Hi, i'm new here! - HD2 General

Hello all,
i've scoured this webpage for the past few days to try and make some sense of this phone!
i've just upgraded to the HD2 after nearly 2 years of iphone and finding the transition very hard!
i did read the "Questions & Answers" section but the obvious questions weren't there...probably as they're obvious and it's just me...
i know some of you will take offense from me asking questions, and if you do, please don't reply i'm after help, not a laugh
Why is the phone refered to as Leo? Is this the actual model of the phone rather than the HD2?
Why would you upgrade your ROM? What can these upgrades do?
The current ROM on my phone shows as (70315) WWE and on the HTC website it shows as there is an available upgrade but upon entering my serial number it says this isnt applicable!
A few other things the facebook app doesnt work? Just stays on "Getting User ID.." and doesnt go past that and the Messenger application doesnt allow (or doesnt seem to) none hotmail or msn addresses!? for example, my email address is from a domain i own that is already set up on .passport and works fine on msn through the PC but not on the phone?!
Any help would much be appreciated and thanks in advance

b3nje said:
Hello all,
i've scoured this webpage for the past few days to try and make some sense of this phone!
i've just upgraded to the HD2 after nearly 2 years of iphone and finding the transition very hard!
i did read the "Questions & Answers" section but the obvious questions weren't there...probably as they're obvious and it's just me...
i know some of you will take offense from me asking questions, and if you do, please don't reply i'm after help, not a laugh
Why is the phone refered to as Leo? Is this the actual model of the phone rather than the HD2?
Why would you upgrade your ROM? What can these upgrades do?
The current ROM on my phone shows as (70315) WWE and on the HTC website it shows as there is an available upgrade but upon entering my serial number it says this isnt applicable!
A few other things the facebook app doesnt work? Just stays on "Getting User ID.." and doesnt go past that and the Messenger application doesnt allow (or doesnt seem to) none hotmail or msn addresses!? for example, my email address is from a domain i own that is already set up on .passport and works fine on msn through the PC but not on the phone?!
Any help would much be appreciated and thanks in advance
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Hi mate, and welcome to the forum. I hope we can help your transition from your iPhone to a windows phone easier for you - they're very different beasts aren't they?
First off, the name Leo is the "codename" for the HD2. The original HD was called the "Blackstone" as well. We refer to it as the HD2, as that's what it's really called, but you can call it Leo if you like. I call mine Gemma, but that's a different story
The ROM is basically the core of the phone's software. Upgrading this is usually done to make a lot of small changes happen at once, rather than installing lots of niggly little hotfixes. ROMs are made available for different phone types at different times. By this, I mean that the ones currently on the HTC site are for unbranded phones. They may later include ROM upgrades from service providers. If your phone is T-Mobile, for example, then you can only use T-Mobile ROMs. (That's the official line, anyway. There is something called HSPL which allows you to put any ROM on your phone, regardless).
As far as your problems with Facebook and Windows Live go, I can't really comment as they've worked flawlessly for me. I do have a hotmail.com account though, which may well explain why Live worked so easily for me.
I'm sure others will come by to say hello and, hopefully, answer your questions some more.
If you've got any questions, do search first, and don't give up just because you haven't found results in the first 5 posts listed. This is a MASSIVE forum, and stuff does get lost easily. After that, ask away, and just ignore anyone (like me) who tells you to search first. Just tell us you already have in the original post and we won't have a leg to stand on
Good luck mate - I hope you enjoy it

I use googlemail and Live worked for me too with no problems....
Have you played with any of the settings on the phone since you got it?
Have you tried turning it off then back on? Maybe that will fix it.

spot on! cleared the majority of things up for me there!
yeah, they certainly are totally different phones! the iphone feels and looks dated after using the "leo" . The camera is the thing that stands out for me by far, i'm used to using dslr's and after getting the iphone, having to carry a normal compact due to the camera being so sh*t! hopefully i'll be able to get away with using just the phone!
my contract is with O2 and after speaking with their technical department about the little issues i have, i must say, they do not have a clue! the first person hadn't even heard of the phone!
i'll have a look into upgrading the ROM as the version i have seems to be quite out of date compared to the ones available now!
thanks again for the help, much appreciated!

hi pkchips,
i've deleted it and reinstalled it, but still not working - its been sat next to me for the past 20mins saying "Getting User ID.." but for some reason i can sync my contacts with phonebook from my address book but not log on to the application....strange!?

b3nje said:
spot on! cleared the majority of things up for me there!
yeah, they certainly are totally different phones! the iphone feels and looks dated after using the "leo" . The camera is the thing that stands out for me by far, i'm used to using dslr's and after getting the iphone, having to carry a normal compact due to the camera being so sh*t! hopefully i'll be able to get away with using just the phone!
my contract is with O2 and after speaking with their technical department about the little issues i have, i must say, they do not have a clue! the first person hadn't even heard of the phone!
i'll have a look into upgrading the ROM as the version i have seems to be quite out of date compared to the ones available now!
thanks again for the help, much appreciated!
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You're welcome mate.
I'd definitely recommend the ROM upgrade as 1.66 is really smooth and fast compared to 1.43 and 1.48, despite them being fast anyway! Just make sure to spend some time reading the stickied threads in the ROM forum. They've got all the information you need from noob to expert in there, so it's highly recommended reading before you do any flashing.
As far as the camera goes, there's a lot of differing opinions about that on here. Personally, I think it's great, but I don't expect to take shots that are as good as something like a DSLR. There's been some really good example and some really bad ones. I guess it's a taste thing, and how you take pics too, so good luck with that

b3nje said:
Hello all,
The current ROM on my phone shows as (70315) WWE and on the HTC website it shows as there is an available upgrade but upon entering my serial number it says this isnt applicable!
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Id say this means you have a provider locked phone, Eg/ O2, TMobile, whatever. These phones are expected to be updated by the provider, so the serial wont work on the HTC website.
Sadly our providers tend to blow, so don't expect any updates all that quickly, however a little trick called HSPL will get around that. (Bit like jailbreaking an iphone, only different)
EDIT - scratch teh T Mobile stuff, since yr on O2!

i think the ability to control the focus from a tap of the finger is what does it for me
i'll do some more research now i've got a weekend in my favour and see how i get on!

