If I purchased a MyTouch 3G from Craigslist and then used it on ATT, how would OTA updates work when released (from TMo)?
Are OTA updates possible via WiFi or do you have to be using TMo SIM to get it to work?
Can't get out of ATT contrac for a good while but keen to try Android phone.
Can I buy a $10 prepaid SIM from TMo (if that is indeed a possibilty) and use the MyTouch that way? I don't want to buy an extra monthly paid SIM or anything like that cause that would be a waste of $ as I currently have coverage. Hope someone in he know can help. Thank you.
If you purchased a MyTouch 3G from Craigslist and then used it on AT&T, you would NOT get any OTA update from T-Mobile because the updates are pushed through T-Mobile data connection, not WiFi. So even if you were using the phone on T-Mobile (say via a $10 prepaid SIM card) without a data plan, you wouldn't get the update either.
But I don't see why not getting OTA updates is such a big deal, as any official T-Mobile update will appear on XDA 10 minutes after it becomes available. Also, the joy of using Android is flash custom ROMs onto the phone, and custom ROMs are often WAY ahead of T-Mobile's.
Just so you know, AT&T will detect that you're using a smartphone and automatically sign up for a data plan (if you don't already have one) without telling you.
The myTouch is really crippled without a data plan though. For instance, the deal breaker for me is that you can't send or receive MMS (picture/video messages) without a data plan.
I know when I had my G1, I received the cupcake OTA over wifi.
I'm on AT&T and don't have a data plan.
kindrich said:
Just so you know, AT&T will detect that you're using a smartphone and automatically sign up for a data plan (if you don't already have one) without telling you.
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How would ATT know I had a smartphone if the phone is a TMo phone that is unlocked? I thought they only knew about smartphones from "their" arsenal of devices?
Can anyone confirm for sure if you would need a data plan using a non-ATT (smart)phone?
I already have a data plan (GRRR!) that I "had" to have, so hopefully I could do all the "nice" things the MyTouch can do.
I phoned TMo and asked about a $10 prepaid card for a phone purchased on Craigslist but the CSR said I had to have a monthly tariff thingy with data. Was he just trying for a hard-sell or can I indeed just get a simple cheap $10 prepaid SIM and play with the unit until it can get unlocked?
Thanks for the help.
IconBoy said:
How would ATT know I had a smartphone if the phone is a TMo phone that is unlocked? I thought they only knew about smartphones from "their" arsenal of devices?
Can anyone confirm for sure if you would need a data plan using a non-ATT (smart)phone?
I already have a data plan (GRRR!) that I "had" to have, so hopefully I could do all the "nice" things the MyTouch can do.
I phoned TMo and asked about a $10 prepaid card for a phone purchased on Craigslist but the CSR said I had to have a monthly tariff thingy with data. Was he just trying for a hard-sell or can I indeed just get a simple cheap $10 prepaid SIM and play with the unit until it can get unlocked?
Thanks for the help.
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They do automatically tack on the data plan for people who buy the Nexus 1. They are only able to tell it is a Nexus One however because Google gave them a list of all of their phones IMEIs.
If you are using a T-Mo phone or from any other carrier, their is no way for AT&T to beable to tell what kind of phone it is unless the carrier the phone oringinally belonged too decides to share their IMEI listing with AT&T. Which they don't do.
but you already have a data plan anyways so it doesn't even really matter. What sucks tho is that you are paying for the data plan and you will be stuck with EDGE. You will not beable to use AT&Ts 3G network. You should have looked for a Rogers over a T-MO.
[Edited-mainly for spelling]
WTH happened to my post count? I kno It's been awhile since I've been on but damn.........
msgnyc said:
You should have looked for a Rogers over a T-MO.
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That would be a good idea, but being in the middle of USA, I am guessing there won't be too many people who have Canadian phones to sell on my local Craigslist.
Twice, I nearly was able to trade for a MyTouch 3G and each time, the person pulled out at the last minute
Will keep trying though.
msgnyc said:
They do automatically tack on the data plan for people who buy the Nexus 1. They are only able to tell it is a Nexus One however because Google gave them a list of all of their phones IMEIs.
