Swype erratic and unpredictable? - HD2 General

Hey guys/gals,
I've been using swype for going on three weeks now but it's being a right pain more and more often now.
It just seems to pick words that have nothing like the letters being selected -due to the swype the trail jumping in different directions sometimes I suspect-
I also can't select the second function (punctuation, brackets etc) without a right fuss. when I hold a letter to get the number sitting above it I'll get something like "bbb b" or "xxx" even though my finger's perfectly still. and when I try and hold delete to delete whole words I might get something like "mmm l m lmm"
It just goes mental some times.
Does anyone else have this problem or know how to fix the nutty behaviour before Swype and I have a showdown at dawn?

Sounds like your phone and not swype.

I had huge problems with the light grey colored swype (don't know what versions there are, the one extracted from the tmo rom I think) just wouldn't let me get 2nd function, and really jittery.
I went back to the original one I found weeks ago (again, sorry no idea if version, kinda dark grey and grey/blue, ) and that one, along with the screen sensitivity tweak in bsb tweaks makes it a joy to use (admittedly after a few weeks practice/annoyances)
I'll attach the cab of the one I user to this thread when I get home in an hour or so.

Not the phone it seems as I've tried the same one on two different HD2s.
Screen sensitivity might play a part in this but it's definitely an issue with swype. If I use swype, it's very troublesome and very erratic but if I use the standard keyboard, doing something like second function is spot-on 100% of the time.
Also, in notes and drawing apps, although lines that I draw aren't perfectly to my traced line, they aren't anything like swype's crazy lightning like bolts, however, I understand this might be like comparing apples to oranges
Samsamuel, that would be perfect mate, hopefully it can get myself and anyone with similar issues back on track with swype. It is a blue version I use too, but could hopefully be a different release you have.

cyberpunk0 said:
Hey guys/gals,
I've been using swype for going on three weeks now but it's being a right pain more and more often now.
It just seems to pick words that have nothing like the letters being selected -due to the swype the trail jumping in different directions sometimes I suspect-
I also can't select the second function (punctuation, brackets etc) without a right fuss. when I hold a letter to get the number sitting above it I'll get something like "bbb b" or "xxx" even though my finger's perfectly still. and when I try and hold delete to delete whole words I might get something like "mmm l m lmm"
It just goes mental some times.
Does anyone else have this problem or know how to fix the nutty behaviour before Swype and I have a showdown at dawn?
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i have the same issue. i'm not able to type in a number by second function and holding down the button. that's why i guess it's a touchscreen fault.
like you, swype draws more bolds than straight lines. but i have the same problem when playing games like flight commander, where the drawn lines are shown all time. this "zick-zack" lines happen only every few seconds. most time i can draw lines perfectly. this is the part which i cannot understand...
if the screen is faulty, why does it work most time correct?

fruchtfliege said:
i have the same issue. i'm not able to type in a number by second function and holding down the button. that's why i guess it's a touchscreen fault.
like you, swype draws more bolds than straight lines. but i have the same problem when playing games like flight commander, where the drawn lines are shown all time. this "zick-zack" lines happen only every few seconds. most time i can draw lines perfectly. this is the part which i cannot understand...
if the screen is faulty, why does it work most time correct?
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It's interesting that it happens in games too but I still believe it's Swype at fault in this case and not the touchscreen.
Open up notes and start a drawing, draw really slowly or really quickly, press light and press heavy and the outcome is a far straighter trail (nearly perfect). This could be down to programming but I don't think Swype is programmed to be over sensitive or everyone would have the same problem, there must be another reason.

