The ups and cons of hd2 - HD2 General

I will not talk about hardware....
I will speak of something else
The touch hd2 is a brilliant phone
I got it since i had my touch pro 2 stolen and this is my 6th windows mobile device.
It is the first windows mobile phone that in my opinion will be used by the mass population...
This is good and bad
The good thing is that we will see more software since more and more companies will not lose the chance to make some bucks from a device used by a lot of people.We will see more games and i think that they will use multitouch too.
On the other side being a more "public phone" means that a lot of clueless people will get it.
That means people that thing of it as a nokia phone and will never look for what it can offer
Our leo is an awesome device but it is not only a mobile phone
It has glitches that people that will only use it for phone and some games will find unbearable.
Things that will be ok after a new rom will be like mountain to climb for them.
Yes we will have to answer in stupid questions for us...
On the other hand people should know that all of us don't get paid neither by the site nor htc to have the obligation to answer to rude people.
So when new roms will arise we will have a lot of people with bricked devices or with problems that will think it is bricked
To all of you then...
We do it because it is dangerous for our 600€ device not to do so.
And of course if you do not take the time to read the wikis why should anyone take the time to answer your questions.
Something else and this will be the las one.
Please don't answer questions that will be written in the wikis
Just answer read the wiki
That way you will do good to the too
As they say in my country
Don't give a poor person a fish....
Learn him how to fish and give him the tools...

How right i was then
Now more and more problems arise...
People that never say thx to rom cooks
People that think it is an obligation of other people to realease various staff...
It's inevitable....
Poor hd2 some people mistake you for the iphone

More and more people....
How can you say if iphnone or hd2 is better
You can't measure a center back and a offender

uh...... I LOVE MY HD2

Urmm... Where is this thread going?
or have i missed the point?

I am over here CRACKING UP.
wtf lol

funny, i still prefer my orbit2. find it more user friendly.


The Only Thing That I Got From This Forum!

spoke too soon i guess the terminology, u got a fully fledged working liberated rom for gps, and its a good edition, we have to continue to talk even if no result appears so we can show the honored developers that we are still egger for what ever they are finding so they continue to develope, otherwise they will think theretime is just lost for bunsh of ghosts, if you look at my post onto ways of using ur shift so u can make it more intersting untill that time where u its completly unlocked, i think september is going to be the best month for shift full of good news and following to that xmass time where the big bomb phone being enabled am not ofcourse basing this on any finding nor i have contacted Nostradamos lately , its how i wish things to go
(1) And what did you contribute?
pcangel said:
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[2] Do you have better ideas to help this out?
I do not contribute, since I do not know anything of programming, but at least, read and support the work of many, many people, which do it for free. However, one of the things I will never do is demand anything here, only wait patiently.
Since I bought my Tytn two years ago, one of the reasons I bought the Shift (and very soon the Diamond) was the existence of "xda-developers" and the people which is in here.
Please, be more sensible to all of us: read the forum if you like, take and use the software which suits to you, but never, never demand anything here. The only thing you can do is to be grateful to all those unknown people which make possible the existence of this site.
villalain said:
I do not contribute, since I do not know anything of programming, but at least, read and support the work of many, many people, which do it for free. However, one of the things I will never do is demand anything here, only wait patiently.
Since I bought my Tytn two years ago, one of the reasons I bought the Shift (and very soon the Diamond) was the existence of "xda-developers" and the people which is in here.
Please, be more sensible to all of us: read the forum if you like, take and use the software which suits to you, but never, never demand anything here. The only thing you can do is to be grateful to all those unknown people which make possible the existence of this site.
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i agree 100% with you am a user of windows based mobile since 2003 and i still use it because of this forum, it always made any phone i buy worth 4 or 5 times more than its reall value, even the shift now if it coasts 1400
i would say my return value is like that
600 for vista laptop side
300 for winmo side
the remainder is what this site will give me and guess what after 1 year from today the value will be another 900 dollars which is more than the original value where you have bought this phone at
pcangel said:
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Firstly, take your caps lock off, it means youre shouting!
Secondly, I have owned a Shift since the day it was released in the UK. these forums have been invaluable to me personally. Using the forums I have: -
Liberated my Shift
Dual Booting my shift with XP
Solved a Wi-fi problem
Taken advice on the dissapearing SD card issues
And will be trying the new ROM
How can you possibly say its a waste of time. Its comments like yours (which are obviously written in anger) that really annoy me. I am not a programmer so I cannot assist with ROMs etc, but I check this forum everyday and I am thankful the guys/gals at XDA-Developers keep this site up and running for FREE for the likes of you and me.
I suggest you get off your high horse and apologise. If it wasnt for the likes of Cmonex, Prof and Febelus (who worked so hard finding XP drivers) sites like XDA-Developers would not exist, then we'd all have to work a lot harder to make our devices more usuable.
pcangel said:
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Please if you do not like it think that no one forced you to join.
respect the effort of all the members.
if you cant find anything usefull then try harder to find it, myself I found a lot of things here.
and keep your voice down.
pcangel said:
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If you dont submit anything and only like to take you have no right to say anything .
I dont know how to program and therefore Iam very happy with this site it helps me a lot there is a answer here for most problems and there are people here dedicating a lot of there spare time to help us and I suppose themself out . we should salute them not attack them .
There is ofcourse a better solution please stay of this site or keep silent.
Agree with everyone's comments - firstly, please respect the work that has already taken is not insiginificant as you would have us all think. Secondly, liek me you propbably cannot contribute to code work, but you CAN contribute support by discussing experiences no matter how small.
Communities are about sharing, not sitting back waiting for those doing the work to deliver rewards at your feet...wake up...
I guess the most obvious statement would be :
" When you bought the Shift, didnt you know about all its limitations
or do you just want to mooch of contributions to this forum? "
i am so tired of people who buy their devices, expecting the members
of this forum to turn them in to marbels of technology.
I bought the shift because I thought it would be useful for me, and it is.
Any modification, hint or advice from the people here and any contribution
i can make, are god given.
Thank you all for the hard work guys and girls...
Well said!
aquasesh said:
I guess the most obvious statement would be :
" When you bought the Shift, didnt you know about all its limitations
or do you just want to mooch of contributions to this forum? "
i am so tired of people who buy their devices, expecting the members
of this forum to turn them in to marbels of technology.
I bought the shift because I thought it would be useful for me, and it is.
Any modification, hint or advice from the people here and any contribution
i can make, are god given.
Thank you all for the hard work guys and girls...
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You are right. I come here regularly, so that I could learn something and make my devices for better usage by extending and expanding their capabilities. This forum is more educative than anything else. Sometimes you have to wait for a better result. This is not a paid forum or support. Everyone here is putting their free cycles and making these devices more powerful and useful. the more you wait, the more you learn. Majority of times it takes a lot of time, because it is step by step advancement not a single day work, because most of us have to learn and understand device architecture and remove barriers; even a human's birth takes well more than 9 months and patience. There will be people like pcAngel, who would want everything right immediately, well then, they should not buy Shift.
Thank you very much to everyone, who is contributing to make our devices powerful.
My 2 cents
I find myself as a long time lurker needing to come out from under my rock and finally comment about this quite stereotypical noob troll. From his utterly 733tspeak, caps lock pounding, noob troll bleat we can determine that he most likely is the quintessential internet tough guy that can not afford one of these devices unless he steals it. I am in awe the moron here can find something on the internet other then 2girls1cup and his hand on his snake. That being said, after powering through his 12 year old fresh on a post board rant, I am still lost as to what if anything this troll wants to express other then the " I am entitled to it because I [email protected]#$ing say so" post of the ignorant. That being said I am curious, junior, whether your 12 year old idiot ass, understands what goes into reverse engineering a device ROM and then building a custom built ROM? Please let us know so we can add you to the project.
I agree with saiweb, worldpcdude and aquasesh....
What if anything has pcangel contributed? You show your complete ignorance of the device by basically missing the point of XDA altogether...
The likes of pof / thaihugo / cmonex etc that have made invaluable progress for us all in regards to the shift's functionality should be respected and appreciated...
Yes many of us would like things faster but if you can't add to the collective through your own abilities at least have the common courtesy of not showing you complete lack of intelligence by your ill advised, impolite initial post...
If you have nothing constructive to say, spare US ALL (yes I shouted that) your indignant rant and just say NOTHING AT ALL...
Any basic research into the shift would have provided you an understanding of what it would do and where it's shortcomings were and many of us bought a shift (I was one of the first in the UK to have one) with this acceptance...
XDA has shown over many years they are masters at making a device do what it was never designed to / intended to do, and we have all been the better for it.... We need more people like the XDA developers and LESS PEOPLE LIKE YOU...
Men of Little Faith.......
Someone please inform this fellow that XDA Developers is not a government department. Deep down I have a feeling that the guy never meant what was stated. My gut feeling is that his is bad case of a stale joke. So let us all laugh off the joke and live happily ever after......
I hate cowards. The fellow started this thread and vanished. If he/she/it is serious about the nasty comments why not post a response in defence of his position. He is the type that start bar brawls and quietly slip out while jaws are being broken.
Most of us bought our Shifts with full knowledge of its limitations. We all know the hardware is fantastic but the problem is the supplied software. Its like hTC merely built for us a very nice house but supplied crap furniture. And someone is working on the best formula to get us the perfect furniture for our beautiful house. Can anybody in their right mind start abusing the person who is working on a formula to supply the furniture for free??????
I bet this guy has never made similar rants against hTC. Yet he has the audacity to insult the guys who are working to make the Shift the device that we all yearn for. Methinks the fellow should be bumped off the forum!
Men of little faith!!!!
PlayStation said:
Someone please inform this fellow that XDA Developers is not a government department. Deep down I have a feeling that the guy never meant what was stated. My gut feeling is that his is bad case of a stale joke. So let us all laugh off the joke and live happily ever after......
I hate cowards. The fellow started this thread and vanished. If he/she/it is serious about the nasty comments why not post a response in defence of his position. He is the type that start bar brawls and quietly slip out while jaws are being broken.
Most of us bought our Shifts with full knowledge of its limitations. We all know the hardware is fantastic but the problem is the supplied software. Its like hTC merely built for us a very nice house but supplied crap furniture. And someone is working on the best formula to get us the perfect furniture for our beautiful house. Can anybody in their right mind start abusing the person who is working on a formula to supply the furniture for free??????
I bet this guy has never made similar rants against hTC. Yet he has the audacity to insult the guys who are working to make the Shift the device that we all yearn for. Methinks the fellow should be bumped off the forum!
Men of little faith!!!!
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Just one word for you
THANK YOU *10000000000000
pcangel said:
Just one word for you
THANK YOU *10000000000000
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That's two words.... if not more.
...the forum done a lot for me.
My Shift changed from useless to useful.
OK, the development is a bit slow, but there are people who do their work on a free base.
Many thanks to them!!!!
pcangel said:
Just one word for you
THANK YOU *10000000000000
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dude, evidently you didn't read the post, or you might have noticed that he called you for what you are... A Troll.
well....... again..........
Whilst it never gets old insulting a 'troll' could a mod lock this thread or even delete it please.

