ActiveSync in tsk manager - HD2 General

Just wondering if anyone can shed any light on an issue that has just recently hit my HD2.
For no reason what-so-ever, ActiveSync suddenly appears in my Task manager. I end all tasks, and at some random time in the future, its suddenly there again. whether the phone has been used or not.
Every now and then, i get the same problems as some others on here, with a sudden drainage of the battery overnight, and i wondered if there could be some connection. I do have G Alarm, which seems to get mentioned when discussing battery drainage, but i have no alarms running.
The only other thing added recently was the windows live update.
I don't know if the activesync issue is having an effect on the phone or not, but it is annoying that it keeps appearing in the Task manager !!
Thanks in advance for any help.

I have activesync appearing, when not even using it for anything.
I assume windows live uses it for email and contacts, despite everything being set to manual; it actives itself.


Device crashes at night

Every night when i leave my device plugged in to the charger and go to bed, i see it frozen by the time i wake up. Its locked up, and nothing works apart from soft reseting it....
ever since i installed the new qtek rom....anyone else having these problems?
Hi. I am having the same problem with my MDA Universal.
It crashes almost every night (somewhere between 1am and 8am) and can't be re-started other than resetting it. Not even incoming calls go through or the alarm clock goes off.
Sometimes it even happens during the day. Especially when I disconnect it from my computer and the device is in standby.
Did you find a fix for this?
Programs running?
I had this problem with SPB Backup, fixed by using the new version and not having it run off the miniSD card.
Did you tried to desactivate AS on wireless exchange by the old well known method?
Don't forget that, like any pda on windows mobile, your 9000 will turn on at 00h00 for refreshing notifications and other internal stufs. If the programmed time for doing these actions is to short, the pda will freeze. It's also a known issue since win2003 first edition. There are tweaks to increase the programmed power-on time at midnight...
What exactly do you mean with AS on wireless exchange mode?
I active sync by USB and don't use AS wireless...
It's a well know issue about AS, for all pda under win2005 (not only HTC but HP, and so). AS if you only synchronize your device with USB or BT, there is a trace in the registry that defines an exchange serveur for automatic sync...wich is not listed in the parameters of AS on the pda. SO, you have to enter these parameters, create a new exchange partnership with random parameters, define the synchronisation on manuel mode and not automatic, validate your new partnership, close AS, re-enter AS and delete the new set you've made. And that's all.
This issue may cause freezing of pda while inactive...with a softreset to power on... or battery draining on the night... (HP ipaq 2000 series).
it frozen when the light blink green -> batterry full. this is main resion..anybody can help me to slove this case...
hmm i have the similar problem but when i looked closely it was just that the brightness (when phoen on battery) option was turned to 0 wautomatically. so u guys shud check out it thats the case with you.
You guys should first post your ROM versions, especially since some of you say that it happened after an upgrade...