If you are using a T-Mo phone or from any other carrier, their is no way for AT&T to beable to tell what kind of phone it is unless the carrier the phone oringinally belonged too decides to share their IMEI listing with AT&T. Which they don't do.
but you already have a data plan anyways so it doesn't even really matter. What sucks tho is that you are paying for the data plan and you will be stuck with EDGE. You will not beable to use AT&Ts 3G network. You should have looked for a Rogers over a T-MO.
[Edited-mainly for spelling]
WTH happened to my post count? I kno It's been awhile since I've been on but damn.........
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I'm not sure how but AT&T WILL detect that you're using a smartphone, regardless what kind of smartphone it is. I'm currently using a Sony Ericsson Xperia X1i, which is not supported by any of the US carriers. One day, I popped my friend's AT&T SIM card (he had been using a RAZR without a data plan) in and voila, I was surfin' the net after less than a second over EDGE (the X1i can't use 3G in the US). The next day, my friend checked online and a data plan was enabled for his line. Luckily, he was able to turn it off but only after an hour of explaining. He was reprimanded by the AT&T rep for putting their SIM card into an unsupported device which could potentially cause damage to their network (WTF?!!!).
I phoned TMo and asked about a $10 prepaid card for a phone purchased on Craigslist but the CSR said I had to have a monthly tariff thingy with data. Was he just trying for a hard-sell or can I indeed just get a simple cheap $10 prepaid SIM and play with the unit until it can get unlocked?
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And yes, the Tmo CSR was just trying to sell you the data plan. When I had my myTouch, I was using it with a prepaid SIM card without data plan and it was fine. But, ON A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: you will need a SIM card with data plan to activate the phone. There is simply no other way around it. When I bought mine from Craiglist, I wiped the phone right on the spot and borrowed the seller's SIM card to activate it (your AT&T SIM card would work provided you have already unlocked the phone - which can be done on eBay for about $12). Luckily, back then the myTouch was still running Android 1.5 which allowed for rooting. You should do the same or don't wipe the phone until you have root it. However, if the phone is running Android 1.6 or higher, well, you're out of luck. The process is a bit more tedious. Check for how-to.
kindrich said:
I'm not sure how but AT&T WILL detect that you're using a smartphone, regardless what kind of smartphone it is. I'm currently using a Sony Ericsson Xperia X1i, which is not supported by any of the US carriers. One day, I popped my friend's AT&T SIM card (he had been using a RAZR without a data plan) in and voila, I was surfin' the net after less than a second over EDGE (the X1i can't use 3G in the US). The next day, my friend checked online and a data plan was enabled for his line. Luckily, he was able to turn it off but only after an hour of explaining. He was reprimanded by the AT&T rep for putting their SIM card into an unsupported device which could potentially cause damage to their network (WTF?!!!).
And yes, the Tmo CSR was just trying to sell you the data plan. When I had my myTouch, I was using it with a prepaid SIM card without data plan and it was fine. But, ON A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: you will need a SIM card with data plan to activate the phone. There is simply no other way around it. When I bought mine from Craiglist, I wiped the phone right on the spot and borrowed the seller's SIM card to activate it (your AT&T SIM card would work provided you have already unlocked the phone - which can be done on eBay for about $12). Luckily, back then the myTouch was still running Android 1.5 which allowed for rooting. You should do the same or don't wipe the phone until you have root it. However, if the phone is running Android 1.6 or higher, well, you're out of luck. The process is a bit more tedious. Check for how-to.
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They activated a data plan on your buddies account because you put his sim into your smartphone and started browsing the web with it over edge.
Did you think they weren't going to charge you for that?
They didnt know you had a smartphone. They knew you were browing the web using data.
If you hadn't begun browsing the web, they wouldn't have tacked on the data plan. They tacked on the data plan because you began using it.
I recently discontinued my data plan for nexus one and my friend asked me to root his g1. I wasn't sure if it would work since I was using my simcard.
As I downgraded g1 to rc29, I had 3g!!! I thought may be wifi is on or something. but wifi was off.i searched market,web and I had fast connection!
later when i changed his rom to 2.1 eclair 3g was gone. Then I put my sim in nexus and I had again 3g for like 10 mins and it was gone. But i had 3g on g1 withr rc29 more than 2 hours.
I don't know if downgrading to different roms or radio may give everyone free data plan but I was curious if this might happen for anyone else and our incredible Developers have any idea about it.
What did you develop again?