Re: camera...cover 3 quaters of the led flash with some electrical tape and it'll be fine...well it'll be slightly less blinding lol

i've HSPL and updated my rom, everything seems sweeter and working fine, BUT , once i've taken a picture, the thumbnail in the gallary is ridiculously distorted and appears purple/pink! when i click the picture its absolutely fine though!

i've given up gun! its going back and i'm getting a 3gs!
i didnt want to go back to the iphone after my 3g as the 3gs isnt a big enough of a step up but the HD2 is slow, the keyboard is no where near as good as the iphone, the user interface of the iphone is much neater and simpler and i dont have to mess around with this rom radio hspl flash upgrade shizzle - i just plug my phone in, press a button and its jail broken
thanks for the help guys, just not too sure what you see in the phone besides the nice camera!

sorry, that sounded a bit rude!
i appreciated the help when i asked, many thanks - just a shame it didnt live up to my expectations after the raving reviews i read!


Help! Beginner Here! HTC HD2 on T-Mobile UK

Hi guys
Hoping someone would be kind enough to take the time out to answer some questions I have regarding my HD2 on T-Mobile UK and how I go about modifying it etc
Please bare with me....this is the first smartphone ive ever had and am totally new to all of this! :S
1) Does the fact that its locked to T-Mobile (and has some form of their own software on it) mean I am unable to make use of the many updates or software tweaks that appear on this site?
2) I see people talking about Manilla...is this the software HTC place on top on WM6.5?
3) I see a lot of people talking about flashing their ROMs....what does this actually mean? Is it possible for me to get rid of all T-mobile crap on my phone and be able to apply updates, fixes etc whenever I want?
4) I know of some people who have Jailbreak their iPhone allowing them to run loadsa different software on it etc....is something similar possible on the HD2?
5) Basically it all comes down to the fact that I dont like the basic taskbar look on my phone (really want a colourfull taskbar and some form of % battery indicator) and want to make it look a bit more modern/exciting....and Ive seen loadsa uploads on this site about other users homescreens etc and want to know how i go about doing that? Im not sure if having a T-Mobile HD2 will stop me from modifying it in that way?
Would really appreciate any help/advice anyone is willing to give.....the site seems very oriented to people who know what they're doing lol and im struggling to find a section for novice users like myself! I really like that idea of having a phone I can customise whenever I like.....just not sure at all of how to start going about it......
1) Does the fact that its locked to T-Mobile (and has some form of their own software on it) mean I am unable to make use of the many updates or software tweaks that appear on this site?
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The fact that it's locked to T-Mobile doesn't affect the majority of software on here. Sometimes, there'll be discrepancies between what's expected on your phone, and what's actually on your phone. This will be rare, and usually resolved on here anyway.
2) I see people talking about Manilla...is this the software HTC place on top on WM6.5?
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Yes - Manila is the Sense UI.
3) I see a lot of people talking about flashing their ROMs....what does this actually mean? Is it possible for me to get rid of all T-mobile crap on my phone and be able to apply updates, fixes etc whenever I want?
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Flashing the ROM changes the core of the phone. It's often done to do exactly what you said - to get rid of the software that's there by default, but you don't want it. Another more common reason for ROM flashing, is ROM updates that include software fixes (as just happened with 1.48), or windows updates.
4) I know of some people who have Jailbreak their iPhone allowing them to run loadsa different software on it etc....is something similar possible on the HD2?
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You don't need to "jailbreak" windows mobile. Question 3 covers this really.
5) Basically it all comes down to the fact that I dont like the basic taskbar look on my phone (really want a colourfull taskbar and some form of % battery indicator) and want to make it look a bit more modern/exciting....and Ive seen loadsa uploads on this site about other users homescreens etc and want to know how i go about doing that? Im not sure if having a T-Mobile HD2 will stop me from modifying it in that way?
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Having a T-Mobile phone won't stop you changing that at all. Just get used to these forums and searching them and you'll find most things you need. There's certainly taskbars on here. You're better off looking in either the root Leo forum (one step above this forum), or the themes and apps one. Also, the Sense UI has a lot of mods in other forums. The Blackstone, for example, had the Sense UI available in a ROM way before the HD2 was released, so that's also a good source of information.
Just keep reading and you'll be fine. We were all new here once
Have fun!
Thanks very much!! appreciate it!
however, u say here:
Flashing the ROM changes the core of the phone. It's often done to do exactly what you said - to get rid of the software that's there by default, but you don't want it. Another more common reason for ROM flashing, is ROM updates that include software fixes (as just happened with 1.48), or windows updates.
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just wondering why I wouldnt want to apply ROM updates and windows updates? would it not be better to do this than wait for official updates from T-Mobile that will prob take forever to emerge?
I've seen on some forums that there is already an official (yet not appearing on the HTC site) HD2 ROM upgrade....but are you saying you advise against this? Or are u saying I dont want to change the core of the phone....but applying updates etc is still possible?
Sorry, excuse my ignorance!
I don't understand why you think I'm advising against ROM updates, but I'm not
Basically, it's up to you to weigh up whether or not you want to do a ROM update by looking at what's new and what's removed (if anything).
As far as waiting for T-Mobile to release their own version of the ROM.... yeah, you're right. I wouldn't bother.
I've just updated my HD2 with the 1.48 release, and it's a LOT faster. It's still new though, and a couple of issues have already been found. It's always "at your own risk" whenever you flash the ROM or install mods.
can i ask you what come in the box with tmobile handset, carry pouch? micro sd? an such. and did you get it from tmobile themselves or a phone outlet like carphonewarehouse, thanks in advance
johncmolyneux said:
I don't understand why you think I'm advising against ROM updates, but I'm not
Basically, it's up to you to weigh up whether or not you want to do a ROM update by looking at what's new and what's removed (if anything).
As far as waiting for T-Mobile to release their own version of the ROM.... yeah, you're right. I wouldn't bother.
I've just updated my HD2 with the 1.48 release, and it's a LOT faster. It's still new though, and a couple of issues have already been found. It's always "at your own risk" whenever you flash the ROM or install mods.
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ah ok sorry...i must have misred your original reply! apologies
ok...final question....if i wanted to upgrade to this new ROM? could u maybe quickly explain how I go about doing this? sorry to be a pain! Its just i was under the impression i couldnt do this as long as it was locked onto T-Mobile (or any network for that matter)
Many thanks again!!
**** turpin said:
can i ask you what come in the box with tmobile handset, carry pouch? micro sd? an such. and did you get it from tmobile themselves or a phone outlet like carphonewarehouse, thanks in advance
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hi....sure! no probs...
i got the handset (obviously lol) charger and micro usb lead (which is quite short and frustrating actually) also got a 2gb micro sd card! There was no pouch - although as far as I am aware HTC supply a pouch...which t-mobile (and all other networks as far as im aware) remove....to force u to buy one! So i bought the official HTC leather one online for £10 - which is quite nice!
I just walked into a t-mobile store in glasgow and asked for the phone...and they had it! i had been arguing all week on the phone with t-mobile upgrades and retentions.....they wanted to charge me £380 upgrade charge as i have a 50% line reduction.......but when i walked into the store they done it for me for £50!!! and kept my discount!!!! so now i get 1000mins, unlimited txts and internet for £20 a month! if ur looking for the phone and dont get quoted a good deal keep shopping....there's always someone willing to do a good deal!
