if the moment 2.1 rumors are true - Hero CDMA General

their are rumors going around that the samsung moment will get 2.1 on the 22nd. if that is true would someone jsut be able to port that over to the hero pretty easily since they are both cdma?
just curious

We already have the CDMA drivers done on the leaked 2.1 build. All we need to put in are 1. Camera drivers 2. Bluetooth drivers
Toast just got multitouch working, so yay!

yeah true, well bluetooth is what i really need and I actually kinda like stock 2.1 more than sense, i think its mostly because ive had sense for awhile and like change.

sprint reps officially stated that there is no plan to release any update on the 22nd of the sprint forum.
It is well known that we are going to rollout 2.1 for the Moment, so that's not a new revelation. To me the intent of the article is to predict the impending release and I felt I should set the expectation. Many folks have expressed they are confused and they get conflicting information or no information/silence and they have been given promises that go unfulfilled. Just look at the comments following that article from folks who are certainly going to be disappointed even if it has been tagged as unofficial.
Yes, the target date is still 1H2010 and while I don't intend to address all future posts containing future date predictions, I feel it is necessary to disclaim the end of February rumored date. Customers who read that article should not hope that the 2.1 software will be available so please don't call the stores, please don't call Customer Care, please don't call Samsung taking a chance on the software.
Instead, monitor the situation here. This is your best source for data, I promised I would return from time to time with some updates and anyone who believes that know that if the software was that close to launching, I would have posted about it (basically means I am "coming back with an update as we get closer"). So I'm sorry I had to be so strong with my characterization of that article but with the high expectations for this update and I wanted to make sure this didn't go anywhere. No software for neither Moment nor Hero on 2/22, sorry. Please be patient and check back here."
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rumor squashed


well i dont go fully by that. I AM A SPRINT REP and work at a sprint corporate store and in all honesty people here at xda, gizmodo, endgadget etc... usually get info 10 times quicker than they tell the employees.

I thought the rumor was march?

abcdfv said:
I thought the rumor was march?
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I'm pretty sure that's for the hero not the moment

HeroMeng said:
We already have the CDMA drivers done on the leaked 2.1 build. All we need to put in are 1. Camera drivers 2. Bluetooth drivers
Toast just got multitouch working, so yay!
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multitouch on 2.1? is there a patch out yet?

cweezyf said:
multitouch on 2.1? is there a patch out yet?
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he said not this weekend cause of vday, but soon

Toast also just got OpenGL working He also says they are close to getting the camera working too.

Ohhhhh sweet!

I can personally live w/o bluetooth. Never use it. But camera is a must-have for me, so right now sticking to the AOSP 1.6

Street_Knowledge said:
sprint reps officially stated that there is no plan to release any update on the 22nd of the sprint forum.
rumor squashed
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Yes, the target date is still 1H2010 and while I don't intend to address all future posts containing future date predictions, I feel it is necessary to disclaim the end of February rumored date. Customers who read that article should not hope that the 2.1 software will be available so please don't call the stores, please don't call Customer Care, please don't call Samsung taking a chance on the software.
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The whole point of Sprint's forum is damage control.
Do just the opposite. Call Customer Care as much as possible, Call Samsung / HTC.

yeah we really need this 2.1 update already.

As soon as the devs get the camera going i will run 2.1 as my daily rom. I dont use bluetooth so that doesnt matter

Anyone want to trade a moment for a hero? The keyboard or lack there of is killing me. I ve had the hero since release you would think I would be use to it by now.

Tipharet said:
Anyone want to trade a moment for a hero? The keyboard or lack there of is killing me. I ve had the hero since release you would think I would be use to it by now.
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Im with you on that.. and i can type pretty dam fast on it.. but its always wrong.. and I noticed its hyper sensitive... for instance, if i hover a finger over a virtual key it thinks Im long pressing it.. even though Im not touching it.. and if another text comes in while Im typing the key being pressed for that moment gets long pressed..

