[update 07.09.2010][Titanium plugin] SlidingAlbums 2 - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

SlidingAlbums 2.0​
This small app (or maybe plugin?) is developed for everyone, who like to have a fast access to music albums stored on the memory card. Instead of launching a player, browsing it's library for an album and playing it, you can play any album directly from the Sliding Panel.
Changes made from version 1.1
-database (SA2 is using MS SQL Compact Server 3.5 to store music files data)
-skins (I've implemented a fully skin support which can customize your titanium panel with SA2. It supports live preview of any skin. You can also create new skins if you like)
-updater (you can check for update at program startup (its optional) and check for testing versions if I create one. SA2 will download an update, unpack and install it automatically. After that SA2 will automatically run the new updated version and show a changelog in few languages - but I will write it only in english and polish, other languages I don't know so...)
-languages (SA2 supports lang packs. You can also translate it by yourself - it's not a problem Current languages are: English, German, Polish, Romanian and Russian)
-addons installer (SA2 have a new nice feature. Files with *.slidaddon extension are SA2 addons. If you have downloaded an addon, just copy it to your device and run it by clicking on it. Addon should be installed automatically.)
-playlist plugins (I've added asx and m3u plugins for creating playlists but in a ner future maybe a new plugin will be included. For now, it cannot be developed by someone else.)
-album path (finally you can change the path to your music files. By default it's set to Storage Card\Music but you can change it to another path.)
-bypass titanium limit to 30 pages per panel (I don't know why titanium allows only to display 30 pages... but I've made a simple trich to avoid that. If you slide to the last album you'll see under Right SK a 'Next' option. It will change pages to next 30 albums and so on. The first page from over 30 albums will have a 'Previous' option to go back. This technique supports over 4000 albums so don't worry )
-support for additional players (by modifying the Players.ini file you can add additional players to SA2. But there's one important thing - the new player must support an avalible playlist format. So if SA2 has asx and m3u your player should support it)
-progress stripe (you can see progress of creating database, creating playlists files or applying new skin)
Changes made from version 1.0:
-Support for WM6.5 (only Titanium)
-album limit to 30 albums
-dynamic preview
Your music files should be stored like this:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
for example:
If you had sorted your folders like that, you can run my app.
For now, SlidingAlbums supports Windows Media Player, Pocket Player, Core Player and TCPMP.
This movie show how it works:
Installation on storage card is supported to.
Additional skins you can download from here.
- WM6.5 Professional
- SQL Compact Server 3.5
- .NET CF 3.5
- Unlocked device (with SDA Application Unlock, AppUnlock.cab or any similar app)
Installation process:
-install .NET Framework 3.5 and SQL Compact Server 3.5
-install SlidingAlbums
-make sure if your music file structure is good
-run SA2 and change your music path (if it's other than Storage Card\Music)
-choose your skin in the Skins menu and apply it
-update the database
-create playlists (it will also create new pages in SA panel in titanium)
Thanks to:
- Marek Butrowski (testing, testing and once again.... help)
- s3mtex (Romanian translation)
- Przemysław Barczyszyn (graphics for two skins)
- Marta Stolarek (English translation)
- sv0911 (German translation)
- master_lie (Russian translation)
- me for other less important things
DOWNLOAD v.2.0 new!
If you like this app, please donate

Hi Andrew excelent app; your app works too in WM6.5 professional?
If you can add support for other players like S2P or Nitrogen will be excelent.

The main exe works (you can run it) on WM6.5 Pro but as I don't know how to add a new panel to Titanium, it's useless....
I'm searching how to do it, and when it succeed, I'll update to a newer version.
The main problem is, that I don't have any WM6.5 Pro device (only my old Samsung SGH-i600 with WM6.1 Standard by NOKser).
Other players will be added as soon as the newer version will work on Pro systems

AndrewSpec said:
The main exe works (you can run it) on WM6.5 Pro but as I don't know how to add a new panel to Titanium, it's useless....
I'm searching how to do it, and when it succeed, I'll update to a newer version.
The main problem is, that I don't have any WM6.5 Pro device (only my old Samsung SGH-i600 with WM6.1 Standard by NOKser).
Other players will be added as soon as the newer version will work on Pro systems
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Hi Andrew:
- To add a panel in titanium maybe help this thread:
its for panel installer for titanium for AppStar, this app lets add your panel to .cpr without modify the others panels.
- Maybe you can view this example:
Its original thread for Drkfngthdragnlrd, he port HTCAudioManager used in WM6 standard for WM65 Titanium, he use the slidingpanel system.
- I made a little mix about 2 apps before and made a installer for this HTCAudioManager panel that you can see here:
I hope this help, and thanks for your hard work

ryomahino said:
Hi Andrew:
- To add a panel in titanium maybe help this thread:
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That's what I'm looking for! - I didn't know, that Titanium plugin needs a PLG file, and that's all I must add but I must write it myself, because my own installer can add a new panel under the selected from list On the movie, you can see, that I've chosen CMusic, and under that was added SlidingAlbums.
On this weekend I hope that I'll finish it :]

AndrewSpec said:
That's what I'm looking for! - I didn't know, that Titanium plugin needs a PLG file, and that's all I must add but I must write it myself, because my own installer can add a new panel under the selected from list On the movie, you can see, that I've chosen CMusic, and under that was added SlidingAlbums.
On this weekend I hope that I'll finish it :]
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Its an excelent new. In the thread of AppInstaller exist an example for plg, it contain the same xml code that you put into cpr files.
I will wait the weekend to test your app.

It's working:
Now I must correct text positions, automitize it and I think, (maybe) it'll be ready tomorrow before midnight(in polish time).
The final layout will be like this one:

AndrewSpec said:
It's working:
Now I must correct text positions, automitize it and I think, (maybe) it'll be ready tomorrow before midnight(in polish time).
The final layout will be like this one:
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Hi looks excelent!!!!!!!!
If you need some help with the layout maybe I could help you.
In this zip exist a plg made for appstar for have the item like you want, only you have to replace some items name.

Thank's but I've made a complete plg file for all resolutions so this one is not necessary.
Actual, after cab installation, you can choose where SlidingAlbums will be added (like for WM Std). All works fine. Other plug-ins don't have this function :]

Hi AndrewSpec.
I´m waiting for your Titanium version of this PlugIn, Will be awesone.
But, I have one question, what do you need to support other music players?
Thanks in advance.
PS:Are you planning to adapt your Brighter panel to titanium too? will be great.

ryomahino said:
Hi AndrewSpec.
I´m waiting for your Titanium version of this PlugIn, Will be awesone.
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Hi, I'm sorry because I'm busy right now - exams....maybe on this weekend I'll finish it but I'm realy not sure Be patient.
ryomahino said:
But, I have one question, what do you need to support other music players?
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If you wanna help me with it, fine, I appreciate that
I need to know the exactly path to the exe file of the player with the name of that exe (on main memory and on storage card), next I'll need to know, what kind of playlist the player supports. Check if a player can play m3u, asx etc and send me a sample playlist.
ryomahino said:
PS:Are you planning to adapt your Brighter panel to titanium too? will be great.
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Brightner supports only SGH-i600 and it's very hard to add support for other devices without having them....I'll try someday to add this to Titanium but it'll be a very long period of time while Brightner will support other devices. For now, when Brightner detects a device which is not compatible, it won't run but it'll show a guide and then the owner must follow these steps to generete a report for me, and finally when I get the report, I can add support for this device. But for now, Brightner is avalible for poland users (english is not supported (yet ))

AndrewSpec said:
If you wanna help me with it, fine, I appreciate that
I need to know the exactly path to the exe file of the player with the name of that exe (on main memory and on storage card), next I'll need to know, what kind of playlist the player supports. Check if a player can play m3u, asx etc and send me a sample playlist.
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Hi Andrew:
EXE Path: Main memory: Program Files\Nitrogen\nitrogen.exe
Storage card: \Storage Card\Program Files\Nitrogen\nitrogen.exe
Playlist: Use his own format of playlist extension .npl (the developer says in the next release use other format like m3u too)-I rename the npl to txt and view 2 initial estrange character and the next are the list of mp3.
EXE Path: Main Memory: Program Files\S2P\S2P.exe
Storage Card: The installer doesn´t allow to install in Storage card, but some people do that manually to \Storage Card\Program Files\S2P\S2P.exe
Playlist: Don´t use a playlist format, but use the same order of the mp3 like you recommend in your first post.
For example \Storage Card\Music\(Artist name)\(Album Name)\(Song Name).mp3
HTC Audio Manager:(just in case you wanted)
EXE Path: Main Memory: \Windows\Audiomanager.exe
Storage card: don´t supported (I think)
Playlist: Use an archive without extension. I rename to txt and show the list of mp3.

