a very big problem with "...tap the screen..." - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

after months of using my device, qtek s100, after a reinstall of windows (same that i'm installing everytime) when it tells me "tap the screen..." i tap, and ask me for calibrating. I'm calibrating him, and still ask for calibrating, with no end...the problem was manifested when the windows still worked and everywhere i was pressing, it was like i was pressing on Start everytime, even if i was pressing on clock for example. what should I do? pleaseeee

hello mate, why not try to upgrade your OS

hy. i've upgrade it to 1.13 which everytime worked. then i've upgrade it to 2.03 which has the same problem. does exists another OS to upgrade?

Ady_uaic, I also have that problem and FINALY i've figured it out...
above the LCD screen, there's a thin transparent glass screen (touchscreen), which has a small ribon that connects to your phone.
check this link for a picture of it: http://cgi.ebay.com/OEM-Dopod-818-i...ryZ41343QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem (*)
The thing is...once, when i was opening my phone, i did a small cut on the ribon by mistake and now the screen behaves like that...I've found that if i gently push that touchscreen to the right, the ribon will sometimes bend a little bit and will make a perfect contact which allows me to keep the phone aligned...unfortunately this is only temporarely since sometimes the ribon moves and of course, the alignment is lost...So, i would advice you to check if the ribon is intact and not broken somewhere...if it is broken, then you know what to do: Buy a new touchscreen and/or an LCD w/ touchscreen included.
Hope this helps...
(*) although similar, do note that this touchscreen AIN'T for the magician, so don't order this one!

hello..thank you for your quick answer..i will try and i'll let you know

Sound like a hardware problem ... try flushing a new rom, if not , take it to a lab.

open up the device and reconnect the display ribbon wire properly after cleaning with a soft cloth.
the ribbon may disalign after a fall or dismantling the device and certain other factors.this is the only possible fault.if it doesn't workout, you may have to get the lcd changed.


XDA2 fell in water Please help!!!!

