activsync always in the background! - HD2 General

The last couple of days I have noticed the back bottom of my phone getting quite hot and the battery running down very quickly, Ive had a play around and the ony thing that is constant is activsync running in the background, I never use activsync so I dont know why its running but its really starting to piss me off now.
My battery is down to 79% and ive only made 1 quick call and sent 2 msg's in the last 4 hours!
Can I disable activsync completely? Like I said I never use it, if I want to put something on the SD card I put it on the card and I use MyPhone to back my stuff up!
thanks for any help!

for me it´s the same pproblem....any idea ?

There was a thread about manilla consuming more power than the original Win6.5 interface. I thought the same and I think the presence of Activesync always open in the background in Manilla is one of the reasons for this.
When I close Manilla and use 'Titanium' power consumption is less.
When I use Manilla it does not matter when I open the taskmanager but Activesync is always running and therefore trying to sync and using power.
Anybody can state this or, hopefully, has a solution.
PS. The old trick, fooling with a non excisting server, does not work.

If you open the activesync app (start, tools, activesync) then you can set the schedule options to manual. I've had a play this morning, and I can't remember what you have to do to enable the schedule menu item, so I can't help you any more I'm afraid. This bugged me on my HD before my HD2, and my Diamond before that, but I've never had the problem on my HD2. That's how I've fixed it previously anyway.
Incidentally, I doubt it actually uses much power. It's just a service that sits there and waits for activesync events. I don't think it actually does anything until it's needed.
Good luck!


Damn phone keeps turning itself on

Upgraded to the new 1.60 ROM hoping to cure this annoying problem but if anything its worse.
I turn the phone off and within 5 minutes its turned itself back on for no apparent reason. No notifications or anything. Cant be doing my battery life any good if it keeps switching on
Any ideas?
That may be something to do with the way that ActiveSync is set up.
I've had this kind of problem in the past and found that by killing activesync by using a task manager of some variety and changing my 'network' settings that the problem goes away
Please excuse me, im quite a newbie at this xda malarky. My xda also turns its self on randomly since installing 2003. you said change your network settings. How and what do you change them to? I made sure that activsync is turned off, but it doesnt make much difference either way.
I have experienced the same...
And, I've been on multiple ROM's with no avail.
I'm not sure anyone has ever found a solution.
My activesync is turned off, but the damned thing keeps turning on. Its sitting in the cradle at present and it turns on every 3-4 minutes!!!
It is Active Sync
I had this problem with my charger in the car. It is not sufficient to kill the Activesync. You would have to go to the options in the Activesyn menu, go to the new options button in the PC tab (the first one) and there disable the box with the name "Enable PC sync using this connection". This you will have to enable each time you want to sync via the cradle. I don't have the problem in the original cradle, it is only with the thirdparty car charger. I sync via IR or bluetooth and that is always available via the menu in Active Sync.
Good luck!
ActiveSync i can understand when its in the cradle but currently its sitting on my desk and still turning on at random intervals sometimes 30 secs after i switch it off!!!
Signal strength maybe?
I have same problem, happens mostly in car but not exclusively.
I get the feeling that it's related to the cellular signal strength and the device loosing or regaining the GSM connection.
San Francisco has several zero or almost zero coverage areas so it's not unusual for a phone to loose and then regain a connection while driving or walking.
I would love this device if it worked as expected but at this moment it is the source of endless frustration.
im also having these problems they are head doing never used to turn itself on as soon as i hard reset it just started to do this now and its annoying me so much
Im also having these problems . I find a solution using registry cleaner of pocket mechanic.
Guys, Check the setting of the ActivSync, most probably you will find a schedule for synchronization is set every certain time. So, you have to switch it to Manual Sync.
I think this should soulve your problem.
Sprite Backup
I too had this problem. For some reason the enabling Sprite Backup battery monitoring and Scheduled Backups caused this. try turning these features off if you have it installed.
I have same problem, its really anoying, have not found a way to stop auto connection even after changing some setting on my computer Activesync & XDAii activesync. I'm guessing theres no way to stop it.
Is there an active sync update available? I'm using 3.7 (build 3083)
For those whose unit turns on by itself, please check:
From your PPC:
Start > ActiveSync > Tools> Options > Mobile Schedule
Make sure all 3 options are set to "Manually".
From your Desktop PC ActiveSync:
Tools > Options > Schedule
Make sure every active options are set to "Manually" as well.
You can manually sync but Activesync still keeps "looking for changes"
I need for help plsssss
if some body plsssss attch the last eddition of xda2nbftools because I am living in Saudi Arabia, and the web site to can download this file is BLOCKED here in Saudi Arabia, they are blocking web sites here then u can't open it at all and no way to can download it unless if it attached here in this forum
Here is it:
Same for me too,
Mine can turn itself on almost as soon as i turn it off, its a running battle to get it to turn off and i very rarely win, I have accepted the fact that mine will stay on most of the time now and have a second battery to help me through the day,
I checked all my settings and all mobile schedule settings were on manual and all the active options are set to manual too, so it wasnt those settings causing the problem,
I cant believe the lack of support that O2 are providing, if this was an HP handheld there would have been a fix for each problem as it cropped up within a week as they have done with each of their handhelds
do the people experiancing turn ons have a card in the Sd slot? i do but i notice when the device is off...... put a sd card in and the device turns itself on i only started to notice it turning on when i got my SD card i might take it out tonight and try then?
Yup, i have a card in the slot all the time, took it out for a few hours this morning and it was no different, still kept turning itself on,
I looked a bit deeper into it this morning too,
It seems that i use it, turn it off and it turns back on 13 seconds later, i turn it off again and it turns itself back on again 13 seconds later, so i try to turn it off and the power button has no effect, i have to press it twice to turn it off, then it seems to stay off for at least 30 minutes before going through the exact same sequence again,
I will list all my installed programs a bit later when i have more time, hopefully everone else can do the same (whether you have the problem or not) then we can see if there's a common program that is on all the XDA2's that might be making them turn on and see if its absent from the XDA2's that are fine