serious effort for WM6 on iphone

serious effort for WM6 on iphone
hello all!
i was recently gifted an first generation iphone, i hacked it and unlocked it and played around with it. i was not very impressed, the hardware is awsome but the software, i find to be lacking.
at any rate it has sat in a desk drawer for a month or 2 and then i read about that faked video with wm6 on an iphone. i thought to my self why not give it a try? its not like i will be able to buy that touch hd from htc that i wanted...
so i have been doing some research and it looks like there is an arm processor in this thing, which gives me hope. i plan to use a few open source utilities such as ibooter to get an environment on this thing for wm6.
i am wondering what advice people can give me, who have hacked newer versions of WM onto an older device, what to research, what to expect or useful utilities; i have little experience with the bowels of WM.
this will be my first attempt at something this grandiose, but i have surmounted greater challenges in the past. i am not asking for help, however i am more than willing to work with anyone else who is interested.
please keep non-constructive criticisms to yourself, if people didn't try things every time there was doubt we would still be living in caves.
Good luck! I've got to say the iPhone would be WAY more appealing to me if it ran Windows Mobile. If I were you I'd maybe try and contact some of the ROM cookers in the older device threads like the Blue Angel forum.
sschrupp said:
Good luck! I've got to say the iPhone would be WAY more appealing to me if it ran Windows Mobile. If I were you I'd maybe try and contact some of the ROM cookers in the older device threads like the Blue Angel forum.
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thank you so much, i was honnestly beginning to wonder if i was the only person who thought this might be a good idea (especialy when i can show it to a macfanboi and ask "wheres your god now?!!")
OMFG !!, not another thread..if you dont wish to be made a fool out of you, i suggest please edit your title and post
I've got to say the iPhone would be WAY more appealing to me if it ran Windows Mobile
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ather90 said:
OMFG !!, not another thread..if you dont wish to be made a fool out of you, i suggest please edit your title and post
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im guessing that there is no one here that actualy does anything more than just develop applications for WM or troll arround the fourms?
like i said im looking for peoples who have worked with the os itself.
I saw somewhere that a Norwegian hacker did it some time ago, it is quite sad, but it is sexy to see WM running on wide screen
Here is where i saw it:
Anyway, good luck with your progress, i want to see it running :3
Samuelgames said:
I saw somewhere that a Norwegian hacker did it some time ago, it is quite sad, but it is sexy to see WM running on wide screen
Here is where i saw it:
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I saw it too in some other place.. that's amazing!
I just saw the video...that was cool. Looks like you got your answer there ashrond.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but that video is fake,look at the very begining he manages to turn his i-phone on by just tapping on the screen. sadly it's propably just some kind of slideshow presentatio. too bad would have been nice.
Stupid Fake Video!
Threads like this makes me sad, users making threads on this subject to be taken serious and fail to provide any type of commitment to achieve any goal to this subject. what im trying to say simply is... let the god damn roms chefs make threads like this and not the "omg i need WM6, on a toyphone"... i wanted wm6 so i got a phone with wm6 on it. not a god damn phone with ipod crap on it.
smokeingit said:
Threads like this makes me sad, users making threads on this subject to be taken serious and fail to provide any type of commitment to achieve any goal to this subject. what im trying to say simply is... let the god damn roms chefs make threads like this and not the "omg i need WM6, on a toyphone"... i wanted wm6 so i got a phone with wm6 on it. not a god damn phone with ipod crap on it.
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wow another jackass who cant read!
like i said i am looking to do this myself, i was simply looking to get a hold of one of these "romcookers" as you ignorantly call them. i swear its people like you that make me wish for the good ol days before all the
""31337 AOL users"" got access and started ****ing things up. do everyone a favor and keep your opinion to yourself.
ps thats the video that i was talking about being fake and giving me the idea to attempt this.
Well if ure serious about this, u could get a piece of advice from users such xplode, mamaich, bepe, tuatara and many many others (speaking as Blue Angel user).
Also, u might rather look in some iphone hacking forum. Furthermore, mind that iphone is quite a closed platform, so it doesnt have any documentation, besides some rev-eng done.
Anyway, there is little chance u will achieve this, and the amount work what is in front of you is more than u might expect. No man could do it alone, in one life.
Srsly, only way to do it, is to steal iphone blueprints form apple, and u will......
w8, didnt u say ur name is Bond?
People may flame you because they are 'die hard' WM fans, and anti-mac or w/e, but I must say that I wish you the best! If somebody were to do this, I would probably end up getting an iPhone. The only thing is, I don't like not having a QWERTY keyboard.
I most likely will have a WM phone for the remainder of my life / cell phone using (unless something really awesome comes out), but I love how smooth and 'error free' the iPhone is. It's just not for me w/ the current OS because you can't easily expand the iPhone as easily as you can a WM phone.
Dear dip****,
Clearly your lack of understanding about the real related undertaking about what you asking is beyond your grasp. its like hopping on a BBS and asking for some guidance on how to do heart surgery, sounds simple... open the chest cavity and do some poking. its not as simple as just droping an app, if it were that simple as to dropping ibooter... then all the 100x groups would have already done it and taken credit for it. i really wish scrubs like you never used the internet, clearly your terrible propaganda on trying to make people believe you would be elite enough to carry such under taking. as i reflect...
ROFL "ibooter to get an environment on this thing for wm6." while you are at it, try using a bios disk to start up the MAC OS on your computer...
you have no ****ing clue what your even up against... at least i am a hardware hacker. what the **** have you done other then post. "i has a dream for WM6 on ipod" thread? Ill learn to read if you learn to stop being a dip****.
Love Smokey
Xbox hacking crew
ashrond said:
wow another jackass who cant read!
like i said i am looking to do this myself, i was simply looking to get a hold of one of these "romcookers" as you ignorantly call them. i swear its people like you that make me wish for the good ol days before all the
""31337 AOL users"" got access and started ****ing things up. do everyone a favor and keep your opinion to yourself.
ps thats the video that i was talking about being fake and giving me the idea to attempt this.
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Unless it absolutely cannot be done and it is proven that it cannot be done, why not let people keep on trying. Let them learn what they need to learn to give it a valid attempt. It would be a really intersting to see done; however, I fear that there may be some legal iussues if you are flashing WM to an IPhone - You will have to ensure that you are using a legal registered copy of WM wouldn't you? When we are flashing our current devices we already have WM on them so it is kind of a grey area since we already paid for WM however, putting WM on an IPhone which never had WM????? I don't know.
I say keep searching for your answers though until you can prove or find proof that it cannot be done. GOOD LUCK with your efforts. It may be an incredibly difficult thing to do, or who knows - Maybe it won't be that difficult if you have some kind of breakthrough.
I really can't stand it when people start assuming that they know other people and their "Qualifications" when they don't know a thing about them really. None of us really know anything about each other except for what we may publish in our profiles. Gotta have some faith in people sometimes and stop making assumptions.
Closed this thread.
This is getting out of hand!
The ONLY way to port WM6 is by writing new drivers for the iPhone.
It's not impossible, but it is a monstrous task.
A new thread is only allowed when serious steps are taken regarding (re)writing the drivers.
(So do some investigating on platform-builder!)

