Slacker Radio + prevent phone from sleeping - Nexus One General

Just a FYI to anyone else who uses Slacker Radio on the N1 - it appears that at least on the current OTA Slacker radio prevents the phone from sleeping with a partial wake lock even though it's been backgrounded. So, if you are using Slacker radio and seeing poor battery life make sure it's closed out (exit via the app seems to do the trick quite fine)!
I've emailed their support to see if this is something they plan to address or just "how it works". Just wanted to give anyone else using their SW a heads up.


Another Possible Battery Drain Solution?

We have yet another possible remedy for those of us experiencing wakelock/battery drain issues still. Read about it from someone on the bugtracker.
Try leaving your GPS set to on, rather than toggling it. I switched mine on this morning (yesterday, now) and now for the first time in over a month I have now had my Evo unplugged for 13 hours and still have 31% battery remaining after moderate usage today.
It seems that CM may be managing it better or something (someone will have to look into it if this proves successful for more people)
Give it a try and post your results here!
I have never turned off my GPS once since I had the phone in like 6 months. GPS is not the issue for me.
I've always found that about 2 weeks after flashing a new ROM, I start getting wake lock issues which I can never track down. They always resolved themselves after I flash a new ROM, but reappear about 2 weeks later again.
Rinse and Repeat.
The GPS-on fix makes it look like there's an issue with the network location. This would tie in to earlier reports. In this case, it would be best to turn off "Use wireless networks" from Settings > Locations and Security until this bug is fixed.
The two most common causes mentioned so far are network location issues and SMD_RPCCALL wakelock issues.
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Taken from bugtracker
What PRI are you guys running? This is likely unrelated, but PRI 1.90 seems to cause wake lock (100% wake) for some.
Edit: BTW, for every post I read, reverting to 1.77 PRI solves the 100% wake issue.
Not sure, haven't flashed a sense ROM in awhile... I'll try to check when I get a chance
kevinbear said:
We have yet another possible remedy for those of us experiencing wakelock/battery drain issues still. Read about it from someone on the bugtracker.
Try leaving your GPS set to on, rather than toggling it. I switched mine on this morning (yesterday, now) and now for the first time in over a month I have now had my Evo unplugged for 13 hours and still have 31% battery remaining after moderate usage today.
It seems that CM may be managing it better or something (someone will have to look into it if this proves successful for more people)
Give it a try and post your results here!
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You do realize that this makes no sense, don't you?
Not if something keeps trying to call on the GPS when it's off causing some sort of wakelock while it loops trying to get a GPS fix. Leaving it on allows CM6 to manage it or something. But it does seem to help.
nabbed said:
You do realize that this makes no sense, don't you?
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You know there's a well-known bug with Sense ROMs and the HTC 4G widget that forces 4g into a scan loop when you try to toggle 4G off that absolutely _kills_ the battery in a few hours...
I've not tested his suggestion, but the community has found stranger things before.
Side note: before two days ago I _never_ ran wifi on ... but also never ran into a wakelock ... I've left my wifi on just over the weekend as I was playing with something completely unrelated ... maybe with your suggestion Ill just continue to leave it up and see if i run into this wake-lock issue.
I've never turned gps off, it's been on since I got the phone this summer. I think it's funny that one of the settings we see for gps says something about "may cause excessive use of batter" or whatever and fact is - gps on 100% of the time doesn't do ANYthing until an app needs it. It's not used at all. No gps icon, no nothing.
The 4g problem is a PITA but it doesn't drain the battery within a few hours. It draws a little ut unless someone had shown me and proven it to me.....I wouldn't have known. And even now that I do know and I know to reboot my phone after I use 4g, I haven't noticed a big gain in battery life. Leaving 4g ON after you leave a 4g area or no longer need it WILL drain your battery within a few hours. fact

Shift Slows down and starts vibrating.