XDA II Turning itself on

My XDA II keeps turning itself on, as if a program is waking it up.
I have checked that no programs are running using the option under Start/Settings/System/Memory.
Is there a way to see what processes are running in the background?
It does this even when stationary on my desk so it's not an accidental button press.
Has anyone else experienced this?
I'd appreciate any suggestions on tracking this down as it has a huge impact on battery life.
yup... mine was caused by Activesync. Make sure you have all the settings set to "Manual".
You can also download "Notification Check" by Scarybearsoftware. It will go through your PDA and look for extra events that don't belong there.
For some time I was getting a calander event for some birthday that didn't even exist!
yep, here too
I notice that it turn on after upgrading from 1.66 to 1.72
I'm not sure that could be for this...
I'll try "Notification Check"...from scarybear software
I had this and it was doing my head in! But using the check notifications did not help. I thought that possibly some of the games I installed to my SD card may have caused the problem.
So I copied everything off the card, and formatted it in the pocketpc (resco explorer), not from a card reader! Then I copied everything back and since then not a single un-intentional turn on.
Well, it didn't fix it for me either. I'm now testing with the Storage Card removed.
I'll post back if I find anyhting.
Another problem is when your GPRS connection activates itself!! soo annoying.
Taking the storage card out made no difference.
So far, however, with Flight Mode turned on it seems to be fine.
If this is the case then that would be really annoying.
What would be going on with Flight Mode Off to cause the XDA II to wake up?
With the radio off, GPRS is also off (as is BlueTooth and IR).
Is GPRS turning the device on?
Immediately after the device powers itself on, tap the signal meter and see if GPRS is connected.
Do you have a POP3 or IMAP4 Email account set to retreive messages at a regular interval?
Thanks, I'd already checked those.
The radio off was a red herring. It woke me up at 02:06 for no reason that I coulod find, with radio off.
I'd really like to find this before doing a hard reset so that I can fix it again if necessary and posting here will help others.
There's nothing worse than curing a problem and you don't know how.
My feeling is that it is being caused by some program you have loaded . . . or worst case, by a combination of programs. Unfortunately, if that's the case, the most likely way to track down the culprit will be to -
1. Hard-reset your device.
2. Run it for a time with no additional programs installed to make sure the problem is gone.
3. One at a time, install a single additional program and run it that way for a while to see if the problem occurs.
4. Only after proving that the problem does not occur with that configuration do you install another program.
5. If the problem occurs after installing a program - Hard-reset the device again and install only that program - then you know if the program itself is causing the problem or if it is a combination of programs.
This does not necessarily sound like FUN . . . but I can't see a better way to positively identify which program is causing your problem.
Thanks for that. That is my thinking too.
I'll do that when I've got a few hours to spare and I'll post the results, identifying the offending program.
ON and OFF
I have the same exact problem.
And I did found out that this is some of the program I install.
Example : SPB Pocket Plus (also other Today's plugin)
I did a hard reset, and try with out any program, then ad one program, then two etc..........until I found out that SPB was the one.
unfortunatly I love some of the plugin, but I have to get rid of it, if I don't want my battery to fall off in one day.
Bruxelles5 wrote:
..........until I found out that SPB was the one.
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This is curious, as I have SPB Pocket Plus 2.0 installed, and I have never experienced an unintended/spontaneous turn-on (of my imate anyway ).
try turing battery monitor off in sprite backup
and also turn off the battery bar thing in spb2
that sorted my probs out
Turning on
I use Pocketplus and don't have a turning on problem, except when cradled, in which case it continuously tries to sync, even with everything set to manual.
Don't think Pocketplus is the cukprit.

