I have downloaded and installed the latest ROM with Blackberry, but o2 UK are giving me mixt signals about the ability to use Blackberry service. Some say it won't happen until Jan 05', any ideas about this?
Blackberry & O2
I have been down to the local O2 shop and used their online service Blackberry is up and running.
You must register with O2 and take on the tariff (£15 per month 5mb inclusive) in addition to your normal monthly bill and your away.
Xmail does roughly the same thing and its only £4.95 per month.
Blackberry (Internet Mail) is available from O2, but expect problems getting it set-up.
Seems like there's only a few people in CS that can do it. Mine took 6 days.
It's £15 per month (with 5mb GPRS data included). You can add a voice tariff to that as well if you want (increasing the cost).
I've got BB at last, and it's superb.
Can you answer me a question about the BB client?
I use MMIS to sync my work email, but I'd like to use BB for personal email.
Can you use BB and MMIS (ActiveSync) at the same time, or does the BB client take over the ActiveSync inbox?
mark.peters said:
Blackberry (Internet Mail) is available from O2, but expect problems getting it set-up.
Seems like there's only a few people in CS that can do it. Mine took 6 days.
It's £15 per month (with 5mb GPRS data included). You can add a voice tariff to that as well if you want (increasing the cost).
I've got BB at last, and it's superb.
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Only the Customer retention team could set you up on a BB tariff as of last week.
I'd imagine that this'll change but I've had BB on my XDAII for almost a week now and it's great.
Has anyone else had problems downloading attachments?
I have Blackberry working on my XDA2
BUT not completely
We have a BES server here at work & a load of the guys have BBs. I, however, didn't want yet another device to carry around with me in addition to XDA2.
When the ROM came out last week, installed it and set about setting up BB services on my XDA2.
FIRSTLY (for those of you who are already in a Corporate environment) you must have the Blackberry APN initialised on your SIM. This can take a while as ATM the knowledge of what to do is not yet with the support teams. It actually took me 3 (working) days to get that bit sorted & at the same time had 2 days without any phone as well. Anyway, sorted on Monday & now every time our Exchange server gets an email for me, its straight onto my XDA2 quicker than appearing in Outlook!
Whats NOT working for me is the ability to send emails & request further data or attachments. We've raised an issue with RIM but still waiting for a solution. I managed to unistall/re-install CMIME service & that allowed me to send a couple of emails but its gone back to not sending
I'll update this when it works!!
With the XDA2 BB only works for emails atm & (allegedly) Callendar. There is a new BES server (4.0) out soon which will allow Contacts/Tasks as well - can't wait.
One thing I'd like to change is the noise it makes when it gets an email - just the same as the GPRS coverage one. Guess it'll be a registry hack. Want something a bit better than that & maybe vibrate like the OE BB device.
News ands it Official frm Blackberry
This comes direct from RIM the people who run Blackberry, I asked why there was a problem with O2 and Blackberry service.
I wrote to Blackberry
Blackberry software etc was supplied by O2, but the site and service from O2 has been of little help.
I have been in to the shop Dumfries and in Edinburgh, even their links to Blackberry have been bad the phone numbers they have are for Mars chocolate and Social Services! yes thats no joke the staff at o2 tried calling the registration line for O2 Blackberry and thats who the got.
Anyway I'm sorry but the service from O2 is too expensive at £15 per month then additional cost per mb for download,
What are you offering direct?
ans from RIM
"Dear Trevor,
What it comes down to is that O2 should not have made that software available to anyone prior to the appropriate agreements and support structure being in place between O2 and RIM. RIM has no obligation to support O2 devices at this point but I will be speaking to our UK support group this morning and will raise your case and attempt to get it resolved.
Unfortunately, BlackBerry service is not available directly from RIM and can only be purchased through Carrier partners.
I will get back to you once I have more information."
2nd email from Blackberry
"Dear Trevor,
I spoke to our support organization and they have clearly stated they are presently not taking any support calls for O2. RIM will only take Carrier support calls after there has been an offical launch, all agreements are in place and a support structure has been defined. This position results from O2 making the BlackBerry software available prior to any official launch and it is their responsibility to support their devices until that time. I am sorry that this is not the answer you were hoping for but I am unable to escalate within RIM.