This has to be due to the IMEI numbers or phone switch till the t-mo servers were updated. This could also cause data charges on the bill.
Data is HIGHLY regulated and they are sure to find out AND bill you for the usage of their service. This is the phone development section, not try to get away with free 3g.
evilkorn is right. When the tmo base stations see a new imei number they offer all services to make sure that you get data if you need it while they check the sim card against their servers. Once the figure that you don't have a data plan, they cut the data service. I'm afraid you will be charged for the data use.
evilkorn you dont need to be too harsh one me of course im not a developer and just curious!
I thought it's ok to post it here. Well you guys know more than me. Im ok if i got charged. Thanks for replies
How was I harsh?
john206 said:
evilkorn you dont need to be too harsh one me of course im not a developer and just curious!
I thought it's ok to post it here. Well you guys know more than me. Im ok if i got charged. Thanks for replies
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I would wait for the bill before you say you are ok with it. A while back I made some changes to my service in the evening and the next morning not quite 14 hours later I and had already built up 47 bucks in data charges because they had accidentally stopped my data plan. The kicker would be I did not use data myself and by that I mean browsing or using other data consuming apps during that time, it was just the phone downloading weather updates, email, etc. The charges add up scary fast man.
krabman said:
I would wait for the bill before you say you are ok with it. A while back I made some changes to my service in the evening and the next morning not quite 14 hours later I and had already built up 47 bucks in data charges because they had accidentally stopped my data plan. The kicker would be I did not use data myself and by that I mean browsing or using other data consuming apps during that time, it was just the phone downloading weather updates, email, etc. The charges add up scary fast man.
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I know what you are saying. but I just browsed market and web for like 5 min and turned it off. an hour later i turned it on and changed the rom. Btw my nexus is unlocked and it doesnt appear on tmobile website.They think I have a outdated motorolla lol
ps i asked them to disconnect data 2 3 days before that and its not my fault i got 3g even my tmobile doesnt show any data usage
If I didn't buy a data plan i could still go on 3G. Id just pay per MB rather than buy, say 500MB, at the start of the month on my monthly contract.
I don't get this thread at all. Just cos your not signed into a contract to get data, doesnt mean you cant use data....
john206 said:
I know what you are saying. but I just browsed market and web for like 5 min and turned it off. an hour later i turned it on and changed the rom. Btw my nexus is unlocked and it doesnt appear on tmobile website.They think I have a outdated motorolla lol
ps i asked them to disconnect data 2 3 days before that and its not my fault i got 3g even my tmobile doesnt show any data usage
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i think you are really confused. Data has nothing to do with whether your phone is a registered t-mobile phone or not. they care that your sim is accessing their data. you WILL be charged for data per mb. You would see a 3G signal even if you had no data plan, you just wouldn't be able to connect.
i do see 3g signal with my nexus right now and yes i cant connect.but when i changed phone to g1 and only on Rc29 rom i could access market and internet.when i upgraded to eclair 2.1 , 3g access was gone.again i downgraded and 3g was back. I also tried an att simcard(g1 was also unlocked) and no data. so that is why i assumed only on Rc29 3g was really working.
john206 said:
i do see 3g signal with my nexus right now and yes i cant connect.but when i changed phone to g1 and only on Rc29 rom i could access market and internet.when i upgraded to eclair 2.1 , 3g access was gone.again i downgraded and 3g was back. I also tried an att simcard(g1 was also unlocked) and no data. so that is why i assumed only on Rc29 3g was really working.
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Tmobile has no idea what rom your phone is on. It probably has something to do with the IMEI changing. Expect a large bill.
Thread moved since it isn't related to rom development.
I also contacted Tmobile and asked if i used a retail nexus without data plan and no contract, am i able be to use the phone and not get charged? she said, u wont be able to connect to 3g even if it says 3g and no we wont charge you! and its ok not to have data plan.
hah2110 said:
Tmobile has no idea what rom your phone is on. It probably has something to do with the IMEI changing. Expect a large bill.
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i just temporarily took out my sim from nexus in order to root my friend's phone which is g1. as u know when you, u need to flash a basic rom(which is Rc29) and after u can flash any rom u want.
i did this a week ago and i called tmobile and no im not charged
krabman said:
I would wait for the bill before you say you are ok with it. A while back I made some changes to my service in the evening and the next morning not quite 14 hours later I and had already built up 47 bucks in data charges because they had accidentally stopped my data plan. The kicker would be I did not use data myself and by that I mean browsing or using other data consuming apps during that time, it was just the phone downloading weather updates, email, etc. The charges add up scary fast man.