WM5 automated nightly reboot?

I have a question. I've only had a WM5 device for about 9 months now. I now have Cingular 8525 and for the past 5 days I have left it on overnight only to find it frozen, won't wake up in the morning and the battery drained.
I did the Activesync hack, scanned the notifications queue and did not see any notifications for midnight on the dates the device would not wake up.
Its frustrating.
I was wondering if WM5 did some form of house cleaning nightly. It seems that this house cleaning wakes up the device and somewhere it freezes on and finally the battery gives out. I don't have any backup software going on.. Nothing. I just find the device won't wake up, won't even soft reset. Plug it in for a minute, then it soft resets with a dead battery.
I am going to look at the notifications queue tonight and delete any notifications I see that are for 0:00 and tomorrow and see what happens.
I am hard resetting it Monday and re-installing if I can't figure it out. It has been really annoying these last 5 mornings.
Sometime when I reboot I see a NO GSM message. Then get no radio, then about 10 minutes later I get service. But the password and the userid on the wap data connection has been erased and my bonded blue tooth headset password is forgotten, the device is there but it prompts me to bond with a passkey when I go to intiate the headset...
Thanks for your thoughts
This has, I believe, alot to do with your microSD card - see the link below.
Thanks I'll check it out. I do have a sd card in the device. It may be the cause.
I use SPB Backup, to initiate automated reboots. What it does is back up to ur microsd and then initiate a reboot. i do this every second night. which is cool, keeps the fone fast.
Nightly lockups were a pain in the neck for me - I have had 2 Orange M3100 and both suffered the same nightly lockup issues.
I found that 4 things have fixed the issues and i found that all 4 have to be done
1. Fake server trick
But i found that not deleting the new server works fine
2. Untick Enable Advanced Network Functionality
Under Settings\Connections\USB to PC
3. Stopping Activesync running when not needed
In the notification queue there are 3 entries to start replog.exe (activesync)
you can safely delete the instruction to start after time change - This will stop Activesync from running.
NB the other 2 need to be there, do not delete any other notification of replog.exe
4. Never leave activesync running so always do a soft reset after syncing or at least before you charge the phone.
Not saying that these will work for everyone but they have worked for me on both phones.
try XBar. It incorporates cron, so you can schedule whatever program to run whenever you want it. Grap a copy of quickreset and run it. It will reset the Tytn at whatever time you set it for. I have mine resetting at 5 in the morning.
You may disable the standby mode when the unit on the external power supply. I have done, and I think it's not a big deal and it does not worth to struggle with locks on wakeups with external power!
I having a sort of similar 'morning trouble' with my TyTN, but limited to GSM connectivity. When I wake up, I am most of the cases disconnected from network with 'No service' message in the baloon. Searching for network is unsuccessful, nothing works until I soft reset the device.
Just a thought: You do have the "poweroff after x minutes" setting checked right?
I had what I thought was the same issue this morning, but it was caused by me unchecking the above setting (I do this during meetings when I'm using my BT keyboard) the previous day. This morning, while it was still dark out, I pressed the power button and nothing (the backlight was off and this actually put it into powersave mode). I pressed it again and still nothing (device came out of powersave mode with backlight still off). Because it was dark when I did this, I initially thought that I had the "won't return from powersave" problem.
machmandp said:
Nightly lockups were a pain in the neck for me - I have had 2 Orange M3100 and both suffered the same nightly lockup issues.
I found that 4 things have fixed the issues and i found that all 4 have to be done
1. Fake server trick
But i found that not deleting the new server works fine