TyTn doesn't wake up

I've got my new Tytn for about a week now.
Today I had a problem:
My device was in sleeping mode, and would not wake-up either when receiving a call or by pressing the 'on' key.
I had to soft reset the device to go back to normal.
I think I remember a similar issue with Universal at first.
Does anyone has an idea on how to fix that problem?
Please search before posting:
Thanks Pof!
I made a search but I guess I wasn't as half as efficient as you!
Your link answered my question. Thank again!
Actually, I don't think there's a definitive answer yet. Your problem (won't wake up after overnight charging) has been confirmed though and some suspect SPB software as the underlying cause.
I personally suspect a bug in the TyTN's WM5 build that will be fixed with a subsequent ROM update. Powersave mode in the TyTN is a different beast. I've noticed quite a few ideosyncracies with my TyTN when it was in powersave mode.
Sleuth255 said:
I personally suspect a bug in the TyTN's WM5 build that will be fixed with a subsequent ROM update.
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Yes, I totally agree with you. I don't have any SPB soft installed, and this happens quite frequently after overnight charging.
I contacted Spb and reported this issue to them. Here is the answer I got:
please add poutlook.exe, tmail.exe, instmsgr.exe and cprog.exe to the list of Exceptions in Close button options and let us know if it helps.
Feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions.
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I haven't tried yet. but I will and will report the results here.
Nevertheless, I must say that since I uninstalled Spb Pocket Plus, I didn't have any more problem...
My TyTn does this ocassionally also, however my gut tells me it has to do with a program that contacts or syncs with the internet while the device is in standby.
nickcerda said:
My TyTn does this ocassionally also, however my gut tells me it has to do with a program that contacts or syncs with the internet while the device is in standby.
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In my case, I don't have any software that automatically connects to the Internet.
Actually, I have almost no program installed. Spb Pocket plus being my favorite app, I always install it first on any device I get.
That's why it was easy for me to pin down the culprit!
I believe there are two seperate issues that affect the TyTN in powersave mode being discussed here. One of them may indeed be related to SPB Pocket Plus but I'm thinking that only people reporting slowness with this app may be affected. I never had any slowdown with SPB pocket plus and the only powersave glitch I ever experienced was after overnight charging.
hmm, I suspect that you may be right about two issues. I have been experiencing that I posted in this thread
I have often found an Activesync process running when my device becomes unuseably slow[/url]
100thMonkey said:
I have often found an Activesync process running when my device becomes unuseably slow[/url]
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I noticed that Activesync is almost constantly running in the background. Not only with TyTn, but with all HTC devices I previously or currently owned (almost all! :? ).
Since my 1st post, and the uninstalling of Spb Pocket Plus, my TyTn never froze again.
Next to that I tried the overnight charging for 4 days now and didn't experience any problem.
hmm, I wonder what my issues could be because I don't have anything installed at all.
I have the sa like 100thmonkey. No aditional software. But it hangs too. I noticed that always, when an internetconnection is established or a software (I have Internet Explorer opened) uses Internet while I was loading my hermes, it crashes.
Maybe you can find the same reason, that some internetapplication was active before it crashes.
I followed Spb advices related to the Pocket Plus freezing issues (please check my earlier post on this).
l am happy to say that since I didn't have any problem.
So if your TyTn freezes because of Spb Pocket Plus, you must...
Add poutlook.exe, tmail.exe, instmsgr.exe and cprog.exe located in Windows directory to the list of Exceptions in Close button options.
Hope this will help!
Is there a solution
Any body found an solution for this problem? It happens all the time after nightly over charge... I Do not use Spb +
The solution is simple. It work on my CHT9000 well.
The causes for sleeping may be due to;
1) The programe installed in the micro sd card is shown on TODAY screen. (In my case, the agile messenger installed in card but shown in today screen)
2) Any operation of the phone during charging.
I just simple remove the agile messenger from today screen and soft reset before charging. The phoen will wake up with you on next day morning.(Provided that you set the alarm! )
If I leave my Orange SPV3100 on charge overnight (or for longer than about 4--6 hours) it won't wake up from sleep mode. All I do is plug the power (or USB) cable in (I dont turn of the radio or anything) and it does this.
The green light still flashes, but it wont accept SMS, phone calls or anything else.
So there seems to be a real problem?
I wonder what ROM/carrier is on all of these?

