[A] What REALLY improves Android battery life on the HD2 - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Thought I'd just share this. I had been stuck with this issue for a while; basically needing to fully recharge twice a day. I tried a lot of things recommended on here and elsewhere; all of them either made minor differences, none at all, and some made things worse. Things in that category are wifi, 3g, bluetooth, gps, setcpu, task-killers, screen-dimming, resetting battery stats, starting Haret with the key lights on, etc. All these things can potentially make a difference, but didn't help much. Plus, most of them involve de-smart-ing a smartphone, and what's the point of that? I tried changing SD card, as I have a 16GB Transend class 6 card which I believe draws a few more mW than e.g. Sandisk cards, and that didn't really help either.
As an indicative measure, I could charge to 100% (and green LED) at 11pm, put the phone into Airplane mode (GPS off as well), kill all tasks that are not needed, go to bed, and by 7am the battery was on around 50%. So that's with NO comms, NO screen, nothing. Android battery use showed most of this usage was the screen. Er, no. I installed CurrentWidgit (from App Market) and got it to log; during this overnight lack of activity it averaged around 65mW, and was never below 60mW.
So after all that rambling, the answer is: radio ROM version. When I installed Android, I installed the latest radio ROM available at the time (still the latest I think); i.e., from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=611787. After pulling my hair out trying all the above, I flashed the radio ROM with, and as if by magic, current draw under similar conditions to above is about 7mW; i.e. 10% of what it was, and an overnight period as above goes from 100% to 96%. Much better
I should point out a few extra things:
a) I arbitrarily chose that radio version. I don't really have time to try them all, so if anyone cares to test and post here, perhaps another version gets even better results. To make them meaningfully comparable, install CurrentWidget, get it to log every minute, put the phone into airplane mode, GPS off, kill any obvious large apps like Maps, camera, email polling, and don't run any "battery-saver"-category apps (I had just Messaging, Google Services and Android Keyboard under Settings > Applications > Running Services), turn the screen off for a few minutes (don't move the phone either), then turn it back on and look at the CurrentWidget log. If you post your results here, include which network you're on.
b) This "secret" is sort-of hidden in a few other threads about this, but only in passing and not really prominent. I thought it deserved its own thread so people can find it a little quicker.
c) I don't know if there are other dependencies at play here; e.g. perhaps is best with O2 (which is who I'm with), and maybe others are better with other networks. I don't know enough about radio ROMs to know. If people post their results with their network we might figure it out.
d) Changing radio seemed to also cure another problem I was having, namely the data connection on both 2G and 3G regularly disappearing, even though I had a 2G/3G signal. (I used to fix this by switching between 2 virtually identical APNs, while cursing and muttering...)
e) I'm using AmericAndroid GB233 CyanogenMod7 on SD.

Very usefull info indeed! i use the latest radio too and i face the same battery issues. I've tried all kind of stuff (task killers etc) but with no luck, mb i"ll try a couple of radio vers. hope yours doesn't carry any robo voice incidents (I use the CoreDroid v0.8 one)

Stop using SD, flash android directly to your nand, my battery according to Battery Diviner, lasts 25hrs with a full charge not on airplane mode. I used to do SD but I got tired of the slowness and huge battery drain, NAND is the way to go.

I am thinking of going NAND now, but it wasn't really an option while I might have needed to go back to WM just to make it through a single day without access to a charger. What radio version are you using?

But if radio version is the key, i see no point why we should abandon the sd option & move to the nand one. And the 25h -no charge- nand duration isn't such a big deal, is it ?

I have to version 2.15 and I am on nand.... my battery drain is around 3-5ma standby.... which I think is pretty good.... so I think nand is the key..... not radio
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App

It would be interesting if you now flashed to 2.15 again and record your consumption, you might find the early high consumption is not repeated, your original radio may have been very slighty corrupt? I'm using AmericAndroid on SD and get 3mA drain in standby with radio, battery widget predicts 12hrs use with 3g phone on and fairly frequent use or 4 days in standby (doubt I'll ever test that one but the 12hrs is about right).
My only temptation to go for NAND is speed, SD is very slow unless using a RAM build and there are too few of those. Can't quite leave WinMo just yet so sticking with RAM on SD.

Yea... even I'm curious... flash back to 2.15 and let us know your results..
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App

I have also the 2.12 radio since january with different NAND roms (mostly sense) and had always 3-5mA in standby. WIFI and 3G off, GPS On/Off makes no difference. Had never the robot voice problems at the first call and no other problems that 2.15 users not have.
There was already a thread where some android nand users confirm the better battery life of 2.12, but not such a big difference like in your case.
Have found a similar thread of WP7 users with the same results.

Any sd android users around with positive battery results? my battery gets raped in almost 15h with normal use! And yeah my stock winmo 6.5 rom does pretty well, while my Leo stays alive & kickin for about 4 days. And just to get a bit off topic, neither Froyo/Gingerbread got me crazy as an OS, nor the "old ship" winmo 6.5 can keep anyone excited anymore. I hope Honeycomb port will be developed in a stable well working level for our Leos.