I seem to be having a weird behaviour with my phone lately. Once in a while, it just slows down to a crawl, and intermittently vibrates (not the quick haptic vibrations, but maybe 1 to 1.5 second long vibrations). although the phone still responds, it's really slow, and i had to do a battery pull in order to get it property working again. I didn't actually have that problem, so i can't be sure, but the symptoms may match those of a bad temp root. (phone slows down, etc). I never waited long enough to see if the phone reverts to normal after a while, and i've always just pulled the battery.
it seems to be correlated to blutooth connections. it happened once when i was turning on an app (torque) ...and today, happened again while i was exiting from torque. i've been using torque for maybe 2 months now, and everything was fine.
the symptoms also doesn't happen all the time.
anyone know what the problem is?
i have a rooted shift, stock rom, and bc's 1.8 kernel running @ 368-1401 on-demand.
it's also possible that the OBD2 blutooth adapter i'm using with torque is a cheap knock off elm327.
This is a bug with Torque and Pandora. If you uninstall Pandora or turn off the car Bluetooth in the Pandora settings it will fix it.
I use both Torque paid and a cheap knockoff adapter also.
Sent from my HTC EVO SHIFT 4G using XDA App
thanks for the response. are you able to elaborate on the bug? is it the combination of torque and pandora that triggers it? i do have pandora installed, but don't really use it.
finalhit said:
thanks for the response. are you able to elaborate on the bug? is it the combination of torque and pandora that triggers it? i do have pandora installed, but don't really use it.
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This is from the Torque forum:
There is a good chance that you have another app or bluetooth pairing that is conflicting somehow – with quite a few EVO users (though it wasn’t limited to just the EVO), the ‘Pandora’ app was the culprit, but any app that stays active monitoring bluetooth could be the culprit.
Torque’s bluetooth code is rock solid, and it works on the Tab, so you’ll have some 3rd party app somewhere which is going crazy consuming all the available CPU power.
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If you go into Pandora and go to Preferences then at the bottom is "Bluetooth for Automotive" turn that off and it fixes the issue. I rarely use Pandora myself and was bummed that I couldn't use both apps, until I found this workaround on the Torque forum.
Interesting. I also have my phone paired to my car...could that be an issue?
Is the fact that I've only experienced this recently inspite of 2+ mos of use, consistent with that thesis?
edit: nm. i went to the torque forums, and learned myself a thing or two. yup, definitely experiencing those symptoms. the dev was saying the newest version should have some workaround, so we'll see tommorow if it takes.
i dont need a signature

