[Q]Tap the screen does not work anymore. - Touch GSM General

Is there a solution that the first thing after a cooked rom to set the touchscreen. I cannot use the screen anymore.
I have spl 3.10.cmon and ipl 2.26.0002 in my red green blue screen.
Installed the ORIGINAL)RUU_Elfin_TMO_NL_2.26.114.52_4.1.13.52_03.08.90_BLUE_Ship.
So my screen is hanging after windows mobile screen
tap the screen...
I can run mobile registry editor and active sync is also working (to explore pda via active sync)
Please Help

Flash other rom m8, this one could be with broken or conflituos DLL

I tried several roms:
[ROM]Windows 6.5 ROM 23414 SEN V1.0
ONYX ULTIMATE 4.7 (Recommended)
I think it has to to with the keyboard files ?
Tap the screen to set up your windows phone is the message. Nothing works.
Please advise.

The worst could be a defective touch screen.
I noticed that you have an awkward spl and ipl combination: 3.10 and 2.26 respectively. I'm not sure if that works. Have you ever successfully flashed any ROM with those combination? If not, I suggest to re-unlock and use the same ipl-spl combination.
I'm just second guessing and you may want to wait a little bit more for someone to confirm if your ipl-spl combination works.

i can load different .nbh
Now my ipl = 3.14.0002
SPL 3.10.cmon
Tried onyx_5.1.2.nbh
This message appears again:
Tap the screen to set up your windows phone.
Cannot push this message away.

Maybe we are not on the same page so I have to verify. What happens if you tap the screen when it prompts you to do so? Tapping screen should lead you to the alignment screen. Does it?
The ROMs you tried shouldn't have such problems unless as I've mentioned - you have a defective touch screen.

daeinnor said:
Maybe we are not on the same page so I have to verify. What happens if you tap the screen when it prompts you to do so? Tapping screen should lead you to the alignment screen. Does it?
No it stucks on the tap screen.
The ROMs you tried shouldn't have such problems unless as I've mentioned - you have a defective touch screen.
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How can it be defective i did not do anything but turning off the device and
turn it on again.
Could it be a virus on the elfin ?

lets check if ur screen is broken or not
what we gonna do is use ur pc and the programs below to remotely control your device
1. download and install msp_remotealignment.exe (zipped) and run the program while you have your device connected and active sync working.
choose the first option on top "Skip Screen Alignment" and press SKIP. your device will reboot and go through all the customizations and reboot again...
check to see if your touch screen works.
2. at this point if your screen is still not working....then we have 90% the screen or digitizer is broken...so now to cover the 10% so download and install MyMobile123_06152008.exe (zipped)
run the program while your device is connected via active sync and see if you can control your device remotely...if so....sorry for the bad luck....your digitizer or touch screen is defective.
credit: belong to the individual creators of both these programs
attachments added.

Thanks for your help.
choose the first option on top "Skip Screen Alignment" and press SKIP. your device will reboot and go through all the customizations and reboot again...
>> Touchscreen does not work still ....................
MyMobile123_06152008.exe (zipped)
run the program while your device is connected via active sync and see if you can control your device remotely...if so....sorry for the bad luck....your digitizer or touch screen is defective.
I can control device but no touchscreen.............
Is it possible that my input (start/settings/personal) is wrong ?
No virus ?
When is the touchscreen loaded ?
Another solution ?
I have service manual. Can i check this somehow ?
Please advice.

If it is your digitizer that is broken, they are fairly easy and cheap to replace. The digitizer is attached to your front plastic, the one you are touching with your finger or stylus, so you buy it in 1 part and that part just connects into a connector below. There are instructions on the net somewhere, but no soldering or special skills are required. The only thing you will need is gel glue that attaches the digitizer to the rest of the body at the front, but if you are careful removing the old digitizer, you'll be able to re-use the sticky residue to attach your new one.

