XDA mini-s Screen problems - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

My XDA Minis-s has major screen problems. O2 - UK.
It has been going fine for 18 months, but now the screen turns white with 2 vertical lines.
I have changed the ribbon, but no joy, appears to be worse
The shop that changed the ribbon, claims it needs a full reboot.
I have done the FAT32 option on other threads.
Anyone help?

please help!!!
i have the same prob with mine any joy insorting this out?

I have a similar problem with my t-mobile wizard (which is second hand) occassionaly part of screen goes corrupt usually lines down the left side then the whole screen starts fading out to white, putting into standby and on fixes the screen (however sometimes it starts happening again and again)
From reading other threads with similar problems, this is either a damages or dirty contacts on the lcd display, or lcd is on its way out.


Help! Stuck on Align Screen!

Guys, I hope you can help me!
I was using my Imate Jasjar when it was accidentally bumped by another person. the Jasjar fell but it wasn't that high and the floor was carpetted. However, I noticed that whenever i try to tap on the Start button on landscape mode, the calendar application opens up! And when I try to tap V-Bar on the other corner opposite the Start button, the Contacts application opens up. Basically, the soft keys on the bottom screen are the one opening up even if I'm tapping the ones on top! If I tap the bottom soft keys, I thought the Start button or my V-bar would come out but still the Calendar and Contacts applications were the ones that opened. Basically the everything on top cannot be tapped!
On Portrait mode, I can tap the start button but when the V-Bar was tapped it still opens the Contacts application.
I went to Settings then Screen to re-align the screen. I thought it would solve the problem but apparently it didn't! I was trapped in the Align Screen section giving me an endless loop to tap the 5 areas of the screen.
I now did a Hard Reset, and now I'm forever got stucked to the Align Screen part.
What am I supposed to do??? Please help!!!
Seen the same problem... Try to guess the error margin of the alignment...
for example instead of tapping in the center of the cross try tapping on left or right... Since your screen isn't aligned you can't press on the center...
Now the problem is hardware, not the MB but the LCD...
After tou figure out the margin error, the Universal will resume and then you ca align the screen via Start->Settings->System, align screen
I'll try to know more about this problem asking my friend.
Best of luck
thanks for your reply!
i also believe that it has something to do with the LCD. there are no cracks whatsoever. problem with the aligning is i have to keep on guessing. and if ever i do align the screen successfully, i'm not sure if re-aligning the screen in Settings would solve the problem.
i would appreciate though if your friend or anybody else can shed light to a solution.
This is a simple problem to solve ;-)
When the allign screen is ON and you have to make the first tap on the crosshair (just before you start clicking away to allign your screen), twist your display from landscape to portrait mode...
Now continue to allign it as usual, and you should finish successfully!
unfortunately, after following your instructions, i still went on an endless loop on aligning the screen. i'll try to reflash the rom and see if it would work. i hope it does...
i updated my ROM. still stuck on the alignment screen!
any more ideas?
To be honest, sounds like your screen is broke. Even if you got it to align, I doubt it would be very usable. I think you are looking at repair - if there's no visible sign of damage, you might get away with a warranty repair.
Few months back i've got exactly the same problems (odd LCD behavior, impossible alignment, etc...) with an HP4700. I went to the service center and they had to replace the LCD screen. They did not charge me and take it under warranty. In my case the unit did not drop and i made it clear to them. I would suggest you go back to the service center and forget about the drop in your problem description .
I had the same thing happen on a HP 3700, I did not even drop it all i did was install the Quake game for it and after a few days the screen alignment went a bit out. It was usable but definately out by about 1 cm in each direction. The unit had not been dropped. I went into the allign screen utillity and ended up in the infinite loop. The only way to fix was a new screen. But unforunately it was no longer under warranty. The screen consists of 2 separate parts the lcd and the touch screen bit. In my case the lcd had no issues just the touch screen. Very annoying but there you go.
Search your soul and do what you feel comfortable with.
Good luck
thanks for all your replies!
i've made several searches yesterday with similar problems (even if they're using different PPC models) and they all ended up sending back their units for repair. there's even one who posted in expansys with the same exact problem!