[A] What REALLY improves Android battery life on the HD2

Thought I'd just share this. I had been stuck with this issue for a while; basically needing to fully recharge twice a day. I tried a lot of things recommended on here and elsewhere; all of them either made minor differences, none at all, and some made things worse. Things in that category are wifi, 3g, bluetooth, gps, setcpu, task-killers, screen-dimming, resetting battery stats, starting Haret with the key lights on, etc. All these things can potentially make a difference, but didn't help much. Plus, most of them involve de-smart-ing a smartphone, and what's the point of that? I tried changing SD card, as I have a 16GB Transend class 6 card which I believe draws a few more mW than e.g. Sandisk cards, and that didn't really help either.
As an indicative measure, I could charge to 100% (and green LED) at 11pm, put the phone into Airplane mode (GPS off as well), kill all tasks that are not needed, go to bed, and by 7am the battery was on around 50%. So that's with NO comms, NO screen, nothing. Android battery use showed most of this usage was the screen. Er, no. I installed CurrentWidgit (from App Market) and got it to log; during this overnight lack of activity it averaged around 65mW, and was never below 60mW.
So after all that rambling, the answer is: radio ROM version. When I installed Android, I installed the latest radio ROM available at the time (still the latest I think); i.e., from After pulling my hair out trying all the above, I flashed the radio ROM with, and as if by magic, current draw under similar conditions to above is about 7mW; i.e. 10% of what it was, and an overnight period as above goes from 100% to 96%. Much better
I should point out a few extra things:
a) I arbitrarily chose that radio version. I don't really have time to try them all, so if anyone cares to test and post here, perhaps another version gets even better results. To make them meaningfully comparable, install CurrentWidget, get it to log every minute, put the phone into airplane mode, GPS off, kill any obvious large apps like Maps, camera, email polling, and don't run any "battery-saver"-category apps (I had just Messaging, Google Services and Android Keyboard under Settings > Applications > Running Services), turn the screen off for a few minutes (don't move the phone either), then turn it back on and look at the CurrentWidget log. If you post your results here, include which network you're on.
b) This "secret" is sort-of hidden in a few other threads about this, but only in passing and not really prominent. I thought it deserved its own thread so people can find it a little quicker.
c) I don't know if there are other dependencies at play here; e.g. perhaps is best with O2 (which is who I'm with), and maybe others are better with other networks. I don't know enough about radio ROMs to know. If people post their results with their network we might figure it out.
d) Changing radio seemed to also cure another problem I was having, namely the data connection on both 2G and 3G regularly disappearing, even though I had a 2G/3G signal. (I used to fix this by switching between 2 virtually identical APNs, while cursing and muttering...)
e) I'm using AmericAndroid GB233 CyanogenMod7 on SD.
Very usefull info indeed! i use the latest radio too and i face the same battery issues. I've tried all kind of stuff (task killers etc) but with no luck, mb i"ll try a couple of radio vers. hope yours doesn't carry any robo voice incidents (I use the CoreDroid v0.8 one)
Stop using SD, flash android directly to your nand, my battery according to Battery Diviner, lasts 25hrs with a full charge not on airplane mode. I used to do SD but I got tired of the slowness and huge battery drain, NAND is the way to go.
I am thinking of going NAND now, but it wasn't really an option while I might have needed to go back to WM just to make it through a single day without access to a charger. What radio version are you using?
But if radio version is the key, i see no point why we should abandon the sd option & move to the nand one. And the 25h -no charge- nand duration isn't such a big deal, is it ?
I have to version 2.15 and I am on nand.... my battery drain is around 3-5ma standby.... which I think is pretty good.... so I think nand is the key..... not radio
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
It would be interesting if you now flashed to 2.15 again and record your consumption, you might find the early high consumption is not repeated, your original radio may have been very slighty corrupt? I'm using AmericAndroid on SD and get 3mA drain in standby with radio, battery widget predicts 12hrs use with 3g phone on and fairly frequent use or 4 days in standby (doubt I'll ever test that one but the 12hrs is about right).
My only temptation to go for NAND is speed, SD is very slow unless using a RAM build and there are too few of those. Can't quite leave WinMo just yet so sticking with RAM on SD.
Yea... even I'm curious... flash back to 2.15 and let us know your results..
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