Oh, the tip on removing the old digitizer - warm it with a blow dryer a little bit, it will loosen the resin glue.

enigma1nz said:
If it is your digitizer that is broken, they are fairly easy and cheap to replace. The digitizer is attached to your front plastic, the one you are touching with your finger or stylus, so you buy it in 1 part and that part just connects into a connector below. There are instructions on the net somewhere, but no soldering or special skills are required. The only thing you will need is gel glue that attaches the digitizer to the rest of the body at the front, but if you are careful removing the old digitizer, you'll be able to re-use the sticky residue to attach your new one.
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You mean this one is the digitizer ?
or the "whole" front ?
Where can i buy such thing
I live in the netherlands / arnhem

I cleaned the cable and it is working again . Perfekt thanks


XDA2 fell in water Please help!!!!

i ve a xda2 it fell in water and after that i got it dried n cleansed from a dealer but now the problem is that it only works upto the "align screen" intial setup and downt move any further i also tried to ugrade with WM5 bt same thing, Please help me. I shall be thankfull to all to you.
Kindly help
try to clean board with isopropyl alcohol or in ultrasonic cleaner. Maybe it can help you.
Is it really dry? It can take some time...
See this:
Replace the battery
I had the same problem after my mda ii went through the washing machine. Replacing the battery fixed the problem.
thanks guys for the replies , further my XDA had been properly dried and cleaned but now the problem is that the machine doesnt operate further than the "ALIGN SCREEN" setup where one has to tap the screen at four corners and the center one I tap the screen i return to the same screen as ask to tap the screen again.
Will flashing the rom serve any purpose or is it aa hardware problem, rest of the device seem to be ok even the bluetooth light flashes when i turn the XDA ok. But not able to get i any further from there.
So what do the experts have to say, Please reply.
thanks again
well, mine had very hot coffee poured all over it.
my suggestion to you would be, dont turn it on or place the battery for at least 3 days if under normal drying conditions only.
or if you know how to take it apart, spray everything with contact cleaner, it will dry up immediately,
then cross your fingers and hope nothing shorted out when it first went inot the water.
strategy is - wait - dry- wait - test - dry some more - spray contact cleaner - dry - test - until such time it works. coz some moisture might still be present and causing a little bit of short circuit.
It sounds more of a hardware issue than a software issue and you may have to take is apart to fix it.
Try two things, Number 1: (You need to use some latex or vinyl gloves if you need to take your unit apart). You are going to need to check your digitizer connection to the motherbaord, make sure you don't have any mosture trapped in the ribbon lock and make sure the entire front part of the digitizer is flush against the inside case edge. Number 2: Have you seperated the digitizer from the LCD yet? If this thing was in water the slightest spot of moisture will disrupt the very small electrical field between the digitizer and the LCD that recognizes the stylus taps. Abosolutly nothing should be present between the two and also around the white or grey strip on the inside of the digitizer for it is also a contact strip. You can use a lens cleaning cloth to clean any dust and moisture from the inside of the digitizer before you put it back together with the LCD. Being I worked on about 150 toshiba e750's that suffered sprinker damage in a fire, I learned quite bit on what makes a Pocket PC tick. Good luck with getting it working.
the same
I had the same problem 3 or 4 years ago with a HP Jornada 680 (handledPC). I must unfortunately say that I could never get my touchscreen working back again. Perhaps if you could change your screen for a new one, or at least one that always worked (some are sold around the www, even a few by members here if i remember).
Good luck
the stylus is working as the sceen responds to the tabs, but the process of calibarating the screen doesnt finish and keeps on repeating. and it asks to align the screen again.
The digitiser is working but the software doesnt seem to be working...
what do you have to say?
and thanks for the reply
guys thanks for the reply
but no luck... is there any sofware that can check if the components are working and ok, or simply what should i do. The info about the problem in a nut shell is
First the loading happpens with the O2 screen then the "Windows mobile screen says Tap the screen to setup the pocket pc" Then when i tap the screen next screen comes saying "ALIGN SCREEN" with a crosshair in the middle of the screen when i tap it with the stylus it moves till all four corners are tapped which crosshair point to. But now the problem begins.
The same screen repeats and asks for the same procedure again and again and again And the Xda processing doesnt move further.
i even flashed the ROM but same thing........
no luck
Have you bought a new battery yet?
Like I said above, my MDAII went through the wash. Just like you, i got the align screen process followed by a spontaneous hard reset. I bought a new battery, charged it up in the cradle overnight, then popped it into my machine. Good as new.
Don't mess with the software until you try a brand new battery.
Cheap and effective.
Hmm, the touch screen is responding to taps, but maybe its a bit 'offset'.. I mean maybe when you tap exactly center, it will receive your tap to be a lot more offset to right, left, up or, down.. Cos that's what making the 'align screen' asks you to realign again and again..
Hi Tanvir,
I want some of the others to advise on what I am suggeting. On my xda I ( which I own as well as a Blue Angel) we are able to put it into boot mode and press the "action" or was it the "contact" button to get it into test mode. Being I don't own a Himalaya but I would guess that they would have that function too, and in that function it has a test for the aligment screen which it might be able to align in the test mode away from the OS running. If someone has the tip for helping Tanvir of getting his unit in to test mode, Please someone post it for him. Also being I don't own the XDA 2 if anyone has anything to add on my suggestions, the floor is open. let me know how it's going Tanvir. Cheers.
I'm sure Tanvir's digitizer is no more...
Go to www.ppctechs.com and purchase a new one... not that expensive!
Good luck!
Hi shane,
thanks for the help and time i ll try the process u suggested and lets see what happens, i ll inform you if any luck,
An thanks to all the guys for helping,
hi jamil
ive guessed that posibility too, but the question is there is no way to fid out if it s he reason...

