Keyboard - problems with the delete button - HD2 General

Right, I've had the HD2 (well two of them now actually) for over three weeks so this isn't just a case of my 'not being used to the device yet'. I'm very used to it, so, moving swiftly along...
When typing on the super-sensitive keyboard, you know the one, where nearly every word needs editing due to errors......when I hit the delete button, all sorts of anomolies regularly occur. Typing is a real chore on this device. I get all sorts of characters appearing when I press delete, it is a real lottery and takes several attempts to actually delete anything. I have experienced this problem on both HD2s I've had, so this is definintely not a faulty unit. I am assuming that they're all like this?

Have you try with bsb tweaks and option decrease sensitivity of screen?

Your not alone pal - i install a cab - from this post
and it seemed to have help some
Its version 3

unque1 said:
Your not alone pal - i install a cab - from this post
and it seemed to have help some
Its version 3
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I installed the first version of that cab on my previous HD2 and found that sometimes buttons would not register and the whole screen would freeze momentarily etc. Also, the clincher, was that the screen was less sensitive in all apps, not just the SMS one. For instance, when sliding to unlock the handset it would take several attempts etc, this I could not live with. Is v3 any different?

Hi - if you read the link its not to do with removing the sensitivity as i didnt want that either it do do with alignment - I really cant explain it better then the dude himself. but if you holla at him im sure he will give you a better understanding of whats changed


