Retain POP3 email - Touch HD General

I collect my email from a POP3 server which works fine to a point.
However unlike the PC version of Outlook which collects the mail and retains it until it is deleted from the Inbox my PDA version is behaving as though it were connected to an IMAP server and removes the mail from the Inbox as soon as it is removed from the POP3 server.
I don't recall this happening when I first got the phone but can't be sure. Can anyone else confirm what happens with their POP3 mail ?
Ideally, I would like the messages I have downloaded to stay on the phone until I delete them manually which is what I thought used to happen.

You can indeed set an option to do this. Can't remember exactly where but it's in the account settings somewhere. I'm using imap now so can check.

Under the tool/options tab, tick the box that says "Leave a copy of message on server"... I had the same problem until I discovered this. Hope that helps.

SilverSnow said:
Under the tool/options tab, tick the box that says "Leave a copy of message on server"... I had the same problem until I discovered this. Hope that helps.
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Many thanks for the replies.
The problem is actually the other way round. I can delete a message on the phone without it removing the message from the POP3 Server. But if I delete the message from the POP3 server it is removed from the phone as soon as I do a "Send and Receive". In other words the POP3 server seems to be behaving as though it were an IMAP server.
Can anyone confirm whether this happens with their POP3 server or is just mine? As I said I don't think it used to do that.
Thanks in advance.

On my phone I can't find the "leave a copy of message on server" tick box. And as soon as I download the message, read it, and press send/receive once more, the message is deleted both from the phone and from the server!! This renders the phone utterly useless for emails, since I want to download all messages to my PC whenever I get home. I don't need the messages I delete on the phone to remain on the server, but once I get home and receive the messages in Outlook, they disappear on the server and thus when I send/receive on the phone they're all gone from the phone inbox which is fine.
This worked fine on my original stock rom on the TouchHD, but since I flashed to a 6.5.5 ROM it's all messed up. I've tried 3 different 6.5.5 ROMs.
Any idea how to fix this?


Gmail POP’ped to desktop and IMAP’ped to Wizard?