white screen

hi guys...my screen has gone all white! i have tried every kind of reset possible, and still no luck. i can hear the start up chime, so i think the memory, OS, etc is intact fine...but there is something wrong with the display! Any ideas??
Yea its most likely your screen. I disassembled my magician to install a new case and now the screen wont power on but i can hear a startup chime.
Looks like ill have to buy a new screen or move on to a new phone.
Did you end up replacing your screen? NB, you might want to try cleaning the contacts to the LCD with some no residue flux, and a toothbrush / painting brush. The contacts just might be dirty. At the very least you can see what type of screen you need if you decide to go that way.
NB, My unit is doing something similar, but it doesn't seem to display the bootloader screen, etc. It has a samsung screen.
Also, when I try to use USB to connect to it, it gives an error message, but only after it's booted up. If its in the bootloader, I can use romupdate.exe and connect to the bootloader fine, and back up to SD, etc...
Is it definitely just the screen that needs replacement?
Have you tried to upgrade the rom to a higher version?
I met the simliar problem when I flashed my rom to 1.06 CHS, after I upgrade
it to 1.12.07 CHS or 1.13.00 WWE, it works very well.
I have a O2 mini(magician) after update rom is white diplays
can you upload rom for me?
Somebody Can Tell Me Where I Can Download Mini O2 Rom .please Help
I have the same problem. I open it up to check the front speaker and now I ended up with a white screen phone
That is nothing to do with rom, because I run MyMobiler and I can even everything with it in my PC, I even hear the clicks, but still only white screen on the phone
Damn speaker. It was his fault!!
Here is the cause of your problem - you connected the screen badly on assembly or it slid out when you were closing, open your device and make sure the flex cable is properly inserted. That, or you damaged the flex.
hey my problem *developed* to be like urs

a very big problem with "...tap the screen..."

after months of using my device, qtek s100, after a reinstall of windows (same that i'm installing everytime) when it tells me "tap the screen..." i tap, and ask me for calibrating. I'm calibrating him, and still ask for calibrating, with no end...the problem was manifested when the windows still worked and everywhere i was pressing, it was like i was pressing on Start everytime, even if i was pressing on clock for example. what should I do? pleaseeee
hello mate, why not try to upgrade your OS
hy. i've upgrade it to 1.13 which everytime worked. then i've upgrade it to 2.03 which has the same problem. does exists another OS to upgrade?
Ady_uaic, I also have that problem and FINALY i've figured it out...
above the LCD screen, there's a thin transparent glass screen (touchscreen), which has a small ribon that connects to your phone.
check this link for a picture of it: http://cgi.ebay.com/OEM-Dopod-818-i...ryZ41343QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem (*)
The thing is...once, when i was opening my phone, i did a small cut on the ribon by mistake and now the screen behaves like that...I've found that if i gently push that touchscreen to the right, the ribon will sometimes bend a little bit and will make a perfect contact which allows me to keep the phone aligned...unfortunately this is only temporarely since sometimes the ribon moves and of course, the alignment is lost...So, i would advice you to check if the ribon is intact and not broken somewhere...if it is broken, then you know what to do: Buy a new touchscreen and/or an LCD w/ touchscreen included.
Hope this helps...
(*) although similar, do note that this touchscreen AIN'T for the magician, so don't order this one!
hello..thank you for your quick answer..i will try and i'll let you know
Sound like a hardware problem ... try flushing a new rom, if not , take it to a lab.
open up the device and reconnect the display ribbon wire properly after cleaning with a soft cloth.
the ribbon may disalign after a fall or dismantling the device and certain other factors.this is the only possible fault.if it doesn't workout, you may have to get the lcd changed.