happy times all round!
giopirolli said:
ok...final question....if i wanted to upgrade to this new ROM? could u maybe quickly explain how I go about doing this? sorry to be a pain! Its just i was under the impression i couldnt do this as long as it was locked onto T-Mobile (or any network for that matter)
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Sorry - you're absolutely right. You can't upgrade with that ROM. The experts on here are working on something called "Hard SPL" which basically allows you to flash any old ROM you want, regardless of your ROM version at the time.
The ROM that's bouncing round at the moment is an official HTC one, and can only be used on phones that aren't locked to providers.
Since it's a new phone, I'd recommend getting used to it and the available mods on here. You don't need to be able to flash the ROM to install most of the mods, so you can still tweak your phone like mad!
johncmolyneux said:
Sorry - you're absolutely right. You can't upgrade with that ROM. The experts on here are working on something called "Hard SPL" which basically allows you to flash any old ROM you want, regardless of your ROM version at the time.
The ROM that's bouncing round at the moment is an official HTC one, and can only be used on phones that aren't locked to providers.
Since it's a new phone, I'd recommend getting used to it and the available mods on here. You don't need to be able to flash the ROM to install most of the mods, so you can still tweak your phone like mad!
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Ok great - yeah good idea! Ive not used it enough to warrant any need to upgrade the ROM and im pretty happy with its speed etc at the moment....prob because i aint got any apps on it apart from a YouTube one (since the lovely people at T-Mobile remove the YouTube app that comes with the phone!)
I'll have a play around with some of the mods on the site and try get it looking much sweeter!lol
Thanks for all your help mate......very much appreciated!!
giopirolli said:
Thanks for all your help mate......very much appreciated!!
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No worries mate. Have fun, search and ask. Also, be prepared to hard reset if/when you brick your phone for the 1st time
giopirolli said:
hi....sure! no probs...
i got the handset (obviously lol) charger and micro usb lead (which is quite short and frustrating actually) also got a 2gb micro sd card! There was no pouch - although as far as I am aware HTC supply a pouch...which t-mobile (and all other networks as far as im aware) remove....to force u to buy one! So i bought the official HTC leather one online for £10 - which is quite nice!
I just walked into a t-mobile store in glasgow and asked for the phone...and they had it! i had been arguing all week on the phone with t-mobile upgrades and retentions.....they wanted to charge me £380 upgrade charge as i have a 50% line reduction.......but when i walked into the store they done it for me for £50!!! and kept my discount!!!! so now i get 1000mins, unlimited txts and internet for £20 a month! if ur looking for the phone and dont get quoted a good deal keep shopping....there's always someone willing to do a good deal!
happy times all round!
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hi thanks for quick reply
am glad you get micro sd, they could of threw the pouch in too LOL, oh well suppose its not that expensive. (know what you mean bout charger cable, same with diamond2 lol) i`m with orange at the mo there not releasing the phone on there network at all i dont think, got my diamond2 from carphone warehouse 10 months ago. its been put in for repair 2 times already due to touch screen failure, last time i put it in it got sent to htc who declared the warrenty void because of certain applications on the phone and have demanded £70 to fix even though i pay insurance every month. decided am not paying gonna cancel direct debit as it was nothing to do with software why i put it in, in the 1st place, think its ridiculous! i`d flashed a cooked rom on my phone and unblocked it with hard spl, i reflashed original htc rom before putting it in the shop but forgot to reblock my phone again, thats what they mean by CERTAIN APPLICATIONS. so beware if flashing your device with non htc rom and you have to claim on insurance for anything, you have to reflash everything back to original htc factory software/roms. to be honest hard spl(unblocking programme to flash any rom) is not out there yet for hd2, i dont think. but just a little tip for you..
by the way lol, i cant seem to get my hands on a hd2 anywhere, there like rocking horse sh#t!! lol am getting really bored watching videos about the device on pocketnow.com now tho Grrrrrrrrrrrrr lol i NEED one soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
just had an email from tmobile, apparently its on its way!!!!!!!!! yaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
johncmolyneux said:
Sorry - you're absolutely right. You can't upgrade with that ROM. The experts on here are working on something called "Hard SPL" which basically allows you to flash any old ROM you want, regardless of your ROM version at the time.
The ROM that's bouncing round at the moment is an official HTC one, and can only be used on phones that aren't locked to providers.
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Erm you can flash the newly "released" Official HTC WWE ROM using the goldcard method. I did so on my T-Mobile HD2. The benefit of doing so is to regain the applications T-Mobile removed like You-Tube, CoPilot trial and Jetcet print. Also you get the advantage of being able to flash future patches directly from HTC, instead of waiting for T-mobile to get their hands on them and break it.
Gajet said:
Erm you can flash the newly "released" Official HTC WWE ROM using the goldcard method. I did so on my T-Mobile HD2. The benefit of doing so is to regain the applications T-Mobile removed like You-Tube, CoPilot trial and Jetcet print. Also you get the advantage of being able to flash future patches directly from HTC, instead of waiting for T-mobile to get their hands on them and break it.
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I don't know what the goldcard method is, so I couldn't advise him on it.
johncmolyneux said:
I don't know what the goldcard method is, so I couldn't advise him on it.
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hmmm this goldcard method sounds promising! ill check it out! thanks for that Gajet!
giopirolli said:
hmmm this goldcard method sounds promising! ill check it out! thanks for that Gajet!
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Hey buddy, did you manage to flash your rom then?
Like you I'm very new to this scene (coming from an iphone) so just wanted to know if you had successfully flashed your rom. Which rom did you use because I can see a lot of different versions of this 1.48 and don't know which one to use.
Surely if you flash your rom and it shows the youtube app as well as copilot, tmobile will void your warranty wont they???
Gajet said:
Erm you can flash the newly "released" Official HTC WWE ROM using the goldcard method. I did so on my T-Mobile HD2. The benefit of doing so is to regain the applications T-Mobile removed like You-Tube, CoPilot trial and Jetcet print. Also you get the advantage of being able to flash future patches directly from HTC, instead of waiting for T-mobile to get their hands on them and break it.
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I agree ...flashed my o2 locked phone yesterday
Double post pls discard
babyshaq said:
Hey buddy, did you manage to flash your rom then?
Like you I'm very new to this scene (coming from an iphone) so just wanted to know if you had successfully flashed your rom. Which rom did you use because I can see a lot of different versions of this 1.48 and don't know which one to use.
Surely if you flash your rom and it shows the youtube app as well as copilot, tmobile will void your warranty wont they???
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Hey...i havent given it a go yet! as im new to this i decided to just play around with some little tweaks....like changing my taskbar and modifying some other options...like removing the "scroll down for more options" button during a call so the options are always present..........before i attempted anything big like flashing my ROM! lol
not sure regarding the warranty issue....id think so....tho if i had to send it in for repair (touch wood i wont) then id just restore it back to its original version 1st....
TartanArmy said:
I agree ...flashed my o2 locked phone yesterday
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hey......to which version? 1.48? noticed any improvements?