I have been informed that the image that O2 posted for download was meant to be a ROM upgrade only and was not intended to include the Blackberry component. "
And that folks is direct from the horses mouth, yes its out with O2, but there is no support service in place unless you book, buy and pay with Blackberry direct, if its done through O2(which it can be) there is no suport service as the deal hasn't been finalised with RIM.
Hope it helps those who were interested
Blackberry on XDA2
Interesting details about the O2 arrangements with Rim - worrying !
I've installed the latest ROM and after 3 days of dealing with O2 data support, finally got my corporate e-mails delivered to my XDA.
You have to have the BBNet tariff enabled on your account, this being £15 per month in addition to your voice tariff.
I'm also able to pick up e-mails from my POP3 service (BT Internet) but I'm not sure what the refresh rate is.
According to O2, calendar synchronisation is not yet available. - does anybody know anything about this ?
bydandie said:
Only the Customer retention team could set you up on a BB tariff as of last week.
I'd imagine that this'll change but I've had BB on my XDAII for almost a week now and it's great.
Has anyone else had problems downloading attachments?
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At the moment as the amount of customers wanting Blackberry is quite small a lot of the front line customer services staff have not been fully trained on it.
The service provider you are on also could determine if you can have the service currently or not.
To add Blackberry capability to an account you also need to be on a suitable tariff. e.g O2 200 Combi - many of the older tariffs (as well as legacy tariffs) will not allow blackberry functionality.
Further to my last message, O2 have now discovered that they shouldn't have given me corproate access and have now taken it away !
The tarrif I am on is BBNet which only allows POP3 access to e-mail accounts (although you can get mail from 10 POP3 accounts).
You need the corporate tarrif is you want e-mails from an exchange server system. This is £37.50 per month. Also, the XDA2 will not support synchronisation of calendar and contacts via BB.
Apparently the XDA2S which is due out early next year will support more BB services.
I am also having problems with the BB service suspending itself. This appears to happen when I send an SMS - anybody got any ideas ?
Well, I currently can't get emails to my XDA
We have got a BES Server at work & use BB devices as well, so in theory all should work.
Apparently, I have not got a "corporate" device and that if RIM see such things going through their system, they disable access to it :? FFS
I get "Service Blocked" if I try to send an email.
This is highly frustrating as did previously have it all working & great it is too - I want it back!
Black Berry
Hi All
Im living in the Nertherlands and have been using my device and the Blackberry client for about a month.
After adding my mail account to the BES Server, Enabling my SIM for BB and GPRS from the Service Provider(Vodafone), adding the client software on my PC syncing everything up with the pins etc it has been working fine
Vodafone as far as I am aware did not do anything special to my account as they were unaware that an XDAII could use the BB Client
Hi everyone,
I've just got my jasjar this week and already used this great forum to assist me with few issues, so thankyou.
now, 3 network in Australia, to my limited knowledge, as the following networks.
3Services - which is limited 'intranet' with some free content and some paid content BUT provide imap4 e-mail address for $3 a month.
3netAccess - access to the internet charged at 4c a kb !!!
now, on my jasjar, I managed to get the 3netAccess going as a 3G\GPRS network, however, this is too expensive for me in order to use it for e-mail only.
the question is, has anyone managed to get the 3Services (i.e. 3 intranet) working on the JJ? has anyone managed to get the three imap e-mail address going?
i just use telstra and it all works ok, i have enough email accounts to keep track of without adding more (activesync, personal email, hotmail, gmail) plus text and mms i am getting all messaged out....
but 3g works for me fine
I have been trialing Vodafone on my Dopod 900 here in Sydney. However testing has been limited while I tinker around for an ideal setup.
Though there 2nd level support is great. Was able to walk me through the whole process of setup once they understood it was running WM5. However I haven't tested PIX yet.
With Vodafone, on prepaid you only have WAP access, to get full mobile broadband you have to go onto a billing plan, but I'm not locked into any terms.
I'm curious what pain did you go through with 3, or did you just buy a phone and plan and used the SIM?
it was really simple, told secretary I wanted 3g access, and 2 days later I had it. I think it stays under the gprs corporate access rates.
