Connectivity Issue? - HD2 General

I'm having a problem with my HD2, I received text messages till an hour ago, but suddenly all connectivity is lost... My gf has the same provider and here phone works fine... So it's not the provider. I also tried to switch her SIM into mine... No luck.
Also did a hard-reset & soft-reset and still no connection...
So I called to the store and they claim to fix it with changing some settings... But he said I had to get there to get it fixed..
But I can't get there in 2 days so perhaps some of you had the same issue (don't know if it's htc related or windows mobile)...
So perhaps anyone of you can tell me how to fix it?


Urgent Help: Xperia sends multiple Text SMS

I am using Sony Xepira ( Middle -East) black & while sending text msg, receipient get same 2-4msgs....which cause problems? & my bills gets charged unfortunately.. Can someone help me with the urgent solution?
it's possible to be from your network , so it gives "unsent" status to your phone , and the phone tryes to send it again , and again until it receives "sent" from your network.
This might be a solution , i am not shure of it.
Dear it's nothing related to my network, beacuse when I remove the SIM from my X1 & insert it in another mobile and it works perfect ..
I went to my network provider & we made the testing , it's from the X1 might be software problem ...not only my mobile but few friends of mine are facing the same issue...
Can anyone help me with this issue?
I too have similar issues only using my X1 and would be keen to understand this as my provider is also saying they cannot see a problem in the network and it only happens with the X1.
It's not a network provider problem, it's something related to the X1
You could either try a hard reset, perhaps you installed something wrong.
If that doesn't work, you could go a step further and flash it - but I'm not sure if that is what you want to do
The final option is always returning it to the factory, asking a new one.
some of my old phones done this when i went holiday to cyprus.
never knew a solution
Dear all,
Can anyone find solution for this problem?

HTC Elf: Unable to make or take calls

Hi All,
I am new to this forum, however was using my HTC Elf for the past one year. All of sudden I started facing problem in making or taking calls. The Network on the screen remain full and complete still I am unable to make calls (i.e. the call drops, cannot be completed) or can't recieve the calls (i.e. caller gets my cell unavailable or switched off). This doesn't mean it happens always. Coincidently the calls are through without any problem at one go. The Authorized Service center at my city told me there was the problem with it's Network IC (I really don't know what's that) and he suggested me to sell of the phone asap. My cell is out of warranty so can't really offord to replace the mother board. I have upgraded the Radio ROM but is of no use.
Please help me in resolving this issue.
Many Thanks.
Which network are you on?
Do your friends face the same drop calls issue too?
Have you tried hard reseting it?
Please backup before hard reset.
HI Jeremy,
here in India I am on Airtel Network and no one face the drop call issues. This is absolutely the phone problem as the same SIM card works perfect in other phone. I had unlocked my phone, upgraded the Radio ROM and hard reset it, but the problem still persist.
khant007 said:
HI Jeremy,
here in India I am on Airtel Network and no one face the drop call issues. This is absolutely the phone problem as the same SIM card works perfect in other phone. I had unlocked my phone, upgraded the Radio ROM and hard reset it, but the problem still persist.
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Mmm, I think the motherboard inside the phone has issues than.
You have tried all ways to clear the phone?
Have you tried other ROMS?
This issue seems to be popping up quite a bit recently. Or maybe that I've just started noticing it since I started having the same problem.
Yes Jeremy. I have tried all the versions of ROMs. And infact other simcard also act same in my phone. Even I believe that motherboard has some issue. The Service center had told me the "Network IC" problem (though I didn't believe that) and to replace the motherboard (without warranty) would cost me 70% of the handset cost.
No point repairing motherboard, must as well get a new windows mobile phone.
So yeah.
I ran out of ideas already.
The only thing I can help you with is to, backup all your contacts to Google Sync, get a new iPhone or O2, than use that same protocol to transfer your contacts and calender data and mails to your new phone.

