Browser. issue - Nexus One General

Why is it from 1.6 till now the browser refuses to load the thumbnails in these threads?
You would have thought by now it would be fixed!
Wtf! It's so frigging annoying. ... all I get is a black. Screen


Opera crashes ?

50% of the time I go into opera via direct URL link from email it crashes.
quite a nasty crash, the device just freezes and I have to reboot (no other button responds, and screen stays permenantly on, showing opera starting to load page)
anyone else get this ?
colonel said:
50% of the time I go into opera via direct URL link from email it crashes.
quite a nasty crash, the device just freezes and I have to reboot (no other button responds, and screen stays permenantly on, showing opera starting to load page)
anyone else get this ?
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I've just clicked on about 10 different email links, closing Opera each time and I can't reproduce this problem. Are you using the Opera version that came with the SuperROM?
Jademan said:
I've just clicked on about 10 different email links, closing Opera each time and I can't reproduce this problem. Are you using the Opera version that came with the SuperROM?
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perhaps I was exaggerating, maybe 30% of the time. also tends to be when mermory full, e.g.quite a few programs running
hope its not my motherboard - bought the damn thing on ebay

"Gallery" Crashes and CPU Hog after JI6 Update

Since I received the OTA update, WatchDog has notified me several times that the Gallery is a CPU hog, using 78-80% resources. I have to kill it to stop.
Anyone else have this issue?
Things that I have done to try and fix the problem:
- Blank removable card , still have the same issues.
- I did a complete wipe/factory reset and still have the same issues.
- I cleared data through System Settings which recreated thumbnails and other data, still have the same issues.
androidmonkey said:
Since I received the OTA update, WatchDog has notified me several times that the Gallery is a CPU hog, using 78-80% resources. I have to kill it to stop.
Anyone else have this issue?
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i hope this doesn't start a debate
i just run advanced task killer and i add my core apps to the ignore list. then i change the atk's settings so it kills everything else everytime the screen goes off. kill interval i set to 'crazy'. works for me.
Nobody else is having this issue? I just received the message again, multiple times I day, but this time I havent even used the Gallery since I rebooted my phone.
No, I'm not having this issue at all. And luckyduck, you really shouldn't use task killers especially with those settings. Use Auto Killer instead. It used Android's built-in memory management system and tweaks it.
I had this happen when it did it's first media scan but only the first time after first boot from JI6
Havent checked CPU usage, but my Gallery is buggy since the update.
Alot of times, when in Messaging App, selecting Attach, then Pictures, freezes. It will show me the Gallery background with no folder/photo options.
This happens sometimes when opening the gallery itself as well. I will see the reflective gallery background without any photos.
My gallery always lags upon opening n sometimes freezes... So i know what u mean...
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
blink55184 said:
Havent checked CPU usage, but my Gallery is buggy since the update.
Alot of times, when in Messaging App, selecting Attach, then Pictures, freezes. It will show me the Gallery background with no folder/photo options.
This happens sometimes when opening the gallery itself as well. I will see the reflective gallery background without any photos.
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Yep, I get the reflective background about every 3rd time I open the Gallery.
crtsj said:
My gallery always lags upon opening n sometimes freezes... So i know what u mean...
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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Anyone know a good alternative?
I've had the same exact issue as you.
Starting when the update came through, after every reboot, Watchdog notifies me that Gallery is hogging anywhere from 40-60% CPU. It behaves this way for a few minutes and then goes back down to normal CPU usage.
Not sure what it's doing after we reboot but it never did this before JI6.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
crtsj said:
My gallery always lags upon opening n sometimes freezes...
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blink55184 said:
Haven't checked CPU usage, but my Gallery is buggy since the update.
This happens sometimes when opening the gallery itself as well. I will see the reflective gallery background without any photos.
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Just to add I've also had this. Only apparent resolution is to return to home screen and try again. Usually works the second time..
blink55184 said:
Havent checked CPU usage, but my Gallery is buggy since the update.
Alot of times, when in Messaging App, selecting Attach, then Pictures, freezes. It will show me the Gallery background with no folder/photo options.