I was about to send my HD2 back to O2

iPhone 3g contract was up and started looking for a new handset, 3Gs? meh.
perhaps if apple had some sexy stuff to say at their conference about a fw update, but no
just some waffle about an iPad or something? lol
so 3 days into my 14 day return time with the HD2 it was locking up, freezing and genraly sluggish.
i guess i was just used to the iphone 'just working' alough saying that, it was jailbroken and 'trying' to act like a normal phone.
yer yer i had all the apps i wanted (via appsync) and boy was the iphone 3g struggleing.
anyways here i am with the hd2, locking up. so i found my way back to an old friend THIS FORUM.
amazed to find that my hd2 had a rom number way below what was out there.
aware that flashing a new rom 'could' invalidate my warranty i downloaded the stock O2 rom just in case.
tried to flash a htc stock updated rom and it failed
then discovered the HSPL crack, and tried the flash again, YES! it worked this time.
now, humm i dunno. the phone looks the same but feels different, sure all the O2 branding is gone and some features are unlocked but it now feels much better to use.
faster, smoother and more slick.
got tomtom on there and MYplayer watching bbciplayer OVER 3G not locked to wifi use like the iphone.
this things got me interested now i think ill keep it
qusetion: when wm7 is released, will it go on this phone?
Arthur said:
qusetion: when wm7 is released, will it go on this phone?
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No-one can answer that question yet. All we can do is summise, and most would say yes.
There hasn't been an official release of the WM7 requirements yet, so we can't be 100% sure. There's been a pinksheet, which is a rumoured requirements list, and the HD2 is fine for that (albeit the minimum ROM, not the recommended).
We'll really have to wait and see. The official specs for WM7 can't be that far away.
Arthur said:
iPhone 3g contract was up and started looking for a new handset, 3Gs? meh.
perhaps if apple had some sexy stuff to say at their conference about a fw update, but no
just some waffle about an iPad or something? lol
so 3 days into my 14 day return time with the HD2 it was locking up, freezing and genraly sluggish.
i guess i was just used to the iphone 'just working' alough saying that, it was jailbroken and 'trying' to act like a normal phone.
yer yer i had all the apps i wanted (via appsync) and boy was the iphone 3g struggleing.
anyways here i am with the hd2, locking up. so i found my way back to an old friend THIS FORUM.
amazed to find that my hd2 had a rom number way below what was out there.
aware that flashing a new rom 'could' invalidate my warranty i downloaded the stock O2 rom just in case.
tried to flash a htc stock updated rom and it failed
then discovered the HSPL crack, and tried the flash again, YES! it worked this time.
now, humm i dunno. the phone looks the same but feels different, sure all the O2 branding is gone and some features are unlocked but it now feels much better to use.
faster, smoother and more slick.
got tomtom on there and MYplayer watching bbciplayer OVER 3G not locked to wifi use like the iphone.
this things got me interested now i think ill keep it
qusetion: when wm7 is released, will it go on this phone?
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I'm the same as you, I had the iphone 3G, and was due an upgrade, but the 3Gs didn't really offer anything new so went fo the HD2. I've had it for a few weeks now, and had a lot of issues, or should I say glitches. Some have just been me not used to a windows phone, and some have been glitches with the phone. However, most of those have now been rectified thanks to the fantastic help on this website, and especially Wacky Banana on the PM's (Many thanks). I am now starting to enjoy the phone, and can see it's fantastic potential. Despite the lack of apps (which I do miss from time to time), I am now starting to think this phone is better than the iphone, and IF WM7 becomes available it will be a very exciting prospect.
Whilst on the topic of WM7, I emailed HTC directly and they assured me that WM7 will be available on the HD2, and will be a free 'upgrade'. They did say not to expect it until the end of the year at the earliest though. Despite this, I have still been informed my some on this forum that WM7 for the HD2 won't happen. So I guess it's a case of wait and see.
Arthur said:
aware that flashing a new rom 'could' invalidate my warranty i downloaded the stock O2 rom just in case.
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Could you let me have the link where you downloaded the stock O2 rom i cant find it.
snerkler said:
...Despite the lack of apps (which I do miss from time to time)...
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Erm, you DO realise you can download apps from the Internet, and that the Marketplace holds just a tiny subset of all the apps that are available for WM phones, right?
Most of the apps I use (Cash Organizer, Coreplayer, Pocket Informant, KeePass, Tomtom, GCzII, Skyfire) aren't available from Marketplace. You have to get out of the iPhone mindset of everything being controlled and spoonfed to you. Try handango or googling for "Windows Mobile Software", you'll be amazed at what's out there.
+1 You wont find emulators like Morphgear on the Marketplace but at least you can install great apps without having to jailbreak etc
Im surprised your O2 HD2 freezes? The only reason Im still on the stock O2 rom (although I might give 1.66 a go) is because I've not had any major issues with it.
Arthur said:
qusetion: when wm7 is released, will it go on this phone?
