White Screen Of Death after updating - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Does anyone has solution for white screen of death. My O2 MIni after upgrading is not dispalying anything but white screen.

I have the same problem. Screen is completely white. First time it happened after I removed and I put back the SD card. After 1 month and a half it work again, after 4-5 hours again displays white screen. I thought it was the internal battery but I do not think.
If anyone has any idea or a solution to this issue forward.
If you need photos whit phone or inside parts let me know.

take a look HERE

its the screen problem or the screen connector... im 90% sure, it happened to me, so i had to change the connector and after that all was ok. try putting another display and see what happens


XDA mini-s Screen problems

My XDA Minis-s has major screen problems. O2 - UK.
It has been going fine for 18 months, but now the screen turns white with 2 vertical lines.
I have changed the ribbon, but no joy, appears to be worse
The shop that changed the ribbon, claims it needs a full reboot.
I have done the FAT32 option on other threads.
Anyone help?
please help!!!
i have the same prob with mine any joy insorting this out?
I have a similar problem with my t-mobile wizard (which is second hand) occassionaly part of screen goes corrupt usually lines down the left side then the whole screen starts fading out to white, putting into standby and on fixes the screen (however sometimes it starts happening again and again)
From reading other threads with similar problems, this is either a damages or dirty contacts on the lcd display, or lcd is on its way out.

White Screen

I recently bought a cingular 8525 on ebay. The seller said it was stuck on a 3 color screen, blah blah. I knew I can fix it if it was stuck on the 3 color screen, but I turn the phone on and the screen is just white. I was wondering if this means the device is bricked, and if there is any way I can fix this. I've tried a hard reset.
It's called the "White Screen of Death." You can read more about it in the wiki or here.
I'm not positive if it's that or not. I don't see a complete white screen, I see streaks of gray on the left side of my phone. I have a picture, hope this helps. Is this the white screen of death, or do I just have to replace the lcd screen?
If you see the booloader screen at times, then the lcd should be fine. If not, then it is in fact the WSOD.
Nope, I don't see the bootloader screen at all. I just received the package today, put in the battery, turned on the phone, and just a white screen. Nothing else. Doesn't do anything but sit in a white screen with some gray streaks.
I fixed up one White Screen yesterday , that is , white screen before,and display normally after.
I just flash the phone with the origional rom, and after a bootloader reset( OK+power+reset), the white screen magicly start to display stuff!
So give it a try!
^^ Thanks for the help, but I already tried updating it to the official WM6 rom and it failed.
Ther are about 1001 things that can cause the WSOD - somtimes software, sometimes hardware and sometimes multiple things. To track down the cause can be a major headache and even if you do fix one thing you may have something else causing another problem resulting in WSOD... Most people advise NOT to buy a 2nd hand hermes with this as it is too much of a pain to fix. If you want to try however, you can purchase new LCD's off ebay for about $100AUD and you'll need the HTC service manual to take it apart.. Here - http://michael-channon.spaces.live.com/PersonalSpace.aspx?_c02_owner=1
Make sure you have a number 6 torque key, a small flat blade and phillips head screwdriver.
All the best...

Problem: suddenly the screen went very bright

Hello everyone,
A few days ago, my phone screen became very bright. Not happen immediately but gradually, first for a few hours, then recovered, then for a full day, followed by a shorter recovery and so and so. Right now is from two days in this condition. Besides the fact that all the colors are very fade, there are some aberrations in the gray area (green and purple instead of dark grey), as can be seen from the photos attached.
In this time I did a factory reset and an upgrade to Mango, but the problem persisted, so it's probably not software.
So, has anyone any idea what could be the problem? I think it's not the screen, but maybe the connector or the video card? Has this happened to someone else?
Thanks in advance for your help.
PS: As for the good side, I have an excellent day view of my screen, no matter how sunny it is ouside )
palllasy said:
Hello everyone,
A few days ago, my phone screen became very bright. Not happen immediately but gradually, first for a few hours, then recovered, then for a full day, followed by a shorter recovery and so and so. Right now is from two days in this condition. Besides the fact that all the colors are very fade, there are some aberrations in the gray area (green and purple instead of dark grey), as can be seen from the photos attached.
In this time I did a factory reset and an upgrade to Mango, but the problem persisted, so it's probably not software.
So, has anyone any idea what could be the problem? I think it's not the screen, but maybe the connector or the video card? Has this happened to someone else?
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The AMOLED screen gargled. Get it repaired / replaced at a service center. Happened to me on the SGS.

