No .avi files playable? - HD2 General

I have some .avi files on my Leo, but can't play them with standard Windows Media Player Portable. HTC player doesn't even show the files in the album view, so I can't add them to playlist.
Isn't Leo supposed to play .avi files? (Leo with WM6.5 and 1.48 ROM. Files on 16 GB FAT32 storage card.)
Properties of one avi file (for example):
350 MB
640 x 480 pixel
data rate: 996 kBit/s
total bit rate: 1122 kBit/s
25 fps
2 channel stereo sound
48 kHz, 126 kBit/s
Can someone help?
PS: If I convert the files to .mp4 with a program on my PC, Leo does play them. But I don't want to convert every single file (about 20 min. each)... Please help!

You need a different player to play avi files.
Try the suggestion in this post, particularly paying attention to the settings.
Hope this helps

Wow, thanks for that fast reply!
I tried TCPMP before. And got some sort for error, player wouldn't even start. However, I tried the version you suggest again. The avi video isn't played properly (mostly just a green screen, artifacts...), the GUI doesn't show up correctly and after closing the player my Leo crashes (softreset).
Any other suggestions?
(BTW: Isn't there a solution without having to install a new player? Like an update or registry edit for the Windows Media Player? Afterall Leo should support avi files natively...

the_at said:
Wow, thanks for that fast reply!
I tried TCPMP before. And got some sort for error, player wouldn't even start. However, I tried the version you suggest again. The avi video isn't played properly (mostly just a green screen, artifacts...), the GUI doesn't show up correctly and after closing the player my Leo crashes (softreset).
Any other suggestions?
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You're welcome
Did you check the settings, as per that post that I linked you to? They work perfect for me, and the problems you described suggest that you didn't. Change the settings and then close the player. When you open it again it should play fine. (You need a succesful close to save the settings changes, which is why I suggest this.)
the_at said:
BTW: Isn't there a solution without having to install a new player? Like an update or registry edit for the Windows Media Player? Afterall Leo should support avi files natively...
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I'm afraid not - there's no native support for avi files (well, there may be for some encoding formats, or for raw avi files, but most avi files are encoded in a manner that requires you to have codecs installed on a PC to play, and obviously that's not windows mobile. Installing TCPMP means that you have a player with relevant codecs.)
Hope this helps

AVI is just the container, depends on what that AVI was encoded with as to WMP playing it or not...
TCPMP / Core player are very good players if set up properly.

Thanks to you guys!!
TCPMP is now working. Great! However, there is still one bug. Buttons next to "file" and "options" are not visible (eg. play, pause, next ..). They become visible for a slip second when I click them, but... Anyone knows a way around?


mp4 files from v-mate - Windows Media 10 and TCMP AAC issue

I have just bought a v-mate from Scandisk.
This device creates mp4 files from TV (etc) input on to an SD disk which in theory can be played directly on any mp4 player.
However, having created the files tonight I can't get them to play properly on either Windows Media 10 for PC Mobile or TCPMP on my Universal.
If I open with Windows Media Player 10 Mobile for Pocket PC. It just plays the audio and not the video.
If I try and open it with TCPMP (0.72RC1) I get the following error message:
"Player: MPEG4 AAC Audio decoder not included! It was removed from the package because of intellectual property considerations". If I get rid of this message and tap 'play' it then plays the video file such that the video is fine but there is no sound.
It plays other MP4 files fine (eg ones I have made with the camera itself).
Clearly the file has audio and video information, but neither WMP 10 for mobile or TCPMP can play both. I suspect this is not a v-mate issue but rather something about WMP 10 or TCPMP.
Any suggestions guys? I have looked on the forums but can't see anything on this.
just install plugins (will install the right codecs in thecoreplayer)
i play mp4 psp movies with them on my universal (works great )
Cheers Mate, worked first time - I am sure it's all obvious to you and other experienced users, but this has sorted me out splendidly.
I had the same issue with TCPMP not playing the MP4 files, got the same message saying the decoder was removed from the application. Loaded the two CAB files that were posted but still get the same message. Do I have to change anything in TCPMP to use the plugins for MP4 files?
Roy_S said:
I had the same issue with TCPMP not playing the MP4 files, got the same message saying the decoder was removed from the application. Loaded the two CAB files that were posted but still get the same message. Do I have to change anything in TCPMP to use the plugins for MP4 files?
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Which version of TCPMP do you use?
Try de-installing and installing.
Or even better
Try "Coreplayer" (this is the newest from tcpmp)
but sadly enough not free
(with a little search you can find reg/fix)