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the reason i say im not worried is that i used g1 with my simcard for 5 mins.i turned the phone off.hour later i used it again and still had access,then i flashed a eclair and data was gone. so even if they charge me, i didnt use that much data in 5 min .
ps i called them and im fine
Are you in the US? Your service providers are such balls. All I hear on these forums is problems with T-Mobile and AT&T 3G access and whatever.
Thank god for the UK where everything isn't sh!t
T mobile doesn't charge per megabyte of data, either you have data or you don't.
Thats stupid. In the UK if you don't have a data plan on your contract you pay per MB used or MB over your data plan allowance. On Orange anyway
you are right. I did call them and they confirmed if you don't have data plan, you are not gonna get charged
lol yes i am in US
I just received an unlocked Omnia 7 that I purchased this morning and love it. I've added data usage to my ATT plan. I chose the $15 data plan having heard that some people are able to get away using the $15 plan on their unlocked phone. However, it's been around 8 hours since I activated data to my ATT account online and my phone still isn't receiving any data outside of wi-fi.
My question is if I need to get the $30 plan for it to work, or if I can at least see whether I can get away with the $15, and if so, do I just have to wait a bit longer for the data usage to be enabled?
okay so I have had my used mytouch 3g ever since february of 2009. It was rooted so I always turned off data and used only wifi. my tmobile family plan contains 750 minutes + unlimited texts (we text a lot but talk less).
By contract expired last month I believe.. so we are not in contract with tmobile but on month to month basis. so tonight I receive a text message from 456 stating that I have added data plan on my mytouch line. I go online and log in and I am unable to take it off, also it states "extra services"- tmobile 4g plan... I don't even OWN a hspa device. so I was wondering if you guys with no data are getting data forced upon you on your device. g1, mytouch etc... oh btw I tested the data by going to facebook while turning off wifi, it worked and said (on the my account page) I used 0.61kb/ unlimited.... wtf
_ice_ said:
okay so I have had my used mytouch 3g ever since february of 2009. It was rooted so I always turned off data and used only wifi. my tmobile family plan contains 750 minutes + unlimited texts (we text a lot but talk less).
By contract expired last month I believe.. so we are not in contract with tmobile but on month to month basis. so tonight I receive a text message from 456 stating that I have added data plan on my mytouch line. I go online and log in and I am unable to take it off, also it states "extra services"- tmobile 4g plan... I don't even OWN a hspa device. so I was wondering if you guys with no data are getting data forced upon you on your device. g1, mytouch etc... oh btw I tested the data by going to facebook while turning off wifi, it worked and said (on the my account page) I used 0.61kb/ unlimited.... wtf
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Stupid question but did you buy the phone from tmobile at a discount price? If so you are required to have the data service with a smartphone device maybe they never put it on your account before and just now noticed this trust me that kinda crap happens unfortunately the only thing I could say is to call them and have it removed because the unlimited is like $30 a month now they cannot force you to keep since your outside the contract
Sent by Pigeon Carrier.
And unfortunately they can charge you for the 4g plan even if you don't have a device that supports it. Its because the service is available to you sprint does the same thing if im not mistaken.
Sent by Pigeon Carrier.
raziel26 said:
Stupid question but did you buy the phone from tmobile at a discount price? If so you are required to have the data service with a smartphone device maybe they never put it on your account before and just now noticed this trust me that kinda crap happens unfortunately the only thing I could say is to call them and have it removed because the unlimited is like $30 a month now they cannot force you to keep since your outside the contract
Sent by Pigeon Carrier.
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nope, bought it off some guy from craigslist. like I said I have been using the device for 11 months with no data, but I am hearing that they took off the "sidekick" plan which is the web 2 go, that might be the issue. although I never had web2go, I changed my apn anyway to point to instead of epc.xxxx (default). that way I won't be charged for unwanted data. Now I checked my apn. HSPA and 3g keeps overriding it even if I put a null or a wildcard apn on the settings...I am thinking these guys use the imie number to figure out your device and impose automatic data plan on you (like at&t)
looks like I will have to call tmo and threaten to leave if they don't take my plan off...
also there has been an unnneccassry download charged on my dads account 9.99$ which he says he didn't download... wtf tmobile is soliciting!
oh offtopic but I am also in the verge of picking up a nexus S, I was thinking about getting the 800 mb data (for activation purposes) and canceling it within a month. looks like that won't be happening since tmobile might have changed their policy.
