that use some of the 2.17 drivers.
blazingwolf said:
Verizon doesn't have a 2.17 ROM out. That is only for Sprint. There are custom ROMS for Verizon devices that use some of the 2.17 drivers.
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good point, forgot to mention that, the ROM 2.17 is only for sprint, and like blazingwolf said, there are custom ROMs for almost all carriers. Thanks blazingwolf for the missed point..

New t-mous HD2

So I just got this phone like 3 days ago. And I like it. But I'm ready to do something with it. I didn't get winmo to use basic winmo, let's put it that way .
So anyways, I've been searching and I've found a few roms that I think sound pretty good to try out.
But the main thing I'm wondering about are what tweaks to look at that people have found to be really useful.
Before I flash a rom, I'd really like to try out some different tweaks to like change the keyboard, speed up messaging, and heck, I don't know what else (I text a lot, lol).
So I'm just asking for some suggestions from the users out there. Like what tweak or whatever you used, and where I can find it. Thanks guys .
I'm going to tell you what every one told me when I asked what rom to use on my touch pro 2. Just try as many roms as you want and see which one you like best or fits you the best. people tent to like different thing so what you like other people might not like or want on their rom. Right now im using the stock rom since I feel that theirs not point to flash it at the moment their havent put out anything special in my opinion (no diss to the developers here you guys make this site what it is). I'm waiting for android to be ported or windows 7.
Ps. read the instructions carefully theirs a few people here that bricked their phone already
Yeah, I really don't want to brick this thing. And THANKS for the advice.
But moreso than just roms, what I'm really interested in is tweaks. Any suggestions there?
More and more roms are coming with the tweaks already added to them. I would say find the ROM first and then find the tweaks that haven't been implemented yet.
I've tried a few ROMS and I have found Kumars the best to my liking. Its the closet to the original look and feel of the HD2 when you first get it. I use Kumars along with BsB tweaks. BsB is super easy to use and is a really powerful tool.
Yeah, I'll have to look at those. I mean, the main reason I'm looking at tweaks more is because I do like the HD2 Interface. There's just some small stuff that bugs me.
But I'll have to look more into some of the roms to really see what I want there as well.
Cookie's home tab is definitely the first thing to do
Cookie's Home tab? Is that a rom or what?
How about the keyboard, is there anything to change that, like get rid of the arrows?
EgomaniacIII said:
Cookie's Home tab? Is that a rom or what?
How about the keyboard, is there anything to change that, like get rid of the arrows?
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CHT is a cab. That is actually built into a lot of the ROMs you will find. If you like the HD2 interface then I would just say get Kumar's Classic ROM which would probably be the same as what you have now. Only difference is it has some of the tweaks already included in it like modifications of the registry as well as CHT but it lacks all the bugs that the factory O/S has. From there you can find out what tweaks it doesn't have and then add the CABs to it like the HD2 Memory Tweaks or whatever other stuff.
The fact that you like the factory HD2 interface doesn't mean you can't find an updated ROM that looks just like the factory O/S.

Im new and need advice

Ok first off this is my first winmo phone which is the T-Mobile HTC HD2. The phone is great. The first issue I have on all phones is that I like bein able to customize it to the max!!!
But IDK were to start and how to do anything But I would really like some input and advice and be pointed in the right direction to make this phone my perfect for me!!
PM me anytime.
Im the same way... I want to be able to customize it how I want! Sometimes I feel like I could develope apps better than the manufacturer themselves! lol But no not really... I'd have to teach myself first.
get started in the regular hd2 section 'themes and apps' thread. Co0kies home tabs and max manilla will probably be your first stops.
dont worry that you have a tmous and not a regular hd2, its only roms and radios that know the difference between the phones.
Definitaley you have to get ahold of cookies home tab and editor. They are a must have!!! try this site.... make sure you read carefully before you install will help you from having to do a factory reset....

Please help this beginner.

