Best Hero Rom for 32B Sapphire??? (T-Mobile MyTouch) - myTouch 3G, Magic General

Im new to the xda forums and ive litterally tried all the varieties of hero roms on here and all of them have given me problems ranging from the blurry screen to the htc loading screen every time i press the home button. i hate the stock ui of android 1.5 so i thought id try something else and i need serious technical help getting the MOST stable and efficient rom w/o many complicationd because the actual HTC Hero is come out for Sprint on 10/11 and i dont have the accomidations to switch carriers right now. Please help
HTC Saphire/T-Mobile MyTouch 3G:Stock
HTC Dream/T-Mobile G1: Stock
8GB Apple Iphone: 3.0 T-Mobile Unlocked

It's totally subjective:
But my opinion is
Cyanogen Experimental 1.4.7 with Enochs 1.3.1 theme.
Yes it says experimental but i've had less issues with this ROM than most (so called) stable ROM's. It's easily the fastest thing out there for the Magic (because of BFS), trust me you won't believe how fast it is!

n1ck75 said:
It's totally subjective:
But my opinion is
Cyanogen Experimental 1.4.7 with Enochs 1.3.1 theme.
Yes it says experimental but i've had less issues with this ROM than most (so called) stable ROM's. It's easily the fastest thing out there for the Magic (because of BFS), trust me you won't believe how fast it is!
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But not a Hero ROM, just a highly moded/optomized stock ROM with a little Donut thrown in.

i say cyanogens 4.1.7 without hero. Yes i thought hero was the bomb, then i started to get a lil mad with the lag. its still not a day to day user interface. i have tried all configurations and still nothing to bring me comfort while using hero. i hate to say that the ion/sapphires have the advantage with more ram. it makes a big dif. but cyanogens rom is really a WOW. Ya nothing with pretty stuff is ehhh but its super fast and can apply themes to make it look beautiful!!! with themes its still respectful. hard to say amongst most. those to vouch for me speak up.

ZeroXD 5.2r4 or Evil Hero 2.4x. Runs as fast as stock for me. Cant remember what a load screen looks like. Just need to set max cpu to 528, can keep minimum where it is and use 96mb swap file 40 o 60 swappiness.

Johnny Blaze said:
ZeroXD 5.2r4 or Evil Hero 2.4x. Runs as fast as stock for me. Cant remember what a load screen looks like. Just need to set max cpu to 528, can keep minimum where it is and use 96mb swap file 40 o 60 swappiness.
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for those who dont know wtf "96mb swap file 40 o 60 swappiness"
can u explain. thanks.


Fastest 1.5/1.6 rom out there!