[Unsolved] Distorted greenish screen, black except for split second on boot

Last night I was busy using my S4 with it plugged into my PC.
It was resting on a flat hard surface. Nothing abnormal.
I was looking at the screen, not touching the phone and it suddenly turned a greenish tint colour with noisy coloured artifacts on the screen. I could still use the phone, but it looked odd. Everything was still visible at this point, just tinted green and with the artifacts.
I decided to power off the phone, and then power it on again to see what would happen.
Afterwards, the screen failed to turn on... somewhat. It's been doing the following behavior since:
When turning on, screen on black, following by a quick split second flash of the 'Galaxy S4' logo. Then black again. When charging the phone, I can see the battery 'loading' symbol flash too, or when going to download mode, I can see the 'warning' flash. When holding down the power button to force the phone to reboot, I can see the screen flicker too. It appears that I can see some flash when the screen first powers on... but it can't stay powered on(?)
The first time this happened, I could see a 1 pixel line on the top representing the colours of my boot animation, when booting but that only happened a few times. Now it does not.
I have opened the device, and checked the screen cable. Detached it, inspected it for dirt or dust. Gave the connectors a gentle blow with a hair dryer to remove any dust and re-attached to no avail.
I can still access the device via ADB and see it's screen via Android Screen Monitor.
The digitiser is working, as I can touch the phone and control it... it appears to be a problem with the GPU(?) or the LCD?
Can anyone make any recommendations? I really hope I don't have to spend lots of money on fixing this.
Thanks, all!
Shameless self bump. Merry Christmas! Santa threw a nice BRICK of coal (or phone) for me
I don't like to bump, but I am going to have to... sorry
I'm abroad, and Samsung said they can't fix it under warranty while abroad? I'll have to send it back home. Really? Bleh!
Has anyone else had this issue before? Is the problem just the LCD, or could it be something else?
One more bump... Anyone have any idea?
valsivief said:
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Are you also having the same issue?
If I get my Samsung looked at by a Samsung repair center overseas (outside my country of warranty) will that void my warranty?
Still haven't got an answer for my issue... so.... bump!