2. Untick Enable Advanced Network Functionality
Under Settings\Connections\USB to PC
3. Stopping Activesync running when not needed
In the notification queue there are 3 entries to start replog.exe (activesync)
you can safely delete the instruction to start after time change - This will stop Activesync from running.
NB the other 2 need to be there, do not delete any other notification of replog.exe
4. Never leave activesync running so always do a soft reset after syncing or at least before you charge the phone.
Not saying that these will work for everyone but they have worked for me on both phones.
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I have a similar problem. Every monring when the device is still plugged on the wall charger, it hangs before I wake up. I would therefore miss a lot of calls or other notifications. I have done the defragmentation of the card, but it still doing the same thing every morning.
I have also tried all your steps above, ecept step 3, which I need your assistance as to how to delete the particular file you were referring to.
Many thanks in advance.
marsb007 said:
try XBar. It incorporates cron, so you can schedule whatever program to run whenever you want it. Grap a copy of quickreset and run it. It will reset the Tytn at whatever time you set it for. I have mine resetting at 5 in the morning.
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holy crap, i thought i was the only one that used xbar.. i have been using this program for 2 or 3 years, this is my one and only must have program!! FYI 3.2 beta was released
anyway.. on to this problem, i used to have this on my wizard, what i found was that plugging it and leaving it on would cause the lock up. Now when i plug it in i hit the power button and havent experienced it since on my wizard or on my 8525 yet. and i still get all of my push mails etc.. however i will say that if i get a call or text while im sleeping the device does wake up and the screen stays on..
another program you might want to try is SKSchema... they have several scripts that you can run, including a soft reset at a certain time. I also use the script which allows me to toggle between 3G/UMTS to save battery when I don't need 3G.
"Fake Server" did not work for me
Tried what is outlined - fake server, soft-re-boot, stopping activesync. Not sure how to delete the specific files in the notification queue.
Worked for one night! Next night back to the sleeping Tytn.
I am going to try spbTime to trigger an alarm at 12:01am and see if that helps.
TyTn does not "die" anymore!
The fake server is definitely part of the answer. As is stopping ActiveSynch. This needs to be combined with one other suggestion made on the forum of leaving the unit on when plugged in. This however has the potential drawback of "burning" the screen with the same image as when left powered on.
In addition to Activesynch, the problem is with the Notification queue (again as someone suggested on this forum). In the Suspend/Sleep mode under power, the unit cannot notify and goes into a perpetual loop.
Here is what I did that has now worked for 11 days. I installed spb PocketPlus and placed the "Screen Toggle" icon on the main screen. (According to spb, "Toggle" simply blanks the screen but does not put it to sleep/Suspend). So when I plug the unit in to charge it, I simply "toggle" the screen. The screen is blank (just like "Sleep"/"Suspend") but the unit is powered up. This has the added benefit of allowing you to listen to music with the screen blank.
I have now gotten to "toggling" even under battery power. Miraculously, my intermittent BT and Wi Fi issues have also disappeared. There may be cheaper solutions than buying Pocket Plus, but spb's Pocket Plus is convenient and has some other nice features.
Mortsaver might be a cheaper option?
Active Sync
I don't know if any of you have tried Active Sync "beta" 4.5". Its seems to have fixed many of my problems with connection and some of the issues described here.
coolshot said:
This however has the potential drawback of "burning" the screen with the same image as when left powered on.
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This problem affects CRT and plasma displays (phosphor based), but not TFT.