Hello guys ,
I bought new HTC HD2 today. I am using symbian all my life and switched to Windows mobile now . I am slowly trying to adopt to it.
I dont understand terms like "Rom" , " Custom Roms" , "Rom update" , .I see them every where ...
Can a hard core WM user help me understand what these terms mean .
First of all a ROM is what the phone runs ie, WM (windows mobile 6.5, 6.5.x)
custom ROM is something a chef on here or other various sites, has taken the ROM and made it better the way they like it and made it available for everyone else to use,
ROM updates are usually put out by the networks for stock ROM's i.e. what came on the phone first, have a read in the ROM section thread to get more knowledge.
and this is a very helpful thread
oh and please just use a normal font it will still be answered lol
Like you I came from a symbian device to an HD2 (about 6 months ago) and the only way to get to grips with it is just by reading through the forums endlessly, the best place to start is the wiki and the sticky threads in the various forums. It might be hard to find what your looking for sometimes but trust me anything you'll ever need to know is on here somewhere.
I think you'll be glad you made the switch.........
Happy reading
Demon_man said:
First of all a ROM is what the phone runs ie, WM (windows mobile 6.5, 6.5.x)
custom ROM is something a chef on here or other various sites, has taken the ROM and made it better the way they like it and made it available for everyone else to use,
ROM updates are usually put out by the networks for stock ROM's i.e. what came on the phone first, have a read in the ROM section thread to get more knowledge.
and this is a very helpful thread
oh and please just use a normal font it will still be answered lol
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Thank u for the quicker response !!! I think its prety much like installing another OS everytime I switch to a new Rom . Pls correct if I am wrong.
Also I believe Stock Rom is what I get with the phone itself when I buy and is it possible for me to switch back to the stock rom from a custom rom. And will i be able to install a stock rom update on the custom rom .
thank u
you can still enjoy a lot your device without paying too much attention to these terms. just play around with it and install apps that you like. there are lots of apps here and in other websites. some of them for free. one of my these websites is just make sure that the apps you install have the same resolution as your device, i.e. wvga. and as suggested, browse through the forums and you'll learn a lot.
welcome to the wm world!
conantroutman said:
Like you I came from a symbian device to an HD2 (about 6 months ago) and the only way to get to grips with it is just by reading through the forums endlessly, the best place to start is the wiki and the sticky threads in the various forums. It might be hard to find what your looking for sometimes but trust me anything you'll ever need to know is on here somewhere.
I think you'll be glad you made the switch.........
Happy reading
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Thanks for ur advise. I will do that .. Its kinda completly looks alien to me but still impressive than the boring symbian ****.
daviefl86 said:
Thank u for the quicker response !!! I think its prety much like installing another OS everytime I switch to a new Rom . Pls correct if I am wrong.
Also I believe Stock Rom is what I get with the phone itself when I buy and is it possible for me to switch back to the stock rom from a custom rom. And will i be able to install a stock rom update on the custom rom .
thank u
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You basically have 2 flavours, 6.5 which more than likely came as standard (Stock) where the start button is on the top left, and 6.5.x where the start button is on the bottom left where most of the custom ROM's are 6.5.x (not all though). yes you can put a stock ROM back on after custom ROM but you wont lol its that simple you will prob just flash (install a new ROM) to something else like the rest of us, the stock ROM updates are not needed on custom ROM's as there all upto date, and the chefs's(the people who create them) are often updating them.
as joshzzz2001 said you can use that website for all your free apps its a very good site and there is also a mobile app, so you can browse on your cell,
All i will say though is if you do Flash make sure you have read through and understand it all, once you have read it and wanna ask a question to double check people are good enough to help but its the people that dont read and fully understand that will screw up, once you have read its a piece of cake.
I know what you mean, it all seems hellishly complicated if your not used to it. Like the guy above said just start installing things and getting to grips with the basics, if theres one thing I would advise its that you reguarly backup your settings/data.
Get microsoft myphone from the marketplace, there are other more in depth backup apps out there but myphone will do the basics. Its quite likely that once you get hooked on tweaking your phone (and you will) that you might have to hard reset (factory reset). I've lost count of how many times I've had to do this. Mainly due to my own lack of knowledge
Its worth it though.... lol
Forgot to mention this, Cookies Home Tab.
Absolutely fantastic app for customising your home screen, a must have for any HD2 if you ask me, well worth looking into!
Download here
Good youtube vid of it in action
conantroutman said:
I know what you mean, it all seems hellishly complicated if your not used to it. Like the guy above said just start installing things and getting to grips with the basics, if theres one thing I would advise its that you reguarly backup your settings/data.
Get microsoft myphone from the marketplace, there are other more in depth backup apps out there but myphone will do the basics. Its quite likely that once you get hooked on tweaking your phone (and you will) that you might have to hard reset (factory reset). I've lost count of how many times I've had to do this. Mainly due to my own lack of knowledge
