No wifi after root permission - Nexus One General

I unlocked my Nexus and added ROOT permission with file install-superboot-windows.bat.
After that wifi doesn't work
Help please

try flashing a different rom. cyanogenmod 5.0 is a great choice

did u use the right super boot cause there is one for erd72 and one for erd 27

I want to install trackball colored but needs my phone conected to the internet...
Can someone help me with the ROOT installation/permissions?


a little help please!!!

Right folks just been given one of these phones for my LOCKED to three and we wish to root it and then flash 2.2... Have tried several different rooting guides and managed to get a partial root but not full...By partial I suspect its because Superuser is not working even after removing it and reinstalling the damn thing.... z4root,sdmaid,titanium,mybackup pro all show rooted and work but can't grant persmissions for others... have reflashed to no gain.... and as a result due to this root issue I can't seem to flash 2.2 as it always fails and have to reflash 2.1 to get working phone...
So my question is this is there a GOOD root guide with working files out there that everyone has had success with????Ow can I fix superuser issue?And how can I reslove the flashing with 2.2 rom issue?
The samsung galaxy spica community can be found at
The quickest way to get root + Android 2.2 (Cyanogenmod 6.1.1):
(You only have to download just one of the 2 zip's)
white color spica
I have only installed one file and followed this tutorial

Not able to root A500

I am trying to root Android Acer A500. I downloaded Gingerbreak.apk and tried it but it doesnt do anything and just runs for 15 minutes and the device turns off. No reboot or anything.
Can someone help me to root the device. Also I am worried, if there is a possibility that I will loose my files when I root
android_exp said:
I am trying to root Android Acer A500. I downloaded Gingerbreak.apk and tried it but it doesnt do anything and just runs for 15 minutes and the device turns off. No reboot or anything.
Can someone help me to root the device. Also I am worried, if there is a possibility that I will loose my files when I root
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All depends on what version os you are running as to how to root.
Version Detail
Android Version 3.2.1
Kernel Version
android_exp said:
I am trying to root Android Acer A500. I downloaded Gingerbreak.apk and tried it but it doesnt do anything and just runs for 15 minutes and the device turns off. No reboot or anything.
Can someone help me to root the device. Also I am worried, if there is a possibility that I will loose my files when I root
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use the modified gingerbreak in the following link (remove spaces)
http: //www. addictivetips. com/mobile/how-to-root-acer-iconia-a500-honeycomb-tablet/
and follow the steps as it says
no you wont loose your files until you dont brick your device
but you may loose your app data if you do something wrong
so dont forget to backup
I'm not sure what the modified gingerbreak is, but I had the same version and I had to downgrade to 3.0.1 and root and installed custom recovery From there
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
First off be aware that ginger break has malware in the file. Otherwise I had great luck with this method Good luck
Thank you all.
One suggestion, please be careful before using the Rooted 3.2.1 V4. It deletes all the apps and data. Its like resetting your device. I couldnt backup my apps because for some reason, some apps are protected and doesnt get backed up. I was trying to avoid gingerbreak.apk because as mentioned in this forum it has malware embedded, which is true, I got alert from a png file in the app.
Thanks again

[Q] Rooting Nexus for Android Commander

I'm want to use Android Commander to transfer some files back and forth to the PC for development. AC needs root access... I've used WugFresh's excellent toolkit to unlock and root the device. All worked fine; SuperSU is present, BusyBox installed. But AC still reports no root access, and the FAQ briefly mentions the difference that not all rooting gives root access to adb.
Can anyone explain in simple terms (I'm pretty new to android) how to get full root access to the device so that I can use Android Commander? Googling for instructions to root the device seems to pretty much always lead back to WugFresh's toolkit, which I've already done.
Try the link below .I remember having a similar problem on a Galaxy Note. I ain't certain but I think its to do with ADB insecure/secure. I could be completely wrong of course!!
ScottArten said:
Try the link below .I remember having a similar problem on a Galaxy Note. I ain't certain but I think its to do with ADB insecure/secure. I could be completely wrong of course!!
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Many thanks, yes, that seems to have worked. Strange that there isn't more info about this out there.
This says that it only persists until a reboot - I would still be interested in anyone knows a way of doing this permanently without installing a custom ROM