wm6 - phone wakeing up

I have a strange problem with my prophet, I have tried about 3 diff wm6 roms so far from this site.
And once flashed my phone randomly seems to wake up.
The screen will flash and turn on for now apparent reason.
Any thoughts?
My mate who has a wizard has the same problem.
Could it simply be the active sync error (it keeps automatically starting up)?
If so, just do this:
Open Activesync on your device and tap on Menu>Add Server Source. Add any info to create a fake server sync. After that is complete go to Menu>Schedule and change the two dropdowns to "Manual" and tap "ok" at the top right. You can now go to Menu>Options and delete the Exchange Server setting you just added.
I have the same problem since I installed WM6 Underground yesterday.
I've tried your solution but it doesnt work (it still occurs after a soft reset).
Anyone else has a solution? This is so annoying
Try locking the device
I have noticed the same thing but it's going away if I'm locking the phone (only the power button remaining enabled).
yes this is happening for me using the ASERG 3.12 WM5 ROM.
It's really irritating as it seriously drains the battery. Went down about 30% last night.
Also waking up means running all sorts when the phone is in my pocket.
Short battery life causes me big problems as I travel a lot......
I'm thinking of going back to one of the less troublesome WM5 ROMS. I gave up with WM6 due to the loss of BT, GPRS and Wifi settings after a soft reset.
I'm sure one of the geniuses will fix all these issues soon.
this has been fixed -
Your waking up problem could be an faulty radio side-effect, it thinks it is receiving a call or sms and wakes up.
The most reliable radio rom right now is 2.61.21. You can upgrade to that without losing any data, and it fixes all call and sms, BT and Wifi issues. I applied that to a Jester's WM5 and solved all my problems plus got a better battery life.

Polaris reboots and/or hangs randomly

I have three Polaris (O2 XDA Orbit 2) here that crash randomly.
a) Sometimes they just refuse to wake up pressing power. Screen stays black, right green network LED blinks normally (as if phone is registered correctly) but the phone is NOT reachable, the mailbox answers the call
b) the device resets and reboots without any obvious reason...
the mentioned problems occur once in 1 or 2 days, not really reproducible...
Does anybody have the same behaviour? Is it a problem of installed Software?
Additional Software installed:
TrendMicro Office Scan
PocketCM Contacts 0.19b
Sprite Backup
Resco Explorer 2007, FTP, Registry
WakeUp Tweak
Advanced Config 2.1
TomTom 6
Battery Status Plugin + Clock
What kind of configuration you did with the Advanced Config 2.1?? the others applications are on my phone too, except Battery Status Plugin + Clock and WakeUp Tweak
is there any option to export the config? Its hard to type everything...
WakeUp Tweak is necessary for Alarm Bug prevention (IMHO) and does only set 2 reg keys AFAIK
nobody who has the same issue?
Can DirectPush can be the reason? I am connected with an SBS 2003 Exchange almost all the time...
Thx for an help,
Hmm... I have the same issues and im am using direct push as well. I am going to disable direct push for a few days to see if that will solve the problems...
One more thing. Apart from direct push we are both using resco explorer 2007 but I don´t think that this has something to do with the problems.
I would try to uninstall batterystatus had the issue too had to do hardreset.
The Bleedin' Obvious...
Apologies if this is just too damn obvious to be of any use, but on earlier XDA models I have had problems with poor connections on batteries, so I would check:
1. That your SIM is clean and properly seated - reseat if necessary
2. That your battery terminals are making good contact with no potential obstructions and that it latches properly when closed
3. Try removing, cleaning and reinserting any SD card you may have inserted
That should eliminate any hardware-based causes. The only other thing that I recall having caused problems in the past (on the Artemis) was battery status - especially it's behaviour on boot (and wake??). Might be worth removing it for a bit to see if it makes any difference.
Good luck...there's always return to manufacturer - you might just have a dodgy unit?
Hi, I have the same problem as you (the first one only).
Do you use push mail palmbluetooth? I am trying to test if it has something to do with direct push. I turned it off right after yesterdays post and had no black screen or reboot since. But well... It will take some more days to figure if direct push and these problems are related.
exactly the same problem.
I have exactly the same problem of hazardous reboot.
I have a Cruise with the SFR (Vodaphone French) ROM.
I have see it live twice while my phone was on my table without having touch it.
I'll test this like you without 3G a few days and let you know.
hardware is not be the reason, although its worth to check. But it happens also if the unit is laying on the table without touching it at all...
batterystatus is NOT the reason, had reboots without it installed, can someone verify?
Resco Explorer 2007 is NOT the reason, had reboots without it installed, can someone verify?
Direct Push is the open issue to check. Without this enabled, I have a stable unit for 32 days but I'll try many more since this was not so often...
Any comments are appreciated but its definitely NOT a faulty unit since all three of mine have the same issue. Faulty firmware? Faulty OS ;-)
do you have bandswitch installed?
your is a software installed problem mate!
Report here all software installed, bye
Still no reboot or hang since disabling direct push... I did not change something else and had reboots or hangs nearly every day. Would be great to know if it is really direct push/active sync...
same with my device, I think DirectPush is the reason. Can somebody else confirm?
You guys mean to tell me that direct push, which is built into the OS and is a major component of AS on the device for years doesn't work? Come on now. I refuse to believe it. If it truly caused instability like you guys say, that would be an even BIGGER issue than the lack of video drivers!
If anything, there must a software conflict going on that is causing the instability. As a true test, try hard resetting and without installing anything, turn on AS push. Wait a day and let us know what happens.
I'll be getting my TC tomorrow and loading it up to the hilt, including setting it up for my 4smartphone account.
Well... It may sound strange but I really start to belive that this is a direct push issue. I did not have these reboots and hangs right from the start and thought about what I have done before getting the problems. I uninstalled a lot of software and nothing changed. After reading the post of avoigt about direct push I remembered that I did enable this right before the issues started. On the other hand I would not bet all my money that it is really direct push causing the problems but it is the No.1 candidate now.
I am not willing to do a hard reset right now and test just direct push course I need some of the installed components for my working days. I hope someone else is able to test that. I would even offer my exchange server for testing...
Exactly the same problem (Polaris hangs or reboots) several times a day. Removed Direct Push and have not had a problem in three days. I set the schedule in ActiveSync to every five minutes. Also changed the GPRS connection to "Always on".
Same problem!!
My Polaris just cuts completely off a few times a day or screen goes black and can't awaken it. It was working fine for weeks and just started doing this.
I do have bandswitch installed and I do not use direct push.
EDIT: When I push on the battery it turns off. I hope its the battery and not the contacts.
Hi, same problem here.
The original version was the french ROM, and it worked for a week without any problem. (I have the phone for only one week). Last night I flashed it with a english version, and installed only 2 programs, skype and core player.
1. if the phone is usb connected with the computer, it doesn't turn off.
2. if the phone is going in power save mode automatically refuses to turn back on by pressing the power button. It's like the display is disabled. If I call my number when is down like this, from the phone that I am calling from I can here the call, but the HTC doesn't ring.
3. it goes off after about 2 minutes if is innactive, and I can turn it back on only by reset. If I am using the phone (playing, browsing, etc.) it doesn't turn off.
I guess it's a soft problem. (but then again, I'm just a beginner user with this phone)
Does anyone has a solution for this?