I would like to read my gmail email in MS Outlook on my computer, and while I am away from it, read the new only emails (the ones not yet downloaded to desktop) from my T-mobile MDA.
The way I understand it is done is to POP emails to desktop (which deletes them from the email server) and use IMAP on the mobile device to read whatever is not POPped yet. The problem is that Google’s Gmail does not support IMAP protocol. So how do I do this then, other than to change to an email provider who supports both POP and IMAP?
In gmail's POP service you can choose to either delete or archive email d/l by your device. You could read ur email from your pda then the email you just read would be archived into another folder.
I think what you need to do is change the settings in MS Outlook on your desktop to leave a copy of the email on the server for x number of days. On your PDA change the imap server settings to only download the last x number of messages or messages that were received in the last x number of days. I don't use a POP server anymore but you should be able to use the "tools" then "email accounts" then "view or change exisiting email accounts" and look for something along the lines of leave copy/copies of email on the server so that way Outlook doesn't delete them from the server.... In terms of the POP settings on the PDA make sure that it is never deleting emails off the server otherwise you are going to be faced with "dissapearing" email messages.
Hopefully this helps or someone else can be more helpful.
go to your gmail account, in the settings you can set it to be accessable through POP, do that. Dont forget to set it to leave a copy on the server
On your PDA you need to configure Outlook to accept the gmail accout.
go Start > Programs > Messaging
at bottom of screen choose Accounts
click New
enter email address click next
enter Your Name, User name, Password ( I leave the save password box ticked as I am idle ) click next
choose account type POP3
choose Name POP3 (unless you have option to choose another name you like better) click next
in server information
set Incoming as
set Outgoing as
click the options button, page 2 of 3 check Outgoing requires server auth , check box Require SSL
click next
box now shows all Accounts as New, Text Message, POP3
click the OK top right of screen
thats it, done.
Wizzer said:
In gmail's POP service you can choose to either delete or archive email d/l by your device. You could read ur email from your pda then the email you just read would be archived into another folder
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...and hence not downloaded to the desktop if I understand correctly.
justintime07 said:
On your PDA change the imap server settings...
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Gmail does not support IMAP unfortunately. Also, I do not want to go by the number of days or number of messages because those things are not known in advance. I only want to pop email to my computer, and read whatever is not popped to the computer from the mobile device.
tbc_borg, the instructions are helpful if I only wanted to read email from the road. But after email is downloaded to the device, Gmail does not pop it to the desktop, which is not good for me.
I think I found how to do this.
I got another gmail address, set up forwarding of everything from the main email to the second one (with the original left in the main Inbox). I pop everything from the main email to the desktop and from the second email address to the Wizard. I will be receiving duplicate emails to both desktop and the mobile device, but that is better than having only half of emails on the desktop. Any better ideas? I searched extensively, found nothing smarter (well, again, other than finding an email provider that supports both pop and imap protocols).
I had the same problem. What I did was open a second relay a/c, eg [email protected]. I then added a forward on all mails from my normal gmail account to the relay account. On my phone I have my incoming mail server set to the relay account but my outgoing server set to my normal account. This means that all your mails will be forwarded to the relay account and when you want to reply to any of them on the phone it will send them from your normal account!
