AlbumArtSync - Copy ALL album art from PC to Phone - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Presenting a simple little vb script (yes, these can be dangerous so tread carefully) which successfully copies over all those little "folder.jpg" files from your computer to your phone.
Works for S2P, Nitrogen, Windows Media Player, HTC Audio Manager and probably all the other more obscure ones as well.
What it does:
It looks though all your music folders in your phone and copies the album art over from your PC
It doesn't copy them if they're already there (clever, huh?) which makes it very quick
What it doesn't do
It doesn't organize playlists, sort things into alphabetical order or play music or anything like that
How to use it:
1. Extract the file "AlbumArtSync" from the zip attached below and then double click it to run it. You can read it line by line first if you like
2. Follow the instructions - specify a source folder (e.g. your music folder) like this:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
3. Select a destination folder (this might be an F:\Music folder, for example. It doesn't work with activesync but does work with cards and it works if you attach your device as a "Disk Drive" if you get that option.
4. Wait for it to complete. If successful, it will tell you how many albums it has updated. Like this:
Some more useful notes
1. If you don't organize your music into folders like "artist\album\track" then this isn't for you
2. If you don't understand point 1 (above) then it probably isn't for you
3. If you use embedded album art with media monkeys, this might not be for you either
3. If you don't have album art or don't want it, then you don't need this
4. If your albums have lots of odd characters in the names like "*[{" then it might not work. Hint: rename them.
5. If you sync your music another way like a perl script on a quad-processor Linux wristwatch computer on your home wireless network then that's nice, you're very clever but this isn't really for you either
6. If someone has stopped you from running vbs scripts on your work computer, I can't help you
If you (like me) just use built-in Windows Media Player to sync playlists and tracks but it refuses to ever copy the album art, don't want to waste a lifetime trying workarounds (that don't) and don't want to embed 1200 or so MP3s and WMAs with jpegs which behave perfectly well outside the music file then this MIGHT be for you.

good idea
does it extract the album art from MP3 ?
Does it make one directory by Artist ? with the Album art in it ?
I'll try it this evening

brunoisa10 said:
good idea
does it extract the album art from MP3 ?
Does it make one directory by Artist ? with the Album art in it ?
I'll try it this evening
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No, it will only take album art which you already have on yur PC and copies it to your device if that music is on your device. Windows Media Player usually creates the file on the PC all by itself. One directory per album per artist.

result : no album art copied

thanks a lot this can be really useful

This looks fantastic -- and highly-needed! Damn, looks like I have to go use my PC for this... I say this because on my Mac I purchased last year a great album art search and download app for itunes called "TuneUp" -- and that gizmo has practically filled every album art vacancy in my library.
Do you happen to know how I can (a) first get & make all that album art work on my PC's version of itunes?... Is that easy to do? Any hints?
(b) ... then I could use this tool you've created to get them to my WM phone, right?
littld said:
copies over all those little "folder.jpg" files from your computer to your phone. Works for S2P, Nitrogen, Windows Media Player, HTC Audio Manager and probably all the other more obscure ones as well.
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quicksite said:
This looks fantastic -- and highly-needed! Damn, looks like I have to go use my PC for this... I say this because on my Mac I purchased last year a great album art search and download app for itunes called "TuneUp" -- and that gizmo has practically filled every album art vacancy in my library.
Do you happen to know how I can (a) first get & make all that album art work on my PC's version of itunes?... Is that easy to do? Any hints?
(b) ... then I could use this tool you've created to get them to my WM phone, right?
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Okay, TuneUp will have created all those album art pictures embedded in the music files. I think if they are mp3 and you can import them into Windows Media Player then it should create those folder.jpg files for you and then it should hopefully work. Good luck.

littld said:
Okay, TuneUp will have created all those album art pictures embedded in the music files. I think if they are mp3 and you can import them into Windows Media Player then it should create those folder.jpg files for you and then it should hopefully work. Good luck.
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Thank you! ... D'OH! I just googled "TuneUp art Mac to PC" and found out TuneUp is for Macs AND PC's ... I forgot about that!
This is from a review at The Gadgeteer from February 2009:
TuneUp is compatible with both PC and Mac
versions of iTunes
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So I am guessing this will be even easier now... As an FYI for all those who've never tried it, I tried so many freeware utilities and scripts that would automatically transfer a song's title into a google image query, or amazon CD query, and the results were never very satisfying. Yes, maybe 10% of the time such freeware would find matching artwork, but it got to the point where I looked at the amount of labor and mental focus it took to find the art, drag it into itunes, etc. ... fwiw, I think TuneUp is one of the best software utilities I've purchased in over 20 years.
Sorry, this wasn't meant to be a commercial... it;s just that finally with your new app, having artwork on players like NITROGEN or the brand new version of S2P would greatly improve the usability of sorting visually by album art.. thus the more artwork available, the merrier. Thanks for your fast reply! Cant wait to try this.