we'll be sending it back through expansys (we got the unit from them) and hopefully get it back before the end of the month. and yes, i won't tell them that it was dropped, he he :twisted: and they won't find evidence either on the outside because there are no physical damages. what a start of the new year for me <sigh>
right now i'm back using my XDA IIi.
thanks for all your support! this is my first thread/topic in this site and it's so unfortunate that it had to be sort of a negative one. looking forward to be active more here!
Hello there
This might help (I am currently wrking with 200 PDAs so have had this a few times)
THere may be a iece of dust/biscuit crumb etc, under the edge of the casing above the screen, try using a post it note or paper and go around the casing/edge of screen, this should clear the screen of anything that may be causing this problem.
THis worked for me on the majority of non-aligning screens
My story was, one day when I needed to twist the screen, it was a bit stuck so I twisted a bit harder, yes it went back. Then few days later, the mis-alignment started and since then I have been keeping to do re-alignment my screen.
My screen is mis-aligned once every 2 or 3 days or even few minutes then I have to re-align by using WM5's alignment program. It sometimes takes me 2 or 3 times or even one time.
The most anoying thing is it keeps forget after aligned screen.
Now, certainty, I don't think it is a screen problem because after running alignment app, it correctly pointed into the right spot but then it forgot where the right position was.
I have done the upgraded ROM ( even tried Ivan AKU 3.2 ROM ) but problem still persisted.
I just tried clean up the edge of screen, finger cross, hope it fixes my problem.
Bad thing is, I bought my device from UK and I am living in Australia so therefore, my warranty is definately invalid. I don't want to spend 200 AUD for the new screen ( unless I am 100% sure that LCD is faulty ).
Anyone has any idea or even a better suggestion because I don't see many people having this problem.
I suspects that maybe the flex cable got ripped but not totally ripped. Don't know , please help me out on this one
Best regards
Anyone has any idea about my problem ??
One question :
I know that the flex cable has 2 connectors ( one is for LCD display and another is for LCD function ). Now does LCD function relate to the touch screen function ? and if one tiny wire of the function cable got cracked, but not totally cracked, will it affect the touch screen function ?
Other thing, does WM5 store any setting relating to screen alignment setting ? If yes, where is it ?
Hi, from another forum, it only help to bypass the alignement loop:
"here you go theses are simple steps to bypass the touchscreen alignment.
Install you activesyn blah blah blah when it finds it go on my computer and go into your PDA device
go to windows startup and delete the Welcome file
after that give your PPC a soft reset and BAM u by passed the screen now get a free desktop program liek pocket controller from the internet it will automatically install on your pda and BAM you can control your pda add music and whatever
but now if you want to click stuff on the road get pen irazu just search on google and send it to your PDA then go to file explorer and double click it and you got a cute little mouse program that you can use like a stylus"
also try this little soft:
Hope it helps.
Hi godtakeit!
I've had the same problem a few weeks ago (and still having it from time to time) and for me a slight (very careful) bending of the screen makes it work again. It seems to me that there are connector behind or near the display which has some loose contacts.
Did you notice any other problems which came in conjuction with the alignment problem (e.g. speaker not working)?
Hi oxident
No, I don't have problem with speaker ( it was not working before but it is because of the jack plug problem - it solved ). Yeah, I did notice if I bend the screen carefully, the problem is gone. The funny thing is when I aligned the screen, it worked but if I closed it off and left it over night, it started again when I opened the lid.
You may right about the connector between LCD screen and mainboard. Well, I have no choice but openning the device and check it up.
Also, I read the thread somewhere in this forum and somebody advised this problem maybe relates to magnet around device. My brother aslo advised me that LCD charged and reserved negative electrons. Wierd but I am experiment it at the moment ( taking off battery and leave the device for a few days so that it can release the negative electrons ).
Hope it fixes
please help
i have an imate jas jam that i i got from my father he used it for like 3 years and it is pretty banged up so i cant use the warranty and repairs cost a lot, any who i got it yesterday and it was very slow so i reset the settings and now im stuck on the align screen it keeps going on for ever and ever if any one knows any thing plzzzz help
Welcome aboard
You have one of the best HTC devices ever made!
Have a look here to locate the solution to your prob:
Post number 2
Good luck,

White screen?