A tool to convert video to media player with hardware accelleration with mencoder

The main goal is to be able to use the hardware accelleration inside the X1. Or, only media player are able to!
Nor TCPMP or COREPLAYER use hardware.
But it was a pain in my ass to find a way to make a script able to convert a full directory fill with videos, with subtitles, and not to manage what is convert. And Free!
The way of thinking is:
I download a lot of free videos inside a unique directory, i have make this one the repository of my download.
I launch my script every night before sleeping
And I don't want to manage what is converted or not and i don't want to launch a application, i want something full auto...
So i make a full automation script.
I work under vista, so i'm not sure that's working under other windows.
it convert:
.mkv (with subtitles inside)
it takes subtitles:
.mkv (it search inside itself)
to download:
clik on the "Télécharger ce fichier", sorry i'm french and don't know other file sender free
So how to do?
Extract the directory where you want
no need to setup anything
To convert:
1- you put your videos inside the dir VIDEOS
2- you start the "LANCE.BAT" inside main dir
3- you wait some hours
4- you transfer (with a copy! not a move) the .mp4 files inside the PMP dir on your X1
To clean when you have watch a video:
1- remove the files inside VIDEOS
2- on the next convert it will remove it from the PMP dir
Technical information:
Organization of the dir:
+---apps...........<- Main dir with the application
¦ +---.mplayer.....<- used by mencoder
¦ +---codecs.......<- used by mencoder
¦ +---mkvtoolnix...<- used for extract subtitles inside the mkv
¦ +---mplayer......<- used by mencoder
¦ ¦ +---conf.......<- used by mencoder
¦ ¦ +---font.......<- used by mencoder
¦ +---temp.........<- used for temporary step
+---pmp............<- where the final videos converted appears
+---temp...........<- used for temporary step
+---videos.........<- Where you put your videos and subtitles
Video are encoded into 640x360 1008kbit/s
Sound into aac 128kbit/s
works very fine in full screen
i share with you because i have try so much things and pass so much times to find a way, so i guess peharps someone else on earth wants this?
If you don't like it, don't download it
If you want more type of videos format send one to me and i will try
If you have problems says to me i will try to help but remember: it was a selfish script for me
I will give it a try. I suppose that the settings wil give the greatest quality possible on an X1? ThanX once again
hyellow said:
I will give it a try. I suppose that the settings wil give the greatest quality possible on an X1? ThanX once again
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yes, i have try better resolution and better quality for no visual difference and much more lag.
With these parameters i'm on the border. sometimes some very high details scene are laggy
I bought core player. What are the best settings for it for the x1? Right now mine is on Outpu: qtv display
Video quality high
Smooth Zoom: only for 50%
Dither: off
Does it always use hardware acceleration or do I have to turn it on?
contaygious said:
I bought core player. What are the best settings for it for the x1? Right now mine is on Outpu: qtv display
Video quality high
Smooth Zoom: only for 50%
Dither: off
Does it always use hardware acceleration or do I have to turn it on?
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you cannot have hard accel with any other application than media player.
So you need to make a special mp4 file to be able to read it with it. It's the goal of my script
There is a huge gap in quality between them.
Really? I thought the whole point of core player was codecs and hardware aceeleration. I guess I'll give your script a go then.
even without hw acc, mine still playback a 800MB DivX/Xvid .AVI movies just fine with coreplayer.
nap007 said:
even without hw acc, mine still playback a 800MB DivX/Xvid .AVI movies just fine with coreplayer.
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what is the parameter of tyour coreplayer? and what is the info of the xvid?
video: resolution/bps/codec
audio: /bps/codec
because i was not able to watch something better than 320x240 at 500kbps in full screen
nusul said:
what is the parameter of tyour coreplayer? and what is the info of the xvid?
video: resolution/bps/codec
audio: /bps/codec
because i was not able to watch something better than 320x240 at 500kbps in full screen
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core : qtv w tytn driver, high, dither/no = no real effect
buffers default except audio 128
sync audio w .avi in adv setting
vid xvid/divx around 600-650 x 300-350 res
bitrate around 800-1K kbps
audio mp3/aac 2chnl around 120kbps
it's not 100% smooth but enjoyable
I just tried Videora, a free iPod videoconverter.
Videora Website
Settings for Videora:
1. Power mode.
2. Choose File to convert.
3. Choose Destination Folder.
4. Choose a Title for the converted movie (Optional)
5. Choose Device = iPhone 3G
6. Choose Profile = MPEG4 480x320 768kbps Stereo/128kbit 2-Pass
7. Press Start Converting
Works really good, the video runs really smooth.
nap007 said:
core : qtv w tytn driver, high, dither/no = no real effect
buffers default except audio 128
sync audio w .avi in adv setting
vid xvid/divx around 600-650 x 300-350 res
bitrate around 800-1K kbps
audio mp3/aac 2chnl around 120kbps
it's not 100% smooth but enjoyable
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driver? does is it mean that you add something to your coreplayer?
no it's provided in coreplayer, in fact it's the default set in core if you're using qtv output in core.
try hard reset and install core again from fresh start; i've got some problems too a while ago and wasn't able to playback any video correctly at all; after hard reset those problems are gone.
Not to bug again about this, but doesn't CorePlayer not support Hardware acceleration on the XPeria? Doesn't Sony's player support it?
Many thanks nusul - I will give this a try! Appreciate your work on this
Tried to convert video but stript just flashes some opened windows but does nothing.
tried AVI/MP4 files in Video folder, no luck
Sorry, I have read this thread but I still have to ask for proper confirmation; you only get HW acceleration with Windows Media Player? So not when using the SE Media Experience panel?
I ask because I find the panel much faster when playing video than with Media Player (which takes at least the 1st five seconds of a movie to switch to landscape!!)
mkent_barbados said:
Sorry, I have read this thread but I still have to ask for proper confirmation; you only get HW acceleration with Windows Media Player? So not when using the SE Media Experience panel?
I ask because I find the panel much faster when playing video than with Media Player (which takes at least the 1st five seconds of a movie to switch to landscape!!)
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i have remove panel, so i cannot help you on this. But for me media player only take less than 1sec to switch in landscape.
Wlko said:
Tried to convert video but stript just flashes some opened windows but does nothing.
tried AVI/MP4 files in Video folder, no luck
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are you under xp? or vista?
i just try under a xp at office and it works fine.
I tried watching it with both media player and the player on the SE panel, both of them lag from time to time. It doesnt play smoothly.
i cant seem to dl the files, any other links?

