When I started using Android on my HD2, I hated stock android builds and was huge fan of Sense Builds.
However after using it all (Stock Desire, Desire HD ROMS) and trying out stock Android builds...i've started to like stock android/CM much more...
Even though HTC has done a great job and sense has the best out of the box experience, but with few additional softwares, widgets Launcher Pro and Dialer2...stock android is just as functional as sense and feels much more smoother/faster too...Animations also seems much more elegant..
What you guys think?
Also I don't know what CM7 gives over stock Gingerbread, stock builds are just as much functional and feels more light too?
my 1st try on android was shubcraft, very simple but later its annoy me of launcher pro unintend 'widget resize' reminder to get full purchase. Then, Iv try the Nexus base which has bland milky white menubar which make me boring. So I skip to Desire and Evo base rom. I think Im liking to use more because Sense is is very usefull with instant result widget like, message and people widgets, so handy without necessary open main program
But once getting to Desire HD, its like full of colors while other build stay sorta black and white. But I do like to MIUI and Gingerbread too, better than before
when will there be finally be a dump of the new desire s or vivo including gingerbread and sense ui
i like gingerbread but i like sense ui even more.. and i don´t want to be stuck anymore.. i want both
anyone feeling the same?
there are no really improvements with sense 2.1 the graphics of DHD are still better as i now, and with the Core Droid ROM u have the energy controls directly in the notification bar and not in a tab like in sense 2.1. and its also fast enough
Jur1nator said:
when will there be finally be a dump of the new desire s or vivo including gingerbread and sense ui
i like gingerbread but i like sense ui even more.. and i don´t want to be stuck anymore.. i want both
anyone feeling the same?
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I love my gingerbread and after months of not having sense, I gave launcher pro a try and I think it's pretty awesome on top of ginger, since it has most widgets that sense has and they look very nice, it has very nice animation when page scrolling, I would reccomend to anyone missing htc sense.
Hey, does anyone have the apk yet? And would it be possible to port it to other phones to use? It looks pretty bad A.
Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk
Here is a doubleshot rom for our G2's:
It is a fully functional rom based off of the mt4gs leak from a few weeks back. I'm not a fan of sense so I didn't try it out myself, but RMK is a beast of a dev so it should be good. As for porting the apk, it would be difficult as it requires the sense framework. You could probably port it to another sense based rom without too much difficulty, however.
Is this possible? We know the sensor is different on the mt4gs, but will the apk (more specifically the HDR feature)work on phones like the Desire, Desire HD, Incredible S (all of which do not have sense 3.0) or the Sensation?
heres a link to the apk
No offence intended by the title of this thread, but I've noticed that all of the latest rom releases are all pimpin out sense 3.
To be honest, I find the lack of current development on sense 2 roms disappointing. Im currently using the last version of Leedroid 3.3.3 and occasionally switch to ARHD 5.2.6 as these were the last x2 sense roms which I enjoy.
I realise that sense 3 is the latest from HTC but in my opinion its bloated and sluggish with annoying 3d scrolling and a lack of scrollable wallpaper.
So my question is this... why the mass exodus to sense 3? Does anyone else feel the same as me?
Honestly, sense is pretty useless for me. Laggy, a resources hog and huge performance loss.
CM7 rules.
I also find this very disturbing/slightly annoying. However since I'm not a dev I'm still grateful for the wide variety of ROMs available.
That being said I found the stock Sense ROM to be awesomely quick but in my "the grass is greener on the other side moment" I removed it and put on some others... I'm now on CM7 and waiting for ICS AOSP for the DHD.
I guess it's just because everyone tends to build on the newest base available. Once some Gingerbread RUUs leaked everyone started building with them, and it wasn't long before the remaining Froyo builds stopped being actively updated. Same thing has happened now with Sense 3 - test builds have leaked and people have moved on, and if/when an official update comes out you'll struggle to find any actively maintained ROMs using earlier versions. The same thing will happen with Sense 3.5, then Ice Cream Sandwich, then who knows.
You can't fight progress.
At first I thought the sense 3 ROMs were pretty laggy in rosie, but with the super smooth and liquid smooth patches, and all the work done by others, I feel that they're now as smooth as they were always meant to be =)
Apart from that, if you want super silky smooth over nice transparent looks and still be very functional, I'd suggest MIUI with a nice theme. I went to the SCI MIUI ROM a while back and it's amazing, although for a change now and then I do go back to a sense ROM for a week or so and I'd recommend looking at the liquid patch.
Sense for nice looks, along with whatever patches our amazing devs come up with for speed and functionality.
MIUI with custom launcher for a fantastic compromise between AOSP speed and looks, along with that fantastic pull down and battery (and did I mention the speed?) (Also, I think I might be bias towards this)
Cyanogenmod for pure speed and battery
But anyways, that wasn't the point =/
Sense 3 with the patches is as smooth as sense 2 was, and most things like the 3d and bloated-ness can be got rid of or are the same as sense 2 =) Plus you can activate the scrollable wallpaper in some of them
Edit: Sorry that is a rant and a half.
gcarter said:
To be honest, I find the lack of current development on sense 2 roms disappointing.
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No one asked you to come to XDA. If you don't like what's on offer, develop your own. The Dev's develop what they want, they just happen to share it with everyone else.
gcarter said:
Im currently using the last version of Leedroid 3.3.3 and occasionally switch to ARHD 5.2.6 as these were the last x2 sense roms which I enjoy.
I realise that sense 3 is the latest from HTC but in my opinion its bloated and sluggish with annoying 3d scrolling and a lack of scrollable wallpaper.
So my question is this... why the mass exodus to sense 3? Does anyone else feel the same as me?
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Perhaps not, If you like LeeDroid 3.3.3 & ARHD 5.2.6, stick with them.