This happens sometimes when opening the gallery itself as well. I will see the reflective gallery background without any photos.
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happened to me aswell
blink55184 said:
Havent checked CPU usage, but my Gallery is buggy since the update.
Alot of times, when in Messaging App, selecting Attach, then Pictures, freezes. It will show me the Gallery background with no folder/photo options.
This happens sometimes when opening the gallery itself as well. I will see the reflective gallery background without any photos.
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As is mine. Sometimes it just freezes all together and I have to take out the battery. This is since J16 update. I am hoping to find a new pic viewer because this is crazy!
I've been having the issue also, but I've been able to recover out of it to avoid taking the battery out. Just takes a few seconds to get out of the gallery and close the gallery app. Usually works after that.
blink55184 said:
Havent checked CPU usage, but my Gallery is buggy since the update.
Alot of times, when in Messaging App, selecting Attach, then Pictures, freezes. It will show me the Gallery background with no folder/photo options.
This happens sometimes when opening the gallery itself as well. I will see the reflective gallery background without any photos.
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This happens to me also. Every time I reboot and go to Gallery for the first time it freezes, a few times it locked up my phone like an old PC Windows OS. It just froze. Reboot is the only way back.
This must have something to with building its initial cache? Just thinking because its on the first start after boot. Wonder if its a bug in writing the initial cache. The Gallery is based on a program called Cool Iris, the web version uses rss feeds to display the effect. I have worked on web sites with this code. I have yet to find the code in the galaxy and am not yet familiar with the stand alone program. Its all packaged up in one big app.
Be nice to have a fix for the fix.....
This happened before I installed OCLF 2. and after installation OCLF on JI6 official via ODIN, Accurate battery mod and Mobile AP mod.
Edit 1: I just started Gallery for a test and it locked up on "loading image". This time i just let it sit. It stayed frozen for 7 minutes then the screen went blank. After that without touching it, the phone rebooted itself and started back up. I'd say this is no small bug. Crud.
Edit 2: If I can get to open once without a crash, I can open and close it a few times and it gets faster. If I leave alone and do not open it for a view hours it starts slow again but does not crash. Talk about lag! Its like 30 seconds to load. Yuck, not a good bug fix if it causes new bugs...
Well, I feel better knowing I'm not the only one with this issue. It's really frustrating to want to show off pictures only to have to wait five minutes to cycle through the rebooting process. What a drag.
I would just like to add that another thing I noticed after the update is that sometimes when I snap a picture and switch over to the gallery to view it, the gallery won't even show the most recently snapped photo. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't, but when it doesn't show, I back out of the gallery and go back in one or two times for it to show up.
I just noticed this today too. Was working fine before. I did note in the JI6 update that there was a Kernel revision...I wonder if it was for the gallery "Kernel: 3D library patch"
I wish we had a change log that was better then what was officially sent out; "... plus forty or more bug fixes..." that tells me zero. I can get more from a solo app writing Dev, that just did an upgrade to for his app. Anyone know of a decent change log?
I have not seen these issues widely reported either, anyone else?
As far the Gallery being a resource hog are you guys saying more than before the update? Because just the nature of the app, I would assume it would be just by it bells and whistles. The reason I ask is sometimes when an app is troubled or needs a fix they "fix" it just by giving it more priority to tap resources.
I'm just guessing here... my Gallery worked perfect before the update. As the Gallery goes, I don't even know what the original Ji6 fix was for. Shrug*~
Still a great phone. But I used to love to show off the gallery, I'm photographer and I have some final prints loaded. It was a great marketing tool to get my work in shops and galleries. The Galaxy S. Tab will be my walking portfolio, 'can't wait.
blink55184 said:
Havent checked CPU usage, but my Gallery is buggy since the update.
Alot of times, when in Messaging App, selecting Attach, then Pictures, freezes. It will show me the Gallery background with no folder/photo options.
This happens sometimes when opening the gallery itself as well. I will see the reflective gallery background without any photos.
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I'm having the same problem
This must be fixed. Im starting to hate this damn phone...
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