Which is best VDO Player for Jade?

As I used to use P535, I've never have problem to play video file for any format or size.....
Now, I use Jade. I have try CorePlayer and TCPMP. I cannot play movie files properly. Many format unable to play like .DAT and big size file will play not smoothly....
Any friends could advise me? Thanks...
as far as I know tcpmp is the best availabile player.
I can play files quite well, but I have to note that the bigest one was 200mb (xvid).
I also can't get TCPMP working on My Jade, its V0.72RC1. It worked fine on my Artimis. Is there a newer version?
When I launch it I get a notice saying: Unexpected program failure. Please send "crash.txt" to the developers. Program will now exit.
Any ideas?
Thanks, Woolly.
WoollyBully said:
I also can't get TCPMP working on My Jade, its V0.72RC1. It worked fine on my Artimis. Is there a newer version?
When I launch it I get a notice saying: Unexpected program failure. Please send "crash.txt" to the developers. Program will now exit.
Any ideas?
Thanks, Woolly.
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I have same problem as you had. TCPMP failed to work on my jade. forget about TCPMP! So far i use Divx player to play .divx and .avi movies.
surprisingly divx player can play full size dvdrip avi movie quite well (lower frame rate, maybe?). I have save the time just to convert the movie to wmv format.
p/s: i checked the movie info which i played on jade with KMplayer:
-Xvid video codec, 970Kbps video bit rate, 640x352, 25 fps, avi format, 1h 17min playtime, 687MB size

Touch HD Movie Player - Best?