Polaris reboots and/or hangs randomly

I have three Polaris (O2 XDA Orbit 2) here that crash randomly.
a) Sometimes they just refuse to wake up pressing power. Screen stays black, right green network LED blinks normally (as if phone is registered correctly) but the phone is NOT reachable, the mailbox answers the call
b) the device resets and reboots without any obvious reason...
the mentioned problems occur once in 1 or 2 days, not really reproducible...
Does anybody have the same behaviour? Is it a problem of installed Software?
Additional Software installed:
TrendMicro Office Scan
PocketCM Contacts 0.19b
Sprite Backup
Resco Explorer 2007, FTP, Registry
WakeUp Tweak
Advanced Config 2.1
TomTom 6
Battery Status Plugin + Clock
What kind of configuration you did with the Advanced Config 2.1?? the others applications are on my phone too, except Battery Status Plugin + Clock and WakeUp Tweak
is there any option to export the config? Its hard to type everything...
WakeUp Tweak is necessary for Alarm Bug prevention (IMHO) and does only set 2 reg keys AFAIK
nobody who has the same issue?
Can DirectPush can be the reason? I am connected with an SBS 2003 Exchange almost all the time...
Thx for an help,
Hmm... I have the same issues and im am using direct push as well. I am going to disable direct push for a few days to see if that will solve the problems...
One more thing. Apart from direct push we are both using resco explorer 2007 but I don´t think that this has something to do with the problems.
I would try to uninstall batterystatus had the issue too had to do hardreset.
The Bleedin' Obvious...
Apologies if this is just too damn obvious to be of any use, but on earlier XDA models I have had problems with poor connections on batteries, so I would check:
1. That your SIM is clean and properly seated - reseat if necessary
2. That your battery terminals are making good contact with no potential obstructions and that it latches properly when closed
3. Try removing, cleaning and reinserting any SD card you may have inserted
That should eliminate any hardware-based causes. The only other thing that I recall having caused problems in the past (on the Artemis) was battery status - especially it's behaviour on boot (and wake??). Might be worth removing it for a bit to see if it makes any difference.
Good luck...there's always return to manufacturer - you might just have a dodgy unit?
Hi, I have the same problem as you (the first one only).
Do you use push mail palmbluetooth? I am trying to test if it has something to do with direct push. I turned it off right after yesterdays post and had no black screen or reboot since. But well... It will take some more days to figure if direct push and these problems are related.
exactly the same problem.
I have exactly the same problem of hazardous reboot.
I have a Cruise with the SFR (Vodaphone French) ROM.
I have see it live twice while my phone was on my table without having touch it.
I'll test this like you without 3G a few days and let you know.
hardware is not be the reason, although its worth to check. But it happens also if the unit is laying on the table without touching it at all...
batterystatus is NOT the reason, had reboots without it installed, can someone verify?
Resco Explorer 2007 is NOT the reason, had reboots without it installed, can someone verify?
Direct Push is the open issue to check. Without this enabled, I have a stable unit for 32 days but I'll try many more since this was not so often...
Any comments are appreciated but its definitely NOT a faulty unit since all three of mine have the same issue. Faulty firmware? Faulty OS ;-)
do you have bandswitch installed?
your is a software installed problem mate!
Report here all software installed, bye
Still no reboot or hang since disabling direct push... I did not change something else and had reboots or hangs nearly every day. Would be great to know if it is really direct push/active sync...
same with my device, I think DirectPush is the reason. Can somebody else confirm?
You guys mean to tell me that direct push, which is built into the OS and is a major component of AS on the device for years doesn't work? Come on now. I refuse to believe it. If it truly caused instability like you guys say, that would be an even BIGGER issue than the lack of video drivers!
If anything, there must a software conflict going on that is causing the instability. As a true test, try hard resetting and without installing anything, turn on AS push. Wait a day and let us know what happens.
I'll be getting my TC tomorrow and loading it up to the hilt, including setting it up for my 4smartphone account.
Well... It may sound strange but I really start to belive that this is a direct push issue. I did not have these reboots and hangs right from the start and thought about what I have done before getting the problems. I uninstalled a lot of software and nothing changed. After reading the post of avoigt about direct push I remembered that I did enable this right before the issues started. On the other hand I would not bet all my money that it is really direct push causing the problems but it is the No.1 candidate now.
I am not willing to do a hard reset right now and test just direct push course I need some of the installed components for my working days. I hope someone else is able to test that. I would even offer my exchange server for testing...
Exactly the same problem (Polaris hangs or reboots) several times a day. Removed Direct Push and have not had a problem in three days. I set the schedule in ActiveSync to every five minutes. Also changed the GPRS connection to "Always on".
Same problem!!
My Polaris just cuts completely off a few times a day or screen goes black and can't awaken it. It was working fine for weeks and just started doing this.
I do have bandswitch installed and I do not use direct push.
EDIT: When I push on the battery it turns off. I hope its the battery and not the contacts.
Hi, same problem here.
The original version was the french ROM, and it worked for a week without any problem. (I have the phone for only one week). Last night I flashed it with a english version, and installed only 2 programs, skype and core player.
1. if the phone is usb connected with the computer, it doesn't turn off.
2. if the phone is going in power save mode automatically refuses to turn back on by pressing the power button. It's like the display is disabled. If I call my number when is down like this, from the phone that I am calling from I can here the call, but the HTC doesn't ring.
3. it goes off after about 2 minutes if is innactive, and I can turn it back on only by reset. If I am using the phone (playing, browsing, etc.) it doesn't turn off.
I guess it's a soft problem. (but then again, I'm just a beginner user with this phone)
Does anyone has a solution for this?