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Yes. The same way you installed custom ROM of 6.5.5 (6.6) there will be WM7 ROM on XDA most definitely.
The same way my old Trinity P3600 runs WM 6.5.3 it will be possible to run WM7 on HD2.
I was on the stock o2 rom, and no major issues except for SMS not sending on the second day, and sometimes it would fail to update the weather. Everything is that bit slicker on the newest ROM.
I heard o2 don't bother with firmware updates, I'm not going to wait for nothing so I flashed successfully straight away.
Jim Coleman said:
Erm, you DO realise you can download apps from the Internet, and that the Marketplace holds just a tiny subset of all the apps that are available for WM phones, right?
Most of the apps I use (Cash Organizer, Coreplayer, Pocket Informant, KeePass, Tomtom, GCzII, Skyfire) aren't available from Marketplace. You have to get out of the iPhone mindset of everything being controlled and spoonfed to you. Try handango or googling for "Windows Mobile Software", you'll be amazed at what's out there.
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Yeah I do, and have found some good ones. I just miss certain apps like ebay app, yell.com app (I know you can go onto these via the internet but the app just made it easier), but one that I miss the most is Sky+ app where I can remotely record on my sky+ box at home. I can do this via text, but is costs money, doing it from the iphone app was free.
It's no big issue, and I am starting to prefer my HD2 to my iphone, just wish you could have the best of both worlds
jimbouk said:
Could you let me have the link where you downloaded the stock O2 rom i cant find it.
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Try http://rapidshare.com/files/3249426...dio_Signed_15.26.50.07U_2.04.50.22_2_Ship.exe
a bit weird considering that the OP (Arthur) has been a member in this forum for 7 years,
romac said:
Try http://rapidshare.com/files/3249426...dio_Signed_15.26.50.07U_2.04.50.22_2_Ship.exe
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beat me to it.
OK heres the big problem i have now....
every now n then i goto my phone and 'slide to unlock'
it asks for my pin, i input said pin but it says its wrong? i know its not.
again SLOWLY, it says 'wrong pin' or words to that effect. NOOOOO
only way out of it is to do a cold boot. (remove the batt)
granted i only tried rom Le2_UK_1.43.206.4 for about 2 days, but never had this happen
untill now im on 1.66?
REALY flustering.
on the few times its happed ive noticed theres a sms or missed call whateing.
perhaps this is triggering the pin error?
ill let you know if it happens without a missed call or sms, but the 5 times its happened
in the last 18 hours its allways been the same.
a bit weird considering that the OP (Arthur) has been a member in this forum for 7 years,
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whats weird?
i had an xda2 ohh about 7 years back. lol
sky mobile is available for HD2 with remote record. Go to Skys site and download it. Its working fine for me.
romac said:
Try http://rapidshare.com/files/3249426...dio_Signed_15.26.50.07U_2.04.50.22_2_Ship.exe
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Many Thanks
The 1.66 fixed afew things and seems a bit quicker but hasnt made the earpiece speaker any better still crackles alot, so i think i'll send it back and try another, 4th time lucky.
Jim Coleman said:
Erm, you DO realise you can download apps from the Internet, and that the Marketplace holds just a tiny subset of all the apps that are available for WM phones, right?
Most of the apps I use (Cash Organizer, Coreplayer, Pocket Informant, KeePass, Tomtom, GCzII, Skyfire) aren't available from Marketplace. You have to get out of the iPhone mindset of everything being controlled and spoonfed to you. Try handango or googling for "Windows Mobile Software", you'll be amazed at what's out there.
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I like you
snerkler said:
Yeah I do, and have found some good ones. I just miss certain apps like ebay app, yell.com app (I know you can go onto these via the internet but the app just made it easier), but one that I miss the most is Sky+ app where I can remotely record on my sky+ box at home. I can do this via text, but is costs money, doing it from the iphone app was free.
It's no big issue, and I am starting to prefer my HD2 to my iphone, just wish you could have the best of both worlds
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most of these "apps" can easily be made by you to run on your HD2
MS have even given you the facility to do it with 6.5..
widgets, often overlooked, and not perfect, you can turn some net pages in "apps" just like the iphmoan makes you get from the nappystore.
but this is more powerful as you can do them yourself..
It's something sorely lacking lately on here, the "DIY" ethics we used to have, but there's other guides..
Maybe we should have a competition for some new widgets..
scaryprowler said:
sky mobile is available for HD2 with remote record. Go to Skys site and download it. Its working fine for me.
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Really, I couldn't find it. I must be losing the plot lol
Is it free to use?
I was in the same boat as the OP. My phone had 1.43 and was 15 mins away from being returned when I decided to give 1.61 (and now 1.66) a go. The later ROMS are without a doubt the ones that the HD2s should have been launched with.
While they're still not 100% perfect, they're infinitely better, smoother and more stable than the 1.43 operator branded ROMs.
snerkler said:
Really, I couldn't find it. I must be losing the plot lol
Is it free to use?
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Yes it is. And it works perfectly.