Haha I'm totally opposite you guys. I HATE physical keyboards. Back with AT&T, I switched a Samsung Eternity out for an Impression... big mistake. Not only the was the added bulk incredibly annoying, but the keyboard was SO innacurate, I just gave up on it and used the virtual keyboard. Trust me, virtual keyboards are better (if the keyboard isn't crap!). But have you guys tried Swype? I've been using it instead of the HTC keyboard, and I can type pretty accurately and fast now with it.

mrinehart93 said:
Haha I'm totally opposite you guys. I HATE physical keyboards. Back with AT&T, I switched a Samsung Eternity out for an Impression... big mistake. Not only the was the added bulk incredibly annoying, but the keyboard was SO innacurate, I just gave up on it and used the virtual keyboard. Trust me, virtual keyboards are better (if the keyboard isn't crap!). But have you guys tried Swype? I've been using it instead of the HTC keyboard, and I can type pretty accurately and fast now with it.
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Yeah I did swipe for about a week. My main issue with V-KB's is that they take more focus. Its not that its anything wrong with it, I just cant bang out a text like I could on my Touch Pro.
As matter fact, I find myself not texting people back because I get annoyed with the KB, but seriously whats the best route for trading.


Android 2.1 for the Eris

I heard some rumors flying around of a 22nd release date. Maybe this thread can organize all of that.
Yeah...we have all heard rumors and what not.....
Not sure there is anything we can organize or do...
Just wait until the 22nd and hope
My source at Verizon told me that via an internal email 2.0 is coming to the Eris at the end of January. They have not set a date for the release yet, but when they do, I will post an update for everyone.
acidbath5546 said:
Yeah...we have all heard rumors and what not.....
Not sure there is anything we can organize or do...
Just wait until the 22nd and hope
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Well I guess we just keep the thread open and see what happens.
I was given the Jan. 22nd date also from a Verizon Tech when I was having trouble authenticating my back in the beginning of December. She didn't say what the update would be though.
JTF2007 said:
I was given the Jan. 22nd date also from a Verizon Tech when I was having trouble authenticating my back in the beginning of December. She didn't say what the update would be though.
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The bugfix one. There is one scheduled for the 22nd, and it won't be 2.0/2.1.
ataranine said:
The bugfix one. There is one scheduled for the 22nd, and it won't be 2.0/2.1.
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Didn't they just do a bugfix a few days ago?
CPCookieMan said:
Didn't they just do a bugfix a few days ago?
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That was issued to fix one bug. The one where your phone locks up on you at the lockscreen and you have to pull the battery.
There's still one coming on the 22nd that fixes a lot of other bugs. It won't be 2.1.
ataranine said:
That was issued to fix one bug. The one where your phone locks up on you at the lockscreen and you have to pull the battery.
There's still one coming on the 22nd that fixes a lot of other bugs. It won't be 2.1.
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*sigh* I reject your reality and substitute my own.
CPCookieMan said:
*sigh* I reject your reality and substitute my own.
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Whatever you say.
ataranine said:
Whatever you say.
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It was a joke. You don't watch Mythbusters, obviously.
CPCookieMan said:
It was a joke. You don't watch Mythbusters, obviously.
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I haven't seen that show in a while. I love it though.
rooting 2.1 with sense on eris?
i hope i'm not the only one to think of this but:
if firmware 2.1 does come out on the 22nd of january, what does this mean to all the work done rooting firmware 1.5? because i'm pretty sure the problems with rooting the eris is not necessarily with fw1.5 but the sense UI thats layered on top of 1.5
even if 2.1 does come to the eris, it'll probably be a watered down version of fw2.1 because the hardware on the eris is not really optimized for 2.1 and it'll probably have a newer tweaked sense UI built upon the code from 1.5
i hope this is not a draw back but it's something to think about
It depends on the kind of attack we end up using. If we end up attacking the linux kernel directly, I doubt there will be time to plug the holes at this point. The bootloader / updater stuff, though, might be more risky, and I've been wondering about this for a while now. Guess we just have to wait and see which attacks come to fruition.
no kernel source code
i see what you're saying but htc hasn't released the source code for the kernel. i think thats what the senior members of this forum (acidbath5546, ataranine, rigmrt, etc.) are trying to get from htc through those emails. so the method of "attack" must be something else. unless of course those Mod edit: Employees at htc decide to allow us to use our devices the way we want
i'd love to contribute but i'm soo dame busy watching hulu, they've got some great stuff over there
Really, guy?
Either way, the way we're currently attacking it is like this: we know that a vulnerability was discovered on a certain date, and patched on a date after that. Fortunately, both of these dates are well after the date that the current version shipped, meaning that the target kernel must be vulnerable. Obviously this security flaw has been patched, and will do us no good in the future, but at least it's a start in our workflow.
moqadasi said:
i see what you're saying but htc hasn't released the source code for the kernel. i think thats what the senior members of this forum (acidbath5546, ataranine, rigmrt, etc.) are trying to get from htc through those emails. so the method of "attack" must be something else. unless of course those Mod edit: Employees at htc decide to allow us to use our devices the way we want
i'd love to contribute but i'm soo dame busy watching hulu, they've got some great stuff over there
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We have been trying...and Htc is sorta hearing us...
I just got word from someone at Engadget Mobile that Htc has heard us and seen the threads and emails..
And like they did on the Hero, they will release kernel code...its just a big machine over there...so we do owe them a bit of patience..
But it is good to know they heard..
Amazing what we can do as a community!
I will update as I hear more
moqadasi said:
i see what you're saying but htc hasn't released the source code for the kernel. i think thats what the senior members of this forum (acidbath5546, ataranine, rigmrt, etc.) are trying to get from htc through those emails. so the method of "attack" must be something else. unless of course those Mod edit: Employees at htc decide to allow us to use our devices the way we want
i'd love to contribute but i'm soo dame busy watching hulu, they've got some great stuff over there
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Watch the choice of words you use towards other people of any race/color/creed/nationality
If that is impossible for you, we can help you
Mikey1022 said:
Watch the choice of words you use towards other people of any race/color/creed/nationality
If that is impossible for you, we can help you
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Wow.. epic.
New HTC email...
"bigdroid" over at http://androidforums.com/members/bigdroid.html
just got this email from htc.
The update is scheduled for the first quarter of this year. Now while I can not definitively say any dates, I would expect it sometime end of January to mid February. Hopefully, this helps you.
HTC Support