part of my prophet screen (touch) not work

i have a problem whit my prophet touch .
when i tap a part of screen that not work . i capture it and i upload it.
first a bit of screen didn't worked .but after a day it gtow more.
what can i solve this problem ?
sory for bad English
you should try to hard reset or flash with other rom.. if it doesn't work i think you should sell it.. coz if the one broken is the lcd, it will cost quite expensive..
I had the same problem. Some parts of screen did not work. I had to send it to the repair service. And they have replaced a new screen.
Probably you need to do the same.
don't another way ?
saeidba said:
don't another way ?
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Maybe dust inside your LCD... Like my, the tech guy says too much dust in my LCD...
First of all, the LCD has nothing to do with the touch screen.
It is a separate thin layer on to of the LCD called the digitizer.
It should not be as expansive to replace, but before you send it to the lab, try the following:
1) If you have a screen protector of any kind remove it.
2) See if you can get to Start->Settings->System->Screen->Calibrate
(maybe using hardware keys or some kind of remote control app)
Try to recalibrate the screen.
3) Try to hard reset your device (make sure you backup all data first!) by holding camera and comm manager buttons (on the left side) and pressing reset.
If non of that works you definitely have a hardware problem (possibly a loose connection) and should send the device to a repair shop.
Changing ROM is unlikely to solve this problem and will only void the warranty if you still have any.

HD2 broken >.<~~

Hi there,
Today, I accidently drop my Hd2 on the floor, the screen cracked but luckily nothing fall out.
Now the screen is not responsive, though I've ordered OneX, I still feel very unhappy because I love my HD2 very well, it is a very good phone.
As I can't control my phone now, I would like to know if I can remote control my phone from PC so that I can make a full backup?
Many thanks...
You can try with this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1566179 and buy a screen if you l ove him
I love him too
More info here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1440916
Or try to boot on Magldr or Recovery mod (even without the screen I think it is feasible), mount sd and copy your data on sd on your pc
you could also boot into recovery and using recovery make a backup .img and then mount the .img file and extract the things you need/want
I use androidcast and can remote control my HD2 to do the stuff. I'm not going to replace the lcd+digitizer as I am not expert on this field.
I would like to know if I can use hardware key to control the phone? Or assign action to each keys? I want at least can scroll up & down, toggle wifi/AP and simulate the tap action...
MaxPayne3004 said:
You can try with this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1566179 and buy a screen if you l ove him
I love him too
More info here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1440916
Or try to boot on Magldr or Recovery mod (even without the screen I think it is feasible), mount sd and copy your data on sd on your pc
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My screen display is okay, but not responsive, is it because the digitizer is not working? Attached is the current situation of my phone, the screen is cracked, but I can't feel any flaws when I touch it, is the digitizer on top of the glass?
Can I just open the phone and check if some cabling problem on the digitizer instead of replacing the whole lcd+digitizer?
honestly, I do not know
stm2008 said:
My screen display is okay, but not responsive, is it because the digitizer is not working? Attached is the current situation of my phone, the screen is cracked, but I can't feel any flaws when I touch it, is the digitizer on top of the glass?
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Glass ---------------
Digitizer -----------
LCD ----------------
Can I just open the phone and check if some cabling problem on the digitizer instead of replacing the whole lcd+digitizer?
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Don't see why not, though the screen may disintegrate when you start to dismantle it, plus its not easy to separate the glassdigilcd unit, they're bonded together and the phone hasta be baked at 60degrees for ten mins to separate them, then bonded back together again. Its LOADS easier to buy a new full screen pre assembled.
. Mine worked for 18months with a badly cracked glass, till one random ics flash stopped the digi working.
new digitizer is very cheap and easy installed. hope everything will be ok. good luck!