I don't pay the bill directly, just reduces the profits available! I might look at the actual costs, cause I am only on the $5 gprs rates with 2.2c per kb over 250kb (very expensive and doesn't take much to go through250kb)
3g video until june is charged at mobile phone rates but don't know anybody using video phones.
sorry not much help rweally
by the way using telstra which I thing is using the 3 network.
note the tricks and shinanigans with128kb (video phone aspeed given) versus 384kb (data and internet access speeds actually available) I think they gave me 128kb but haven't checked.
to - michaelg
hi michaelg, yes, I just bought a Jasjar and have a 3 sim for over two and a half years now, so popped the SIM in and it works fine...have set it up on 3netaccess which is the more expensive network though...unfortunately no one could help me with my question.
Have you looked at 3 Australia's email pack? $3/month to send+recieve unlimited emails (free if you only want to recieve) - only problem is, it's for your 3 email address only - but that doesn't bother me, as I just forward all my normal emails to my 3 address, and voila! (another bonus is, any email sent with an "urgent" flag also gets an sms notification sent to you)
This thread is only about your experience with the Cingular 8125 using the Cingular "Medianet Unlimited" data plan. This does NOT include experience with the "PDA Connect" plan or experience with any smartphones.
Medianet Unlimited is the plan for WM5 Smartphones (2125/etc), PDA Connect is intended for full PDA's with touch screens. Medianet Unlimited is currently $20/month versus PDA Connect at $40/month. If you have Medianet Unlimited with any phone then put your sim card in a Wizard/8125, MU will work on the new phone. I am using this combination right now, and many others are also.
If you have had the opportunity to use your Wizard/8125 with Cingular's "Medianet Unlimited" plan, did you get billed for your GPRS/EDGE data as per kb? I have heard many reports of people either continuing to use Medianet Unlimited without any problems or using it and getting a $1000+ phone bill where they are billed as if they have no data plan. I haven't received my first bill yet while using this combination and I'd like to know what to expect.
For some reason I slightly doubt that Cingular can detect what phone you are using, unless you are using POP email/etc through it. Maybe do they have a list of phone ID's and when you connect you transmit this?
Thank you for your input!
I have an 8125 with cingular's medianet.
only get charged 19.99 every month. have had this setup since the phone came out (Feb i think). Best option out there. I have push email and gmail setup, so i'm sending/receiving plenty of data.
19.99 a month!!!!
8125 cingular
I'm using the media net unlimited plan. I actually just switched not too long ago from the pda connect plan to a media net bundle. All for $20 a month I'm getting unlimited internet, 200 messages(mms or sms) and unlimited cingular video. Unfortunately the 8125 doesn't support the video end. That's why I have a slingbox. BUt when the 8525's come out hopefully I'll be able to utilize the cingular 3G video. As for right now, on my bill i do get itemized billing so it says how many kb's were used but I haven't had a bill that wasn't the amount that it is supposed to be. Minus going over on minutes. Other then that I haven't had any problems with cingular. I was with nextel for the past 5 years and I must say that the billing and service are far superior with Cingular.
No problems here
I have been using MediaNet Unlimited for a few months now.
Not once have I been billed for Data Usage (except for the $19.99). Previously I had PDA Connect & a Text Message Package, MNU is saving me $25.00 every month.
I would ask anyone who claims to have been billed $1,000s to scan and post their bill (blacking out private info of course). Until I see that I can't believe such claims.
I've even tethered to my laptop without additional charges!
The only drawback is that you must use the wap.cingular APN as isp.cingular APN is not available to MediaNet Accounts.
From what I have read on howardforums about the billing issues is that CSR will leave a Medianet Pay per use (PPU) code on the account while adding the package. The PPU code overrides all packages and charges you by the kb for the data that you have used. It takes a phone call to cs and a 3-6 month wait for a service credit when this happens.
There's at least one good reason to not have an auto-debit on your account.
I guess I should state that I'm running an 8125 with media maxx 200. This is my first month so we'll see what happens with my data charges.
Good, it sounds like I won't have any unexpected charges on my next bill and I won't have to go without mobile data. I already decided that I wouldn't pay the $40 for PDA Connect if they figured out that I'm on an 8125 now. $20 is almost reasonable but I'd rather do without it over spending $40. I rarely even use it because it's so horribly slow.
