Potentially Stupid Question - Telus GSM Radio on EU Hero - Hero, G2 Touch General

I've an unlocked European Hero, now in Canada. Is it at all possible to install the radio from the Telus Hero on this phone to alter the baseband 3G frequency, or is it hardware controlled? Anyone have success doing this?

You can not flash any radio roms as it is included in the current rom in your Hero. To flash replacement radio you need to take journey to Rootway.

Lord Lucan said:
You can not flash any radio roms as it is included in the current rom in your Hero. To flash replacement radio you need to take journey to Rootway.
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I'm not sure what any of that means?
To answer the OP, I *doubt* that it would work, but doubting and knowing are two completely different things. It is conceivable that the physical radio hardware is the same from the Telus Hero to the EU one, and if it is flashing the Telus radio would probably work.
However, you run the serious risk of bricking your phone if the radio hardware is not identical.

it won't work. idk whether it would brick the hero, but you can not alter the frequency related settings as they are hardware dependant. if you want 3g get the right device for your provider, no other way.

Hi Dave, Since he has unlocked EU hero, I doubt radio rom can be flashed at all but after flashing a new recovery he may be able to flash one fron the radio rom sticky as they are generic radios? Please correct me. Thanks.

People have flashed EU Hero radio rom onto Telus Hero (mainly because they want to root and install custom roms, but that requires downgrading the Hero first, and the downgrading process require the use of EU roms). Initial reports indicated some dialing problem on the Telus Hero with EU Hero radio rom. While flashing a newer radio rom fixed that, some people are still reporting some SMS problem.
One important thing to note though, using the EU Hero radio rom on Telus Hero does not get away Telus Hero's 850/1900 3G compatibility. This indicates that EU Hero 850/1900 3G incompatibility is not due to radio rom restriction.
As a matter of fact, the two are two different hardwares. The EU Hero (and all Asian) has product # HERO100 while the Telus one is HERO130.

Based on my experience with HTC devices, I'm pretty sure it's the same hardware. We need to focus on the baseband. Need someone with such skills like Geohot. Anybody?


Telstra Phone in USA, Should I upgrade to 1.66 WWE Rom?

Will that work? I am trying to make sure I stay on a "legal" ROM. Would I lose anything from a radio stack perspective? I need the US ATT bands to work? Any thoughts or recommendations?
I have a Telstra HD2 and I have changed the ROM, running Dutty's Holy Grail series, without any major problems so far. I get 3G on At&T just fine.
There should be no direct impact to the radio, if you go to the official 1.66 WWE Rom, but im no expert at that... you should ask the question in the RMO development forum
flopzoid said:
Would I lose anything from a radio stack perspective? I need the US ATT bands to work? Any thoughts or recommendations?
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The bands your phone works on are hardware and are unchangeable. changing the rom will not impact on that.
I have a Telstra HD2 running Dutty's ROM - works great on AT&T 3G
It is based on the 1.66 ROM
I'm running a Telstra HD2 with the official 1.66 rom. I also changed to radio I noticed much better battery life with this radio and with the stock telstra radio I kept having to refresh the data connection on ATT or it would loose it.
flopzoid said:
Will that work? I am trying to make sure I stay on a "legal" ROM. Would I lose anything from a radio stack perspective? I need the US ATT bands to work? Any thoughts or recommendations?
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I have a Telstra and I am running Miri 6.5.xx ver 2.0 and it is must fast than the stock ROM or 1.66. Make sure you Hard SPL and then you can flash anyone's Leo Rom, it is great to get rid of all the extra software put on by Telstra. I have great 3g on ATT in CA.
Hope to get my phone by this Fri. So I can flash and enjoy the 3G.

New vs old radio & SPL (32A) questions...