I've been using pretty much only Cyanogens Roms for about a year now. But I'd like to know what people opinions are, concerning the FASTEST rom available for the dream.
This is quite likely to not change as most people are now developing 2.1 roms, that won't be complete until the video drivers are released.
What does everyone think?
Interesting post... I've currently running CM4.2.5 mainly because all of the new versions run a lot slower than this version!
Haven't really bothered looking elsewhere yet, but would be really interested in the answer to this post.
I don't really see what you get with 2.0/2.1 that is worth putting up with a less responsive handset.
Super D or Dwangs.
I used to use Cyanogen until I tried Dwangs (then messed around with Eclair builds) and then Super D.
They're VERY fast. Super D more than Dwang I would say.
Definately Super D!
Currently running no comcache (fix is in the pipeline) and no swap and this rom flies! God only knows how much faster it can get with comcache!
Super D is the fastest but when I flashed a theme on top it wasn't responsive anymore. Most notably the screen would go into standby and never come out of it.
I would recommend the Rom on my signature.
For me riite now is dwang
legend221 said:
Super D is the fastest but when I flashed a theme on top it wasn't responsive anymore. Most notably the screen would go into standby and never come out of it.
I would recommend the Rom on my signature.
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Also, note that even a clean wipe and flash of the Super D resulted in the same results.
Even a nandroid restore couldn't fix the issue.
Biggest problem is the ram hack, some of us still want 3D game performance...
I'm using Dwang and loving it. Much much faster than the recent cyanogens and more stable.
I haven't tried super D.
Super D for me! Although I tried that CSDI which is by far the fastest and doesn't use the RAM hack - I just don't like some of the minor things in it.
Add me to the SuperD list. By far the fastest and most stable ROM I've used in the last six months.
Dwang by far, I've used pretty much every 1.6 ROM out there.
CM, I'm sorry but I find just way too slow, unresponsive and oddly for me often drops text messages and is not reliable in receiving MMS.
Dwang is just lightning fast for me for the most part, the 10MB hack with a compromise on 3D gaming is a bit of an annoyance. I have however noticed quite a bit more force closes on Super D, usually with Android framework, however that could just be the theme (DarkStar) I'm using. I've been using this ROM for months now though however, I just wish they would update, its been a while.
EDIT: I dont know why I said Super D, I meant to say Dwang -_-
BoogieDonut.5 is pretty good too
This week I jumped from cyan's latest to Wes's latest to Super D... Super D really was smokin. I think it's the crack!
Rogers users like me have no choice
Ion r1: (though you'll have to dig around to find the actual r1 instead of r2 which became significantly slower).
Hey, you did ask "Fastest 1.5/1.6 rom out there!", didn't you?
Nothing, I repeat, nothing, has yet been as stupidly fast as the Ion 1.5 r1 build, and it's still by and far the benchmark against which all other rom's speed is weighted.
So Super D seems like the fastest going by number of votes.
Which version are you all using?
Hope this helps
for a Android 1.5- MLIGN 3.2B (not 3.3) or KingKlick Hero-Sense Hybrid 2.3. VERY FAST Hero ROMs and GREAT for everyday usage. I even had MLIGN 3.2B on my phone for about a month...then cyangoen released and I wanted to try that out but right now I'm restoring MLGIN 3.2B.
for Android 1.6- I will say the latest Cyanogen with the RAM hack or the latest Super D.
Cyanogen- He lets you actually choose if you want the RAM hack or not. If you want the RAM hack then flash the right file via terminal. He has a Nexus One now so he is deving for the g1/mt3g and the Nexus One but he will still dev for the g1/mt3g.
Super D- Pretty good ROM. It is a mixture of Dwang and Cyanogen so it is pretty fast but I found that you can't really run more than 4 apps before it slows down A LOT. But this already has the RAM hack already installed so it is bad for 3D gamers but good for those lazy people that don't know simple terminal commands.
I DO NOT RECOMMEND DWANG RIGHT NOW. He never updated his ROM in like 3 months. I flashed Dwang 1.17.1 (the latest) and I found it way worse than Cyanogen and Super D.
Hope my lengthy advice helped.
Super D
I'm interested in putting the Super D version of 1.6 on my G1 but I'm having trouble finding it. Does anyone have a link?
Seksay said:
I'm interested in putting the Super D version of 1.6 on my G1 but I'm having trouble finding it. Does anyone have a link?
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I hate Sense UI