Bit of a roundabout way of doing things but works fine!
WOW, good hint with the different outgoing server, decmac! It works just as expected!
But I noticed something else that is wrong. I send a test email to my main email address, it gets forwarded to the relay email address. Send/receive from computer, receive the email fine. Send/receive from Wizard, receive it fine as well. So far so good. However, when I send/receive from the Wizard again, the email message that has just been downloaded gets DELETED and is nowhere to be found on the device (not even in "Deleted Items" folder.) I wonder what I have missed in the settings somewhere.
Yeah, that's a problem. It seems to only keep a current copy of your Gmail inbox on the phone so when you do send/receive it overwrites everything. What I have done to get around this is select "Get Message headers only" and select "Include x Kb of message body" Make x big enough to get all of your messages. It then keeps my messages in my inbox until I either delete it or select "Get entire message and any attachments" in the email message.
Not sure if this would work but maybe move messages into a local folder on the phone. Haven't tried this but in theory it should work! The above works perfect for me!
Perfect! It works!
Vielen Dank!
Kein Problem

small pop3 problem

I have set up a new pop3 account with my home isp blueyonder. they had some problems the other day with sending email through there smtp server. Now my outbox (in folder view) shows 1 unread message; but if I go to look in the folder it is empty. I do not have "show only last 3 days" checked. if I connect to the account via webmail all looks fine. it appears that something is stuck on my vario 2. other than deleting the account is there any way of sorting this small annoying problem?
This happens when I send/receive via my gmail account on my phone. I'm currently investigating... I've also had an issue where Pocket Outlook doesn't correctly authenticate with the SMTP server (on my own personal address) before trying to send emails, resulting in 550 no unauthorised relaying allowed. Also investigating this, as my POutlook is setup correctly.
Just thought I'd let you know you're not the only one experiencing this issue.
Hi, sorry I can't be of some help to you on your issue, but this pocket outlook is so crap, on my accounts I have it set to automatically connect and check for mail...well if there is mail in my gmail or unread..and it connects and checks for clears out my inbox, it will say I have messages and list the sender and subject in the notification, but the inbox will be empty, then theres the imap issue of not putting sent messages in the sent folder, very aggrivating to not have a decent mail client, I tried lists gmail as an auto configure...but that's just bs...cause all that does is list the "" not any ports or ssl I manually configured it..then it spazzes on the password screen and won't continue, not to mention I set it as default one time I installed and it totally jacked up pocket outlook..which led to hard reset number 1.
Sorry to rant off topic, but after reading others woes about pocket outlook, I couldn't stfu
nice (sorry) to see others having problems too! from your replies I am doing well. I also noticed the IMAP problem too, when connecting to ny bluyonder account the webmails deleted items were "trash" and would not be deleted
Hi, sorry I can't be of some help to you on your issue, but this pocket outlook is so crap, on my accounts I have it set to automatically connect and check for mail...well if there is mail in my gmail or unread..and it connects and checks for clears out my inbox, it will say I have messages and list the sender and subject in the notification, but the inbox will be empty
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If it's the disappearing Google Mail emailsyou're talking about then the solution is to set it to retrieve headers and set it to 999KB
athiqueahmed said:
If it's the disappearing Google Mail emailsyou're talking about then the solution is to set it to retrieve headers and set it to 999KB
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Thanks for the info, I'll give that a shot..I had had it set to receive full copy of messages.
And sorry again about your post timbouk.