Should I buy the Telstra HD2?

I am considering buying the Telstra HD2 via a buddy in Oz for use on AT&Ts network. I have been checking out the forums and it seems there are a ton of issues with the HD2 regarding touch screen failures, data connection issues, and other nags that make the experience more frustrating than enjoyable.
Would love to know from experienced users opinions on whether or not I should buy the HD2. I am a very experienced BlackBerry user but I have gotten bored with the UI and want to try something new.
Also to note: I plan to use my next ATT upgrade to get the WP7 phone but that is too long a wait to stick it out on the BB. I am not going to switch to TMob as I think I am the only ATT user that is satisfied with ATT.
Really any thoughts on why I should or should not buy the Telstra HD2 would be appreciated.
king_fish said:
I am considering buying the Telstra HD2 via a buddy in Oz for use on AT&Ts network. I have been checking out the forums and it seems there are a ton of issues with the HD2 regarding touch screen failures, data connection issues, and other nags that make the experience more frustrating than enjoyable.
Would love to know from experienced users opinions on whether or not I should buy the HD2. I am a very experienced BlackBerry user but I have gotten bored with the UI and want to try something new.
Also to note: I plan to use my next ATT upgrade to get the WP7 phone but that is too long a wait to stick it out on the BB. I am not going to switch to TMob as I think I am the only ATT user that is satisfied with ATT.
Really any thoughts on why I should or should not buy the Telstra HD2 would be appreciated.
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The HD2 had ALOT of complaints from users when it first came out and all the problems it had was due to the terrible rom that it came with. The latest official Rom v1.66 and any custom rom from the rom development forum have fixed all these problems and after owning an HD2 for 2 1/2 months I can say hand on heart that it is the best phone I have ever seen or used. No freezes, no problems with the screen, no data connection problems and a pleasure to use. Everytime I look at it I still think WOW!!
Even the camera and video capture which has always been dismal at best on HTC phones is now fantastic and stunningly fast.
With the tweaks and mods available on xda you wont find a better phone.
I advised a friend to get one a few weeks ago and after he got his HD2 he thanked me for recommending it so my advise to you would be to get one as you will not be disapointed.
The only thing I will say is that once you get it be prepared to put HardSPL on it and flash either the 1.66 stock rom or one of the custom roms available to make sure it runs at its best.
king_fish said:
I am considering buying the Telstra HD2 via a buddy in Oz for use on AT&T's network. ...any thoughts on why I should or should not buy the Telstra HD2 would be appreciated.
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I purchased one Telstra HD2 for myself, flashed the ROM (to XannyTech's), and have had no problems except a bug related to screen rotation during phone calls causing the dialpad to reposition itself annoyingly (there's a simple work-around). My boss was so impressed with the phone that he bought one and I've prepped it the same way.
I have no reservations about the purchases. Worrying about WP7 upgrade possibilities is silly since we all know so very little about what might happen. You're right not to listen to the Chicken Littles who want to sue HTC or see the price come down because an upgrade never offered now may only be possible instead of probable.
mskip said:
The HD2 had ALOT of complaints from users when it first came out and all the problems it had was due to the terrible rom that it came with. The latest official Rom v1.66 and any custom rom from the rom development forum have fixed all these problems and after owning an HD2 for 2 1/2 months I can say hand on heart that it is the best phone I have ever seen or used. No freezes, no problems with the screen, no data connection problems and a pleasure to use. Everytime I look at it I still think WOW!!
Even the camera and video capture which has always been dismal at best on HTC phones is now fantastic and stunningly fast.
With the tweaks and mods available on xda you wont find a better phone.
I advised a friend to get one a few weeks ago and after he got his HD2 he thanked me for recommending it so my advise to you would be to get one as you will not be disapointed.
The only thing I will say is that once you get it be prepared to put HardSPL on it and flash either the 1.66 stock rom or one of the custom roms available to make sure it runs at its best.
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Awesome and thanks for the input. I am sold. My buddy in Perth grabbed one for me today and it is on the way to me. I was debating whether or not to sell it but I want to keep it. Your explanation of flashing the ROM was one of the first links I bookmarked from this site.
I am definitely going to have to HardSPL the device - what I understand is that the Telstra ROM will not allow me to access ATT's 3G bands. I have been on a BlackBerry for 5 years so this is all new to me but I am looking forward to getting the HD2.
king_fish said:
Awesome and thanks for the input. I am sold. My buddy in Perth grabbed one for me today and it is on the way to me. I was debating whether or not to sell it but I want to keep it. Your explanation of flashing the ROM was one of the first links I bookmarked from this site.
I am definitely going to have to HardSPL the device - what I understand is that the Telstra ROM will not allow me to access ATT's 3G bands. I have been on a BlackBerry for 5 years so this is all new to me but I am looking forward to getting the HD2.
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When you get it make sure you check the SPL in the bootloader screen to make sure you can put HardSPL on it. The requirements are SPL 1.42. I dont think any phones are being sold with a higher SPL version but you really want to check that first before you start drooling over the sheer beauty of it
Once you are ready to start flashing it please post in my flashing for noobs thread if you have any more observations or questions.
manicotti said:
I purchased one Telstra HD2 for myself, flashed the ROM (to XannyTech's), and have had no problems except a bug related to screen rotation during phone calls causing the dialpad to reposition itself annoyingly (there's a simple work-around). My boss was so impressed with the phone that he bought one and I've prepped it the same way.
I have no reservations about the purchases. Worrying about WP7 upgrade possibilities is silly since we all know so very little about what might happen. You're right not to listen to the Chicken Littles who want to sue HTC or see the price come down because an upgrade never offered now may only be possible instead of probable.
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Theres an even better replacement than the rotate fix, there's a dll fix now too
I think it's an excellent phone, but the standard Telstra ROM is terrible, I'm using the latest Energy ROM and the phone is AMAZING now
I agree in that it is an excellent phone. I am using it on AT&T here in the US.
I have tried several of the ROMs cooked here and can say they all offer great alternatives. Go for it!
I also have the T9193 setup with ATT. I went for the safe sea wwe 1.66 rom. The only problem I had was with the data freezing on me a couple times a day. But once I got the right bands setup and installed the radio the phone has been flawless for weeks. Not one issue. I have had no problems with the touchscreen at all.
mazzarin said:
Theres an even better replacement than the rotate fix, there's a dll fix now too
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Not the right thread maybe, but what is the link to this fix? Only thing that annoys me sometimes. Thanks.
Concerning this thread, MSKip recommended me the HD2 (he came from a TyTn II) just like me, and I can only repeat every word he said. Even camera is quite nice. Used in a trip with my kids, and it did its job when I needed quite nicely.
I also bought my Telstra to use in the same band as AT&T in Brazil. It's been working with no problem. I don't keep it connected all the time, so can not say about stability of connection, but whenever I need I connect HSPA right away and connection is quite fast and it is quite OK to browse the web with it. And thing is no lag! I use Miri 6.5.x, great, there is a fix for the registry to select correct bands or auto... My 2 cents.
PS: I was only missing a little bit hardware keyboard and media keys. Now I'm getting used to on-screen keyboard and typing is getting closer in speed and accuracy to a hard keyboard. Media keys, well, I use my bluetooth headphone's, still miss them sometimes, though, but nothing is perfect, is it?
I have been happy with ATT, but the price of the import is too steep so I cannot stay if I want the HD2
If you dont mind the price importing shouldnt be too bad, I know someone who did and has been very happy with it.
mbernstein said:
Not the right thread maybe, but what is the link to this fix? Only thing that annoys me sometimes. Thanks.
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mazzarin said:
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Thanks. Trying it.
Yes, not cheap. I've got my HD2 Telstra from Australia to the US for around U$ 800 total.

8 days in...