I have an unlocked Cingluar 8525 (TyTn) I have had it for like 5 months now. Upgraded to WM6 as soon as I got in in July. Recently it has started slowing down and lagging a lot. So last night I restarted it cause it froze. When I did that it would freeze on the WM startup screen. So I rebooted while holding the 2 soft keys and then clicked yes to restore. That worked. Then today the phone fell off the arm rest of my couch onto carpet and I went to go send a message and it was all white. So I restarted and now everything is just a blank white screen, no startup logo or nothing. Has anyone had this problem before? I tried resetting it again and it didnt work. I have tried turning on with no sim card and same problem. Anyone know how to fix this?
It is all too common,
I've been told it is due to a loose connection between the ribbon that attaches the screen to the mother board.
I think its a design fault - the ribbon is linked to the two parts of the Hermes (screen and keyboard) and surely all that opening and closing is essentially moving something that is designed to be a static item. This I think weakens the ribbon connection, causing the white screen of death as I've nick named it.
Here is a link to dismantling the hermes to reconnect the ribbon.
Though you should know I attempted this tonight with very little success.
I still have the white screen issue. Its very frustrating that the reason I bought this phone (the slick keyboard action) is the reason I cant use it anymore.
Hope you have more luck that I did, Let me know...
PS - If you have never taken it apart before (I did to replace the screen) It should still be under warranty - or if yours is second hand - you could send it to apex laptops for repair.

Help with diagnosing LCD problem

Do I blame the onboard video or the LCD itself for this problem? I've taken the phone apart and re-seated the motherboard connections, which was no help. If I connect using EveryWAN the phone appears to be working fine, in fact I flashed the T-Mobile ROM and than the Button ROM thinking it was a IPL/SPL issue. Even if I try to start in boot loader mode the screen still looks the same.
Just trying to decide If I need to replace the motherboard or the LCD.
Bump back to the top!
Screen seems intact without any damage visible, no cracks or out?
Had this problem once with my old Universal, was the colour transfer wires that were loose, but pretty sure the Uni is totally different to our wizards.
Prehaps open her up and see if theres anything thats loose prehaps.
I had it opened and re-seated both the connecting cables, but no luck.
Ive had this problem with my wizard .. i couldnt find a solution. tho i didnt really try very hard. Basicaly just picked up another one on ebay for like £30 seemed cheaper than spending the time and effort fixing it. I think mine got progressivly worse. It used to do it occasionaly and now just it as soon as its switched on
i have a same sort of problem...
left of the screen fills with lines and the whole screen fades to white.
turning on and of the screen via power button takes it back to normal but then it happens again.
noticed it only happen in portrait so i have to set it to landscape all the time
for some rom and spl's it happens just a few times a day and others i cant use it in portrait.
If i find a solution it might be working for you to
Fading white screen of death
Could be the battery. Have you tried a new battery?
The LCD itself was bad.