Issues with WM 6.5 Official Build

Hello Friends,
I think by now all here might have updated TD2 with WM 6.5.
Many with cooked and many with Official, like me.
I think if we can post all issues with WM 6.5 Official ROM here and we can suggest HTC for any fixes/patches.
Or we/developer here can have fix for that .
One issue I've come across is when you have the messaging application running in the background and you receive a new SMS the keyboard pops up on the home screen (in Windows deafult/Titanium).
I have noticed sum issues when trying to install some apps. when i choose the destination of where i want to install the app, it just keeps the waiting cursor on the screen and doesnt install.
this is sometimes though. so not sure if it is actually an issue with 6.5 rom
rumz82 said:
I have noticed sum issues when trying to install some apps. when i choose the destination of where i want to install the app, it just keeps the waiting cursor on the screen and doesnt install.
this is sometimes though. so not sure if it is actually an issue with 6.5 rom
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no I have not seen that,
you may just need SDKcerts or NET CF 3.5 to get those apps installed
BTW which apps ???
I've had some issues. Offical 6.5 German ROM
* When using Live Messenger I've had a few hags and I had to restart the phone.
* Without any app running task manager showed 98% used memory... only 2% free and nothing open??? the phone got slooww
* Facebook: When I was with wm6.1 official rom with a fix cab I could use Facebook within contacts, I was able to sync picture, birthday and showed me last update from contact. Now with wm6.5 and facebook that comes it only sync picture. I want birthday back and be able to read last update.
Batery Charge Issue
I think the indicator light does not change to Green even if the batery is fully charged.
Also the information tab does not change the last fully charged value.
I have seen the "Update for HTC Diamond2 Power LED Notification" update/fix has been release by HTC ( much before the 6.5 release and looks like this is NOT fixed in 6.5.
I've noticed the option to choose LED-blink-time on new messages is no longer available, it's now on 5 minutes and greyed out. What the h*ll was the point of that?! I've talked to HTC, they said "yes, it's grayed out", but had no good reason for it. Seems totally stupid thing to do. Anyone knows how to un-grey the option? A little registry-tweak maybe?
prabhat said:
I think the indicator light does not change to Green even if the batery is fully charged.
Also the information tab does not change the last fully charged value.
I have seen the "Update for HTC Diamond2 Power LED Notification" update/fix has been release by HTC ( much before the 6.5 release and looks like this is NOT fixed in 6.5.
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Hi All, Just re-verified and found this is NOT an Issue.
Actually the charging bar shows 100% but still the light was not turned green but after some time it did changed to gree. So NO Issue here.
The only thing is charging does takes lots of time .
spb backup?
Has anyone managed to install spb backup on the official 6.5 rom? I've tried this, and despite claims from spb that the latest version is compatible with 6.5, I always get "install was unsuccessful". Any ideas anyone?
Google maps
Also, google maps does not seem to auto-rotate the screen, although many other apps do. Does anyone know how to control which apps are allowed to rotate or not?
i am using the WWE version, and when i activate the wifi and leave the device for 5 minuts and it goes to sleep, when i press on the power buttom the wifi icon disappear and the wifi switch is still on, and wifi connection is dropped.
Does anybody has the same issue. or it is only me.
How do I make album close instead of minimize?
same problem here with the WiFi.
I really want to like this 6.5 build but there are too many problems.
1)I cannot turn off the LED notification for new emails, even if all options are off. Beyond that all the LED notification options for the phone, text, voicemail are greyed out, why disallow me from choosing?!
2) Memory leakage is horrible, will continue to rise and rise until phone grinds, and this within a day.
3) In a week it has never picked up 'My location'. Google Maps manages this to within 10 metres within 120 seconds without GPS!