Xoom: I read a lot on Howard forums and Cingular's own public forums about the issue. I was also wondering if the problem didn't stem from the fact that they were using Medianet Unlimited with an 8125, but possibly due to some other issue. I did hear once about the pay per use feature overriding data packages, but people were saying it started when they switched from a smartphone to the 8125. It's also possible that these reports were posted by Cingular to persuade people to buy the $40 plan out of fear.
Anyone else with experience on this also? The more reassurance, the better.
I am also on the 20 dollar medianet package. I've never been charged extra and i use pushmail and am nearly always connected through aim. I use about 150mb of data per month. I really think that all of those posts claiming to have been found out and charged thousands of dollars on both the cingular and howard forums are planted there by cingular. unless your data usage gets unbeleiveably high(over a gb) i dont think they're going to pay you any attention.
same here $20 unlimited media net and have push email and no problems
People getting charged per KB are the dumb asses that have their phone set up to use the ISP apn and not the WAP apn and don't have a PDA package.
If you have a regular MEdia Net plan, you HAVE to use the WAP apn.
Also, Cingular DOES know what kind of phone you're using. The fact is though, it's not against the rules to use a regular MEdia Net package on a PDA phone. The PDA plans are just there for the suckers.
I have a grandfathered MEdia Works package which has Unlimited MEdia net for $20 a month, and I have not seen a single extra penny charged using my 8125. I've used upwards of 150mb of data transfer in a month, and no extra charges.
I have been using the MNU for $19.99 with a Imate K-Jam (Wizard 200) since January 2006. My wife has been using the MNU on a K-Jam since May 2006. I have used POP3, IMAP, Exchange RCP, HTTP, HTTPS, I think FTP once, and tethered my laptop. Yes, kyphur is correct only the wap.cingular gateway is opened with the MNU option. As I understand there are 2 other gateways at Cingular: the isp.cingular that is enabled with the PDA Connect unlimited plan, and the blackberry gateway that is used by the Blackberry Connect software for Windows Mobile or a Blackberry device.
I have just recovered from 4 months of crazy charges ($3000 neighborhood)that were from international data roaming charges using my K-Jam overseas on a Blackberry International unlimited plan. The charges have now been refunded and I have had to purchase a blackberry for my international travel. The sales person added the plan to my account and had left the wap.cingular configuration in the phone. It was odd that not all of my international data usage was billed. However the amount that was charged was large enough for me to notice and demand a refund from Cingular. For 3 months (billing cycles) they just apoligized for the mistake and refunded the money. The 4 th billing cycle I was getting pissed and after several hour plus conversations with Cingular they determined that I should not have been put on the Blackberry International plan because I did not own a Blackberry. Then they tried to sell me a Blackberry at full retail, no way! Thank you eBay and $100 bucks later I am in Scotland with my Blackberry and no extra charges. But I feel handicapped with the Blackberry and use my K-Jam when I'm back in the states. Unfortunatly with the Blackberry International plan Cingular only opens the Blackberry gateway and leaves the wap.cingular turned off (I bet this helps Cingular avoid those large charges I was seeing in the previous months). Does anybody know the blackberry gateway (ports, proxy, username & password) settings to let a Wizard onto the blackberry network? Right now I have to use the Blackberry connect software on my K-Jam and mobile internet explorer does not work.
i was one with $1000 + bill from medianet with my 8125 but its not for the reasons in the first post. they said the medianet unlimited plan i had has a 2 year contract on it and it had expired. they bumped me onto the 5mb plan and i had over 100mb downloaded that month. i told them it was illegal to switch me without my notification and that they need to offer me a comperable plan when they should have notified me. she checked with her manager and apologized reversed the charges and offered me the media 200 plan which i have been using fine for 3 months now.
umm good one
That s a good question becasue it depends on who sets your account up. if it the wrong person the n you will still be charged the per kb rate. I know I worked for them for two years up untill two weeks ago. thousands of people rate plans get set up wrong but some are true errors. make sure you ask them to go over it and note the accounnt.
huges and kisses
Xoom said:
From what I have read on howardforums about the billing issues is that CSR will leave a Medianet Pay per use (PPU) code on the account while adding the package. The PPU code overrides all packages and charges you by the kb for the data that you have used. It takes a phone call to cs and a 3-6 month wait for a service credit when this happens.