So here's the new version - 1.1
Finally, it supports Titanium in all resolutions:
Also, I've fixed a bug that was causing SlidingAlbums panel disappearing. If you had over 30 albums, system couldn't handle so long string in the registry. For now, SlidingAlbums adds only 30 albums.
Order preview is now generated dynamically so it decreased the cab size.
Download at first post.

AndrewSpec said:
So here's the new version - 1.1
Finally, it supports Titanium in all resolutions:
Also, I've fixed a bug that was causing SlidingAlbums panel disappearing. If you had over 30 albums, system couldn't handle so long string in the registry. For now, SlidingAlbums adds only 30 albums.
Order preview is now generated dynamically so it decreased the cab size.
Download at first post.
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I installed the plugin and it shows up, but when configuring it, it comes up an error after clicking on creating list, it says
Value does not fall within the expected range.
System. ThrowHelper. ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
etc etc
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asking to quit and the configuration is not made. I tried with different configurations, but with the same error.

How many playlists have SlidingAlbums created in /Storage Card/Music?
Also check how many pages are created in the registry - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\SlidingAlbums

Andrew I've got some questions.
1. Is there any reg key to add new player? I'm using coreplayer. Anyway I give you the path.
EXE Path: Main memory: \Program Files\CorePlayer\player.exe
Storage card: \Storage Card\Program Files\CorePlayer\player.exe
2. I have all my songs named like (track number).(track name) for example:
01.My way.mp3. So SlidingAlbums won't recognize my songs. Is there any reg key that could change it or could you add support for dot "." separator in next release?

rosmic said:
1. Is there any reg key to add new player? I'm using coreplayer. Anyway I give you the path.
EXE Path: Main memory: \Program Files\CorePlayer\player.exe
Storage card: \Storage Card\Program Files\CorePlayer\player.exe
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There aren't any keys to add new players.
CorePlayer is supported but i thought that the file name is PLAYER.EXE. So it's case sensitive. Try to rename it to big letters I'll fix it on the next version.
rosmic said:
2. I have all my songs named like (track number).(track name) for example:
01.My way.mp3. So SlidingAlbums won't recognize my songs. Is there any reg key that could change it or could you add support for dot "." separator in next release?
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Later I'll check it. I'm surprised that this won't work My collection is always formated like this - 01-Title.mp3 and SlidingAlbums checks the folder for files that containing ".mp3".

AndrewSpec said:
How many playlists have SlidingAlbums created in /Storage Card/Music?
Also check how many pages are created in the registry - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\SlidingAlbums
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No playlists were created in storage card/music.
In the registry there are only condensed page and page1 (configuration).

I don't know where I can locate this error. I've got not enough information. Maybe one of the folders from Music has a irregular name or a special character?

AndrewSpec said:
I don't know where I can locate this error. I've got not enough information. Maybe one of the folders from Music has a irregular name or a special character?
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No, i have checked all folders, subfolders and music, and renamed some subfolders and music who had some characters in them, but still the same error for me.