[Q] UK Lg Optimus L3 E400 Rooting Problem

I have searched everywhere and I think this phone is unable to be rooted. I have discovered the UK version of this phone has a locked down bootloader that will not allow me to gain access any way I try. The phone is running Gingerbread 2.3.6, Build No. GRK39F, Kernel Version and does not have a su.bin on the phone, nor will it allow me access to put one on it. I get permission denied when i try to remount the partition as r/w. When I try to unlock the bootloader, the phone does reboot but not into bootloader mode. This phone only has a hard reset. No other boot modes (just the factory reset). Chmod/chown will not allow me to change permissions. No matter which application I have tried, I am unable to flash anything to the device, since I can not gain root access. The adb root command gives me an error message as well "adbd cannot run as root in production builds." I know I may be a noob, but I have done a ton of research and have not found anything that will help me. Does anyone has any sort of information that will help me root this device? It would be greatly appreciated!
What programs did you use ?
wmt9905 said:
I have searched everywhere and I think this phone is unable to be rooted. I have discovered the UK version of this phone has a locked down bootloader that will not allow me to gain access any way I try. The phone is running Gingerbread 2.3.6, Build No. GRK39F, Kernel Version and does not have a su.bin on the phone, nor will it allow me access to put one on it. I get permission denied when i try to remount the partition as r/w. When I try to unlock the bootloader, the phone does reboot but not into bootloader mode. This phone only has a hard reset. No other boot modes (just the factory reset). Chmod/chown will not allow me to change permissions. No matter which application I have tried, I am unable to flash anything to the device, since I can not gain root access. The adb root command gives me an error message as well "adbd cannot run as root in production builds." I know I may be a noob, but I have done a ton of research and have not found anything that will help me. Does anyone has any sort of information that will help me root this device? It would be greatly appreciated!
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are you trying to just root or flash custom rom too ?
did you try ?
did you try vroot ? in my signature (guide too)
if you install root browser it will install basic commands on your phone busybox sqlite etc
also check this out it might be your firmware does not support root and you might need to install v10b or v10c kdz
wmt9905 said:
I have searched everywhere and I think this phone is unable to be rooted. I have discovered the UK version of this phone has a locked down bootloader that will not allow me to gain access any way I try. The phone is running Gingerbread 2.3.6, Build No. GRK39F, Kernel Version and does not have a su.bin on the phone, nor will it allow me access to put one on it. I get permission denied when i try to remount the partition as r/w. When I try to unlock the bootloader, the phone does reboot but not into bootloader mode. This phone only has a hard reset. No other boot modes (just the factory reset). Chmod/chown will not allow me to change permissions. No matter which application I have tried, I am unable to flash anything to the device, since I can not gain root access. The adb root command gives me an error message as well "adbd cannot run as root in production builds." I know I may be a noob, but I have done a ton of research and have not found anything that will help me. Does anyone has any sort of information that will help me root this device? It would be greatly appreciated!
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havr u tried apectrum root window...that rooted my and my friends l3
Sent from my LG-E400 using Tapatalk
aroop mishra said:
havr u tried apectrum root window...that rooted my and my friends l3
Sent from my LG-E400 using Tapatalk
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Yes, I have tried every app. The apps I use are pretty much irrelevant though, since there isn't a su binary to request permission from. without the su binary, no app can gain root access.
are you trying to just root or flash custom rom too ?
did you try ?
did you try vroot ? in my signature (guide too)
if you install root browser it will install basic commands on your phone busybox sqlite etc