I think part of the issue here is different peoples' expectations are different. If you are already getting say 12-24+ hours with ANY type of usage, you are probably in a different category to the one I was addressing. The issue I was addressing in my OP is getting extremely poor battery life, of the order of perhaps 6-8 hours with light usage. Several people seem to experience this; i.e. charging required 2 or 3 times a day.
The WM thread mentioned a few posts back is interesting, as there seems to be a clear trend of 2.12 giving better battery life over 2.15 (some anomalies though - be nice if someone who really knows these things intimately could suggest what the dependencies might be).
When I have some time I'll try flashing a few different radios and measuring in an at-least semi-scientific manner. When I have a little more time I'll try NAND with different radios as well. (Anyone with time feel free to go ahead and post results in the meanwhile though!)

nand that killed battery life
I have been using nand roms for a few months now, ever since mdeejay blessed us with his gingerbread builds.
presently using ginger-honeycomb theme rom.
Battery has to be charged twice a day with minimal usage. 2 hours of kindle/music is enough to fry the battery. radio is 2.15.
the rom is superb in appearance and functionality but battery is a real eyesore.
suggestions appreciated.

@fx.dcny: have you tried 2.12 radio as I suggest in my OP?

Hi All,
I'm using Radio and when I use WinMo (ROM Elegancia 2.0), my battery lasts longer than 24h, with a few phone calls and mails and sometimes use of GPS.
With Android on SD, I must charge my battery 2 or 3 times a day. Even in Airplane mode, drain is very high (losts 40-50% overnight). I'm currently with Rafdroid HD 4.2 SD build, but things are same with all other Android SD builds I've tried.
I've just installed current widget, and drain is 60 mA in standby, which seems very high ! and I frequently kill apps with Advanced Tasks Killer (apps like Maps, Soundhound that always reappear !) but maybe this Task Killer makes more bad that good...
As suggested by the OP (thanks for the tip!), I'll tried another radio when I have some time, I still have a backup of radio, and report to you...
Do someone know how to find the culprit app from Current Widget log? I just see a long list of running apps, but no clue about which one(s) is/are eating the battery.

@thivi: my experience was that the apps listed by CurrentWidget were not helpful (in this context), and like I say when I was getting ~50% battery loss in airplane mode overnight there were no unnecessary apps running, and Android was reporting the majority of the battery use as "Display". Something else must be happening under the radar of the various battery monitors (both native Android and not). I'm guessing (only guessing at this stage) that something in the radio ROM code causes it to draw more current.

Hi folks, this is a first post for me but battery use seems to be a never-ending holy grail to Android users!! I have a HD2 running HyperDroid CM7 V2.0 Fearless Falcon on NAND with radio The phone is a branded TM UK handset and have to say that the biggest battery-eater I ever met was Google Maps. Once uninstalled (installed it on first setup), and with carefull widget management, I can just get 3 days between charges. I must point out though that I am not a heavy data user or anything, I just like to have a good functional handset that I know will do everything I need effortlesly. The HD2 is just the thing. Just as an edit, with Google maps being installed, even if force closed, I only ever got 6 to 8 hours from my battery.

I have found this out from master rom thread. Most of the build recommend 15 but i recommend if you have battery drain issue on standby.
sellotape said:
Thought I'd just share this. I had been stuck with this issue for a while; basically needing to fully recharge twice a day. I tried a lot of things recommended on here and elsewhere; all of them either made minor differences, none at all, and some made things worse. Things in that category are wifi, 3g, bluetooth, gps, setcpu, task-killers, screen-dimming, resetting battery stats, starting Haret with the key lights on, etc. All these things can potentially make a difference, but didn't help much. Plus, most of them involve de-smart-ing a smartphone, and what's the point of that? I tried changing SD card, as I have a 16GB Transend class 6 card which I believe draws a few more mW than e.g. Sandisk cards, and that didn't really help either.
As an indicative measure, I could charge to 100% (and green LED) at 11pm, put the phone into Airplane mode (GPS off as well), kill all tasks that are not needed, go to bed, and by 7am the battery was on around 50%. So that's with NO comms, NO screen, nothing. Android battery use showed most of this usage was the screen. Er, no. I installed CurrentWidgit (from App Market) and got it to log; during this overnight lack of activity it averaged around 65mW, and was never below 60mW.
So after all that rambling, the answer is: radio ROM version. When I installed Android, I installed the latest radio ROM available at the time (still the latest I think); i.e., from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=611787. After pulling my hair out trying all the above, I flashed the radio ROM with, and as if by magic, current draw under similar conditions to above is about 7mW; i.e. 10% of what it was, and an overnight period as above goes from 100% to 96%. Much better
I should point out a few extra things:
a) I arbitrarily chose that radio version. I don't really have time to try them all, so if anyone cares to test and post here, perhaps another version gets even better results. To make them meaningfully comparable, install CurrentWidget, get it to log every minute, put the phone into airplane mode, GPS off, kill any obvious large apps like Maps, camera, email polling, and don't run any "battery-saver"-category apps (I had just Messaging, Google Services and Android Keyboard under Settings > Applications > Running Services), turn the screen off for a few minutes (don't move the phone either), then turn it back on and look at the CurrentWidget log. If you post your results here, include which network you're on.
b) This "secret" is sort-of hidden in a few other threads about this, but only in passing and not really prominent. I thought it deserved its own thread so people can find it a little quicker.
c) I don't know if there are other dependencies at play here; e.g. perhaps is best with O2 (which is who I'm with), and maybe others are better with other networks. I don't know enough about radio ROMs to know. If people post their results with their network we might figure it out.
d) Changing radio seemed to also cure another problem I was having, namely the data connection on both 2G and 3G regularly disappearing, even though I had a 2G/3G signal. (I used to fix this by switching between 2 virtually identical APNs, while cursing and muttering...)
e) I'm using AmericAndroid GB233 CyanogenMod7 on SD.
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sellotape, you're the boss !
now with radio I have 4-7 mA drain in standby instead of 62-66 with radio And last night I only lost 7% battery (and I was not in Airplane mode), it was 40-50% with radio (and in Airplane mode !)
So this radio seems to be the culprit for high battery drainage in Android, at least for some users...
I was happy with the RAFDROID HD 4.2 build but had 2 problems : 1.high battery drainage which is now solved thanks to sellotape thread, and 2.heavy lags that were caused by my SD-Card, problem detected thanks to this thread :
so now I'm enjoying a very fine Android experience with my HD2, even with a SD build
@GPZ550: it's true that Google Maps is almost always in memory, even after killing it. But I'm a heavy user of it so I don't want to desinstall it. And with radio it seems that I can have a decent battery life even with google Maps installed.