delay recieving sms

sometimes i get my sms late, although it says the exact time the sms was sent, i still recieve it 2 hours later,
when i send an outgoing message, all my sms's come flooding in.. is there a fix for this.. is anyone else experiencing the same prob ??
i am on rom 1.66, official htc
what full rom version you using?
what network you on?
has this been happening long time or recently?
it has been happening recently it was more common before the sms fix, its not all sms's just sometimes,and sometimes i dont recieve the sms at all
i am in uk, on o2 network, using the htc 1.66 rom, the one off the htc website,
i am SO close to selling this and getting an iphone
Give O2 a ring, I had this issue with my Nokia E90, and it turned out to be a corrupt message on their servers.
thanks mate,
dont think its the network mate, gave them a call.. cud it be the htc, becos the sms problems over the past are well known !
ikhan24 said:
dont think its the network mate, gave them a call.. cud it be the htc, becos the sms problems over the past are well known !
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its a network problem genrally
delayed sms sound
I have similar problem on htc iolite since the new coocket roo303oom. The message sound is delayed to when i unlock my screen.
Im having exactly the same problem. Im on o2 uk and its really starting to get on my tits.
I sometimes get them an hour or 2 after they are sent, yet they are date stamped with the time they were actually sent. Did you manage to get to the root of the problem? I called o2 weeks ago about it and they just suggested i try a new sim, which they promptly sent me but it has made absolutely no difference. Is this a phone problem or a network problem?
Both of you on O2, I doubt it's got something to do with the phone.
sort of same issue with my HTC HD2 on Voda UK.
MEssages being sent or recived are not arriving on my phone!!
thinking of getting rid of phone now!!
just to annoy you mine works fine on virgin in the uk
Mine works fine on T-Mobile too
SMS delay
could somebody PLEASE find a fix for this !!!,
ikhan24 said:
could somebody PLEASE find a fix for this !!!,
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Have you contacting your provider?
contacted provider
rp-x1 said:
Have you contacting your provider?
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this is a widespread problem with htc's , if u google , late sms, you wil find, people on all networks are having this problem
i have contacted them and they say it could be the phone
Hi everybody,
I'm still experiencing this problem. That happened after the last ROM upgrade (see attached screenshot for current versions).
The message arrived a couple of hours later. Not it's about 24 hours or I don't receive the messages at all.
This might be a coincidence, but I often was browsing with Opera when the messages finally showed up.
I'm using Zenyee disable htc messaging 1.2 as I'm syncing with an Exchange 2010.
It's definitely not the provider, but the phone. I've put my simcard in a standard cell phone where the messages arrived in an instant.
Anybody got an idea?
It not the network, its a file in HTC phones. I havent been able to figure out what was causing it until now. I am 90% sure I know the culprit, but I am not 100% sure. I am on a TP2 and I just ran across this problem today after I installed a cooked rom I made, before everything was fine. I am in the process of testing this theory out. I should have a better idea by either days end, or at latest by tomorrow. I am testing 3 packages out at the moment to see if my theory is correct.
Will keep you posted.
I have the same problem too or sometimes I only get the text if I unlock the phone then I get 3 texts at once also sending text if it has more then 160 but less than 180 (i think ) then ppl don't seem to get my text weird no lol
I've had this problem in my HTC Trinity...
Fortunately I don't have it in the Leo...

Newbee on android (Legend)

In the last 2 days I keep receiving empty massages....from strange is not from any available patern phone number...some strange numbers...
I wonder if any have experienced this?
And there free any antivirus/antimalware program that is compatible with legend?
One of the empty messages was from the number 34657355494.
What is that?
I have just factory resetted my legend...hmmmm...the messages seem of the programs I have installed could be the cause...gotta find out which one...
Hmmm...the message are there again...event without any prgram installed...
The memory card is alreday formatted...factory reset is also done...firmware update is done...
What is wrong with my phone?
If you guys have any ideas...please help me...
Thanks in advance
OK...I have done some research ...and ...have found out....
All the SMSs come from 221...
This happends to several phones under O2 net in Germany..
Caused by the home zone thing which keep sending my coordinates to O2 so that the system knows if my phone is still inside the home zone or not..
So...the SMS is somekind of notification...either failure to connect or simply a bug with the O2 net in Germany
Untill now...none has succeeded...terminating this annoying SMSs...
I have asked O2 service center about this and I have done their advice...
still having those annoying SMSs..
If anyone knows how to terminate or block this SMSs...please tell me.....
In have tried to diactivate CB ...let see if that works..

Omnia 7 Call Ended Error

I bought a used phone from internet website, its worked great and it was locked on T-mobile UK. I got it unlocked from fastgsm and used my tesco sim with the phone.
The phone worked great for couple of days and on the third day it worked upto 11am (that is when i made the last call on the phone) and after that i am getting 00:00 Ended every time i press call even to voice mail.
it does not call anyone no texts either and when someone calls me it says the phone is switched off.
Steps i have taken to fix the issue:
I have swapped different sim cards.
i reset my phone through settings and diagnosis code.
I have updated the firmware to the 7740
I have installed a new unbranded UK retail firmware. its still running this firmware.
I have checked if the imei is blocked or stolen or something on a few websites nothing came up.
I have searched XDA to see if someone else has this problem and there are quite a few people here with the same problem but no solution.
I need help i have no idea what to do next
everything else on the phone works great no problems wlan connection keeps it connected and all the other features are fine its just the phone calls and text msgs which i cannot send or receive.
i have tested my sim on other phone it seems to be fine.
Please help i am not sure what to do next.
thank you and regards
Call Samsung support.
I've got a very similar problem - I can access the internet with my SIM but I can't make a call or send a text.
Omnia 7 - originally on orange but unlocked.
Any help appreciated.
ok then xda cant help me with this problem lets see if samsung support can do something about it. i have called them and i am taking the phone to their service center.
wish me luck i will report back if there is any news for other people with similar problem.
I have the same problem. Ive done almost all the steps as you have. Im beginning to think that its a hardware related problem. Maybe the sim-reader.. Well, i bought another phone but I hope to fix it anyway. I'll be back to check your progress in the matter.. gl
I can also contribute that I did the unlock via fastgsm.. (without any errors) And that may be the cause. But 1 thing is different though, I could never make any calls at all. You said that u were making calls.. I had a very long email conversation with fastgsm that ended with him not responding to me at all. But that was some time ago and I deleted the emails.. Not that I think it would help. Now I use the phone as a surfing pad (wifi/data ok) its sad really... lol
That's a terrible problem, I feel for you guys.
Definitely get it contact with your provider or SAMSUNG to get a replacement.
I can't think of any settings which you could change other than the obvious ones.

