S2U2 (Slide 2 Unlock 2) - HD2 General

Who has installed this on the HD2? Are there any issues?

I have it and it performs very well. I found some issues with the S2U2 phone answering capability and so have not use that because it appeared to conflict with the slide to answer built in to the handset.
I note that there is an recent S2U2 upgrade though so this may have been addressed. Follow the extensive instructions and you will not go wrong.
I recommend it.

I have it installed too. No noticable problems.
I'm using the tPro theme and it looks pretty cool.

Well, im on 1.48 official german ROM with S2U2 2.24, and i had a huge battery drain over the last two nights. More than 40% were gone after 7 hours of sleep. Im not completely sure if its S2U2 but its the only external program running in the background over night. I have disabled it for now, lets see what happens this night. But try it out for yourself, maybe your're a bit luckier than me^^...

I haven't had any battery problems with S2U2.
I'm using version 2.14.

Have just installed this - how do you get rid of the normal htc lock screen as i dont want to have to unlock twice . thanks

OneGoodKnock said:
Have just installed this - how do you get rid of the normal htc lock screen as i dont want to have to unlock twice . thanks
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Take a look at <<THIS>>

band27 said:
Take a look at <<THIS>>
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Thanks very much

Has anyone had any issues with S2U2 not displaying the caller image if the image is from a linked facebook profile?

Please can someone help. I'm sure I raised this question ages ago but can't find it.
I was using v2.41 and this had the error and now after upgrading to 2.43 the error still exists...
When on a call and another call comes through, The buttons to decide whether to answer the incoming call or to reject it get overlaid by more text from somewhere. More often than not, I make the wrong choice.
The lowest button (3rd?) has a red background if that helps...
Thanks for any help offered!


Sprint HC Touch Wakes up by itself

Anyone have the same situation where the phone is in sleep mode it wakes up by its own without pressing any buttons?
evilution79 said:
Anyone have the same situation where the phone is in sleep mode it wakes up by its own without pressing any buttons?
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Yes mine does this all the time...I use S2U2 though so it turns it back off within a few secs
EliteXen said:
Yes mine does this all the time...I use S2U2 though so it turns it back off within a few secs
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Mine does that also, but it doesn't bother me that much. What is s2u2? If that can stop it I might try to check it out just for the sake of not having it do it when I don't want it to.
Edit: NM I found out what is was "Slide 2 Unlock".
It can be really annoying... I would like to know what causes it as well.
For sometime I was missing calls, texts, emails, etc. when the phone was asleep. You ever get that?
alpha_omega said:
Mine does that also, but it doesn't bother me that much. What is s2u2? If that can stop it I might try to check it out just for the sake of not having it do it when I don't want it to.
Edit: NM I found out what is was "Slide 2 Unlock".
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Here is the cab file:
dharvey4651 said:
Here is the cab file:
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You should consider linking to A_C's thread (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=353008&highlight=s2u2) instead of just giving out the cab so A_C can get credit for his excellent work and whoever decides to use it knows where to go to ask questions and get the lastest version.
S2U2 latest version is .97... It works flawlessly (on my Sprint HTC Touch/Vogue). He fixed a lot of problems in the earlier versions...
Oops, correction... .98
EliteXen said:
You should consider linking to A_C's thread (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=353008&highlight=s2u2) instead of just giving out the cab so A_C can get credit for his excellent work and whoever decides to use it knows where to go to ask questions and get the lastest version.
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That was actually my original intention but I was short on time and had the cab file on hand so I just uploaded it. I didn't have time to search for the thread or I would have linked to it as well as uploading the cab.
dharvey4651 said:
That was actually my original intention but I was short on time and had the cab file on hand so I just uploaded it. I didn't have time to search for the thread or I would have linked to it as well as uploading the cab.
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No prob, sorry if I sounded a little rude.
Screen comes on whenever reception changes from 1x to Evdo to Roaming etc.
Problem is if you didn't lock and it's in your pocket it starts running all kinds of stuff.
will that work on WM6 even though the one i have says wm6
bobaka said:
Screen comes on whenever reception changes from 1x to Evdo to Roaming etc.
Problem is if you didn't lock and it's in your pocket it starts running all kinds of stuff.
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Is there a way you can stop that from happening other then S2US?
I've noticed this as well, but it only seems to happen if I leave Opera Mobile running in the background.
S2U2 is pretty awesome
i like it alot
Same problem. Fairly annoying. I have a phone holder that clips onto my air vent in my car. At night it just lights up for no reason. I might have to give s2u2 another shot. Last version i tried was buggy.
im pretty sure its a lot of different things that cause it to awake.. going from evdo to 1x, checking your email because you prolly scheduled it to do so every hour or what-have-you, it could be updating the weather as well.. really the reason the phone is waking up from sleep mode is data based.