Also I could see a few people being unhappy labelled as "Sheep", just because they want the latest & most current versions.
andyharney said:
No one asked you to come to XDA. If you don't like what's on offer, develop your own. The Dev's develop what they want, they just happen to share it with everyone else.
Perhaps not, If you like LeeDroid 3.3.3 & ARHD 5.2.6, stick with them.
Also I could see a few people being unhappy labelled as "Sheep", just because they want the latest & most current versions.
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Actually was referring to the rom devs as sheep. Was kinda hoping for some die hard devs to say no to sense 3 and stick with 2, but hey
Joey93 said:
At first I thought the sense 3 ROMs were pretty laggy in rosie, but with the super smooth and liquid smooth patches, and all the work done by others, I feel that they're now as smooth as they were always meant to be =)
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The current sense 3/3.5 ROMs are indeed super smooth. I would get bored in a day every time I flashed a new Sense ROM, but what brought me back to Sense is the new RCMix3d Runny v3.2. Once you use Sense 3.5, its difficult to go back to even Sense 3, so I'd been waiting for this to stabilize a bit. And I must say, the RC team has made this ROM buttery smooth. Its perfect so far. Falling in love with Sense again.
---------- Post added at 11:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 PM ----------
gcarter said:
Actually was referring to the rom devs as sheep. Was kinda hoping for some die hard devs to say no to sense 3 and stick with 2, but hey
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Why dont you give Runny a try, you might understand why most devs are moving forward and trying to make Sense 3.5 work optimally on our phones.
crazyjc81 said:
The current sense 3/3.5 ROMs are indeed super smooth. I would get bored in a day every time I flashed a new Sense ROM, but what brought me back to Sense is the new RCMix3d Runny v3.2. Once you use Sense 3.5, its difficult to go back to even Sense 3, so I'd been waiting for this to stabilize a bit. And I must say, the RC team has made this ROM buttery smooth. Its perfect so far. Falling in love with Sense again.
---------- Post added at 11:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 PM ----------
Why dont you give Runny a try, you might understand why most devs are moving forward and trying to make Sense 3.5 work optimally on our phones.
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Just out walking the dog at the moment, but on my return home... Do you know what... I think I will give this runny rom a test drive
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using Tapatalk
gcarter said:
No offence intended by the title of this thread, but I've noticed that all of the latest rom releases are all pimpin out sense 3.
To be honest, I find the lack of current development on sense 2 roms disappointing. Im currently using the last version of Leedroid 3.3.3 and occasionally switch to ARHD 5.2.6 as these were the last x2 sense roms which I enjoy.
I realise that sense 3 is the latest from HTC but in my opinion its bloated and sluggish with annoying 3d scrolling and a lack of scrollable wallpaper.
So my question is this... why the mass exodus to sense 3? Does anyone else feel the same as me?
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The main reason alot of developers are going with the new sense is that they know all future updates will include it and the old coding for the older sense will no longer work when making and configuring roms.
I like sense 3 granted the lock screens ****,i flashed the ol pull down lock to my arhd rom
Sense 3 is good but my opinion. Sense 3.5 is the ****e you need to watch out for,hopefully htc will drop it and move to 4.0
For ice cream
Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using XDA App
snowpatrol1702 said:
I like sense 3 granted the lock screens ****,i flashed the ol pull down lock to my arhd rom
Sense 3 is good but my opinion. Sense 3.5 is the ****e you need to watch out for,hopefully htc will drop it and move to 4.0
For ice cream
Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using XDA App
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Sense 3 is good but my opinion. Sense 3.5 is the ****e you need to watch out for
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Explain, please
gcarter said:
No offence intended by the title of this thread, but I've noticed that all of the latest rom releases are all pimpin out sense 3.
To be honest, I find the lack of current development on sense 2 roms disappointing. Im currently using the last version of Leedroid 3.3.3 and occasionally switch to ARHD 5.2.6 as these were the last x2 sense roms which I enjoy.
I realise that sense 3 is the latest from HTC but in my opinion its bloated and sluggish with annoying 3d scrolling and a lack of scrollable wallpaper.
So my question is this... why the mass exodus to sense 3? Does anyone else feel the same as me?
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I hope u've tried Ginger S / IceCream edition of it
Daedric,nothing really,its more the appearence of 3.5 i dont like,reminds me of the iphone. Thats my bugbear i think,i tried runnys rom,didnt gel,if someone themes it with honey sense maybe but...who knows
Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using XDA App
ARHD 5.2.6 is my all-time favourite ROM. It's stable, smooth, fast and has amazing battery life not to mention it works with PureBlackEspresso skin (was never updated for Sense 3.0).
However, seeing all the new bells and whistles which are included in Sense 3.5 I tried Runny v1.5 when that was the latest release. Whilst I was impressed with how it looked and the cool extras like RCTweaks and Beats Audio (I've since decided SRS is better), it just didn't impress me with performance or battery life so I went back to ARHD 5.2.6.
Anyway, last night I decided to give Runny another try and flashed v3.3. All I can say is WOW! What a difference now... it's actually runs as nice as it looks. So fast and smooth, and appears to be very stable too. It's too early to comment on battery life but so far it seems acceptable.
My only gripe with Sense 3.5 is that you loose scrolling wallpaper in favour of the 3D Rosie. I do prefer scrolling wallpaper, but hey... you can't have everything and it's a small price to pay for all the other cool stuff you gain.
I still have ARHD 5.2.6 as my main Nandroid though... it will be a cold day in hell before I get rid of that!
From my last comment...i was talking ****e,now running runny 3.3 honey sense hd on board and nexus boot with customized uot kitchen bits. Uv scripted. Sweet
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App