I have been having the same problem, wasn't all the time but it was like it was spiking a lot when swyping across the keyboard. Installed Keyboard tweak 3.3 with reduced sensitivity and working better than it ever did before but have only been testing for a couple of hours.
CAB from here:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=604831

Ok, heres the swype i've used successfully on a few different roms. I don't remember where i got it(i got it from xda dev), and i cant find how to see a version number. The lighter coloured, slightly chunkier version is the one i had trouble with.
Version is important because if you read about, it seems there's a bug in one of the swype versions where it can affect passwords if you have a lock on your phone, and i think you have to hard reset to get back in, so i'd hate for that to happen! (I dont use a lock, so i wouldn't know if this is the affected version or not) so please back up your stuff.

samsamuel said:
Ok, heres the swype i've used successfully on a few different roms. I don't remember where i got it(i got it from xda dev), and i cant find how to see a version number. The lighter coloured, slightly chunkier version is the one i had trouble with.
Version is important because if you read about, it seems there's a bug in one of the swype versions where it can affect passwords if you have a lock on your phone, and i think you have to hard reset to get back in, so i'd hate for that to happen! (I dont use a lock, so i wouldn't know if this is the affected version or not) so please back up your stuff.
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That one you're using (and posted) is version 2 (from Omnia), the nasty one is Swype 3.9. I also had nightmares with 3.9, don't recommend installing if you find it. Or you could just register for Beta release on the Swype website.
This skin works well with Swype v2: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=604949

xavierdemon said:
That one you're using (and posted) is version 2 (from Omnia), the nasty one is Swype 3.9. I also had nightmares with 3.9, don't recommend installing if you find it. Or you could just register for Beta release on the Swype website.
This skin works well with Swype v2: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=604949
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Thanks for that, i'll bear it in mind, though i actually like the dark look. Fits well with the rom i use.

Installed and shall test over next couple of days but it seems perfect sam.
I owe ya man.
samsamuel said:
Ok, heres the swype i've used successfully on a few different roms. I don't remember where i got it(i got it from xda dev), and i cant find how to see a version number. The lighter coloured, slightly chunkier version is the one i had trouble with.
Version is important because if you read about, it seems there's a bug in one of the swype versions where it can affect passwords if you have a lock on your phone, and i think you have to hard reset to get back in, so i'd hate for that to happen! (I dont use a lock, so i wouldn't know if this is the affected version or not) so please back up your stuff.
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Can I use this version to replace the other swype version cooked into my ROM (Energy RON 26Feb)?

gags9999 said:
Can I use this version to replace the other swype version cooked into my ROM (Energy RON 26Feb)?
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Yes, you should have no problems.

cyberpunk0 said:
Installed and shall test over next couple of days but it seems perfect sam.
I owe ya man.
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no worries. there are one or two 'oddities' to get used to, but overall its by far my favourite mobile keyboard ever!

is this one multilanguage??

xavierdemon said:
That one you're using (and posted) is version 2 (from Omnia), the nasty one is Swype 3.9. I also had nightmares with 3.9, don't recommend installing if you find it. Or you could just register for Beta release on the Swype website.
This skin works well with Swype v2: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=604949
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Found this thread via a google search, I've also heard to stay away from Swype 3.9 b/c of the way it checks for device ID first.
Anyway, 2.0 works great and thanks for the link for new skins...


Keyboard - problems with the delete button

Right, I've had the HD2 (well two of them now actually) for over three weeks so this isn't just a case of my 'not being used to the device yet'. I'm very used to it, so, moving swiftly along...
When typing on the super-sensitive keyboard, you know the one, where nearly every word needs editing due to errors......when I hit the delete button, all sorts of anomolies regularly occur. Typing is a real chore on this device. I get all sorts of characters appearing when I press delete, it is a real lottery and takes several attempts to actually delete anything. I have experienced this problem on both HD2s I've had, so this is definintely not a faulty unit. I am assuming that they're all like this?
Have you try with bsb tweaks and option decrease sensitivity of screen?
Your not alone pal - i install a cab - from this post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=604831
and it seemed to have help some
Its version 3
unque1 said:
Your not alone pal - i install a cab - from this post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=604831
and it seemed to have help some
Its version 3
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I installed the first version of that cab on my previous HD2 and found that sometimes buttons would not register and the whole screen would freeze momentarily etc. Also, the clincher, was that the screen was less sensitive in all apps, not just the SMS one. For instance, when sliding to unlock the handset it would take several attempts etc, this I could not live with. Is v3 any different?
Hi - if you read the link its not to do with removing the sensitivity as i didnt want that either it do do with alignment - I really cant explain it better then the dude himself. but if you holla at him im sure he will give you a better understanding of whats changed

Swype comes with new languages!