I don't want to add confusion here, but my experience as in the OP came to an end about 2 days ago, for reasons I couldn't really associate with anything in particular, except *perhaps* an app update from the market. So... what I did is flashed 2.15 again (to at the same time answer boomboomer and fahd_freak's questions), and I am now back to <10mA standby (down from ~60). I suspect if I'd flashed 2.12 again it would also have fixed it, but I'm out of experimental options in that direction for now. This leaves me rather confused. I would have thought that apps (even under SU) would almost certainly not have sufficient access to alter the Radio ROM.
As a dev myself I struggle with the idea of the ROM becoming "a bit corrupt". I would have thought *any* corruption would have been fairly catastrophic. And yet, mysteriously, re-flashing the ROM seems to be an answer (for now). Perhaps there is some state data that the Radio ROM stores that gets corrupted or invalid and this is overwritten with a re-flash?
Personally I'm not too fussed if I have to reflash the ROM every month or so for now, ridiculous as I find it in principle. It does perhaps mean it's not just radio version that's at issue, but perhaps the action of flashing itself.

I managed to get 5mA draw in standby mode on the NexusHD2 for SD builds (3G on but GPS and Wifi off), with some spikes (when data is being pushed). Able to last a whole day with moderate usage. (Radio version in my sig.)
But really, the NAND builds are much better overall. I managed to get a very similar battery usage pattern as above with the latest NexusHD2 Gingerbread ROM V2.7, 3G, GPS and Wifi all on.