I have also the 2.12 radio since january with different NAND roms (mostly sense) and had always 3-5mA in standby. WIFI and 3G off, GPS On/Off makes no difference. Had never the robot voice problems at the first call and no other problems that 2.15 users not have.
There was already a thread where some android nand users confirm the better battery life of 2.12, but not such a big difference like in your case.
Have found a similar thread of WP7 users with the same results.
Any sd android users around with positive battery results? my battery gets raped in almost 15h with normal use! And yeah my stock winmo 6.5 rom does pretty well, while my Leo stays alive & kickin for about 4 days. And just to get a bit off topic, neither Froyo/Gingerbread got me crazy as an OS, nor the "old ship" winmo 6.5 can keep anyone excited anymore. I hope Honeycomb port will be developed in a stable well working level for our Leos.
I think part of the issue here is different peoples' expectations are different. If you are already getting say 12-24+ hours with ANY type of usage, you are probably in a different category to the one I was addressing. The issue I was addressing in my OP is getting extremely poor battery life, of the order of perhaps 6-8 hours with light usage. Several people seem to experience this; i.e. charging required 2 or 3 times a day.
The WM thread mentioned a few posts back is interesting, as there seems to be a clear trend of 2.12 giving better battery life over 2.15 (some anomalies though - be nice if someone who really knows these things intimately could suggest what the dependencies might be).
When I have some time I'll try flashing a few different radios and measuring in an at-least semi-scientific manner. When I have a little more time I'll try NAND with different radios as well. (Anyone with time feel free to go ahead and post results in the meanwhile though!)
nand that killed battery life
I have been using nand roms for a few months now, ever since mdeejay blessed us with his gingerbread builds.
presently using ginger-honeycomb theme rom.
Battery has to be charged twice a day with minimal usage. 2 hours of kindle/music is enough to fry the battery. radio is 2.15.
the rom is superb in appearance and functionality but battery is a real eyesore.
suggestions appreciated.
@fx.dcny: have you tried 2.12 radio as I suggest in my OP?
Hi All,
I'm using Radio and when I use WinMo (ROM Elegancia 2.0), my battery lasts longer than 24h, with a few phone calls and mails and sometimes use of GPS.
With Android on SD, I must charge my battery 2 or 3 times a day. Even in Airplane mode, drain is very high (losts 40-50% overnight). I'm currently with Rafdroid HD 4.2 SD build, but things are same with all other Android SD builds I've tried.
I've just installed current widget, and drain is 60 mA in standby, which seems very high ! and I frequently kill apps with Advanced Tasks Killer (apps like Maps, Soundhound that always reappear !) but maybe this Task Killer makes more bad that good...
As suggested by the OP (thanks for the tip!), I'll tried another radio when I have some time, I still have a backup of radio, and report to you...
Do someone know how to find the culprit app from Current Widget log? I just see a long list of running apps, but no clue about which one(s) is/are eating the battery.
@thivi: my experience was that the apps listed by CurrentWidget were not helpful (in this context), and like I say when I was getting ~50% battery loss in airplane mode overnight there were no unnecessary apps running, and Android was reporting the majority of the battery use as "Display". Something else must be happening under the radar of the various battery monitors (both native Android and not). I'm guessing (only guessing at this stage) that something in the radio ROM code causes it to draw more current.
Hi folks, this is a first post for me but battery use seems to be a never-ending holy grail to Android users!! I have a HD2 running HyperDroid CM7 V2.0 Fearless Falcon on NAND with radio The phone is a branded TM UK handset and have to say that the biggest battery-eater I ever met was Google Maps. Once uninstalled (installed it on first setup), and with carefull widget management, I can just get 3 days between charges. I must point out though that I am not a heavy data user or anything, I just like to have a good functional handset that I know will do everything I need effortlesly. The HD2 is just the thing. Just as an edit, with Google maps being installed, even if force closed, I only ever got 6 to 8 hours from my battery.
I have found this out from master rom thread. Most of the build recommend 15 but i recommend if you have battery drain issue on standby.
sellotape said:
Thought I'd just share this. I had been stuck with this issue for a while; basically needing to fully recharge twice a day. I tried a lot of things recommended on here and elsewhere; all of them either made minor differences, none at all, and some made things worse. Things in that category are wifi, 3g, bluetooth, gps, setcpu, task-killers, screen-dimming, resetting battery stats, starting Haret with the key lights on, etc. All these things can potentially make a difference, but didn't help much. Plus, most of them involve de-smart-ing a smartphone, and what's the point of that? I tried changing SD card, as I have a 16GB Transend class 6 card which I believe draws a few more mW than e.g. Sandisk cards, and that didn't really help either.