Hi All,
I have tried searching for MP4 and AVI in the forums, but search results came up with nada.
Can someone please assist me with the BEST movie player for the Touch HD and how to encode the files?
I am currently using Slysoft CloneDVD Mobile. I selected Windows Smartphone as my encoding template, loaded the DVD, and built the AVI file. All went good.
I then copied it across to my Touch HD and tried to play it in WMP but get an error "Cannot play file" without any further details.
Any ideas people?
Sounds like a missing codec problem to me. i had the same with playing xvid movies. i use tcpmp player now instead of wmp, but am looking for a nicer prog.
I find Coreplayer to be the best using the DivX converter set to Mobile for compressing. It will compress most files and even convert AC3 files for use.
The playback is smooth whereas the actual DivX mobile and old TCPMP players seem to have a 1 second slight glich in playback (shown when a video is panning across a scene).
I have also found that if you use a File Explorer with Network access such as Resco Explorer, you can set the default player to be Coreplayer and play these files from any Network drive. I use an ASUS WLHDD2.5 small wireless hard drive with 100Gb capacity and can store loads of Music, movies and photos on it.
Ensure that Coreplayer can actually play the file type first or an error will occur.
Map your Network drive in Resco Explorer (follow the distructions..)
Select and hold the file to play in Resco, select open, Open with and then select Coreplayer.
you might want to try the blackstone video encoding gui (search on this forum) to convert movies to mp4 and then play them via windows media player or tf3d video player. To date, those two players are the only ones capable of playing video using hardware acceleration
I use MP4forHD encoder software. Very good and clip quality very good. Playback using default Album player that comes with THD.
nagging said:
Try the attached CorePlayer 1.3.0. No need to encode files, it reads them all, works perfectly. Enjoy.
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is this a trial version , if not please remove it as its against the XDA rules
nagging said:
Try the attached CorePlayer 1.3.0. No need to encode files, it reads them all, works perfectly. Enjoy.
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No acceleration though, so you have to encode to much lower quality.
nagging said:
Try the attached CorePlayer 1.3.0. No need to encode files, it reads them all, works perfectly. Enjoy.
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Sorry, but main problem is that CorePlayer will not play movies with AC3 sound (5.1). A lot of new movies have 5.1 sound.
i love and hate AC3 at the same time
hi, have you seen this
its a handy little prog that makes very good conversion and plays exellently in the htc player.
yes yes
nagging said:
Try the attached CorePlayer 1.3.0. No need to encode files, it reads them all, works perfectly. Enjoy.
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it works
thanks man
gregy74 said:
Sorry, but main problem is that CorePlayer will not play movies with AC3 sound (5.1). A lot of new movies have 5.1 sound.
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And do you have 5 ears with 5 headphones?
What is the point for having 5.1 on a mobile device, it's not like you can output to TV anyways.
The point is to watch existing movies with AC3 soundtracks without spending hours to reconvert them first.

[Q] How do i change my media player???

oh wise and learned friends please help this dumb hippy out.
Ive been trying to load some movies to my hd2, but the windows media player refuses to play them. Do i need to change media player? or change the files? tried downloading new players but havent even got a clue how to put them onto me hd2?????
8lack8eard said:
oh wise and learned friends please help this dumb hippy out.
Ive been trying to load some movies to my hd2, but the windows media player refuses to play them. Do i need to change media player? or change the files? tried downloading new players but havent even got a clue how to put them onto me hd2?????
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Just put the installer (the cab file) on to your SD card then browse to that location on your phone using file explorer and then run the installer.
Yeah, AFAIK the best one is TCPMP for windows mobile.
Transcoding video clips for the Sense video player
If you want to use the Sense video player you have to transcode most video clips.
I used HandBrake to convert my favorite clips to MP4 (H.264 AVC).
Following settings are necessary in every video transcoder so that the clips are played:
Set B-Frames and 8x8 DCT to 0.
Another option is to select "iPod" as preset and increase the bitrate to 1000 kbps and the display resolution to your needs.
Set the framerate (FPS) same as source to avoid judder.
cheers guys
So did it work. I had a similar problem? I just havent tried in a while