_ice_ said:
okay so I have had my used mytouch 3g ever since february of 2009. It was rooted so I always turned off data and used only wifi. my tmobile family plan contains 750 minutes + unlimited texts (we text a lot but talk less).
By contract expired last month I believe.. so we are not in contract with tmobile but on month to month basis. so tonight I receive a text message from 456 stating that I have added data plan on my mytouch line. I go online and log in and I am unable to take it off, also it states "extra services"- tmobile 4g plan... I don't even OWN a hspa device. so I was wondering if you guys with no data are getting data forced upon you on your device. g1, mytouch etc... oh btw I tested the data by going to facebook while turning off wifi, it worked and said (on the my account page) I used 0.61kb/ unlimited.... wtf
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First off, your HTC MAGIC is most definitely an HSPA device, 7.2 Mb/s max. What you don't have, is HSPA+.
Second... sorry, but tmobile are being real douchebags with this one. On one hand, they do have one reason for doing this besides ripping you off... and that is to prevent all the $572891.55 data usage bills from people who "don't use data". Force everyone into an unlimited data plan, and you don't need to deal with this support crap.
HOWEVER, it is still a ripoff. They *should* offer you a choice between all or none, which would also guarantee that you don't get an insane bill. Unfortunately though, that would mean that they get no data revenue from you.
You should probably call and complain about it. Tell them that you want data cut off ENTIRELY. Worst they'll do is say no. If they do that, tell them you're switching to ATT, who will give you a voice-only plan no questions asked. If they say something stupid like "att 3g isn't compatible", your response is "who cares? I'm not using data, so 2g is just as good."
Try it. Threats to leave can be good arguments.
Hello Everyone
I switched from Straight talk to Gosmartmobile $45 plant to my nexus 4. But since day 1 data is not active and i called their customer service and they said they are having problem in whole California.
Also i see once you insert your sim card phone has default APN setting from T-Mobile which shows H on signal bar but no actitivity but in real that is not the APN for go smart mobile. Then i modify APN according to their website and no data at all.
I call them again and they said wait till Monday if it doesn't resolve we look into it.
are there any other people having same issue?
sansang1981 said:
Hello Everyone
I switched from Straight talk to Gosmartmobile $45 plant to my nexus 4. But since day 1 data is not active and i called their customer service and they said they are having problem in whole California.
Also i see once you insert your sim card phone has default APN setting from T-Mobile which shows H on signal bar but no actitivity but in real that is not the APN for go smart mobile. Then i modify APN according to their website and no data at all.
I call them again and they said wait till Monday if it doesn't resolve we look into it.
are there any other people having same issue?
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good thing about gosmart is that it is prepaid
change it for now and once gosmart data problem in California is over than take it back again
mat jonson said:
good thing about gosmart is that it is prepaid
change it for now and once gosmart data problem in California is over than take it back again
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Actually data started working since monday and i am happy with it.
Anybody else using the Nexus 4 with Go Smart Mobile? This op is the only person I've seen and I'm curious to know if there are others.
They market data as 3G, which means the throttle your HSPA+42 connection from the very first bite of data.
My old 3G Nexus S HSPA 7.2 was getting about 5.5 Mbps down, and I have read GoSmart is around 1 Mbps down.
No thanks, there are plenty MVNO's with better (4G) data speeds.
jgolf said:
Anybody else using the Nexus 4 with Go Smart Mobile? This op is the only person I've seen and I'm curious to know if there are others.
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I'm using it with the unlimited everything plan, download and upload speeds are around 100kb/s max. Otherwise it is the same as the tmobile 30/month plan.
biscuitownz said:
I'm using it with the unlimited everything plan, download and upload speeds are around 100kb/s max. Otherwise it is the same as the tmobile 30/month plan.
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Thanks. Would that be .8 Mbps/sec? Is that the 2G or 3G plan? If 2G, that would be quite speedy for 2G isn't it?