Bad battery life is typically not because of the hardware

I'm posting this in return for all the information I found about the HD2 and poor battery performance. I read every thread I could find and every single post in them. I learned a lot and that allowed me to solve my problem.
I got no more than about 10 hours of use out of my battery with average use. Initially I thought this was the norm, reading a number of threads on this issue. I could however not believe that the performance was so poor, even taking the large screen into account.
I decided to try and determine exactly what it was that caused the battery to drain to quickly. I loaded BattLog and found it invaluable (see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=444920).
I immediately noticed that my phone was drawing 85 mA even when it was in standby (or what I thought was standby). Based on what I was reading, the current draw should not be more than 5 mA while the phone is in standby.
I noticed in one of the threads that there were complaints about G-Profile causing battery drain. Since I had it on my phone I thought that might be a logical place to look. I uninstalled it a lo and behold... the current draw fell to below 5 mA when the phone was in standby!
In addition I loaded Bandswitch which switches off my 3G connection after it has not been used for 60 seconds.
Now I have about 48+ hours of battery life. When not using the phone a lot it extends to a lot more than 48 hours.
The long and short of it is that if you get poor battery performance, chances are it is because of some software that is installed on your phone.
Here are a couple of usefull things I have found in helping resolve my battery issues:
1) Use Batlog (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=444920) to log the current your phone draws. If it draws more than 5 mA during standby you have a problem, most probably related to a piece of software on your phone
2) Your phone should not be drawing much more than about 150 mA when in 'active' mode with the screen at 40% brightness.
3) If you are running G-Profile, uninstall it and recheck your current draw. Chances are that it is the culprit.
4) Having an active data connection does draw power from the battery. In my case this is about an additional 130 mA. Load something like Bandswitch to disable the data connection when it is not needed.
I hope this information helps somebody. I realise that the situation is different for everybody out there because of all the variants such as age of the battery, sofware loaded and use. However, the reality is that the battery issues are most probably not because of a bad battery or the hardware but rather because of software on the phone.
BTW I am running:
OS Version: 5.2.21869
Manilla version: 2.5.19211619.0
ROM version: 1.48.421.2 (71294) WWE
Radio version:
gerhardvr said:
I'm posting this in return for all the information I found about the HD2 and poor battery performance. I read every thread I could find and every single post in them. I learned a lot and that allowed me to solve my problem.
I got no more than about 10 hours of use out of my battery with average use. Initially I thought this was the norm, reading a number of threads on this issue. I could however not believe that the performance was so poor, even taking the large screen into account.
I decided to try and determine exactly what it was that caused the battery to drain to quickly. I loaded BattLog and found it invaluable.
I immediately noticed that my phone was drawing 85 mA even when it was in standby (or what I thought was standby). Based on what I was reading, the current draw should not be more than 5 mA while the phone is in standby.
I noticed in one of the threads that there were complaints about G-Profile causing battery drain. Since I had it on my phone I thought that might be a logical place to look. I uninstalled it a lo and behold... the current draw fell to below 5 mA when the phone was in standby!
In addition I loaded Bandswitch which switches off my 3G connection after it has not been used for 60 seconds.
Now I have about 48+ hours of battery life. When not using the phone a lot it extends to a lot more than 48 hours.
The long and short of it is that if you get poor battery performance, chances are it is because of some software that is installed on your phone.
Here are a couple of usefull things I have found in helping resolve my battery issues:
1) Use Batlog to log the current your phone draws. If it draws more than 5 mA during standby you have a problem, most probably related to a piece of software on your phone
2) Your phone should not be drawing much more than about 150 mA when in 'active' mode with the screen at 40% brightness.
3) If you are running G-Profile, uninstall it and recheck your current draw. Chances are that it is the culprit.
4) Having an active data connection does draw power from the battery. In my case this is about an additional 130 mA. Load something like Bandswitch to disable the data connection when it is not needed.
I hope this information helps somebody. I realise that the situation is different for everybody out there because of all the variants such as age of the battery, sofware loaded and use. However, the reality is that the battery issues are most probably not because of a bad battery or the hardware but rather because of software on the phone.
BTW I am running:
OS Version: 5.2.21869
Manilla version: 2.5.19211619.0
ROM version: 1.48.421.2 (71294) WWE
Radio version:
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and imagine that your rom version is accused of massive batt draining!
an upgrade to 1.66 / 1.72 should make a difference..or a custom rom
Hi Gerhardvr,
What is the batlog software you used?
I'm very interested about your post.
Very useful findings, gerhardvr. Thanks!
found BattLog
ok, I found BattLog
It's just in showthread.php?t=444920
Have a nice day guys.
When I ran the Test, it said that I was using up 242mA in standby! I dont believe I have G-Profile installed, unless it was pre installed on the device. I have the latest versions of the ROM, Radio, Manila, and OS version, so I know the culprit cant be the ROM version... Any ideas? I bought this phone from T-Mobile US.... Sooo yeah
Folks, I've been trying to get to the bottom of this as well. I have a number of cab files which do seem to help a little. One of the bigest culprits I've found is the screen lockers. Disable them and see how you fair!
soopahsteve said:
When I ran the Test, it said that I was using up 242mA in standby! I dont believe I have G-Profile installed, unless it was pre installed on the device. I have the latest versions of the ROM, Radio, Manila, and OS version, so I know the culprit cant be the ROM version... Any ideas? I bought this phone from T-Mobile US.... Sooo yeah
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I suggest you use Battlog to log to file. This is very useful as it will log the time stamp, the current temp of the battery and the current draw at the point in time. In addition it logs arious events on the phone, in particular the startup and shut down of applications, data connectivity, when you make or receive a call, whether you are talking or receiving on the call, etc. This can be opened in Excel and then analysed and if you are very lucky, you will pick up some patterns allowing you to link some programs to the battery drain.
However, the situation is typically slightly more complex to resolve since the culprit software are usually software that is loaded as TSR application at reboot. The result of this is that Battlog will not show the startup of these applications in the log file since they are already running at the time you are starting Battlog.
You should look at programs that manage phone profiles, screen lockers, screen calls or SMS messages, etc. In other words, any program that does work behind the scenes.
The reason you are seeing 242 mA in "standby" is because your phone is not really in standby. Although the screen is blank, something is preventing your phone from going into true standby, the processor is still active. The trick is to find what this is.