[App] GSlide 0.7

Build your own sliding app today!
Check out the latest version, AND read the new API Docs. Its a piece of cake making your own slide app. All you need to know is basic MortScript!
Go to http://www.gslide.mobi
* New cool screenshots and examples on the site!
I am moving the discussions to my GSlide Google group. For queries turn to
I feel i need to to start fresh somewhere I will keep this updated anyway of course.
Last updated with:
- Many usability improvements. About time you might say, after all the backend stuff
- "Easy access" buttons on the top bar. Implemented using the Faces API of course
- Much improved RSS handeling
- Super easy adding of RSS channels
- Super easy adding/editing of GSlide Settings
- A lot of tweaks here and there
- Super cool update, as always
- Real RSS reader
- Configurable alpha effects for many objects
- Lots of other good under-the-hoddie stuff
- New really cool message overlay feature which is totally configurable. Right sweep the top bar for an example. Why not use it for a preview of images?
- A really cool new Face feature which makes it possible to capture clicks where ever they occur on the screen!
- Much improved code!
- Improved the text viewer so that it expands with text size.
- Ships with a fully functional XML parser in MortScript!
I really need to update the API! I have made many main script functions much easier to access. With all the new features you can really make any kind of app. Not just sliding lists! Because of the Faces feature you can load any image and just create a simple script which tells at which click-coordinates scripts shall run. Check out the onMessageClick.mscr file.
- GSlideAPI.Remote ready! To get things started i made a Wazzup feature where you can download news from the GSlide site.
- Made a nice text viewer sample for the Wazzup context.
- Made a LOT of bug fixes.
- Added a lot of new features for the API. Almost all Context properties are now possible to change at runtime through the super simple script API.
- With all new features your can really create just about any app using GSlide!
The Wazzup feature might need a change of settings. Try to open the context, if it says it cannot connect:
- go to the Settings context
- then to Remote
- then double click on Internet Connection and fill in the name of your internet connection. The default value is "Internet" which usually works.
- Click X/Y positions. You now get the users current X/Y position from the GSlideAPI. This means that you can calculate where the user clicked. If you dont get the point now dont worry, i will soon write about this in the API Ref. But its MAJOR feature!
- You can now have a real fullscreen with no bottom menu if you set <hideBottomPanel> to true in the Context.xml file
- Optional static top bar with dynamic message text and dynamic background (settopbartext, settopbarimage)
Events supported for the top bar are onClick, onDoubleClick, onSweepRight, onSweepLeft.
- More event handlers are now available through the api such as onApplicationStart and onApplicationExit.
- More very cool things coming soon.
- All new Oxygen skin with much more complete icon set (drawback is total size in kb)
- Communication with GSlide is now xmlrpc standard.
- More possibilities to make adhoc changes to events handlers (onApplicationStart, onApplicationExit, onTapAndHold, onBackTapAndHold, onClick, onDoubleClick, etc).
- Tap and hold support
- Renaming the menues is now possible.
- Right sweep now takes you to the actions (cut and paste etc) as default (really easy to change in the context.xml file. Look for the onSweepRight tag.).
- New "GSlide Settings" Context which makes it easy to set system paths according to your whishes. Switch to the new Settings context and click on the "Contexts" folder. When you click on the different settings here you can input new paths. Dont mess around with paths that look like this: GSlideAPI[paths]... unless you know what your doing.
- Working zip features again.
- A bit reworked skins.
- Uses the latest MortScript beta.
- GSlide can now read JSON! This means that you can load data from basically any data source, straight from the net.
This could be anything from RSS to stock information or mail accounts.
Contact me through my xda-developers GSlide page for more info until I finish the docs.
- You can now set shortcuts in GSlide to access files or folders in a snap. Super cool feature! Make new shortcuts by selecting any file or folder. Go to the Actions View by choosing "Show Actions". Here simply click on "Create Shortcut". You are now asked if you want to save it in the default location which is the GSlide specific folder used with the Right Sweep. Otherwise you can make a regular shortcut anywhere you wish by selecting a folder.
<-- Sweep = Back
Sweep = Shortcuts -->
Custom file/app icon support
You have to make your own icons though. I put a bunch of ok samples in the Default contexts new Icons folder. to make your own, simply name them with the associated extension (txt.gif or whatever). exe files and lnk files can also have associated icons such as PocketArtist.gif or Opera.gif (it does not need to be gif, any common bitmap format should work...)
New "lock list" function which secures execution of actions.
- New Actions with the same sliding interface as the rest of the app.
- New filter action. Now you can actually open the windows folder, IF you apply the filter first.
- Many fixes and patches.
- A lot better structure of folders and files.
- No need to specify the location of scripts in the context.xml files. (though its still possible).
* When an action is executed, GSlide will automatically redirect to the previous view. It just takes a moment *
- Easier install/config. Checks many more paths automatically.
- Awaited bug fixes
- Much improved Context handling (no restart needed).
- Better sweep functionality.
- Right sweep now opens folders as default.
- Much improved Scripting API.
- New Contexts for changing Volume and Backlight.
- 250 less KB
- Horizontal sweep support
- More detailed list behaiviour config, per context.
- Support for external, custom, event handlers for:
-- onSweepRight (default, "Open with ZNote")
-- onSweepLeft (default, "Back")
-- onDoubleClick (default, "Open with shell")
All the actions for list behaiviour is set in the context.xml file (GSlide/context/Default/context.xml is standard). The default paths to the MortScript.exe and the different scripts are /Program/GSlide/actions/....
This will probably have to be changed to your local WM5 file system path naming (/Program Files/GSlide/actions/ for UK/US).
To skip the custom actions for double clicks and sweeps and make GSlide operate as usual, just remove the lines:
- I improved the list control with two new settings in the context.xml
The first tag sets the max speed when sweeping.
The second tells the list when it should start to scroll away. The higher the value the faster you have to sweep to get it scrolling.
- New and improved actions
- Since a guy had an strange incident with files getting deleted without any clear reason (i have no idea if GSlide was to blame but still...), i have added a bunch of security features:
-- Execution of GSlideAPI scripts will exit at once if GSlide.exe is not running.
-- Folders can not be deleted from the root of Windows. This means for example: \Windows\, \Programs\, \Storage Card\ etc
PLEASE DOWNLOAD THIS RELEASE, just to keep on the safe side.
-Included ZNotepad and a cool new light skin.
-Also added a Refresh directory action.
-Removed some bugs
Have fun sliding
GSlide have, at the moment, only QVGA skins... VGA is onthe way. you can of course easily make a new skin yourself if you can't wait
You might have to update the GSlideAPI.mscr file in the /actions/ folder with new system paths...
Hallo Lars. The application still crashes on /windows, photos and so on ! so ..what should i say.... nice but not usefull.
please help me out by telling me the number of files in your Photos folder.
And when you say crash, is itan unhandled exception or a GSlide popup?
My best suggestion for large folders at the moment is to keep the row size/icon size small (approx 30x30). this consumes far less RAM.
Thanks for trying it out
I'll let you know if I come up with some other solution.
i get an unexpected error (think it was from wm6) and the application closes. in photos i have just five 3 mpix pictures. same when i try to open the windows folder.
i uninstalled it and can't tell you more.
thanks man... this is wonderful.
Gslide seems to be moving forward really well.
it'll certainly switch my resco explorer soon
Hmm... Let me see what i can do...
The windows folder is a "No-can-do" folder until i make a new less memory intense scrolling list.
Can you help me by downloading and trying more of the functionality and give me feedback.
On my device it works like a charm
Also tried it on a Qtek 2020i WM2003SE with CF2 and it worked fine.
Dont forget to try out the scripting API!
Fixed a new Action menu with more thumb-friendly function
Uploaded 16:00 GMT+1, only the GSlide.exe file has changed.
the zip file seems empty ...
corrupted upload?
the programs looks promising
t0k0m0k0 said:
the zip file seems empty ...
corrupted upload?
the programs looks promising
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
empty here too...
No files in the zip folder. Would really like to try out this program.
Sorry! Uploaded from my HTC
Let me try again
The zip should work
Let me know if you have any problems.
Please remember to update the paths in the /GSlide/actions/GSlideAPI.mscr file if you get unexpected behaiviour. The file is richly commented (to be written by me anyway ) and is easy to edit.
Dont forget to read the small, but growing, "GSlide Developers Guide" in the /actions/ folder
This is simply fantastic!! Thank you for developing another file browser
1. Can you make the files seen pick up the associated icon? (obvious)
2. Please make the up directory button only require one tap, I like having to double tap to execute files but not to go up a directory.
3. I notice sometimes the list stops scrolling right to the end, may want to look into this.
4.Application needs a name, it only displays “\” as program name in running apps.
5. Have had an error once (I have NETCFv3.5 in the ROM):
An error message is available for this exception but cannot be displayed because these messages are optional and are not currently installed on this device. Please install ‘NETCFv35.Messages.EN.wm.cab’ for Windows Mobile 5.0 and above or ‘NETCFv35.Messages.EN.cab’ for other platforms. Restart the application to see the message.
at System.Collections.ArrayList.get_Item(Int32 index)
at Scroller.KList.MouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
at Scroller.ScrollingPane.ScrollingPane_MouseDown(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
at System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.WnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control._InternalWnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
at Microsoft.AGL.Forms.EVL.EnterMainLoop(IntPtr hwnMain)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form fm)
at Scroller.Program.Main(String[] args)
Please keep up development
Thanks for trying out my little app!
Let me help you out a bit,
1. Can you make the files seen pick up the associated icon? (obvious)
- I have tried this, but i think i will place assoc. icons in the skin folders for now. I didnt get the windows icons to work properly.
2. Please make the up directory button only require one tap, I like having to double tap to execute files but not to go up a directory.
- Okidoki, I will make it optional
3. I notice sometimes the list stops scrolling right to the end, may want to look into this.
- This is actually my "Select-Zone" feature It is helps you to select items by keeping the list still. The width of this region is set in the context.xml file of each context.
4.Application needs a name, it only displays “\” as program name in running apps.
- Ahh... Fix it i will
5. Have had an error once (I have NETCFv3.5 in the ROM):
- I think i have fixed that problem now. Download the new exe
mysparkle said:
3. I notice sometimes the list stops scrolling right to the end, may want to look into this.
- This is actually my "Select-Zone" feature It is helps you to select items by keeping the list still. The width of this region is set in the context.xml file of each context.
4.Application needs a name, it only displays “\” as program name in running apps.
- Ahh... Fix it i will
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Click to collapse
Looking better
3. What I meant is if the app is run from a shortcut it shows the WM top bar and covers up the up folder icon. It opens in full screen and doesn't appear to do this if you run it from a file explorer (kinda defeats the purpose), any ideas?
4. Still showing "\"
6. Are you able to make the action list scrollable with gestures so I don't have to push the tiny up or down arrows to move through the list?
Still heaps of potential!!
Okay, i have NO Idea what just happened but I know i'm pretty pissed off.
I extracted the zip to try gslide out and i decided i'll stick to my previous program. when i tried to delete the folder, it deleted everything but two files. then i was trying to get dynamo 3.2.01 (previous version ran fine) and i went to check a registry key so dynamo would run and before i could go back to my total commander, mortscript came up with a message saying "Deleted!" thinking it deleted remaining files from the gslide folder, i dismissed it. but apparently something somehow deleted just about every file on my storage card! 5 gigs of music, morphgear roms, pictures, BACKUP files, EVERYTHING!!!!
I have no idea what caused this but I wanted to warn everyone that this happened to me and tto be careful. maybe be safe and if you need to delete the gsfolder, take your memory card out and do it from your PC
UPDATE: I believe it has to do something with mortscript. I am using the rom in my sig and it has mortscript cooked in and has a folder of mortscript commands and now it is empty! I'll make sure that chef knows
Nice applications
Trying it now
Hope will work
richabi said:
Okay, i have NO Idea what just happened but I know i'm pretty pissed off.
I extracted the zip to try gslide out and i decided i'll stick to my previous program. when i tried to delete the folder, it deleted everything but two files. then i was trying to get dynamo 3.2.01 (previous version ran fine) and i went to check a registry key so dynamo would run and before i could go back to my total commander, mortscript came up with a message saying "Deleted!" thinking it deleted remaining files from the gslide folder, i dismissed it. but apparently something somehow deleted just about every file on my storage card! 5 gigs of music, morphgear roms, pictures, BACKUP files, EVERYTHING!!!!
I have no idea what caused this but I wanted to warn everyone that this happened to me and tto be careful. maybe be safe and if you need to delete the gsfolder, take your memory card out and do it from your PC
UPDATE: I believe it has to do something with mortscript. I am using the rom in my sig and it has mortscript cooked in and has a folder of mortscript commands and now it is empty! I'll make sure that chef knows
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Scary! I am sorry to hear of your major mishap
I am just wondering what happened?!
GSlide is contained in its root folder without any connections to the outside world except through MortScript. And the MortScript.exe is located in the GSlide folder as well...
I just can not see how deleting the GSlide folder could trigger anything... And GSlide has no MortScript saying just "Deleted!" so the dialog was not from GSlide.
* How, with which app, did you delete the GSlide folder?
* Which two files where left in the GSlide folder after your first delete attempt?
Did you delete the GSlide folder from within the GSlide app? This could maybe screw up things, and could explain the two locked files as you are basically deleting GSlide in it's own running process... kind of asking it to implode.
This is just a theory of course and does not account for the loss of the other data.
Didn't get the rom/sig thing
Please get back to me asap with help.