Yotaphone 2 ereader screen problem

I have yotaphone 2 from tinydeal germany. (I think they flash the ROM to change the language.)
The phone worked fine at first but now the e screen on the back is doing strange things, leaving images of previous pages showing through the current page. This means, for example, on the clock face the clock is faint on a grey background and as the fingers move they leave a black after-image. Pages that should be black look speckled grey. Any suggestions for cause and a fix?
Unfortunately this is how (older) EPD screens work. When updated they somtimes leave a ghost image behind. To eliminate this the screen needs to be flashed white/black/white before redrawing and with the low refresh frequency of EPD this results in a very flickering image. So there is nothing wrong with your screen, this is just how EPD screens work. See also here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_paper#Disadvantages
Thanks, but this ghosting or layered imaging is much more severe. I know someone else with the same phone where black is black and whilst there is very slight ghosting of things like clock fingers it is nothing like this current phone. The phone was fine when we got it, and the layered/grey imaging has started without me doing anything. I only mentioned flashing of the ROM because Tinydeal have told me that that is what they do to change the language on these phones.
So from the Wikipedia entry and your comments I now assume that the phone should automatically flash black/white between page changes but it isn't doing it.
The ghost images don't appear if you load something like chess or sudoko onto the rear display but appear again as soon as the regular Yotapanel or Yotacover is used.
I have the same problem, but only when the white theme in the Yotahub is turned off (so the dark theme is active) or when I use the Yota Mirror. The ghosting is terrible. When I use the white theme, it looks like it should look. I am not aware of any changes I made to my phone yesterday, but in the afternoon this problem started.
Does someone know how to check if the screen is flashing/refreshing correctly and if not, how to repair this?
Update: when I put a completely black screen on the back, it is spotty. The black is not black, but dark grey, and there are many lighter spots on the screen.
Update 2: the white theme has this problem too, but less visible. The white starts as real white, but because of ghosting becomes slightly grey. With black it is much more noticeable, because black does start as dark grey.
Well this may only turn out to be a temporary fix but I went through the Yotapanel pages repeatedly and very rapidly using the bottom of the page buttons.
I got all sorts of shades of grey and multiple overlying images but then the phone suddenly showed a clear black and white page with clock.
Ringing the phone from another phone produced a clear missed call message on the back of the phone and then after a minute the clear black and white clock page came back. I am leavng the phone without looking at all the othe Yotapanels or the Yotacover for the moment in the hope that something just got out of phase in the software and the phone might now settle down to correct operation again.
I have the same problem. It has started a few days ago and it gets worse every day.
Unfrtunately the problem has returned on my phone although I was able to get back to a black screen with the clock after three page changes using the bottom left arrow. This time a missed call message came up very clearly on the back of the phone but after the missed call message cleared the whole of the back of the phone was speckled grey with a very faint clock image. One question though: is this just the phones from Tinydeal where they have apparently flashed the ROM, or is it all phones?
That's the app for Nook ereader to refresh its screen and get rid of ghosting. Works also on Yotaphone.
What always works for me to clear the screen when the ghosting annoys me is to switch to Android on the EPD screen (by holding the circle button and choosing the left option) and switch back right away using the same procedure. This always leaves me with a clean black back.
Thanks Keeper and VirtualL.
Tinydeal asked me to upload a video to demonstrate the fault, and no sooner than they did that the phone started behaving normally again!
So if it goes again the first thing I will try is that page sequence, and if it fails the App.
I have to say that these are really fantastic phones. I think that a lot of original reviewers completely overlooked the basic issue of not being able to see a phone screen in bright sunlight, but that the yotaphone overcomes this problem.
Resolved by switching the back to front screen views a couple of times. Getting the front screen to mirror on the back seems to give that hard black and white interscreen flash that clears previous images.
Lothor said:
Resolved by switching the back to front screen views a couple of times. Getting the front screen to mirror on the back seems to give that hard black and white interscreen flash that clears previous images.
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I don't know if you already use it but this widget makes it very easy to switch between mirror and back. Just one click on the widget.
Last week, I got a chinese version (YD206) through GearBest. I had the same problem what you mentioned. (Black was always Grey and was never black and lot of ghosting). Until yesterday, I used to think that's how the e-Ink display works so I was using White theme all the time.
After seeing your post, I tried using Nook cleaner software and it did not help. Then, I removed the screen protector which the phone came with. For the next 1 hour, I did not see any difference. I left it thinking it could be ROM issue.
But, after few hours, I noticed everything became normal. Now, the e-ink screen looks goergeous in BLACK.
VirtuaLeech said:
What always works for me to clear the screen when the ghosting annoys me is to switch to Android on the EPD screen (by holding the circle button and choosing the left option) and switch back right away using the same procedure. This always leaves me with a clean black back.
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This issue keeps coming back and I am not able to find a guaranteed solution to this.
Like you described, activating and deactivating Yota Mirror in quick succession clears the ghosting and makes the screen BLACK. At other times, it does not work at all.
I even try swapping to different Yota Panels, but it is a hit and miss. Is this issue specific to Chinese version of YD206?
How to solve this issue permanently?
If not possible, is there any known step which I can do to clear the ghosting?
prasathvishnu said:
This issue keeps coming back and I am not able to find a guaranteed solution to this.
Like you described, activating and deactivating Yota Mirror in quick succession clears the ghosting and makes the screen BLACK. At other times, it does not work at all.
I even try swapping to different Yota Panels, but it is a hit and miss. Is this issue specific to Chinese version of YD206?
How to solve this issue permanently?
If not possible, is there any known step which I can do to clear the ghosting?
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I have the same problem with a GearBest YD206 running Android 4.4.3. Would updating the firmware change anything?
Hey Yotaphone Users!
I finally have a solution for this problem, that I received from the Yota Phone Support:
"If you see that ghosting is amplified, try to do some steps. Try to discharge the phone completely. Then leave it discharged for long periods of time, f.e. overnight. Then charge the phone to 100%."
For me that worked perfectly!
For me the discharge-recharge didn't work at all.
Discharged untill it switched off. Turned it on again untill switched off, untill phone wouldn't start up again. So: battery was flat.
What happened was: EPD turned black. Yohoo! Happy!
But: after one night discharged, i put it on charger again. Screen switched on, and ghosting was immediately back.
Disappointed. Very disappointed.
Anyone has a different solution?
stoerebink said:
For me the discharge-recharge didn't work at all.
Discharged untill it switched off. Turned it on again untill switched off, untill phone wouldn't start up again. So: battery was flat.
What happened was: EPD turned black. Yohoo! Happy!
But: after one night discharged, i put it on charger again. Screen switched on, and ghosting was immediately back.
Disappointed. Very disappointed.
Anyone has a different solution?
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Sad to hear that.
Did you remove the screen protector from the back side as in the post #14 the user said that after removing the epd screen became normal black again?
Has anyone heard and try heating with hairdryer the EPD screen for 2 minutes (not too hot) to eliminate ghosting?