Smear Campaign against HD2 + Windows Mobile

Dear XDA members,
I am sure you have all observed the slew of attacks that are being perpetuated against the HD2 specifically, and the Windows Mobile OS generally. You have all read & responded to these people and might have observed the peculiar bands of Senior/Junior Members -whose too RECENT joining date is a clue- simultaneously bashing the HD2 and praising the iPhone, thwarting our delight in buying and using HTC's fine products which we have all known, used, and enjoyed for nearly a decade now.
You have all noticed this sudden but uniform "flame war", I know because I have; and you have all observed Genuine XDA members being rallied and engaged in mass, uniform, and disdainful complaining about WinMo and HTC. While it is our reasonable right to address HTC & MS with our problems, we must conduct our messages (and ourselves) in a civilized manner.
I only hope to remind you to be careful and not fall into this trap.
There IS a smear-campaign going on against both the HD2 and Windows Mobile. In truth, I am aware of several people whose primary profession is to perpetuate Internet propaganda, especially in active forums, blogs, and review sites. These individuals sell their services to companies & other individuals alike. They steal from us our brotherly spirit with their flame wars, and they feed us false information about exaggerated faults in our expensive gadgets.
In reality, all mobile devices have their faults; whether it be an unfriendly UI, lack of basic but important functionalities, erratic behaviors, etc...
iPhones, Androids, Nokias, and Winows Phones... we have all used them; we have each decided which best suits our needs, and we have each purchased what we judged best. Let no one criticize your choice or undermine your ability to decide for yourself! We are not here to measure which phone is best, we are here because we have purchased the best, and still, wish to improve it or customize it or even re-invent it!
well i switched from the iphone to the hd2 and i don't think i'll be switching back anytime soon unless iphone fixes its major flaws...
do you know that iphone doesn't support multi-tasking?
what a deal breaker!
jeRrRKKKK said:
well i switched from the iphone to the hd2 and i don't think i'll be switching back anytime soon unless iphone fixes its major flaws...
do you know that iphone doesn't support multi-tasking?
what a deal breaker!
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LOL... I know mate, I gave mine away as a gift after one month! Its not for me at all and my personal, unquestionable preference is WinMo. I travel lots and need a Business phone: auther & edit documents, presentations, do my spreadsheet calculations, cut & paste accross running apps, make PDFs and fax them away, access my exchange email, use my digital certificates for security, etc... For me, personally, the iPhone was a delightful multimedia experience, but it just doesn't cut it!
shirreer said:
Dear XDA members,
I am sure you have all observed the slew of attacks that are being perpetuated against the HD2 specifically, and the Windows Mobile OS generally. You have all read & responded to these people and might have observed the peculiar bands of Senior/Junior Members -whose too RECENT joining date is a clue- simultaneously bashing the HD2 and praising the iPhone, thwarting our delight in buying and using HTC's fine products which we have all known, used, and enjoyed for nearly a decade now.
You have all noticed this sudden but uniform "flame war", I know because I have; and you have all observed Genuine XDA members being rallied and engaged in mass, uniform, and disdainful complaining about WinMo and HTC. While it is our reasonable right to address HTC & MS with our problems, we must conduct our messages (and ourselves) in a civilized manner.
I only hope to remind you to be careful and not fall into this trap.
There IS a smear-campaign going on against both the HD2 and Windows Mobile. In truth, I am aware of several people whose primary profession is to perpetuate Internet propaganda, especially in active forums, blogs, and review sites. These individuals sell their services to companies & other individuals alike. They steal from us our brotherly spirit with their flame wars, and they feed us false information about exaggerated faults in our expensive gadgets.
In reality, all mobile devices have their faults; whether it be an unfriendly UI, lack of basic but important functionalities, erratic behaviors, etc...
iPhones, Androids, Nokias, and Winows Phones... we have all used them; we have each decided which best suits our needs, and we have each purchased what we judged best. Let no one criticize your choice or undermine your ability to decide for yourself! We are not here to measure which phone is best, we are here because we have purchased the best, and still, wish to improve it or customize it or even re-invent it!
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Mate you have too much free time on your hands to be writing a post of this nature.
Here Here!
Keep on looking behind you guys....they're coming. Keep those firewalls up to date and lock your windows!
Oh and don't forget your medication.
Regardless of whether it's a smear campaign or not, there is clearly a problem with trolls.
I don't believe that's a campaign, but the recent trend of bashing Windows Mobile is alarming.
No OS and no phone is perfect, yet only Windows Mobile gets bashed all the time - though others clearly have at least as many flaws.
That's really saddening.
The amount of "I sold my HD2" threads, that typically contain only FUD and don't try to help anyone, is alarming as well.
Regardless of whether this is a campaign or not, someone should really do something against this trend and the trolls, because it really hurts the quality of the forum.
Wow. You know it's quite scary to see what happens to people that spend too much time on a forum!! This isn't such an intense matter. It's supposed to be a forum for people to ask for help or If they chose so, to complain about or praise their damn phones. At the end of the day it's only a damn phone. If some "senior" members want to make it an exclusive "I love windows mobile and want to make love to it" forum, then why not create an exclusive area for you all to j££zz over your devices.
The majority of people here are normal guys who have a life and only come here to get help for their phone or let off some steam if what they spent 500 quid on turns out to be crap!
hawrai68 said:
Wow. You know it's quite scary to see what happens to people that spend too much time on a forum!! This isn't such an intense matter. It's supposed to be a forum for people to ask for help or If they chose so, to complain about or praise their damn phones. At the end of the day it's only a damn phone. If some "senior" members want to make it an exclusive "I love windows mobile and want to make love to it" forum, then why not create an exclusive area for you all to j££zz over your devices.
The majority of people here are normal guys who have a life and only come here to get help for their phone or let off some steam if what they spent 500 quid on turns out to be crap!
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+100 for you sir
I know I'm new here and basically just started posting but I have heavily modified my HD2. I'm in the usa and imported my HD2 from the UK. I dont even miss 3G...I just connect to WiFi everywhere I go anyway. I have had every iPhone since it came out in 07. 2G, 3G and finally the 3Gs. I switched to the HD2 because I wanted what the iPhone lacked. I even Jailbroke all my iphones and they still were not as good as this phone is. The iphone did a whole lot more once jailbroken; ie.. Theme, Tether, Multitask but it still wasnt enough for me. The iphone is completely 1 dimensional! I liked it for what it was, but I love this phone! and using this site made it that much better. So a huge shout out to all you devs out there! Bottom line is the iPhone just sucks and it is a Yuppy phone, everyone has one and they think they are sooooo cool that they have one. The HD2 is the best phone on the market. Hands down.