Its worth it though.... lol
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+1 for myphone only good thing to come from MS
conantroutman said:
I know what you mean, it all seems hellishly complicated if your not used to it. Like the guy above said just start installing things and getting to grips with the basics, if theres one thing I would advise its that you reguarly backup your settings/data.
Get microsoft myphone from the marketplace, there are other more in depth backup apps out there but myphone will do the basics. Its quite likely that once you get hooked on tweaking your phone (and you will) that you might have to hard reset (factory reset). I've lost count of how many times I've had to do this. Mainly due to my own lack of knowledge
Its worth it though.... lol
Forgot to mention this, Cookies Home Tab.
Absolutely fantastic app for customising your home screen, a must have for any HD2 if you ask me, well worth looking into!
Download here
Good youtube vid of it in action
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This app is really cool . .. I love it ... Thanks for the info...
Can u tell me where I can get more apps like that ....thanks
My phone is carrier (T-Mobile) locked. Will I still be able to install custom roms ..
like what lol? cookies home tab will let you change near enough the whole of the main screen, in the themes and apps section you can get different clocks, wallpapers, etc, you just have to have a look around this leo section mate, may take you a few days to figure it all out but its a great forum and loads of stuff on here, to do anything, if you look through this thread you can see what can be done
do you have the 1024MB ROM?? use this thread =
if you have 512MB use this thread =
if you not sure, slide the slider all the way to the end and scroll down to the bottom and click on about phone then hardware information, and look at flash size that is the ROM size then start reading either thread
Demon_man said:
like what lol? cookies home tab will let you change near enough the whole of the main screen, in the themes and apps section you can get different clocks, wallpapers, etc, you just have to have a look around this leo section mate, may take you a few days to figure it all out but its a great forum and loads of stuff on here, to do anything, if you look through this thread you can see what can be done
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thank u .. will check out ... This forum is great .. can get help in minutes ...
Thank u again ...
I have been trying to figure out what is HSPL , SPL ,SSPL and OSPL
What is the differnce
Could u help me with that ...
this is where you will get me lol, right hspl is hard sspl is soft, i think and dont quote me but hspl is only needed once its needed for custom roms, you need hspl or sspl to be able to install a custom tom, what you have to do though is work out which model you have i edited my post look up, once you no thar there is 2 links you will need 1 of them and then it will near enough talk you straight through.
ok just realised the 2 links above i posted if you look at post number 2 in either of them it explains hspl and sspl
u r help ful my friend ...Thank u ..
if your on t mobile in the uk i'd reccomend the rom update thats available on the htc site (if your gonna stick with the stock rom) Its a lot less buggy. If your in the US then ignore this!
conantroutman said:
if your on t mobile in the uk i'd reccomend the rom update thats available on the htc site (if your gonna stick with the stock rom) Its a lot less buggy. If your in the US then ignore this!
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All the us version T-mobile devices have 1024MB roms.
SPL (secondry program loader aka the boot loader) is basically the bios of the phone. The SSPL is the soft secondry program loader and the OSPL is the original secondry program loader (ie the stock spl). HSPL is the hard (or hacked) secondry program loader and this is required to install custom roms. There are 2 versions of this (hspl and hspl2) the second is applicable to all devices including tmous devices and is recommended. if you want to use hspl, use the same hspl version as your ospl. The ospl/hspl can be upgraded but i havent done this. There is also another application that may interest to you and that is customruu. This allows you to update the radio firmware for your device to a newer version. This has advantages such as better effiency for the GSM, wifi and bluetooth chips thus extending the battery life.
Most of the cooked roms out there are based on the tmous (T-mobile US) 2.10 and above roms. These are WM 6.5.3 and 6.5.5 based and feature better finger support. They also feature seveal fixes including an updated camera driver to fix the camera flash over exposure problem.
I, personally, prefer to stay with the stock roms and tweak them as i don't take many night photos and speed for me is the main thing. You can do this by runnning through the 2 tweaks sticky threads and with the help of phm registry editor. On the speed front there are (for me atleast) a couplel programs that are must haves. These are, netrippers LCS and chainfires 3D gfx driver. Combined with the performance tweaks these eliminate the lag of the stock UI and go as far as making it very fluid and responsive.
I hope this helps
there are three hspl versions, not two.
the tmous (t mobile usa hd2, the one with 1024 rom) has its own variant of hspl2, usually referred to as hspl1024.
you said you were on t mobile but not which tmo. is very important to distinguish between tmous and all the others. if it IS a tmous then you need to be really sure about the pitfalls before you flash.if you have a normal hd2 (512 flash size in settings about phone hardware info) then things couldn't be simpler. hspl 2 then any rom you like.
is handy to have your country flag and carrier logo on in your profile, as that can usually tell us which phone you likely have.

