How about programming Zoom buttons/slider - Imagio General

Is there any way to use the zoom slider/buttons as programmable buttons.
I'd like to use it as a next page/previous page in reader.l

That would be a very cool feature to have.


Multi Touch Apps Please

Can we try and develop some apps that take advantage of the multi touch pad at the bottom of the phone?
Maybe something like the iPhones picture viewer to zoom or rotate.
To be honest I only recently found out about the multi touch pad by using NavDbgTool.exe.
But surely it has some potential - maybe mixing it with g sensor function
you can zoom and rotate with a finger, holding the pda with one hand (just draw a circle to zoom, and a semi-circle to rotate)
oh wow what a revolutionary idea, im sure no one here, especially no developer has thought about that before......
hhmm! Help from a senior member.. usual.. Sarcasm from a junior member... refeshing
So where can i find apps that take advantage of the multi touch ?
I am aware of the circular zoom function in htc album, but i was thinking of the resize and rotate function like on iPhone and microsoft surface.
Surely "every developer" has thought of replicating that?
I have a real practical use for that pad-
On the HTC Touch Pro it is ideal for a scroll bar area. Most apps do not support the navi-wheel for scrolling, and the navi-wheel is incredibly imprecise in any case. having the area from the Home to the Back key be a scroll strip would be great for scrolling down long documents or web pages.
hedgemonstahinz said:
So where can i find apps that take advantage of the multi touch ?
I am aware of the circular zoom function in htc album, but i was thinking of the resize and rotate function like on iPhone and microsoft surface.
Surely "every developer" has thought of replicating that?
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You mean something like this?

[APP][Updated 16-10-2008]CapacitiveFingerLock (Proof of Concept with sources)