I've been using these things for years... and the more popular these devices get, the more accessible they are to the general public, the more people demand help or think they have a right to it...with trivial little things!
The iPhone is just for those sort of people. Thinking that they have an iPhone (which, OMG is a SMRT PHONE, I R A GEEK NOW! I R COOL) because it's what is 'trendy'. Not becuase they will even use a quarter of it's functionality!!!
I have watched the questions on these forums get dumber and dumber. They say there is no such thing as a dumb question... I really beg to differ. I see some doozies on here of late to the point when I have to convince myself that they are trolling....or i'll loose faith in humanity.
I'll stop here as I don't think I have a coherent argument or statement.
Thankyou for indulging me in my rant.
I'm going to go find some more iPhone zombies and make them jealous of my HD2....
I assume you are not "general public" but some deity with divine right to own a WM device over others?
hawrai68 said:
Wow. You know it's quite scary to see what happens to people that spend too much time on a forum!! This isn't such an intense matter. It's supposed to be a forum for people to ask for help or If they chose so, to complain about or praise their damn phones. At the end of the day it's only a damn phone. If some "senior" members want to make it an exclusive "I love windows mobile and want to make love to it" forum, then why not create an exclusive area for you all to j££zz over your devices.
The majority of people here are normal guys who have a life and only come here to get help for their phone or let off some steam if what they spent 500 quid on turns out to be crap!
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Awesome! *thumbs up*
hawrai68 said:
I assume you are not "general public" but some deity with divine right to own a WM device over others?
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LoL. You betcha, sunshine.
I'm gonna take EVERY oppertunity to laud it over anyone, cause my phone choice totally defines me and proves my worth to others, don't ya know...
kruegz said:
cause my phone choice totally defines me and proves my worth to others, don't ya know...
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hmmm scary. I would have thought there were slightly better ways to prove your worth to others than a mobile, but each to their own hey.
isn't this the same as
hawrai68 said:
Wow. You know it's quite scary to see what happens to people that spend too much time on a forum!! This isn't such an intense matter. It's supposed to be a forum for people to ask for help or If they chose so, to complain about or praise their damn phones. At the end of the day it's only a damn phone. If some "senior" members want to make it an exclusive "I love windows mobile and want to make love to it" forum, then why not create an exclusive area for you all to j££zz over your devices.
The majority of people here are normal guys who have a life and only come here to get help for their phone or let off some steam if what they spent 500 quid on turns out to be crap!
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VERY VERY wrong.
1) It happens almost never that someone creates a thread called "I love windows mobile and want to make love to it" though those people are definitely the majority here.
2) Why should there be an exclusive forum for people who love their devices, when people like you are allowed to create countless threads bashing those devices?
3) No, it's not okay to let off steam, unless it's within a thread that exists for this purpose (note: there should be max. one such thread!). Opening threads for things that have already been posted is not allowed, but that's exactly what you are doing!
So what's the conclusion?
1) We, who like our devices, don't go to iPhone forums and tell people that we hate iPhones. We don't because doing so is sick. However, lots of people in this forum come here to tell everyone how much they hate their HD2s. There's clearly something wrong!
2) Countless threads are created saying "I hate my HD2", though the haters clearly are a minority. What does that tell us about those people? Apart from the fact that it's not allowed to create new threads for things that are already there, we must also ask ourselves why people who like their devices don't feel the need to tell everyone, but people who don't like them must tell everyone. To me, that's a clear sign that there's something wrong with those haters or that there are some trolls here.
3) Threads that are created solely for the purpose of "letting steam off" do not help anyone! Of course people must be informed about flaws, BUT it doesn't help anyone when lots of threads are created for the sake of complaining about flaws that are already well-known. A thread must either inform or seek for a solution, threads created only in order to complain about or bash something are useless and hurt the quality of the forum.
hawrai68 said:
hmmm scary. I would have thought there were slightly better ways to prove your worth to others than a mobile, but each to their own hey.
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Methinks your sarcasm detector needs adjusting, matey.
maati said:
VERY VERY wrong.
1) It happens almost never that someone creates a thread called "I love windows mobile and want to make love to it".
2) Why should there be an exclusive forum for people who love their devices, when people like you are allowed to create countless threads bashing those devices?
3) No, it's not okay to let off steam, unless it's within a thread that exists for this purpose (note: there should be max. one such thread!). Opening threads for things that have already been posted is not allowed, but that's exactly what you are doing!
So what's the conclusion?
1) We, who like our devices, don't go to iPhone forums and tell people that we hate iPhones. We don't because doing so is sick. However, lots of people in this forum come here to tell everyone how much they hate their HD2s. There's clearly something wrong!
2) Countless threads are created saying "I hate my HD2", though the haters clearly are a minority. What does that tell us about those people? Apart from the fact that it's not allowed to create new threads for things that are already there, we must also ask ourselves why people who like their devices don't feel the need to tell everyone, but people who don't like them must tell everyone. To me, that's a clear sign that there's something wrong with those haters or that there are some trolls here.
3) Threads that are created solely for the purpose of "letting steam off" do not help anyone! Of course people must be informed about flaws, BUT it doesn't help anyone when lots of threads are created for the sake of complaining about flaws that are already well-known. A thread must either inform or seek for a solution, threads created only in order to complain about or bash something are useless and hurt the quality of the forum.
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Doh! I wouldn't go to an iPhone forum slating the iPhone because I don't own one. I do, however, own an HD2......and therefore come to this forum. Yet another lame argument!
No, your argument is lame! I had an iPhone and I hated it, but I didn't go to iPhone forums telling people that I hate it, because only psychologically disturbed people like you do so.
And what is even worse, telling people how much you hate your HD2 has been the ONLY thing you've been doing since you registered to this forum. This is really sick.
My argument is totally valid. It's just you not being smart enough to understand it.