my touch shows only white screen

hay from today morning my htc touch shows a white screen and a crack on the bottom corner of the screen.i am sure that it dint fell down.
then what may be the problem?
anyone knows pls tell me...
white screen?
When you turn on your phone, there is no smart mobility.
Is that an LCD problem?
i have the same problem with the WHITE SCREEN. bought my ELF 3450 second hand over the net. i am from the Philippines by the way and HTC units are not yet very common here and also the parts/accessories. it worked fine for about 3 months with minor problems such as Auto-Restart/Auto Power On/OFf which was solved using the "plastic on the OMAP chip method" - tnx for the forum for the info by the way and charging problems which was also solved by buying me a aftermarket charger. but recently the problem of AUTO OFF occurred again until it did not work at all. so, i tried to check the Plastic over my chip but to no avail the fone was dead. so, i decided to head to one of our local cellphone repair shops and have my OMAP heated thinking that maybe there are just contact points inside who became loose. when we tried to power on it was good for a few minutes then i noticed the screen went darker and darker and then it was all WHITE. we restarted it but it's just WHITE. tried to send messages and call it but there is no response from the fone. i'm afraid i toast it bad or may be it's just the LCD who got toasted, i am clueless.
Generally white screen problem are caused by defects in flex connecting the LCD to the mainboard or the connector itself. Try to disconnect and reconnect the LCD, if doesn't work - replace the LCD.
kimberhunt said:
i have the same problem with the WHITE SCREEN. bought my ELF 3450 second hand over the net. i am from the Philippines by the way and HTC units are not yet very common here and also the parts/accessories. it worked fine for about 3 months with minor problems such as Auto-Restart/Auto Power On/OFf which was solved using the "plastic on the OMAP chip method" - tnx for the forum for the info by the way and charging problems which was also solved by buying me a aftermarket charger. but recently the problem of AUTO OFF occurred again until it did not work at all. so, i tried to check the Plastic over my chip but to no avail the fone was dead. so, i decided to head to one of our local cellphone repair shops and have my OMAP heated thinking that maybe there are just contact points inside who became loose. when we tried to power on it was good for a few minutes then i noticed the screen went darker and darker and then it was all WHITE. we restarted it but it's just WHITE. tried to send messages and call it but there is no response from the fone. i'm afraid i toast it bad or may be it's just the LCD who got toasted, i am clueless.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You warmed the OMAP? Interesting....
This problem sounds really complicated.
And im quite surprised of your 'warming' method.
I've had the exact same problem combined with the fact that my touch was resetting constantly. I was about a minute away from throwing it out of the window when I tried the plastic-piece-on-omap processor-technique described in one of the threads here. It solved the rebooting problem, but not the white screen issue. After a very frustrating couple of days where the screen started to blink and shake and then eventually turned to white alltogether, I lowered my brightness to the second stop from start, and since then I haven't experienced the white screen anymore. I believe it is heatrelated.
Whilst not being a full solution to the problem, at least it renders the phone usable.
Hope this helps anyone.
Heating the device very seldomly solves anything, but causes more problems that you originally started with.
iam using htc touch (p 3450) for nearly 18 months . (bought & using it in india ) my hand set fell two times in water and about 15 times fell on the floor (from shirt pocket) . still its working fine .
and iam using "opera mini " for browsing the internet . for some sites iam using "opera mobile " . when iam on opera mini , continueously for long ours , suddenly it turns white . never come to normal screen unless restarted . but it happens sometimes , may be because of memory or heating up of some H/W .
Hi hotchamo,
my htc touch elf hat a similary issue, and my father just "wringed" it gently until the white screen disappeared. You should try it carefully, since it may help and it won't harm. Just take in in both hands and turn them in the opposite direction, so that the case gets slightly twisted.
If that doesn't help you should open it and check the LCD flat cable connector...
Best regards,
Again - flex connector problem. 'Wringing' it gently will eventually result in your LCD cracking, by all means - go for it, it will solve your white screen problem. Permanently.

White Screen Of Death after updating

Does anyone has solution for white screen of death. My O2 MIni after upgrading is not dispalying anything but white screen.
I have the same problem. Screen is completely white. First time it happened after I removed and I put back the SD card. After 1 month and a half it work again, after 4-5 hours again displays white screen. I thought it was the internal battery but I do not think.
If anyone has any idea or a solution to this issue forward.
If you need photos whit phone or inside parts let me know.
take a look HERE
its the screen problem or the screen connector... im 90% sure, it happened to me, so i had to change the connector and after that all was ok. try putting another display and see what happens