[APP] iPlayer [v0.5 18/03/09]

Browse and stream content from the BBC's iPlayer.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
- Finger friendly UI including flick kinetic scrolling, swipe gestures and vibration feedback.
- Supports Nav Sensor and Stylus Removal (thanks koush)!
- Higher quality video/audio than Samsung User Agent hack (483x272 h.264 video stream).
- Browse content by Highlights, Popular, Channel/Station, Category or Date.
- Search for content and save history.
- Self updating and AppToDate support.
- Downloads video to device for later viewing (I download at home over wifi and then watch videos on the tube on the way to work).
- Video launched in your default player associated with '.mov' files.
- Radio shows launched in your default player associated with '.mp3' files.
This app works by impersonating an iPhone to access an unprotected mp4 file and then patching the index to allow immediate playback. Radio programs are downloaded as mp3s. Many thanks to the people who discovered this technique - see readme.txt for credits and further explanation. Note that this is in no way sanctioned by the BBC.
This is obviously a very data intensive application so I would recommend using over wi-fi or with an unlimited data plan.
- .Net framework 3.5.
- You also must be in the UK to use this. The BBC seem to block access over cellular data from some operators (e.g. Vodafone) . If this happens then please try over wifi & report your findings. Prelimanary proxy support has been introduced in v0.4. Edit the settings.xml to add a UK proxy.
- This app is only working for the VGA and WVGA devices at the moment. I may add support for other devices and screen resolutions in the future if there is enough interest.
- You need a video player capable of playing back the (h.264 + AAC) video. I use the commercial app CorePlayer which plays the files pretty well (benchmarks at 91%). You can also use this build of the free TCPMP which will play the files but benchmarks at around 61%. Either way you will need to associate '.mov' files with your player.
This has been a bit of a hobby project and is my first attempt at Windows Mobile development. I'm releasing it for free but if you find it useful then consider buying me a beer!
v0.5 cab attached below:
To do, bugs + Changelog
To Do:
- QVGA (&WQVGA) resolution? For now check out myPlayer.
- Stability fixes
- A few more ideas...
Known Bugs:
- Cancelled downloads not deleted - you will need to manually remove them.
- Launching a 'Saved Search' breaks the top navigation controls - d'oh!
- Date view seems to be broken again by changes by the BBC.
- Incorrect AppToDate xml - causes ATD to always say there is a newer version.
v0.5 18/03/09
- Fixed parsing of programs, searches and day listings due to changes to BBC site
- Added new 'Feeds' view for easier choosing of feeds
- Now starts in 'Feeds' view and checks for updates in background for faster startup
- Added saved searches - currently saves every search term
v0.4 20/02/09
- Improved radio show integration
- Added more settings including changing save location
- Added 'auto buffer' mode or manually set
- Choose whether to begin playback after buffering (and set default)
- Double click pink 'headers' to scroll to top of page
- Fixed 'Related Programs' due to change in BBC site
- Initial proxy support - have to edit settings.xml
- *Hopefully* WVGA compatible
v0.3 03/02/09
- Added experimental radio show download/streams. Only accessible via search at the moment
- Added more options to Settings screen
- Added wifi icon
- Decreased download 'chunk' size - should reduce memory overhead.
- Added more error handling
- More logging (renamed to debug.txt to help attaching to posts).
v0.2 26/01/09
- Added a [very] basic settings screen. Only option is to enable debug mode. If you encounter any bugs then please turn debug mode on, replicate and then attach the file "debug.log" that is produced in the install dir to your post detailing the problem. Thanks!
- Forgot to update the readme.txt file but if the About screen says v0.2 then you have the latest.
- Did you notice the automatic updates?
v0.1 25/01/09
- Initial release
Been waiting for this for a long time.
Many many thanks.
Cant wait to test
Testing in Canada, Will let you know how it works, if it works
Program wouldn't even start - Errors and closes. That's too bad.
Works well, but im wondering...could you expand this to other sites? i like the layout it is intuitive.
Thought it would work on my Touch HD but alas poor yorick, it does not.
Any chance for WVGA support?
I get this exception:
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at System.Net.WebRequest.Create(Uri requestUri, Boolean schemeOnly)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at System.Net.WebRequest.Create(String requestUriString)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at iPlayer.Utils.CreateWebRequest(String pURL, Boolean pKeepAlive, String pUserAgent, String pCookie)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at iPlayer.ProgramDetails.GetFileSize(String url)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at iPlayer.ProgramDetails.LoadProgDetails()[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at iPlayer.ProgramDetails.<Initialise>b__0()[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
Any help?
hotrod101 said:
Program wouldn't even start - Errors and closes. That's too bad.
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Sorry is Diamond only at the mo. Have updated first post to clarify.
TrizO said:
Works well, but im wondering...could you expand this to other sites? i like the layout it is intuitive.
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Thanks, yes i'd like to expand it to other sites at some point. I was considering some kind of plugin structure so others could add support to other sites?
I was thinking about adding revision3. Any other ideas?
tboy2000 said:
Thought it would work on my Touch HD but alas poor yorick, it does not.
Any chance for WVGA support?
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Sorry about that - I've only coded it for my device at the mo. It could be expanded to work on the HD in the future - would need to clean up my code a bit! Will wait and see if there is much interest for this.
What happens when you launch the app - does it start up and just not use the whole screen or fail to start at all? If the later, do you get an error message?
leonatan25 said:
I get this exception:
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at System.Net.WebRequest.Create(Uri requestUri, Boolean schemeOnly)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at System.Net.WebRequest.Create(String requestUriString)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at iPlayer.Utils.CreateWebRequest(String pURL, Boolean pKeepAlive, String pUserAgent, String pCookie)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at iPlayer.ProgramDetails.GetFileSize(String url)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at iPlayer.ProgramDetails.LoadProgDetails()[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] at iPlayer.ProgramDetails.<Initialise>b__0()[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
Any help?
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Sorry to hear this - does this happen when trying to load all program details screens or just one particular show? Sounds like a bug i found when a show was un-availible but thought i fixed it!!
craftyb said:
Sorry to hear this - does this happen when trying to load all program details screens or just one particular show? Sounds like a bug i found when a show was un-availible but thought i fixed it!!
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Sorry I wasn't more specific, it pops up whenever I clock on a video to view.
wow man !
this looks fantastic!!!
A WVGA version would be awesome
I cant seem to click on the cog to config.. is this implemented yet?
counterfitninja said:
I cant seem to click on the cog to config.. is this implemented yet?
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No - this isn't implemented yet. I'm planning on adding a Settings screen where you can enable/disable vibration, set the % to buffer before playback starts etc. Will update the second post with this info.
Is everything else working for you?
just playing about now. Need to get coreplayer working with .mov
will give you an update when i get this sorted
Installed fine on my diamond.
Ran program selected Jonathan Ross show started getting file size etc then I got this error
at iPlayer.ProgramDetails.GetFileSize(String url)
Should it start playing automatically. ? Does it stream or download?
I can get it to down load stuff and i have .mov files in the folder, once they reach 100% in the app its continually says downloading. I have not been able to watch anything yet.
counterfitninja said:
Should it start playing automatically. ? Does it stream or download?
I can get it to down load stuff and i have .mov files in the folder, once they reach 100% in the app its continually says downloading. I have not been able to watch anything yet.
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It downloads the video but should start playback once it has buffered (currently set to buffer 3% of the video and then launch the file).
What should happen:
- Select show, prog checks that it is available etc and if so gives the 'Click to Play' icon.
- Press play launches the 'Downloading' screen.
- 'Downloading Index...' First downloads the 'index' and patches it (this is the bit that allows you to start it straight away rather than having to wait until the download is complete)
- 'Buffering' buffers 3% of the file - for smooth playback.
- Launches the .mov file with your default player
- Continues downloading the file while you are watching it. At this point if you want to watch it later you can just close the player app and it will continue downloading.