Yet another Sprint 2.1 Rumor

Just saw this pop up on my news reader figured I would share. Lets hope it is true
zippy-man said:
Just saw this pop up on my news reader figured I would share. Lets hope it is true
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Yeah... I saw that. Little skeptical though because once you trace the source back to handhelditems they say someone got that info from a webchat with Sprint. We all know to think twice about those! lol It does seem to line up with that April 9th update that's been floating around though. Who knows...
Hopefully this is true and not another april fools prank. It was about a week-week and a half ago they rumored it would release in the coming weeks. Fingers crossed.................
With all the sprint leaks we have been getting I think it might be getting close.
But who knows
I already have it thanks damage
good, it's about time, tired of watching people get LEAKS and then not sharing the source...
obelisk79 said:
good, it's about time, tired of watching people get LEAKS and then not sharing the source...
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don't worry, Sprint will just repackage one of the XDA roms as their own and use it as the official update
ive said it once ill say it again the april 9th update is a maintenance release to fix mms issues not 2.1
sprint hasnt told us anything beyond that
any new news on an "official" release date? im hearing either the 9th or 26th of this month? i don't get why sprint is soo tight lipped about this?
also when is the nexus & evo launching on sprint?
no ONE cares anymore
Sent from my HERO200 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
says who ?
rank78 said:
don't worry, Sprint will just repackage one of the XDA roms as their own and use it as the official update
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Once every single bug has been worked out of DamageControl, Sprint will pull it off XDA and release it.
Sporkman said:
says who ?
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+1 i care very much tbh. id also like to know why they have not given us a firm release date for the nexus & evo.
mrinehart93 said:
Once every single bug has been worked out of DamageControl, Sprint will pull it off XDA and release it.
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with alot of tweaking to do after the initial install, yes your right.
i hope when the final comes out and we get custom roms, we won't have to apply any fixes. this is one reason im back to 1.5 for now. i have faith in the devs here, they do great work!
Why do we keep creating threads on this issue. It is a waste of space. It will come when Sprint is ready to release it. They have never given an exact date. People get so pissed because they haven't sent an update. Well guess what. When you bought your phone it had 1.5. They are not required to update it to 2.1. Either use a custom ROM or shut up and wait until it comes out.Then when it comes on don't get on here complaining about how crappy the release is.
I have Fresh 2.0d and it is working very well.
Shut up and wait
Running: Fresh2.0d
Developing:WarpedMetal (T minus 2 weeks)
Just got out of a sprint chat. this is what they're saying
honestly no thread can "waste space" as well we have plenty of it. I wasn't complaining nor *****ing about it. I am more happy with the legend based roms then the leaked Sprint roms but when the official Rom hits it will help with more development to fix issues and get faster roms out there. honestly if you don't like these threads the easy thing to do is stay out of them. no one is forcing anyone to read the forum or a certain posts. forums are for talking that is there main and only reason for existing.
damn I hate trolls.
Sent from my HERO200 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
Wow, that's interesting, I dont know whether to believe it or believe the support guy/gal was confused by the question and didnt know how to answer, so he/she just gave something generic
chirag2f4u said:
Wow, that's interesting, I dont know whether to believe it or believe the support guy/gal was confused by the question and didnt know how to answer, so he/she just gave something generic
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Does Sprint use any automated responses on the chat support? I know there's quite a few companies that do, the program just selects a basic response to generic questions about that subject, and it seems like the responses that are given by these reports are way too "computery" to be coming from a human. So I'm guessing that the system Sprint's chat support uses has a list of responses pop up based on key words in the client's question.
Probably way off base, but it'd almost make sense based on how similar the responses are in all these chat transcripts.