As an indicative measure, I could charge to 100% (and green LED) at 11pm, put the phone into Airplane mode (GPS off as well), kill all tasks that are not needed, go to bed, and by 7am the battery was on around 50%. So that's with NO comms, NO screen, nothing. Android battery use showed most of this usage was the screen. Er, no. I installed CurrentWidgit (from App Market) and got it to log; during this overnight lack of activity it averaged around 65mW, and was never below 60mW.
So after all that rambling, the answer is: radio ROM version. When I installed Android, I installed the latest radio ROM available at the time (still the latest I think); i.e., from After pulling my hair out trying all the above, I flashed the radio ROM with, and as if by magic, current draw under similar conditions to above is about 7mW; i.e. 10% of what it was, and an overnight period as above goes from 100% to 96%. Much better
I should point out a few extra things:
a) I arbitrarily chose that radio version. I don't really have time to try them all, so if anyone cares to test and post here, perhaps another version gets even better results. To make them meaningfully comparable, install CurrentWidget, get it to log every minute, put the phone into airplane mode, GPS off, kill any obvious large apps like Maps, camera, email polling, and don't run any "battery-saver"-category apps (I had just Messaging, Google Services and Android Keyboard under Settings > Applications > Running Services), turn the screen off for a few minutes (don't move the phone either), then turn it back on and look at the CurrentWidget log. If you post your results here, include which network you're on.
b) This "secret" is sort-of hidden in a few other threads about this, but only in passing and not really prominent. I thought it deserved its own thread so people can find it a little quicker.
c) I don't know if there are other dependencies at play here; e.g. perhaps is best with O2 (which is who I'm with), and maybe others are better with other networks. I don't know enough about radio ROMs to know. If people post their results with their network we might figure it out.
d) Changing radio seemed to also cure another problem I was having, namely the data connection on both 2G and 3G regularly disappearing, even though I had a 2G/3G signal. (I used to fix this by switching between 2 virtually identical APNs, while cursing and muttering...)
e) I'm using AmericAndroid GB233 CyanogenMod7 on SD.
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sellotape, you're the boss !
now with radio I have 4-7 mA drain in standby instead of 62-66 with radio And last night I only lost 7% battery (and I was not in Airplane mode), it was 40-50% with radio (and in Airplane mode !)
So this radio seems to be the culprit for high battery drainage in Android, at least for some users...
I was happy with the RAFDROID HD 4.2 build but had 2 problems : 1.high battery drainage which is now solved thanks to sellotape thread, and 2.heavy lags that were caused by my SD-Card, problem detected thanks to this thread :
so now I'm enjoying a very fine Android experience with my HD2, even with a SD build
@GPZ550: it's true that Google Maps is almost always in memory, even after killing it. But I'm a heavy user of it so I don't want to desinstall it. And with radio it seems that I can have a decent battery life even with google Maps installed.
I don't want to add confusion here, but my experience as in the OP came to an end about 2 days ago, for reasons I couldn't really associate with anything in particular, except *perhaps* an app update from the market. So... what I did is flashed 2.15 again (to at the same time answer boomboomer and fahd_freak's questions), and I am now back to <10mA standby (down from ~60). I suspect if I'd flashed 2.12 again it would also have fixed it, but I'm out of experimental options in that direction for now. This leaves me rather confused. I would have thought that apps (even under SU) would almost certainly not have sufficient access to alter the Radio ROM.
As a dev myself I struggle with the idea of the ROM becoming "a bit corrupt". I would have thought *any* corruption would have been fairly catastrophic. And yet, mysteriously, re-flashing the ROM seems to be an answer (for now). Perhaps there is some state data that the Radio ROM stores that gets corrupted or invalid and this is overwritten with a re-flash?
Personally I'm not too fussed if I have to reflash the ROM every month or so for now, ridiculous as I find it in principle. It does perhaps mean it's not just radio version that's at issue, but perhaps the action of flashing itself.
I managed to get 5mA draw in standby mode on the NexusHD2 for SD builds (3G on but GPS and Wifi off), with some spikes (when data is being pushed). Able to last a whole day with moderate usage. (Radio version in my sig.)
But really, the NAND builds are much better overall. I managed to get a very similar battery usage pattern as above with the latest NexusHD2 Gingerbread ROM V2.7, 3G, GPS and Wifi all on.

