Is the Outlook Client HTC made or WM6.5 made? - HD2 General

Hi all,
HD2 everything is cool to me. Except the Outlook client. I would like to know this version of Outlook client is WM6.5 specific or HTC HD2 (Sense) Specific please? Is it possible to turn this version off and use back earlier version please? What I mean previous version is exactly the HTC Touch HD Outlook version, well, i know it is "old" Windows look, but at least it can change text size and always text wrap in email message...
Please help! Thanks a lot.

Anyone have any idea please?

Are you talking about SMS or Email?
SMS is HTC made, Email is the "old" Outlook.
You can turn off the SMS client. A quick forum search on how to disable HTC Messaging will help.


Lotus EasySync and Touch HD

Has anyone managed to sync Notes Calendar information with touch HD? I had Tytn II and it worked perfectly with EasySync, but now with wm 6.1 it does not. I know that Lotus and Microsoft are not on the best terms so I'm not expecting any fix soon.
Is there anyway else to sync notes calendar with wm 6.1? I'm desperate! I need my appointments to my wonderfull Touch HD (which is useless without a syncable calendar)
Please Help
"Lotus Notes Traveller" is working great!
But this needs a dedicated Server installtion, we made it within a virtual machine.
emails, contacts, tasks and even notes! are possible to sync.
Best regards,
PhoTonic said:
Has anyone managed to sync Notes Calendar information with touch HD? I had Tytn II and it worked perfectly with EasySync, but now with wm 6.1 it does not. I know that Lotus and Microsoft are not on the best terms so I'm not expecting any fix soon.
Is there anyway else to sync notes calendar with wm 6.1? I'm desperate! I need my appointments to my wonderfull Touch HD (which is useless without a syncable calendar)
Please Help
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dingolino said:
"Lotus Notes Traveller" is working great!
But this needs a dedicated Server installtion, we made it within a virtual machine.
emails, contacts, tasks and even notes! are possible to sync.
Best regards,
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But I dont have any server acces at my work. I only have my local notes client to sync with. Can it still be done?
I've tried multiple sw to replicate my mail, agenda, address book, ... the only one who seemd to work perfectly till now on my HD is CommonTime mNotes5.
How mNotes5 behaves?
Nice! does mNotes5 update the microsoft calendar or does it create its own calendar system?
It's updates the standard embedded windows calendar, todo, address book, mail ...

Windows Mobile stuff to G1?

Hey folks,
I was wondering, if there is a way to get my contacts, messages etc. from my wm6 Wing to my new G1 instead of using bluetooth for every item?
Anyone solved this problem so far?
thanks a lot!
use nuevasync - synch your contacts to google contacts and they will appear on g1... as for txt msgs I have no idea, I don't think its possible at all :/

SMS in outlook instead HTC application

Does anyone knows if its possible to view threaded sms in outlook instead of the annoying HTC app?. Used to have this feature on my old Tytn2......
Hi, Traditional Mode is the only other option that I'm aware of on the standard ROM but, like Outlook, it's not threaded (seperate Inbox, Sent items etc.).

Sync easely

Hello, I gonna try to write in english but its not my native language so sorry but i do my best ...
I look for someone who can help me in finding a maniere to sync my contacts and the calendar of windows mobile with outlook 2007 installed on my pc.
I woudl like to do it without using actyv sync but only with the internet connection of the cell phone and also i look for something that can make the link in 2 ways in transfering from outlook 2007 to the htc or from the htc to my outlook 2007 and without problems of double informations.
If someone knows about a freeware that can make it, it would be great and thanks in advance.

[Q] [ISSUE] The Delete Manila Function doesn't delete Mails on the server

Hello all,
I'm using Windows Live Mail on My Diamond with Energy ROM (sense 2.5 2019)
and I have an issue regarding the delete mail function on the Manila TAB.(on all the Sense 201X tested ROM)
Actually, when I delete a mail directly from the Windows Mobile Mail UI, this email is also deleted from my mailbox on the server, but when i am using the manila mail delete function, the mail is deleted on the phone but not on the mail server even after a manual Send/Receive.
I think I not the only one who have this problem but I haven't find any solution (even a beginning of a question) about that.
So if someone can help me (us ?) to have a complet delete function in manila, it should be great !
Thanks in advance...

