[Q] Alternate keyboard layout for the Z? - G2 and Desire Z General

Has anyone figured out how to get an alternate layout onto the hardware keyboard for the Z? The default keyboard makes some really stupid decisions - we dont need to have a euro, pound and dollar key! I know the guys over in the G2 forum came up with an alt layout file. I tried it on the Z and despite the source files having exactly the same md5 as the ones on the G2, the new files didnt work. I suspect Sense might be overriding those layouts, but I dont know.

erm they are for AOSP roms i believe and sense ui uses a different one i believe.
funny enough i want to keep my G2 layout and make that work with sense ui

there are several threads about this, including one started by me -- search and ye shall find


Spell Check Hard Keyboard?

Is there anyway to get spell check to work with the hard keyboard?
I have searched and found no answer.
I am also wondering if this would be possible. Don't know if this thread belongs here, applications, or in android development. Is there a way to implement the spellcheck/suggestion of the vtk when using the hardware keyboard? I would see this taking a bit to do however, as from what I am thinking it would take it's own IME to do it. Or would have to be hacked together somehow to do it, which also doesn't seem as likely since HTC is closed source (tho' I do not know about their vtk). I do like the idea of it, even if it may not be that feasible.
Haykuro solved this for us...
Here is a link to his blog that tells you what to do
This will change your VK also, but give you predictive text for the hard keyboard. There is also a thread in the development topic about it.
Its loaded into the rogers rom. Once you double tap the text area the spelling is activated!!
The Rogers rom is perfect for me. I love this phone!!

New t-mous HD2

So I just got this phone like 3 days ago. And I like it. But I'm ready to do something with it. I didn't get winmo to use basic winmo, let's put it that way .
So anyways, I've been searching and I've found a few roms that I think sound pretty good to try out.
But the main thing I'm wondering about are what tweaks to look at that people have found to be really useful.
Before I flash a rom, I'd really like to try out some different tweaks to like change the keyboard, speed up messaging, and heck, I don't know what else (I text a lot, lol).
So I'm just asking for some suggestions from the users out there. Like what tweak or whatever you used, and where I can find it. Thanks guys .
I'm going to tell you what every one told me when I asked what rom to use on my touch pro 2. Just try as many roms as you want and see which one you like best or fits you the best. people tent to like different thing so what you like other people might not like or want on their rom. Right now im using the stock rom since I feel that theirs not point to flash it at the moment their havent put out anything special in my opinion (no diss to the developers here you guys make this site what it is). I'm waiting for android to be ported or windows 7.
Ps. read the instructions carefully theirs a few people here that bricked their phone already
Yeah, I really don't want to brick this thing. And THANKS for the advice.
But moreso than just roms, what I'm really interested in is tweaks. Any suggestions there?
More and more roms are coming with the tweaks already added to them. I would say find the ROM first and then find the tweaks that haven't been implemented yet.
I've tried a few ROMS and I have found Kumars the best to my liking. Its the closet to the original look and feel of the HD2 when you first get it. I use Kumars along with BsB tweaks. BsB is super easy to use and is a really powerful tool.
Yeah, I'll have to look at those. I mean, the main reason I'm looking at tweaks more is because I do like the HD2 Interface. There's just some small stuff that bugs me.
But I'll have to look more into some of the roms to really see what I want there as well.
Cookie's home tab is definitely the first thing to do
Cookie's Home tab? Is that a rom or what?
How about the keyboard, is there anything to change that, like get rid of the arrows?
EgomaniacIII said:
Cookie's Home tab? Is that a rom or what?
How about the keyboard, is there anything to change that, like get rid of the arrows?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
CHT is a cab. That is actually built into a lot of the ROMs you will find. If you like the HD2 interface then I would just say get Kumar's Classic ROM which would probably be the same as what you have now. Only difference is it has some of the tweaks already included in it like modifications of the registry as well as CHT but it lacks all the bugs that the factory O/S has. From there you can find out what tweaks it doesn't have and then add the CABs to it like the HD2 Memory Tweaks or whatever other stuff.
The fact that you like the factory HD2 interface doesn't mean you can't find an updated ROM that looks just like the factory O/S.

Creating and installing new keyboard layout?

I am not sure if this is the right forum where to ask this kind of question, so pls tolerate me
I've got my new HTC Desire and found out that among the keyboard layouts it offers by default, none of them contains the special accented characters I need. I installed HTC_IME keyboard in hope that it's rich configurability will let me also to configure the extended character list that opens up when you push&hold a key. But unfortunately it does not.
So, I figure, I'd be better of to create totally fresh language configuration that could be installed on the device and then activated. Maybe someone can suggest me how to do it?
take a look at this project:

X8 Stock Keyboard

Smart, Better, Swipe, Htc and the other keyboard... what's the differences? They do all the same things, imho. But you ever used the keyboard that comes with our X8? It's the only one that allow you to edit the words putting the cursor just where you need it. The others don't do this, if you need to edit a word you have to try many times until you got it. So, why you all think that the others are better than the SE keyboard?
So, i wonder if some developer could port the stock keyboard to our device.
The differences is the way you typing a word.
I had try other keyboards but now i also use the stock keyboard.
bro i want the same, i love that you can see what part of your text you want to change with big letters, if anyone can port please put the link! sorry about my english
check in themes and apps section for stock keyboard...
xperia x8 proud owner
Nothing to do, i haven't find it. Maybe someone who still have its x8 untouched can post the appropriate .apk.

[Q] A MIUI ROM with multi-lingual T9 support? (aka. "I can't find the ROM for me")

[Q] A MIUI ROM with multi-lingual T9 support? (aka. "I can't find the ROM for me")
Hello everyone.
I keep playing around with my phone, trying all sorts of ROMs. As you can read in my sig, the "main" ROM I use is WinMo6.5 Energy, which, as far as WinMo ROMs go, is pretty darn sweet.
But I'd really REALLY like to give NAND Android a go.
Unfortunately, every version I try seems to have something missing, and I'm having a hard time finding one that's "just right". Especially since the features I'm looking for aren't at all so bizarre I think.
Sense ROMs lack "cleanliness" due to the graphical glitches. I know it's not the chefs fault, but until HTC kindly releases the source code, I think I'd rather stay clear of those.
Typhoon Cyn ROMs are smooth and fast, but the really interesting loader features require me to make a purchase. It's not an expensive application, but I'm a "try before you buy" sort of person. I can't really tell if I'd like to use it unless I keep using it on my phone for a few days first.
And finally, there's MIUI ROMs, which are awesome except for one, main thing: they lack a localized T9 dialer. I'm from Poland, and as you could expect, I've got a bunch of people in my contacts list who have weird letters like Ś or Ł in their names and NOT being able to dial their numbers (EDIT: dial their numbers "quickly" I should add) is a huge problem.
The only thing I found so far is this: http://forums.miuiandroid.com/showthread.php?7898-MOD-Multilanguage-T9-dialer-(ES-RU-GR-PL)
However, this doesn't seem to work: it installs fine, and then... nothing. An earlier version of this mod, which required manual install via recovery, DID enable the T9 dialer, but one of the main settings app would constantly FC afterwards.
There's also a small matter of MIUI ROMs having trouble with the theme manager and no smooth "flip" animation. Both of these are minor complaints however.
So... the question I'm laboriously trying to get to is this: Is there a MIUI ROM for the HD2 which would have a multilingual T9 dialer buil-in? If not, has anyone managed to get that mod working with any recent MIUI ROM on XDA and if so, how? Finally, perhaps some kind soul read my post and thought "ahh, I know exactly what this lad needs"... in which case, please share this knowledge.