4) Settings from within the Windows take you to the very limited settings tab which then needs an extra press to get to all options. Plain bloody stupid.
5) I have found some screens which for some reason wont touch scroll, normally within the MS apps such as myphone after it has synched. Have to use the scrollbar. Feels like the 90's all over again!
HTC have managed to build a ROM for the HD2 in the same time with Winmo 6.5 and yet this ROM is bloody useless, they have dropped the ball badly and i really like HTC.
gtrab said:
no I have not seen that,
you may just need SDKcerts or NET CF 3.5 to get those apps installed
BTW which apps ???
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Apps like TT7.
i do have SDKcerts & NET CF 3.5.
it could be the version i have with the problem.(tt7)
gwassef said:
i am using the WWE version, and when i activate the wifi and leave the device for 5 minuts and it goes to sleep, when i press on the power buttom the wifi icon disappear and the wifi switch is still on, and wifi connection is dropped.
Does anybody has the same issue. or it is only me.
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There's a setting for "Turn om WIFI auto" and one something like "Turn off WIFI when inactive for .."
I did these settings the first day, through some sort of wizard, but can't find it back! I guess in your Comm-manager, under "WiFi" it says something like "Turn on Automaticly"?
It's a very nice option, because now WiFi is prioritized over 3G when you try to go online, but where the h*ll did those settings go?!
gwassef said:
i am using the WWE version, and when i activate the wifi and leave the device for 5 minuts and it goes to sleep, when i press on the power buttom the wifi icon disappear and the wifi switch is still on, and wifi connection is dropped.
Does anybody has the same issue. or it is only me.
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Svennebannan said:
How do I make album close instead of minimize?
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That issue's been around since atleast 6.1..
gwassef said:
i am using the WWE version, and when i activate the wifi and leave the device for 5 minuts and it goes to sleep, when i press on the power buttom the wifi icon disappear and the wifi switch is still on, and wifi connection is dropped.
Does anybody has the same issue. or it is only me.
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Yes this happened to me too, and at first I couldn't work out what was going on. Now however I think it is a deliberate feature, probably as a battery saving measure. It all seems to work in a sensible manner: when I come out of standby the WiFi is off, but as soon as I use an app that needs WiFi it automatically reconnects. Also when I am away from my home network, it uses 3G automatically. So I actually like the way it works now.
I have a problem with playing music with touchflo or w.e it is now. I play a song and when it's finished it doesn't play the next song (whether in a playlist or not!) It is set to "Repeat all" but still doesn't play all the songs so i have to get the phone out at every song -.- is this just me or is it a bug?
RE: Issues with WM 6.5 Official Build Reply to Thread
Dear All,
I am also not satisfied with the stock wm6.5 build, I’m using the Dutch-Rom
I have issues with following Items,
1) When my phone shows a pop-up message it “bleeps” eventhough it has been set not to sound while it notificates. Frustrates me every morning as my phone has a custom made get-up-very-smoothly alarm tone and than it starts with a harsh BLEEP !!
2) The powerdrain is horrible, I NEED to charge battery each day, with wm6.1 the device was charged after approx 3 days!
3) Recently experienced something totally new: while I work my D2 always is connected to my pc trough USB and normally charging, I just have been noted by WM6.5 that “the charging power was not enough to charge the device and if I want to charge properly I needed to close down programs…” (excact notification I forgot but in rough words this was the message). Guess what!! The only thing running is Manilla ???
4) My location is not accurate enough
5) Where is the Freakin battery indicator, why do I need to go in to the notification screen to see my battery status, I NEED TO SEE THIS AT ANYTIME HTC!!! :s
These are my main frustrations with the wm6.5 build and certainly hope HTC can fix this
Best regards
Kid Kreole