Is there anyone else out there who can't wait to root this phone and get Sense off of it?
mrono said:
Is there anyone else out there who can't wait to root this phone and get Sense off of it?
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I went from liking it, to hating it, now I'm back to liking it agian, but that's just me.
Simple solution, disable it, if you can't disable it, get a homescreen replacement from the market. As for the other apps like the keyboards and messenger apps and stuff there's alternatives for those as well.
Other than modifying or adding internal background stuff (editing the kernel or low level services) I don't see any reason why you really need root anymore. At least not for my needs anyway.
I am a big fan of AOSP but that seems like it's the only advantage in my eyes to having root nowadays, everything else can be done with crafty market apps.
Talk to me agian after the next upgrade to android is all the rage, you will see me with my foot in my mouth for sure =P
I can see myself turning off many of the gizmos and widgets in that Sense thing. Too much junk running.
tempe38 said:
I can see myself turning off many of the gizmos and widgets in that Sense thing. Too much junk running.
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I take it that you haven't played with the hero or anything like that?
go to a sprint store and try it out, finding ways to disable it is much easier than trying to add it in if you want it. Those that don't have it pre-installed want it, those that do have it want it gone.
The problem most people hated it was because it slowed down the hero, it runs at half the speed and half the ram approximately of the evo, it really shouldn't be a problem and it's just eye candy, and the benefits of having it outweigh the problem of it being on there by default. It's mainly just a grass is greener thing mostly.
The widgets can be easily removed from the home screen by a simple one time hold+drag.
I'm not the only one in these parts with an HD2, but I assure you WinMo 6.5(x) runs sense fast and smooth. If Android is as fast as I believe, sense will not be a deal breaker....or as previously stated, just turn it off.
No idea what you hate about it. What do you all think is running in the background that you're all so concerned about? The widgets? It's not like stock Android doesn't have them either.
@Topic Title
I love Sense UI ...
I like it. It makes SENSE
I love how some quantify something they haven't experienced on the actual phone itself yet.
It's like saying I hate playing a 3D game that runs on a 2D graphics card with a slow experience and lag. WELL DUH!
I have the new sense ui on my nexus one and its 10x faster then wm version.
johnsongrantr said:
The widgets can be easily removed from the home screen by a simple one time hold+drag.
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Yeah, that's what I meant.
audscott said:
I'm not the only one in these parts with an HD2, but I assure you WinMo 6.5(x) runs sense fast and smooth. If Android is as fast as I believe, sense will not be a deal breaker....or as previously stated, just turn it off.
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I'm with you on this... I too have an HD2 and it runs Sence as smooth as silk.
My Brother has the Desire and it too with Sence slides along very nicely.
I'm not saying I hate sense UI because when i've used it it ran slow or because i couldn't figure it out. I don't like it because of how it's layed out, the configuration of it does not fit me. If I can change it or disable it, I will be a happy person.
Personally I couldn't care less. Sense or no Sense. I think it looks nice and all but I'm a hacker bred from the Cyanogen camp. I love speed and Sense just slows things down. I am sure on a 1Ghz device with 512MB RAM it should run without any lag. I'm still an AOSP fan however and hope we don't run into the kernel issues with this device as we are with the Hero. On the Hero we are still running .27 or .29 for those who want the canmera. I feel ancient!
I have the hero with Android 2.1 ROM
It has weaker hardware.. less memory.. slower CPU
I have sense and live wallpaper running at the same time
It is perfect.. smooth... fast.. beautiful.. everything works.
I can not imagine the evo having any issues with sense or any software!
I love sense and all it gives me
Sent from my HERO200 using Tapatalk
Dan330 said:
I have the hero with Android 2.1 ROM
It has weaker hardware.. less memory.. slower CPU
I have sense and live wallpaper running at the same time
It is perfect.. smooth... fast.. beautiful.. everything works.
I can not imagine the evo having any issues with sense or any software!
I love sense and all it gives me
Sent from my HERO200 using Tapatalk
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But stock 1.5 isn't exactly smooth, even the 2.1 isn't quite buttery smooth, the custom roms are, but I don't think with that much power behind it that it will be a problem, and just think what will happen when xda gets their hands on it
chuckhriczko said:
Personally I couldn't care less. Sense or no Sense. I think it looks nice and all but I'm a hacker bred from the Cyanogen camp. I love speed and Sense just slows things down. I am sure on a 1Ghz device with 512MB RAM it should run without any lag. I'm still an AOSP fan however and hope we don't run into the kernel issues with this device as we are with the Hero. On the Hero we are still running .27 or .29 for those who want the canmera. I feel ancient!
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hope the whole camp jump's on this one i prefer aosp over senseless anyday of the week i install the widgets i want on my device don't need htc or sprint's bloated ****gets taking up valuable memory space
The reason sense slows things down is because they have been stuffing it on two year old devices with barely an acceptable amount of storage and ram. The new devices from the evo and incredible don't see these issues because the extra ten megs is nothing where on the regular hero makes a big difference as you start opening up more and more ****.
It will be a non issue on the evo. If you prefer asop all the more power to you I also like it but the largest complaints against sense are going to be obsolete soon enough now that devices actually have more horse power and memory.
i looooovvvee sense ui..had it on my g1, htc magic, hero, nexus one, and soon to be evo 4g
Lets hope one of the first custom roms is for AOSP. I am running an AOSP build on my hero and I LOVE it!
I'm looking forward to it. I love it on my buddies hero. Just makes android that much better.