Browser Crashes

I have experienced some browser crashes in the past week, on multiple sites, and especially when visiting Its sort of a flash heavy site, but it still happens when I have Flash turned off.
Anyone else having problems with browser crashes? It has happened with both the stock Android Browser as well as Dolphin HD Browser.
yeah lot's of random crashing with default browser, I have installed every browser available but none offer the same as desktop experience. Browsing is (for me) the most disappointing thing about the tablet.
Happens to me quite often. Well happened. If you can live without JavaScript turn it off. Just enable it on sites that you really need. For me the sudden browser closures (not FCs) happend mainly on sites with JavaScripts.
Yes lots of crashes for me as well. I tend to have a lot of tabs open, and it is particularly annoying that there seems to be no way to automatically open up the same set of tabs (anyone know if there is a way to do this)...
same here, getting very tired of having to turn flash and java off to make browswer stable, hell if wanted this i would have bought a ipad2!
Much of the content on good sites is java & flash, for me its only been really bad the last 7 days. Come on android/ Asus, sort it please!
Diodato said:
Happens to me quite often. Well happened. If you can live without JavaScript turn it off. Just enable it on sites that you really need. For me the sudden browser closures (not FCs) happend mainly on sites with JavaScripts.
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Just did that and both the stock browser and Dolphin HD work MUCH faster and no more FCs. Question--is the Java engine part of android, or is it in the browser? If it is in android, then I guess there is no point in trying other browsers.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App
holy, I've experience about 10 force closes. My browser doesn't even show the pop up force close notification, it just closes and returns me to my launcher -.-
same here ,really nook colors stock browser on cm7 was alot better as well as flash support on it...hopefully soon it ll be adressed...
i just experienced this during the weekend. anyone contact ASUS about this?
this is surely a software issue which can easily be fixed (i hope)
Wow - glad I am not the only one. I really hope this issue gets fixed, its annoying to say the least!
Me too, hope they sort it soon.
I found that clearing my cache through the manage app settings helps me to load a page after a crash. It usually happens if I have over 25 MB worth of cache from previous browsing cessions.
I must be lucky... I've had no problems with my browser at all, I'm very pleased with it.
I Use Dolphin HD. Only Time my Browser Crashes is when My girl uses it and she gets on Tumblr. Weird..
Edit: Oh and it only happens after a While of use on that web Site.
Guys, I just turned off the fast scrolling in the advanced menu and it's stopped crashing. Can anyone else test?
so far so good. Crossing my fingers.
dunetails said:
Guys, I just turned off the fast scrolling in the advanced menu and it's stopped crashing. Can anyone else test?
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I've always had this turned off and still get crashes..
same here (firmware "ww") but only when visit "hwupgrade" so i open this site with dolphin without java. Today i try a new kernel...asus help us (sorry for my poor english)
This is a google issue. Guys over at the xoom forum are having the same issue.
I find that rebooting the tf every other day helps cut down crashing and app fc's
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App

browser acts up

Does any body else have trouble with browser, any of them, after being on line for a while? Facebook mostly, screen jump, lag when typing.
soks3d said:
Does any body else have trouble with browser, any of them, after being on line for a while? Facebook mostly, screen jump, lag when typing.
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my browser is a giant SOB, doesn't matter what rom iv been on, stock/custom HC ICS JB ill be browsing and on ever single page especially XDA here ill get the page has stopped responding wait/stop pop up every couple minutes. ill also note that it does the same thing in Chrome and ICS Browser+ and just about every browser ive used
You can't judge any browser by Facebook performance -- they're always changing the code and borking everything up. I actually have some problems with Facebook on my desktop browsers. I use the ICS browser on my A500, but use DolphinHD on everything else. Prior to ICS, I used DolphinHD on my A500, too.
acting up browsers
Thanks for the responses . I realize thatt his not just facebook, if I am on line for 2-3 minutes it gets laggy, typing hesitates bounces back and forth meaning you see the text then you don't.
internetpilot said:
You can't judge any browser by Facebook performance -- they're always changing the code and borking everything up. I actually have some problems with Facebook on my desktop browsers. I use the ICS browser on my A500, but use DolphinHD on everything else. Prior to ICS, I used DolphinHD on my A500, too.
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Chrome always crashes on CM10

Thanks to krook1, the Cm10 is awesome, just one thing: Chrome didn't work normally, the same thing happened on CM9, it always crashes, sometime it was fine to open 1 or 2 pages, but if you keep opening new pages, it would crash.
Do you guys have the same problem?
My chrome doesn't crash but rather is gets the bug where a page isn't rendered and leaves a white screen. From what I have seen, it is a known issue with Nvidia.
mandrsn1 said:
My chrome doesn't crash but rather is gets the bug where a page isn't rendered and leaves a white screen. From what I have seen, it is a known issue with Nvidia.
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That is also my problem, it seems very common, wait for fixing. Thank you mandrsn1.
mandrsn1 said:
My chrome doesn't crash but rather is gets the bug where a page isn't rendered and leaves a white screen. From what I have seen, it is a known issue with Nvidia.
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This happens on stock ICS with the TPT. I think it is because Chrome requires ICS to run, but Lenovo still stuck with the old Honeycomb kernel for the ICS update. I would love a fix. The white screen issue makes Chrome totally unusable. Honestly that is my only gripe with the TPT.
I'm having the same problem. Any fix yet. I've searched but couldn't find anything.