1.33.2010 vs 1.76.2007 vs 6.35.x.x
Ok, so what is the difference, other than they are required for certain ROMs?
What phones actually came with these 'new' versions; I have a new device, wouldn't it make sense that it had the new radio, it didn't?
Why would I want to upgrade and are there incompatibilities with providers (mine is 850/1900 freq)
Didn't see this described anywhere or in the wiki.
I'd be glad to tack it in for others information if we get some good information...
Correct me if I am wrong. I believe the new SPL and Radio came into being when the new 1.5 Rom with Sense was released for the 32A Rogers phones. It does not use the "normal" 32A recovery but a version of the Hero recovery.
Will newer official Roms use this SPL and Radio combination? I have a sneaky feeling that it will be used again when the Rogers phones are upgraded to 2.1.
In the meantime, some chefs of the custom 32A Roms have decided to create a version of their Roms using these newer SPL and Radio. Some have not (it seems Amon RA won't for his Donut Rom). Hence, if you want to switch Roms you may have to follow CurseDroid's instructions to change SPL, Radio, and recovery.
Note: Some Rogers users believe that it is the new Radio that tells Rogers whether they have updated their phone to fix the E911 bug.
Hmmmm, I have a new Rogers Magic and it didn't come with the sense UI.
I also thought the Rogers update (maybe it was the OTA one) was still the old SPL, although a perfected version.
I also read a comment that said something to the likes of:
The new radio and SPL makes the 32A a Hero (or like)...
Does that mean it can run a Hero ROM?
Any clarification would be appreciated, will add all this to a summary...
Radio comparison
Hmmm are there any speed improvements or differences and reception differences between the 6.35x and 3.22x radios? If no, then what are the differences?
Will someone plz respond to this thread?!??
My phone came with new radio and spl when I bought it.
I switched to the old one to use Yoshi rom some time ago but now I'm back to the new one.
I didn't notice any difference between old and new in the phone speed or battery life, but the reception seems a little better on the new one.
Sent from my Dream/Sapphire using XDA App
Ever since the phone was new, no one can give an answere for what radio is better.
The only thing I have ever had is slightly better reception.
I rooted. My phone Mar 2010. The main reason people went to the old radio is because. Back then it had a more stable kernal / camera / wifi / Bluetooth. And more rom's were being cooked for it
Now if you have a 32a it does not really matter
There are more custom rom for the new radio.
ad86 said:
There are more custom rom for the new radio.
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I am not sure about that - I am aware of CM7, DietGB and Ginger Yoshi. But they all use the same kernels by carz12

Telstra 9393 HD2 on Telus 850mhz or HSPA in NA

I was going to purchase a Telstra 9193 Australian version which has HESPA 850. My question is regarding flashing a custom rom. If I leave the radio stock and flash a rom will it work since it has a different frequency?
Anyone bought one for use with Telus or Bell or guess AT&T and flashed a custom rom? I have been reading about a setting for frequency?
Also do you know where I can get the stock Telstra rom so if i need to go back?
I imagine it should work as long as the radio rom is intact, but I'm not positive and would also like to hear from somebody who has tried using the Australian Phone.
I would gladly buy another HD2 to get US 3G...not on T Mobile.
I have the Telstra HD2 it works with 3g in NA with flashed roms and also with upgraded radio ( currently I have the 2.8)
SnooPPP said:
I imagine it should work as long as the radio rom is intact, but I'm not positive and would also like to hear from somebody who has tried using the Australian Phone.
I would gladly buy another HD2 to get US 3G...not on T Mobile.
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The Australian version is compatible with carriers who run 3G network on 850Mhz (Rogers, AT&T, Telus, Bell ...). I`m using one right now with Rogers. This 850Mhz frequency is hardware related and can`t be altered by flashing the radio. On some custom ROMs which required to use certain radios to enable the 576 RAM.
Should be fine
drj said:
I was going to purchase a Telstra 9393 Australian version which has HESPA 850. My question is regarding flashing a custom rom. If I leave the radio stock and flash a rom will it work since it has a different frequency?
Anyone bought one for use with Telus or Bell or guess AT&T and flashed a custom rom? I have been reading about a setting for frequency?
Also do you know where I can get the stock Telstra rom so if i need to go back?
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I've flashed two ROMs (including a 23541-build) on to two different 9193s (the Telstra model - I don't believe there is any 9393 model), and they have been working fine. Better than the stock ROM. Also flashed the Radio on those phones to, and no problem there either. My bet is that you'd be fine.
Hey I'm using it on telstra in Aus, and I also have found no issues. Works well, no stress.
Well guess I will be flashing Thank you for the replys. I was getting confused with some saying there was a frequency setting in the rom and i did not want to brick my device.
I am very interested in using the Artemis rom on this Telstra 850mhz device. If anyone is doing that please let me know.
drj said:
Well guess I will be flashing Thank you for the replys. I was getting confused with some saying there was a frequency setting in the rom and i did not want to brick my device.
I am very interested in using the Artemis rom on this Telstra 850mhz device. If anyone is doing that please let me know.
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You will lose the 850Mhz frequency in the frequency setting when you flash the custom ROM. The reason for that, I think, is because the custom ROM is built from the EU/Asia base system. But no worry, there's a .cab from here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=624108&page=6 (post 58) where you can restore the Australian version frequency setting
hpacura said:
You will lose the 850Mhz frequency in the frequency setting when you flash the custom ROM. The reason for that, I think, is because the custom ROM is built from the EU/Asia base system. But no worry, there's a .cab from here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=624108&page=6 (post 58) where you can restore the Australian version frequency setting
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Unless you are flashing a crap rom you wont loose this. I haven't lost this in any rom I flashed. Just because the phone doesnt offer the hardware doesnt mean wimo doesnt show the bands look at the tp1 tp2 from europe both showed 850 as an option just didnt work for hsdpa