Thanks! This is exactly what I am looking for since I spent days without any solution to get album arts sync.
But my mp3 structure is a bit different as I listen to multiple language and divide them into folders before artist. So I modify the script a bit to fit mine (sorry it's a bit mess as I don't know VB but c/c++). Maybe someone found it helpful and modify to suit his/her need as well.
'AlbumArtSync, littld, Septemer 2009, Verson 1.0
'Provided as-is
'Use this at your own risk
'No warranty, guarantee, not even a "it will work"
'I don't promise it will be useful. It doesn't have to look nice either.
'I am not liable for anything at all
'I have no idea what country you are in and have no idea what crazy laws you may have
'and I have no intention of finding out
'If you are in any doubt, don't use it. Walk away. It's your computer, not mine.
'Provided freely for personal use only, unless you like updating your phone in small groups
Dim MyVar
Dim MyInput
Dim Shell
Dim i
Set Shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'1. Obtain the source and destinationflders from user input, checking first for registry entry
On Error Resume Next 'in case no registry entry exists
strRegSourceMusicFolder = "HKCU\Software\AlbumArtSync\SourceMusicFolder"
strSourceMusicFolder = Shell.RegRead (strRegSourceMusicFolder)
strRegDestMusicFolder = "HKCU\Software\AlbumArtSync\DestinationMusicFolder"
strDestMusicFolder = Shell.RegRead (strRegDestMusicFolder)
if strSourceMusicFolder = "" then strSourceMusicFolder = Shell.RegRead ("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Preferences\SearchPath")
On Error GoTo 0
strDestMusicFolder = "j:\Music\"
Set objFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if Not objFSO.FolderExists(strDestMusicFolder) then
WScript.Echo "Destination Music Folder '" & strDestMusicFolder & "' does not exist, exiting"
end if
Set objDestFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDestMusicFolder)
'sort out string variables
destLen = Len(objDestFolder.Path)
strSourceMusicFolder = "\\\Qmultimedia\Music\MP3\English\"
strSourceMusicFolder = "\\\Qmultimedia\Music\MP3\Chinese\Misc"
strSourceMusicFolder = "\\\Qmultimedia\Music\MP3\Chinese\Female"
strSourceMusicFolder = "\\\Qmultimedia\Music\MP3\Chinese\male"
strSourceMusicFolder = "\\\Qmultimedia\Music\MP3\Japanese"
Sub GetSourceFolder()
'check if the source folder exists
Set objFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if Not objFSO.FolderExists(strSourceMusicFolder) then
WScript.Echo "Source Music Folder '" & strSourceMusicFolder & "' does not exist, exiting"
end if
'2. Enumerate the destination folders and check for album art
Set objSourceFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strSourceMusicFolder)
ShowSubfolders objDestFolder
End Sub
Sub ShowSubFolders(Folder)
For Each Subfolder in Folder.SubFolders
destPath = Subfolder.Path
partialDestPath = Right(destPath,Len(destPath)-destLen)
'check first for the existence in dest of the folder.jpg file
Set objFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not objFSO.FileExists(destPath & "\folder.jpg") then
'check for existence in source of the folder referred to in dest
sourceFile = strSourceMusicFolder & partialDestPath & "\folder.jpg"
if objFSO.FileExists(sourceFile) then
'copy the file from source to dest
objFSO.CopyFile sourceFile , Subfolder.Path & "\" , True
i = i + 1
end if
end if
ShowSubFolders Subfolder
End Sub
if i = 0 then WScript.Echo "No album art copied" else Wscript.Echo "Finished copying album art for " & i & " albums"

great stuff, glad you've been able to reuse this.


Encrypting Porn

I obviously am sensative as to who while looking my XDA over could accidentally find my porn stash.
What software package is best for encrypting movie files and pics?
resco explorer come with a built in encrypt file software.
Or Airscanner Encrypter to encrypt whole folders easily.
perhaps make the folder "hidden" then take the view hidden files function away so that the general browser doesnt find it.
i also apply a name that will not attract attention such as work or parents .... or system or temp cache or similar, anything but say porn xxx look here
then again, dont be ashamed of your actions, or dont do the actions....
nothing wrong with a bit or even a lot of porn
if it offends people, they shouldnt be looking, and even if they found it, they should choose not to look
This image always comes to mind:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
I find that merely zipping the folder and putting it somewhere obfuscated prevents accidental clicks. But airscanner looks cool. Will have to try it out.
Nice one V! :lol:
So now we know what you do so long in the nights on your pc... :roll:
...looking for funny pics .
Am I the only one that would have really appreciated it if you wouldn't have told us what you're using the encryption for ?
TheBlasphemer: if he'd said:
"I need an encryption app to encrypt information I'd rather other people didn't see", he's most probably either a hacker, a spy, or a male Glad he >eugh< "came" straight out with it... :shock:
Rottie: you back from holiday? Your request, what seems to be the Holy Grail of hacks, the closed clam keyboard hack - I've had some ideas and some contributions that have given me some ideas. I'll try to progress them shortly.
And what I do on the long nights - I wish! I'm programming every spare minute now, even during lunch times, running home to code a few lines
This made me snort tea all over my desk:
I love Penny Arcade.
Anyone tried AirScanner yet? (blatant attempt to bring back on topic!)
vijay555 said:
TheBlasphemer: if he'd said:
"I need an encryption app to encrypt information I'd rather other people didn't see", he's most probably either a hacker, a spy, or a male Glad he >eugh< "came" straight out with it... :shock:
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If he hadn't told us, I could still just refuse to believe the pr0n thing and believe he was a govt spy or anything
If you were to put the porn on your ipod, you could call it porn-on-the-pod.
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Do you want butter with that? A little "Last Tango in Paris" perhaps?!
Last Tango reminds of the ads ... Can you tell the difference between butter and margerine ?
chetccox said:
If you were to put the porn on your ipod, you could call it porn-on-the-pod.
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I actually use Airscanner for er..... encrypting stuff I'd rather wasn't....... er easy to find. <coughs>
I can vouch it works well under WM5, and it appears to work by using multi-pass bitwiping to ensure there is no trace of the original files prior to encyption.
Odd thing is though, I'm sure it used to be free, but now they seem to charge for it. My advice is look at free download sites for a copy.
Not sure where the software came from, but my press and hold menus provide encryption, I think its resco explorer.
I can use normal file explorer to "hide" files from general view, but I noticed in Resco explorer, the hidden files are still clearly visible, so not sure if there is a bug in the resco app for hidden files, but they are definitely hidden from the normal ppc file explorer. add that to resco encryption, I think should be sufficient.
Good (and bad) news - looks like we won't be needing this software anyway:
On a side note: On my communicator I had a password safe with categories like credit card, shopping accounts etc... Is there something similar for WM5 available?
TauTau said:
On a side note: On my communicator I had a password safe with categories like credit card, shopping accounts etc... Is there something similar for WM5 available?
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There is a program called KeePass which works on most devices, relevant here is the Desktop and PocketPC. The datafiles are transferable between both devices. I have used it on my Universal without problems. I have actually been using this program for a long time, I keep the DB on a USB key and a copy of the program. This means that when I plug in my key the password safe opens and asks for the password, or I can run it from the key if on another machine.
As for encrypting the pr0n, what about a good old .RAR archive? The version that I use (Pocket RAR 3.50) will encrypt and decrypt folders and files, quite fast too.
If you're talking about a large stash this won't work, but if you're only carrying round < 10MB you could always use the ExtendedROM partition and leave it hidden.
This means that you could have all your files in readable format, but without knowing the name that you used for the partition they couldn't access it without searching the registry for the name.
Not many people are going to search the registry for a name they don't even know exists.
This might sound like a difficult thing to do, but Buzz made an unlocker and the registry change for the name is in the thread.
Once you have done your hard reset and loaded the ExtendedROM you don't need the stuff in there anymore, and can use the space for storage.
I agree, I know "people" that use a zip file for text, and otherwise just buried folders.
How's abouts we make a small app to render files unusable? You could take the filename, pre-pend it to the file in binary to render it unusable, using a simple XOR encryption for those few bytes. Then give it a generic filename and extension, eg Sheet1.prn.
When launched, .prn files will launch our decrypter, asking for the password. I suppose you could possibly memory map the decrypted file to even ensure an unencrypted version doesn't exist on the device for any considerable period (ie until you close the decrypter).
just an idea.
Sounds good V,
When can we expect VJPhorEnsic to first arrive on the board ;-)

