HTC Sense operation - HD2 General

Wondering if anyone else have a problem with the control of HTC Sense 2.5
Sliding from one tab to another is still pretty difficult for me (no I don't have motoric problems ) Sliding from the home tab to, say, the sixth tab on the right is not as easy as it seems. I can't point to the tab (which is the case for the first five tabs) but I have to scroll my way through a series of passing icons. Somehow this doesn't work for me.
Because I hated this the first time I lay my hands on the HD2 I got used to hiding all but 5 tabs so I can easily jump from one tab to another by just tapping the tab-icon. Now, because the amount of tabs is growing with every new rom, I thought I have to learn to swipe my way throught the tabs.
My question is, are there experienced users who are fluently in this. Can it be learned If so, do you have some tips and tricks.


improving TF3D w/fullscreen selector or 2 tabs bars when sliding it[req]

i have a cool idea that i think will greatly improve the usability of tf3d especially for one hand usage
the problem now with the tab selector is that te taps are two close to each other on my x1. this is annoying because i have use two hands when sliding between tabs because of the annoying extra needed persession when trying to select the correct tab. i allways have probels selecting between the sms and the email tab
i think it would be a good idea for the bottom tab slider to change to two big stacked tabs sliders as soon as you try to slide it. so selecting the correct tabs will be so much faster and easier
what do you all think?
actullay it would be even better & faster to let the whole screen turn into a 12 or 9 tap selector (similar to the 9/12 button actionscreen) as soon as you touch the screen to slide. a tab is selected as soon as you lift your finger from the screen. i think this idea makes a lot of sense since most of the screen is dead space anyway and making use of it will enhance usability greatly.
anybody willing to give this a chance?
wrong place for questions
please refer to the Q&A Section
thank you

Start Menu, Keyboard, Apps

Okay so I just have a few general questions. I have searched around. Spent a lot of the past few days looking around. But just some general questions.
1) Is there anyway to make the start menu anything sort of organized? I just don't know what to do with that thing. It's getting very full, lol.
2) I have read plenty of stuff on different keyboards. I know there's the swype keyboard and a few others I guess.
a) But is there anyone who's made a keyboard, or anything, to just have the regular keyboard without the arrows, lol?
b) Is there any better way to get to specific parts of text without the arrows? Like the iPhone Magnifying glass or something?
3) People all the time say that they can pretty much find an app for anything. Well I'm not a business professional. I have O-Market installed. But are there any other places to look for just some cool apps and time killers?
Edit (4) Umm, is there anything to be done for messaging. I've done some reg tweaks and stuff, but what bothers me is when I click on a new message in the messaging tab (the one where you can scroll through your 25 most recent messages) and I HATE how I've either got to start typing and then get interrupted when it selects the message I clicked on, or I have to wait for it to select the message and then start typing...
Any way to make it NOT select the message, lol? I already know what message I'm responding too dang it, lol.
Hopefully I can get some answers, or links to answers for these. Thanks a lot guys .
4) You can flash your ROM to Energy ROM and it'll eliminate that problem.
I keep going back to Energy after experimental flashing with other ROM, but I go back to Energy for that reason alone.
1) Start Menu is something I don't really use, ever.
Cookie's Home Tab allows you to have more than 1 apps panel, up to 5 panels, I think.
I have 3 4x4 panel tabs I can just access from home screen, nearly every program/contacts I use are on it.
Awesome. If I could get any responses to the other questions that would be great .
But thank you very much. I was looking at Energy, I will probably flash to that. I have CHT right now, so I might have to think about some more tab pages.
Do all roms do that with messaging?

Android 2.1 Wish/Looking For List

I've just moved to Android 2.1, coming from WinMo (HD2 Flashed WM6.5.x). I spent many long hours, tweaking just about everything in order to get the look I wanted. I was told by many, that I would have no problem doing all the same on the Evo and even much more. So I'm in love with my Evo experience so far and have no plans to go back to WinMo even though I was happy with it.
All weekend, I've searched high and low. Ran through nearly a hundred apps out of a list of 150 and growing. Yet here I am still trying to find a few types of apps and mods.
1. An app like ListPro which is the best Windows Mobile general list keeping app ever made. I'm looking for an app to create general lists of all types, with custom fields and so on. And furthermore, having a desktop app that syncs with it, is also high on the list. Being able to enter data on a desktop and sync it all with great ease, to a matching mobile app, is something I would pay dearly for.
2. On the HTC Evo, the Sense home screen is okay but could really use a touch of xda Co0kies Home Tab. Looking, but can't find any such app. Recently, I downloaded nearly 200 analog clocks for the HD2 Sense home screen. Where are the Android custom analog clocks?
3. Is it possible to change the color of the top status bar of Android? And also how about the bottom bar? Can we not have wallpaper that extends the entire screen so that the bars match the wallpaper?
4. Can the slide to unlock bar be disabled? Pressing the power button is hard enough to not have to worry about the screen being on when not wanted.
5. How about an on-screen power/sleep icon/button? It would be nice to be able to put the phone to sleep without having to reach for that little power button.
6. What is up with the wallpaper??? At first I thought, well since I love my HTC HD2 wallpaper so much, why don't I just transfer it to my Evo. Sure thing but it ends up being cropped and stretched, no matter what I do. I've read page after page and tried a few different things and can't seem to get it right. I tried using a png image that was 960x800 after first trying the 800x480. I tried holding my finger in the crop screen and sliding the selection area but it will not allow me to select the entire image size. So the Evo Sense has 7 screens but why not just one image displayed in full screen, on each screen? What was Google/HTC thinking?!?!?!
I've searched many forums and I just can't seem to find the answers to these questions so far and so I figure it can't hurt to ask around.
Thanks to jmxp69, an answer for number 4: Freeware app called No Lock in the Android market does the trick. Installing it and then activating it will turn off the slide to unlock screen. Furthermore it makes the volume up/down buttons wake up the Evo, the same as the power button does. So far it looks like it does not effect any of the 4 cap buttons.
You can install Menu Unlock form market [donate] or find it on xda for free. It works for me(I removed HtcLockScreen). I'm not sure I like No Lock yet. It works but it seems like it can be too much. Meaning I don't want it to wake and unlock, just wake from the volume buttons then slide or menu to unlock the screen.
That said I'm trying to get something like trackball wake going that will let the phone just be woke from sleep then you'll need to slide or tap menu.
The other thing I'm looking forward to is full display out on the HDMI. I want to see the home screen and games and anything else on the display.
Thanks but now I'm trying to find a way to only disable the lock screen on wake up and only have it show up when the phone rings. Still looking and hoping to find a way to do this.......