This is something that can benefit ALL HTC Touch Screen Devices

I have been trying to work on something that will enable some sort of Haptic feed back on my XV6800. The Haptic feed back is a feature that enables vibration to the screen when you press on the screen. Such as the Voyager.
I dont intend to try and make this just to work with the XV6800 but for ALL HTC Touch Screen Devices and if it can others too.
There is a feature on my phone and on many others that allows our phones to play a sound when the screen is taped. I thought of an idea of why not replace the sound with vibration?
There is already a CAB out there that changes the dial tone into a vibration feedback ( when you press the dial buttons ) but it doesnt do much for the rest of the applications or screen.
So far I have been working on this for a couple of days but havent had much time to put much effort into it.
I was hoping that some developers / hackers can help out the cause and help develope or create a feature that enables this on ALL HTC Touch Screen Devices.
If I do find a way to do this I'll post my findings here, but any help to make this a reality would be gladly appreciated.
I was just reading about this very thing HERE:
I was wondering if somebody was going to give it a try. Good luck with it, BOO
it has already been done, and someone posted it up on these forums a while ago, probably buried extremely deeply by now... i forgot the name but i just know it's out there and although it worked, i quickly worried about battery life/hardware issues, so i uninstalled. i'll try to find it for you
bootheresa said:
I was just reading about this very thing HERE:
I was wondering if somebody was going to give it a try. Good luck with it, BOO
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Thank you. I am hoping that we can get this done.
I mean we are constantly trying to make our touch screen devices finger friendly. We enlarge buttons, the creation of Touch FLO and the Cube, enlarging menus and so on.
My theory is why not combine all these I deas with Haptic feedback and make it even more finger friendly and try to limit the use of the stylus. If made possible this would be able to work on any HTC Touch screen device or any WM Touch screen device out there.
This would also help users that have a hard time inputing anything into their phone. For example, some one trying to make a text message through t9 or even less then that just pressing on the screen to access a short cut with out having to pound their touch screen until it inputs that they are trying to press. This would help with that because it will acknowledge the input that was made.
Just an Idea
Azimuth21 said:
it has already been done, and someone posted it up on these forums a while ago, probably buried extremely deeply by now... i forgot the name but i just know it's out there and although it worked, i quickly worried about battery life/hardware issues, so i uninstalled. i'll try to find it for you
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If this has been made possible for the entire touch screen and all applications including the standard OS please inform me of this find. I would gladly appreciate it.
yeah it was an application that ran in the background (maybe as a service, i don't remember), but every single tap created a vibrate feedback. argh i just looked around for it and i have no idea where to find it. it was in some thread, someone's reply had the app attached to it. something about how he knew someone who was working on it, and waited for that person's permission to post the app here on xda-dev. sigh.
Azimuth21 said:
yeah it was an application that ran in the background (maybe as a service, i don't remember), but every single tap created a vibrate feedback. argh i just looked around for it and i have no idea where to find it. it was in some thread, someone's reply had the app attached to it. something about how he knew someone who was working on it, and waited for that person's permission to post the app here on xda-dev. sigh.
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Interesting. If it has been done already I wonder if we can replicate it and put it on this thread. That is if you dont find the link to the page or the program it self.
Around post #15. I do not know if it works or not..
appless03 said:
Around post #15. I do not know if it works or not..
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Thanks this is a good find.
Ill see if i can make it available using another method. Because they reported that it worked on every other tap of the screen and that it runs the battery down faster too.
What I might try to do is have mine work but have the option to disable it ( like the way you do when you disable screen tap sounds) to save battery power.
[email protected]$ said:
Thanks this is a good find.
Ill see if i can make it available using another method. Because they reported that it worked on every other tap of the screen and that it runs the battery down faster.
