Is it possible to downgrade from RUU 4.01.0 without SD card? - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Can any body explain how to downgrade from T-Mobile RUU 4.01.00 without SD card. Is it possible? Can I use MMC instead SD? :?: :?: :?:
My attempts to downgrade ROM by ProgrammeA was unsuccesfull. Connection with XDA was rejected by software on phone.

MMC or SD is ok.

Re: Is it possible to downgrade from RUU 4.01.0 without SD c
devenson said:
Can any body explain how to downgrade from T-Mobile RUU 4.01.00 without SD card. Is it possible? Can I use MMC instead SD? :?: :?: :?:
My attempts to downgrade ROM by ProgrammeA was unsuccesfull. Connection with XDA was rejected by software on phone.
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Not that I've seen!
BTW what ROM are you trying to downgrade to?
(Repost with FIM)
Missed the can I use MMC card instead part.
A: Yes.

Re: Is it possible to downgrade from RUU 4.01.0 without SD c
Qman said:
devenson said:
Can any body explain how to downgrade from T-Mobile RUU 4.01.00 without SD card. Is it possible? Can I use MMC instead SD? :?: :?: :?:
My attempts to downgrade ROM by ProgrammeA was unsuccesfull. Connection with XDA was rejected by software on phone.
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Not that I've seen!
BTW what ROM are you trying to downgrade to?
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I'll try to downgrade to QTEK 3.18.04. I have not had problems with this version.
I use RS 3.25.00 downloaded from Qtek. It support 900 & 1800 MHz.
T-Mobile ROM 4.01.00 is 900/1900 networks. I didn't see GPRS sign and fly mode don't works on my phone. GPRS connection is not so good as in 3.18.04. Possible I will try 4.00.11 version, but not sure.

Now i know the way how to downgrade from T-Mobile ROM 4.01.0
Now i know the way how to downgrade from T-Mobile ROM 4.01.00 without SD card.
I have downgraded my xda to Qtek ROM 3.18.04 ENG using exe file.

Re: Now i know the way how to downgrade from T-Mobile ROM 4.
devenson said:
Now i know the way how to downgrade from T-Mobile ROM 4.01.00 without SD card.
I have downgraded my xda to Qtek ROM 3.18.04 ENG using exe file.
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Thats great news devenson! 8)
How did you do it?


Will there be a WM2003 upgrade for Qtek 1010?

Hi- i have tried to contact my local dealer in Denmark, but nobody seems to know whether there will be an upgrade or not. Any clues ?????
You don't have to wait since you can use O2's WM2003 rom.
Sounds good, but what happens with my qtek ??What about the radio upgrade, and can i go back to the previus version ???
Your qtek's rom will simply overwrited by O2's rom. It just like install a difference version of Windows to your computer (May be it's not a good example...). Except the boot up screen, there is no major different.
I think you should upgrade your qtek's radio to Qtek 3.23 or O2 4.21, because these two version were reported working great on the WM2003 rom.
You can go back to the previous version, but you should have a 64m+ SD Card and a XDArit compatible SD Reader (most stand-alone SD reader should work), because the windows flashing utility (program a) is not working under WM2003, you must use a SD card to downgrade the rom.
Any links to get the Qtek Radio [email protected]?
Ravi Radh
raviradh said:
Any links to get the Qtek Radio [email protected]?
Ravi Radh
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It's under the rsu directory.
Do not use Passive Transfers.

Help to downgrade from O2 RSU4.21 to the RSU4.16

Please help me to downgrade my XDA from latest version RSU4.21 to older RSU4.16. I found, that the older version works better with GPRS.
And one more question - Has anyone tryed QTEQ Radio upgrade RSUv1.15_(GPRS_T32500_ENG).exe? As I unerstood, It's impossible too to downgrade from this version?
What is easiest way to downgrade to RSU4.16?
more question - Has anyone tryed QTEQ Radio upgrade RSUv1.15_(GPRS_T32500_ENG).exe? As I unerstood, It's impossible too to downgrade from this version
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I have it as the original RSU on my device but not sure it works for Europe and it has no problem to move from/to it.
What is easiest way to downgrade to RSU4.16?
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You have to get SD card to make a backup from your ROM+RSU and then you can down load your favorit RSU from
Good luck
i can't find the rsu4.16 at where can i get it?