AT&T US ROM/Radio Version Upgrades

Is anyone in US, on AT&T network with T8585 model, pleased with upgrades beyond:
ROM version 1.66.405.2
Radio version
That is what I'm running now, and am looking for any possibilities of increased performance on AT&T network in US. Has anyone installed upgrades beyond those versions and noticed significant improvements? Thanks.
mojohio said:
Is anyone in US, on AT&T network with T8585 model, pleased with upgrades beyond:
ROM version 1.66.405.2
Radio version
That is what I'm running now, and am looking for any possibilities of increased performance on AT&T network in US. Has anyone installed upgrades beyond those versions and noticed significant improvements? Thanks.
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Your Radio is fairly "old", might check the Radio Rom Threads, some of the newer radios perform better in some areas, for different people ....
watcher64 said:
Your Radio is fairly "old", might check the Radio Rom Threads, some of the newer radios perform better in some areas, for different people ....
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Thanks for the quick help. Is the Radio Version dependent on whether it's the T-Mo version or the stock T8585?
As a rule of thumb, just make sure you stay in these forums rather than the TMobile HD2 forums (which are separate, and say TMobile in the name ) and you should be fine.
As to what's "best", it's different for every phone in every region. I'm currently running 2.12.x, but there are plenty running 2.07.50.x, 2.10.x, etc. Just try em out for a few days and see what works for you.
mazzarin said:
As a rule of thumb, just make sure you stay in these forums rather than the TMobile HD2 forums (which are separate, and say TMobile in the name ) and you should be fine.
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except that non tmous hd2 can flash all the tmous roms and radios, so no problem
Ah good to know.
With SPL v. 1.42.0000 installed, will that be sufficient to try various Radio Versions, or is it necessary to have a newer SPL version than that? Also, any direct link you are aware of for step by step radio version upgrade? If so, thanks in advance for saving me some time searching on my HD2 on Edge.
mojohio said:
With SPL v. 1.42.0000 installed, will that be sufficient to try various Radio Versions, or is it necessary to have a newer SPL version than that? Also, any direct link you are aware of for step by step radio version upgrade? If so, thanks in advance for saving me some time searching on my HD2 on Edge.
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none of the spl's will allow you to flash radios. You need hspl.
(unless you meant to type you had hspl 1.42.hspl? 1.42.0000 is stock)
if you havent hspl yet, get hspl3 from mysig, (or the hspl thread) run it, choose 2.08.hspl, then you should be good for flashing roms, radios or whatever you like.
Tried a radio version upgrade to: Wasn't working as it was cutting out voice on my calls every other second. Trying the version listed below and that seems to be working fine so far. Anyone else on AT&T US bands with T8585 having particular success with a specific version?
Hi all, Sorry to possibly hijack the thread, but I wanted to ask a quick question about flashing an HTC HD2 radio. I'll be getting my HD2 sometime this week (it's a TMobile US version) and I plan on using it on AT&T. I understand this shouldn't really be a problem out of the gate for normal call usage and data edge usage as the radio frequencies are the same.
However, I was wondering if it's possible to flash the T9193 radio rom onto the version I'll be getting (T8585 if I've been reading and learning everything correctly) so I can use the AT&T 3G 850mhz band?
mazzarin said:
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Meaning what exactly?
Viearical said:
Hi all, Sorry to possibly hijack the thread, but I wanted to ask a quick question about flashing an HTC HD2 radio. I'll be getting my HD2 sometime this week (it's a TMobile US version) and I plan on using it on AT&T. I understand this shouldn't really be a problem out of the gate for normal call usage and data edge usage as the radio frequencies are the same.
However, I was wondering if it's possible to flash the T9193 radio rom onto the version I'll be getting (T8585 if I've been reading and learning everything correctly) so I can use the AT&T 3G 850mhz band?
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You won't get AT&T 3g connection with T8585 version (no radio will make T8585 get AT&T 3g connection since T8585 doesn't have 850mhz band). You get AT&t 3g if you have T9193.