[App] [Update Version] TPSMP - The Pocket Stream Media Player -

TPSMP - The Pocket Stream Media Player -
- Version -
TPSMP works on Pocket PC 2003, Windows Mobile 5 and Windows Mobile 6.
This application allows you to play Radio and TV Streams with your Pocket PC. The streams are stored in a mobile database. You only have to choose a stream and click connect.
This application is written in Visual Basic.NET. So you need to install the .net runtime and sql server mobile.
You can get it from here:
.net runtime: Download!
sql server mobile: Download!
The player functions are hacked out from the windows media player.
..:: C H A N G E L O G ::..
Version (13.02.2009)
#Fixed: Install Directory
#Fixed: Anchor Elements to Screensize
#Fixed: Get Path (Database not found)
Version (12.09.2009)
#Added: Button Clickstyle (Change Buttonsyle onclick)
Version (11.02.2009)
#Added: First Release
Version (11.02.2009)
#Added: First Release
Things are be planned:
- More default Streams
Note!!! This application will eat many of bandwith. So you should use Wifi, ActiveSync or flat 3G. Wont´t work very well with GPRS.
Download the lastest Version ( from here: CLICK
Please comment or send bug reports!!!
If you like my work, please DONATE.
Thanks a lot ...
The default stream database will updated soon because a few streams dosen´t work yet.
Couldn't use it... Seems to have problems with my OS localization?! My system uses pathnames with chars such as "ã" and "ó". Does the app support full unicode? It complains it cant find the path to the database file which is in \A minha memória\TPSMP\Database...
Also noticed it doesn't install inside the "Program files" folder (or respective localization name) but rather installs to the root of the selected drive.
Could you tweak the position of the buttons and stuff so that they'll be right above the bottom bar? I have an Omnia (WQVGA) and there is empty space between the button bar and bottom bar...
What kind of media does it currently support? Also rather than using WMP wouldn't TCPMP be a better option? Either that or have built-in player capabilities like using ffmpeg for ppc...
Looking forward to try it
frmariam said:
Couldn't use it... Seems to have problems with my OS localization?! My system uses pathnames with chars such as "�" and "�". Does the app support full unicode? It complains it cant find the path to the database file which is in \A minha mem髍ia\TPSMP\Database...
Also noticed it doesn't install inside the "Program files" folder (or respective localization name) but rather installs to the root of the selected drive.
Could you tweak the position of the buttons and stuff so that they'll be right above the bottom bar? I have an Omnia (WQVGA) and there is empty space between the button bar and bottom bar...
What kind of media does it currently support? Also rather than using WMP wouldn't TCPMP be a better option? Either that or have built-in player capabilities like using ffmpeg for ppc...
Looking forward to try it
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Am getting the same error aswell please help Thanks
it´s a bug in the get application path function. It appears when you have a blank in the path. I will fix this horrible bug!!!
Currently it only supports the codecs given from WMP.
frmariam said:
Couldn't use it... Seems to have problems with my OS localization?! My system uses pathnames with chars such as "ã" and "ó". Does the app support full unicode? It complains it cant find the path to the database file which is in \A minha memória\TPSMP\Database...
Also noticed it doesn't install inside the "Program files" folder (or respective localization name) but rather installs to the root of the selected drive.
Could you tweak the position of the buttons and stuff so that they'll be right above the bottom bar? I have an Omnia (WQVGA) and there is empty space between the button bar and bottom bar...
What kind of media does it currently support? Also rather than using WMP wouldn't TCPMP be a better option? Either that or have built-in player capabilities like using ffmpeg for ppc...
Looking forward to try it
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Maybe it will be the best option but how should i do this with vb.net???
Can you give me a hint?
frmariam said:
Couldn't use it... Seems to have problems with my OS localization?! My system uses pathnames with chars such as "ã" and "ó". Does the app support full unicode? It complains it cant find the path to the database file which is in \A minha memória\TPSMP\Database...
Also noticed it doesn't install inside the "Program files" folder (or respective localization name) but rather installs to the root of the selected drive.
Could you tweak the position of the buttons and stuff so that they'll be right above the bottom bar? I have an Omnia (WQVGA) and there is empty space between the button bar and bottom bar...
What kind of media does it currently support? Also rather than using WMP wouldn't TCPMP be a better option? Either that or have built-in player capabilities like using ffmpeg for ppc...
Looking forward to try it
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If you have an idea for tcpmp and ffmpeg plz talk to me.
Sorry I have no idea... Not a coder.
Just thought that the ffmpeg.dll could be used to make TPSMP not depend on WMP. But for what I read in it's release thread the current compile has the network functions disabled... If it were to be used it may need to be recompiled with these functions active.
Nice to see you already fixed those
No prob. I will talk to milesmowbray. Maybe he can give me a hint.
mccoffein said:
If you have an idea for tcpmp and ffmpeg plz talk to me.
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Thx it works I like it I can even add my own Channels thats coool and it plays really really well better then TCMP for me no buffering
I'am very glad to hear this.
TV works nice but for some reason I haven't been able to use radio... I usually get messages from WMP like "Access is denied" (Bayern), "The parameter is incorrect", "Unable to open file. The file is damaged or not supported by the player", "At the moment it's impossible to perform the requested action" (rough translation from portuguese message)...
I reckon the interface is not the priority at the moment. I have two small suggestions:
1- Fullscreen on image/video press (like TCPMP).
2- A small suggestion on the volume control. How about something similar to the way TouchPlayer on the Omnia does it (easier on the finger)? Volume bar pops up when the volume button on screen is pressed.
looks nice.
I will test it and report back
lyndel4 said:
Thx it works I like it I can even add my own Channels thats coool and it plays really really well better then TCMP for me no buffering
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hi mate, htc touch hd owner, new to all this! how do u add your own channels?? cheers.
zphydrian said:
hi mate, htc touch hd owner, new to all this! how do u add your own channels?? cheers.
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Its easy just go to Add Stream in the File Menu then gave your Stream a name and add the URL thats all really
Has anybody succeed in using TPSMP with wm2003 se.
With my wm2003 device, I get class exception with axhost ...

Iolite - Apps you can't live without [Last Update 20.10.2009]