need a better email app

the gmail works fine for the main email
but when connecting to secondary accounts the default app sucks WM was much better!!
Try K9...
K9 is a better POP3/IMAP client now available from the marketplace.
still can't select multiple emails to delete, or simply empty the trashcan.
2 absolutely essentials that are pissing me off.
I just want to know if anyone has successfully gotten their Hotmail to work with the email client and how. This is really getting on my nerves.
Reeg said:
I just want to know if anyone has successfully gotten their Hotmail to work with the email client and how. This is really getting on my nerves.
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Unless you have Hotmail Plus it won't work.
Yes, I too would like to get hotmail working. Does anyone know of any new advances with getting it to work on the G1? I have hotmail plus and it still doesn't work. It always has a connection error and or it downloads about 15 of my oldest messages and then has a connection error?
maybe someone can hack the gmail push email program and create a universal push email program
let me continue...
message saved as drafts remain in the drafts folder even after send the email out. connection errors galore. i've had messages will sit in the outbox for over 30 mins even though i have a connection and i can download new messages. can you even create folders for pop3? it is just crap, crap and more crap. google should be embarrassed.
aad4321 said:
OMG the email app sucks sooooo bad. like REALLY bad. No notifications, no auto update, always has to load mailbox. Bad layout, hard to tell what was read and what was not, wont foward a message properly untill the entire message has been downloaded to the phone... i can go on....
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ultraman69 said:
let me continue...
message saved as drafts remain in the drafts folder even after send the email out. connection errors galore. i've had messages will sit in the outbox for over 30 mins even though i have a connection and i can download new messages. can you even create folders for pop3? it is just crap, crap and more crap. google should be embarrassed.
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I think both of you have issues not related to the G1. They sound like it is a user issue. I get notifications, I had to check them on, It autoupdates (I choose 1 hour) The layout seems fine. I know what has been read and what has not. You really can't forward a message until you have read the entire message. That would be like me quoting your post before it posted to the forum. Gmail and Outlook both save my messages as drafts, if I go back to that message and send it, it is still saved in the draft folder. However Gmail takes it a step further and saves my messages as drafts every 5 minutes until I sent it or save it for good. Connection errors are because of the network, and Can also cause the messages staying in your outbox. In fact with POP3 messages can act weird even if it has nothing to do with the client. POP3 can't create folders it just downloads the actual message. You need IMAP which is a lot better and has a lot more options. I think that would help most your problems. And I would check to make sure that your servers are receiving the correct information along with checking your settings for the correct information also.
Please report bugs!
If you've found bugs in K-9, please report them to us at .
The code was originally based on the built-in android Mail application, but we're making pretty quick progress on bugs and features considering that we just stepped into this codebase.
i think you are basing your post on your gmail mail, i am refering to pop3 accounts in particular. i don't use gmail, but it seems that people are saying that it works for the most part.
i got notifications the first couple of days for my pop3 email, then it stopped working and unselecting and resetting the notification does not turn it back on. i believe this is a known issue.
in my desktop outlook, or pocket outlook and also thunderbird, when a message is in my drafts folder and i eventually send that message out, it is moved from my drafts to the sent folder. the message is sent, it is no longer a draft.
why wouldn't i be allowed to create folders for pop3 email? imap just auto creates the directory structure you have on your mail server.
yes, i do know that connection errors are due to connection errors, but when messages sit in my outbox, while i send test messages to myself and i can receive them, that is not due to my phone network errors.
i will go and log things i see...i hope to see an improvement.
I agree that the email client is the worst part of this phone
I use POP3 but I hear people complaining the same way about IMAP.
How about something simple e.g. number of bloody messages coming in.
"Load more messages"
What the hell does that mean ? When has there EVER been a load more messages prompt in an email program. I've been using email since back in the days of Pine and I always have a sense of how many messages are in my inbox. Apparently not for the G1.
No easy way to sort messages - and the connection errors just go without saying.
totally agree about the "load more messages".....why not give you an option to pick how many it loads by default.?..... senseless
Henchman said:
maybe someone can hack the gmail push email program and create a universal push email program
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Don't need to hack it, gmail will push anything you want (well, most anything...)
Henchman said:
maybe someone can hack the gmail push email program and create a universal push email program
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This works because of the software gmail uses... not the software on your phone.
Push is a server side implication, while Pull is client side. So if you find a way to Pull email as well as gmail can push than you are on to something.
At least all of you are lucky enough to get your pop3 email setup. It won't even accecpt mine. I have Mediacom ( and it won't even set my 2 mediacom email accounts up. Just says server connection error. My AT&T Tilt never had a problem setting these accounts up. Definately need something new for a pop3 email client. K-9 does the same thing as the default email client.
Shagman68 said:
At least all of you are lucky enough to get your pop3 email setup. It won't even accecpt mine. I have Mediacom ( and it won't even set my 2 mediacom email accounts up. Just says server connection error. My AT&T Tilt never had a problem setting these accounts up. Definately need something new for a pop3 email client. K-9 does the same thing as the default email client.
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are you using the correct ports?
I got it to work. I never had to use SSL before. Not even in Outlook for this account or on my WM6.1. But setting the G1 to SSL mail sever did the trick. Now I'm just disgusted with how it handles mail, slow, does not display stuff, won't delete, incorrect un-read messages, read messages mark themselves unread everytime it checks the mail. I hope RC31 brings relief to these and other mail troubles (too many to remember).
It has been perfect for my mail, are you using pop3?
this has been my main complaint from day one.
Worst email app ever.