and i'm not sure i'm keeping it.
Crashes/locks up once a day. Pulling the battery is the only cure.
Opera crashed and I had to delete and re-install twice.
It looks glorious. The screen and animation is really amazing.
But the functionality is getting to me. I screen lock, and somehow hear clicking in my pocket. The browsing is tedious. Facebook app sucks. No "like" option. Trying to read replies to status updates is terrible.
Mail is not how I like it. Can I delete a bunch of messages at once? I can't see how...
If I return it, I have no idea what I would get...N1? BB Bold 9700?
My iPhone 2G was slow, with no VV, GPS, or 3G but I miss it.
I REALLY wanna like this phone. I kinda do... But I only have 5 days left to decide if I'm sticking with it.
Disclaimer: this is my 1st WinMo phone. I have no idea how to fix stuff or mod it to my liking. XDA forums seem way over my head.
i was almost on the same boat as you until i found some nice replacements apps and mods from the open market. if your phone begins to lag be sure to check your task manager. secondly, download a maintenance app called "free ram" from the open market. i use both daily. i also reboot my phone at least once a day to prevent lag. (basically every morning). i thought this was normal for all smartphone users.
also, download the facebook replacement app from the open market. it'll update your current facebook app to view and make replies.
secondly, do the same for google from the open market. it will add pinch to zoom features as well as google buzz. the latest update i believe is version 4.0 or higher.
hope some of this helps..
Also, you can disable HTC Sense in the homescreen. I just did it and my phone is beginning to make me very happy. This thing is blazing fast now.
i would recommend getting a custom ROM, but if you're using the T-Mobile US 1024 version be careful. i have never experinced lock-ups whatsoever for the last 3 months ive been using my phone
Am I the only one here? My HD2 NEVER crashed, hanged locked... got it from more than one month and it works perfectly and I use it for work, internet, games, mail, sms, mms and other stuff...
I'm starting to think that all people around here that start crying saying the HD2 is buggy maybe are a bunch on "LUSERS" that cry to their system administrator at work because "my computer is broken"...
never had a single problem with my wonderfull HTC HD2
appoggio said:
Am I the only one here? My HD2 NEVER crashed, hanged locked... got it from more than one month and it works perfectly and I use it for work, internet, games, mail, sms, mms and other stuff...
I'm starting to think that all people around here that start crying saying the HD2 is buggy maybe are a bunch on "LUSERS" that cry to their system administrator at work because "my computer is broken"...
never had a single problem with my wonderfull HTC HD2
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good for you.
appoggio said:
Am I the only one here? My HD2 NEVER crashed, hanged locked... got it from more than one month and it works perfectly and I use it for work, internet, games, mail, sms, mms and other stuff...
I'm starting to think that all people around here that start crying saying the HD2 is buggy maybe are a bunch on "LUSERS" that cry to their system administrator at work because "my computer is broken"...
never had a single problem with my wonderfull HTC HD2
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Way to engender community spirit LOL. MMV, milage may vary. The phone has been out for about 6 months now (except TMobile US), multiple production runs, with various stock and custom ROMS and versions of software running on them. Users range from people who have used and tweaked Windows Mobile devices for years to ex iPhone Users to those who have never needed to do more than insert a SIM card. With great power comes great responsibility and these devices have great power. Some people report no problems, some people report great problems, but some people use it as a telephone, others use it as a laptop replacement. As a member of this community I like to think that I help support users with less experience than myself. Yes, it can get frustrating sometimes when people don't RTFM or search the forum's before posting. It's frustrating when you see someone slagging off HTC and the HD2 because they didn't bother looking at the specifications or read reviews before buying. It is also obvious however that 6 months ago the original HD2 was buggy but successive ROMS and hotfixes have resolved most of the issues (again, milage may vary). Unfortunately those users who bought the device with contracts and are locked into their service providers cannot always get access to the latest stock ROMS so are forced to use custom ROMS (which can be daunting to some people) or put up with the issues.
Good luck to those who have never had a problem with their phone. For those of you that do have issues, I am sure that members of this forum will continue to try and help respond to any questions you have. Just please read your manual and search the forum before posting, mention your ROM version and remember that this forum is made up of many cultures and humour does not always translate. What might seem like funny to one person mighty appeare arrogant and aggressive to others (again, milage may vary).
I thought this was going to be a short post when I started, sorry.
I have seen many problems listed here as I started coming down here (from Rhodium and Wizard forums) BEFORE I got my device. While I was waiting for it to delivered I had already downloaded custom rom, hot fixes, spl, etc. I am OCD and have RFD (rom flashing disorder), so I wanted to be prepared. People really should be better consumers and read.....lots.
appoggio said:
Am I the only one here? My HD2 NEVER crashed, hanged locked... got it from more than one month and it works perfectly and I use it for work, internet, games, mail, sms, mms and other stuff...
I'm starting to think that all people around here that start crying saying the HD2 is buggy maybe are a bunch on "LUSERS" that cry to their system administrator at work because "my computer is broken"...
never had a single problem with my wonderfull HTC HD2
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Me too, had it since November. Absolutely love it.
Thanks for the advice. I use the task manager every couple of hours to close out programs. listen, I wanna love it. I really do. But the freezes and slow downs are frustrating.
Yes, I'm an iPhone user, but I'm not helpless. I just don't know anything, yet, about Windows Mobile. The HD2 hardware and HTC Sense attracted me to this phone.
Open Market? Is that different from the MARKETPLACE on my phone?
As far as deleting all mail, this is the 2nd instance where there were other options below the screen when selecting MENU. I just didn't scroll down...rookie mistake.
Thanks again. I'll keep at it with your suggestions.
Much appreciation for the constructive help here.
jdzialak said:
Thanks for the advice. I use the task manager every couple of hours to close out programs. listen, I wanna love it. I really do. But the freezes and slow downs are frustrating.
Yes, I'm an iPhone user, but I'm not helpless. I just don't know anything, yet, about Windows Mobile. The HD2 hardware and HTC Sense attracted me to this phone.
Open Market? Is that different from the MARKETPLACE on my phone?
As far as deleting all mail, this is the 2nd instance where there were other options below the screen when selecting MENU. I just didn't scroll down...rookie mistake.
Thanks again. I'll keep at it with your suggestions.
Much appreciation for the constructive help here.
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Hi, Open Market is indeed different from Marketplace. It's an app (OMarket) for the http://www.freewarepocketpc.net site.
If you can't get along with your HD2, get an HTC Desire (Nexus One). Almost the same as the HD2 hardware-wise, but much better software.
You get lots of *good* apps, like on your iPhone and you won't get all the lock ups and bugs.
(I know, there are lots of apps for WM as ell, but as has been said, they mostly suck, when compared to their iPhone/Android counterparts).
jdzialak said:
and i'm not sure i'm keeping it.
Crashes/locks up once a day. Pulling the battery is the only cure.
Opera crashed and I had to delete and re-install twice.
It looks glorious. The screen and animation is really amazing.
But the functionality is getting to me. I screen lock, and somehow hear clicking in my pocket. The browsing is tedious. Facebook app sucks. No "like" option. Trying to read replies to status updates is terrible.
Mail is not how I like it. Can I delete a bunch of messages at once? I can't see how...
If I return it, I have no idea what I would get...N1? BB Bold 9700?
My iPhone 2G was slow, with no VV, GPS, or 3G but I miss it.
I REALLY wanna like this phone. I kinda do... But I only have 5 days left to decide if I'm sticking with it.
Disclaimer: this is my 1st WinMo phone. I have no idea how to fix stuff or mod it to my liking. XDA forums seem way over my head.
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C:Sharp! said:
If you can't get along with your HD2, get an HTC Desire (Nexus One).
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Just in case there is any confusion, the Nexus One and HTC Desire are not the same phone. The Nexus One is apparently nearly half a milimeter thinner than the Desire Slashgear has a comparison of both devices here: http://www.slashgear.com/htc-desire-vs-google-nexus-one-2074966/.