Why close a discussion thread?

mikechannon said:
"In general "I hate my phone" threads neither contribute soluactions to problems nor do they seek answers to problems in a calm and reasoned way.
These forums are for the giving and receiving of information that assists users to get the best from their device - it is not a vehicle for "sounding-off" about your phone.
This thread does have some useful content, so I will not delete it but will close it as relevant points have already been made.
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Ok .... so, the fact that we know HTC pay attention to people gripes, comments and compliments on these forums.... if that had been a "we love HTC thread" would that have been closed?
I agree being rude and obnoxious are very good reasons but ... why not censor the very few posts related to it. Why close the general dissastifaction with what appears to be a typical HTC release. Without a place to talk about the general failure of HTC, how can the majority of people learn? How can those prospective customers be aware of the challenges they need to overcome to turn a rubbish device (out of the factory) into a great device (after XDA and chefs)?
mikechannon said:
(In addition - this thread has been reported by Members)
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And it appears all you have to do is complain about a thread, not be justified in your complaint.
The one thing i've always used in years is the xda forums and some of that i haven't even owned a HTC device. Like it or not, most people here have invested a lot of hard earned cash (or will over the next 18/24 months) and that will naturaly attract an emotional value - hence some anger when something like this doesn't work. The fact there was so much feeling in that thread should indicate the level of "emotion" about it and the incensed feeling they have about the amount people feel they have spent, money and time, on a device they are so unhappy about. Maybe if you guys created a "vent here thread" you might get to allow people to rant AND get usefull threads - heck, even HTC might read the "vent here thread!" and take note?
I'm so worried after reading todays threads in particular, about ordering mine earlier today but sadly nothing else that supports FULL exchange meets my requirements. I know my consumer rights and will use them to the full should I need to but I hope not it does have so many great points.
Monty Burns said:
Ok .... so, the fact that we know HTC pay attention to people gripes, comments and compliments on these forums....
We don't know that for sure. There are many on here who would disagree, saying that for them, if HTC were listening, then perceived problems would have been resolved quicker.
I agree being rude and obnoxious are very good reasons but ... why not censor the very few posts related to it. Why close the general dissatisfaction with what appears to be a typical HTC release. Without a place to talk about the general failure of HTC, how can the majority of people learn? How can those prospective customers be aware of the challenges they need to overcome to turn a rubbish device (out of the factory) into a great device (after XDA and chefs)?
Problem with this argument is that there are some on here who don't wish to face those challenges, which is fair enough. However what they do is to gripe about it and not help themselves, even when you point them in the right direction.
And it appears all you have to do is complain about a thread, not be justified in your complaint.
Not sure where you get that from. Please provide evidence of this or retract.
The one thing i've always used in years is the xda forums and some of that i haven't even owned a HTC device. Like it or not, most people here have invested a lot of hard earned cash (or will over the next 18/24 months) and that will naturally attract an emotional value - hence some anger when something like this doesn't work. The fact there was so much feeling in that thread should indicate the level of "emotion" about it and the incensed feeling they have about the amount people feel they have spent, money and time, on a device they are so unhappy about. Maybe if you guys created a "vent here thread" you might get to allow people to rant AND get useful threads - heck, even HTC might read the "vent here thread!" and take note?
Any "ranting", as you put it, should be made direct to HTC. XDA-Developers is exactly that; a developers site with a lot of interested non-developers in it. Its not the place to take out your frustrations against a manufacturer.
Re your point on hard earned cash being spent, I can't disagree with this. However ask these people how many of them went out and gave the device a really good test drive and an assessment of whether it would meet their needs or not and you will be silenced by the response.
I'm so worried after reading todays threads in particular, about ordering mine earlier today but sadly nothing else that supports FULL exchange meets my requirements. I know my consumer rights and will use them to the full should I need to but I hope not it does have so many great points.
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If you have doubts about this device then don't buy it. You will be severely disappointed. If you have not taken time out to test drive one before putting your order in then, with respect, more fool you.
Finally, moderators on here bend over backwards NOT to close threads or be seen as censoring debate. However we have to keep a balance and if, in our judgment, a thread is getting out of hand or no longer has any value nor serve any useful purpose then it will be closed.
All the best,
as you've quoted inside of quotes you have made it really dificult for me to "quote" back - nice job! (although i suspect not deliberate).
"We don't know that for sure. There are many on here who would disagree, saying that for them, if HTC were listening, then perceived problems would have been resolved quicker."
Yeah ok. So the very big majority of Winmob market phones are produced by HTC, this site is dedicated to HTC (and historicaly Winmob).... do you REALLY think they don't read these forums? Really? Honestly? Are you sure?
"Problem with this argument is that there are some on here who don't wish to face those challenges, which is fair enough. However what they do is to gripe about it and not help themselves, even when you point them in the right direction."
I agree. There are SOME who want to gripe. There are a ship load more who want to make a device work but can't, no matter the support they get from the community - random users suffering from the SMS bug for example? The very fact most of these people have googled/have knowledge of these forums, means that they have at least gone to some effort to resolve an issue. So yes some, but a VERY small number. So, how can they air the frustrations they have? where? Maybe the most expansive and read HTC forums... thats a good place to start!
"And it appears all you have to do is complain about a thread, not be justified in your complaint.
Not sure where you get that from. Please provide evidence of this or retract."
*sigh* .... ok .... i'll come back to this but, i did quote, if you really want me to link to a thread closed in the past 10 minutes other than i already quoted your mod. I will.
"Any "ranting", as you put it, should be made direct to HTC. XDA-Developers is exactly that; a developers site with a lot of interested non-developers in it. Its not the place to take out your frustrations against a manufacturer."
Yeah ya know, it was a developers site years ago.... its not any more and hasn't been for a long time. Its a cookers and users site now. If you still think HTC don't read this forum then .... The sites success over the years can also be its greatest strength if you let it.
Now this isn't a problem of the site itself, more one with many reviews and fanboys of ALL phones, Iphone, HTC, Nokia....
"Re your point on hard earned cash being spent, I can't disagree with this. However ask these people how many of them went out and gave the device a really good test drive and an assessment of whether it would meet their needs or not and you will be silenced by the response."
Trying out a phone is a shop is a VERY diferent affair to OWNING one. Any person will know that, sadly though, many of us have to go by the reviews and forum comments that are available and try to filter out what may or may not be fanboy. Magazines, forum posts, personal reviews, blogs are all individual and very personal. Saying that someone should have reviewed more is simply not fair. Its impossible. Try asking your local O2 shop if you can take a phone away for a couple of weeks to try?
Hold on .... yes you can!!!! And that was the point of the last thread that got closed! Your fellow mod closed a thread which wasn't actually personal to anyone and (from a personal fed up with moaners point of view) I was trying educate people who purchased there phones in the UK that they had a bucket load of rights. If they are not happy, and it was purchased from the uk, then please "turn it in!" and return it.
Now from my pov, i'm a londoner (can you tell?) but i work all over the world. Currently im in Durban (yeah I was there at the test match! and met the England team) but out here they dont have the HD 2 so, I have to go on the reviews etc. Some people out here will spend near on £600 getting it imported from Expansys UK (ummm .... and other sites.
Can i provide evidence? No. It was not made public so all I can assume is that if I PM a mod, things will be closed:
mikechannon said:
"In general "I hate my phone" threads neither contribute soluactions to problems nor do they seek answers to problems in a calm and reasoned way.
These forums are for the giving and receiving of information that assists users to get the best from their device - it is not a vehicle for "sounding-off" about your phone.
This thread does have some useful content, so I will not delete it but will close it as relevant points have already been made.
(In addition - this thread has been reported by Members)
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How can i provide more evidence than that? I'm not privvy to your private messages. The previous line though backs up my "love HTC or go away" argument to a small extent:
mikechannon said:
This thread does have some useful content, so I will not delete it but will close it as relevant points have already been made.
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I really think you guys, having helped, actually almost pushed HTC to where they are should now use your position and be .... responsible(? maybe a bit strong)) ... finaly get off the HTC only band wagon. Let them know that the stunning products they produce will no longer be accepted only 90% complete.
Ok. Lets be realistic. I ain't gona change your minds on anything and I don't want you to rebel against HTC as they make amazing hardware but, at least, in the position you have got.... maybe create a "if your gone B*&% and let off steam, do it in this thread?" thread? Maybe, just maybe there will be a common thread in it that HTC will finaly get to grips with .....?
Oh, and i've had a tytn, tytn 2 and having had both of those replaced under warranty i thought... no! Poke it! And had a tosh g900 when most people couldnt even spell 800 res screens and then foolishly went to a TD. That was refunded quickly under sales of goods act. Have an Acer M900 but due to the fact i'm living in south africa and i purchased that under my company contract, i now need to replace next week when im back in the UK. I was looking at a Milestone but the exchange support is rubbish at best. So, I have a week to try the HD2 or return it as not fit for purpose.... I do however, really want it to work!