Ringtones in Musicplayer!

Is there any way to stop scanning the whole storage card for music files? As I have some ringtones stored on the card which are just 30sec or so, and should not be listed in the music player...
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
page p215 of manual
Would be great if the scan option for storage card would be like
://storagecard/music/ - all subfolders -
Then I could copy music into this folder, and only this music would be added into the library...
As well it does not show covers yet... trying to figure that out...
Well, now I did find some hints, but none with 100% success.
Shall edit the registry at this point:
But none of the reg-edits posted on the web helped... Well, anyone an idea?
Come on, anyone? There are 3 entries:
Value Name: device_scan_path_path
Value Data: /My Documents
Value type: REG_SZ
Value Name: device_scan_path_path0
Value Data: /My Documents
Value type: REG_SZ
Value Name: device_scan_path_type0
Value Data: 1 - Decimal
Value type: REG_DWORD
I think it should be one of them, or all in combination to be changed...
I would like to have only one certain folder on the memory card scanned into the audio-manager, so i dont see all of my ringtones, or as well the podcasts which are downloaded into
DaM79 said:
Is there any way to stop scanning the whole storage card for music files? As I have some ringtones stored on the card which are just 30sec or so, and should not be listed in the music player...
page p215 of manual
Would be great if the scan option for storage card would be like
://storagecard/music/ - all subfolders -
Then I could copy music into this folder, and only this music would be added into the library...
As well it does not show covers yet... trying to figure that out...
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On my HTC Touch 3G aka Jade i have my ringtones on my device in the folder: My Documents\My ringtones (was standard on my device) and all songs on my storage card.
In the music player i only have my songs from my storage card without having to set something, was al standard.
Go with a registry editor to: HKLM/Software/HTC/AudioManager/Config
Scroll down to: ring_tone_path
in this registry setting you will find the path with ringtones which will not be shown in the music player.
Change it to your path on your storage card with the ringtones and your music player will not show them anymore.
Try something like \Storage\My ringtones.
Good luck and let us and everyone else know if it works.
Tom Lenferink said:
Good luck and let us and everyone else know if it works.
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So u dont know what will happen but do advice me to go and edit the reg? Of course, it is not your reg...
Did not work by the way.
Changed from:
device_scan_path \My Documents
device_scan_path_0 \My Documents
ring_tone_path \My Documents\Klingetöne
device_scan_path \Musik
device_scan_path_0 \Storage\Musik
ring_tone_path \Storage\Klingetöne
...and as well moved the files. Without any change on the library after soft reset. Well... As well I tried "Speicherkarte" for storage, as my device is in German. But somehow it seems as if the audio manager is deep-scanning the device, no matter what is written down in the registry.
...but I can confirm that if I transfer the ringtones into the device-storage area, they dont show up. But there must be a possibility to exclude a certain folder on the storage card from being scanned, or to say that only a certain folder for musik is being scanned.
Wrote the HTC-Support and gave them the link to this thread. Let's see what kind of answer they will have for me. Curious already.
DaM79 said:
...but I can confirm that if I transfer the ringtones into the device-storage area, they dont show up. But there must be a possibility to exclude a certain folder on the storage card from being scanned, or to say that only a certain folder for musik is being scanned.
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Same isue for me.
I have my ringtones on my device storage instead of storage card and they don't show up in my musicplayer.
DaM79 said:
So u dont know what will happen but do advice me to go and edit the reg? Of course, it is not your reg...
Did not work by the way.
Changed from:
device_scan_path \My Documents
device_scan_path_0 \My Documents
ring_tone_path \My Documents\Klingetöne
device_scan_path \Musik
device_scan_path_0 \Storage\Musik
ring_tone_path \Storage\Klingetöne
...and as well moved the files. Without any change on the library after soft reset. Well... As well I tried "Speicherkarte" for storage, as my device is in German. But somehow it seems as if the audio manager is deep-scanning the device, no matter what is written down in the registry.
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No i don't know if it's works for you! i'am just trying to help you.
I have my ringtones on my device in the folder found in the registry.
Al i thought is to help someone, it was only a sugestion.
put the rigntones on your device and there you go.
Vieleicht hab ich es falsh aber laut mir sind es Klingeltöne, doch? dus schreibst: ring_tone_path \Storage\Klingetöne mit einem L.
For the English: Maybe i'am wrong but according to me its: Klingeltöne, you wrote: ring_tone_path \Storage\Klingetöne with one L
Try in stead of Storage something else, you allready tried Speicherkarte because of your German device.
what do you see in Windows Explorer?
maybe it should be without the first \
succes and remember, WE are here to help YOU!!
I have changed the ring_tone_path and now the ringtones are visible in music player so what ever you don't want to see put it in the folder set under ring_tone_path.
I don't think it's posible, i have searched further and found out that the camera uses two registry entries for where to put photos:
External \DCIM\
Internal \My Pictures\
Musicplayer only uses one and that's for Internal.
Hi Tom,
sorry for my bad mood, I am just so f... up with this problem already, as there does not seem to be a solution.
As well, i checked this thread:
And there they do have the same problem.
Explorer says "Speicherkarte" (which, for the english guys, means storage card).
I think first we have to make sure about the following:
device_scan_path - [I]means internal memory, memory of the device[/I]
device_scan_path_0 - [I]means the storage card memory[/I]
Right? This is what they mention in the thread noted above. If this is not sure but sure we can stop edition those values, because they wont affect the scanning way...
So the question is how i change this value:
device_scan_path_0 [I]\My Documents[/I]
(which means it is scanning the whole storage card)
to "scan only folder 'Musik' on storage card".
I just dont get it. No matter what I try to put in "device_scan_path_0", this stupid audio manager does not give a sh.t and keeps on scanning the whole devide!!! Why? Aaaarghhh!
So now, first thought was, if "device_scan_path_0 \My Documents" leads to the whole content of the storage card, maybe "\My Documents" in "device_scan_path_0" leads to "root" of the storage card. So editing to "\My Documents\Musik", even the "Musik"-Folder is on root on the device, will help. It did not!
So i tried the following versions as well, no success:
I mean where is the joke behind this feature? Really lame by HTC in my opinion. Trying all that different possibilities out makes me mad... Not so nice.
So please, if anyone knows the solution, please paste it here.
Any updates on this? I also hate this bug!
eucurto said:
Any updates on this? I also hate this bug!
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"device_scan_path_path_0" : change the value to your music folder on the SD card - "\music\" for example, or "\my documents\music\"
"device_scan_path_path" : change the value to your music folder on the device - "\music\" for example, or "\my documents\music\". If your music is on the SD only, then put here any folder on the device (not the SD) that does not contain multimedia files
worked like a charm for me
DaM79 said:
Is there any way to stop scanning the whole storage card for music files? As I have some ringtones stored on the card which are just 30sec or so, and should not be listed in the music player...
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I have a solution to offer. I use the Playlist (Library) function. I put the songs in different playlists (which can be named differently), obviously excluding the ringtones. The songs (which can be either from phone or SD Card) can be easily selected (by ticking) into a playlist. So when you select any playlist, only those songs in that playlist will be displayed (listed) when you tap the Music tab, and stays there until you select another playlist.