i ve a xda2 it fell in water and after that i got it dried n cleansed from a dealer but now the problem is that it only works upto the "align screen" intial setup and downt move any further i also tried to ugrade with WM5 bt same thing, Please help me. I shall be thankfull to all to you.
Kindly help
try to clean board with isopropyl alcohol or in ultrasonic cleaner. Maybe it can help you.
Is it really dry? It can take some time...
See this:
Replace the battery
I had the same problem after my mda ii went through the washing machine. Replacing the battery fixed the problem.
thanks guys for the replies , further my XDA had been properly dried and cleaned but now the problem is that the machine doesnt operate further than the "ALIGN SCREEN" setup where one has to tap the screen at four corners and the center one I tap the screen i return to the same screen as ask to tap the screen again.
Will flashing the rom serve any purpose or is it aa hardware problem, rest of the device seem to be ok even the bluetooth light flashes when i turn the XDA ok. But not able to get i any further from there.
So what do the experts have to say, Please reply.
thanks again
well, mine had very hot coffee poured all over it.
my suggestion to you would be, dont turn it on or place the battery for at least 3 days if under normal drying conditions only.
or if you know how to take it apart, spray everything with contact cleaner, it will dry up immediately,
then cross your fingers and hope nothing shorted out when it first went inot the water.
strategy is - wait - dry- wait - test - dry some more - spray contact cleaner - dry - test - until such time it works. coz some moisture might still be present and causing a little bit of short circuit.
It sounds more of a hardware issue than a software issue and you may have to take is apart to fix it.
Try two things, Number 1: (You need to use some latex or vinyl gloves if you need to take your unit apart). You are going to need to check your digitizer connection to the motherbaord, make sure you don't have any mosture trapped in the ribbon lock and make sure the entire front part of the digitizer is flush against the inside case edge. Number 2: Have you seperated the digitizer from the LCD yet? If this thing was in water the slightest spot of moisture will disrupt the very small electrical field between the digitizer and the LCD that recognizes the stylus taps. Abosolutly nothing should be present between the two and also around the white or grey strip on the inside of the digitizer for it is also a contact strip. You can use a lens cleaning cloth to clean any dust and moisture from the inside of the digitizer before you put it back together with the LCD. Being I worked on about 150 toshiba e750's that suffered sprinker damage in a fire, I learned quite bit on what makes a Pocket PC tick. Good luck with getting it working.
the same
I had the same problem 3 or 4 years ago with a HP Jornada 680 (handledPC). I must unfortunately say that I could never get my touchscreen working back again. Perhaps if you could change your screen for a new one, or at least one that always worked (some are sold around the www, even a few by members here if i remember).
Good luck
the stylus is working as the sceen responds to the tabs, but the process of calibarating the screen doesnt finish and keeps on repeating. and it asks to align the screen again.
The digitiser is working but the software doesnt seem to be working...
what do you have to say?
and thanks for the reply
guys thanks for the reply
but no luck... is there any sofware that can check if the components are working and ok, or simply what should i do. The info about the problem in a nut shell is
First the loading happpens with the O2 screen then the "Windows mobile screen says Tap the screen to setup the pocket pc" Then when i tap the screen next screen comes saying "ALIGN SCREEN" with a crosshair in the middle of the screen when i tap it with the stylus it moves till all four corners are tapped which crosshair point to. But now the problem begins.
The same screen repeats and asks for the same procedure again and again and again And the Xda processing doesnt move further.
i even flashed the ROM but same thing........
no luck
Have you bought a new battery yet?
Like I said above, my MDAII went through the wash. Just like you, i got the align screen process followed by a spontaneous hard reset. I bought a new battery, charged it up in the cradle overnight, then popped it into my machine. Good as new.
Don't mess with the software until you try a brand new battery.
Cheap and effective.
Hmm, the touch screen is responding to taps, but maybe its a bit 'offset'.. I mean maybe when you tap exactly center, it will receive your tap to be a lot more offset to right, left, up or, down.. Cos that's what making the 'align screen' asks you to realign again and again..
Hi Tanvir,
I want some of the others to advise on what I am suggeting. On my xda I ( which I own as well as a Blue Angel) we are able to put it into boot mode and press the "action" or was it the "contact" button to get it into test mode. Being I don't own a Himalaya but I would guess that they would have that function too, and in that function it has a test for the aligment screen which it might be able to align in the test mode away from the OS running. If someone has the tip for helping Tanvir of getting his unit in to test mode, Please someone post it for him. Also being I don't own the XDA 2 if anyone has anything to add on my suggestions, the floor is open. let me know how it's going Tanvir. Cheers.
I'm sure Tanvir's digitizer is no more...
Go to www.ppctechs.com and purchase a new one... not that expensive!
Good luck!
Hi shane,
thanks for the help and time i ll try the process u suggested and lets see what happens, i ll inform you if any luck,
An thanks to all the guys for helping,
hi jamil
ive guessed that posibility too, but the question is there is no way to fid out if it s he reason...

white screen

hi guys...my screen has gone all white! i have tried every kind of reset possible, and still no luck. i can hear the start up chime, so i think the memory, OS, etc is intact fine...but there is something wrong with the display! Any ideas??
Yea its most likely your screen. I disassembled my magician to install a new case and now the screen wont power on but i can hear a startup chime.
Looks like ill have to buy a new screen or move on to a new phone.
Did you end up replacing your screen? NB, you might want to try cleaning the contacts to the LCD with some no residue flux, and a toothbrush / painting brush. The contacts just might be dirty. At the very least you can see what type of screen you need if you decide to go that way.
NB, My unit is doing something similar, but it doesn't seem to display the bootloader screen, etc. It has a samsung screen.
Also, when I try to use USB to connect to it, it gives an error message, but only after it's booted up. If its in the bootloader, I can use romupdate.exe and connect to the bootloader fine, and back up to SD, etc...
Is it definitely just the screen that needs replacement?
Have you tried to upgrade the rom to a higher version?
I met the simliar problem when I flashed my rom to 1.06 CHS, after I upgrade
it to 1.12.07 CHS or 1.13.00 WWE, it works very well.
I have a O2 mini(magician) after update rom is white diplays
can you upload rom for me?
Somebody Can Tell Me Where I Can Download Mini O2 Rom .please Help
I have the same problem. I open it up to check the front speaker and now I ended up with a white screen phone
That is nothing to do with rom, because I run MyMobiler and I can even everything with it in my PC, I even hear the clicks, but still only white screen on the phone
Damn speaker. It was his fault!!
Here is the cause of your problem - you connected the screen badly on assembly or it slid out when you were closing, open your device and make sure the flex cable is properly inserted. That, or you damaged the flex.
hey my problem *developed* to be like urs