activsync always in the background!

The last couple of days I have noticed the back bottom of my phone getting quite hot and the battery running down very quickly, Ive had a play around and the ony thing that is constant is activsync running in the background, I never use activsync so I dont know why its running but its really starting to piss me off now.
My battery is down to 79% and ive only made 1 quick call and sent 2 msg's in the last 4 hours!
Can I disable activsync completely? Like I said I never use it, if I want to put something on the SD card I put it on the card and I use MyPhone to back my stuff up!
thanks for any help!
for me it´s the same pproblem....any idea ?
There was a thread about manilla consuming more power than the original Win6.5 interface. I thought the same and I think the presence of Activesync always open in the background in Manilla is one of the reasons for this.
When I close Manilla and use 'Titanium' power consumption is less.
When I use Manilla it does not matter when I open the taskmanager but Activesync is always running and therefore trying to sync and using power.
Anybody can state this or, hopefully, has a solution.
PS. The old trick, fooling with a non excisting server, does not work.
If you open the activesync app (start, tools, activesync) then you can set the schedule options to manual. I've had a play this morning, and I can't remember what you have to do to enable the schedule menu item, so I can't help you any more I'm afraid. This bugged me on my HD before my HD2, and my Diamond before that, but I've never had the problem on my HD2. That's how I've fixed it previously anyway.
Incidentally, I doubt it actually uses much power. It's just a service that sits there and waits for activesync events. I don't think it actually does anything until it's needed.
Good luck!