Fastest Rom For The G1?

Ive been running Cannon202 rom its pretty quick but ive seen faster..
What's the fastest and most stable rom out right now?
Its a matter of a opinion i know
SuperBad is faster, but i like Cannon's better.
Naa use chromatic 3.5 its super fast and really stable it even comes with set cpu so u can over clock u should try it its really good
If you want to go fast then sadly you might just have to downgrade to donut and go with SuperD. There is a speed loss on eclair as compared to donut, but I like eclair so much more...
another great donut rom is superfast v1.3.3 fastest rom I've ever used
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
Chromatic 3.6 is blazing fast!
Thanks for the recommendation!
CyanogenMOD 5.0.8 is pretty quick.
Jincos said:
CyanogenMOD 5.0.8 is pretty quick.
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Cyanogen 5.0.8 is actually very stable but very slow. atleast to me it is.
Ive tried SuperE, Cyanogen, CaNNoN202, SpeedTeam and Chromatic Eclair roms. And so far Chromatic seems alot faster than all those roms.
SpeedTeam's and CaNNoN202's roms are decently quick and stable.
But SuperE had to be the biggest disappointment.
I've been using cyanogen and didn't think it was worth it to try something else, since most things are just built on it. I'm about to try Chromatic though.
I've been using cyanogen and didn't think it was worth it to try something else, since most things are just built on it. I'm about to try Chromatic though.
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Yeah I highly suggest it!
Tell me what you think.
I like it, its colors go way better with the way I have my widgets and stuff setup.
I don't like the lack of apps menu button on the launcher though, and would prefer normal icons instead of the white shapes.
Also it seems like every single thing installed on the phone is running when it starts up.
I like it, its colors go way better with the way I have my widgets and stuff setup.
I don't like the lack of apps menu button on the launcher though, and would prefer normal icons instead of the white shapes.
Also it seems like every single thing installed on the phone is running when it starts up.
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Yeah I don't care for the Apps menu button too, it doesn't bother me too much though. You should try LauncherPro its just as good.
Yeah as for the apps running in the background I highly suggest downloading Advanced Task Killer and turning on Auto-Kill. It saves a grip load of battery life.
I'm using Cyanogenmod-5 For Dream/Magic - Mean Lean Pastry Machine - V5.0.8 (06/19/2010)on my G1 and it's fast.....
To get the nexus squares back on the launcher on chromatic, install the latest system version of the ADW launcher (0.90) by pershoot. You do loose the cool symbol on the search bar and the highlight on the squares is back to orange, but everything else is the same. .86 is installed by default.
Edit: the link:
jubeh's AOSP 2.2 is pretty fast. no OC and no swap needed. camera and gps aren't important to me so i will be using this as a daily driver.
The last couple of days, ive been trying to decide for myself on this exact topic. I suggest SpeedTeam for Eclair (its super fast and battery efficient; almost a full 2 days with light/medium use wwith close to 17% left on charge).
Jriv is right though. if you want fast, downgrade to superfast 1.3.3. Its rediculous how fast it is. by far the fastest ive used.
I think that Chromatic 3.7 is the best and the fastest software for G1 by now. Also there is no errors in it, lots of theming and CM goodies + gapps + preinstalled apps like EStrongs File Explorer.
Are we talking about 2.1 ROMs here? Or any ROM? Because I have yet to find a 2.1 ROM with the speed of a 1.6 ROM.
ultra spikey said:
Are we talking about 2.1 ROMs here? Or any ROM? Because I have yet to find a 2.1 ROM with the speed of a 1.6 ROM.
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I have been running SuperD 1.9.3 for a week after using SuperE for a month. I honestly notice absolutely no difference in speeds averaged over time. Some tasks that are slow in Donut (web browsing) are faster in Eclair (task switching) and vice versa. I don't generally play any games or do any CPU intensive stuff, so I can't comment there, but for basic, everyday tasks, they both seem to perform about the same.
Battery life is the only thing that keeps me from using Eclair full time.

[Q] Getting an Aria soon, do you like your Aria?