And one final word.... my best winmob device without a device? Well two actually .... the Samsung Omnia and the baggage reconciliation devices i'm working with at the new Durban airport (what??? its not just a PHONE O/S!!!!??)
My opinion.
Here's an example of 2 threads.
I bought this fone for £x000 dollars and it should do everything I can ever imagine, rite out of the out of the box. I am disgusted that HTC expect ME to fix their problems.
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SMS didn't send
Hi everyone.
I tried to send a text message to my friends earlier and it's stuck in my outbox. Does anyone know why this might be? Does anyone have a suggestion as to what I should do about it?
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This forum is not about defending or slating any particular device. It is meant for users to get together and talk about ways to make the experience better. This forum is not responsible for the fact that some hardware that comes out of some factory and gets some software installed on it is not 100% perfect!
Now for 1 moment, can we please put aside arguments regarding the device and talk about the forum? Which of the above 2 threads is the most constructive?
Thank you.
johncmolyneux said:
Here's an example of 2 threads.
This forum is not about defending or slating any particular device. It is meant for users to get together and talk about ways to make the experience better. This forum is not responsible for the fact that some hardware that comes out of some factory and gets some software installed on it is not 100% perfect!
Now for 1 moment, can we please put aside arguments regarding the device and talk about the forum? Which of the above 2 threads is the most constructive?
Thank you.
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More to the point, what is the point of leaving the first example open? At the very least there should be a dedicated section for those unhelpful posts (as [★] suggested yesterday) but I think they should just be closed as they're so worthless.
Do you work for a newspaper?
Both comments are usefull. Just because you don't see the use in both doesn't mean they are not usefull. Does that mean 10% of men don't like brand x of condoms so they should be ignored of Fred Smiths Condom appreciation website?
(sorry thats a really poor example but its 2am here in SA and i've been on the beer and Eve-online and films for a few hours )
Very fair play to you for putting forward an argument (non abusive as I would hope) and maybe catch up tomorrow.
You are a Londoner eh? I should have known. You lot are nothing but trouble makers!
First off sorry about the quotes within quotes; didn't realise it stopped you from quoting back. Now that I do...
OK, lots in your post that I could come back on in detail but I won't because I'm the sort of chap that likes going forwards, not looking back in self pity or whatever.
The one thing that you have suggested, and you are not the first, is that we think on somewhere where people can let off steam WITHOUT cluttering up the forums. As you know there is some work going on as to how best we can restructure the place to make it better. Can I ask you to be a little patient while all this gets worked through.
In the meantime, think on the following:
- Help us to support people who need and want help and please be robust about those that don't but just fancy a moan and upsetting people on here without ever really wanting to seek help or to help themselves (the word Troll comes to mind).
- If you look at the Development & Hacking forums you will see that Development is stronger than ever and does not change what this place is all about. The work of the chefs is recognised and appreciated, and you can argue that is also development so 2-0 there.
- Lets all try to be a little adult, constructive and get along a little. I can tell you that, from a Mods perspective, we really want to be doing other things to make people's lives on here better rather than spending time closing threads down because people just can't have a little respect for each other. I often wonder whether anyone ever reads the forum rules.
Finally thank you for keeping on the straight and narrow re this thread and not going off the rails and getting it closed.
jakem said:
More to the point, what is the point of leaving the first example open? At the very least there should be a dedicated section for those unhelpful posts (as [★] suggested yesterday) but I think they should just be closed as they're so worthless.
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I totally agree mate (hence the support in said thread raised by [★] yesterday.)
I find this site a ridiculously valuable source of information when I need help with my phone, and I find it disheartening to have to wade through complaint after complaint just in order to get to constructive discussions.
If I wanted to live in troll city, I'd pack all my stuff into boxes; call a removals company; do some browsing of estate agents and property letting agents; check the reputation of the areas I was interested in and then guess what.... MOVE TO TROLL CITY!
I'm a placid guy generally, but some posts really make me struggle to just not tell the OP where to go.
+9999999 recurring to real constructive users of this site.
-9999999 recurring to trolls (and we know you don't think you're a troll, but you are.)
Monty Burns said:
Do you work for a newspaper?
Both comments are usefull. Just because you don't see the use in both doesn't mean they are not usefull. Does that mean 10% of men don't like brand x of condoms so they should be ignored of Fred Smiths Condom appreciation website?
(sorry thats a really poor example but its 2am here in SA and i've been on the beer and Eve-online and films for a few hours )
Very fair play to you for putting forward an argument (non abusive as I would hope) and maybe catch up tomorrow.
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If 10% of men don't like brand x of condoms then they should definitely speak their mind. They would be wrong though to go to a forum that supports uses of brand x condoms and slate them. A support forum is for support.
OK first, no idea who Martin is. (Its Monty spelt the wrong way - doh)
Second, guys sounds like we might have a good conversation on the values of "to HTC or not HTC" although I might be on the wrong side, despite just spending a bucket load of fivers on a HT2.
Please, keep it clean and (well funny if you can't) but not personaly insulting. Everyone on a keyboard is a human being!
Be safe, have fun!
Monty Burns said:
OK first, no idea who Martin is.
Second, guys sounds like we might have a good conversation on the values of "to HTC or not HTC" although I might be on the wrong side, despite just spending a bucket load of fivers on a HT2.
Please, keep it clean and (well funny if you can't) but not personaly insulting. Everyone on a keyboard is a human being!
Be safe, have fun!
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I agree with that totally, but I do think this thread should be moved to a general area. Let's face it, it's hardly HD2 specific now is it!
It would be nice to see everyone's thoughts on this, rather than just the ones with The God Phone. (Just kidding - that was meant to incite trouble )
To be fair, those "I hate this phone" ranting type threads really do spiral into a hate fest or at least the few I've seen. If a topic is interesting and you comment on it, and go back later to see how it develops when all that is left is just insults, it has no use to most if not all.
johncmolyneux said:
I agree with that totally, but I do think this thread should be moved to a general area. Let's face it, it's hardly HD2 specific now is it!
It would be nice to see everyone's thoughts on this, rather than just the ones with The God Phone. (Just kidding - that was meant to incite trouble )
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Argh! I'm not a god!!! (although I think I am, with my size 9 shoes... bow down before me!)
Seriously, maybe a good idea. I guess in an odd way this may complement (orb3000s?) the other thread vote about should it be HTC or not site? We don't know you server statistics of course but, we can hope that we can get to the stage where we can give our opinion on HTC honestly..... ( i wanted to deleted that and not type it as its not fair, i think we can, mostly ).
In my view its like a really cool manopoly. The games fun to play for almost all of us (i may/may not include myself in that after 2 years HTC abscense on next Friday) but for some it really sucks cos they keep losing.
I would think that moving it to an adult discussion of the real benefits as us users see if you become "open" but, we have no idea of the server costs... only you guys do.
(you do of course know that pressure will mount and mount and mount with regards to non-HTC phones. Your not silly Samsung, LG, Acer.... to name but a few know that the serious money is in smart phones in the next few years, not feature. In Slough o2 test 150-200 meg 4g phones a couple of weeks ago )
From what I understand, this is a developers forum. i.e. look to the potential rather than to the faults as is.
There are far too many distracting threads along the lines of "the virtual keyboard is killing me", "my wife left me because of the battery life", "the pink camera issue made me kill my neighbour". These type of threads may have valid points but they are all a bit melodramatic and really don't serve the purpose of the forum very well as they fan the flames of discontent rather that rise to the can-fix mindset. Despite what the trolls (for want of a better word) might like to say, this isn't a fanboi site, it's for those who realise a problem and want to solve it, simply just improve things, or just want to tweak things just because they can! I'm sure most of us here are all too aware of the shortcomings of Windows mobile software, just as we recognise the potential & strengths of this platform.
Speaking as a self-confessed technophile I will admit to spending an not inconsiderable amount of hard-earned money on utter crap i.e. gadgets that promised so much, yet delivered so little or were simply just badly executed. The HD2 is non of these, it's a stunning piece of design & engineering. It's not perfect, for example: the sharp edges of the camera lens annoy me a little, but it doesn't induce a desire in me to vent my spleen to the world.
I'm optimistic, I hope to survive longer than my HD2 and maybe via this forum HTC will hear my concern for this non-life threatening design flaw and engineer a more ergonomic lens cover for the next mobile phone I get. If they don't, it will undoubtedly leave a microscopic void in my life, but I'm strong enough to move on and no doubt the HTC designers will burn in hell for their tardiness.
xda-developers is what is says and is a great community that helps us get the best from these intriguing phones, so please diss the efforts of those who contribute and recognise that enthusiasm is a far better fertilizer for technology than manure.
Besides that, looking at my HD2 I've just noticed that it's going to be wet & windy at "My Location" tomorrow. That's fifty miles away and I'm not even going there, so it's a win for me!