wow, still no official 2.2?

Getting kinda hard to believe that they were this close to releasing the consumer version of 2.2- and still no dice. With this kind of delay I really hope they have added a few surprises. With that being said, my only change would be to allow custom colors of the notification bar (hint, black) and custom color track ball colors. With these improvements I would have no reason to root....
I changed maybe a dozen lines in my build.prop and this thing might as well be final. My phone is faster, more stable, and has more features than with the "current" official build. I'm content to sit tight and recommend you do the same
twflys said:
Getting kinda hard to believe that they were this close to releasing the consumer version of 2.2- and still no dice. With this kind of delay I really hope they have added a few surprises. With that being said, my only change would be to allow custom colors of the notification bar (hint, black) and custom color track ball colors. With these improvements I would have no reason to root....
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Where did you read from a Official Google Press release that one was close?
Google has stated that hey are working quite hard on Froyo, and making sure all the kinks are ironed out before the official release. I read this in my news reader, and therefore do not feel like going back to grab it. Rest assured, they are actually trying.
Edit: Never mind, found it:
Eclair~ said:
Google has stated that hey are working quite hard on Froyo, and making sure all the kinks are ironed out before the official release. Rest assured, they are actually trying.
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NEVER underestimate how much freedom sitting behind a computer allows a whiner to cry like a baby about things they have no control over...
If we were all in a classroom and they kept whining about Froyo like they do online, we would just kick the sh*t out of them to shut them up
I cant believe how so many people are impatient for 2.2. It's not owed to you. It releases whenever it releases. If it does not, oh well, you still have a great phone. Getting a free 2.2 upgrade is just an added bonus on top of what you have.
For build.prop need root right? Debating going back after my swap put me on 2.1 again
The FRF50 build that was leak was barely put together.
In three weeks they have moved 19 new builds. FRF69 is the latest.
They were never "close to release".
In my opinion Google has LIFETIME immunity from complaints for being such a generous company and making Google Maps Navigation free...
Take as long as you want Google
JCopernicus said:
The FRF50 build that was leak was barely put together.
In three weeks they have moved 19 new builds. FRF69 is the latest.
They were never "close to release".
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Where have you got this info about "FRF69" being the latest build? Why haven't I seen it here?
Ya **** off dude. You'll get out before everyone who doesn't have a nexus. Chill.
denimjunkie82 said:
I cant believe how so many people are impatient for 2.2. It's not owed to you. It releases whenever it releases. If it does not, oh well, you still have a great phone. Getting a free 2.2 upgrade is just an added bonus on top of what you have.
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I'd expect this kind of attitude from an iPhone user and not some one in the Android camp.
The Android platform is still young and needs to evolve a lot more, especially in UI refinement to become a mainstay mobile platform. Updating Android to 2.2 is not an 'added bonus', it's a necessary incremental evolution if Google is to compete with Apple, Palm/HP and RIM.
stuff said:
Where have you got this info about "FRF69" being the latest build? Why haven't I seen it here?
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Yeah... answer to this question please.
Courtesy and respect go a long way. One other thing. Nothing you get from google is free. It charges for its services and the products you buy have those costs built in. Maps is not free, nav is not free, you pay for it every day every time you buy a product. There is no free cup of coffee. Ever. Corporations are in it to make money and nothing else. Google is not your friend, nothing they output sees the light of day unless they believe the profit is there. They fully plan on getting their pound of flesh and we owe them nothing. Anyone who thinks otherwise has yet to attain their 14th birthday.
I'm running FRF50 now and it's good. I'd love a final, but I'd rather see 2.2 on as many different devices as possible. For as much as I want 2.2... I want everyone to get it more. I've seen people stuck on 1.5 and 1.6, it's scarey
Second... where can I get this frf69 build??
clickwir said:
I'm running FRF50 now and it's good. I'd love a final, but I'd rather see 2.2 on as many different devices as possible. For as much as I want 2.2... I want everyone to get it more. I've seen people stuck on 1.5 and 1.6, it's scarey
Second... where can I get this frf69 build??
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its on queen latiffa's github..
I am not going to lie, I am starting to get pretty impatient with this crap... i miss so many of the features i could have back on 2.1 that i am almost ready to roll back... not to mention that I got my brand new 16gig chip that i want to put in this thing but i dont want to deal with reinstalling all of my apps twice...
I am still getting the issue where my cpu throttles up for no reason as well which is annoying enough to reinstall... lol
clickwir said:
I'm running FRF50 now and it's good. I'd love a final, but I'd rather see 2.2 on as many different devices as possible. For as much as I want 2.2... I want everyone to get it more. I've seen people stuck on 1.5 and 1.6, it's scarey
Second... where can I get this frf69 build??
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69 is passe.
72 is the new hotness.
JHaste said:
I am not going to lie, I am starting to get pretty impatient with this crap... i miss so many of the features i could have back on 2.1 that i am almost ready to roll back... not to mention that I got my brand new 16gig chip that i want to put in this thing but i dont want to deal with reinstalling all of my apps twice...
I am still getting the issue where my cpu throttles up for no reason as well which is annoying enough to reinstall... lol
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Then nandroid, and go back to 2.1. 2.2 is obviously not official yet. It will be released soon though, and I have a feeling it will include a lot of hidden features. Perhaps they sent the current 2.2 as a BETA for people like us to test. We say "I like it, but I want ____ feature" and maybe they will add it in the official release. Who knows.
But don't complain about it.
JCopernicus, if there is such build as one past the current FRF50, then go ahead and point us in the direction? If you're lying, shut up and leave.
JCopernicus said:
69 is passe.
72 is the new hotness.
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Any major difference between FRF50 and FRF72?

Froyo is...