3 Diamond Apps

After spending the summer learning c# and .netcf I got my hands on a Diamond and had to make some small apps.
They're very beta and pre-release versions, but please try 'em out and give me some feedback
Senses when the phone lays idle and when it is on the move, if it has been stationary for some time and it gets picked up it vibrates if there's been any unattended activity (sms, appointments, missed calls).
Should probably add some gui components for sensitivity tweaking.
Rejects all callers enlisted in the supplied text-file. Currently the text-file contains "all" telemarketing numbers in norway (from telefonterror.no).
Really simple GPS-utility showing the current speed in different units.
Nice work!
Downloading them now.. and gonna try 'em right away...
I was thingking about another thing that the VibraNotify could do (or as a different program)
Like a theft alarm.. If the phone has been idle for some time.. and it gets piked up.. you have to enter a code.. if you dont, a high alarm sound will start
(I'm not gonna take the cred for this, someone else spoke of it in this forum some time ago)
Thanks. I'm going to try it!
Nice! I`ll have a look. Would be nice if you could set some settings, like idle time on the Vibra thingy!
Nice ... thank you.
audiophil said:
Senses when the phone lays idle and when it is on the move, if it has been stationary for some time and it gets picked up it vibrates if there's been any unattended activity (sms, appointments, missed calls).
Should probably add some gui components for sensitivity tweaking.
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How long is some time?
ok.. I tested VibraNotify...
I'm gonna use it for sure
But I noticed that if i get a sms and move it, it vibrates...
but if I don't check the sms... and move it again later, it doesn't vibrate
I think it should vibrate until I have checked the sms?
It's little bit annoying to see these programs working in task manager... is it possible to hide them? I mean they will be working in background... Especially vibranotify...
plus is it possible to add numbers to list for callblocker? I could not do that... well it saves as .txt file when i try to modify and save the list...
Theft alarm could definitively work, how about a mp3 shouting "Put the mobile down with two fingers only!"? Hehe
Regarding the idle time, I think I used 10 seconds, if you don't hide the windows you can se it changing states. The number outputted is the square of the sum of the changes in the accelerometer values.
I will add some gui components and registry settings for this when I got time, would be more dynamic that hardcoded constants.
I'm not sure if I understood what you meant NisseDILLIGAF, doesn't it vibrate if you got unread sms'es when you pick the phone up from i.e. the table?
Just add the numbers to the textfile, seperate by a newline, save and reload the application. It caches the numbers, maybe a wrong design decision? Comments?
audiophil said:
Theft alarm could definitively work, how about a mp3 shouting "Put the mobile down with two fingers only!"? Hehe
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audiophil said:
I'm not sure if I understood what you meant NisseDILLIGAF, doesn't it vibrate if you got unread sms'es when you pick the phone up from i.e. the table?
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No... What I mean is if I get a sms and I accidentally move the phone, It vibrates...
I haven't checked the sms (I don't know that I have a message)
When I pick the phone up ... there is no vibration... It only vibrates once..
It would be great if It would vibrate every time I move it untill I have read the sms...
Like the flashing center button... It continues to flash until I have cheked the sms or a missed call or whatever...
again.. Thanx for a great app .. It's gonna be a standard app for my phone
Ah, then I follow you. This could certainly be done! Maybe an option in the gui to enable/disable...
I certainly need to reinstall VS to continue developing
I'm keeping this topic in view, sounds like a nice app. But as read from the comments, it still needs a little bit of work (setting etc).
Nice work!
audiophil said:
After spending the summer learning c# and .netcf I got my hands on a Diamond and had to make some small apps.
They're very beta and pre-release versions, but please try 'em out and give me some feedback
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As you seams to know what you are doing I'll give you my two cents for a simple apps:
You know that when the Diamond is in standby with black screen you can't see if you have signal or not.
It's possible to have the DPAD flash when the phone in standby mode have no signal ?
Maybe it can stop flashing when the signal came back.
Let mi say after 15 sec. with no signal it start blink with 5 sec delaied flash and after a customizable time the blink
become more quick to allert that you are not reachable for a long period...
It will be wery usefull to know that without touching it.
Let me know and thank you for your great work!
titipsx said:
As you seams to know what you are doing I'll give you my two cents for a simple apps:
You know that when the Diamond is in standby with black screen you can't see if you have signal or not.
It's possible to have the DPAD flash when the phone in standby mode have no signal?
It will be wery usefull to know that without touching it.
Let me know and thank you for your great work!
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I'm afraid this is not possible, when the diamond is in standby (black screen) it's pretty much like if your computer is in standby mode, all running programs are paused. Checked into this when doing the vibranotifyer, since running it in standby was my original plan.
I certainly hope I'm wrong, maybe someone can correct me?
just thought I'd write a quick note to thank you for your programs. Small and simple, its a dream.
Keep them small and simple.
What I'm really looking for is an application to replace my Garmin305 EDGE, and I hope that you continue to develop your GPS stuff to include some of the training and tracking features that the Garmin had.
I found this program:
Its called TrackMe, but its clearly not developed for the Diamond, as running it clips my battery time down to 1.5 hours.
What would be nice is to run each feature as an individual streamlined application, like your speedometer.
Anyways, thanks again.
And keep up the good work.
the callblocker doesn't work with the 1.93rom
smax76 said:
the callblocker doesn't work with the 1.93rom
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More reports on this?
I got 1.93 myself, and I just tested it with success.
audiophil said:
I'm afraid this is not possible, when the diamond is in standby (black screen) it's pretty much like if your computer is in standby mode, all running programs are paused. Checked into this when doing the vibranotifyer, since running it in standby was my original plan.
I certainly hope I'm wrong, maybe someone can correct me?
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Too bad, but maybe I was not clear in my request.
I mean that the phone is only with the screeo switched off, but it is still active.
For example when it is in this state the phone can ring on a call or on sms...
If I understand well you mean that an apps like S2U2 can't do anything if the screen is offf while you press the power button ?
Thank you for further explanations, I'm really curious on that...
titipsx said:
Too bad, but maybe I was not clear in my request.
I mean that the phone is only with the screeo switched off, but it is still active.
For example when it is in this state the phone can ring on a call or on sms...
If I understand well you mean that an apps like S2U2 can't do anything if the screen is offf while you press the power button ?
Thank you for further explanations, I'm really curious on that...
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AFAIK the calling, sms'ing etc is handled on a lower layer than what is allowed for the programs, suppose the hardware raises events or something when this happens which wakes up the OS.
Can't seem to see that S2U2 does anything while the mobile is in standby mode?
I just noticed something... maybe I'm wrong..!?
But It feels like the battery is draining faster with the VibraNotify!?
Anyone else that noticed something like this?
Gonna test some more... I'll know more tomorrow...