Sometimes the only approach is to uninstall the applications you suspect one by one and see if it makes a difference until you either find the culprit or can prove that none of the them are an issue. Then reinstall the ones you think are "safe" one by one and check whether the probelm pops up again. unfortunately you have to do the double sided approach because there could be more than one application that cuases your issue.
Painful I know but worh it when you have two days worth of battery time with some to spare.
See no reason to upgrade to the latest ROM
chris2busy said:
and imagine that your rom version is accused of massive batt draining!
an upgrade to 1.66 / 1.72 should make a difference..or a custom rom
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You know it. In reality I would love to upgrade to the latest and greatest but I've customised my phone to the Nth degree (did obviously not upgrade the ROM) by installing all the little apps I find useful, Cookies Home tab (best thing since sliced bread), etc. My phone is now just the way I like it.
It would take me quite some time to upgrade the ROM and to customise it again from scratch and I really don't see the benefit. I might be force to do it when I get to a stage where there are software that I would like to load that only works on the later ROMs but until such time I'm not gonna try to fix that that ain't broke.
is this the bandswitch u are using? if not, can i check where to get the program?
gerhardvr said:
It would take me quite some time to upgrade the ROM and to customise it again from scratch
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I just upgraded my ROM and did a Level 1 restore with Sprite Backup ... everything comes back except (I think) for wifi passwords.
i am drawing 180mA on standby..
im using custom rom, energy rom so thats very strange, but i have to agree that my battery life is terrible.. so i got to find a way to cut down on the 180mA drain..
I've always had good battery life on stock 1.66 rom losing 3% overnight with wifi and bluetooth turned off. Had to do a hard reset and started losing 15% overnight with the same everything. Did further resets and got nowhere. Ended up giving up on 1.66 although it had been fine previously after numerous hard resets - makes no sense but this is what happened. Just flashed to 1.72 and back to losing 3% overnight what it should be. And that is out of the box, to be honest all the battery saving registry tweaks are not worth the time installing and I leave 3G on all the time with updates coming through.
So it's all a bit random and shame on HTC for not sorting it out. My advice is do a hard reset, switch the wifi and bluetooth off and see in the morning if you have a reasonable battery life (or use the batt consumption program to verify standby consumption is sensible). Do this first before installing everything, getting frustrated and starting over again like I did when you discover that you're still experiencing high battery drain. This ensures that your starting point is a good flash and the phone is getting good life before adding any apps that could be causing a problem.
i have found my hd2 really does not like being in a poor or no coverage area. other phones i've owned have normally coped pretty well with no or very little signal. but not the hd2.
also noticed more drain in areas where there is only poor 3g coverage and its switching between 'g' and 'h' coverage.
fi3ry_icy said:
i am drawing 180mA on standby..
im using custom rom, energy rom so thats very strange, but i have to agree that my battery life is terrible.. so i got to find a way to cut down on the 180mA drain..
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Energy ROMs, just like the name goes, use a lot of Energy
They are baked in with a lot of performance tweaks so it's not unusual to get lower battery life per charge compared to other more down to earth vanilla ROMs.
Thanks for this thread, a lot of interesting information about the battery life of my HD2.
Just to mention: battconfig shows the power consumption directly in the task bar, a good way to find power guzzlers while they are active.
It's a pity we have no central place in this forum with a list of background applications that are known to drain the battery faster.
Or, also a needed information, a list of applications that are known not to do this (like PhoneAlarm, PocketShield).
I'm using the official rom only and have non fancy apps running or installed while I'm using the test bat program. As I speak the SD card is removed and celular radio is turned off.
Acording to program there is an indicator which is switching from -229ma to +78ma is that what its drawing of power?
Euroman28 said:
Acording to program there is an indicator which is switching from -229ma to +78ma is that what its drawing of power?
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+78ma??? That must mean you are charging the battery. The best way to test current draw is when it is only on the battery.
I get about -5ma draw on standby and it tops out at around 180ma when I have the screen on, but usually hovers around 130 - 150ma. I have my screen brightness at the lowest setting possible.
@OP, I wanted to say this earlier... great topic, very insightful.
I have a few suggestions for everyone posting in this thread. Let's try and get some common data together that is more tangible in order to give us a more similar & common perspective for these discussions.
I suggest the following
1) Soft Reset. Once the device is on, do not run ANY applications. In fact don't do anything except for following the below instructions.
2) Turn your screen brightness all the way DOWN! (Turn off Auto Backlight and manually set it to the lowest setting)
3) Check your power settings and make sure that while your phone is on battery, that it is set to dim the backlight after 30 seconds and turn off after 1 minute
*** I have attached 2 REG files below for both Backlight and Power. Please use them instad of doing it manually.***
4) Turn off all the radios (Phone, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth). Let's make our first round of tests with the Radio's off. Radio ON complicates things a bit as there are several applications to keep track of that use the Data Connection. I'll come up with a more comphrehensive list later so we can do the Radio ON tests.
Use a program like Shave&Save and get the following screenshots
1) Use any Task manager and get a screenshot of all the processes running. Sometimes the number of processes displayed is longer than the screen size can accomodate. Take 2 screenshots in this case making sure that you capture all processes. Edit the image with MS Paint or some other Image Program and attach it here as one image. See the example in the post below this one.
2) Goto \Windows\Startup and get a screenshot of the folder contents
3) If you are using Sense, drag the slider all the way to the end (settings) and goto About Phone. Goto Software Information and get a screenshot of that.
Monitoring the Battery
1) Make sure your phone is not connected to the charger or to the computer.
2) Open BattLog (can be found here), set the refresh rate to 1 second and Start Logging.
3) After you start the logging process do not touch the screen / the phone again for exactly 2 minutes.
TIME THIS with a stop watch. As soon as the 2 minutes it complete, turn the phone back on and stop the logging.
Information to post here
1) All the screenshots from above.
2) The current draw (both on standby and while active). Also, please attach the file that logged all the information in this format: Forum ID - BattLog - dd-mmm-yy.txt
3) ROM - Whose ROM? Release Date? Does it have Cookie's Home Tab Installed or any other MAJOR Sense Modifications.
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HTC HD2 (T8585)
OS: WM 6.5
ROM: Energy * Build 21907 * Release 01.JULY.10 * CHT v1.8.5 - Dinik Edition
Current Draw (mA)
Idle: -3 to -7
Screen On (w/o Radios): -83 to -117
Those figures look normal to me. You should be getting about as good a battery life as a device like this can achieve.