[APP] iPlayer [v0.5 18/03/09]

Browse and stream content from the BBC's iPlayer.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
- Finger friendly UI including flick kinetic scrolling, swipe gestures and vibration feedback.
- Supports Nav Sensor and Stylus Removal (thanks koush)!
- Higher quality video/audio than Samsung User Agent hack (483x272 h.264 video stream).
- Browse content by Highlights, Popular, Channel/Station, Category or Date.
- Search for content and save history.
- Self updating and AppToDate support.
- Downloads video to device for later viewing (I download at home over wifi and then watch videos on the tube on the way to work).
- Video launched in your default player associated with '.mov' files.
- Radio shows launched in your default player associated with '.mp3' files.
This app works by impersonating an iPhone to access an unprotected mp4 file and then patching the index to allow immediate playback. Radio programs are downloaded as mp3s. Many thanks to the people who discovered this technique - see readme.txt for credits and further explanation. Note that this is in no way sanctioned by the BBC.
This is obviously a very data intensive application so I would recommend using over wi-fi or with an unlimited data plan.
- .Net framework 3.5.
- You also must be in the UK to use this. The BBC seem to block access over cellular data from some operators (e.g. Vodafone) . If this happens then please try over wifi & report your findings. Prelimanary proxy support has been introduced in v0.4. Edit the settings.xml to add a UK proxy.
- This app is only working for the VGA and WVGA devices at the moment. I may add support for other devices and screen resolutions in the future if there is enough interest.
- You need a video player capable of playing back the (h.264 + AAC) video. I use the commercial app CorePlayer which plays the files pretty well (benchmarks at 91%). You can also use this build of the free TCPMP which will play the files but benchmarks at around 61%. Either way you will need to associate '.mov' files with your player.
This has been a bit of a hobby project and is my first attempt at Windows Mobile development. I'm releasing it for free but if you find it useful then consider buying me a beer!
v0.5 cab attached below:
To do, bugs + Changelog
To Do:
- QVGA (&WQVGA) resolution? For now check out myPlayer.
- Stability fixes
- A few more ideas...
Known Bugs:
- Cancelled downloads not deleted - you will need to manually remove them.
- Launching a 'Saved Search' breaks the top navigation controls - d'oh!
- Date view seems to be broken again by changes by the BBC.
- Incorrect AppToDate xml - causes ATD to always say there is a newer version.
v0.5 18/03/09
- Fixed parsing of programs, searches and day listings due to changes to BBC site
- Added new 'Feeds' view for easier choosing of feeds
- Now starts in 'Feeds' view and checks for updates in background for faster startup
- Added saved searches - currently saves every search term
v0.4 20/02/09
- Improved radio show integration
- Added more settings including changing save location
- Added 'auto buffer' mode or manually set
- Choose whether to begin playback after buffering (and set default)
- Double click pink 'headers' to scroll to top of page
- Fixed 'Related Programs' due to change in BBC site
- Initial proxy support - have to edit settings.xml
- *Hopefully* WVGA compatible
v0.3 03/02/09
- Added experimental radio show download/streams. Only accessible via search at the moment
- Added more options to Settings screen
- Added wifi icon
- Decreased download 'chunk' size - should reduce memory overhead.
- Added more error handling
- More logging (renamed to debug.txt to help attaching to posts).
v0.2 26/01/09
- Added a [very] basic settings screen. Only option is to enable debug mode. If you encounter any bugs then please turn debug mode on, replicate and then attach the file "debug.log" that is produced in the install dir to your post detailing the problem. Thanks!
- Forgot to update the readme.txt file but if the About screen says v0.2 then you have the latest.
- Did you notice the automatic updates?
v0.1 25/01/09
- Initial release
Been waiting for this for a long time.
Many many thanks.
Cant wait to test
Testing in Canada, Will let you know how it works, if it works
Program wouldn't even start - Errors and closes. That's too bad.
Works well, but im wondering...could you expand this to other sites? i like the layout it is intuitive.
Thought it would work on my Touch HD but alas poor yorick, it does not.
Any chance for WVGA support?
I get this exception:
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at System.Net.WebRequest.Create(Uri requestUri, Boolean schemeOnly)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at System.Net.WebRequest.Create(String requestUriString)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at iPlayer.Utils.CreateWebRequest(String pURL, Boolean pKeepAlive, String pUserAgent, String pCookie)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at iPlayer.ProgramDetails.GetFileSize(String url)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at iPlayer.ProgramDetails.LoadProgDetails()[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at iPlayer.ProgramDetails.<Initialise>b__0()[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
Any help?
hotrod101 said:
Program wouldn't even start - Errors and closes. That's too bad.
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Sorry is Diamond only at the mo. Have updated first post to clarify.
TrizO said:
Works well, but im wondering...could you expand this to other sites? i like the layout it is intuitive.
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Thanks, yes i'd like to expand it to other sites at some point. I was considering some kind of plugin structure so others could add support to other sites?
I was thinking about adding revision3. Any other ideas?
tboy2000 said:
Thought it would work on my Touch HD but alas poor yorick, it does not.
Any chance for WVGA support?
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Sorry about that - I've only coded it for my device at the mo. It could be expanded to work on the HD in the future - would need to clean up my code a bit! Will wait and see if there is much interest for this.
What happens when you launch the app - does it start up and just not use the whole screen or fail to start at all? If the later, do you get an error message?
leonatan25 said:
I get this exception:
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at System.Net.WebRequest.Create(Uri requestUri, Boolean schemeOnly)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at System.Net.WebRequest.Create(String requestUriString)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at iPlayer.Utils.CreateWebRequest(String pURL, Boolean pKeepAlive, String pUserAgent, String pCookie)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at iPlayer.ProgramDetails.GetFileSize(String url)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at iPlayer.ProgramDetails.LoadProgDetails()[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at iPlayer.ProgramDetails.<Initialise>b__0()[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
Any help?
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Sorry to hear this - does this happen when trying to load all program details screens or just one particular show? Sounds like a bug i found when a show was un-availible but thought i fixed it!!
craftyb said:
Sorry to hear this - does this happen when trying to load all program details screens or just one particular show? Sounds like a bug i found when a show was un-availible but thought i fixed it!!
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Sorry I wasn't more specific, it pops up whenever I clock on a video to view.
wow man !
this looks fantastic!!!
A WVGA version would be awesome
I cant seem to click on the cog to config.. is this implemented yet?
counterfitninja said:
I cant seem to click on the cog to config.. is this implemented yet?
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No - this isn't implemented yet. I'm planning on adding a Settings screen where you can enable/disable vibration, set the % to buffer before playback starts etc. Will update the second post with this info.
Is everything else working for you?
just playing about now. Need to get coreplayer working with .mov
will give you an update when i get this sorted
Installed fine on my diamond.
Ran program selected Jonathan Ross show started getting file size etc then I got this error
at iPlayer.ProgramDetails.GetFileSize(String url)
Should it start playing automatically. ? Does it stream or download?
I can get it to down load stuff and i have .mov files in the folder, once they reach 100% in the app its continually says downloading. I have not been able to watch anything yet.
counterfitninja said:
Should it start playing automatically. ? Does it stream or download?
I can get it to down load stuff and i have .mov files in the folder, once they reach 100% in the app its continually says downloading. I have not been able to watch anything yet.
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It downloads the video but should start playback once it has buffered (currently set to buffer 3% of the video and then launch the file).
What should happen:
- Select show, prog checks that it is available etc and if so gives the 'Click to Play' icon.
- Press play launches the 'Downloading' screen.
- 'Downloading Index...' First downloads the 'index' and patches it (this is the bit that allows you to start it straight away rather than having to wait until the download is complete)
- 'Buffering' buffers 3% of the file - for smooth playback.
- Launches the .mov file with your default player
- Continues downloading the file while you are watching it. At this point if you want to watch it later you can just close the player app and it will continue downloading.