also check this out it might be your firmware does not support root and you might need to install v10b or v10c kdz
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superoneclick does not work as it requests permission from the su binary, which does not exist. root browser does not work either, as it does not allow me to change permissions or ownership either. chmod and chown in linux don't work either. I get "permission denied" when attempting those commands. I an currently running on v10c, but I can not flash anything, including firmware, to this device either. There's no way to downgrade or upgrade. I get a parameter error when attempting to and then the kdz updater crashes and forces itself closed every time I have tried.
My phone model is LG Optimus L3 E400. I could fix this by change the default.prop file to, but I can't write to that file. It's read-only and I can't figure out a way to change that.
I'm really about to just throw this phone out. I had no clue that some phones can not be rooted and would have no further research before buying this one.
try this
wmt9905 said:
superoneclick does not work as it requests permission from the su binary, which does not exist. root browser does not work either, as it does not allow me to change permissions or ownership either. chmod and chown in linux don't work either. I get "permission denied" when attempting those commands. I an currently running on v10c, but I can not flash anything, including firmware, to this device either. There's no way to downgrade or upgrade. I get a parameter error when attempting to and then the kdz updater crashes and forces itself closed every time I have tried.
My phone model is LG Optimus L3 E400. I could fix this by change the default.prop file to, but I can't write to that file. It's read-only and I can't figure out a way to change that.
I'm really about to just throw this phone out. I had no clue that some phones can not be rooted and would have no further research before buying this one.
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you didnt mention vroot was there any error message ?
when you installed root browser on first launch it asks to download little utilities did they install or come with any error ?
also try this super one click 1.7 and select exploit RAGEAGAINSTCAGE in right top corner (it has proven to root problematic e400's)
please update us on your progress
and worst case scenario we will get you to another version of stock and root then
you didnt mention vroot was there any error message ?
when you installed root browser on first launch it asks to download little utilities did they install or come with any error ?
also try this super one click 1.7 and select exploit RAGEAGAINSTCAGE in right top corner (it has proven to root problematic e400's)
please update us on your progress
and worst case scenario we will get you to another version of stock and root then
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I don't know what vroot did, but it actually worked. you don't know how long I have spent trying to get this done. so many other programs told me that rooting was complete and didn't actually do anything, that when vroot did, I didn't believe it. I thought i was just stuck with a p.o.s. that I couldn't customize. I really appreciate your hep. Thank you so much!
i did but glad i could help
are you trying to just root or flash custom rom too ?
did you try ?
did you try vroot ? in my signature (guide too) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
if you install root browser it will install basic commands on your phone busybox sqlite etc
also check this out it might be your firmware does not support root and you might need to install v10b or v10c kdz
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i did
wmt9905 said:
Yes, I have tried every app. The apps I use are pretty much irrelevant though, since there isn't a su binary to request permission from. without the su binary, no app can gain root access.
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you are right and my problem it too.
try vroot. it's the only i tried that worked.
Can anyone help me how to fix this problem " adbd cannot run as root in product builds".
lcsmatos said:
Can anyone help me how to fix this problem " adbd cannot run as root in product builds".
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unlock bootloader