[Q] So what is currently the most stable setup for android on HD2?

So about 1-2 months ago, I switched to Android on my HD2, but this wasn't a very good rom. Whenever I turned the screen off, it would only light up black (wtf). It stated the battery was empty all the time. And when I had to restart my phone, and tried booting into android again, it would either freeze on the bootscreen, or it would be the darkest screen ever. Sometimes both.
So I ask; What is the most stable setup to date, for HD2?
I would also like to know which is the most stable Android build to-date (i am not bothered with the HTC Sense layar).
I agree ^^
Right now I'm using mdeejays evo sense 2.3 revolution and upgraded the kernel with Hastarin R8 and it is very stable!!
Its gonna depend on many factors such as what WM rom you're running and what radio as well. I would recommend you get chuckdroid WM rom, a good recent radio, and either evo sense 2.3 or Bangsters 1.5 (if you dont want sense) Ive had good results with both.
Latest Energy WinMo ROM, 2.12 radio, the Android build linked below.
Works fantastic, all day, every day. CM6 mod. MDPI/HDPI hybrid too
MichaelVS said:
So about 1-2 months ago, I switched to Android on my HD2, but this wasn't a very good rom. Whenever I turned the screen off, it would only light up black (wtf). It stated the battery was empty all the time. And when I had to restart my phone, and tried booting into android again, it would either freeze on the bootscreen, or it would be the darkest screen ever. Sometimes both.
So I ask; What is the most stable setup to date, for HD2?
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I like my setup (in my sig). There's a new skinnyEVO v1.5, and since I haven't tried it, I can't speak of its stability.
The issue you'll encounter in most Android builds is data dropping, which is caused by using PPP (not RMNET) connection. This can be 'fixed' by turning on/off airplane mode.
+1 for Mdeejay builds
just loaded Mdeejay eVo Sense v. 1.1 Matted this morning, so far v smooth, battery 5mA in standby, camera with flash working, no probs so far.
deff' the best of the 3 android builds ive tried
For the one who said that it depends on many factors, here is my current specifications;
5.2.21869 (21869.5.0.82)
1.66.409.1 (76641) NOR
What kind of setup would be best for my specs?
sumflipnol said:
I like my setup (in my sig). There's a new skinnyEVO v1.5, and since I haven't tried it, I can't speak of its stability.
The issue you'll encounter in most Android builds is data dropping, which is caused by using PPP (not RMNET) connection. This can be 'fixed' by turning on/off airplane mode.
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I'm on O2 in the UK. Using the latest Sense version of the PhireMOD Skinny EVO (v1.5) with 2.15 radio and the latest Chucky ROM 23139 ~ 3.14. Rock solid stability and very smooth and fast. I get an occasional data drop but that's the same with every PPP build. Battery life with light usage is approx 2 days.
Just upgraded to V8 kernal and it's smoother than ever. Best andriod build i've used - apart from the data drops (which is not the fault of the build) it's pretty much perfect for me. The key is to get the right combination of radio/wmrom/andriod. Unfortunately it seems to be different for different people so just a case of trial and error until you find the right combo. In my case the switch to 2.15 radio solved a lot of issues.
energy and skinnyEVO v1.5 with latest kernell update is the best setup you can get.... after a long search i foud this one to be the best..... oh radio 2.12.50.xxxx great battery life..... >
energy rom and mdeej's Revolution is by far the best sense build to date and there is a new radio for those of you that dont know yet 2.15
There is no guaranteed catch all perfect setup. what may run perfectly fine for me may run absolutely horrible for you. Different strokes for different folks.
Factors you have to consider:
SD Card (class, size, whether is SDHC or not, how it is formatted, cluster size)
Battery calibration (does your battery last a long time in WinMo?)
Your own knowledge (if you cannot be bothered to search for any simple problems then you WILL get frustrated trying to run Android)
the best way you can find out the best setup for you is trial and error.
dazzyb2k3 said:
I'm on O2 in the UK. Using the latest Sense version of the PhireMOD Skinny EVO (v1.5) with 2.15 radio and the latest Chucky ROM 23139 ~ 3.14. Rock solid stability and very smooth and fast. I get an occasional data drop but that's the same with every PPP build. Battery life with light usage is approx 2 days.
Just upgraded to V8 kernal and it's smoother than ever. Best andriod build i've used - apart from the data drops (which is not the fault of the build) it's pretty much perfect for me. The key is to get the right combination of radio/wmrom/andriod. Unfortunately it seems to be different for different people so just a case of trial and error until you find the right combo. In my case the switch to 2.15 radio solved a lot of issues.
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Sorry for the noob question, but can somebody describe data dropping to me?
I got a HD2 from work on the weekend, so the first thing I did was install android
I installed: Radio_2_14_50_04, and FroyoStone_Sense_V3.2. This combo is working fine and seems stable.
The problem I had yesterday was that I could not access the internet although I had a strong 3g or H signal. The problem would suddenly disappear and access would be fine for a few minutes and then no access again. Access seems more consistant today.
Battery life seems a problem too, it was fully charged at 7am this morning and was down to 5% by 5pm, that was with mild usage apart from about an hour mp3 and 30 min gps.
Any of this sound normal for android on a HD2?
MichaelVS said:
So about 1-2 months ago, I switched to Android on my HD2, but this wasn't a very good rom. Whenever I turned the screen off, it would only light up black (wtf). It stated the battery was empty all the time. And when I had to restart my phone, and tried booting into android again, it would either freeze on the bootscreen, or it would be the darkest screen ever. Sometimes both.
So I ask; What is the most stable setup to date, for HD2?
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MichaelVS said:
[Q] So what is currently the most stable setup for android on HD2?
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is the one you really like, the one that appeals to your needs and whims the most
so try them builds around and share your ideas and experience with each of them
tonyh0905 said:
Sorry for the noob question, but can somebody describe data dropping to me?
I got a HD2 from work on the weekend, so the first thing I did was install android
I installed: Radio_2_14_50_04, and FroyoStone_Sense_V3.2. This combo is working fine and seems stable.
The problem I had yesterday was that I could not access the internet although I had a strong 3g or H signal. The problem would suddenly disappear and access would be fine for a few minutes and then no access again. Access seems more consistant today.
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there is a VERY BIG discussion on a lot of threads about data drops, search for them. that is one nagging PITA at the moment for Android. switching airplane
mode on and off always worked for me though, also need to have the correct
APN setting for your network
tonyh0905 said:
Battery life seems a problem too, it was fully charged at 7am this morning and was down to 5% by 5pm, that was with mild usage apart from about an hour mp3 and 30 min gps.
Any of this sound normal for android on a HD2?
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reboot Android at least three times and the battery usage will improve drastically
my juice lasts a full day of moderate to heavy usage.
jigners said:
there is a VERY BIG discussion on a lot of threads about data drops, search for them. that is one nagging PITA at the moment for Android. switching airplane
mode on and off always worked for me though, also need to have the correct
APN setting for your network
reboot Android at least three times and the battery usage will improve drastically
my juice lasts a full day of moderate to heavy usage.
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Thanks for the info...the airplane mode trick worked a treat
When you say reboot android 3 times, do you mean reset the whole device, or is there a way to shut down and restart the android os?
I use:
VBN reloaded 2 minimal ROM
mdeejay revolution 2.0
radio 2.12.50.
One time deals:
i) turn off auto backlight in winmo
ii) do a g-sensor calib in winmo
Make sure you :
i) Load android using EBL *as soon as you possibly can*
ii) press the back button when its loading HaRET
and you are all set !!!