Still not here... Where the heck is it!!?
I'm getting a little tired of waiting for a gps fix.
not positive but i'm pretty sure samsung said the end of september :[
and trust me, we all are.
merrifield69 said:
not positive but i'm pretty sure samsung said the end of september :[
and trust me, we all are.
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At the earliest most likely... patience Lil grasshopper
samsung is holding an event on the 16th to show off the media hub on the galaxy s phones and to show off some new models. I'd expect them to make an official announcement then since they've been rather quiet recently.
Some tmo rep said the same thing. End of this month. He also had to mention the g2 end of this month too. Kinda wondered should have I waited
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
tribalb said:
Some tmo rep said the same thing. End of this month. He also had to mention the g2 end of this month too. Kinda wondered should have I waited
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
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eh, the G2 isn't much of an upgrade over the slide so I'd say you made the right choice.
Well with verizon's version of the galaxy s out, i think there is nothing to hold a massive upgrade to all versions back.
given that the tab is going to be running froyo real soon, the galaxy s phones shouldn't be that far behind. in fact, i think they should get the update first, but hey, what do i know
is this the latest update we'll get? will we be getting 3.0?
rogerchew said:
is this the latest update we'll get? will we be getting 3.0?
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considering the number of devices sold, we'll probably get 3.0
Gingerbread would be great and a good pr move on the part of samsung. My expectation is low though simply because they will want people to buy new phones. Gingerbread will be an easy upgrade too because out would be vanilla with touchwiz and widgets being addons. The Tab has similar hardware and it may get it, making a custom ROM likely.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Not the time to talk about Gingerbread right?
I need the froyo first!!
Tpavey said:
My expectation is low though simply because they will want people to buy new phones.
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ugh. i hope not. the galaxy s is pretty much future proof for the time being, as it smokes any snapdragons out there. if samsung doesn't want their flagship phone to sink, they will thoroughly support it
(i hope)
My expectation is low though simply because they will want people to buy new phones.
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Me too. Samsung known for their bad support for older models !
For example Samsung Omnia they stopped supporting the device after 1 year only !! NO WM6.5 !!
HTC is way better in supporting old mobiles !
The_wolf88 said:
Me too. Samsung known for their bad support for older models !
For example Samsung Omnia they stopped supporting the device after 1 year only !! NO WM6.5 !!
HTC is way better in supporting old mobiles !
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Last I checked, Samsung hasn't actually offered a phone to 100 carriers around the planet, including all 4 US national carriers.
As long as a single large American carrier demands the next version of Android, we ALL will get it.
I don't see the connection between froyo and the gps fix. If it was an android fix then we should have a fix already, I expect it is firmware based.
Sent from fone.
aad4321 said:
disagree it is one of the best phones yet with a processor with less Mhz but still out preforms.
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its performance boost I would imagine is because of the JIT compiler found in android 2.2.
Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
jz9833 said:
its performance boost I would imagine is because of the JIT compiler found in android 2.2.
Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
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I believe you're on point with that statement. I too could be wrong though
Sent from my awesome Vibrant using XDA App
dalepa said:
Still not here... Where the heck is it!!?
I'm getting a little tired of waiting for a gps fix.
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What you didn't get the OTA last night
rogerchew said:
is this the latest update we'll get? will we be getting 3.0?
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Well I just got of the phone with my contacts at Tmo. and Samsung and they have it set for Xmas day......
On a more serious note...
jz9833 said:
its performance boost I would imagine is because of the JIT compiler found in android 2.2.
Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
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Im thinking this is also true, which leads me to think that this phone is going to be pretty damn awesome after 2.2. Then again this could just be wishful thinking...
Just wondering how the GalaxyS community is going to react if 2.2 isn't 100% PERFECT.... :grabs popcorn:
mmmm popcorn.... mmmm (visits microwave...)
anyone whining bout the gps fix needs to check out rooting and flashing eugenes vibrant 9 rom, ive made this comment like 15 times buuuuuut. i get a lock within 10meters in only 10 seconds with the gps on and the cell tower assist feature on. no nead to play around in Lbstestmode menus just turn on location settings in the menu open maps and find "my location"... and this is inside my apartment....
I cant wait for ALL the bonuses in 2.2 like flash and included wifi tethering but do we really need to make a million threads about it??? lol