LG-STYLO H634 CRICKET Supersu/xposed framework installation guide

ok, so there are some things i've found out by doing some research and combining what i found on here with the issues that some people were having with the Cricket version of the LG Stylo, and would like to share with you guys. while i was rooting my phone with kingroot, i noticed a threat that discussed that using supersu me and supersu wasn't an option without soft bricking your phone with a boot loop, after some research and trial i figured out how to get around the problem. The issue was the uninstallation of kinguser app form the phone, this is because using supersu me uninstalls kingroot and replaced it with the superuser binaries, but it leaves some core files of kinguser behind which causes errors, an if you keep your phone on, you'll notice that you'll start getting error messages for an about kingroot permission and all types of errors until your phone starts to freeze and act up. there is an easy fix for it all that worked for me, and would like to share this information and help people having this issue.....
I'm posting this as a hint for those who needed the help with installing xposed on cricket model LG STYLO only running 5.1.1 ​
so to begin, download system repair 2016 and apps2sd from play store, kinguser directly from their site so it will be the latest version,,,root your phone,,,,,don't delete the kinguser apk you downloaded you'll need it for later,,,,now install supersu me from the play store and open and run it, it'll uninstall kinguser and replace the binaries for superuser, this is where its gonna become tricky,,,,,,download supersu and run which will ask for update of binaries also let it finish updating and uninstall the supersu me control,,,,,now open apps2sd and clear the davik cache and other caches without restarting,,,,then run system repair 2016, it'll show that you had a few errors because kinguser hates the fact that supersu me uninstalled it and left messed up configurations on your phone, then clear the davik cache again, now you have to use the same kinguser apk you get at the start of the process and reinstall it to your phone, or else you will be getting a boot loop issue......for some reason even though all the caches are cleared and the system has been checked for errors, the kinguser app installs itself as a system app, a dependency if you will, like a basic LG/Cricket app that if you uninstall will cause errors, so but reinstalling it we stop that problem, you can run it but don't need to activate the root option of kinguser......this will cause the kinguser permission errors to stop also from this point only you can restart your phone,,,,,now you're able to install flashfire and xposed frameworks, and even restart your phone without worry of boot looping since there isn't much support for the LG-H634 stylo model.........:angel::angel:
hope this was helpful for you guys that was in need of replacing kinguser, and installing xposed framework, i've not tried anything further with the twrp install but keep a look out for the names "vegito6" "vegito69" ....and wish me luck on twrp
seems i've got to post at least 10 times in order to post outside pics
So I rooted my same phone via kingroot and it has the purify apo along with it. Also having problems with errors and stuff. I'm gonna follow your method see what happens. This being #2 stylo after bricked the first one and couldn't find kdz. Anyway I'll get back to ya let me know if you have anymore info thanks for the help man.
orphan tear maker
Help Please
Drumdestroyed said:
So I rooted my same phone via kingroot and it has the purify apo along with it. Also having problems with errors and stuff. I'm gonna follow your method see what happens. This being #2 stylo after bricked the first one and couldn't find kdz. Anyway I'll get back to ya let me know if you have anymore info thanks for the help man.
orphan tear maker
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got bricked today, anyone any luck with something??
markos638 said:
got bricked today, anyone any luck with something??
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ok i'm not sure how you guys got bricked, but i just got bricked using flahfire to create backup, so don't use that app as of yet, but anyways working on the replacement now, gonna be trying to create a restore img or flashable zip for the cricket stylo.
vegito69 said:
ok i'm not sure how you guys got bricked, but i just got bricked using flahfire to create backup, so don't use that app as of yet, but anyways working on the replacement now, gonna be trying to create a restore img or flashable zip for the cricket stylo.
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I got bricked, trying to change from kingroot to SU, I´ll really appreciate when you find solution give us instructions on how you did it!!
Have you guys any luck with a recovery method? And think you for helping I'll do my best with what I have. Also idk if I mentioned it earlier but when I reboot lg symbol appears but (authentication failed #9) appears below it. It was roted via king root and didn't o anything but remove some bloatware. Idk God be with you man cuz this is a bummer
vegito69 said:
ok i'm not sure how you guys got bricked, but i just got bricked using flahfire to create backup, so don't use that app as of yet, but anyways working on the replacement now, gonna be trying to create a restore img or flashable zip for the cricket stylo.
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I'm pretty sure that you ended up with brick because you didn't unlock your bootloader before backing up. My girlfriend did the same thing. As of right now I'm trying to figure out If there's a way past the bootloader or at least a way to do everything the bootloader can do without unlocking it.