All patching, registry modifying and other unusual changes are only on your own risk. Do not blame anybody, if anything goes wrong.
New apps and tweaks are continuously added as soon as I pick them, test them and like them . Also other users have different app recommendations in other posts so don't forget to read whole thread.
Last update: 20.10.2009 (new apps and post rearrangements)
Freeware|System Related:
[Added] Advanced Configuration Tool - You can change almost every setting with this powerful app. However, some options might not work at all. (thanks to Dair's findings).
Better Light Sensor Control - Basic backlight offer no settings at all. Look in given thread to find, how to improve it. (thanks to tomv_cz's findings).
Change HW buttons function - If you want to use footprint and navi buttons for something else.
Disable SMS threading - Annoyed of that default SMS threading? This is cure.
Enable portrait/landscape switch - It enables possibility to switch between portrait and landscape mode on Iolite (Start-Settings-System-Screen). Then you can also assign "rotate screen" to your footprint/navi button. But Manila2D doesn't support landscape, so every time you go to home screen, it turns back to portrait mode.
FDCsoft Task Manager - Really good task manager, process viewer, service enabler/disabler, registry editor...
GfxBoost v1.1 - Some steroids for your Iolite's graphics and animations. Don't ask me, how it works, but it really does. Look in given thread for more info.
Hide SIM contacts - It does, what it says.
Manila2D Customizer - Using Manila2D (TF2D) and want to customize it?
MoDaCo RemoveSecurity - Removes that annoying "unsigned" notification while installing CABs.
[Added] Mortscript - MortScript interprets a (quite) simple batch language. If you know .bat files in DOS or shell scripts: it's something like that. Its focus is to remote control or launch other applications, not to write real applications.
.NET Compact Framework - Needed for running apps.
[Added] PIM Backup - A totally must have app for ROM cookers and experimenters. (thanks to Lokatho's findings).
Total Commander - App you really can't live without on WM.
SDKcerts - SDK Cert is a certificate used by the developers or programmers to sign the file/s you're using to make it/them eligible to be installed on the device. It's just like a consent from the developers for their OEM softwares to their users. To make the device accepts the file/s, the SDKCert have to be installed on the device for key matching purposes.
xdaShutdown - Want to switch off, soft reset, sleep your device? .NET 3.5 needed
Weather patch for Manila2D (TF2D) - Want some city, which is not in the default list? Look here to add it and below this post for patcher. (Thanks to N2A for original patcher for HTChome.dll).
Freeware|Visual Enhancements:
FingerKeyb by Giannis86 - For me it is better keyboard than from HTC, because it doesn't have buttons on the edge of display.
FingerSuite - Big thumbs and small menus? Why don't have the menus same as in TF3D.
M2D App Launcher - If you hate standart program list, try this. Nicely fits M2D skin.
SEX Battery Enhancer - For exact status of your battery on taskbar (SDKcerts needed)
[Added] TapTap Keyboard - Totally different way, how to write. It is quite unusual way, but if you get used to it, you will write much faster and with less mistakes.
Freeware|Internet and Messaging:
Facebook App - Official release from MS.
MoDaCo NoData - Disables GPRS/EDGE/etc. connections.
Skype for mobile - Skype for mobile devices. WiFi/3G needed for good connection.
Slick - IM with ICQ, Yahoo, AIM, MSN, Google, Jabber support. Really fast one.
[Added] Microfi Nitrogen - Very nice opensource touch-friendely music player with sleep timer and - unlike the one from HTC - sensitive volume control. (thanks to Dair's findings)
[Added] PlayPause - Control your favourite player via your headset button.
TCPMP 0.72 rc1 recompiled - If you want really good free multimedia player with subtitle support (you MUST use GDI for external subtitles). Look below for archive.
Freeware|Other Apps:
[Added] Marathon - GPS measure/tracking app.
mBarvian HTC Calculator - For me, better that included one.
[Added] MyMobiler - You can fully control your Iolite via PC. Executed on PC.
QuickMark 2D barcode reader - QR code reader. You must register to grab it.
Stopwatch - If you have need to measure your time .
Shareware|Unsorted (Please, buy these apps if you use them):
Core Player - Younger brother to TCPMP. However paid one.
CT Scheduler - Want to send messages at given time? Enable/disable BT, ActiveSync? This is what you need.
ilium software eWallet - If you have bad memory for all your passwords.
[Added] Manbolo Meon - Totally addictive brain game. Not expensive at all.
SBSH PhoneWeaver - Profile manager. Not free but good one. Includes touch profile switcher, which can be configured to soft buttons on Home tab in TF2D via M2DC.
[Added] SPB Minesweeper II - Was finding of mines your childhood dream? Well, this is far more safe way .
SPB Wireless Monitor - Monitors connections ifrom your device to the world.
[Added] WebCamera Plus - Your Iolite as webcam? Not a bad idea, isn't it.
Do you know some really good app, you can't live without? Just post your list in this thread.
Great topic! Just what I was looking for!
Thank you
Thanks for the post. Any advice on a good GPS program? I also heard there was freeware that auto rotates your keyboard/screen from portrait -> landscape when turned, as currently the keyboard doesn't do landscape?
4EST said:
Great topic! Just what I was looking for! Thank you
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That's why I made it . When i bought my first WM device Vox, this kind of topic helped me a lot. So I made it for Iolite too.
Sean09 said:
Thanks for the post. Any advice on a good GPS program? I also heard there was freeware that auto rotates your keyboard/screen from portrait -> landscape when turned, as currently the keyboard doesn't do landscape?
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It depends, for what you want GPS. If for car navigation, you may use builtin TomTom and buy maps. For hiking is best Garmin with its Topo maps. For geocaching exists many free programs where you can add your own maps (just search for geocaching here).
With screen rotation there is one flaw. Manila2D didn't support landscape, so every time you exit to home screen, it turns back to portrait mode. And Iolite doesn't have G-Sensor, therefore it will not rotate automatically.
Hey, nice list! I use lot of these too. I'd add three more apps for myself:
Advanced Config Tool - great utility for tweaking WM and HTC soft without need to edit registry manually (can handle some tweaks mentioned in 1st post like landscape mode, switching threaded SMS view, hiding SIM contacts etc)
GPS Cycle Computer - does what it says and more... Possibility to show a map image on background or to use OpenStreeMap tiles (read readme in installation folder). The best feature for me is the option to set the GPS run interval from "always on" to "run every 10 min" - great for power-savy logging my track and matching the GPS data with photos later.
Nitrogen player - very nice opensource touch-friendely music player (with sleep timer and - unlike the one from HTC - sensitive volume control)
EDIT: forgotten to mention that all of them are free
Can anyone make this thread sticky and delete the "thank you posts" as well as this one?
Thank you
PIM Backup - Great backup tool for us flashaholics
so far there is nothing to flash on the iolite
Thanks a lot for the great share
Weather is broken
The N2A Weather Patcher killed the Weather applet on my Iolite.
Now all it says is , "Cannot get weather data for the selected city".
I can't select any other city or anything else, since the menus are disabled
Before patching I made a backup of my Manila2D.exe, wich I have allready restored.
But Weatheer still dossen't work
Any workaround to restore to original?
Qtek8020User: I modified original N2A patcher to patch manila2D.exe, because original version patched htchome.dll only. Here is procedure, how to do that.
1) On device, I copy Manila2D.exe to some other folder (eg. Storage Card)
2) Download it to computer via AS/WMDC
3) Keep one copy somewhere for backup, place another one into patcher folder in same place as place_manila_2d_exe_here.txt and run n2a-patcher.bat
4) Patcher will make N2A Patched Manila2D EXE.cab file, which you transfer to device.
5) Disable Manila2D via settings, install CAB and then enable Manila2D again.
At this moment, only thing which is changed in Manila2D.exe is http address of update server, nothing else. Therefore it must work for already present cities in list, when internet connection is available (via AS/WMDC, Wifi or GPRS/EDGE/etc.). I tried this by myself about five times, so this procedure works with no problem at all.
If you want to add some city, which is NOT in the list, you must do this:
1) On device, copy HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml from /windows folder on your device to some other folder (eg. Storage Card)
2) Download it to your computer via AS/WMDC. Make backup of that file.
3) Go to accuweather.com and find city you want to add. For example, I want to add city "hradec kralove" in "czech republic". I get this code
. Important part is "EUR|CZ|EZ002|HRADEC%20KRALOVE" (%20 means simple space).
4) Open HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml and add this line <city name="Your City Name, Country Abbreviation" loca="CodeYouGotFromAccuweather" land="Your Country"/>. For example
<city name="Hradec Kralove, CZ" loca="EUR|CZ|EZ002|HRADEC KRALOVE" land="Czech Republic"/>.
5) Save HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml as UTF-8. It is read-only by default, so make proper changes.
6) Transfer it back to your device, eg. to Storage Card. Then put it back to /Windows folder
7) Restart Manila2D and viola, your custom city is in list and will be properly updated.
For adding cities in HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml also exists some app, but I can't remember how it is called.
Great post, thank you!! Bat you mentioned about n2a-patcher.bat
file... Where I can find it? May be you can attach it to you post.
Thank you in advance,