Sense 2.0 on Evo 4G

Hey everyone, I was a little bored and I got curious as to when the new Sense UI would wind up coming over to the EVO. So, I did the best thing I knew how to do, I googled it.
And I found this, A guy named ONIXBLACK over on android central sent HTC (and Sprint, but he's waiting to hear back from them still) an email asking them about this question.
Here's the link if you choose to follow that thread for updates: http://forum.androidcentral.com/htc...-rep-has-say-about-sense-2-0-gingerbread.html
This is what they told him:
"Dear (MY NAME),
Good question, (MY NAME). I would be more than happy to provide you with as much insight as I can.
All I can really say for sure is that the Evo is going to get an update of some sort to, at the very least, address a few issues with the last update (streaming media, battery life, and a few other problems that have arisen). I have a feeling that this may end up taking a while, since we're thoroughly investigating the battery drain issue, and we want to make sure that it's 100% resolved, prior to releasing another update for the phone. You can, however, follow us on facebook and twitter. Once that Evo update is ready, we'll definately make an annoucement through both of these websites, as well as HTC.com.
Will this update contain the the latest Sense UI update? It's tough to say, a lot of carriers prefer not to share a full list of enhancements with our technical support reps, as they prefer to go for the surprize approach. I would imagine that with the Evo being Sprint's first 4G phone that in order to remain competative with Verizon's Thunderbolt and AT&T's Inspire, I can only really _guess_ that the Evo will eventually see the latest Sense UI (not only that, but speaking from personal experience, the Evo is the phone that we recieve the most request for the latest Sense UI). Bottom line, though; this is something left up to Sprint. We've forwarded many suggestions and many requests for this enhancement, so Sprint knows that interest for this exists.
Can't make any promises, but from what I've seen, I remain optimistic.
Thank you for taking the time to contact us, (MY NAME).
We are always happy to be of assistance. Keep in mind that we are here to answer any questions or concerns between 6am to 1am EST, 7 days a week for your convenience.
To send a reply to this message or let me know I have successfully answered your question log in to our ContactUs site using your email address and your ticket number (MY TICKET NUMBER).
EDIT: I also asked about Gingerbread but she dodged my question
So far I have yet to get a response from Sprint"
I'd like to think that's pretty promising to me, but one can only hope.
Sweet. I really hope that the EVO gets the new sense 2.0 update. makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside when you read that email/question
As far as I can tell, he just received that email and posted it today too. So heres to hoping!
wanfaltm said:
Hey everyone, I was a little bored and I got curious as to when the new Sense UI would wind up coming over to the EVO. So, I did the best thing I knew how to do, I googled it.
And I found this, A guy named ONIXBLACK over on android central sent HTC (and Sprint, but he's waiting to hear back from them still) an email asking them about this question.
Here's the link if you choose to follow that thread for updates: http://forum.androidcentral.com/htc...-rep-has-say-about-sense-2-0-gingerbread.html
This is what they told him:
"Dear (MY NAME),
Good question, (MY NAME). I would be more than happy to provide you with as much insight as I can.
All I can really say for sure is that the Evo is going to get an update of some sort to, at the very least, address a few issues with the last update (streaming media, battery life, and a few other problems that have arisen). I have a feeling that this may end up taking a while, since we're thoroughly investigating the battery drain issue, and we want to make sure that it's 100% resolved, prior to releasing another update for the phone. You can, however, follow us on facebook and twitter. Once that Evo update is ready, we'll definately make an annoucement through both of these websites, as well as HTC.com.
Will this update contain the the latest Sense UI update? It's tough to say, a lot of carriers prefer not to share a full list of enhancements with our technical support reps, as they prefer to go for the surprize approach. I would imagine that with the Evo being Sprint's first 4G phone that in order to remain competative with Verizon's Thunderbolt and AT&T's Inspire, I can only really _guess_ that the Evo will eventually see the latest Sense UI (not only that, but speaking from personal experience, the Evo is the phone that we recieve the most request for the latest Sense UI). Bottom line, though; this is something left up to Sprint. We've forwarded many suggestions and many requests for this enhancement, so Sprint knows that interest for this exists.
Can't make any promises, but from what I've seen, I remain optimistic.
Thank you for taking the time to contact us, (MY NAME).
We are always happy to be of assistance. Keep in mind that we are here to answer any questions or concerns between 6am to 1am EST, 7 days a week for your convenience.