WP7 Roms battery dead in 7 hours? Normal?

Before I get flamed I have read all the comments I can find on WP7 Rom battery tricks i.e. camera record after reboot trick, leaving 3g on etc. All Im asking is if other HD2 users are experiencing as little as 6-7 hours of battery life on WP7 roms, iv'e tried xbmod, HD20 and YukiXDA and have tried this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=978101.
Phone is hardly used, no phone calls just settings and odd text message and only wifi on when using phone.
I'm gutted because I love WP7, any advice appreciated and am not trying to "Noob" up the forums I just wanted to start a dialogue with other WP7 Rom users.
Nope, that´s not normal.
There are several possible reasons for your problem. MAGLDR, Radio ROM and SPL versions are crucial. Bad flashing can happen all the time. Plus, an "incompatible" SD card can bring a hell lot of issues, too, as well as an "old" SIM card.
Anyway - I can say that under WP7, I could not reach the same battery lifetime like under WinMo 6.5 - you can more compare to Android (NAND versions). Maximum 2 days at really low usage (week-ends), 1 day with "normal" workload. I could easily double that time under WinMo 6.5.
The HD2 likes battery like i like beer.....as much as possible in the shortest amount of time.
My phone and wifes phone (exact same phone + ROM) work for about 7 hours. ive tried many different tricks, radios, ROMs and no luck. luckily at home and work i have access to charging points, so not so much of a problem. just anooying when we go travelling!
Try latest YukiXDA Rom with 3G on. My phone lasted a day and night ( few calls, texts, games (including installing) Facebook etc. Much improved.
i'm using yuki's latest and mines dead in about 7 hours also (without even using it cos i have a company phone) but some have reported 2 days , i've got the battery tool and my current is usually around -250 sometimes higher before and after camera trick but some have reported 2ma ,, i'm sure i'm using the bat tool wrong lol . gigahurtz whats your current

