Sync easely - HD2 General

Hello, I gonna try to write in english but its not my native language so sorry but i do my best ...
I look for someone who can help me in finding a maniere to sync my contacts and the calendar of windows mobile with outlook 2007 installed on my pc.
I woudl like to do it without using actyv sync but only with the internet connection of the cell phone and also i look for something that can make the link in 2 ways in transfering from outlook 2007 to the htc or from the htc to my outlook 2007 and without problems of double informations.
If someone knows about a freeware that can make it, it would be great and thanks in advance.


syncing contacts on vario 2 without buying outlook for vista

On my old phone (Nokia) i could sync my contacts into Windows address book on my laptop. Now I've got the Vario2 and vista on my laptop the sync will only let me download my contacts into microsoft outlook- which I don't have and do not want to pay loads more money. How do i back my contacts up or get outlook free
I recently found a program called "PIM Backup". It allows you to back the data up to a file which you can then copy off.
Try looking here or off a similar thread for the download link -
Sync With WAB + Calendar Plug in for O.E.
soozyq said:
On my old phone (Nokia) i could sync my contacts into Windows address book on my laptop. Now I've got the Vario2 and vista on my laptop the sync will only let me download my contacts into microsoft outlook- which I don't have and do not want to pay loads more money. How do i back my contacts up or get outlook free
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Have a similar problem
Using Outlook Express for Email and instead of MS Office / Outlook we use Open Office [its free ]
Found a link to connect O.E. YET to try it, but it is ...
Also if you know of a calendar plugin for O.E., please post it
i use Jeyo Mobile Companion, brilliant for backing up contacts, sending SMS via pc.
Its different to some others in the fact that you compile the sms as you would an email but it sends it via the phone, so no internet connection needed.
Its brill at work, save "un-cradling" then reply/send sms then cradle, its all done with a swift alt-tab. heh
Alternative to ActiveSync
I haven't (yet) tried it but there is a project called FinchSync ( which claims: "FinchSync is a tool for synchronizing contacts, appointments and tasks from Mozilla email and calendar products with a Pocket PC or SmartPhone."
If anyone has any hands on experience with this program I for one would be interested to hear about it...?
you could set up a mail2web account which is push email and has a outlook style web based interface allowing you to sync everything contacts,calendar and tasks Did i mention its FREE.
soozyq said:
On my old phone (Nokia) i could sync my contacts into Windows address book on my laptop. Now I've got the Vario2 and vista on my laptop the sync will only let me download my contacts into microsoft outlook- which I don't have and do not want to pay loads more money. How do i back my contacts up or get outlook free
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Found 2 more , 'am going to try them out today & 2morow.
Incase you are interested in giving them a shot also, the programes are :
[1] Mobile Master : you can download it on alsoo
[2] Funambol
Please Note : I haven't tried them as yet, so please take all required BackUp, etc.
You're using Vista? The WMDC will let you Sync your phone with your Vista Contacts - no problem - infact you should now also be able to Sync your mail with Windows Mail and if memory serves your calendar with Windows calander - all things that with XP you had to have Outlook to do!
Sorry - seem to have spoken to soon. The beta version of WMDC allowed for Syncing with those programs - I always use Outlook so I haven't even really looked at those settings since - it appears that it was something they supported in the Beta and dropped from the final edition which is quite unfortunate! (probably just trying to sell more copies of outlook). A free work around might be to use Microsoft Live Mail e-mail client (Not Windows Mail) and then install the windows live messenger and set it up to sync your contact details with Live Messenger and then the Live Mail client should then have a synced version of your contacts - just another idea - sorry bout that!

Can't sync my contacts

i'm an newbie and have a problem with my xda mini.
I don't get the contacts synched with my pc.
Active Sync says its synching contacts. But when
I'm opening Outlook Express it won't show any of them.
Is there a posibility to download the Adress-Database
Contacts will not be sync with Outlook Express.... Do you have MS Outlook installed, if yes then it will available there....
Hope this helps....
thanks - i see. is there another possibility to get the contacts. f.e. with some freeware program?
hi, you have a legal copy of outlook 2000 bundled with your magician... everyone has...
got the xda second hand
i think only outlook can syn with your mini
okay thank you guys.

syncing software for multiple contact folders wanted

Hello all,
I'm urgently looking for a good working syncing software to sync multiple Outlook contact folders.
Intellisync - which was simple and good running - is no longer available (big thanks to Nokia !).
Tried chapura
who knows any other software ?
I knew it was finally going to come to me. You may want to try Chapura PocketMirror Pro. It let's you sync any Outlook Subfolders etc. Too bad it's not free, but there is a trial version available.

Outlook express

There is any freeware that I can sync my data from the diamond to outlook express (and the opposite way)?
I think you want Active Sync mate, you get that from Microsoft.
If you running XP, you want the Active Sync..
If you running Vista, you want the Device Center...
info and download here
I think that the active sync is only sync the outlook but not the outlook express!!!
If I wrong please tell me how to do it...
Ah sorry i didnt notice the 'express' in your original post.
I think you are right, only Outlook is supported.
I have not heard of anything that would work with Express, i had this issue some months ago when had another htc, i installed the full Outlook in the end so i could use Active Sync
search for "Syncdata SyncExpress" on google!
Thanks but I wrote that I want free software to sync with the outlook express...
there is no freeware for this,

Contacts transfer... How?

Hello guys, I have a HTC Diamond and I'm selling it becouse I boght a New, Fantastic and Excellent HTC Tattoo; now the problem is, how I can transfer all that I have in my Diamont into my new Tattoo? I mean contacts, sms, mms, appointments? There is a Possibility to do that?
You can transfer contacts and appointments through sync with a PC running Microsoft Outlook. First sync with your diamond then again with that tattoo... that is how I do. but regarding that SMS & MMS I have not tried yet
Thanks, I mst find a Windows Xp System cause in Windows 7 there's not Outlook Express.
sansones said:
Thanks, I mst find a Windows Xp System cause in Windows 7 there's not Outlook Express.
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I mean Microsoft Outlook not outlook express. I guess Tattoo can sync with OE but not by Diamond (WinMo). Winmo sync only with Microsoft Outlook which is part of MS Office. I am using Windows 7 PC and working fine.
