Customized Tabs - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

Just curious. Is there a specific reason why Tabs are actually customizable? For example, creating your own Tab for a specific program. Is there any known reason HTC wouldnt include this? It just seems to make sense to have a feature like that.


[REQ] Manila Tab with simple Text

I was wondering, if it would be possible to have an new Tab in Manila wich only contains plain text. I would love to have notes or maybe new years resolutions etc. displayed in this tab. This would be awesome and it doesnt seem that its very hard to make such an app. But I have no experience in developing apps after all...
Maybe one of you guys could give it a shot.
Any comments? Any help?
Hi there
I realise that this post is a /few months/ late. In fact, it's a new year =P
I also have only very little experience with programming and I am very interested in making something like this too.
Have a look at m9editor as well as Manila Editor. I am currently looking at m9editor (and also learning about it as well!). I think that the tabs will be relatively straight forward enough to add. However, the text on the screen is a different matter as it's not a matter of simply typing text. We need to write a .lua file in code.
Since I have never heard of .lua (programming language), it will take some time.
Have a shot though

Calendar Tab on M2D

Is there any way of inserting a calendar tab instead of one of the ones available such us weather, people, etc.?
I would like to see all my appoinments for Today at once, but I canĀ“t work it out.
Any help?
this is defenitely the wrong board...and by the way, there is a M2D customization thread, and be sure, if it was possible it would be posted there, cause there are lots of people wanting a real calendar tab on M2D.
otherwise I can only give you a hint: my WM7 theme for throttle launcher will definetely include a (customizable?) calendar page
m.schmidler said:
this is defenitely the wrong board...and by the way, there is a M2D customization thread, and be sure, if it was possible it would be posted there, cause there are lots of people wanting a real calendar tab on M2D.
otherwise I can only give you a hint: my WM7 theme for throttle launcher will definetely include a (customizable?) calendar page
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
So when is your WM7 theme coming out.

[Q] Choosing a ROM

I am completely new to the whole ROM scene, but with the possibility of landscape menus in manila 2.5.1922, I really need to check it out! However, there are so many ROMs out there, and I have no idea which one I should try.
So I guess what I am asking is: What is the most reliable/stable ROM with Manila 2.5.1922/landscape support?
It's bumptastic!
that's a tough question to answer.if there were one rom better than the others we'd all be using that one!
read some of the rom threads...the important stuff is inn the first post usually.
next, learn what the different versions of the different parts mean. is it windows 6.5 or 6.5.3, what manilla build is it and what's the difference... then you will be able to make your own informed decision.
This type of thread is usually locked by a mod, so I'll get in first ;-)
Only you can decide which rom is right for you, really. Best thing is to look at the existing threads for roms, and try one you like the looks of.
Almost all roms here are constantly being improved, so it's very difficult for someone else to recommend a particular rom over another one for you, as within a week one may have added new features over another.
Depends what are you looking for.
New features?
I personally seek a ROM that is close to original HTC but with improved speed and new features. I don't search for fastest ROM, just a ROM that is little bit optimized with tweaks from this place:
also I like how start button is moved to the bottom so ROMs with that feature are also welcomed. Threaded mail in messaging is also nice feature. When it comes to looks I like the squarish buttons instead of rounded default ones.
At this moment I found that this:
(23518 version) is all that I need at this moment.
Happy hunting
The only thing I'm actually is something that works just like the original ROM, but with landscape support in the menus. Does the miri ROM do that?
Overlord Yuri said:
The only thing I'm actually is something that works just like the original ROM, but with landscape support in the menus. Does the miri ROM do that?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No it does not.
You can try this:
very close to original
Also if you can wait a bit here will appear new version
based on 28217 build ??
according to

Please help...

Hey everyone,
First thing, YOU GUYS ROCK!!! Myself and a few mates/coworkers could not live with out this forum and your helpful hints, tips and .CAB's.
I am a Telstra Employee **Ducks for cover** (I work Back of house managing Data Base's for asset tracking so no insider goss available soz). I have had a HTC HD and now i have a HD2 (so worth the upgrade). Now myself and 2 other mates all have the HD2 and work for Telstra, We have debranded our HD2's and added many tweeking cabs and Apps from this wonderful site BUT we are really dieing for a Theme creator for HTC Sense, Telsta has given us (out of the goodness of their hearts) the gayest Blue theme ever! I want a Black one but im unable to work out how? We also are a little curiouse about some of the larger tweeks for the HD2 but are not willing to Flash our ROMs away from the standard Telstra ROMs avalible.
Can any one help? I see many great themes and Sense mods that others have created but no way how to do it myself.
first of all, you should never, under any circumstance, admit your a telstra employee, even if you think this site may be able to conceal your identity... madam karma knows who and where you are, and she is coming for you.
now that that's out of the way... as far as i know (moderate experience flashing winmo phones), the only way to customise the Sense interface is with a cooked ROM, with a built in modifier. note: im only assuming this because the only versions of M2D ive used before this HD2 were cooked into custom ROM. i may be wrong, but im just sharing my knoweledge.
also... you noted that you have de-branded your HD2... what exactly do you mean by that? have you just removed all the 'telstra/foxtel/bigpond' junk that telstra polute their phones with? if so... perhaps you can teach me something... is there a way to edit the links/shortcuts from the "apps & downloads" tab? i would like a dedicated program tab, but something i can edit the shortcuts. similar to the quick links on the home tab.
hope i helped.
good luck mate.
Oh ok, ummm... I quit and no longer work for Telstra?....!
By de branding i mean we have removed the fixed quick links and telstra tabs bloatware that all go to the m.bigpond site (little puddle as we call it), remapped the internet connection and modem settings so you dont have to go via m.Bigpond for everything. Added as many cusomising cabs as possible like Bg4all and Co0kies home tab (kudos to Co0kie for that one!!!), Bsb, Advance Config and basically every tweaking cab avalible on XDA and opnMarket. We have not been able to remap the links in the mysocial tab or the apps tab but we think we might be close?
Our big issues are that telstra hide alot of the options and advanced setup pages from us due to government legisation, Like the Camera sound; we dont have an option to disable it as it is Au law for digital cams to make an anoying sound (to prevent up-skirting). We are also a bit confused, everyone talks about cabs only being compatible with sense 2.5.1XXXXXXXXX but in our software info section it states that our Manila version is 1.0.19211622.1? I mean WTF is that all about!
ha ha, i was just playin with the telstra comment. it seems from your original post that you know and dislike telstra as much as anyone.
hmmm, ill have to look into some of the tweaks you have mentioned. particularly cookies home tab editor.
and yeah, as far as the sense versions go... im not sure why our "brand new" interface seems to be 1.5 versions behind everyone elses. its probably just a numbering thing - and might mean nothing. but im sure someone on this board wouldnt mind explaining it to you.
ill keep you posted if i find a way to edit the app links and such. its in these WINMO device's nature to keep evolving, so im sure there is a way.

[Q] Alternate keyboard layout for the Z?

Has anyone figured out how to get an alternate layout onto the hardware keyboard for the Z? The default keyboard makes some really stupid decisions - we dont need to have a euro, pound and dollar key! I know the guys over in the G2 forum came up with an alt layout file. I tried it on the Z and despite the source files having exactly the same md5 as the ones on the G2, the new files didnt work. I suspect Sense might be overriding those layouts, but I dont know.
erm they are for AOSP roms i believe and sense ui uses a different one i believe.
funny enough i want to keep my G2 layout and make that work with sense ui
there are several threads about this, including one started by me -- search and ye shall find