People using YOUR ROMS to make money..interesting

I called and spoke to the arrogant person who ran this ad on Craigs List and found out they he truly thinks what he is doing is "alright". From what I see, using ROMS created here and posted by DEVs here at XDA to make cash is a little more than shady. When I called, I posed as a customer and tried not to laugh as the guy stuttered through the "how to" of installing Android. The funny thing is that he claims they are doing a FULL INSTALL of Android, "converting" the phone to Android from WM.................. They are charging people $99 for this "service". I told the guy that $99 sounded a little high a charge just to drop a folder on a SD card (yeah..i know theres a lil more to it but I'm sure that comment made him feel stupid after telling me the "how to" of it I also told him that i was a member here at XDA and I wanted to know which ROMS he was using to make this money. He told me he was "Charging for the ROMs, just the service". My problem with that is this, HE didnt create the roms and NEVER claimed to. He DID however admit to being a member here.........................
What do you think?
like i said the guy said he is a member if you're reading this please do share your inane little excuses for what you are doing. Just wondering, do you happen to send a check at the end of the month to each of the DEVs for use of their ROMS? Or is this something that is not frowned upon around this community UNLIKE others?
get everyone you can to to flag this as prohibited and spam him with emails saying how wrong it is.
people disgust me..... what they will do to make a little money..... stealing other peoples work and marketing it as their own. lying cheating little worthless ******** ******* **********
malaeus said:
get everyone you can to to flag this as prohibited and spam him with emails saying how wrong it is.
people disgust me..... what they will do to make a little money..... stealing other peoples work and marketing it as their own. lying cheating little worthless ******** ******* **********
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Everyone should give the guy a call and let him know how they feel about it. I asked the idiot whos roms he is using and he wouldnt say anything. He actually gave the phone over to some arrogant little prick who said, "you have a great day sir". The idiot didnt even try to defend himself or "explain" why they are charging $99 to put Android on HD2s.
no more issues!
This posting has been flagged for removal
(The title on the listings page will be removed in just a few minutes.)
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This scam has been around for a while unfortunately
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Unfortunately these ass-clowns will just pop up somewhere else, but well done guys, I cant stand people who make money in this way, $99 vs a little research, I know what I would rather do.
Look at this guy!
and look what this one claims! LOL
Yeah I've seen this ads also but never $99 that's just crazy.
These guys post these ads waiting for people who don't know about sites like XDA. I got a lot of people around my way who have an HD2 and want Android or custom wm rom and I just text them the forum link and tell them to READ and LEARN. If you start doing it for them they call you drowning you with questions and problems because we all know no Android build is perfect (yet) and you can't sell something that's going to turn a one time sale into series of complaints from customers you charged for something you never created yourself.
Shame on these guys and they should be banned from XDA.
I ran across one like that in my local area CL a few weeks back. I simply took his original subject line and added [FAKE] at both ends, then posted pretty much the full instructions on setting up Android on HD2 in my reply. Copied and pasted the whole deal and saved it to a txt file so I would have it if ever I happen to see it on there again.
These folks are the lowest of the low. Making money from other folks hard work, and screwing their so called customers as well. Pure slime!
What these guys were doing is obviously wrong. I wonder where the line is, exactly?
I mean, time is valuable and if you're taking the time to mod someone's phone for them, compensation isn't unreasonable.
Personally, the few times I've "redone" someone's phone, I've done it out of the goodness of my heart in the interest of paying it forward.
For an HD2, though? It doesn't get much easier than dropping some files onto an SD card, ya know? Doing my friend's MyTouch 3G was a pain simply because of the different models out there. Doing recon on a phone I don't own was enough of a pain to think about taking money but the notion of using someone else's work to profit was enough to make me think otherwise.
the idiot actually called my phone wanting to know what my problem was! It seems that he was a little paranoid about the first phone call I made to him. I let him know that his CL ad was posted here on xda and people would be flagging his ads. He asked if I had posted his number, I told him "no but of course its in your ad so whatever".
This idiot actually said that what he is doing is no different than charging someone to fix a car. Saying, "mechanics use knowledge, parts and tools that they did not create". WTF? I tried for 20 min to help him understand that people are kind enough to make these roms and that he is wrong for using them for profit. At the end of the conversation I was right where I started, he just didn't get it. I've said it before and ill say it again, the world wasn't ready for the technology we have now and is you want proof, just walk into a room and ask how many techs are willing to help you with something........every idiot with an internet connection is the next Dave Wozniack (sorry if I spelled Woz's name wrong)
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Sleef said:
What these guys were doing is obviously wrong. I wonder where the line is, exactly?
I mean, time is valuable and if you're taking the time to mod someone's phone for them, compensation isn't unreasonable.
Personally, the few times I've "redone" someone's phone, I've done it out of the goodness of my heart in the interest of paying it forward.
For an HD2, though? It doesn't get much easier than dropping some files onto an SD card, ya know? Doing my friend's MyTouch 3G was a pain simply because of the different models out there. Doing recon on a phone I don't own was enough of a pain to think about taking money but the notion of using someone else's work to profit was enough to make me think otherwise.
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people here usually lost their reasoning when seeing such topics. So don't bother having a constructive discussion on the time/energy spent on modding people's phones.
I wonder what HTC would think about people charging for this as it is a little naughty.
The devs don't charge, hell HTC probably get good ideas from them, so they're tolerated but if they had a list of people charging for this they might not look so kindly on them. Included is the unhappy customers who might have problems.
Karma's a ***** and I can see the day they WILL get ***** slapped back into the time before mobile phones...
jagpoag said:
the idiot actually called my phone wanting to know what my problem was! It seems that he was a little paranoid about the first phone call I made to him. I let him know that his CLUB ad was posted here on xda and people would be flagging his ads. He asked if I had posted his number, I told him "no but of course its in your ad so whatever".
This idiot actually said that what he is doing is no different than charging someone to fix a car. Saying, "mechanics use knowledge, parts and tools that they did not create". WTF? I tried for 20 min to help him understand that people are kind enough to make these roms and that he is wrong for using them for profit. At the end of the conversation I was right where I started, he just didn't get it. I've said it before and ill say it again, the world wasn't ready for the technology we have now and is you want proof, just walk into a room and ask how many techs are willing to help you with something........every idiot with an internet connection is the next Dave Wozniack (sorry if I spelled Woz's name wrong)