[update 07.09.2010][Titanium plugin] SlidingAlbums 2

SlidingAlbums 2.0​
This small app (or maybe plugin?) is developed for everyone, who like to have a fast access to music albums stored on the memory card. Instead of launching a player, browsing it's library for an album and playing it, you can play any album directly from the Sliding Panel.
Changes made from version 1.1
-database (SA2 is using MS SQL Compact Server 3.5 to store music files data)
-skins (I've implemented a fully skin support which can customize your titanium panel with SA2. It supports live preview of any skin. You can also create new skins if you like)
-updater (you can check for update at program startup (its optional) and check for testing versions if I create one. SA2 will download an update, unpack and install it automatically. After that SA2 will automatically run the new updated version and show a changelog in few languages - but I will write it only in english and polish, other languages I don't know so...)
-languages (SA2 supports lang packs. You can also translate it by yourself - it's not a problem Current languages are: English, German, Polish, Romanian and Russian)
-addons installer (SA2 have a new nice feature. Files with *.slidaddon extension are SA2 addons. If you have downloaded an addon, just copy it to your device and run it by clicking on it. Addon should be installed automatically.)
-playlist plugins (I've added asx and m3u plugins for creating playlists but in a ner future maybe a new plugin will be included. For now, it cannot be developed by someone else.)
-album path (finally you can change the path to your music files. By default it's set to Storage Card\Music but you can change it to another path.)
-bypass titanium limit to 30 pages per panel (I don't know why titanium allows only to display 30 pages... but I've made a simple trich to avoid that. If you slide to the last album you'll see under Right SK a 'Next' option. It will change pages to next 30 albums and so on. The first page from over 30 albums will have a 'Previous' option to go back. This technique supports over 4000 albums so don't worry )
-support for additional players (by modifying the Players.ini file you can add additional players to SA2. But there's one important thing - the new player must support an avalible playlist format. So if SA2 has asx and m3u your player should support it)
-progress stripe (you can see progress of creating database, creating playlists files or applying new skin)
Changes made from version 1.0:
-Support for WM6.5 (only Titanium)
-album limit to 30 albums
-dynamic preview
Your music files should be stored like this:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
for example:
If you had sorted your folders like that, you can run my app.
For now, SlidingAlbums supports Windows Media Player, Pocket Player, Core Player and TCPMP.
This movie show how it works:
Installation on storage card is supported to.
Additional skins you can download from here.
- WM6.5 Professional
- SQL Compact Server 3.5
- .NET CF 3.5
- Unlocked device (with SDA Application Unlock, or any similar app)
Installation process:
-install .NET Framework 3.5 and SQL Compact Server 3.5
-install SlidingAlbums
-make sure if your music file structure is good
-run SA2 and change your music path (if it's other than Storage Card\Music)
-choose your skin in the Skins menu and apply it
-update the database
-create playlists (it will also create new pages in SA panel in titanium)
Thanks to:
- Marek Butrowski (testing, testing and once again.... help)
- s3mtex (Romanian translation)
- Przemysław Barczyszyn (graphics for two skins)
- Marta Stolarek (English translation)
- sv0911 (German translation)
- master_lie (Russian translation)
- me for other less important things
DOWNLOAD v.2.0 new!
If you like this app, please donate
Hi Andrew excelent app; your app works too in WM6.5 professional?
If you can add support for other players like S2P or Nitrogen will be excelent.
The main exe works (you can run it) on WM6.5 Pro but as I don't know how to add a new panel to Titanium, it's useless....
I'm searching how to do it, and when it succeed, I'll update to a newer version.
The main problem is, that I don't have any WM6.5 Pro device (only my old Samsung SGH-i600 with WM6.1 Standard by NOKser).
Other players will be added as soon as the newer version will work on Pro systems
AndrewSpec said:
The main exe works (you can run it) on WM6.5 Pro but as I don't know how to add a new panel to Titanium, it's useless....
I'm searching how to do it, and when it succeed, I'll update to a newer version.
The main problem is, that I don't have any WM6.5 Pro device (only my old Samsung SGH-i600 with WM6.1 Standard by NOKser).
Other players will be added as soon as the newer version will work on Pro systems
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Hi Andrew:
- To add a panel in titanium maybe help this thread:
its for panel installer for titanium for AppStar, this app lets add your panel to .cpr without modify the others panels.
- Maybe you can view this example:
Its original thread for Drkfngthdragnlrd, he port HTCAudioManager used in WM6 standard for WM65 Titanium, he use the slidingpanel system.
- I made a little mix about 2 apps before and made a installer for this HTCAudioManager panel that you can see here:
I hope this help, and thanks for your hard work
ryomahino said:
Hi Andrew:
- To add a panel in titanium maybe help this thread:
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That's what I'm looking for! - I didn't know, that Titanium plugin needs a PLG file, and that's all I must add but I must write it myself, because my own installer can add a new panel under the selected from list On the movie, you can see, that I've chosen CMusic, and under that was added SlidingAlbums.
On this weekend I hope that I'll finish it :]
AndrewSpec said:
That's what I'm looking for! - I didn't know, that Titanium plugin needs a PLG file, and that's all I must add but I must write it myself, because my own installer can add a new panel under the selected from list On the movie, you can see, that I've chosen CMusic, and under that was added SlidingAlbums.
On this weekend I hope that I'll finish it :]
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Its an excelent new. In the thread of AppInstaller exist an example for plg, it contain the same xml code that you put into cpr files.
I will wait the weekend to test your app.
It's working:
Now I must correct text positions, automitize it and I think, (maybe) it'll be ready tomorrow before midnight(in polish time).
The final layout will be like this one:
AndrewSpec said:
It's working:
Now I must correct text positions, automitize it and I think, (maybe) it'll be ready tomorrow before midnight(in polish time).
The final layout will be like this one:
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Hi looks excelent!!!!!!!!
If you need some help with the layout maybe I could help you.
In this zip exist a plg made for appstar for have the item like you want, only you have to replace some items name.