[Q] Strange issues with 2.3.3?

I've recently updated the firmware on my i9000 to a 2.3.3 ROM; JVO, Talon kernel, ROMKitched cooked ROM, and there has been some situations that I wonder if they are meant like so.
1) Phone start up.
It's taking a fairly long while to start up the phone currently, like roughly 50 seconds in the Talon splash screen, then some 10 or 15 seconds more with the SGS logo. Is anyone else experiencing this? Possible reasons for it?
2) GPS acting up.
Now, it's pretty common for the SGS GPS' being reported as having issues but the situation I have here is a bit different. It used to worked normally well before I updated, now after the update for this ROM it seems that I'm having some issues while having ear phones connected. While it seems a rather odd coincidence, whenever I have the ear phones connected it seems that once the phone turns off and locks the screen the GPS shuts down entirely, and when unlocked even though the GPS eventually turns alive again the apps using the GPS don't really seem to resume functions.
3) Clock app alterations?
I noticed that on the default clock app when I use the alarm, currently it is only ringing the alarm for 1 minute. Can anyone tell me if this was always like this? Because I had the idea I had been using 2.2's alarm clock different and it didn't had this flaw.
In case this is some 2.3 "innovation", can anyone suggest a decent alarm clock alternative that doesn't screw up?

[TIP] FM Radio users one setting could cause drastic battery usage.

First the tip: Don't use the "Show Station ID" option, it causes a massive battery usage.
Here are some numbers, with it turned on 4 hours of uninterrupted radio listening drains 36% of my battery. With it turned off the same 4 hours only drains 20% of my battery.
This is caused because with it turned on the phone never goes to sleep when the screen is off. When it is off the phone actually goes into deep sleep will still playing music which causes the drastic difference.
My numbers are based on 40 hours a week listening for 5 months of Station ID being turned on without thinking about it and getting a consistent 36%/4hr daily
Then I did my only factory reset when going to a ICS rom a couple weeks ago and not thinking to set it I started only losing 20%/4hr and noticed I was spending time in deep sleep.
It's great leaving work after a 8 hour day with a extra ~30% battery then I have been used to.
Actually that's not an accurate comparison seeing that you've switched roms.
Try to compare it now on your new rom so that the comparison is done on same roms.
But thanks for the info anyway.
I think this may be due to the HUGE number of messages written to logs when RDS is enabled. I see this with my FM app using the RDS in my app's Samsung FM API mode, and there's not too much I can do about it in that mode.
BTW, I very much need people with S2's to help me get my app working on stock or stock derived ROMs on which the stock FM app works. It works fine on Galaxy S for a while and probably just needs a tweak or 2. See my post here and respond via PM or on my thread, since it's Off Topic to this thread.
Except that... perhaps my app can use less power when in background or screen offm since it can turn the RDS off then.
bpivk said:
Actually that's not an accurate comparison seeing that you've switched roms.
Try to compare it now on your new rom so that the comparison is done on same roms.
But thanks for the info anyway.
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I did a quick 1 hour test with it on and the numbers still match up. My phone lost 9/hr which does equal 36/4hr.
shadowofdarkness said:
I did a quick 1 hour test with it on and the numbers still match up. My phone lost 9/hr which does equal 36/4hr.
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I'll run a test on my Galaxy S and I'd bet the same thing happens. I think a dozen or more log messages every second can do the battery in faster.
For you or anyone else looking to test my app, there's not much to it:
Feb 26 release on the Market:
Possibly better Feb 28 release:
Just ensure a wired headset is plugged in, install the app and run. If you are rooted you should deny SU when it starts. At the Intro screen, press "Disable".
Hopefully, it will "just work" at that point.
NOTE: I just realized now that if you give my app SU, it will not try the Samsung FM API, it will go straight to the low level mode which gives no audio on the GS2. So set Menu->Settings->Debug->FM API to "OEM Proprietary" to force use of the Samsung FM API. If this API fails, I think the app will fall back to the low level mode. That can be prevented by setting Debug->FM Chip to "TI" and if the OEM API fails, then power up will fail.
Working or not, please give SU to my app, restart the app and send me a debug log with Menu->Help->EM Logs. After a few seconds. enter "GS2" and/or any useful phone or ROM etc. information in the email text and press send.
Remember, this test request is for stock or stock derived ROMs that can run the stock FM app only.
My app has been running in a "low level device driver mode" for over 6 months now on rooted GS2s, but without audio, except I think on the MIUI ROM which supports the CyananogenMod audio method. I need no testing for this mode, unless you know how to enable the FM audio or want to try the different Audio Methods to see if any magically work.