how to keep mails on the X1 that are allready gone on the server

The X1 always deletes the mails saved on the device if they arent stored on the server anymore after checking for new mails. Is there a way to keep mails that are no longer on the pop3 server?
If you are using POP3, the emails you downloaded to your device should stay there regardless of removal on the POP3 server. The only reason that would explain this behavior is that you are using IMAP and not POP3.
I'm using pop3 and the mails disappear.
nurps said:
The X1 always deletes the mails saved on the device if they arent stored on the server anymore after checking for new mails. Is there a way to keep mails that are no longer on the pop3 server?
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That's not how POP3 works. You are describing IMAP server behaviour.
nurps said:
The X1 always deletes the mails saved on the device if they arent stored on the server anymore after checking for new mails. Is there a way to keep mails that are no longer on the pop3 server?
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in options you have to select "don't delete mail from server" or "keep mail on server" I don't remember exactly but there in an option to do it, look around in advanced account settings
Well doenst really matter that its not supposed to work this way.
How do i fix it? Obvioulsy a bug, is it working with your phone?
guap said:
in options you have to select "don't delete mail from server" or "keep mail on server" I don't remember exactly but there in an option to do it, look around in advanced account settings
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Yes i have that option selected...the X1 is not deleting it from the server...its deleting it from the X1, after the mail is deleted from the server by my PC, on the next "send / reveicve" operation.
so check "don't delete message if deleted form server"... it's in advanced options too
Where would that option be? On the same page as the "dont delete from server option"? If yes i dont have that. (german version of windows mobile and Xperia) Maybe there is a direct registry setting if i cant get it through the options?
The problem you're having is most likely to do with retention. Eg "delete messages after 7 days". Use POP3 but also check your retention settings.
And where would i find this setting? I only find the option for downloaing Mails from today, 3 - 30 days old or all. But this hast nohting to do with deleting them once theyre gone on the pop3 server.
And thoose messeages dont vanish on their own...they get deleted after i check for new mails (its set up for manually doing that) and the experia notes that the mails is not on the pop3 server anymore.
So a "don't delete message if deleted form server" would be the right thing..just that i dont have that in my settings.
nurps said:
Yes i have that option selected...the X1 is not deleting it from the server...its deleting it from the X1, after the mail is deleted from the server by my PC, on the next "send / reveicve" operation.
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If the email is deleted/retrieved from the server by YOUR PC, the email is gone by the time you check for new email on your PHONE.
What you need to do is select the option to "KEEP MAIL ON SERVER" in your PC email program.
Either way, I don't think it's a good practice to POP your email from 2 different places (PC and phone in your case).
Of course its gone, but i dont download the mail AFTER its deleted by the PC...its allready on the X1 and it deletes it AFTERWARDS.
In fact my PC is set up to leave Mails in POP3 for 3 days..then they get deleted...and the X1 is set to dont delete any mails at all. But it does delete allready downloaded mails as soons as it finds out theyre not on the pop3 server anymore.
So back to the solution of this problem please?
The only way I found to keep messages on the phone is to delete them from inbox to the deleted items folder, they stay there till you delete them properly.
Im on btinternet and I dont like the idea of messages staying on the server so havnt enabled it.
What is the point of keeping messages on the server, can they be downloaded again?
I cant find an advanced explanation of how the phone interacts with the mail services so I just keep mail I need in the deleted folder in the phone, I even created a new folder in the phone called store to put emails in for keeps but they dissapeared from there as well !!
If you have important information in a mail, copy and paste the text to word or notepad just to be safe.
According to guap there should be a "don't delete message if deleted from server"-option but i cant find it. I cant believe that windows mobile mail software would be more stupid that a simple java email client i used the last to years before the experia.
sorry for delay
go in your inbox -> menu ->tools -> options -> message -> warn when delete message from list
this way you can say "no" and keep your message. Quite annoyng but it worked for me on my touch. Now I don't care about it
Anyway, if you are interested in a serious client I suggest to swap to something better then pocket outlook
I have this checked...but always clicking yes on every mail check to keep my mails from getting deleted would be to annyoing even if it would work.
So what serious alternatives are there? And are they fully integrated into the OS?
nurps, have you doubled checked the settings to ensure you aren't using IMAP. The wizard will try to use IMAP by default, which by the sounds of things is exactly whats going on.
Its pop3. 100% sure.
I have set up the same account with pop3 and imap, the phone still behaves the same, deleting messages that have been downloaded to and deleted from pc.
I think this is stupid behavior. There should be an option to keep some email on the phone and not on the pc.
Edit; Put it this way I have 2 pcs with outlook express on, I can check mail with each one and they download mail individually but they dont clear the other pc of mail do they ! (mmm.. ? maybe thats wrong eh ..).
I like to choose what to delete from a particular machine and what to keep on a machine.

HD2 email driving me nuters.

Is this just me or is this SOP for the HD2..
I check my emails with my HD2, I keep the ones I want to, and delete the ones I dont. But the damn phone will not update the emails as read or deleted.
So on the next check cycle, the same emails pop back up as unread. The only way I have found to keep this from happening is to go to my actual email accounts and mark them there. So annoying.
Is there something I am doing wrong, or is my email on my phone screwed up, or is the just the nature of the HD2 email checker?
Is there a way to fix it?
Emails Won't Delete from Server
I too am having a problem getting emails to delete. I can delete them on the phone, but the next time it connects to the pop email server, the deleted messages reappear and I do have the setup marked to delete them from the server.
Email on my Kaiser worked perfectly with the same settings until I flashed a recent 6.5.x rom at which time it started having the same problems. I assumed this was a problem with the ROM, but the T-Mobile official ROM does the same thing.
just to be sure, is your email account set up as the "Outlook email" or a standard email account?
if it is a standard email account, make sure you are using IMAP and NOT POP3.
Can't remember from the back of my head right now, but tinkering with the settings somewhere for each account, there's an option to "delete and put into the trash can" or "delete it completely off the server".
Solution for Delting E-Mails
The following worked for me. I found that changing the setup to delete immediately as opposed to the default setting of delete on connect/disconnect fixed the problem.
Click the "Windows" hardware button and select "E-Mail" / "Menu" (soft key) / "Options" / "Storage" (tab) and change "Empty deleted items" to immediately.