Touchscreen problem

Have a "small" problem with my touchscreen, it requires to be aligned every day,and by that i mean that the alignment doesn't hold much long...that means sms typing is extremely hard when you push one letter he shows you another that lays next to it .Is it due to the touchscreen or the system....i didn't do any ROM update i still have the original software on him:
ROM Ver.: 1.12.01 GER
Radio Ver. : 1.12.00
ExtRom ver. : 1.12.151 GER
Many thanks!!
i think it it the problem of touch screen
i think it it the problem of touch screen.after extrem use of touch screen its loes the alinement for this you replace the touch screen from your hardware guy.
Thanks for all
Hi i fixed the problem with a ROM update and i didn't install extra programs that i had before like ( Pocket plus or Calendar ++...... ), anyway now i don't have to align the screen. I don't know is it the ROM update or the additional software but the touchscreen is now working perfectly.
So if someone else have a similar problem don't replace the screen right away.
it's hardware problem.
my xda mini also..
but i know how to fix this problem.
Maybe with you it was, my MDA is now working perfectly and i don't need to align my screen every day as i did before.That doesn't mean that all have such a problem,i am only telling you my experience with it.
Best regards from Vienna
Hello, in my magician is not everyday, hapens all the time that i turn on it.
I had replace it 3 times, but i can find a good dealer of touchs. You knows one that seel a good touch?
I've had that problem for a LONG time and today i finally got tired and decided to fixed it...here's how i've done it: You just need to lift a little bit up, a few small metal pins which are all around the touchscreen (see the picture in attachment). This will force the touchscreen to remain in place and will end all your problems related to touchscreen alignments.
so it does help? what do these pins do?
(* the pins have nothing to do with the touchscreen, they are what holds aluminum shell on the plastic chasis)
i had an o2 mini with 1.11 rom and its touch screen was not quite sensitive.. had to tap or drag stylus very hard..
but after upgrading to 2.03TX.. to my surprise.. my PDA now has very good touch screen response!
hi, i have this problem
I tryed to re-flash rom or adjust metal pins but the problem persists.
Anyone have another solution?
Plese help me, i want to save my pupil
i have the same problem. the o2 is really a great little phone but i think im going to be forced to upgrade
i also got a unit mini xda from a friend, he said it is dropped and can't tap screen. i hold and press the screen, then slide up and down, side by side, and now its ok.
Trullalero said:
Anyone have another solution?
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Probably it's problem with flat wire that connects screen with mainboard.
You need to open yours xda, find that wire, unplug it from mainboard, clean its pins with alcohol and plug into again.
From this time mine xda doesn't decalibrating anymore
khuan said:
i also got a unit mini xda from a friend, he said it is dropped and can't tap screen. i hold and press the screen, then slide up and down, side by side, and now its ok.
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hi khuan thanks for the great tip.. you save my $$$!
I was just thinking to upgrade my mini since it response too slow when i tap the screen
but now it works just as it is new.
guys.. try khuan tip.. it really works!
khuan said:
i also got a unit mini xda from a friend, he said it is dropped and can't tap screen. i hold and press the screen, then slide up and down, side by side, and now its ok.
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what exactly do you mean?
can you be more specific ?
Screen Setting
new_ppc_user said:
what exactly do you mean?
can you be more specific ?
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My cell also had the same problem. There is a bunch of wires coming from the back of touch screen, these wires fix inside a socket. There is a black color cover that fix the wires inside that socket. During mishandling that cover got loose, that's why your cell loose the screen setting. I fixed that cover and now my Jam works perfectly. (Do it if you have the courage to open your cell)
Hello, I just bought a used O2 mini and had this same problems. I finally found a quick way to restore the calibration that goes out every restarts.
Using resco registry editor, I found the data stored here->
So I make 1 clean alignment and quickly went and export the Touch key into my Storage. Now every time the alignment goes haywire, I just import the data back. Hope it helps.

What a STRANGE problem with my buttons and LEDs! Ideas?