ROM upgrade in Australia

I just want WM2003 on my XDA. I tried installing 4.00.05 but got the white screen of death. Does anyone know if the Seimens SX56 ROM will work on my phone? I plan not to **** with the radio stack.
Just want a O/S that's newer and not as buggy as the original 3.21 that I had.
I miss my working XDA, it's been 2 long weeks and I finally get my MMC card back so I can flash.
Anyone in Australia got 4.00.05 working or WM2003? Which version you running if so?
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
you didn't tell what's your device type and how the 4.00.05 failed.
I'm not sure the MMC can be used instead of SD card, but if yes, then i may advice you to cook a new 4.00.05 ROM at and select the .nbf file method. move the file to your MMC card using the XDAtools and flash your xda through the boot loader.
good luck.
My device type was a:
3.20.06 ENG (ROM)
3.21 (Radio)
But after trying to install with an EXE self installer became:
4.00.05 (ROM)
R4.21.00 (Radio)
One thing I have worked out about the EXE self installers is that they will extract a NBF file to a directory, in C:\Program Files\Programme A\English
so therefore, whichever version you download in a self extracting file contains the NBF file that's required.
goatieman said:
My device type was a:
3.20.06 ENG (ROM)
3.21 (Radio)
But after trying to install with an EXE self installer became:
4.00.05 (ROM)
R4.21.00 (Radio)
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The Radio part shouldn't be affected by this upgrade!.
4.00.05 works just fine. The 4.01.00 and AT&T release ROM are even better (except for the stupid noise attenuation everyone's working to try and defeat).
Never(!) use the .exe method for upgrade, you have a much greater chance of it screwing your XDA. Also, according to your post you weren't messing with the radio, but by using the .exe upgrade you have inadvertantly upgraded the radio. 4.21 is the same version as O2 released for Australia, but I'm not quite sure if you're running the T-Mobile version now? As far as I know you can screw up upgrading your ROM as much as you like using the SD method because you can always whack the SD back in and start again, the bootloader is intact and the radio is intact.
I guess if you use the .exe update method from your manufacturer's release, at least you'll have some recourse in that you were only following what they said to do for the upgrade and they will probably fix it.
Use the SD upgrade method to fix your current problem, and you may need to use the Wallaby patch to do that. Good luck.
Best ROM for a QTek 1010 connected to Vodafone Australia
I have a QTek 1010 which I'm using in Australia on the Vodafone network. Which is the best ROM to upgrade my device to Pocket PC 2003?
Device: PW10A1
ROM version: 3.18.04 ENG
ROM date: 05/22/03
Radio version: 3.25.01
Protocl version: 32S54
Which is the best ROM to upgrade my device to Pocket PC 2003?
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Use A.30.09, it's the only release version out there. All other versions are beta and have their problems. The only headache with A.30.09 is volume attenuation, but either soon we'll have a fix, or soon another manfucturer will make a release public so we can switch over (hopefully) without that annoyance.
Where can I get ROM A.30.09 from?
Where can I get ROM A.30.09 from?
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Thanks heaps for that! The upgrade worked perfect.
You were right about the volume issue becoming annoying! :twisted:
Which Radio Stack is the best to use in Australia?
Another quick question. Which Radio Stack is the better one to use? The QTek 1010 Radio Stack v3.25.01 (32S54) or the O2 XDA Radio Stack v4.21 (32S54)?