Having written StylusLock I wanted an additional lock/unlock method. Although StylusLock works great, I wanted some extra features:
* to have it possible to lock and unlock "one handed". The StylusLock approach cannot be done "one handed", e.g. on a bike.
* Also some people do not like to operate with the StylusLock (always).
* The combination with this new CapacitiveFingerLock and existing StylusLock will suit more people.
* And sometimes people will use the Stylus, so they will get the right behaviour depended on the usage pattern
* Still the goal is to let it consume almost no CPU and battery and KISS to operate
I discovered with StylusLock that when the TouchPanel and Hardware keys are locked, still the Zoom function works in e.g. Opera.
You can try yourself, using StylusLock:
1. Start Opera
2. Lock the Touch Diamond or Touch Pro with StylusLock
3. TouchPanel and all hardware keys are locked
4. Try to Zoom in/Zoom out in Opera, this still works with the NavWheel
5. Also the Ok button seems to react
I figured out via Scott Seligman and Koushik Dutta how to programmatically access the Capacative Touchpads. You can read also more here: [REF]Capacitive touchpad apps
So this idea is implemented in CapacativeFingerLock. But I am not using the NavWheel idea, but just uses the Capacative hardware area for locking/unlocking. The idea is again simple and clever. When you softly touch the area where the hardware keys are located (so do not press the keys, just gently touch them), the up/down and position area can be detected. I programmed that when the same area is touched gently 3 times within a second (without touching another area), the lock status is toggled.
I made a proof of concept program (just copy the exe inside the zip file attachment to your phone and just execute it), which shows how it is going to work. Just play around with softly touching the hardware panel, to see what happens.
If am working on integrating CapacativeFingerLock with StylusLock, to have a working "real locking" application. The Proof of Concept program just shows that it is possible.
Reserved for future use
Another one for future use.
very nice i noticed you posted a link of this thread in the wheel to unlock thread...would there be a way to possibly implement a config tool that lets you choose say, touch 3 times softly, or run your finger around the circle?
Malik05 said:
very nice i noticed you posted a link of this thread in the wheel to unlock thread...would there be a way to possibly implement a config tool that lets you choose say, touch 3 times softly, or run your finger around the circle?
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In principle this can be done. But because the NavWheel is also used for other purposes (Zoom In/Out), I have chosen not to use the NavWheel, but the 3 times gently touching. In this way there is no interference with other existing applications.
I'll try that, it seems like no one cares aboyt the capacitive touch pad, it seems like an amazing thing that we've got that is so neglected. I hope to give some positive feedback later, but first I have some rom flashing to play with!
Thanks for the work, there must be so many possible implementations for this, I hope this is just the beginning of something much bigger.
How about a simple tap to launch app?
i went ahead and installed it, and it works very well...Will there be a (pretty) GUI to show that it was unlocked?
Also the diamond does have multi touch on that pad area, which enables a "trace" of the movement of your touch
Since the nav sensor wont be so ideal, how about sliding your finger from the top of the pad to the bottom (lets say, place your finger on the back button, and gently moving it down to initiate unlock, with a GUI on the screen following your movement, as you go closer to the bottom, the color changes from lets say, red, to green...with incremental color changes in between)
Instead of 3 taps, why not a swipe between the home and back keys, which seems much more natural.
surur said:
Instead of 3 taps, why not a swipe between the home and back keys, which seems much more natural.
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I imagine it is just harder to implement for a proof of concept.
Personally I think there are enough ways to lock the diamond, whether you swipe the screen or 1cm below it is not a revolution, but if swiping the capacitive touch pad could be made to launch desired apps from selected gestures, that would be a revolution, like dynamo3 or hibernate or even standby. I think a lot of people here would want that over another locking solution. Good will intended!
Just tried it.
This is very cool very very cool
Thanks for time invested in such a cool development.
surur said:
Instead of 3 taps, why not a swipe between the home and back keys, which seems much more natural.
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Swiping is not so easy one handed. Touching gently 3 times is much easier one handed, holding your Touch Diamond or Touch Pro firmly and touching with your thumb.
However, I can imagine other sort of applications which can use the swiping for other sort of operations. Both are possible with the programming API I made.
uniqueboy said:
I imagine it is just harder to implement for a proof of concept.
Personally I think there are enough ways to lock the diamond, whether you swipe the screen or 1cm below it is not a revolution, but if swiping the capacitive touch pad could be made to launch desired apps from selected gestures, that would be a revolution, like dynamo3 or hibernate or even standby. I think a lot of people here would want that over another locking solution. Good will intended!
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I am going to share the source code. I have written it in C#. And others can get ideas and take over some of the source code for their own application. At the end we profit all of it.