Hi guys!
Long time no post!
I hope you can help point me in the right direction.
Two things started happening with my 8525 TyTN, rendering it unusable. I do have a backup one, so it's no panic. But I would LOVE to try to repair this.
Here's what happens!
1 - The two LEDs in front don't work! No green; no blue; no amber. (HOWEVER, When I first replaced the battery after a hard reset, I did see is glow red for a second!)
2 - None of the buttons on the front work! None. Start/End, the D-pad, mail, internet explorer. All dead!
Interestingly enough... the LCD screen is perfect, as is the touch screen.
The unit also works perfectly fine.
I did a Hard Reset.
I am using WM6.0.
I am wondering... PERHAPS there is some kind of ZIF cable that goes from the body to the top panel? MAYBE that came loose?
If you have seen inside your TyTN, is there one cable/ribbon for lights/buttons?
If so, that would explain it!
If there are two cables/ribbons.... one for lights, one for buttons, then the odds of them BOTH falling out are near impossible!
I would LOVE to hear any ideas or thoughts!!!
Thanks as always!!!!!
Hello and welcome to a new phone!
I have a similar problem, mine sometimes gets a white screen and the D-pad buttons rarely work for long.
It is quite possibly a loose ribbon cable.
There is actually a thread here about this issue - just do a search for 'white screen' or similar and you'll find it. It was posted to within the week so shouldn't be far from the top if you browse for it, but I can't remember which Herme's category it was in.
There's even a full guide with pics to pulling your 8525 apart!
Cheers! Oggy. ó¿ó
try a new rom,.
I have the same problem. I thought it was bcs my TyTN fell down once. It started with Iexplorer always popping up when I wanted to do something. I thought the IE button at the top was stuck or something and when I pressed hard on the message button everything was okay. All buttons worked. But after a few days they stopped working and pushing the message button wont work also. And both the red and green call button leds are always shining. It sometimes happens that the dpad works for a second and than nothing.
I used the original wm5 and flashed to 6.1 now, no change tho.
it's not the rom, tried several roms now
for me it's just the call answer button, but this is annoying enough
there are some topics in the hermes section which describe the problems you encounter or even worse problems (the lcd flickering or just giving you a bright shining white) and they all say it is a loose cable connector right under your dpad
some of them opened their tytn (guarante already gone) and put some sort of paper or rubber or sth else on the connector.
other say tighten or loosen the screews worked for them, but none of the solutions seem to be final, it always works for some time.
if you have still guarantee i would try sending back or try somewhere else a repair, that is what i will do with tytn
i hope i do not have to pay for the repair
good luck
Loose screw
I was able to fix this problem after ATT told me that I was out of warrenty and it was going to cost 499.00 for a new phone.
I it turn out it is a loose screw on the inside and to get to it you have to undue 11 screw to get to it. I might be able to fix it for you. I dought you would be able to get into this phone and not hurt any of the other functions.
could you advise how you managed to fix it?
button failure and white screen
I have the same problems, if I turn off and on for 3/4 times everything back to normal. But is really annoying because I miss calls.
To me seems a software issue.... I can solve it by turning off the screen does not make sense hardware problems
have a look to this post:
I have still to test the suggestion of schaps advance config version
Sorry it not a software issue and you can flash a 100 roms and it still won't work. You simply have a bad flex cable and possibly a defective dpad circuit board. You have to crack open the phone to replace it and it has to be carefully done. There are tons of DIY's about opening the phone and replacing the cable. There are even YouTube Videos about it.

For Hardware GURUS!! My touch screen only works after i hit my Hermes

Hi all,
A few days ago my screen started to be unresponsive, I touch all soft buttons but nothing works.
But when I hit my phone against my hand or any other soft surface... VOILA!! Screen becomes responsive again. I can touch everything, TouchFlo works like a charm, iContact runs smooth and all my phone is fine again.
But after some minutes the problem comes again and i have to hit it again. In this week I have hitted my phone more times than in the previous 2 years.
I tried softresets, hardresets, rom flashing (actualy using CRC 13.4) but nothing works. It is obvious it means a hardware problem, i think it is just just a bad contact inside (there is always a chance of a damaged electronic component) but i don't know where to start to look for.
Please hardware GURUS, give me a clue!!
try to fix the flexible cable bro..it's look like that your cable from touch screen is loose..
wreqenize said:
try to fix the flexible cable bro..it's look like that your cable from touch screen is loose..
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That would be the first thing I'd do...re-seat the flex cable & make sure all contacts are clean. If problem persists, it might be the touch screen contacts with the display assembly's circuit that is loose. I can't recall what type of contact it is but that might require some soldering...get a professional to do it or you might end up with a faulty display altogether.