There's at least one good reason to not have an auto-debit on your account.
I guess I should state that I'm running an 8125 with media maxx 200. This is my first month so we'll see what happens with my data charges.
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That's what exactly happened to me. When I switched to MediaNet Unlimited, the stupid CSR left a PPU on my account so I was billed over a thousand dollars. I switched to the 40 dollar unlimited plan to clear up the mess.
After my bill was cleared up, I called back Cingular CSR and switched back to MediaNet Unlimited and it's been fine ever since. I think it all depends on the CSR you are dealing with.
I find it funny how so many people are saying that cingular's 8125 is supposed to be used with the PDAconnect plan per Cingular TOS.
Funn thing is, PDAconnect media net packages blackberries
Guess what gateway my 8125 came configured with from the factory?
PDA connect vs Unlimited media net
Just an FYI. I work for Cingular. I can honestly say that many cust are getting away with just haveing media net. However, Cingular is aware of it and I have personal helped customers that had huge bill because of it. I know that Cingular is "fixing" the problem. They cant do a mass fix so they are one at a time pin pointing the customers that are using pda's and "fixing" their bill so that it bills per kilobyte. I know from calling customer service that as of right now they are issuing credits to the customers that agree to move to a PDA connect plan.
i use the me1 package old media works package on my 8125 and my nokia e61 and have not had any problems. i ran thru plenty of data, as a matter of fact last month i used 750 mb and the monthe before that 550mb this month might be a little more im averaging 24mb a day
Great to hear this, so far we have not had one legit response saying that they were overcharged only for the reason of having medianet on an 8125.
My question is how many people here have push e-mail on the MEdiaNet plan? I have to get my boss to send a request to have the company that runs our network to update their server from 2003 to 2003 SP2.
Also, I was talking with a cingular CSR and he stated the with the wap you get the mobile versions of webpages and with isp (pda connect) plan you get the full web page. Which you can change by tweaking your registry to make your device look like IE6.
ok - this thread got me interested. I never went for a data package when I moved to Cingular, but now I cant use IM's at work I was looking at my options.
After I visited a Cingular store in NJ yesterday, the CSR was ready to sell me the MediaNet Unlimited package for $19.99 a month, even though he had seen my O2 XDA Mini branded Wizard and I pointed out that that in the small print it stated not for PDA use.
The one thing that was stopping me signing up was the fact that he said I would not get full html access to all sites and he did not know if I could use MSN Messenger. Then her started talking to me about using AIM over text messaging... I walked out at that point!
Reading the last post, is there a reg hack / work around to allow access to more sites and/or all html access?
Can anyone confirm that they can use MSN Messenger with MediaNet?
Thanks in advance.
I don't seem to have a problem surfing the "regular internet" on my wizard.
Hey, i'm currently using WM2003 on an xda2i.
What is exceptionally frustrating is if I want to use wifi internet, I have to to to
Start-> Settings-> Connections-> connections-> advanced and change BOTH drop downs to WORK NETWORK.l If I want to use GPRS internet I have to do the same but select MY ISP in the first drop down. Switching between communication methods is extremely annoying :S
Also, if I connect to GPRS and leave it on it auto disconnects quite quickly, (10-15 mins) and then the phone needs to be reset inorder to reconnect.
My question might seems illy, but can anyone tell me if things work PROPERLY on pater versions of windows mobile and on the blackstone as I've never used anything except WM2003.
Thank you for your help, I WANT this phone.
.........Ib a n e
The problem you describe is not present on my Touch (Elf) so I'm sure it's been fixed by now. In fact, I didn't have the same problem even on my Exec (Universal) three years ago.
Fantastic! thank you for the input. I'm slowly realising how much I am putting up with in my 2i. I love it, but I need a change, and I don't really want an iPhone.
Might sell my SOUL to afford a sim free Touch HD and this was a stumbling block.
Thanks for clearing it up
I'm also just wondering whether I can justify buying SIM-free and a SIM-only contract from O2, against the cost of a phone on contract.