Since there are new roms out, swype is usable in a few more languages such as English, Spanish (yes we had that!), Italian, German and French... Hopefully a few more will be added soon, but I think this is really good news! And it does work awesomely fluent and fast!
Have you had any trouble using the long press keys with teh new swype? (press and hold to get symbols and numbers)
I had to go back to the original swype, the new one just wouldn't do long press.
that is really strange. Long press works a the "new" swype on my hd2, even though i think they should integrate the multi-choice on long press!
OK, thanks. (I was running a test cook for a few days, not a final release, so it could be that it hadn't been configured properly.)
It works for me too, and I use both Spanish and English on a daily basis.
I think Swype is one of the coolest technnologies around, without a doubt. It was the reason I flashed a new ROM.
It's great! Works in French like a charm.
I can switch to English with two clicks when the need arises. On the minus side, it switches from the French AZERTY to QWERTY and I'm less familiar with the layout then. But it improves my typing so much that I can live with it
donalgodon said:
It works for me too, and I use both Spanish and English on a daily basis.
I think Swype is one of the coolest technnologies around, without a doubt. It was the reason I flashed a new ROM.
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just to let you know mate... you didnt have to flash a new rom to have swype. You can install either the version ripped from Omnia 2, or the version ripped from T-Mobile US HD2 from the cabs floating around.
samsamuel said:
Have you had any trouble using the long press keys with teh new swype? (press and hold to get symbols and numbers)
I had to go back to the original swype, the new one just wouldn't do long press.
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I think it has more to do with sensitivity, because if you try again....but be sure to hold your finger EXTREMELY STILL it will work.
I have noticed this myself. Even a fraction of a hair of movement is perceived as a movment, and the software acts accordingly, but if I slow down in that brief second to be very deliberate and steady, it works.
Audio Oblivion said:
just to let you know mate... you didnt have to flash a new rom to have swype. You can install either the version ripped from Omnia 2, or the version ripped from T-Mobile US HD2 from the cabs floating around.
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Yeah, that's true, but..
This one is newer (from the 2.10 TMOUS ROM) and I got all the other benefits of a new ROM to go with it, but in the end, it was the one feature I was really looking for more so than anything else, because the multi-lingual support is a thing I require.
donalgodon said:
I think it has more to do with sensitivity, because if you try again....but be sure to hold your finger EXTREMELY STILL it will work.
I have noticed this myself. Even a fraction of a hair of movement is perceived as a movment, and the software acts accordingly, but if I slow down in that brief second to be very deliberate and steady, it works.
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I did give it a really good try, honest, with and without the screen sensitivity tweak. I use the earlier (dark coloured) swype all the time with not a problem, none at all. I've tried the new one a few times (the new one is pre installed on the rom I use, and i tried every time i hard reset for the first few times) and only maybe 1 press in 20 can i get the long press to work. I suspect it's actually a problem with the rom, not my method. I just gave up and put the old swype into my Autoinstal folder in the end, now i don't even see the new one. I don't need the languages anyway, so no biggie.
samsamuel said:
I did give it a really good try, honest, with and without the screen sensitivity tweak. I use the earlier (dark coloured) swype all the time with not a problem, none at all. I've tried the new one a few times (the new one is pre installed on the rom I use, and i tried every time i hard reset for the first few times) and only maybe 1 press in 20 can i get the long press to work. I suspect it's actually a problem with the rom, not my method. I just gave up and put the old swype into my Autoinstal folder in the end, now i don't even see the new one. I don't need the languages anyway, so no biggie.
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Could you install the old one over the new one without issue?
If so, maybe I'll give it a try to experiment. The only two languages I need are Spanish and English, so the old one still works for me, as it includes both.
donalgodon said:
Could you install the old one over the new one?
If so, maybe I'll give it a try to experiment. The only two languages I need are Spanish and English, so the old one still works for me, as it includes both.
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yea thats what i mean, i autoinstal (the rom i use has an autoinstal from sdcard folder feature) so i put the old swype cab in there, then when i hard reset, the old one is autoinstalled so now i never have to even see the new one.
donalgodon said:
Yeah, that's true, but..
This one is newer (from the 2.10 TMOUS ROM)
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er ... i did mention that a cab for that is available didnt i?
anyway... glad you are happy! =)
Where is the link to the old one that contains English and Spanish? I'd like to try it.
donalgodon said:
Where is the link to the old one that contains English and Spanish? I'd like to try it.
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search with google or use the xda search mate... i wouldnt recommend installing it on a rom that has a version already cooked in though... in theory it could be fine but you may end up killing it.