What I might try to do is have mine work but have the option to disable it ( like the way you do when you disable screen tap sounds) to save battery power.
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Hay [email protected]$
True like u said, i've tried it 2, but it do not respond to every fingertouch, if u can figur a way for an app that will respond 2 every touch even the small ones (where u don'nt need 2 hold for a sek before it regonise and verb.).. that will be really great
Cobra2 said:
Hay [email protected]$
True like u said, i've tried it 2, but it do not respond to every fingertouch, if u can figur a way for an app that will respond 2 every touch even the small ones (where u don'nt need 2 hold for a sek before it regonise and verb.).. that will be really great
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So far I have planned some steps on ways to do it through the registry but it is not perfect. I am not an expert programmer but I can give it a shot, but it might take a while since I am not as great as the experts here in XDA.
But I'll do what I can. If I do find a solution I will post it here, but any help to make this project possible would be great.
I would be happy if my phone would just vibrate on keyboard input.
I am running this older vibro cab. Works very well however...
The vibration lasts aslong as your finger has contact on the screen. It would be better if it just gave a quick blip of vibro each touch maybe?
When you slide a cube etc it virbos the whole movement.
MaxMotus said:
I am running this older vibro cab. Works very well however...
The vibration lasts aslong as your finger has contact on the screen. It would be better if it just gave a quick blip of vibro each touch maybe?
When you slide a cube etc it virbos the whole movement.
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Do you happen to have the CAB with you? Maybe I can find a way to change the effect this program does when you press the screen and lower the vibration feed back.
If I can do that then I can maybe create some registry settings to make the same effect but just replacing the sound that is emulated when you tap the screen. That way you can disable it or enable it when you want it. ( In case you need to save battery or something )
The length of the vibration should be shorter, other than that it's a really good tool.
wow i must be stupid. i just posted a thread about this yesterday. anyway, it'd be cool if we could figure out a way to just incorporate it into the registry, probly wouldn't use as much battary and stuff then.
This has been done already on this thread: On the second page, Kpyto posted a download link for it. I haven't tested it yet though so I can't tell you how well it works.
hows this coming along?
I tried the VOA program mentioned above, but i don't really like it - it's simply annoying by vibrating all the time when scrolling trough lists, or attempting to bring up a tap-and-hold context menu. Not to mention additional battery drain caused by the motor running for such long periods of time.
For me, much better screen tap confirmation is a very short vibra pulse - i often use Vibrate(50) as a confirmation in my mortscripts. That's only 50 milliseconds, but it' enough to be clearly felt, and since the motor is powered only for such short time, it causes almost no additional battery drain. I'd really love to see an application creating such confirmation instead of the screen tap sound.
I'd just like it to have customizable vibration time - since the minimal time needed to make vibration even noticeable can probably vary from device to device, and play nice with fTouchFlo - since both capture touchscreen events there are probably possible conflicts.
Good luck with the development. I hope you'll be able to realize this great idea
mr_deimos said:
I tried the VOA program mentioned above, but i don't really like it - it's simply annoying by vibrating all the time when scrolling trough lists, or attempting to bring up a tap-and-hold context menu. Not to mention additional battery drain caused by the motor running for such long periods of time.
For me, much better screen tap confirmation is a very short vibra pulse - i often use Vibrate(50) as a confirmation in my mortscripts. That's only 50 milliseconds, but it' enough to be clearly felt, and since the motor is powered only for such short time, it causes almost no additional battery drain. I'd really love to see an application creating such confirmation instead of the screen tap sound.
I'd just like it to have customizable vibration time - since the minimal time needed to make vibration even noticeable can probably vary from device to device, and play nice with fTouchFlo - since both capture touchscreen events there are probably possible conflicts.
Good luck with the development. I hope you'll be able to realize this great idea
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Lets hope some one makes this. isn't there anyone on these forums with great programing skills?