I am being issued an Aria by ATT to replace my Alltel Hero.
How do you all like your Aria? Does it run smooth with stock ROM and Sense?
My Hero was kinda sluggish and I ended up putting Cyanogenmod on it. I am looking forward to going back to Sense with my new Aria.
Love it!!!!!!!
Sent from my HTC Liberty using XDA App
I love my Aria. I've been on the stock ROM since day one and I've updated my unit to the stock Froyo ROM. I have to say its pretty slick and runs quite smooth for the most part. If you're using it primarily for work, I don't think it'll be much to complain about. I do have to note at this point, my phone isn't an AT&T phone so I don't have all that bloatware
I hope you enjoy your Aria as much as I do mine.
I had no problem with the stock htc sense it worked perfectly and was very fast imo. I just wanted to mess around with the phone so i rooted and flashed it. But I have no problem with the stock
I love mine. I recommend rooting it and flashing a custom ROM - Liberated Aria if you like the stock Sense UI, CyanogenMod if you want to have more of a standard Android experience - to take full advantage of the phone.But either way, stock or modified, the thing is a joy to own and use.
Haven't had this phone for very long, but I already love it.
Comparing this to the iPhone and Samsung Captivate, I would choose this simply for its size.
Just put on Liberated Froyo.
It was quite simple to do, and now I don't have att's **** stuck on it, and I can actually install apps.
I would highly recommend this phone, that is, if you don't want to wait for the new ones that should be coming out soon.
Solid construction and relaiable - I never turn mine off. I use it when working out - sometimes intensly (Triat training). It has taken some spills and keeps on rollin!
Definately use one of the ROMs found on these forums - I choose Liberated Froyo.
I would also recommend a CPU tuner as some apps are a little slow & jittery on the Aria (ie Angry Birds) - I use Overclock Widget to control the CPU and it has solved all the jittery apps.
a little small but it has its advantages for being its size, to be honest i get a little tired of typing messages on this screen.
stock rom runs great, att bloatware sucks, rooting it is a piece of cake for this phone though and attn's liberated froyo is even more awesome than stock.
overall no problems, used it for about 7 months now, just a little annoyed at the small screen.
This phone is amazing. I'm extremely happy with it. And it even has gingerbread thanks to the guys over at cyanogenmod.
It's great to be able to run Froyo-only apps on the roms here...otherwise the stock one is competent.
Excellent phone. Like everyone else has said, it's great stock, or rooted. Very smooth. I choose to run CM7 nightly's, overclocked to 864mhz with profiles. Just like butter!
Thanks guys, I am so looking forward getting my Aria. It sounds like a pretty decent upgrade over the CDMA Hero.
This Liberated Froyo ROM, does it have a webpage with all the features it has?
And you can overclock these things to 864mhz? My Hero is slightly overclocked, like 528 to 620 something with CM6 ROM.
Yes you CAN oc it up to 864. But nothing above 806 is recommended. I usually keep my maximum at 767 but it runs just fine at the stock speed of 600.
dmwagner said:
Thanks guys, I am so looking forward getting my Aria. It sounds like a pretty decent upgrade over the CDMA Hero.
This Liberated Froyo ROM, does it have a webpage with all the features it has?
And you can overclock these things to 864mhz? My Hero is slightly overclocked, like 528 to 620 something with CM6 ROM.
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The liberated froyo from is HTC Sense Froyo (2.2) without the bloatware.
Thanks for all the replies guys, you got me set on the right track once I get the phone.
dmwagner said:
Thanks for all the replies guys, you got me set on the right track once I get the phone.
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You won't be disappointed.
Sent from my cm7 Aria using XDA App
great little phone, not the most powerful, but for its size, it packs everything you need, and plenty speedy. especially with the cm and liberated roms which makes the experience even better.
Love it. No lock ups Yet, ive flashed a few different custom roms, and i do like liberty one the best.
so far.
but yes good phone.
It's an amazing phone. If you have a Hero, it's the same size, so you won't notice much of a difference. Everyone says it's not very powerful, well, it's a beast on it's own right, especially if you overclock it to 806mHz (I'd recommend that, any more is too fast and drains life of the processor), and it's a piece of cake to modify! CM7 is the best, CM6.1.1 is good as well. If you like Sense, I'd recommend Liberated Eclair, and not Liberated Froyo. Liberated Froyo's battery will last you eight hours if lucky.
The only issues I have are the fact it's quite easy to chip/shatter the glass and the battery life is weak unless you use CM, imo.
tribestros said:
It's an amazing phone. If you have a Hero, it's the same size, so you won't notice much of a difference. Everyone says it's not very powerful, well, it's a beast on it's own right, especially if you overclock it to 806mHz (I'd recommend that, any more is too fast and drains life of the processor), and it's a piece of cake to modify! CM7 is the best, CM6.1.1 is good as well. If you like Sense, I'd recommend Liberated Eclair, and not Liberated Froyo. Liberated Froyo's battery will last you eight hours if lucky.
The only issues I have are the fact it's quite easy to chip/shatter the glass and the battery life is weak unless you use CM, imo.
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Notice your mix of applications and usage pattern will affect battery life. I am running Liberated FR008 with the HTC HK kernel and I can easily get over 20 hours of usage out of a charge. I have 3 emails accounts with background sync always on; 1 using MS Exchange, one using Hotmail and the third is my Gmail account. I always run with wifi turned on since I have access points at both home and work and I also have BT turned on.