Swype Error :/

I ve tried both 3.09 and 2.00 versions on my 1.61 stock HD2 , but both getting "Open of EnglishUS" failed error
Is Swype not compatible with this rom? What am I doing wrong?!
It isn't compatible. If you want this feature, you'll have to:
1) buy an HD2 that has it in the ROM already.
2) flash to a ROM that contains it in order for it to work properly.
I did so, largely for this reason, and although many have complained about its function, particularly on secondary/long press keys, I have not had much difficulty with it, although I have seen the issue and have worked my way around it when it presents, because I find the software an absolutely indispensable feature for the way I use my phone every day.
donalgodon said:
It isn't compatible. If you want this feature, you'll have to:
particularly on secondary/long press keys, I have not had much difficulty with it, although I have seen the issue and have worked my way around it when it presents,
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Like you I have found Swype brilliant!
Out of curiosity, what work around did you use to get around the 'long press' issue?
Franwella said:
Like you I have found Swype brilliant!
Out of curiosity, what work around did you use to get around the 'long press' issue?
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I've noticed that it seems to happen in specific contexts, and that in general, if I can keep my finger dead steady during the long press, it won't have a problem reading the long press about 95% of the time. Long press "?"/M seems to always work at the end of sentences, at least for me, for example, so I think there is some context issues related to this.
I also tried deleting the Swype User data files and it seemed to help. Not sure why, or if it was real or imagined, but the issue was less common after doing so.
I can't do without it in my HD2, so I'll live with it the way it is, because even with these issues, I don't mind it.
donalgodon said:
I've noticed that it seems to happen in specific contexts, and that in general, if I can keep my finger dead steady during the long press, it won't have a problem reading the long press about 95% of the time. Long press "?"/M seems to always work at the end of sentences, at least for me, for example, so I think there is some context issues related to this.
I also tried deleting the Swype User data files and it seemed to help. Not sure why, or if it was real or imagined, but the issue was less common after doing so.
I can't do without it in my HD2, so I'll live with it the way it is, because even with these issues, I don't mind it.
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Hi Donal,
Do you have a download link for the OzROM you have mentioned in your sig? I assume that installing it will wipe phone memory/data? I'm only asking as I have a problem with Swype, with it often causing the 'keyboard button' to become inoperable, I'm wondering if it's a problem with my Rom, as I only have the old 'out of the box' one, 1.43 or so I think.
I just reinstalled the Omnia2 versin of swype.
I somehow prefer that version..more used to it and it doesn't have that secondary key problem...
.::EmreE::. said:
I ve tried both 3.09 and 2.00 versions on my 1.61 stock HD2 , but both getting "Open of EnglishUS" failed error
Is Swype not compatible with this rom? What am I doing wrong?!
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i had that issue , i soft reset , uninstalled , soft reset , installed , soft reset ... and then b4 attempting to use it went tot he settings and the languages had been loaded and everything now works
altho i like the version 2 better (but it appears to mess with my camera)
what is the easiet way to write names in swype by sliding and not tapping.
amitambika said:
what is the easiet way to write names in swype by sliding and not tapping.
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Tap them out once and Swype should add them to its database. You should be able to slide them out thereafter.
donalgodon said:
It isn't compatible. If you want this feature, you'll have to:
1) buy an HD2 that has it in the ROM already.
2) flash to a ROM that contains it in order for it to work properly.
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This is bollocks.
I have installed swype successfully (both versions) on a 1.43 rom and a 1.66 rom (both stock). ALL functionality works as it should.
Audio Oblivion said:
This is bollocks.
I have installed swype successfully (both versions) on a 1.43 rom and a 1.66 rom (both stock). ALL functionality works as it should.