Want to uninstall WM2003 and go back to O2 original ROM

Installed T-Mobile WM2003 from the ROM kitchen.......... Network very weak and the phone has become very slow. Now I want to move back to O2 original ROM (WM2002).
When I try to install the ROM I get an error message :
"ERROR: GetConnectionType - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. error getting connectiontype"
and the 02 ROM installer cannot communicate with my XDA.
Can someone please help me get back the original 02 ROM, with sim unlocked???
Really need some help here. :?:
I loved my phone as it was and I was stupid to experiment with it !!
regards ,
If you used the kitchen to cook your ROM then it shouldn't have any impact on the RSU part. Plz give more details on your RSU version, your network MHz and what types of problems you have ?
BTW, did you upgrade to 4.01.00 or 4.01.16 ?
To get back to PPC2002, you can use the SD method
if you upgraded to the 4.01.16 I had this problem too.
you can't use the rom.exe method via the cradle if you've put this tmobile rom on your XDA, you have to use the SD flash method.
I upgraded it to 4.01.16
Radio version installed is 4.21.00
a. The XDA has become very slow (I have a lot of free space on the XDA)
b. Network signals are weak.
Going back to 2002
I received from a friend a pre-release version of t-mobile ppc2003 a few months ago. He put it on my phone via a sd flash. T-mobile has just released (for free) on their website a final release of ppc 2003 and the one I am using is somewhat unstable at times. Does anyone happen to have t-mobile ppc2002 so that I can upgrade. Thanks.
Diki said:
a. The XDA has become very slow (I have a lot of free space on the XDA)
b. Network signals are weak.
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a. there is a bug in WM2003 and there is a tiny program that should be placed in the \windows\startup directory to solve it. The program is called Clear_Notify.exe ... simple search and you will find it.
If not, then it's a Radio problem that impacts the ROM part. Few hard resets may solve it.
b. if you mean the indicator on the window tray, forget about it ... the point is the ability of making/receiving calls. If you face real problems, I think it's the 4.21 RSU, but be extreamly careful ... upgrading the RSU is very risky especially with this RSU 4.21 on your device!!!!!!.
Good luck
tellan said:
if you upgraded to the 4.01.16 I had this problem too.
you can't use the rom.exe method via the cradle if you've put this tmobile rom on your XDA, you have to use the SD flash method.
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1. Can you please send me the steps for installing the O2 OS on a SD card?
2. and once it is installed and working, can I just go ahead and delete all the folder (windows program files etc) from the phone memory?
What are the risks involved in writing ROM to SD Card?
I have no idea of this. Can you please help me?
Hi Diki,
Did you get a soution to your problem yet? I elaborate on the same problem.
Thanks for your answer
I have the same problem and I still don't know what to do. Please elaborate if you can.
:roll: I have this problem too. If someone find the selution,PLS send me a Email: [email protected].
:roll: I have this problem too. If someone find the selution,PLS send me a Email: [email protected].

problem Wallaby upgrade to W2003

Hi all!
I have a curios problem. I am from Slovakia and I use SIM cards from both operators here (Tmobile and Orange).
In my Wallaby a used to have Win2002 and unknown RSU (i upgraded it but forgot version ) now i have Win 2003 (4.01.00) and RSU 6.24
but: on WIN 2002 (3.14) both my SIM cards work with GPRS and INTERNET
on WIN 2003 only Tmobile SIM card works..
Orange sim card show signal strength but i cant make a call on it and from it.. I also try to flash back my Win2002 ROM but it wont works
Now i am confused and dont know what to do..
So I have some questions to answer.. If U could help please respond:
1. My SIM card from Tmobile is new (probably 64type) and Orange one is 5years old (i think 16type). My question is: Does the RSU 6.24 support that type of cards? (my signal strength is full but i cant make a call or connect gprs)
2. Its possible that phone is after flash of RSU locked to my Tmobile SIM card?
3. What RSUs are compatible with my Wallaby? (PW10B type) Please dont tell me 6.24 or 6.25 I need older one..
4. What problems are in ROM 2003SE?
Your phone will remain unlocked after rom upgrade. You can flash back to 2002 using the sd card method.
try try try
cruisin-thru said:
Your phone will remain unlocked after rom upgrade. You can flash back to 2002 using the sd card method.
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Yes I know that.. I downgrade my RSU to version 6.18 but my SIM card (Orange one) still dont work so I try to downgrade to WIN2002.. It works perfect at this version of Windows.. But I want newer windows so I probably will go to Orange and pay some money to change my SIM card to 64kB type..
So problems with making call is result of OLD SIM CARD (16kB or 32kB)..
Now I love my Wallaby again.. 8)
thanx all for reading that (I see that many people readed this topic)
Thanx guys!
P.S.: Sorry for my english