[REQ] S2U2 Light version

Hi all,
sorry for opening a new thread, probably this question would be in S2U2 thread, but also I think that post in a thread with 3423 posts would mean to waste it.
I would like to have a light S2U2 version with only the slide to answer function and full screen caller ID.
Currently I'm using S2U2 1.35 but I think it's too heavy, often I can't hear my phone ringing before 4 rings, so I miss a lot of calls.
Thanks for your attention.
Ciao, Andrea
Genius2000 said:
Hi all,
sorry for opening a new thread, probably this question would be in S2U2 thread, but also I think that post in a thread with 3423 posts would mean to waste it.
I would like to have a light S2U2 version with only the slide to answer function and full screen caller ID.
Currently I'm using S2U2 1.35 but I think it's too heavy, often I can't hear my phone ringing before 4 rings, so I miss a lot of calls.
Thanks for your attention.
Ciao, Andrea
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Well, for one, you are right about a couple of things: A) That thread is huge and maybe a post in there will be buried under a pile of other posts; B) Yes, you shouldn't have opened a new thread for this...
Anyway, the couple of suggestions that I have for you are:
ThrottleLock: Still pretty early, but APLibo has made some improvements in 0.4 (his latest release)
Mini S2U: Very small footprint and definitely not as pretty as S2U2, but it does what it is supposed to.
I hope this helps some...
egzthunder1 said:
Well, for one, you are right about a couple of things: A) That thread is huge and maybe a post in there will be buried under a pile of other posts; B) Yes, you shouldn't have opened a new thread for this...
Anyway, the couple of suggestions that I have for you are:
ThrottleLock: Still pretty early, but APLibo has made some improvements in 0.4 (his latest release)
Mini S2U: Very small footprint and definitely not as pretty as S2U2, but it does what it is supposed to.
I hope this helps some...
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Many thanks for your reply, I'm using (in alternative) answerkey disabler, and works fine, but I like the full screen caller ID by S2U2
About Mini S2U, I took a look, but it seems that it does exactly what I don't need... It only locks the screen and has the ability to slide to unlok, but I only need the Slide to Answer feature.
Ciao, Andrea
I don't get it.
You want an app to only slide answer, and no locking at all ?
snachez said:
I don't get it.
You want an app to only slide answer, and no locking at all ?
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Exactly, I own a Diamond and I set it to lock the screen after 30 sec., then I have to unlock using the power button, so I don't need the Slide to Unlock function.
Ciao, Andrea
I don't know if this works on Diamond, but I simply installed Phonecanvas!
And somewhere on freewareppc.com I found a tool only adding a fullscreen callerID... but I don't think this worked with a slider...
I agree...I think HTC Phone Canvas is gonna be your best bet if you don't want anything else. It's not completely full screen caller ID but it's close (takes up the full screen but the contact pic is slightly smaller and centered). Has the slide to answer and ignore as well.
Search for Phone Canvas or Opal Dialer.
resist said:
I agree...I think HTC Phone Canvas is gonna be your best bet if you don't want anything else. It's not completely full screen caller ID but it's close (takes up the full screen but the contact pic is slightly smaller and centered). Has the slide to answer and ignore as well.
Search for Phone Canvas or Opal Dialer.
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Thank you, I downloaded Opal Phone Canvas, but analizing it I noticed that it changes 263 files under windows directory, so I'm a bit worried about install it. Also I noticed that it's probably in Englis and I'm using an Italian ROM.
I think that probably I will post under the right thread hoping in an A_C reply
Many thanks anyway.
Ciao, Andrea
i downloaded Phone canvas but received an "installation was unsuccessfull" message. I'm using 6.1 and an i760
the phonecanvas is probably only for htc devices. i cant install it on my ks20 too. hope they can port it to all wm phones someday like what they did with m2d.
anyone know what the omnia uses as a call answerer/dialer? i figure since it's samsung it might work for me... /not holding breath...


Hi guys
Can you help me!
Bad English, but I hope you understand.
I need a keylock to my phone.
So I can lock/unlock it. ( Like Iphone)
Its a problem when I have my phone in my pocket!
The phone has one as standard.
If you want one like the iPhone, search for S2U2.
Schooleydoo said:
The phone has one as standard.
If you want one like the iPhone, search for S2U2.
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Thank you..
I cant fint S2U2. Can you help me?
I am new here, sorry...
Link for S2U2
Or maybe use the official site of the developer......
michi123 said:
Or maybe use the official site of the developer......
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Thanks guys.
Shall I unzip on my computer or my phone?
zorro1000 said:
Thanks guys.
Shall I unzip on my computer or my phone?
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I guess you don't bother searching or reading, do you? There's a link on the developer's page saying "Read me first". If you click that then you'll find full instructions.
If you do not want to use 3rd party software, I suggest you use the built-in one.
Just hold the most right button a few seconds... (or read also the manual of the phone)
I also use this method, it is fine and I can preserve more power.
Before that, I also use S2U2, and I remove it after 1 day trail.
When I put the machine aside, HD will lock after 30s, then the screen will goes off in another 30s, the beautiful S2U2 screen saver will only survive for no more than 1 minutes.
When I pull the stylus out, it will automatically unlock, so I got no point to use S2U2......and most important, after using it, the battery goes very fast.
I have a full charge before sleep (100%), when I wake up in the next day, only 89% battery left......
geosphere said:
If you do not want to use 3rd party software, I suggest you use the built-in one.
Just hold the most right button a few seconds... (or read also the manual of the phone)
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I have also used S2U2 and had problem with the power leak but then switched to pocket shield which was great, I even wrote a post about it somwhere in this forum... but after some time with pocket shiel it showed 2 very annoying problems. One was that somehow it totally messed up my galarm application to the point it didn't ring the phone alarm at all (I was very pissed of). Since I am a good man I decided to give it one more chance so I uninstalled galarm and used standard windows alarm app... unforutnately this misworked same way- no alarm, this time i was smart enough to test it. Second thing was that pocket shield was messing start menu in my phone - making it disapear until restart, whenever appointment reminder would start...so this is why I dumped pocket shield and moved back to the simplest standard windows lock function
using s2u2, I like the feature, "keylock: do not lock buttons." I installed keylock.cab, but no effect. There is another way?