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How did you do this ? give us a link for an working version, because with v.3.9, with my rom i had to hard reset the phone..
donalgodon said:
It isn't compatible. If you want this feature, you'll have to:
1) buy an HD2 that has it in the ROM already.
2) flash to a ROM that contains it in order for it to work properly.
I did so, largely for this reason, and although many have complained about its function, particularly on secondary/long press keys, I have not had much difficulty with it, although I have seen the issue and have worked my way around it when it presents, because I find the software an absolutely indispensable feature for the way I use my phone every day.
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Don't mislead people by offering advice when you don't know what you're on about.
There is no connection between the Swype CABs and the ROMs. It should all work.
Now, that error isn't uncommon, I've had it myself. Unless you get the error after installing the Swype HTC skin found on XDA, you can fix the error merely by uninstalling Swype and reinstalling using the CAB. Select the Swype keyboard to make sure it works and then do a soft reset.
I've used both the Omnia II and T-Mo HD2 Swype CABs on a variety of phones with a variety of ROMs and it all works. Currently using the HD2 CAB on official 1.66 WWE ROM and it works well.
Shawn_230 said:
Don't mislead people by offering advice when you don't know what you're on about.
There is no connection between the Swype CABs and the ROMs. It should all work.
Now, that error isn't uncommon, I've had it myself. Unless you get the error after installing the Swype HTC skin found on XDA, you can fix the error merely by uninstalling Swype and reinstalling using the CAB. Select the Swype keyboard to make sure it works and then do a soft reset.
I've used both the Omnia II and T-Mo HD2 Swype CABs on a variety of phones with a variety of ROMs and it all works. Currently using the HD2 CAB on official 1.66 WWE ROM and it works well.
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I already followed this steps with v3.9, but i had lost the e-mail & wi-fi passwords, the phone was blocking and needed to reset with the red button under the cover, with a long press on the keys to get symbols 90% of times did not working... swype it is really fast, but seems not working, at least the one fixed for hd2 , as it claims (with the .txt in /windows folder)
I just posted a cab that worked for me, here it is:
xboxdevil said:
I just posted a cab that worked for me, here it is:
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i had open it... it's the same i had tested.. nothing to do..
can you select swype by clicking the up arrow at the centre bottom off the keyboard? I only ask because this one worked for me whilst the other version I tried wiped my data connections too.
xboxdevil said:
can you select swype by clicking the up arrow at the centre bottom off the keyboard?
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Yes indeedy.
I have used both versions of swype, Omnia 2 and 3.9. I find 3.9 more pleasing to the eye. The buttons are bigger and the letters are bigger. Yes its a little harder to press and hold to get the numbers but it works everytime for me. Seems that the touch points are smaller.
But when installing both versions I lost email settings and wifi settings. The wep password disappears for the router and my smtp and pop settings disappear for emails. I have switched back and fourth and both versions cause the same issues. But so does pulling the battery when to do a reset. So it seems to be more of an HTC issue and not a swype issue.
I have heard others saying about the 3.9 and lock password being changed. I have a feeling swype 2.0 does the same thing. Might be linked to the other problems.
.::EmreE::. said:
I ve tried both 3.09 and 2.00 versions on my 1.61 stock HD2 , but both getting "Open of EnglishUS" failed error
Is Swype not compatible with this rom? What am I doing wrong?!
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I had the same error. I solved by installing my language version and on Device memory instead of Storage card.
Anyway, I'm wondering how can I edit keyboard layout...
xboxdevil said:
I just posted a cab that worked for me, here it is:
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Could you please pull your cab. We do not yet have an official beta for Windows Mobile. It has been announced that Swype will be available through T-Mobile on the HTC HD2, but today it is only available through Verizon on the Samsung Omnia II.

