New vs old radio & SPL (32A) questions... - myTouch 3G, Magic General

1.33.2010 vs 1.76.2007 vs 6.35.x.x
Ok, so what is the difference, other than they are required for certain ROMs?
What phones actually came with these 'new' versions; I have a new device, wouldn't it make sense that it had the new radio, it didn't?
Why would I want to upgrade and are there incompatibilities with providers (mine is 850/1900 freq)
Didn't see this described anywhere or in the wiki.
I'd be glad to tack it in for others information if we get some good information...

Correct me if I am wrong. I believe the new SPL and Radio came into being when the new 1.5 Rom with Sense was released for the 32A Rogers phones. It does not use the "normal" 32A recovery but a version of the Hero recovery.
Will newer official Roms use this SPL and Radio combination? I have a sneaky feeling that it will be used again when the Rogers phones are upgraded to 2.1.
In the meantime, some chefs of the custom 32A Roms have decided to create a version of their Roms using these newer SPL and Radio. Some have not (it seems Amon RA won't for his Donut Rom). Hence, if you want to switch Roms you may have to follow CurseDroid's instructions to change SPL, Radio, and recovery.
Note: Some Rogers users believe that it is the new Radio that tells Rogers whether they have updated their phone to fix the E911 bug.

Hmmmm, I have a new Rogers Magic and it didn't come with the sense UI.
I also thought the Rogers update (maybe it was the OTA one) was still the old SPL, although a perfected version.

I also read a comment that said something to the likes of:
The new radio and SPL makes the 32A a Hero (or like)...
Does that mean it can run a Hero ROM?
Any clarification would be appreciated, will add all this to a summary...

Radio comparison
Hmmm are there any speed improvements or differences and reception differences between the 6.35x and 3.22x radios? If no, then what are the differences?

Will someone plz respond to this thread?!??

My phone came with new radio and spl when I bought it.
I switched to the old one to use Yoshi rom some time ago but now I'm back to the new one.
I didn't notice any difference between old and new in the phone speed or battery life, but the reception seems a little better on the new one.
Sent from my Dream/Sapphire using XDA App

Ever since the phone was new, no one can give an answere for what radio is better.
The only thing I have ever had is slightly better reception.
I rooted. My phone Mar 2010. The main reason people went to the old radio is because. Back then it had a more stable kernal / camera / wifi / Bluetooth. And more rom's were being cooked for it
Now if you have a 32a it does not really matter

There are more custom rom for the new radio.

ad86 said:
There are more custom rom for the new radio.
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I am not sure about that - I am aware of CM7, DietGB and Ginger Yoshi. But they all use the same kernels by carz12


New Official ROM for Magic released

HTC is releasing new ROM in websites.
I believe it is Donut/1.6. I will try it now.
No. It is 1.5 with Language Support.
Not as good as 1.6, but not bad. Now i have Portuguese Dictionary in input!
Risks with rooted 32A Magics that are rooted with Engineering SPLs
What will this do to my rooted 32A if I apply the official ROM? It took me a long time to get rid of the Airtel perfected SPL and I don't want to go back to a SPL which is perfected just to gain an official ROM from HTC. Basically... Does applying this ROM cause changes to the phone that mean that custom ROMs could not be applied without doing the whole Goldcard thing again? I had issues with the Goldcard creation and finding an SD card which would work.
The official ROM sounds nice. Just don't know if I want to sacrifice the other things the custom cooked ROMs give me.