Sense 3.5/3.0 compared to 2.1

I am currently running NilsP Business Sense 2.1/3.0 and i was wondering what performence hit i'd take if i plunged straight to 3.5? I used early 3.0 ROMS and they were painfully slow.. I was wondering if they were the same now.
My 3.0 rom is fast. Just doesn't sound like there's a whole lot more to a 3.5 than a 3.0 so I couldn't tell you my experiance as far as speed with 3.5.
Nils Business gingersense 3.0 v2.1
Sorry, but ALL Sense 3.x ROMs drag sorry ass on this device. There's no way to get around it. The software is just too muscular for the device. You end up with a crazy amount of vm being used, and since NAND memory is some pretty slow stuff, the lag becomes something best measured in full seconds.
^^ what he said.
and anyone who claims their 3.0/3.5 roms run "super fast" and "lag free" must never have run a stock incredible lol because the stock inc is how this phone is supposed to run (sense 1.0)...sense 3 is waaaaaaay too laggy. the one thing that always pissed me off is the notification dropdown menu lag. sometimes it would take up to 5 seconds for mine to drop down, even when i was just idling doing nothing. very annoying.
The 3.5`s are pretty, but sloooooww comparably. Even with nothing added application wise, and overclocked, they lag. No reflection on the (any) developer, it's literally bunches more software for the device to attempt to utilize, when it's built for less.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA Premium App
smtom said:
The 3.5`s are pretty, but sloooooww comparably. Even with nothing added application wise, and overclocked, they lag. No reflection on the (any) developer, it's literally bunches more software for the device to attempt to utilize, when it's built for less.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA Premium App
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Well, I will point the finger a little at the devs. As usual, it seems like the push is only for the latest and greatest, neglecting the upkeep of decent older ROMs with older Sense versions. In the past that hasn't been a real problem, but with the advent of Sense 3.0, finding regularly updated 2.1 and older ROMs is hard. At some point they NEED to realize that this device isn't a dInc2, Tbolt, or EVO 3D and cut the crap with Sense 3.x+. Sense 2.1 with some 3.0 elements really is about as far as it should go.
I thought Joel's Sense 3.0 ROM on this was crazy fast. Then I used a 3.0 ROM on my inc2. Big difference. At the stock clock speed my phone still has no lag on my current 3.5 ROM.
loonatik78 said:
Well, I will point the finger a little at the devs. As usual, it seems like the push is only for the latest and greatest, neglecting the upkeep of decent older ROMs with older Sense versions. In the past that hasn't been a real problem, but with the advent of Sense 3.0, finding regularly updated 2.1 and older ROMs is hard. At some point they NEED to realize that this device isn't a dInc2, Tbolt, or EVO 3D and cut the crap with Sense 3.x+. Sense 2.1 with some 3.0 elements really is about as far as it should go.
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Love it!
But what's this about we don't upkeep our older Roms? I try to keep at least my Hybrid Speed update. I've had six Roms publicly ported and released. Hybrid Speed was my second Rom. In fact Hybrid was the most recently updated, even updated after my Desired Inc Rom. People are still using Hybrid Speed and still leave nice comments and send nice PM's about how they like it, so I guess I'm doing something right there. Thanks to everyone who showed support for me and my Roms as well!
I think a major part of rom development is with these updates and everything, we can work on them and fix them up until there almost flawless. Once we have done that, the development for that Rom is pretty much done. Depending on how far the developer wants to take his rom. Well mods and everything else. Most of the time what mods are in my Roms when I release them is actually how I use them and how I have my own set up. I like to leave everything else up to those people who just use the Roms.