Thank's but I've made a complete plg file for all resolutions so this one is not necessary.
Actual, after cab installation, you can choose where SlidingAlbums will be added (like for WM Std). All works fine. Other plug-ins don't have this function :]
Hi AndrewSpec.
I´m waiting for your Titanium version of this PlugIn, Will be awesone.
But, I have one question, what do you need to support other music players?
Thanks in advance.
PS:Are you planning to adapt your Brighter panel to titanium too? will be great.
ryomahino said:
Hi AndrewSpec.
I´m waiting for your Titanium version of this PlugIn, Will be awesone.
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Hi, I'm sorry because I'm busy right now - exams....maybe on this weekend I'll finish it but I'm realy not sure Be patient.
ryomahino said:
But, I have one question, what do you need to support other music players?
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If you wanna help me with it, fine, I appreciate that
I need to know the exactly path to the exe file of the player with the name of that exe (on main memory and on storage card), next I'll need to know, what kind of playlist the player supports. Check if a player can play m3u, asx etc and send me a sample playlist.
ryomahino said:
PS:Are you planning to adapt your Brighter panel to titanium too? will be great.
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Brightner supports only SGH-i600 and it's very hard to add support for other devices without having them....I'll try someday to add this to Titanium but it'll be a very long period of time while Brightner will support other devices. For now, when Brightner detects a device which is not compatible, it won't run but it'll show a guide and then the owner must follow these steps to generete a report for me, and finally when I get the report, I can add support for this device. But for now, Brightner is avalible for poland users (english is not supported (yet ))
AndrewSpec said:
If you wanna help me with it, fine, I appreciate that
I need to know the exactly path to the exe file of the player with the name of that exe (on main memory and on storage card), next I'll need to know, what kind of playlist the player supports. Check if a player can play m3u, asx etc and send me a sample playlist.
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Hi Andrew:
EXE Path: Main memory: Program Files\Nitrogen\nitrogen.exe
Storage card: \Storage Card\Program Files\Nitrogen\nitrogen.exe
Playlist: Use his own format of playlist extension .npl (the developer says in the next release use other format like m3u too)-I rename the npl to txt and view 2 initial estrange character and the next are the list of mp3.
EXE Path: Main Memory: Program Files\S2P\S2P.exe
Storage Card: The installer doesn´t allow to install in Storage card, but some people do that manually to \Storage Card\Program Files\S2P\S2P.exe
Playlist: Don´t use a playlist format, but use the same order of the mp3 like you recommend in your first post.
For example \Storage Card\Music\(Artist name)\(Album Name)\(Song Name).mp3
HTC Audio Manager:(just in case you wanted)
EXE Path: Main Memory: \Windows\Audiomanager.exe
Storage card: don´t supported (I think)
Playlist: Use an archive without extension. I rename to txt and show the list of mp3.
So here's the new version - 1.1
Finally, it supports Titanium in all resolutions:
Also, I've fixed a bug that was causing SlidingAlbums panel disappearing. If you had over 30 albums, system couldn't handle so long string in the registry. For now, SlidingAlbums adds only 30 albums.
Order preview is now generated dynamically so it decreased the cab size.
Download at first post.
AndrewSpec said:
So here's the new version - 1.1
Finally, it supports Titanium in all resolutions:
Also, I've fixed a bug that was causing SlidingAlbums panel disappearing. If you had over 30 albums, system couldn't handle so long string in the registry. For now, SlidingAlbums adds only 30 albums.
Order preview is now generated dynamically so it decreased the cab size.
Download at first post.
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I installed the plugin and it shows up, but when configuring it, it comes up an error after clicking on creating list, it says
Value does not fall within the expected range.
System. ThrowHelper. ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
etc etc
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asking to quit and the configuration is not made. I tried with different configurations, but with the same error.
How many playlists have SlidingAlbums created in /Storage Card/Music?
Also check how many pages are created in the registry - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\SlidingAlbums
Andrew I've got some questions.
1. Is there any reg key to add new player? I'm using coreplayer. Anyway I give you the path.
EXE Path: Main memory: \Program Files\CorePlayer\player.exe
Storage card: \Storage Card\Program Files\CorePlayer\player.exe
2. I have all my songs named like (track number).(track name) for example:
01.My way.mp3. So SlidingAlbums won't recognize my songs. Is there any reg key that could change it or could you add support for dot "." separator in next release?
rosmic said:
1. Is there any reg key to add new player? I'm using coreplayer. Anyway I give you the path.
EXE Path: Main memory: \Program Files\CorePlayer\player.exe
Storage card: \Storage Card\Program Files\CorePlayer\player.exe
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There aren't any keys to add new players.
CorePlayer is supported but i thought that the file name is PLAYER.EXE. So it's case sensitive. Try to rename it to big letters I'll fix it on the next version.
rosmic said:
2. I have all my songs named like (track number).(track name) for example:
01.My way.mp3. So SlidingAlbums won't recognize my songs. Is there any reg key that could change it or could you add support for dot "." separator in next release?
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Later I'll check it. I'm surprised that this won't work My collection is always formated like this - 01-Title.mp3 and SlidingAlbums checks the folder for files that containing ".mp3".
AndrewSpec said:
How many playlists have SlidingAlbums created in /Storage Card/Music?
Also check how many pages are created in the registry - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\SlidingAlbums
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No playlists were created in storage card/music.
In the registry there are only condensed page and page1 (configuration).
I don't know where I can locate this error. I've got not enough information. Maybe one of the folders from Music has a irregular name or a special character?
AndrewSpec said:
I don't know where I can locate this error. I've got not enough information. Maybe one of the folders from Music has a irregular name or a special character?
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No, i have checked all folders, subfolders and music, and renamed some subfolders and music who had some characters in them, but still the same error for me.

