upgtade rom - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

hi all , I want upgrade via rom SD card , but now my XDA cant work to WM OS . it only work with Bootloader because fail while i upgrade(It not full write to SD when i used XDAtools for upgrade) . So anybody help for this. who have software to write ROM to SDcard by card reader or rom upgrade for XDA that used only bootloader not ActiveSyn because XDATool requested ActiveSyn for work but now my Device can use only bootloader.

psophan said:
hi all , I want upgrade via rom SD card , but now my XDA cant work to WM OS . it only work with Bootloader because fail while i upgrade(It not full write to SD when i used XDAtools for upgrade) . So anybody help for this. who have software to write ROM to SDcard by card reader or rom upgrade for XDA that used only bootloader not ActiveSyn because XDATool requested ActiveSyn for work but now my Device can use only bootloader.
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You need to be under bootloader to flash from SD card. There are detailed instructions on how to do this in the Wiki. Good luck!

Big thank
egzthunder1 said:
You need to be under bootloader to flash from SD card. There are detailed instructions on how to do this in the Wiki. Good luck!
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thank alot, i ll try
HTC universal + 3200mah + 4g SD
WM 6.5 by tomal's v10 Rom & Radio 1.18.00
HTC Atom + 2G Mini SD
WM 6.5(by PDAVIET)
HTC Alpine +3600mah
WM2003SE 1.11.162 ,Radio 1.04
(waitng Cotulla Rom)
HTC Wallaby
WM2003SE (now not work)
HTC Himalaya +2600mah
WM 6.5.5 Hybrid 23563, Radio 1.17
HTC Magician + 2500mah + 1800mah
WM 6.5 (HTCMAG_ROM_WWE_O5 by Cotulla) ,Radio 1.12


Will there be a WM2003 upgrade for Qtek 1010?

Hi- i have tried to contact my local dealer in Denmark, but nobody seems to know whether there will be an upgrade or not. Any clues ?????
You don't have to wait since you can use O2's WM2003 rom.
Sounds good, but what happens with my qtek ??What about the radio upgrade, and can i go back to the previus version ???
Your qtek's rom will simply overwrited by O2's rom. It just like install a difference version of Windows to your computer (May be it's not a good example...). Except the boot up screen, there is no major different.
I think you should upgrade your qtek's radio to Qtek 3.23 or O2 4.21, because these two version were reported working great on the WM2003 rom.
You can go back to the previous version, but you should have a 64m+ SD Card and a XDArit compatible SD Reader (most stand-alone SD reader should work), because the windows flashing utility (program a) is not working under WM2003, you must use a SD card to downgrade the rom.
Any links to get the Qtek Radio [email protected]?
Ravi Radh
raviradh said:
Any links to get the Qtek Radio [email protected]?
Ravi Radh
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It's under the rsu directory.
Do not use Passive Transfers.

Is it possible to downgrade from RUU 4.01.0 without SD card?

Can any body explain how to downgrade from T-Mobile RUU 4.01.00 without SD card. Is it possible? Can I use MMC instead SD? :?: :?: :?:
My attempts to downgrade ROM by ProgrammeA was unsuccesfull. Connection with XDA was rejected by software on phone.
MMC or SD is ok.
Re: Is it possible to downgrade from RUU 4.01.0 without SD c
devenson said:
Can any body explain how to downgrade from T-Mobile RUU 4.01.00 without SD card. Is it possible? Can I use MMC instead SD? :?: :?: :?:
My attempts to downgrade ROM by ProgrammeA was unsuccesfull. Connection with XDA was rejected by software on phone.
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Not that I've seen!
BTW what ROM are you trying to downgrade to?
(Repost with FIM)
Missed the can I use MMC card instead part.
A: Yes.
Re: Is it possible to downgrade from RUU 4.01.0 without SD c
Qman said:
devenson said:
Can any body explain how to downgrade from T-Mobile RUU 4.01.00 without SD card. Is it possible? Can I use MMC instead SD? :?: :?: :?:
My attempts to downgrade ROM by ProgrammeA was unsuccesfull. Connection with XDA was rejected by software on phone.
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Not that I've seen!
BTW what ROM are you trying to downgrade to?
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I'll try to downgrade to QTEK 3.18.04. I have not had problems with this version.
I use RS 3.25.00 downloaded from Qtek. It support 900 & 1800 MHz.
T-Mobile ROM 4.01.00 is 900/1900 networks. I didn't see GPRS sign and fly mode don't works on my phone. GPRS connection is not so good as in 3.18.04. Possible I will try 4.00.11 version, but not sure.
Now i know the way how to downgrade from T-Mobile ROM 4.01.0
Now i know the way how to downgrade from T-Mobile ROM 4.01.00 without SD card.
I have downgraded my xda to Qtek ROM 3.18.04 ENG using exe file.
Re: Now i know the way how to downgrade from T-Mobile ROM 4.
devenson said:
Now i know the way how to downgrade from T-Mobile ROM 4.01.00 without SD card.
I have downgraded my xda to Qtek ROM 3.18.04 ENG using exe file.
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Thats great news devenson! 8)
How did you do it?