Calling it a Day!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just to air my frustrations about the I9000. I have had this handset since it was released and its time to get rid.
I have been very patient with firmware updates and such....and it packs some brilliant hardware in theory but it just does not cut the mustard. I had the I8000 (Omnia 2) prior to this phone and it was exactly the same (except windows OS) because every time samsung brought out a new firmware it was still littered with bugs.
I know people Root their Handsets (I have done all the hacks and speedmods,etc) and rave about the speeds customisation,etc but i still get FCs and apps resetting themselves to default every so often with or without modding.
For example today i had no music showing in my music player but thought oh well....wait......wait. It appeared 10 minutes later. Recorded a video...or so i thought but nothing was saved. The Ringtones i have set are gone and i have to go through everything from scratch. This happens randomly maybe a few times a month. There is always something wrong somewhere and then i have to boot the I9000 down.....Everything is then fine for a while but always raises its ugly head at some point........WTF.
Now i hate to say it but i find myself drawn more and more to the iphone but feel like cutting my hands off or committing suicide for thinking these thoughts...they are blasphemous. I cannot help it though because i have grown to dislike the galaxy s and do not know any other handset that reviews say are better. Maybe its just the Android OS being generic and having to cater for a million different models of handset but surely then this is samsungs fault for not incorporating universal fixes.
If you read this and are deciding to get the galaxy s i would advise not to..... wait for something better now.
Well I have to say that JPY is a very decent firmware. I didn't have any major issue with it, it's fast (without any kind of lag fix) and it's stable . I rooted my SGS and got rid off Samsung's bloatware and I really like the phone now.
There's only two things that bother me, but it has nothing to do with software: I hate speaker position (international version) and also lack of flash/light.
So maybe you should buy a W7 or Symbian phone.
I don't know what to say to you, except you're doing something wrong if you're getting so many FC.
About the ringtones: I've experienced this problem when I deleted thumbnails from gallery (DCIM/thumbnails), at least I think it was because of that. Rebooted the phone and didn't delete the folder since then and never got the issue again.
So I would still recommend this phone, but it still depends on the person who gets it and for how much money.
Peace out.
dude ur phone has a virus. mine had one too exactly the same symptoms as your phone. did a reflash of 2.2 + factory reset phone is working like a charm now.
Im with the original OP. Way too many issues to deal with - I love what the device has to offer - but if I have to worry everytime go I to turn it on if it will work - its not worth it.
If I could have my SGS with the dependability and build quality of an HTC - that would be perfect (I use HTC as an example because all of the ones I have owned have been solid devices).
Yeah thanks opica.....should mention that only really get FCs with some apps that are obviously on the market but not meant for or tested properly on this handset...... overall i should clarify i dont get that many at all. Its mostly just the other things i have experienced such as recording a video and then the handset telling me that the MP4 file is unsupported, i reboot it still does not work so i record another video...this is also an mp4 file and plays. Its just **** like that constantly. I am on JPY but even that firmware gets confused every so often. Like i said i have had 2 samsung phones now both were flagship models at the time but both have fallen short because something this hyped should be the dogs bollocks. But they are not. Whoever says otherwise is kidding themselves IMO.
guys I totally sympathise because I have the voda 16GB SGS and it is fu**ing awful SW im not kidding Eg bbc news app takes about 3 mins to load plus it feezes up all the time to the point where it is unusable. I am unable to answer calls as it just shows the answer call screen but the screen is frozen and this is on the official 2.2 updated from sammy after a reset AHHHHH
However after speaking to and getting no where with samsung i decided i had a phone thats unusable and samsung are not doing a thing so my options were sell it and get an IP4 followed by shotgun insertion to mouth or just bite the bullet and flash a custom rom
WOW I installed darkys v8.0 and its is like a whole new phone that bbc news app now loads instantly no freezing no lagging no issues at all so far. Well besides battery life since I cant put the thing down now. Even WiFi connects in a second now. So amazing work by Darky and team.
Im not promoting this rom go choose our own but im just telling you guys i was in the same boat and now i love the SGS if your out of options and you love the hardware get a new rom.
Someone once said "buy a phone for its hardware capabilities then customize the SW to your specifications, then you will have your perfect phone"
Flash a custom FW? As someone else said, Darky's is a fine one to try.
Kenneth131 said:
Someone once said "buy a phone for its hardware capabilities then customize the SW to your specifications, then you will have your perfect phone"
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Exactly... There is loads of custom ROMs posted here on xda.
I had a feeling that the software will be pretty ****ty at the beginning, but I kinda hoped that some decent custom rom will come out, if samsung wasn't able to build one.
My first choice would be nitr0's Insanity, but when JPY came out, it was good enough for me.
Again, I have NO problems now when I sorted everything out, it's merely playing with the looks of the desktop
Give Darky's V8.0 a try
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
another galaxy s user who has had problems and think the iphone is the answer, i however sympathise with you if its not working properly
if its that bad i will take it of your hands for £50
Previously had an iphone 4/3gs, HTC desire - And i have to say, a Galaxy S + xda (speedmod, darkys 2.2.1 rom etc) is currently, hands down, the best mobile phone on the planet.
thebazman said:
another galaxy s user who has had problems and think the iphone is the answer, i however sympathise with you if its not working properly
if its that bad i will take it of your hands for £50
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LOL yeah i dont think iphone is the answer just never heard that many problems with them albeit the left hand reception problem. BTW Mazuma Mobile offer 159 GBP for the handset so thanks but no thanks.
I'll give you £51.
doc jpy 7.1, jpx, k12i.
Not quick enough, £52!
doc jpy 7.1, jpx, k12i.
omersak said:
Previously had an iphone 4/3gs, HTC desire - And i have to say, a Galaxy S + xda (speedmod, darkys 2.2.1 rom etc) is currently, hands down, the best mobile phone on the planet.
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I will try this again. I had Darkys version 6 and encountered bugs but i will persevere....I willl try 8 & hope it solves my problems
JJEgan said:
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im not going to £52 cause its not worth it
All joking aside mate, get docs jpy, go and bake ye own rom in his kitchen, choose wipe version, back up ye apps and flash via cwm - kiss your problems goodbye.
doc jpy 7.1, jpx, k12i.
BaggyBizzle said:
LOL yeah i dont think iphone is the answer just never heard that many problems with them albeit the left hand reception problem. BTW Mazuma Mobile offer 159 GBP for the handset so thanks but no thanks.
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no probs m8 its just most threads moaning about the galaxy s say if they dont find the answer they threaten to go for the iphone
the iphone has more problems than the reception issue im not going to go into them all but the recent one was the alarm fooked up after the new year
thebazman said:
no probs m8 its just most threads moaning about the galaxy s say if they dont find the answer they threaten to go for the iphone
the iphone has more problems than the reception issue im not going to go into them all but the recent one was the alarm fooked up after the new year
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Just got pissed off really cos i recorded my daughter singing and the phone didnt recognise what it had just recorded...that has happened a few times. I will try another custom rom although i have tried quite a few to see if it rectifies anything. Thanks for cheering me up a bit anyway.