ZuinigeRijder said:
I am going to share the source code. I have written it in C#. And others can get ideas and take over some of the source code for their own application. At the end we profit all of it.
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I like your style, that is the the kind of development attitude that keeps here!
ZuinigeRijder said:
Swiping is not so easy one handed. Touching gently 3 times is much easier one handed, holding your Touch Diamond or Touch Pro firmly and touching with your thumb.
However, I can imagine other sort of applications which can use the swiping for other sort of operations. Both are possible with the programming API I made.
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If you are open to other ideas, I would love the area from the back to home key to be a scroll bar when the device is in landscape mode. Grabbing the narrow on-screen scroll bar can be tricky, and the Touch Pro lacks the scroll wheel of the HTC Kaiser.
Have been looking into this myself as well. The only code I found was managed C#. Do you think we can use this in our native C code? Looks promising though!
ZuinigeRijder said:
Having written StylusLock I wanted an additional lock/unlock method. Although StylusLock works great, I wanted some extra features:
* to have it possible to lock and unlock "one handed". The StylusLock approach cannot be done "one handed", e.g. on a bike.
* Also some people do not like to operate with the StylusLock (always).
* The combination with this new CapacitiveFingerLock and existing StylusLock will suit more people.
* And sometimes people will use the Stylus, so they will get the right behaviour depended on the usage pattern
* Still the goal is to let it consume almost no CPU and battery and KISS to operate
I discovered with StylusLock that when the TouchPanel and Hardware keys are locked, still the Zoom function works in e.g. Opera.
You can try yourself, using StylusLock:
1. Start Opera
2. Lock the Touch Diamond or Touch Pro with StylusLock
3. TouchPanel and all hardware keys are locked
4. Try to Zoom in/Zoom out in Opera, this still works with the NavWheel
5. Also the Ok button seems to react
I figured out via Scott Seligman and Koushik Dutta how to programmatically access the Capacative Touchpads. You can read also more here: [REF]Capacitive touchpad apps
So this idea is implemented in CapacativeFingerLock. But I am not using the NavWheel idea, but just uses the Capacative hardware area for locking/unlocking. The idea is again simple and clever. When you softly touch the area where the hardware keys are located (so do not press the keys, just gently touch them), the up/down and position area can be detected. I programmed that when the same area is touched gently 3 times within a second (without touching another area), the lock status is toggled.
I made a proof of concept program (just copy the exe inside the zip file attachment to your phone and just execute it), which shows how it is going to work. Just play around with softly touching the hardware panel, to see what happens.
If am working on integrating CapacativeFingerLock with StylusLock, to have a working "real locking" application. The Proof of Concept program just shows that it is possible.
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A while ago I posted about the Windows Messages received by the form for capacitive touch events. Is that what you ended up using to figure out where on panel is being touched? Mind posting some code so I can add it to the Sensors assembly?
Great idea. Defienetly it will be my way of locking device. StylusLock works nice but can't be operated by one hand so its useless for me. SensorLock uses battery and i've drop my phone already unlocking it.
surur said:
If you are open to other ideas, I would love the area from the back to home key to be a scroll bar when the device is in landscape mode. Grabbing the narrow on-screen scroll bar can be tricky, and the Touch Pro lacks the scroll wheel of the HTC Kaiser.
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This can be surely done, programmatically. But I do not know if you can control the scrolling of other applications. The latter seems to me difficult?
Anyway, when a lot of applications are going to use gestures using the capacative areas, there will be going conflicts (different programs reacting differently on different gestures).
For the locking application I want to made, I see also some different gestures possibilities:
- 3 taps for locking/unlocking
- swipe left to right for Power off
- swipe right to left for starting a configured application
And I am sure I can come up with other gestures and actions....
drvdijk said:
Have been looking into this myself as well. The only code I found was managed C#. Do you think we can use this in our native C code? Looks promising though!
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Actually I started with C++ and had also a working Proof Of Concept. However, because I am new to Windows Mobile Programming, I also wanted to use C# as next project. I have developed programs in a lot of languages (also in C++ and C#), but I like C# more. And I wanted to do this now for Windows Mobile, to get experience with this. Note that the C# sample is using only .NET 2.0, so you do not need .NET 3.5.
You can find a C++ sensortest program, which was available on Scott's weblog:
ZuinigeRijder said:
This can be surely done, programmatically. But I do not know if you can control the scrolling of other applications. The latter seems to me difficult?
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I dont know if you can manipulate the scroll bar of another application directly (though this would be ideal) but at the least maybe a page down keystroke could be sent to the active window.