Help me find ROM, forgot the name

I've been using this certain ROM for quite a while now, and today I decided to try other roms for my HD2, while not making backup of this one that I had used. Not being satisfied with any of the roms I tried, I decided to go back to the old one, just to realize I have no backup of it, nor I know the name. So I need help finding it. I've tried a lot and this one was the most responsive/fastest/most stable one for me, so help is greatly appreciated.
Now, to the things I remember about it, hopefully someone will recognize which rom I'm talking about. It was pretty minimalistic, it was nothing fancy like most of the popular roms now. Came with a greyish stone wall like home wallpaper, there was no google search widget at the top of the screen by default (most roms have that, as far as I noticed), had 5 icons (shortcuts) in the very bottom of the screen, all grayish/whitish. There was 3 home screens you could scroll around with by default, and also the same way you could've scrolled those 5 shortcuts. When nothing was assigned to the shortcut, like when you first scrolled to the next screen, there was a plus sign (+) of the same color as all other. I'm not sure but I think the internet browser shortcut had something like a detective's head silhouette (like a side shot). Could've been a globe, too, looked like a head to me.
The battery levels showed in percentages in the upper right of the screen (without the % sign), with white dots around the white number (percentage) matching the percentage showed. The messaging was set up so it was divided in threads, and each thread looked the simplest it actually could. It said "Me: <my message>" for my sms and had the same format for the other person in thread (in new row, of course), all went left to right, no fancy iphone ballons showing me on the right side, them on left. And it had time stamps underneat the messages. By default only time for today, and date (without timestamp) for any other day.
If I can provide any more information, please let me know. Thanks for reading, hopefully someone knows what rom this is about. I'm not sure how I got to that rom, but I'm guessing it was popular at some time (maybe still is) since it worked flawlessly. Even if it reminds you of some rom that isn't this one for sure, let me know.
Edit: Remembered something, it's big I think. On boot, that animated screen containted while we wait to boot looked like a cube, rotating and disappearing, as if it was made of water, like spilling in the air, or sprinkling. Also not sure, I think it had a letter H on each side of the cube. Also, I'm willing to bet it was gingerbread build.
Edit2: Solved. It's the latest hyperdroid, sandy scorpion.

New to AW, coming from Gear S2. Whoa, I have some questions

First of all, if any of this has been asked and answered in other threads, I apologize. I did look! But there are a ton of threads to go through. I even did a search.
So, I had a Gear S2 sport, and I wanted to upgrade and get something that looks nicer (Gear S2 even with band adapters doesn't looks so good), so I thought I'd try out AW and so I got a Huawei Watch 2 Classic. So far, whoa, this is a whole new beast! I guess I didn't think that two different smart watch OS's would be so different!
Anyway, some things I REALLY miss about Tizen wear:
The ability to scroll left or right to get to menus/widgets/etc. (this only brings up watchface selection for me. Can't seem to find a way to change it, seems like a HUGE waste of possible functions!).
Adding widgets (not watchface widgets, actual screens you can scroll to, like swipe to the right to see for example). This I really miss. I could scroll right and glance at the weather, calendar, control my phones music player, etc. It was SO helpful and functional. Not having this also seems like a HUGE waste of possible functionality.
Sooo, is there any way to do any of this? I see there are launchers for AW, but I haven't found anything yet that quite does this. Some DO allow swiping left or right to pull up menus and such, which is a great start, but no widgets.
Also, is there any way to adjust the screen timeout? I cannot find anything... If I have the always-on active and I wake the watch, it times out and goes back to ambient mode in 5 seconds. With always-on disabled, it turns off after 10 seconds. It would be nice to be able to set this for longer. This is particularly annoying.
Anyway, thanks for any help! I want to give this a try and will give the new watch a few days at least, but to be honest, I'm already thinking about exchanging it for a Gear S3. So, let me know what I can do to remedy this please!