Latest Swype version?

Hi, what's the latest Swype version available?
Atm, I am using Skype, are there any updates?
Also noticed Swype floating around...
if you use 3.9 on a non tmous phone, and use a lock code, it will change the password and force you to hard reset, so be aware!
Hi, can you please tell me what rdoes "non tmous phone" stand for? Is this a custom ROM or?
EgoMaximus said:
Hi, can you please tell me what rdoes "non tmous phone" stand for? Is this a custom ROM or?
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tmous hd2 = T-Mobile US HD2.
EgoMaximus said:
Hi, can you please tell me what rdoes "non tmous phone" stand for? Is this a custom ROM or?
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T-Mobile United States.
US version of HD2.
Roger that, thanks a lot!
EgoMaximus said:
Hi, what's the latest Swype version available?
Atm, I am using Skype, are there any updates?
Also noticed Swype floating around...
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Click to collapse is the latest but as others have mentioned, some are lucky, many are not. There are many forums with people posting their problems, killing data connections, wifi, email settings, having to hard not soft reset as a solution etc.
Ive reverted back to using v2.0 from the omnia with Lesscro skin to make it look a little better. Sure the buttons are bit smaller but i believe its faster then 3.9 regardless of how you adjust speed vs accuracy. Also the hold button for the number feature actually works all the time unlike 3.9. All based on my own exp of course, there are many using 3.9 who prefer that.
I totally agree with rexboy, the version 2 with Lesscro's skin looks and works very well indeed.
Too many people are having problems with the version, it's not worth the hassle of installing.
rexboy said: is the latest but as others have mentioned, some are lucky, many are not. There are many forums with people posting their problems, killing data connections, wifi, email settings, having to hard not soft reset as a solution etc.
Ive reverted back to using v2.0 from the omnia with Lesscro skin to make it look a little better. Sure the buttons are bit smaller but i believe its faster then 3.9 regardless of how you adjust speed vs accuracy. Also the hold button for the number feature actually works all the time unlike 3.9. All based on my own exp of course, there are many using 3.9 who prefer that.
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So, what you are saing is that I if I cn find a cab of the SWYPE that was taken from the [email protected] it can be installed on the hd2? If so then I am going to search for it quick. This version that came with the Tmous HD2 bites. BTW, is there the weird overlap problem (at the bottom of the QWERTY board) that happend on non Omia2 phones?
steve austin said:
So, what you are saing is that I if I cn find a cab of the SWYPE that was taken from the [email protected] it can be installed on the hd2? If so then I am going to search for it quick. This version that came with the Tmous HD2 bites. BTW, is there the weird overlap problem (at the bottom of the QWERTY board) that happend on non Omia2 phones?
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Yep thats exactly what i am saying. This was the first swype that fits a WGVA phone extracted so it could run our HD2's. It did not have 100% of the features like advanced keyboard config (2 letters / key etc) but it works well.
The 3.9 is more tailored for our phones as its designed for the US Tmous phone but as mentioned, i just dont believe it works as well, try for yourself.
Cant post a link on here as most swype cab's and links have been removed as it rules prohibit a link to a cab version here but google will give you MANY hits to its direction.
Just make sure you install to the phone not storage and away you go.
* I havent noticed any overlap problems, keyboard looks good.
Hey can anyone put up a link to the original swype for the MyTouch 3G 32A????
rexboy said:
Yep thats exactly what i am saying. This was the first swype that fits a WGVA phone extracted so it could run our HD2's. It did not have 100% of the features like advanced keyboard config (2 letters / key etc) but it works well.
The 3.9 is more tailored for our phones as its designed for the US Tmous phone but as mentioned, i just dont believe it works as well, try for yourself.
Cant post a link on here as most swype cab's and links have been removed as it rules prohibit a link to a cab version here but google will give you MANY hits to its direction.
Just make sure you install to the phone not storage and away you go.
* I havent noticed any overlap problems, keyboard looks good.
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Thanks for this. I've been installing the cabs to the SD card, and you're saying that this should be put to the phone's root directory? Where exactly should I save it? Ive been trying for hours on end trying different versions. It's either the trial one that won't work or the cab, and I put the cab on my phone, but couldn't figure out why there wasn't an executable or APK to flash.
Any additional info as to where to root this would be great.