Problem hitting links in Opera

Hi All,
I currently have a Touch HD and have been wondering about upgrading to a HD2. So I went into my local phone shop and asked if I could play with one. Everything was going well until I opened Opera and went to the website (which I use a lot). It looked great but it would take me about 5 attempts to hit any of the links on the screen unless I zoomed them to be far larger than I wanted them to be.
Just to be sure this wasn't a problem with the particular handset I had I went to another store and tried another device. Got exactly the same problem. I have no such problems on my HD.
I have heard rumours that the capacitive screens are not as accurate as resistive ones but my experience was far worse than I was expecting.
Has anyone else experienced issues with accuracy of link tapping in Opera ?
dcoales said:
Hi All,
I currently have a Touch HD and have been wondering about upgrading to a HD2. So I went into my local phone shop and asked if I could play with one. Everything was going well until I opened Opera and went to the website (which I use a lot). It looked great but it would take me about 5 attempts to hit any of the links on the screen unless I zoomed them to be far larger than I wanted them to be.
Just to be sure this wasn't a problem with the particular handset I had I went to another store and tried another device. Got exactly the same problem. I have no such problems on my HD.
I have heard rumours that the capacitive screens are not as accurate as resistive ones but my experience was far worse than I was expecting.
Has anyone else experienced issues with accuracy of link tapping in Opera ?
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There's a setting (in opera's config) that determines the minimum zoom level for links to work at. It was probably just that. The same was on the HD, so you'd at least have to double-tap before you could hit a link, but apps such as HDTweak could change that, so you didn't have to zoom.
Was it maybe that?
Also, when you've got your hands on one of these, you can do a screen align so that the device gets used to how you touch the screen, rather than some generic "lots of people press it like this" kind of setting.
Just a couple of thoughts that could explain your problems.
Browsing on the HD2 currently leaves a lot to be desired, or certainly in comparison to Safari on the iPhone and iPod Touch which is what I was using previously and is the benchmark other mobile devices have to live up to. However, that can and hopefully will be rectified as the available browsers are updated and made better.
The bundled version of Opera, despite supporting multi-touch, just doesn't seem fluid enough to me and, as mentioned in this thread, selecting links without zooming can be a serious pain in the arse even with the hacks and options set up to make it easier.
i thought that initially but then realised that i was trying to be too precise and maybe aiming a little off it.
now i just hit the link area with my big thumb and it seems to figure to click the link directly in the middle of where i pressed.
for example browsing this forum i find no problems at all with trying to click a page number
I dont think pressing the link was really much of a problem to me. If you double tap once and still can't hit the link, just hold down on the link for like half a second and it'll click through.
OK, thanks for the tips guys. I don't think it was the minimum zoom feature because at a fixed zoom level it would eventually recognize the tap after maybe 5 or 6 attempts.
However, I will try to get hold of another one, reset the minimum zoom, recalibrate the screen and then try pressing and holding with my thumb and see how I get on.
I have problems hitting links and scrolling through a combo box. When I try to scroll through the contents of a combo box with more than 20 entries, the whole page scrolls up and down...
There is a simple registry tweak in the sticky thread "hints and tips" that allows you to click links easily without zooming. I've found that it works very well, and I can click the very smallest of links. The only site I've found that doesn't work so well is this one for some reason
In the hints and tips thread it advises you to change the threshold to thirty something I think. I found this still didn't rectify this issue, so I cahnged it to "2" and it works brilliantly
johncmolyneux said:
There's a setting (in opera's config) that determines the minimum zoom level for links to work at. It was probably just that. The same was on the HD, so you'd at least have to double-tap before you could hit a link, but apps such as HDTweak could change that, so you didn't have to zoom.
Was it maybe that?
Also, when you've got your hands on one of these, you can do a screen align so that the device gets used to how you touch the screen, rather than some generic "lots of people press it like this" kind of setting.
Just a couple of thoughts that could explain your problems.
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How do you perform the screen align?