SIM-free for 18 months:
Phone - £500
SIM card - £20 per month (including unlimited mobile web)
Total - £860
On contract for 18 months:
Phone - £100 (guess based on Touch Pro)
Monthly cost - £35 (including unlimited mobile web)
Total - £730
There's a huge difference in cost and I'm not sure I can justify it just to get one today instead of waiting a couple of months until O2 release the Touch HD on contract (assuming they do). But I really really want this phone. (In fact, mainly I really really want to leave Orange and go back to O2, whose network actually works where I live.)
To add further info to your original question, I've set up seven email accounts in my Touch and they check for new mail periodically (some accounts every two hours, some every 30 mins). If I've turned Wi-Fi on then the connection happens through Wi-Fi but if I'm out of range or Wi-Fi is off then the phone will automatically and silently connect to GPRS and check emails that way. I never need to touch anything. Once it's connected to GPRS it stays connected for hours with no problems.
The only slight inconvenience is that to send an email the two connection methods (GPRS and Wi-Fi) have different SMTP requirements. I can't send emails through Orange's SMTP server while connected to a Wi-Fi network, and I can't send through my ISP's SMTP server (through my home Wi-Fi connection for example) when I'm connected to the internet with GPRS. But this isn't a limitation of Windows Mobile; my laptop is just the same. My solution was to set up my own SMTP server through which I can authenticate to send emails regardless of how my devices connect to the Internet.
mm... yes hadn't thought about the SMTP but I have experienced this before. It is a slight annoyance, but a necessary one I guess without setting up your own server.
I'm glad to heard of your good checking experiences with the email.
mmm.... i'm not a fan of buying contract and using contracts. I prefer to try to buy SIM FREE outright, and if possible Avail of a simplicity contract with vodafone, which only requires one month warning to leave.
The reason I choose Vodafone is because O2 block MSN messenger... and I'm unsure about skype (not that I use it a lot, but I don't like being TOLD by my network what I can and can't use.)
I have no idea about vodafone 3g hsdpa reception though, might have to look into it.
Yeh, I swap from northern ireland, to southern ireland frequently, and as I am currently looking for permanent work, I don't know exactly where I'll end up....thus, contracts are not suitable for me right now.
I did see the Touch HD in a swiss shop for about 469 sterling. think it was
I've emailed them to see how much shipping would be.
Okay, lets start with the good news, finally took the plunge and grabbed a Diamond 2 via the offer on, overall very pleased with the handset, with some minor tweaks its working just fine, a few things to resolve to get it sorted as I would want.
One of the issues still to be resolved is Blackberry Connect integration which is not currently working, I need to expand a little on how it had been working for me before the Diamond 2 arrived in my letterbox.
I've been running Blackberry Connect on my Kaiser for a while now, works very well, I was supplied instantemail (T-Mobile) access to Blackberry email service, handset never failed to connect and due to the open nature of T-Mobiles' very good web & walk service never paid any extra data charges in the UK, my PAC transfer happened on Friday and as T-Mobile closed my network access on that day.
I have subscribed to unlimited internet/Blackberry access via O2, currently I have not managed to log on to this service using the Diamond 2, I have tried the following BB Connect WM clients: (handset fails to boot !)
The BB Connect Identity tab shows PIN as "Pending" & I.P Address as "No Connection", if I use the "Register Now" tab on the utility tab its connects for a couple of seconds, returns an I.P then just returns to the state above.
O2 tech support have not been that useful although I sort of understand my problem is not a normal one...
I thought my problem was a network issue, although I took the O2 sim out of the Diamond 2 and placed it in the Kaiser and that then proceeded to download all my T-Mobile instantemail that had arrived on that account since Friday, due to this can I assume the network is not the issue ?
My questions are, what is a fault ?
* Handset ?
* Blackberry Connect ?
* 02 Network ?
* Blackberry BIS Server ?
Last question, the deal with O2 is Blackberry service and "unlimited internet", I checked by online bill yesterday and had £15 worth of data charges, seems the unlimited part is only if you connect via blackberry browser, does that also mean I'm lumped with the very poor P.I.E as a browser as opposed to either of the Opera products or Skyfire ?
Any help/assistance gratefully accepted
I have been trying various clients too;
Still no luck....
See the solution here
I'm moving to o2 from orange and was wondering if the BB charges issues have been sorted yet? will be on unlimited web but will move to unlimited BB if I can use other browsers!