[Q] Missing fifth row with numbers on keyboard

I am a user of DesireZ for three months, after 2 years with G1, and so far I found it...even depressing (sic!), that the keyboard has no numbers row but only the combination of Fn + key.
How do you find it ? Any extra method of typing IP numbers for example ? or numbers with spaces e.g. +48 123 456 789 ? Please tell I me I get used to use it
Solution for me would be, and this is a question, there is a way to map two programmable keys to "space" and "comma". Possible ?
I was a migrant from the g1 as well and found it hard to get used to at first. It isn't all that bad though considering you can press the fn key twice in succession and then the top row will work as a numbers row rather than letters. Apart from that, I don't have a solution sorry
I think I remember someone posting an apk in here that would show numbers row at the bottom of a screen as soon as you'd pulled out the keyboard in 'txt writing mode'. Mind you, it was way back in dec or jan... Try search?
I used to have it but it didn't work for me as I seem to remember it required root (I don't have that yet)
See if you find it, good luck
edit: I did find the file in my fone (!)
I take no credit for it nor responsibility whatsoever!!!
Sadly, I do not know who made that either (to credit them) but here it is...
good luck
Wow! TA for replies.
@HAK Devil: I know, but permanent Fn switch the "space" to XT9 and "." to ":"
@wolek76: this is exactly something that could sort out my needs. I should have been looking for G2 rather than DesireZ
Anyway - here is the thread regarding to whole idea and developer:
I haven't have a chance to have it working yet - but good to know I am not alone
You should keep your G1 as a backup phone incase the DZ goes wrong and you end up having to send it back for repairs. After 7 months the touchscreen on my old DZ kept sticking in one particular place and HTCs idea of "fixing it" was to kill 1/3 o fthe touchscreen, which was really annoying so after a month of heavy duty legal pressure (thanks to my partner), they coughed up a replacement.
Short version: I wouldn't ditch the rock solid G1 if I were you, it'll one day come in handy.
Hey I tried installing this and it wouldn't show up at all. Enabled it in keyboard settings, fixed permissions; nothing worked.
Has anybody gotten this to work? And have there been any updates on it?
One of the biggest probs I've had with this phone was the 5th number row. You do eventually get used to it, for the most part lol.
What keys did you have in mind for the swap?
Also, I think you may need root for this method to work. Are you rooted?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
Even my old Nokia E70 had better keyboard than Vision/Desire Z has. That is so sad :-(
imsayintho said:
Hey I tried installing this and it wouldn't show up at all. Enabled it in keyboard settings, fixed permissions; nothing worked.
Has anybody gotten this to work? And have there been any updates on it?
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It did not work with me as well, thought when it got updated to 2.3.3 it actually started working no problem. Still there is a problem with Fn and 'shift' keys. I have no root and I haven't change anything to my phone apart from allowing installations from other sources.
wilnotdie said:
One of the biggest probs I've had with this phone was the 5th number row. You do eventually get used to it, for the most part lol.
What keys did you have in mind for the swap?
Also, I think you may need root for this method to work. Are you rooted?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
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I am not rooted and as I mentioned - this does not work yet well. Check out also the thread I listed above. It is still being under development.
The two keys I was thinking about was the programmable keys that can be used for apps and so on.
I know I will get used to it. The easiest is type everything and come back to paste special symbols I guess like "ftp19216811://..." ha ha Maybe HTC want to make people stop writing like U2, sk8 is gr8, 4me and use proper language