My first experience of winmo...

Hi Everyone,
Found this great site looking for forums for the HD2, seems every other leads to here in some way another.
Got my HD2 on Monday with Virgin, so in 5 days I've come to find it an amazing piece of kit yet ultimately annoyed.
I've already got a list of problems and annoyances:
Having to double tap and go into the email fully so it appears read
Tapping to reply to a text yet nothing happens
When using the 'phone' keypad it types in numbers
The phone screen basically crashing so when you press a button it doesn't show the unlock screen. Thus having to take the cover off then the back, then the battery
Pressing the x in the corner of an app yet going to task manager and its still open
The over sensitivity when typing a text and showing words that don't make sense in the predictive text
Having to f**k about for ages to get wi-fi off grrr!
Having to install 3.5 compact .net. I still don't know how to do it
I understand there is a cab for the text and app for the wi-fi but surely it shouldn't be like this. I'm not a technophobe or whatever you want to call one and like to think I'm pretty clued up on tech, (That's why I bought the phone) yet I haven't a clue what a ROM does nor how to install them. I can just cope with cabs ha.
It seems Windows/HTC slogan should be 'There's a cab for that'. (not good)
Anyway rant over and Hello! I'm sure I'll be doing more learning over the next few weeks!
tips, tricks & tweaks:
rom flashing guide:
.net....3.5 download:
to flash roms from your pc you need activesync*:
*) for win vista/7 download "device center" instead of activesync, you'll find the link on the same page
Hi 27firesnake, hope you don't think I was being lazy. Thanks for the links though. I know I'll have to do some digging around, just thought I'd let people know of my story so far.
DanParker said:
Hi 27firesnake, hope you don't think I was being lazy. Thanks for the links though. I know I'll have to do some digging around, just thought I'd let people know of my story so far.
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not to worry mate, this community is all about sharing and helping each other.
Hi there. I'll try to give you more "readable" info about the issues you mentioned. I'll just change the order of the questions...
Having to install 3.5 compact .net. I still don't know how to do it
You can use the official Microsoft link provided by 27firesnake, but you'll have to do some reading... The simplest way is to download a cab and install it directly on your phone. You'll fine one here (item #18). You should do this first, as many great applications (including BsB Tweak) need this system component in order to work!
I haven't a clue what a ROM does nor how to install them
Well a ROM is basically your operating system (Windows Mobile) + HTC Sense (homepage and tabs). You are currently an official RO (usually called "stock ROM" in this forum). What we need to know is what version you use? Most likely 1.43 or 1.48, which are not the latest from HTC. The most recent released ROM is 1.66 and runs smoother and might give you better experience overall, even though there no major updates (just a compilation of fixes). Anyway, some people manage to get "not yet released official ROMs" (usually called "leaked ROM") and are able to install them on their devices. The latest leaked ROM is 2.07 (that should appear on the T-Mobile HD2). Anyway, I would not recommend installing a leaked or cooked ROM for the moment, since you're still a newbie and just received your device...
Simpler answer: you should install the official ROM 1.66. Try to go on the official HTC website to do so. If your serial number is rejected, you should contact your carrier (Virgin) to know when you'll be able to download it. People here will advice you to install HSPL to be able to bypass this protection, but as I said, you should wait a bit more, when you know Windows Mobile more. To learn more about that subject, go to the link in my signature.
Having to double tap and go into the email fully so it appears read
Well this doesn't seem to be a problem, or I don't understand? The email appearing in the Mail tab are just "previews" of your email and you should tap to get in the "real" e-mail application to read them fully.
Tapping to reply to a text yet nothing happens
I don't understand. You're not able to answer to a text-SMS ?
When using the 'phone' keypad it types in numbers
Again, this doesn't appear like a problem. I mean, you should compose phone numbers when in the phone application. If you write the beginning of a number, you'll automatically see the contacts whose number begin that way. Anyway, if you prefer, you can use the People tab (then "All People") to choose a contact typing the first letter (instead of phone number).
The phone screen basically crashing so when you press a button it doesn't show the unlock screen.
Is it real crashes or just freeze? I mean, I you wait for a long time, like 1 to 5 minutes, the lockscreen doesn't come back? Many people, including myself, reported some freezes from time to time, but the new ROM 1.66 really improved thing on my side. You might look for this thread for more and this one too.
Pressing the x in the corner of an app yet going to task manager and its still open
OK, this is easy to solve. Just install the "Duttys HTC Task Manager". It will install a task manager and enable the closing of any application using the cross. You can find the cab here (tip #7).
The over sensitivity when typing a text
The latest ROM 1.66 decreases the sensitivity of the touchscreen. If you can't install it, the easy way to solve this is to install the (very recommended) tweaking application called "BsB tweak". There are a lot of simple tweaks you can ON/OFF. One of these is called "decrease sensitivity" or something like that. If it's still too sensitive, then you can install the fixes found here. Just to be sure you don't have a flawed unit, check if you touchscreen has the following problems (go see the youtube videos too).
showing words that don't make sense in the predictive text
I don't have answers for that one, but I know the predictive is not the best on this mobile. You have two options:
1 - improve your typing thanks to the less sensitive touchscreen (if you make less errors, the prediction will be more accurate )
2 - install an alternative keyboard like Touchpal or maybe Swipe...
Having to f**k about for ages to get wi-fi off grrr!
Well, there are numerous ways to solve this issue.
- you can install a shortcut on you home page for the (already installed) "Comm Manager". Comm Manager is already installed and was designed for you: it is a collection of ON/OFF switchers (wifi, bluetooth etc).
- you can install an application that simply switch wifi ON/OFF. Then you install a shortcut on your home page, so you simply tap it to enable or disable wifi. You can find an application like that here (along with a lot other more)
Hope this long post helps
Smaberg's WiFi toggle cab (sticky in the apps and themes section) is a godsend (as is the BT Toggle cab). I have the 20 shortcuts cab installed so that on the top row I have shortcuts to each of these on the homescreen, along with my two most used apps and main contact (girlfriend).
BSB tweaks is definitely recommended also.
When you type a name into the Phone dialler, it may show numbers, but it narrows your options by alpha, so providing you can spell the name you're after it works just fine. You'd have to have triple tap letter selection there otherwise, which is just far less efficient than whats on offer.
guy .. i have experience something in my device .. i was wondering why my device keep pop out the error msg like service.exe and the device.exe ..
it is quite annoying because everytime pop out those error msg .. i have to open the back cover and soft reset it .. it is very serious .. happened everyday for 3 to 5 times ..
Tapping to reply to a text yet nothing happens
Yeh, you have to wait (if lots of messages) for it to load above. You can see this by the scroll bar on the right becomming shorter.
Once it has finished loading those messages, you can tap and it will start composing.
But if you tap before those messages have loaded; it does nothing.