Samsung Motion Photo Extractor

This is a program to extract the video and photo from a "Motion Photo" from the Samsung Galaxy s7 & s7 edge and save them as separate individual files on a PC.
Click the "Show Content" button to view the Original Photo, Extracted Photo and Extracted video.
Files are right side up on PC, the forum is displaying them rotated.
Original JPG 8.54 MB (8,961,799 bytes)
Extracted JPG 3.07 MB (3,227,486 bytes)
Extracted MPG 5.46 MB (5,734,313 bytes)
I will have a script out in the next week or so and will have a program out in a couple weeks or so.
Please hit the "Thanks!" button in the mean time if you are interested.
Original JPG 8.54 MB (8,961,799 bytes)
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Extracted JPG 3.07 MB (3,227,486 bytes)
Extracted MPG 5.46 MB (5,734,313 bytes) Right click link and click "save as" to download
I might also working on a "Samsung Motion Photo Creator"
XDA:DevDB Information
Samsung Motion Photo Extractor, Tool/Utility for all devices (see above for details)
goofwear, goofwear
Here is the first public beta release, Beta 01 of the Samsung Motion Photo Extractor!
I have spent the entire week working on this and scraping some of it, to finally get a suitable release. Just run the Convert.bat file and follow the prompts. I will upload a video later. I have spent a lot of time working on this, this past week.
Yes you can manually do this is 10 seconds with a hex editor by opening your original Photo and searching for MotionPhoto_Data then select everything above MotionPhoto_Data and copy and paste it as a new file and save as a JPG. Do the same for the MPG BUT this time select every thing BELOW MotionPhoto_Data make sure for either one you are doing not to copy the MotionPhoto_Data text. Also the hex for the MotionPhoto_Data is 4D 6F 74 69 6F 6E 50 68 6F 74 6F 5F 44 61 74 61.
Technically the JPG ends at ÿÙ or FF D9 so the ÿÙ SHOULD be included too.
Technically You really want to delete all this "........Image_UTC_Data1458170015363SEFHe...........#...#.......SEFT..0.....MotionPhoto_Data"
But if you leave all this "........Image_UTC_Data1458170015363SEFHe...........#...#.......SEFT..0.....MotionPhoto_Data" in the end of the JPG you can easily merge them back together and have the display and play on your phone
PLEASE link back to either the XDA forum thread or you my use my direct link below
Fixed link
Original Link
this will allow me to keep track of how may times this has been Downloaded
How to use video
Thank you .
Please enjoy and let me know what you think
p.s. there is a read file in the zip
CRC32 038df607
MD5 1c82d73e0a474eafc49c1cb88e4f7e43
SHA-1 d026454ce0956c30d267f7961a47c29428e5779b
Correction They are MP4 Videos ...ftypmp42... MP4v2
Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Beta Version: 0.1
Created 2016-03-19
Last Updated 2016-03-18
Brilliant, thank you! Would be happy to pay for a good working version of this, and also happy to beta test if you need it.
Really looking forward to this.
I have some nice little action shots.
I could upload a video on how to manually do this in under 10 seconds using only 1 program but would rather wait until I have a suitable "easy to use for every one" program to release. I.E. (fully automated) One click only
I already have a working version but its uses a couple programs and needs user intervention and is only partially automated.
goofwear said:
I could upload a video on how to manually do this in under 10 seconds using only 1 program but would rather wait until I have a suitable "easy to use for every one" program to release. I.E. (fully automated) One click only
I already have a working version but its uses a couple programs and needs user intervention and is only partially automated.
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I would love one!
In the mean time if any one wants me to extract "some" photos and videos you can pm me your files. Sorry the program is taking a little longer then I had expected.
I’m also really curious how these mpg files stored within the jpg container. Any hints?
h.nocturna said:
I’m also really curious how these mpg files stored within the jpg container. Any hints?
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Kind of, I will tell how as soon as I have a proper release.
okay here is one really small hint /b
and I am not talking about the "Rules Of The Internet
In case anyone can't wait, the mpg file is simply appended at the end of the jpg file. To split them, open the file in any hex editor, search for "motion" and find the line "MotionPhoto_Data". Save everything after this as a new file to get the mpg, and everything before to get the jpg.
kitashimakaze said:
In case anyone can't wait, the mpg file is simply appended at the end of the jpg file. To split them, open the file in any hex editor, search for "motion" and find the line "MotionPhoto_Data". Save everything after this as a new file to get the mpg, and everything before to get the jpg.
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I guessed that would be the case seeing as every other app can open the jpg just fine. But I never followed through with a hex editor. One day when I’m better at programming, I’m thinking about making an app that will extract the mpg and convert it to a gif file so it can be easily shared.
Looking forward to your progress!
I knocked together a ruby script to extract mine, iv just posted it to github for anyone who wants it.
automattech said:
I knocked together a ruby script to extract mine, iv just posted it to github for anyone who wants it.
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Awesome! Thanks! I’ll check it out!
automattech said:
I knocked together a ruby script to extract mine, iv just posted it to github for anyone who wants it.
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@kitashimakaze yes you are right But you want to search for "MotionPhoto_Data" and the above hex will be the photo and everything below MotionPhoto_Data will be the mpeg. technically the jpg ends at the last 2 characters being ÿÙ and the mpeg starts with "....ftypmp42" As I said earlier I was going to Properly Explain all of this and in detail as soon as I had some thingy easy for the everyday user.
@automattech Thank you I will take a look at this
goofwear said:
@automattech Thank you I will take a look at this
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No worries, are you thinking about making an android app? Id love to be able to share them as gifs from my phone.
I would love to I have programmed in C# aka C Sharp , but I have not programmed for android. Ideally I would love to make and android app.
I have just release the public beta version 01. Please see the 1st post on page one for the update and link.
Please click the thanks button on the first post and leave a comment.
@xda -developers @xdadevelopers @AdamOutler can you tell me what you guys think too. Thank you very much
Sorry I must be stupid but I cannot get it to work. I'll have to await your simpler version.
fabianfred said:
Sorry I must be stupid but I cannot get it to work. I'll have to await your simpler version.
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I have just uploaded a how to video on the first post, it is at the bottom , Please watch it in HD 720 and try again. It is actually REALLY EASY to use.
1). Double click convert.bat drop and drag photo into the hex converter and let got, then press ok.
2). wait untill notepadd plus plus open and Select all the text (best way is hold ctrl and press a) this makes sure you get it all. then close the notepad.
3). In HXD click new and then ok then Hold ctrl v to paste all then click file save and as it as a .jpg Repeat steps to save your video & ave as mpg.
Please let me know if this works for you. I have also spent a lot of time to try and make this as simple as possible for every one and automate as much as I could.
This is basically just copy and pasting from one window to another and clicking save (using keyboard short cuts)
h.nocturna said:
I’m also really curious how these mpg files stored within the jpg container. Any hints?
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The phone saves the Video to the end of the file and it adds a little bit of meta data at the end of the Jpg file and before the mpg file
is essence it is almost exactly the same as this.
"Appending Binary Files Using the COPY Command"
copy /b <source1> + <source2> [....] <targetfile>
normally when extracting the image and video you would delete this meta data but in the program I released I have chosen to leave it at the end of the JPG so you can easy merge them back into 1 file and have it work again as a motion photo on your cell phone. I have mentioned how this is done in the first post in a little more detail.
Sorry for not telling you guys earlier. I wanted to have something to release to show it could be done and before some one else took my idea and beat me to the punch.
Most people do not publicly mention projects they are working on until they have something. I was a little excited and wanted to let people know ahead of the time that I was working on a project.

