hi all
what do you think about this problem look in time : 2:33
i cant send url so its in youtube called
" 9 Reasons Why You Might Reconsider Buying the Nexus One"
you have to press on the middle or top of the soft keys to press them, but I never noticed this on my own or ever had any issues. notice that all negative press on the n1 picks out one minute issue that doesn't seem to bother any owners
Also never had that problem, the guy in that video isnt the brightest so Im not surprised he couldnt figure it out.
Hello everyone,
I have a problem on my phone. It is not very bad but still I would like to now if someone else experienced it. So, maybe 1 times out of 3 on power on, a little band of the bottom of my screen is seen on the top of the screen. As soon as I switch on my phone, I can see that the red text with rom version is cut on its bottom, and I see some red things at the top of the screen. I thought it was the so called "screen alignement" issue, but it appears it is not the same at all (but still, I think that I may have a very little SA issue, barely noticeable). As I said it is not very annoying (like 2 mm of screen is involved), but in landscape mode, my scrolling bar is difficult to use (maybe half of it disappear).
So if anyone else has the same problem, or some explanation, he is welcome!
Thank you
Sorry for the double post, but I think I maybe found an answer in this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=321163
Everything is related to the connector of the screen. HTC can suck so much on some details like this... As I also have the d-pad problem, I think it must be that. Difficult to find the link at first sight!
So, I got my Nexus today and have been playin' with it since I got home from work. Rooted it, put all my apps on, etc. Well, it didn't dawn on me until I had to make a call, but WTF? There's no call button? There's 4 sense buttons and a trackball-button right on the front and not one of them starts a call?
Don't get me wrong, completely LOVE the phone. . . just seems like it was made to be a "phone" last. lol
Well when using the dialer you hit the green phone icon to start a call and while in contacts you hit call sdssd to call no need for a button its all touch screen.
I understand that. My point was though, with the buttons that do exist, they didn't think a call one was important enough? lol
iphone only has one button...
but yes, it's a little ironic that physical buttons on a phone are no longer featuring call functionality
Yeah I dont get why they didnt put them on either side of the trackball, i miss them
I am having to get used to not having the physical buttons that I had on my G1. Like the location of the back button now. I have finally gotten used to it, but for the first hour or so, I felt a little displaced, oh well, that first hour, I was adb pulling /system and testing various things .
Mi|enko said:
I understand that. My point was though, with the buttons that do exist, they didn't think a call one was important enough? lol
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Sorry dude wasn't trying to be a smart ass, my friend got one earlier and he completely overlooked the big green icon lol. I'm glad personally that there are less buttons on there, makes the phone look sleek and cleaner. IMO
I think it's GREAT that the trackball is the only physical button on the face of the phone! And at first I thought it strange that there were no phone buttons, but then I realized it's progress, and I like the way it is, as it streamlines the front of the phone. Besides, it's more of a computer than a phone.
This is my second replacement phone and when i pulled up to fed ex to drop off the old phone I noticed the screen had a clicking sound when i press on the lower bottom right of it and at the top, i am pissed off, anyone else having this issue? again I have to wait for them to receive my old phone do there little test, then send out third replacement phone .all while my credit card is being charged,uggggghh
tell me how often during regular use of your phone do you go around pressing the screen so hard it clicks? some of the things some of you folks "test" with your phones are a little ridiculous. dude! it makes a clicking sound when I stand on it with my left foot,[email protected]()*@)(!!!
apparently this is a normal feature, after some concerns, I contacted HTC and this is how they responded;
"This issue its not common in the nexus one, some device maybe the can acuumlate dust under the screen but so far there is no device repair yet with dust under the screen. The clicking noise is a normal sound when you press the device but if you think this is not correct to the device you can contact us and speak with the agent reg your issue".
"This is not manufacture fault but if you press very hard then you will hear some clicking sound.If the device is showing some fault with the case or with the screen please contact us to repair or swap the device with the HTC repair center.
Please contact us as soon as possible to book in your device".
fester225 said:
all I did was press the search button and the screen made the noise. it is the adhesive they used to attach the screen, and to the post above me, dude I hope this **** happens to you and then we can all make fun of your f#$kin post, huuuhhuh I jump on my screen huuuhh ( sarcasm) ****
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Before going on a rampage, why don't you stop acting like a child and try searching. Your "problem" has been covered ad nauseum...especially in my two month old thread regarding dust under the screen. I've covered how to fix it there.
fester225 said:
all I did was press the search button and the screen made the noise. it is the adhesive they used to attach the screen, and to the post above me, dude I hope this **** happens to you and then we can all make fun of your f#$kin post, huuuhhuh I jump on my screen huuuhh ( sarcasm) ****
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and explain to me again how or why you would press a touch sensitive button so hard it clicks?
can someone lock this or delete it? it's a dupe topic and the creator obviously doesn't care based on the response he gave to the person who pointed it out.
mikebeatrice said:
can someone lock this or delete it? it's a dupe topic and the creator obviously doesn't care based on the response he gave to the person who pointed it out.
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Seconded. The funniest part is that if he had simply bothered searching like a big boy, he'd have fixed his screen within 5 minutes.
Solution provided, offensive post removed, thread closed.
Just noticed today when I'm using my dhd to browse the forum, when I,m reading a topic, everytime I press anywhere on the screen (for the pop up menu to come out), the white background changes to a pinkish cast. Is this normal?
Hey, i noticed this too, also when you hold finger down to scroll or whatever the background also changes.
I think this is how it's meant to be since every page does this. Like an indication that you pressing down. Would like to know for sure though.
EDIT: Forgot to mention I only see this in the browser, so that's why I thought it's there for a reason.
I get the same issue, although for me its more of a yellow tint...
At first I was worried it was a hardware issue, but I'm pretty confident now that it is software related because it its specific to only a handful of apps.
I don't think it is purposeful though...
My screen ocasionally shakes and turns half white and half with black stripes on a white background, it recoveres after i put it in standby.
I am pretty sure it is a hardware problem because if i press the phone (i press the top part against the qwerty keyboard part) the shaking goes off but the screen still turns white. I have sean a video on youtube on how to fix this but i don;t know how true it is and i don;t belive that is the solution. back home i have a spare motherboard... but home is farrrr away so i am looking for another solution.
I changed the rom thinking that was causing it but it was not. i am thinking about overclocking the cpu , maybe that will help ( you can see that i am desperate )
I hope you can come up with a solution.
thank you for taking your time to read my post.
since i did the trick presented on youtube i don;t have that screen shaking problem.. this is 1st day , i will come back after a week and tell you if it really works