Swype erratic and unpredictable?

Hey guys/gals,
I've been using swype for going on three weeks now but it's being a right pain more and more often now.
It just seems to pick words that have nothing like the letters being selected -due to the swype the trail jumping in different directions sometimes I suspect-
I also can't select the second function (punctuation, brackets etc) without a right fuss. when I hold a letter to get the number sitting above it I'll get something like "bbb b" or "xxx" even though my finger's perfectly still. and when I try and hold delete to delete whole words I might get something like "mmm l m lmm"
It just goes mental some times.
Does anyone else have this problem or know how to fix the nutty behaviour before Swype and I have a showdown at dawn?
Sounds like your phone and not swype.
I had huge problems with the light grey colored swype (don't know what versions there are, the one extracted from the tmo rom I think) just wouldn't let me get 2nd function, and really jittery.
I went back to the original one I found weeks ago (again, sorry no idea if version, kinda dark grey and grey/blue, ) and that one, along with the screen sensitivity tweak in bsb tweaks makes it a joy to use (admittedly after a few weeks practice/annoyances)
I'll attach the cab of the one I user to this thread when I get home in an hour or so.
Not the phone it seems as I've tried the same one on two different HD2s.
Screen sensitivity might play a part in this but it's definitely an issue with swype. If I use swype, it's very troublesome and very erratic but if I use the standard keyboard, doing something like second function is spot-on 100% of the time.
Also, in notes and drawing apps, although lines that I draw aren't perfectly to my traced line, they aren't anything like swype's crazy lightning like bolts, however, I understand this might be like comparing apples to oranges
Samsamuel, that would be perfect mate, hopefully it can get myself and anyone with similar issues back on track with swype. It is a blue version I use too, but could hopefully be a different release you have.
cyberpunk0 said:
Hey guys/gals,
I've been using swype for going on three weeks now but it's being a right pain more and more often now.
It just seems to pick words that have nothing like the letters being selected -due to the swype the trail jumping in different directions sometimes I suspect-
I also can't select the second function (punctuation, brackets etc) without a right fuss. when I hold a letter to get the number sitting above it I'll get something like "bbb b" or "xxx" even though my finger's perfectly still. and when I try and hold delete to delete whole words I might get something like "mmm l m lmm"
It just goes mental some times.
Does anyone else have this problem or know how to fix the nutty behaviour before Swype and I have a showdown at dawn?
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i have the same issue. i'm not able to type in a number by second function and holding down the button. that's why i guess it's a touchscreen fault.
like you, swype draws more bolds than straight lines. but i have the same problem when playing games like flight commander, where the drawn lines are shown all time. this "zick-zack" lines happen only every few seconds. most time i can draw lines perfectly. this is the part which i cannot understand...
if the screen is faulty, why does it work most time correct?
fruchtfliege said:
i have the same issue. i'm not able to type in a number by second function and holding down the button. that's why i guess it's a touchscreen fault.
like you, swype draws more bolds than straight lines. but i have the same problem when playing games like flight commander, where the drawn lines are shown all time. this "zick-zack" lines happen only every few seconds. most time i can draw lines perfectly. this is the part which i cannot understand...
if the screen is faulty, why does it work most time correct?
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It's interesting that it happens in games too but I still believe it's Swype at fault in this case and not the touchscreen.
Open up notes and start a drawing, draw really slowly or really quickly, press light and press heavy and the outcome is a far straighter trail (nearly perfect). This could be down to programming but I don't think Swype is programmed to be over sensitive or everyone would have the same problem, there must be another reason.
I have been having the same problem, wasn't all the time but it was like it was spiking a lot when swyping across the keyboard. Installed Keyboard tweak 3.3 with reduced sensitivity and working better than it ever did before but have only been testing for a couple of hours.
CAB from here:
Ok, heres the swype i've used successfully on a few different roms. I don't remember where i got it(i got it from xda dev), and i cant find how to see a version number. The lighter coloured, slightly chunkier version is the one i had trouble with.