Someone should start developing software for optical mouse!

Hi, I've been seeing a lot of development for the Touch line of phones and they all have awesome programs for gesturing the capacitive screen.
I really hope Xperia stays popular long enough to have some pro do something like this for the optical stick. Such as using optical stick to zoom in and out; I'd really like to see that functionality in opera, instead of page scrolling.
poetryrocksalot said:
Hi, I've been seeing a lot of development for the Touch line of phones and they all have awesome programs for gesturing the capacitive screen.
I really hope Xperia stays popular long enough to have some pro do something like this for the optical stick. Such as using optical stick to zoom in and out; I'd really like to see that functionality in opera, instead of page scrolling.
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Lol. Who uses optical joystick? I tonly comes in ur way when you want to navigate with they hardwarekeys.
optical joystick works better than using finger to scroll in opera mobile. not as good in other browsers
I used to want the option to zoom using the trackpad, however, that has really changed. I use the trackpad to scroll, I keep it set to the fastest setting, and I'm able to flick through menus and opera pages extremely quickly. It works really well for me, I can't imagine not having it...its a pretty good jog dial replacement imo.

[APP REQUEST] MULTI TOUCH ON DIAMOND's Capacitive sensor {Need Developers}

since diamond/fuze has the Capacitive sensor (i'll call it CAPSEN from now on) ...and a seperate touch screen...
why not combine to have multi touch.....maybe you already heard this from me or someone else..but i thought i bring it up anyway...
just like the "PINCH" from iphone....
but 1 finger on the touch screen...and 1 finger on the CAPSEN....doing the PINCH...should zoom out...and zoom in...
On a Picture....
any other app that has zoom function
and use it as an APP LAUNCHER....for instance...
TOUCH and HOLD the Centre button with the thumb...and swipe UP on the touch screen...brings up dialer?? app launcher?? Voice command??
maybe not just app...but shortcut for Tools...such as
back/forward (browser)
this is all i can think of now...cuz i'm sleepy so I will come up with a bigger list when i'm awake and fresh....
thought about the same just a day ago
Nice idea, I know there has been talk of multi touch on just the screen, but that is very complicated since if you touch two points on the screen it will actually read the midpoint of the two spots.
Your idea would work like holding a shortcut combo ie: Ctrl + C = Cut
But on the phone we could touch the end call button and the screen and as you move it would zoom out......and enless other ideas!
GScroll uses the touch pad on the bottom and you can assign stuff, but not with the screen....I bet that wouldn't be to hard for the programmer to figure out......
noellenchris said:
Nice idea, I know there has been talk of multi touch on just the screen, but that is very complicated since if you touch two points on the screen it will actually read the midpoint of the two spots.
Your idea would work like holding a shortcut combo ie: Ctrl + C = Cut
But on the phone we could touch the end call button and the screen and as you move it would zoom out......and enless other ideas!
GScroll uses the touch pad on the bottom and you can assign stuff, but not with the screen....I bet that wouldn't be to hard for the programmer to figure out......
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There should be more apps that take advantage of the pad at the bottom just sumthing simple like scroling clockwise and anticlockwise round the ok button to zoom in n out like you can on the txt msg screen would be a gr8 improvement
Was thinking about this too..
What's on my mind was touching the panel to simulate "Shift" and "Ctrl" keys. Hence to be used together with the keyboard to provide functions like "Copy/Cut/Paste" (Ctrl+C/X/V), "Select All" (Ctrl+A), and also to capitalize a letter with the "Shift" function...
If it could be done, i'm sure it will be household program on every Diamond... hmm...
mmm Good Idea!!
but yah...also i just remembered ..that the CAP sensor is also multitouch.??? ...i remember seeing a youtube vid about that...
if thats the case..we can do so the pinch effect right on the cap sensor....or swipe with two fingers....ahhh the endless features this will give us...every other phone will bow down.....
even touchdiamond2
solidkundi said:
but yah...also i just remembered ..that the CAP sensor is also multitouch.??? ...i remember seeing a youtube vid about that...
if thats the case..we can do so the pinch effect right on the cap sensor....or swipe with two fingers....ahhh the endless features this will give us...every other phone will bow down.....
even touchdiamond2
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Indeed, just zoom with two fingers at the mulititouch panel! That's great!
It should be possible to make this app, because they have that kind of application on the blackstone too! (they made an application that makes the bottom panel like a zoom bar, just like the topaz)
I'd donate if it someone makes this application!
[ElCondor] said:
Indeed, just zoom with two fingers at the mulititouch panel! That's great!
It should be possible to make this app, because they have that kind of application on the blackstone too! (they made an application that makes the bottom panel like a zoom bar, just like the topaz)
I'd donate if it someone makes this application!
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I say the same thing..
multitouch for diamond I think is this app nobody thought could exist [sorry 4 english]
I was think about it 2 months ago. Not multitouch the captive + screen, But multitouch on captive only (there is video that the captive sensor on diamond was multitouchable ).
I was interested with this idea, but I can't find any sample code for captive sensor (I found some accelerometer sample code), Is there any good reverences/sample code about how to get captive sensor signal/messages with C++?
( I was interested to code it, but not promises to create it )
i wish this actually goess throughhhhh but....we need more support from the rest of the forum users....i guess i have to make this TItle more appealing..hehe
amarullz said:
I was think about it 2 months ago. Not multitouch the captive + screen, But multitouch on captive only (there is video that the captive sensor on diamond was multitouchable ).
I was interested with this idea, but I can't find any sample code for captive sensor (I found some accelerometer sample code), Is there any good reverences/sample code about how to get captive sensor signal/messages with C++?
( I was interested to code it, but not promises to create it )
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Actually TouchLockPro uses the NavSensor and is written in C++. You can couple commands to capacitive swipes, 8 in total. Also I did make the source code available on sourceforge.
sounds good...I can only do photoshop....i'll try to help anyway i can......
i really would love to have Multitouch on my Diamond.
This will be groundbreaking.....even diamond 2 can't touch this..i think....anyways..
@ZuinigeRijder ---thanx
ZuinigeRijder said:
Actually TouchLockPro uses the NavSensor and is written in C++. You can couple commands to capacitive swipes, 8 in total. Also I did make the source code available on sourceforge.
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Ok hanks... I will check it...
any (good) news?
I'd love to help
I would love to help but.....
I don't know any programing or any photoshop, can someone teach me something? I really want to help the community but I don't know how
multi touch not really multi touch
I might be wrong but i was thinking that the diamond doesn't actually have multi touch, it's more like having 4 touchpads that all work at the same time. The left part with the home and the dial button, the wheel, the center button, the right section with the back and end call buttons. That may explain why the touch interface is so slow...


Maybe im late on this idea but i had a idea for a zoom function similar to that on the iphone (not that i like iphones) but the pinch to zoom function is usefull and would be great and my tilt2.
is it possible to make an app where you hold a button (ptt preferrably cuz its unmapped anyway) and press on the screen where you want to zoom and as you slide your finger down away from that point it would zoom in and the opposite when going up.
im not much a dev but id love to see this made