So i was just playing with two HD7's that i have with HSPL loaded. And because i am a little crazy like that i decided to try and flash the RUU_Schubert_O2_UK_3.04.206.01_Radio_5.66.09.21a_2 to my TMOUS HD7 (PD29110).
Well...it worked, radio reports 5.66 and rom is O2. UPDATE: Sort of, radio has reverted, I have converted this thread to debranding the TMOUS HD7.
So...does this mean i can now access the same radio bands as the UK version, i.e. the 900Mhz band that is missing from the TMO version.
I bought this to use in Australia where we have the 900 and 2100 bands, my old HD2 worked fine with just 2100 but i just thought maybe the radio is what tells the chipset what bands to use.
Either way this is a succesful test of flashing a non TMO rom to a TMo HD7.
Let me know your thoughts on this..
now to load RUU_Schubert_hTC_Asia_WWE_1.57.707.02_Radio_5.52.0 9.16_22.33a.50.10
as unbranded rom (after removing the spl.nzb of course) to unlock then upgrade to nodo and then to mango
Yep that's what the Hard SPL is for. But you were very brave to flash a rom that has a radio for another model of HD7 you could have had a brick.
But no you can't access the other bands.
sutt359 said:
Yep that's what the Hard SPL is for. But you were very brave to flash a rom that has a radio for another model of HD7 you could have had a brick.
But no you can't access the other bands.
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brave or stupid lol my heart was beating fast as i watched my hd7 possibly being bricked. but alas not only was it not bricked but it now has new radio and an asia wwe rom to make it nice and generic.
so the radio is now back to 5.65, not sure if i missread (probably) or it reverted back during the "genericing" process.
I can confirm however that the debrands the tmous hd7 and all works as expected.
norgan said:
so the radio is now back to 5.65, not sure if i missread (probably) or it reverted back during the "genericing" process.
I can confirm however that the debrands the tmous hd7 and all works as expected.
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The Radio has nothing to do with the frequencies. This is a hardware limitation, not software.
GOSH I just dare flashing between Asia ROMs (707 and 728) Mine is Taiwan's 707 and flashed a SingTel branded (manually unbranded of course) 728 and using Cina Unicom 3G and worked well.
Yeah I was not sure if the hardware chip was actually physically different or not but the biggest win is the lack of op logos, just how I like it next job is to pull it apart and start customizing my first wp7 rom :-D
Sent from my HD7 T9292 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
norgan said:
So i was just playing with two HD7's that i have with HSPL loaded. And because i am a little crazy like that i decided to try and flash the RUU_Schubert_O2_UK_3.04.206.01_Radio_5.66.09.21a_2 to my TMOUS HD7 (PD29110).
Either way this is a succesful test of flashing a non TMO rom to a TMo HD7.
Let me know your thoughts on this..
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You're not alone, I had the BALLS to to that too