s2u2 problem

I was wondering if anyone else had this problem.
After installing s2u2 if i wake up the phone by pushing the power button sometimes there's a delay before the phone wakes up and the s2u2 screen appears. Using the latest s2u2. I hope someone has a solution cuz i really like this program but cannot do with the lag.
S2U2 V1.60 problem
Hi mordecai83,
I also facing the same problem as you do with S2U2 V1.60 with my Jade, i used to installed the later version which is V1.62, but the problems remains.
I get to know from a S2U2 forum telling that different S2U2 versions may influence on the compatibilities with different devices..
Can anyone please kindly advise?
Thank you.
seems like we're alone on this. Tried about every setting in s2u2 but no luck. I think we'll have to wait for the next update maybe it fixes it. In the meantime i'm using throttlelock. It's not that sofisticated as s2u2 but does the job and the current version is free.
mordecai83 said:
seems like we're alone on this. Tried about every setting in s2u2 but no luck. I think we'll have to wait for the next update maybe it fixes it. In the meantime i'm using throttlelock. It's not that sofisticated as s2u2 but does the job and the current version is free.
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I also had this problem, uninstalled now as too slow. Is ThrottleLock immediate response?
I'm also running S2U2 on my Jade. Can't say I notice the lag problem. There's an option setting "On wake up, delay (ms) start of S2U2". I've set this to OFF, which helps.
I have a different problem. I don't seem to be able to find how to make a list of programs where S2U2 doesn't over-ride. Unless I switch S2U2 off, it will turn the phone off in ANY program (including TomTom) after the specified time. Any ideas?
Not positive but think you have to enter into registry, I am sure the help on website tells you how.
mordecai83 said:
seems like we're alone on this. Tried about every setting in s2u2 but no luck. I think we'll have to wait for the next update maybe it fixes it. In the meantime i'm using throttlelock. It's not that sofisticated as s2u2 but does the job and the current version is free.
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i have the same problem!! leg on device start with S2u2, no idea how to speed it up because it's a real nasty big leg!! almost 6s and sometimes it starts perfect right away?!?!
I have the same problem but only after firmware update to new stock rom
Just to confirm since I installed a new rom I'm having the same problem.
Regards, ojessie
Im on the new stock rom too. so i guess thats what we all have in common. maybe a next version of S2U2 will fix this.
battery life
I just started a few days ago using s2u2 and I have the feeling that the battery life goes down quite a lot. Any body else the same experience?
cheers and have a nice day,
I have the same problem with new official rom. Maybe I should switch to ThrottleLock for a while
I have no problem with this
running perfectly
Try using some Registry Tweaks from this attachment
Use KeylockOFF ( you can wake up Jade with all HardButtons )
and WakeupSMS ( fix the bug when an sms arrives and does not give any notice )
Never had a problem with my Jade and S2U2
having the same delay problem starting with ROM 2.32.
Before everything was fine.
Playing with the settings, I discovered that the delay does not happen when s2u2 setting "lock on wakeup" is OFF (first entry I think).
Hoping for a fix in the future.