Potentially Stupid Question - Telus GSM Radio on EU Hero

I've an unlocked European Hero, now in Canada. Is it at all possible to install the radio from the Telus Hero on this phone to alter the baseband 3G frequency, or is it hardware controlled? Anyone have success doing this?
You can not flash any radio roms as it is included in the current rom in your Hero. To flash replacement radio you need to take journey to Rootway.
Lord Lucan said:
You can not flash any radio roms as it is included in the current rom in your Hero. To flash replacement radio you need to take journey to Rootway.
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I'm not sure what any of that means?
To answer the OP, I *doubt* that it would work, but doubting and knowing are two completely different things. It is conceivable that the physical radio hardware is the same from the Telus Hero to the EU one, and if it is flashing the Telus radio would probably work.
However, you run the serious risk of bricking your phone if the radio hardware is not identical.
it won't work. idk whether it would brick the hero, but you can not alter the frequency related settings as they are hardware dependant. if you want 3g get the right device for your provider, no other way.
Hi Dave, Since he has unlocked EU hero, I doubt radio rom can be flashed at all but after flashing a new recovery he may be able to flash one fron the radio rom sticky as they are generic radios? Please correct me. Thanks.
People have flashed EU Hero radio rom onto Telus Hero (mainly because they want to root and install custom roms, but that requires downgrading the Hero first, and the downgrading process require the use of EU roms). Initial reports indicated some dialing problem on the Telus Hero with EU Hero radio rom. While flashing a newer radio rom fixed that, some people are still reporting some SMS problem.
One important thing to note though, using the EU Hero radio rom on Telus Hero does not get away Telus Hero's 850/1900 3G compatibility. This indicates that EU Hero 850/1900 3G incompatibility is not due to radio rom restriction.
As a matter of fact, the two are two different hardwares. The EU Hero (and all Asian) has product # HERO100 while the Telus one is HERO130.
Based on my experience with HTC devices, I'm pretty sure it's the same hardware. We need to focus on the baseband. Need someone with such skills like Geohot. Anybody?

Updating Radio & SPL on 32B

Hello, fellow XDA people!
I have a 32B Magic, MyTouch 3G with "Radio-" och SPL "HBOOT-1.33.2004 (SAPP30000)". I have RA-dream-v1.4.0 as Recovery Image.
Of course I wanted the latest things in the business, i.e radio and SPL.
I am running a Hero ROM at the moment and are thinking about flashing my phone with Eugenes latest android 2.1 Hero ROM.
My question is: which radio and SPL should I flash? I don't want to pick the wrong one and brick my phone, so I am asking you guys.
You dont need to flash either, the radio and spl you have on your phone are
fine, the only time you need to flash you readio is if you want fully functional
bluetooth when using a hero image.
Upgrading either will not give you a performance increase, it is not like the
windows mobile scene where there are loads of different radios and some
work better than others.
I think that the radio you have is the only one available for 32B devices at
the moment, i wouldnt recomend flashing a radio or spl from a 32A device
to your phone as you could brick your device.
justbenjp said:
You dont need to flash either, the radio and spl you have on your phone are
fine, the only time you need to flash you readio is if you want fully functional
bluetooth when using a hero image.
Upgrading either will not give you a performance increase, it is not like the
windows mobile scene where there are loads of different radios and some
work better than others.
I think that the radio you have is the only one available for 32B devices at
the moment, i wouldnt recomend flashing a radio or spl from a 32A device
to your phone as you could brick your device.
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Thank you for an excellent answer, really appricate it!
One ROM that looks abit interesting says you need "Haykuro Death SPL" flashed to your device - is it only for Dream, or do I have to flash it to my 32B Magic?
It is only for Dream/G1
justbenjp said:
It is only for Dream/G1
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Thank you! I owe you one.

HTC Magic 32A Sig ON and other issues

Hello. I've got an issue with a phone. A friend of mine , used the vodafone updated to the latest version of 1.5 with Sense ui and perfect SPL.
Happens that with the orange tecnic we are able to Flash the SPL but it doesnt go to SiG off anyone know the reason?
I tried also to do an experiment to try get into sig off, i prepared a goldcard, and i flashed the old SPL and later made the flashing process by vodafone HTC generic update . Happens that the phone hangs on flashing Radio.
Later then Gives me RUU. So i flashed back the Perfect SPL of high radio, and first time hanged in radio, secound time worked.
Also there are issues regarding to this. When it is flashed ROMs for 6.35 radio, it seems that on:
sanpei hero, legend or eris
The phone just hangs on HTC magic logo and stays there.
The only roms working are:
Sanpei 0.4 pre
Cyanogenmod 5.0.7 and the test version 5.0.8
Anyone know the reason? Thanks
Best regards

Flashing a radio?????

When I used to have a HTC Hero I used to be able to flash the latest radio version, which occasionally gave better signal, can this be done on our wildfires? is there a site with new radios? my current radio is is there a better radio?
Yep, it's the same with the Wildfire. Check out the bottom of the first post on this thread for the latest radio.