It is already attached in first post of this thread .
torrentonly said:
It is already attached in first post of this thread .
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OK! It's my bad... Thank you again!
Hi, torrentonly
I followed your method but it won't work. I assume that it something wrong within script... In tool folder unpatched.dll file doesn't exist. Here is output from n2a-patcher.bat (I did everything according to your instruction...)
N2A's Automatic Weather Patched Manila2D.exe Package Creator
Created by N2A @ XDA-Developers.com
For all questions, please see the thread at XDA-Developers
and the site at http://weather.not2advanced.com/files/
The system cannot find the file specified.
File not found - unpatched.dll
grep: unpatched.dll: No such file or directory
Performing patch...
Reading from unpatched.dll...
Error opening input file unpatched.dll
Could Not Find C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\N2A-Patcher-Manila2D\tools
Could Not Find C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\N2A-Patcher-Manila2D\tools
Process failed! Unable to patch the Manila2D.exe file correctly.
Either this file has already been patched, or something has gone wrong.
If you are sure the file is not pre-patched, please report this error
on the XDA-Developers forums, using the link from
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If you have already patched Manila2D.exe, may be you can share it...
igor7: That's weird. I just tested it now and it works for me. From your log it looks like Manila2D.exe didn't copied into /tools/ subfolder. Did you extract ZIP archive correctly?
If yes, try to copy Manila2D.exe to /tools/ and rename it to unpatched.dll, so you wil have /tools/unpatched.dll. Then delete this lines from BAT file:
IF EXIST tools\unpatched.dll del tools\unpatched.dll
copy Manila2D.exe tools\unpatched.dll > NUL
IF EXIST *.cab del *.cab
, save it and run BAT again.
I can give you my patched Manila2D, but you might have different version and it can make you some troubles.
torrentonly: first of all big thanks for you help. I spend time on this, but it working now and I want share my experience.
1. In you first post on this page doesn't mention that Manila2D.exe should be copied into N2A-Patcher-Manila2D\tools folder and renamed to unpatched.exe, as you mentioned in your last post. By the same token it's not enough. By default Manila2D.exe have read only and system attributes, so no changes can be made to this file under this condition. Those attributes should be removed before running n2a-patcher.bat file, otherwise it not working.
2. And in additional, as you mentioned in your last post some lines should be removed from n2a-patcher.bat file. To be honest, I don't know how it works for you without doing this...
This line form script:
copy Manila2D.exe tools\unpatched.dll > NUL
can't work because it is impossible to copy file and rename it with same command "copy". In my case script return following error while it running:
Could Not Find C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\N2A-Patcher-Manila2D\tools\unpatched.dll
The system cannot find the file specified.
Performing patch...
This happen even I copied Manila2D.exe into tools folder, renamed it to unpatched.dll, and removed read only and system attributes...
In the light of the aforesaid I did some corrections (improvments) to n2a-patcher.bat and now it works fine. I added the following to htchomeok session in this file:
attrib -r -s Manila2D.exe
xcopy /h /k /f /v Manila2D.exe C:\N2A-Patcher-Manila2D\tools
attrib +r +s Manila2D.exe
cd C:\N2A-Patcher-Manila2D\tools
ren Manila2D.exe unpatched.dll
Now, to get it work you need to change a little procidure, in your first post in this page.
1. Download N2A-Patcher-Manila2D.zip file and extract it content to root of C drive on you computer. Should be like: C:\N2A-Patcher-Manila2D.
2. Copy Manila2D.exe from Windows folder of your device into C:\N2A-Patcher-Manila2D folder using Active Synch.
3. Run n2a-patcher.bat file. If everything is OK you should see script window like this:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Also I attached to this message new archive with corrected script.
Best regards,
igor7: Nice finding *THUMBS UP*. On my laptop with Vista x86, I can copy and rename at the same time. Therefore script I attached is working for me. Maybe it is different for another OS like 2k, XP. Or maybe there are some problems with attributes.
You don't need to place Manila2D.exe into /tools/ folder and rename it. BAT file should make it automatically, but as I wrote, it might work different way on different OSs.
torrentonly: I tried to run n2a-patcher.bat from first thread in this forum on my laptop with Vista x86 and it doesn’t work... On Windows XP and Windows Vista bat files executed line by line. So if some line had errors script will not work.
Here what I did:
1 I downloaded N2A-Patcher-Manila2D.zip (1.23 MB, 66 views) and extract it on desktop of my laptop.
2. I copied Manila2D.exe from Iolite and place it into patcher folder in same place as "place_manila_2d_exe_here.txt". Then I executed n2a-patcher.bat. And...It not work! Here is screenshot:
I wrote all of this not for something... May be code in script, that you used is different from this one... It can confuse other people.
List of Applications
This is my current list of applications, which I think are all essential. Feel free to PM me and ask for them or should you have any doubt if you find and get them on your own, using Mr. Google and come across any dificulties.
Regarding applications:
.NET Framework 3.5 - Needed to run some applications;
.NET Framework 3.5 Config - Configures the above program;
SDKCerts - Installs root certificates on your Iolite;
AppToDate - Checks if your Iolite has its programs up-to-date;
FDCSoft TaskManager - Used as a task manager and a registry editor;
GFX Boost 1.1 - Improves overall graphic performance of your Iolite, specially TF2D;
HD Tweak 0.5.4 - Tweaks the hell out of your Iolite, including sound boost;
Adobe Flash Player 7 Plugin - Installs .swf support for playing them with third party applications;
Advanced Config Tool 3.3 - Another tweaker that fills the gaps that HD Tweak doesn't, with some more sound boost;
Diamond 2 G-Sensor - Installs all needed to improve better backlight behaviour;
M2DC 0.29.235 - Manila2D Customizer, configures your TF2D;
MortScript 4.2 - Needed to run some applications;
Pocket Mechanic 2.98.268 - Great tool for defragging your SD card and some extras;
Resco Explorer 2008 7.05 - Best file explorer out there, fully customizable and intuitive;
SafeMode 1.02 - Allows you to reboot your Iolite in Safe Mode, much like XP or Vista, in case of any errors;
SKTools - Great tool, using it to thoroughly rid my Iolite of orphaned .reg keys, temporary files, call records and much more;
SPB Backup 2.0.2 - Best backup tool for everything, including PIM;
GPS Compass 1.0.1 - A digital compass that uses your Iolite (by far, this is the one that uses up more RAM memory on my Iolite);
3D Tracking - Works like a low-jack on your Iolite;
Automatic Call Recorder 1.2.1 - Records your calls both ways, if you want to;
BryhtFlash 2.0 - Plays BIG .swf files smoothly, no "Ran out of memory" stuff;
CompeGPS Pocket Pro 2.71 - Best Offroad GPS out there, uses Google Maps for imaging;
CorePlayer - World's greatest media player for Iolite, maybe;
Dog Whistle 1.3 - Emits Ultra-sonic frequency sounds;
DWRuler - A digital ruler that might come in handy;
ESET Mobile Antivirus - It's the most up-to-date antivirus that I could find for Iolite;
FakeCall - Used to make a call to yourself at a time of your choosing, to get out of some situations;
Finger Keyboard 2.1 QVGA - A good keyboard, I installed it, but still using HTC's full QWERTY;
FingerSuite 1.12 RC8 - Turns default context menus bigger, thumb big;
GCzII 2009-07-29 1.800.0234.10 - GeoCaching application;
M2D Application Launcher - If you go to your Programs tab on TF2D and press All Programs, you will be able to access all of your programs right on TF2D environment;
Marshal Wait Cursor 3 - Wait cursor replacement, with transparency, no more white square;
Mobile Media Center - Media player much like Vista Media Center;
PocketRAR 3.80 - Handles .zip and .rar files;
QuickMark 3.8.4568 - A QR-Code reader;
Skype Mobile - It's Skype;
SPB Screenshot - Takes screenshots of your Iolite's screen;
SPB Time 2.2.2 - Using it as a chronometer and backwards timer too;
SPB TV 1.1 - Watch TV on your Iolite, lots of channels;
SRS WOW HD 1.2.1 - Improves audio levels and quality of your Iolite;
TCPMP 0.71 - Another media player, CorePlayer's older brother, but with subtitles in .srt and .sub format support;
TI Pocket - TI Calculator for your Iolite with their roms and skins;
TomTom 7.915.9196 - It's TomTom, a GPS navigation software;
Ultimate Theft Alert 3.5 with GPS & Monitor Plugin - If your Iolite gets lost or stolen and someone puts in another SIM card, you'll know where they are, who called them, who they called, who texted them, who they texted;
VS Notepad 2.6 - Best notepad out there;
VSPainter 1.75 - Much like Paint.NET for XP or Vista;
Windows Live - Latest version assured, with Windows Live Messenger too;
X-Plore 1.31 - Another file explorer, that I got just from being nostalgic from my late Nokia N81.
Regarding games, I have the following:
Astraware BoardGames 1.08 - Lots of board games for your delight;
BattleShip & Connect 4 - It is what it says right there;
Monopoly Here & Now World Edition - Does this one really need a descripition?;
Whole RealDice QVGA Collection - BackGammon, BlackJack, Chess, Dominoes, Hearts, Mahjong, Poker, Roulette, Slots, Spades, Sudoku, VideoPoker;
SpbBubbles 1.1 - Much like PuzzleBubble.
Also, I have text files (and associated .reg files) describing:
Change Hardware Keys Assignment - Assign what you want to Navigation and FootPrints hardware buttons;
GPS Lag Fix - Makes your GPS practically lag free;
RMVB Codec - Enables .rmvb playback on your Iolite.
And of course, my themes for TF2D, my favorite being the one with the picture attached.
Software that I testes, used, but not using now:
Garmin 5.00.020w - Garmin's GPS navigation software;
Nav N Go iGo8 - iGo's GPS navigation software;
NDrive PPC - Being Portuguese, could not help myself in getting this one, it's NDrive's GPS navigation software.