Original Firmware
Can we not flash the original firmware via download mode ? I had this phone (bought from a friend, cricket sim unlocked, phone bricked while i was playing around. )
I'm not super familiar with LG phones, but i keep hearing about a KDZ , is that some kind of official image format ?
If we can flash it for stock via download mode, can someone direct me as to where I might find instructions for our variant of the device, please ?
I was able to replace Kingroot with SuperSu using a guide I found on a website called w0lfdroid, I think. I just Google 'replace Kingroot with SuperSu and it was the second one down (I'm a new user so I can't post the link). I think it worked pretty well, but I'm still not able to flash TWRP or start the process to get xposed. If I can't get it, I might unroot and try the process again with this method.
as anyone with brick try this , they offer files for unbricking, $40 bucks
what do you guys think
markos638 said:
as anyone with brick try this , they offer files for unbricking, $40 bucks
what do you guys think
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works great, after flashing with LG Flash tools tot method just take out battery and wait 5sec, and put it back in and turn on, android logo will show and then it will boot normally, now i'm back to working on the supersu install methods to help people from bricking, wish me luck . also backing up boot img and then trying to use super sume to switch to still will cause boot looping to my knowledge. got 2 phones working on it, thanks to our annonomous LG guys for the unbricking!95ZSCARR!dWAG0bd5zi3DQUal3gfB4nMH-zmIR0H0kdCXBdWGLQk
password = wang276634161
vegito6 said:
works great, after flashing with LG Flash tools tot method just take out battery and wait 5sec, and put it back in and turn on, android logo will show and then it will boot normally, now i'm back to working on the supersu install methods to help people from bricking, wish me luck . also backing up boot img and then trying to use super sume to switch to still will cause boot looping to my knowledge. got 2 phones working on it, thanks to our annonomous LG guys for the unbricking!95ZSCARR!dWAG0bd5zi3DQUal3gfB4nMH-zmIR0H0kdCXBdWGLQk
password = wang276634161
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works just fine!!!! lg stylo is back!!! thanks vegito ,....
vegito6 said:
works great, after flashing with LG Flash tools tot method just take out battery and wait 5sec, and put it back in and turn on, android logo will show and then it will boot normally, now i'm back to working on the supersu install methods to help people from bricking, wish me luck . also backing up boot img and then trying to use super sume to switch to still will cause boot looping to my knowledge. got 2 phones working on it, thanks to our annonomous LG guys for the unbricking!95ZSCARR!dWAG0bd5zi3DQUal3gfB4nMH-zmIR0H0kdCXBdWGLQk
password = wang276634161
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Great job man. It is people like you who keep the community going.
Su binary installation failed!
Mooose-Nuckle said:
I'm pretty sure that you ended up with brick because you didn't unlock your bootloader before backing up. My girlfriend did the same thing. As of right now I'm trying to figure out If there's a way past the bootloader or at least a way to do everything the bootloader can do without unlocking it.
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well not really, because if you go into the developer options there is the oem bootloader unlock you can select, not sure but i've got a cricket and boost version i've been working on it for a while, for some reason the phone doesn't like the way SU gets injected into the phone, and writes things to the wrong areas, i've been playing with some scripts for superuser installers from zip, hopefully i get a hit.
---------- Post added at 09:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 AM ----------
jxs714 said:
Great job man. It is people like you who keep the community going.
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thats the life of us programmers and developers thats trying to get better lol, we just share the knowledge passed down lol
vegito6 said:
well not really, because if you go into the developer options there is the oem bootloader unlock you can select, not sure but i've got a cricket and boost version i've been working on it for a while, for some reason the phone doesn't like the way SU gets injected into the phone, and writes things to the wrong areas, i've been playing with some scripts for superuser installers from zip, hopefully i get a hit.
---------- Post added at 09:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 AM ----------
thats the life of us programmers and developers thats trying to get better lol, we just share the knowledge passed down lol
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I noticed there is no solution posted. I recently bricked my phone and fixed it, thanks to you. I was simply wondering of there has been progress with getting the framework installed. Your help is much appreciated.
So I'm sort of confused... I cannot install xposed, and can't seem to find a work around. I am rooted but not with kingroot. I used a one click root tool on pc, and works great... Using su that is suggested using in this guide, so no trace of king root. Idk, could someone give me a quick run down on how to install xposed?
So no luck with installing xposed yet
So far I am rooted with Super SU and have exposed installer I'm just having a hard time getting the framework installed. I do not have custom recovery installed. Is there any way to flash the framework zip file with like flashify or another app like that?