Problems updating ROM, I need help, please.

I'm trying to upgrade my XDA with ROM version 3.14.16 GER (Model number PW10A1) with the upgrade file (v3.17.03) downloaded from O2 UK website (I mean, I would like to change the language only). When I execute the upgrade file runs ok, but after several steps occurs the following error: ERROR 007: NO ROM IMAGE FILE. Cannot find the ROM image to upgrade your Pocket PC.
I also have tried with XDA Os Image tool (downloaded from this web) with Source:...NK.nbf and Destination: Device Memory (via Programme A) but there is another error: Programme A not found -run with '--register' error openenig target device (but Porgramme A is installed on my PC).
Thanks in advance.
What language are you trying to change to?
Now it's in german, I want to change to english.
Rebellion said:
Now it's in German, I want to change to English.
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Ok I suggest you upgrade to the Qtek 1010 ROM
Download Radio Upgrade File : RSUv1.15_(GPRS_T32500_ENG).exe
The D/L comes with both the ROM and the Radio Stack Upgrade last time I checked so just do the ROM.
or you can go with the XDA developers Special Edition ROM v1.2
either way your ROM will changed to English.
Qman said:
Ok I suggest you upgrade to the Qtek 1010 ROM
Download Radio Upgrade File : RSUv1.15_(GPRS_T32500_ENG).exe
The D/L comes with both the ROM and the Radio Stack Upgrade last time I checked so just do the ROM.
or you can go with the XDA developers Special Edition ROM v1.2
either way your ROM will changed to English.
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Thank you very much but I've tried the two ways. The first one doesn`t work because there is only the Radio Stack Upgrade file and with the second one I've got the same error than before, ERROR 007: NO ROM IMAGE FILE. What I'm doing wrong?
I don't know anything about the German ROM, but what about using the SD card flash method? It lets you get around the Programme A problems that occur with ROM's such as those from T-Mobile.
ebswift said:
I don't know anything about the German ROM, but what about using the SD card flash method? It lets you get around the Programme A problems that occur with ROM's such as those from T-Mobile.
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I don`t know very well that method. What I have to do? Do I have to do a copy of the ROM file to SD card first and then copy it to the ROM of XDA from the SD card?
Thanks a lot.
good reading
I don`t know very well that method. What I have to do? Do I have to do a copy of the ROM file to SD card first and then copy it to the ROM of XDA from the SD card?
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Basically I linked to the information necessary to do SD card flashes from this thread, as well as covering other issues with changing ROM's, such as with the bootloader (5.17 is an extra technicality) : http://xda-developers.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3860. You will need an SD card reader which shows your SD card as an extra drive in explorer.
Let us know if you have further problems.
Dear Rebellion
I read ur post at XDA developers forum.
I am having the same problem as urs.
As I upgrade SX56 from XDA DEVELOPERS V1.2 to O2 version download from there site.
But now i want to degrade O2 version and want to install XDA developers V1.1.
But When I execute the upgrade file runs ok, but after several steps occurs the following error: ERROR 007: NO ROM IMAGE FILE. Cannot find the ROM image to upgrade your Pocket PC.
Please temme how u fix this problem plz
i m too worried abt it
waiting to hear from u soon
Yours truly
mahtab said:
Dear Rebellion
I read ur post at XDA developers forum.
I am having the same problem as urs.
As I upgrade SX56 from XDA DEVELOPERS V1.2 to O2 version download from there site.
But now i want to degrade O2 version and want to install XDA developers V1.1.
But When I execute the upgrade file runs ok, but after several steps occurs the following error: ERROR 007: NO ROM IMAGE FILE. Cannot find the ROM image to upgrade your Pocket PC.
Please temme how u fix this problem plz
i m too worried abt it
waiting to hear from u soon
Yours truly
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I'm sorry but I haven´t solved the problem yet, I will try to do it in a few days and let you know if I'm able to do it.