HD2 Heating up in WP7

I dualboot android SD (Jaguarlani) and WP7. I hadnt used WP7 for a month now, and i've got an old 7740 rom of YUKI Back to the future. Now, while I was on, the phone started shedding battery life and getting hot. Within 40 minutes of minimal use it had used up 20% of the battery.
I'm using a 2.12 radio ( the recomennded one) and booting via magldr, Which rom should I flash to eliminate this issue And i've tried most fixes, which do not work.
I've got an europeian HD2 from italy.
I really like wp7, I really do, but I cannot use it with such horrible battery life, even SD android had 8 hours of fairly heavy use battery life. I imagine running it properly off nand will increase that.
Mine gets fairly hot and used battery like crazy when I watched videos or listen to music for an extended period of time as well.
However, I've been running DFT UltraFruit, for my daily phone, since it came out and my battery life has really improved.. 10-13 hours normal use, and it doesn't get as hot as it used too.
I'm in the US on t-mobile, using the most current radio... I'm not sure how much help that is, but that's my experience.
It's not that kind of issue, It gets extremely hot (think 50 to 60 C) when idling or using the internet for less then 10 minutes.
The thing is that the only place it gets hot is the 3g modem( I think ) which leads me to think that the issue is software - based.
keller112 said:
It's not that kind of issue, It gets extremely hot (think 50 to 60 C) when idling or using the internet for less then 10 minutes.
The thing is that the only place it gets hot is the 3g modem( I think ) which leads me to think that the issue is software - based.
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60c would burn your hand, if you can hold it, then it isnt that hot, if its down the bottom then it could also be wifi, all the gubbins are down that way
give ultrafruit a try, there is a huge difference in battery life, meaning that something isnt drawing as much power.
It might also be worth considering changing your radios, hard and soft, dispite common believe a newer radio doesnt mean a better one, usually carriers change radios based on their local settings in that market, so settings that might be good for one person might be terrible for another.
a very basic and over simplified, incorrect and generally a bit shoddy example might be that in your area the network is setup with settings that means your phone is trying double time to keep a connection, where as the same settings on my phone in my location might mean the phone doesnt need to try so hard because of my networks settings.... does that make sense?
dazza9075 said:
60c would burn your hand, if you can hold it, then it isnt that hot, if its down the bottom then it could also be wifi, all the gubbins are down that way
give ultrafruit a try, there is a huge difference in battery life, meaning that something isnt drawing as much power.
It might also be worth considering changing your radios, hard and soft, dispite common believe a newer radio doesnt mean a better one, usually carriers change radios based on their local settings in that market, so settings that might be good for one person might be terrible for another.
a very basic and over simplified, incorrect and generally a bit shoddy example might be that in your area the network is setup with settings that means your phone is trying double time to keep a connection, where as the same settings on my phone in my location might mean the phone doesnt need to try so hard because of my networks settings.... does that make sense?
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I will definetly try this new ultrafruit. How would I go about changing the soft radios though? The hard radio works really well on android and consumes barely any power, so I doubt that's the issue, I'm thinking more of a WP7-centric problem which points to softradio.
Other then that I do not have wi-fi on and I disabled 3g too, it still gets hot, and I wasnt exaggarating too much, it's in the range of barely being touchable, I would compare it to touching a hot-water run radiator that's been turned all the way up.
I live in bulgaria, and that's probably the core of the issue. However I have never switched softradios before, could you give me general directions, please?
keller112 said:
I will definetly try this new ultrafruit. How would I go about changing the soft radios though? The hard radio works really well on android and consumes barely any power, so I doubt that's the issue, I'm thinking more of a WP7-centric problem which points to softradio.
Other then that I do not have wi-fi on and I disabled 3g too, it still gets hot, and I wasnt exaggarating too much, it's in the range of barely being touchable, I would compare it to touching a hot-water run radiator that's been turned all the way up.
I live in bulgaria, and that's probably the core of the issue. However I have never switched softradios before, could you give me general directions, please?
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The software radio seems to be an invention of WP7, or at least thats the first we knew of it
The down side is you cant just flash a new radio like you can do with a hardware radio (Tri colour bootloader>plug in PC> install using the custom RRU)
To change the software radio you need to flash it with the initial ROM, meaning you can only change it when you wipe the whole device.
If you download a WP7 ROM, and then look at the files you will see a data.zip file. In that you will see a whole bunch of part files, the one you want is part 0
delete it within winrar, then add the part 0 from a different radio to the data.zip, using winrar again.
give me a few min and ill find you a list of all the radios
dazza9075 said:
The software radio seems to be an invention of WP7, or at least thats the first we knew of it
The down side is you cant just flash a new radio like you can do with a hardware radio (Tri colour bootloader>plug in PC> install using the custom RRU)
To change the software radio you need to flash it with the initial ROM, meaning you can only change it when you wipe the whole device.
If you download a WP7 ROM, and then look at the files you will see a data.zip file. In that you will see a whole bunch of part files, the one you want is part 0
delete it within winrar, then add the part 0 from a different radio to the data.zip, using winrar again.
give me a few min and ill find you a list of all the radios
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That link is barely alive, only rapidshare has it still up, thanks for the guidelines.
Haha, Yuki made it....his been gone awhile lol
Sent from my HD7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Same issue
Please, I need help too,
My phone is getting hot since a while.
This after I fully charged my battery.
:S Any hack infos?
Alright, got pdaimatejam's rom up and running, so far the battery life is good so far, gonna play a movie (akira) when it finishes transcoding (._.)
Any MKV or avi drivers for WP7?
So far though, with the 5.71 radio I havent gotten online, meaning no internet. Phone is functioning though.
Am I going to need to reflash again with an older radio?
Update: this rom is freaking sweet, battery is really really stable!
Update 2: Radio is using 3g networks without providing internet connection, the battery drain is still faster then android, but it's within 1 hour. Other then that the screen and sensors dont draw as much power so it's pretty decent right now.

[Q] Need Help with extreme battery life drain

Hey Guys,
It's my first time around the block with an HD2 so bear with me. I'm haveing MAJOR drainage issues with my battery on my WP7 HD2.
I have the latest pdaimatejam 8107 loaded with the default 5.71 radio.
After a couple of weeks I decided to buy a new battery thinking that the old one was busted (I got the HD2 off Craigslist and under Android it complains about the battery not having the proper charge) After using the new battery I get about the same results.
I installed the HTC Battery Status tool and my mah drain is a crazy -100 to -200mah current! Is this normal? I read threads about people trying to get down from -40mah. I have no background tasks running on the phone (at least none that I'm aware of)
I haven't tried flashing the old 5.51 radio yet because I already loaded my 32gb card with hundreds of apps and music and videos. Is there a way to flash the old radio without having to lose everything? The camera trick does not seem to work, and changing the registry values just has it report back to 11 (not 6 for some reason) upon reboot.
Any help would be great. I think after a couple days though I'll try flashing the old radio.
Thanks in advanced!
you cant flash without loose everything....
for save apps data and setting read Tutorial v1.4 from Pdamatejam page
Kindly search forums.. this has already been addressed a lot
For Best performance and good battery life use 2.15.50.xx hard radio + 5.50 soft radio version
For best battery life use 2.12.xx.xx hard radio + 5.50 soft radio..
I did search the forums and I am aware of the different combinations of the radios and the software.
I am more concerned about whether the -200mah drain is a normal occurrence. I guess I could just report back when I have flashed the older radio, but I really don't want to do that considering the amount of stuff I already have loaded on my partition.
I apologize if it seems redundant to post something like this. I haven't seen anyone post about having a huge drain like 200mah. It just seems odd to me and I don't understand how it can get that high.
To give more information, I made sure to turn off the background tasks in WP7 that I don't need. I make sure I exit the program (by pressing back and making sure it doesn't show up as a card) and I even put the phone on airplane mode. After all of this, my drain was in the hundreds.
Great... I checked it just now and the drain is 400mah
mind you, nothing is even running. I just turned it on for the day and it was the first thing I checked.