To send a reply to this message or let me know I have successfully answered your question log in to our ContactUs site using your email address and your ticket number (MY TICKET NUMBER).
EDIT: I also asked about Gingerbread but she dodged my question
So far I have yet to get a response from Sprint"
I'd like to think that's pretty promising to me, but one can only hope.
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I'm going to call BS on that "reply."
Look at all of the typos.
I'd also like to sincerely believe HTC wouldn't hire a rep that would send a reply with the word "surprize" in it.
Necrosan said:
I'm going to call BS on that "reply."
Look at all of the typos.
I'd also like to sincerely believe HTC wouldn't hire a rep that would send a reply with the word "surprize" in it.
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Believe what you want, I remain hopeful.
Here's even more evidence to show this is fake:
The lamer "onixblack" on the other forum posted this
As my title clearly states
I just received this from a HTC rep. Who dealt with some of my inquires in the past. This is NOT an official word from HTC
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Reading the context of the supposed "email," they wanted it to sound as OFFICIAL as possible. Almost as if HTC really replied, but did a whole bunch of drugs and forgot how to compose good, professional sounding sentences.
What a joke. Try harder next time onixblack.
HTC at least hires people that can spell 5th grade level words properly.
Or you could flash a rom based off of Sense 2.0 and have instant satisfaction.
Necrosan said:
Here's even more evidence to show this is fake:
The lamer "onixblack" on the other forum posted this
Reading the context of the supposed "email," they wanted it to sound as OFFICIAL as possible. Almost as if HTC really replied, but did a whole bunch of drugs and forgot how to compose good, professional sounding sentences.
What a joke. Try harder next time onixblack.
HTC at least hires people that can spell 5th grade level words properly.
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OH SNAPS! He called you out son! WHATCHUGONNADO?!*[email protected]*
powered by the tears of a million orphaned alpacas...
wrapkgb said:
Or you could flash a rom based off of Sense 2.0 and have instant satisfaction.
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I am only aware of 1 EVO ROM that has sense 2.5
it is still in beta... Myn is working his Warm Z Rom.
it should be released in a week or 2.
which are you talking about???
Dan330 said:
I am only aware of 1 EVO ROM that has sense 2.5
it is still in beta... Myn is working his Warm Z Rom.
it should be released in a week or 2.
which are you talking about???
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The newest version of Sense is 2.0 not 2.5.
Dan330 said:
I am only aware of 1 EVO ROM that has sense 2.5
it is still in beta... Myn is working his Warm Z Rom.
it should be released in a week or 2.
which are you talking about???
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there are many, many roms with sense 2.0. none of them were ever very popular though.
IF this is real it's bad news... It confirms the next update will just be maintanance and not gingerbread...
Sent from my EVO using XDA App
Yeah, I'm calling total bs on this one too. Mainly because I just don't see an HTC rep "speculating" on rumors. Hell, they might even get fired for it.
Yeah... I didn't have to read the whole thing to realize it was fake.
I was in a Sprint store. asked one of the techs if the Evo was getting GB, he said "what is that". lol
Me personally I would rather have Sense 2.0 then Gingerbread. I have tried cm7 and really don't see all the hype. Gingerbread is just a skinned froyo to me. I must be missing something. I will wait for Ice cream.
I know there are some enhancements done but nothing I would cry over. Bring on Sense 2.0
Necrosan said:
I'm going to call BS on that "reply."
Look at all of the typos.
I'd also like to sincerely believe HTC wouldn't hire a rep that would send a reply with the word "surprize" in it.
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Lmfao win
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
Jjday7 said:
Me personally I would rather have Sense 2.0 then Gingerbread. I have tried cm7 and really don't see all the hype. Gingerbread is just a skinned froyo to me. I must be missing something. I will wait for Ice cream.
I know there are some enhancements done but nothing I would cry over. Bring on Sense 2.0
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i agree totally...gingerbread doesnt seem to be much to do about anything to me, kinda plain and boring....the screen off animations are nice but thats bout it...i was using virus roms Z port and it was really cool so i hope we get it soon from HTC, then our devs...
dezel29 said:
i agree totally...gingerbread doesnt seem to be much to do about anything to me, kinda plain and boring....the screen off animations are nice but thats bout it...i was using virus roms Z port and it was really cool so i hope we get it soon from HTC, then our devs...
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well since there are probably speed optimizations in GB, and sense 2.0 on top, it would be > stock old froyo sense in a couple different ways