Version is important because if you read about, it seems there's a bug in one of the swype versions where it can affect passwords if you have a lock on your phone, and i think you have to hard reset to get back in, so i'd hate for that to happen! (I dont use a lock, so i wouldn't know if this is the affected version or not) so please back up your stuff.
samsamuel said:
Ok, heres the swype i've used successfully on a few different roms. I don't remember where i got it(i got it from xda dev), and i cant find how to see a version number. The lighter coloured, slightly chunkier version is the one i had trouble with.
Version is important because if you read about, it seems there's a bug in one of the swype versions where it can affect passwords if you have a lock on your phone, and i think you have to hard reset to get back in, so i'd hate for that to happen! (I dont use a lock, so i wouldn't know if this is the affected version or not) so please back up your stuff.
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That one you're using (and posted) is version 2 (from Omnia), the nasty one is Swype 3.9. I also had nightmares with 3.9, don't recommend installing if you find it. Or you could just register for Beta release on the Swype website.
This skin works well with Swype v2:
xavierdemon said:
That one you're using (and posted) is version 2 (from Omnia), the nasty one is Swype 3.9. I also had nightmares with 3.9, don't recommend installing if you find it. Or you could just register for Beta release on the Swype website.
This skin works well with Swype v2:
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Thanks for that, i'll bear it in mind, though i actually like the dark look. Fits well with the rom i use.
Installed and shall test over next couple of days but it seems perfect sam.
I owe ya man.
samsamuel said:
Ok, heres the swype i've used successfully on a few different roms. I don't remember where i got it(i got it from xda dev), and i cant find how to see a version number. The lighter coloured, slightly chunkier version is the one i had trouble with.
Version is important because if you read about, it seems there's a bug in one of the swype versions where it can affect passwords if you have a lock on your phone, and i think you have to hard reset to get back in, so i'd hate for that to happen! (I dont use a lock, so i wouldn't know if this is the affected version or not) so please back up your stuff.
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Can I use this version to replace the other swype version cooked into my ROM (Energy RON 26Feb)?
gags9999 said:
Can I use this version to replace the other swype version cooked into my ROM (Energy RON 26Feb)?
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Yes, you should have no problems.
cyberpunk0 said:
Installed and shall test over next couple of days but it seems perfect sam.
I owe ya man.
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no worries. there are one or two 'oddities' to get used to, but overall its by far my favourite mobile keyboard ever!
is this one multilanguage??
xavierdemon said:
That one you're using (and posted) is version 2 (from Omnia), the nasty one is Swype 3.9. I also had nightmares with 3.9, don't recommend installing if you find it. Or you could just register for Beta release on the Swype website.
This skin works well with Swype v2:
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Found this thread via a google search, I've also heard to stay away from Swype 3.9 b/c of the way it checks for device ID first.
Anyway, 2.0 works great and thanks for the link for new skins...

Phantom screen???

Is anyone having any phantom screen problems?
Every so often but randomly if I leave my Leo on a surface with nothing near it that would trigger the screen it suddenly starts doing stuff! (like menus will open and select things, or the start menu will open and programs will be selected to run)
A bit freaky but wondered if anyone else had experienxced this?
I'm using Engergy ROM March 17 (23547)
nope, not having any of that at all
there has been a post about this a while back and his hd2 was knackered
yes, quite a lot of times...i have the same problem as matter how many different roms I changed.
Yes mine does this sometimes !
but only when connected to mymobiler !!!
Demon_man said:
there has been a post about this a while back and his hd2 was knackered
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Don't say that!!!
yes i have same problem
i had the same problem and got rid of it by installing a cab file from here. it was build to improve writing and reducing sensitivity. just at the moment i don't have time to search for it, but the thread name includes "3.3" because of the newest version of the cab.
i installed the cab without sensitivity decrease and it works like a charm! it improved writing with swype a lot and the bug you mentioned is gone!