One thing I've noticed. All the older Androider's tend to find a Rom/Dev they really like and they stick with it. At this point in the game they KNOW what they want in a Rom and what to expect from Roms currently on the board. All the new guys like to flash everything under the sun. Just proves that just because [insert name here] releases Super Rom V.infinity which just so happens to be blend between iOS, Android, WM, webOS, whatever they call BB os, lol, and then finally BREW mobile doesn't mean its the best choice for everybody. Its just that though, another choice.
Until then everybody should just continue using what they like and keep reporting bugs and always try to leave feedback and comments about what they like/hate about the Roms they use.
Man, I hope nobody thinks I actually have or am trying to make a point here. I'm just thinking out loud as usual.
wildstang83 said:
Love it!
But what's this about we don't upkeep our older Roms? I try to keep at least my Hybrid Speed update. I've had six Roms publicly ported and released. Hybrid Speed was my second Rom. In fact Hybrid was the most recently updated, even updated after my Desired Inc Rom. People are still using Hybrid Speed and still leave nice comments and send nice PM's about how they like it, so I guess I'm doing something right there. Thanks to everyone who showed support for me and my Roms as well!
I think a major part of rom development is with these updates and everything, we can work on them and fix them up until there almost flawless. Once we have done that, the development for that Rom is pretty much done. Depending on how far the developer wants to take his rom. Well mods and everything else. Most of the time what mods are in my Roms when I release them is actually how I use them and how I have my own set up. I like to leave everything else up to those people who just use the Roms.
One thing I've noticed. All the older Androider's tend to find a Rom/Dev they really like and they stick with it. At this point in the game they KNOW what they want in a Rom and what to expect from Roms currently on the board. All the new guys like to flash everything under the sun. Just proves that just because [insert name here] releases Super Rom V.infinity which just so happens to be blend between iOS, Android, WM, webOS, whatever they call BB os, lol, and then finally BREW mobile doesn't mean its the best choice for everybody. Its just that though, another choice.
Until then everybody should just continue using what they like and keep reporting bugs and always try to leave feedback and comments about what they like/hate about the Roms they use.
Man, I hope nobody thinks I actually have or am trying to make a point here. I'm just thinking out loud as usual.
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I'm fairly dev-agnostic when it comes to ROMs these days. I'll check yours out. I seldom see the device for long periods of time but I've been flashing as many as I can looking for a good balance. I appreciate your input.
loonatik78 said:
I'm fairly dev-agnostic when it comes to ROMs these days. I'll check yours out. I seldom see the device for long periods of time but I've been flashing as many as I can looking for a good balance. I appreciate your input.
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Hope my nose doesn't turn to brown here, but I gotta say I always look forward to your comments and incite on things. Its always something good. I'm nervous that your gonna try my Rom even, lol. But for real I hope you like it. And as always, I look forward to your 'real' input on it.
Well, I'm running on a 3.5 Sense Rom from SD card.
There was a huge eating of memory, until I installed AutoKiller which allows you to edit the limits of ram and on an aggressive profile, the Rom is now very well usable.
Sent from BoxmaX HTC HD2 Runnymede v3.1 using XDA App
Tzatlacael said:
Well, I'm running on a 3.5 Sense Rom from SD card.
There was a huge eating of memory, until I installed AutoKiller which allows you to edit the limits of ram and on an aggressive profile, the Rom is now very well usable.
Sent from BoxmaX HTC HD2 Runnymede v3.1 using XDA App
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Why would you run 3.5 from the SD? That's gotta be really slow. I'd probably run something like OMGB or CM from SD but leave 3.5 on the system.
wildstang83 said:
Why would you run 3.5 from the SD? That's gotta be really slow. I'd probably run something like OMGB or CM from SD but leave 3.5 on the system.
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I run it from the SD because I'm still figuring out how to install on NAND and I'm also unable to sync with my PC :S
So for now I'm at SD and its my daily ROM. Besides the DATA image is 1GB size and with that ran tweak, its very stable.
although I'd prefer it on NAND...
Sent from my HTC Runnymede using XDA App
Tzatlacael said:
I run it from the SD because I'm still figuring out how to install on NAND and I'm also unable to sync with my PC :S
So for now I'm at SD and its my daily ROM. Besides the DATA image is 1GB size and with that ran tweak, its very stable.
although I'd prefer it on NAND...
Sent from my HTC Runnymede using XDA App
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Are you using Conap's Boot Manager?
I this k many of the left over issues present in these roms aren't necessarily the dev abandoning it, but rather they can't fix it, either because it would take too much time or they don't know how/can't figure it out. MMS over Wifi is a big one on the 2.1/3.0 hybrids. I've seen many devs try to fix it but they just can't.
Like Stang said, once a rom reaches Nearly Flawless state, which is everything is fixed minus the persistent issues across all similar based roms, its development is completed. These people don't get paid to sit for hours to make every little thing work on our phone.
I think this fact causes frustration among users, that life isn't kittens and rainbows and we can't have the latest and greatest working like a champ on our aging hardware. Its not the devs fault guys.
Choose CM7 or a sense 1.0 rom if you want stability and speed. Anything else will always have little issues that frustrate you.
As for me, I like to use one of these newer roms until I get frustrated by these little issues, then go back to CM7/1.0, then once I'm bored with that I go back to a newer sense rom... Rinse and repeat
Sent from my Droid Incredible using the XDA app.
ok, so I'm running a 3.0 sense rom in the Nils rom I have. There is no lag between home sections. (I don't have the 3d tilt accelerometer feature on of course) and as for the pull down, I will agree, sometimes it does lag, but I hardly ever use the pull down anyway, and my case doesn't make it easy to pull down anyway. I usually go through the menu button/notifications to have the pull down come down. Other than that...what lag is this you speak of? I also don't run a live wallpaper very much in order to help out the battery life a little as well. So maybe thats where some lag people are speaking of is being caused?
Maybe its just me, but I'm not experiancing heavy lag with my 3.0 rom and I am even running the latest kernel. I will agree however, if you want the fastest most optimized rom for a dinc, then get a stock rom of course. But the 3.0 rom I'm running is running smooth.
I'm Running Nil's Sense 3.5, and I love it!!
(if you have tried other Roms, make sure you follow his whole wipe guide in his Sense 3.5 post 1)
I love the speed of this rom! If you are happy with 3.0, stick with it, but I love the way the email looks and works in 3.5 (it's a little snappier, and allows for more customization)
While his 3.0 was pretty fast, I find 3.5 to be just that much faster.
Plus, gets even faster if you use Tiny's Kernel!
but when you compare either 3.0 or 3.5 against 1.0... 1.0 just sucks!
wildstang83 said:
[insert name here] released Super Rom V.infinity which just so happens to be blend between iOS, Android, WM, webOS, whatever they call BB os, lol, and then finally BREW mobile.
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I searched everywhere and couldn't find it. Link, please?
PonsAsinorem said:
I searched everywhere and couldn't find it. Link, please?
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Sure its right here, lol--->
I'm using Nils 3.5, and while there is some lag here and there, its a good, stable, and fairly snappy ROM. I also have V6 Supercharger (way aggressive) and the GingerTiny kernel, and that helps.
Maybe I'm just not expecting as much...I knew it would be slower than stock, but I feel its worth it for the enhancements.
But, to each his (or her!) own.
Sent from my Droid Inc - GingerSense style!