o2mini ASIA ROM uploaded to ftp

for the ones who needs it:
o2mini ASIA shipped ROM just uploaded to ftp://forum.xda-developers.com/Uploads/Magician/
extact the *.rar file and you'll get a 124MB o2mini_asia.nb1 file.
use ntrw to write into a 128MB SD CARD, and upgrade yr mini with SD method, and your mini is as when you just bought....
good luck.
interesting, I got a 240MB+ Rom image. Why is that so?
I assume the steps to write the ROm image to mini is the same as how we do backup (and extract the rom), except that the ntrw command is different.
what's the command anyway?
zenkinz said:
interesting, I got a 240MB+ Rom image. Why is that so?
I assume the steps to write the ROm image to mini is the same as how we do backup (and extract the rom), except that the ntrw command is different.
what's the command anyway?
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if you dump yr rom (with mtty) with a 256MB SDcard then you'll get 240MB+ image. if you use a 128MB SDcard you'll get 124MB+
as for how to: if you mean the extract (rom dump) and upgrade with the SDcard method, yes it is the same.
command ? for what, mtty ?? ntrw ?? please do a search in the forum .... (hint: How to dump ROM to SD..... )
actually, what I meant was with the original O2 ROM, how do I write-back the original ROM on my upgraded ROM, should one day I decided to revert back to normal?
Is there a software where I can read the ROM image and split it into NBF files for ROM/ExtendedROM/Radio respectively?
It's interesting that the ROM size changes according to the capacity of the SDCard. I suppose this is just the image of the SDcard, not really ROM, and part of the image contains the ROM.
Hi Johanesl,
What version of O2 mini ROM is there?
The latest one, or the original 1.03.00?
Terima kasih
Artosoft said:
Hi Johanesl,
What version of O2 mini ROM is there?
The latest one, or the original 1.03.00?
Terima kasih
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it is the original "shipped" rom, frankly i forget wether it is 1.03 or even 1.01 , i bought the mini end of january.... so maybe it's still 1.01
johannesl said:
for the ones who needs it:
o2mini ASIA shipped ROM just uploaded to ftp://forum.xda-developers.com/Uploads/Magician/
extact the *.rar file and you'll get a 124MB o2mini_asia.nb1 file.
use ntrw to write into a 128MB SD CARD, and upgrade yr mini with SD method, and your mini is as when you just bought....
good luck.
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May I ask the password and the login ID of the xda-develpers FTP?
Thanks for you kind attention.
vanyuen said:
johannesl said:
for the ones who needs it:
o2mini ASIA shipped ROM just uploaded to ftp://forum.xda-developers.com/Uploads/Magician/
extact the *.rar file and you'll get a 124MB o2mini_asia.nb1 file.
use ntrw to write into a 128MB SD CARD, and upgrade yr mini with SD method, and your mini is as when you just bought....
good luck.
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May I ask the password and the login ID of the xda-develpers FTP?
Thanks for you kind attention.
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Hi guys,
I cannot log into the ftp. It says: “ 530;pPermission denied"
How do you do?
Where to download the following:
1) ntrw.exe,
2) romupdate.exe,
3) hexedfull.exe
4) newrom.nb1
johannesl said:
Artosoft said:
Hi Johanesl,
What version of O2 mini ROM is there?
The latest one, or the original 1.03.00?
Terima kasih
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it is the original "shipped" rom, frankly i forget wether it is 1.03 or even 1.01 , i bought the mini end of january.... so maybe it's still 1.01
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I bought my O2 Mini 5 days ago and it's shipped with 1.03 ROM. Now I've upgraded it to "V1.11WWE modified 27Mb Storage" and it's been super stable! I just love the O2 ....
Are there any suggestions to my problem? I upgraded my O2 stuff to Qtek 1.11 however I did not make a backup of my original rom 1.03. How can I now downgrade, only if I need to obtain warranty service, from 1.11 to 1.03. As I see it I could only do it with the original O2 software and not someone elses backup file. I have tried all avenues within the procedures docs etc. Surely someone out there has a copy of the original O2 rom software??

Is 1GB SD Cards compatible with Wallaby (QTEK 1010)

Can anyone enlighten me about the 1GB SD Cards (Kingston/Lexar especially) are compatible with Wallaby - QTEK 1010 with Windows Mobile 2003 SE loaded on it? Any opinions? I was not able to solid information about these much memories on Wallaby devices.
Thanks in advance.
yes it works fine..i've tried it before when i had a wallaby
thx for your info.
I am currently using 1 GB SD card SanDisk, its going prefect with my Wallaby device & WM2003SE ROM on it! No any problems, dude 8)