AlbumArtSync - Copy ALL album art from PC to Phone

Presenting a simple little vb script (yes, these can be dangerous so tread carefully) which successfully copies over all those little "folder.jpg" files from your computer to your phone.
Works for S2P, Nitrogen, Windows Media Player, HTC Audio Manager and probably all the other more obscure ones as well.
What it does:
It looks though all your music folders in your phone and copies the album art over from your PC
It doesn't copy them if they're already there (clever, huh?) which makes it very quick
What it doesn't do
It doesn't organize playlists, sort things into alphabetical order or play music or anything like that
How to use it:
1. Extract the file "AlbumArtSync" from the zip attached below and then double click it to run it. You can read it line by line first if you like
2. Follow the instructions - specify a source folder (e.g. your music folder) like this:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
3. Select a destination folder (this might be an F:\Music folder, for example. It doesn't work with activesync but does work with cards and it works if you attach your device as a "Disk Drive" if you get that option.
4. Wait for it to complete. If successful, it will tell you how many albums it has updated. Like this:
Some more useful notes
1. If you don't organize your music into folders like "artist\album\track" then this isn't for you
2. If you don't understand point 1 (above) then it probably isn't for you
3. If you use embedded album art with media monkeys, this might not be for you either
3. If you don't have album art or don't want it, then you don't need this
4. If your albums have lots of odd characters in the names like "*[{" then it might not work. Hint: rename them.
5. If you sync your music another way like a perl script on a quad-processor Linux wristwatch computer on your home wireless network then that's nice, you're very clever but this isn't really for you either
6. If someone has stopped you from running vbs scripts on your work computer, I can't help you
If you (like me) just use built-in Windows Media Player to sync playlists and tracks but it refuses to ever copy the album art, don't want to waste a lifetime trying workarounds (that don't) and don't want to embed 1200 or so MP3s and WMAs with jpegs which behave perfectly well outside the music file then this MIGHT be for you.
good idea
does it extract the album art from MP3 ?
Does it make one directory by Artist ? with the Album art in it ?
I'll try it this evening
brunoisa10 said:
good idea
does it extract the album art from MP3 ?
Does it make one directory by Artist ? with the Album art in it ?
I'll try it this evening
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No, it will only take album art which you already have on yur PC and copies it to your device if that music is on your device. Windows Media Player usually creates the file on the PC all by itself. One directory per album per artist.
result : no album art copied
thanks a lot this can be really useful
This looks fantastic -- and highly-needed! Damn, looks like I have to go use my PC for this... I say this because on my Mac I purchased last year a great album art search and download app for itunes called "TuneUp" -- and that gizmo has practically filled every album art vacancy in my library.
Do you happen to know how I can (a) first get & make all that album art work on my PC's version of itunes?... Is that easy to do? Any hints?
(b) ... then I could use this tool you've created to get them to my WM phone, right?
littld said:
copies over all those little "folder.jpg" files from your computer to your phone. Works for S2P, Nitrogen, Windows Media Player, HTC Audio Manager and probably all the other more obscure ones as well.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
quicksite said:
This looks fantastic -- and highly-needed! Damn, looks like I have to go use my PC for this... I say this because on my Mac I purchased last year a great album art search and download app for itunes called "TuneUp" -- and that gizmo has practically filled every album art vacancy in my library.
Do you happen to know how I can (a) first get & make all that album art work on my PC's version of itunes?... Is that easy to do? Any hints?
(b) ... then I could use this tool you've created to get them to my WM phone, right?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Okay, TuneUp will have created all those album art pictures embedded in the music files. I think if they are mp3 and you can import them into Windows Media Player then it should create those folder.jpg files for you and then it should hopefully work. Good luck.
littld said:
Okay, TuneUp will have created all those album art pictures embedded in the music files. I think if they are mp3 and you can import them into Windows Media Player then it should create those folder.jpg files for you and then it should hopefully work. Good luck.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you! ... D'OH! I just googled "TuneUp art Mac to PC" and found out TuneUp is for Macs AND PC's ... I forgot about that!
This is from a review at The Gadgeteer from February 2009:
TuneUp is compatible with both PC and Mac
versions of iTunes
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Click to collapse
So I am guessing this will be even easier now... As an FYI for all those who've never tried it, I tried so many freeware utilities and scripts that would automatically transfer a song's title into a google image query, or amazon CD query, and the results were never very satisfying. Yes, maybe 10% of the time such freeware would find matching artwork, but it got to the point where I looked at the amount of labor and mental focus it took to find the art, drag it into itunes, etc. ... fwiw, I think TuneUp is one of the best software utilities I've purchased in over 20 years.
Sorry, this wasn't meant to be a commercial... it;s just that finally with your new app, having artwork on players like NITROGEN or the brand new version of S2P would greatly improve the usability of sorting visually by album art.. thus the more artwork available, the merrier. Thanks for your fast reply! Cant wait to try this.
Thanks! This is exactly what I am looking for since I spent days without any solution to get album arts sync.
But my mp3 structure is a bit different as I listen to multiple language and divide them into folders before artist. So I modify the script a bit to fit mine (sorry it's a bit mess as I don't know VB but c/c++). Maybe someone found it helpful and modify to suit his/her need as well.
'AlbumArtSync, littld, Septemer 2009, Verson 1.0
'Provided as-is
'Use this at your own risk
'No warranty, guarantee, not even a "it will work"
'I don't promise it will be useful. It doesn't have to look nice either.
'I am not liable for anything at all
'I have no idea what country you are in and have no idea what crazy laws you may have
'and I have no intention of finding out
'If you are in any doubt, don't use it. Walk away. It's your computer, not mine.
'Provided freely for personal use only, unless you like updating your phone in small groups
Dim MyVar
Dim MyInput
Dim Shell
Dim i
Set Shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'1. Obtain the source and destinationflders from user input, checking first for registry entry
On Error Resume Next 'in case no registry entry exists
strRegSourceMusicFolder = "HKCU\Software\AlbumArtSync\SourceMusicFolder"
strSourceMusicFolder = Shell.RegRead (strRegSourceMusicFolder)
strRegDestMusicFolder = "HKCU\Software\AlbumArtSync\DestinationMusicFolder"
strDestMusicFolder = Shell.RegRead (strRegDestMusicFolder)
if strSourceMusicFolder = "" then strSourceMusicFolder = Shell.RegRead ("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Preferences\SearchPath")
On Error GoTo 0
strDestMusicFolder = "j:\Music\"
Set objFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if Not objFSO.FolderExists(strDestMusicFolder) then
WScript.Echo "Destination Music Folder '" & strDestMusicFolder & "' does not exist, exiting"
end if
Set objDestFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDestMusicFolder)
'sort out string variables
destLen = Len(objDestFolder.Path)
strSourceMusicFolder = "\\\Qmultimedia\Music\MP3\English\"
strSourceMusicFolder = "\\\Qmultimedia\Music\MP3\Chinese\Misc"
strSourceMusicFolder = "\\\Qmultimedia\Music\MP3\Chinese\Female"
strSourceMusicFolder = "\\\Qmultimedia\Music\MP3\Chinese\male"
strSourceMusicFolder = "\\\Qmultimedia\Music\MP3\Japanese"
Sub GetSourceFolder()
'check if the source folder exists
Set objFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if Not objFSO.FolderExists(strSourceMusicFolder) then
WScript.Echo "Source Music Folder '" & strSourceMusicFolder & "' does not exist, exiting"
end if
'2. Enumerate the destination folders and check for album art
Set objSourceFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strSourceMusicFolder)
ShowSubfolders objDestFolder
End Sub
Sub ShowSubFolders(Folder)
For Each Subfolder in Folder.SubFolders
destPath = Subfolder.Path
partialDestPath = Right(destPath,Len(destPath)-destLen)
'check first for the existence in dest of the folder.jpg file
Set objFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not objFSO.FileExists(destPath & "\folder.jpg") then
'check for existence in source of the folder referred to in dest
sourceFile = strSourceMusicFolder & partialDestPath & "\folder.jpg"
if objFSO.FileExists(sourceFile) then
'copy the file from source to dest
objFSO.CopyFile sourceFile , Subfolder.Path & "\" , True
i = i + 1
end if
end if
ShowSubFolders Subfolder
End Sub
if i = 0 then WScript.Echo "No album art copied" else Wscript.Echo "Finished copying album art for " & i & " albums"
great stuff, glad you've been able to reuse this.