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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His comaparison to mechanics fixing your car is stupid. Mechanics charge and fix cars with other peoples products but they pay for those products. What is he giving the developers who make the roms and builds? Taking your time to do something might be worth some compensation and that really depends if it requires a skill you have trained or studied for but something as simple as flashing and copying over a folder is not worth the crazy fees their charging especially for something that is made by developers for a community of smartphone users who can voluntarily donate. The guides are there for everyone to do this on their own. You dont need special training or a college degree to get android on an HD2. All the hard work has been done already by the developers. The rest is simple.
tantrum829 said:
His comaparison to mechanics fixing your car is stupid. Mechanics charge and fix cars with other peoples products but they pay for those products. What is he giving the developers who make the roms and builds? Taking your time to do something might be worth some compensation and that really depends if it requires a skill you have trained or studied for but something as simple as flashing and copying over a folder is not worth the crazy fees their charging especially for something that is made by developers for a community of smartphone users who can voluntarily donate. The guides are there for everyone to do this on their own. You dont need special training or a college degree to get android on an HD2. All the hard work has been done already by the developers. The rest is simple.
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This guy is one of those that talks down to people and tries to convince everyone around him that anything he does is of some alien skill that other humans just cant seem to grasp. I'm sure a lot of you know the type, the "gurus" as I've heard them These people are all the same, google is the only "knowledge" they have on any subject at the end of the day.
I had fun with the guy over the phone to say the very least. He could not answer any of my questions at all, just wanted to keep insulting me and making inane excuses. As far as the mechanic comment, he also tried to compare what he is doing to the work performed by a barber shop Typical idiot with the money to open a store but not enough knowledge to actually do anything worth a crap for customers. I fix computers for people who have taken their PCs to guys like this all the time. They all have a lot of stock in the store, pretty lights and talk "over your head" to try and smoke screen the fact that they really dont know anything past formatting your hard drive and installing windows all over again to fix ANYTHING....its pathetic.
Anyways, I will continue to contact anyone I see posting things like this on CL when I see them just as I have been doing for years with people posting "I can jailbreak your IDevice for $" ads. I cant stop them all but if everyone would call them out when they see it being done, maybe they would wake up. Like I told the guy on the phone, I'm sure there are teenagers here at XDA that have a bright future and create ROMs for the community. It's bad enough that someone like him would use another persons work for profit but stealing from kids also?
I noticed I started this thread in the wrong section, I'm sorry about that. Thanks to whomever moved it for me.
richteralan said:
people here usually lost their reasoning when seeing such topics. So don't bother having a constructive discussion on the time/energy spent on modding people's phones.
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Heh. You're probably right.
I guess, ideally, if you're working on a phone that actually takes some time and effort to spiff up, you could say "Give me five bucks and put five bucks into (your dev here)'s paypal account."
Those are arbitrary figures but you get the idea. I'm sure scumbags will still profit without giving credit or a share of the loot but there's also the notion that some people will do it honestly.
I see your point guys but I cannot agree with you at all.
I'll say it with just a few words: capitalism, time and money. Those words should explain the whole situation.
What is more, I don't think it's just copying files to an SD Card. It takes a lot of time to test everything and to fix specific problems with the roms themselves. To know exactly what's the difference between a TMobile HD2, or Telstra HD2, etc.
I respect people's work here. I also try to donate to any person that makes my HD2 happy But I don't think you can criticise that guy's work. Personally, I've been more than one month spending my time on Android and I know for sure most people won't be able to do it the way I do. You're also working on borrowed hardware designed to run windows mobile and finally but most important you are working on other people's software (Android Kernel, Hi Mr. Google and thanks for that BTW) that made all of this possible.
Guys, think it this way. What's better? To have someone with experience taking all responsability working on your phone? Or to have a nice, expensive and useless brick (TMobile HD2 and .50 radios anybody?).
Ok, let the flame on me begin
This unfortunately isn't the first time I've these douchebags taking credit from our hardworking devs. Ill do my part and flag down their postings.
Sent from my HTC Magic using XDA App
Sorry i don't get why most you are so upset when it comes to charging for a service. You r all talking about giving no credit and making money with other peoples work.
I have to say I am a experienced pc user but it took me a couple of days reading, researching to get my first build to work properly. Even now I have some pickups from time to time. Not talking about bricking phones while flashing a well working window build and a good radio Rom.
I totally agree with you that its kind of shabby to charge for other peoples work. But in this case the guy is responsible to get the phone up and running like his customers expect it. If he bricks a phone he has to replace it, if he breaks the phone physically he has to replace it, if his customer is unhappy with his work he has to refund and I haven't even mentioned the time he needs to get Android running, shipping the phone answering phone calls and so on.
It's like charging for fixing other peoples pc, console what ever... you get charged for the service. What do you think how much OS software is used out there and you get charged. Those people invest there time and effort to get something working what you can't do because you are not callable, don't have time, take the risk or any other reason you could think of. It's like those guys are selling instructions and telling you how to do it on your own bit don't take any responsibility if something is not working as expected. What do you think how many people go to service stores to get there cell phones fixed, updated, debranded or what ever? thousands every day and they get charged for it. What do you think those guys are using? You are right, tool that other people created and some of them they don't have to pay for.
Are you working without charge for your customers? You seems to be the welfare. Do you wanna come over and mow my lawn, clean my house and fan me some fresh air with a palm leaf?
$99 sounds much to us and even for me i won't take this service for that price. If somebody is willing to spent it, he should go ahead and do it. If somebody else is willing to offer the same service for a lower price, even better. And somebody is willing to do it without payment, perfect. But the last guy shouldn't complain if he is not able to pay his bills.
post is free for rant.
€dit: @jagpoag, you are a prick! sorry normally i don't call anybody i never spoke to, names he might get upset about. but your last post was just ridiculousness. Complaining about the wording, the argumentation, knowledge and language. You might wanna read your post again and reconsider your wording, spelling and so on. Ever thought about the fact that English is not the main language for somebody. oh no i forgot, you are American, just to bring up a little bit more preconceptions. Not everybody is as bright as you are figuring out technical thinks in the time you can. My mother can't, my sister can't, my boss can't and a whole lot of other people i know would kill there phones with inattention. they don't even want to figure out stuff like that, because they are not interested in it and are willing and able to pay somebody else for things they don't want any hassle with. I would have much more harsh words for you but i think i would get kicked out of a great place called xda-dev if i really say what i am thinking.
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